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中国内蒙古溜蝇属一新种记述(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古溜蝇,新种Lispe neimongola Tian et Ma,sp.nov(图1~4),♂,体长约5.5mm。新种隶属于须瘤蝇种团(palkposa-group),与中国河北省的河北溜蝇,Lispe hebeiensis Ma et Tian,1993极近似。但新种的腹部背板无正中斑条,在第3~5背板后缘两侧各有1个黑色斑,中股基半部有1列长大的前腹鬃,中胫无后腹鬃,而河北溜虽的腹部背板  相似文献   

浙江溜芒蝇属一新种(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道采自浙江百山祖山地森林的蝇科溜芒蝇属一新种,命名为暗翅溜芒蝇Caricea obfuscatipennis新种,该种近似Caricea mikii(Stuobl,1983),但新种触角第3节端部2/3褐争,前有刺发达,翅大部较暗,呈淡褐色,后胫后背鬃1,雄属器不同。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

夏厕蝇种团(Fannia canicularis-group)为厕蝇属众多种团之一.本文综述了世界该类昆虫分类研究概况,在查阅国内外该类昆虫文献的基础上,总结出该种团的研究简史,进一步界定了该种团与厕蝇属其它类群的主要区别特征,给出了该种团全世界已知47种的名录及其分布,讨论了该类昆虫生态学及其研究意义.  相似文献   

本文报道采自四川省雅安地区和浙江省百山祖地区的蝇科溜芒蝇属3新种,分别命名为伴斧溜芒蝇Caricea securisocialis sp.nov曲膜溜芒蝇Caricea curvivesica sp.nov.和小钩溜芒蝇Caricea pulihamata sp.nov。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

中国溜芒蝇属三新种(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道采自四川省雅安地区和浙江省百山祖地区的蝇科溜芒蝇属3新种,分别命名为伴斧溜芒蝇Cariceasecurisocialisspnov、曲膜溜芒蝇Cariceacurvivesicaspnov和小钩溜芒蝇Cariceapaulihamataspnov。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

四川西部秽蝇族四新种(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道四川秽蝇亚科Coenosiinae秽蝇族Coenosiini新种:短指秽蝇,新种Coenosiabrachyodactylasp.nov.;虎爪溜芒蝇,新种Cariceaungulitiorissp.nov.;后侧叶溜芒蝇,新种Lariceapostifoliferasp.nov.;寒溜芒蝇,新种Cariceafrigidasp.nov。模式标本存沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

中国池蝇属(双翅目:蝇科)分种团研究及三新种记述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据池蝇属雄性成虫的额宽、上眶鬃及后背中鬃等特征,将中国池蝇属Limnophora R.-D.分为5个种团,即三角池蝇种团L.triangula-gr.、掠池蝇种团L.spoliata-gr.、斑板池蝇种团L.exigua-gr.、黑池蝇种团L.nigripesgr.和锐池蝇种团L.scrupulosa-gr.等。编制了池蝇属分种团检索表。记述了采自云南省蝇科池蝇属的三新种,即:①分布于云南中甸的长匙池蝇L.longispatula sp.nov.,该种隶属于掠池蝇种团L.spspoliata-gr.,近似于该种团的净池蝇L.purgata Xue,1992,但新种雄额宽约为头宽的1/9(大于或等于后方单眼外缘间距),侧额、侧颜、下侧颜及颊具棕灰色粉被,胸具浓密的棕褐色粉被,腋瓣棕色,肛尾叶后面观其端部较平滑,侧尾叶端部长匙状,第五腹板侧叶侧面观端部较尖等不同。而后雄额宽约为头宽的1/15,侧额、侧颜具银白色粉被,胸部粉被灰色,腋瓣淡黄色,肛尾叶后面观外缘波曲,侧尾叶端部圆匙状,第五腹板侧面观其端部较圆。②分布于云南玉龙雪山的玉龙雪山池蝇L.yulongxueshanna sp.nov.,该种隶属于三角池蝇种团L.triangula-gr.,近似于银额池蝇L.argentifrons Shinonaga et Kano,1977 ,但新种雄额宽为头宽的4/7,复眼裸,下眶鬃3,腋瓣淡黄色,腹部第四背板的前缘,而后雄额宽度为0.45,复眼具微毛,下眶鬃2,腋瓣白色,腹部第四背板的斑不达前缘等不同。③分布于云南高黎贡山的云南池蝇L.yunnanensis sp.nov.,该种隶属于掠池蝇种团L.spoliata-gr.,近似于硫球池蝇L.ryukysensis Shinonaga et Kano.1977,可据下列特征与后相区别:新种额宽约等于后单眼外缘间距,翅内鬃0 2,R4 5脉背面小刚毛列超过r-m横脉,第1 2合背板后缘具一对不明显的黑斑。模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

杨明  薛万琦  李富华 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):81-82
 报道了中国棘蝇属一新种,缨足棘蝇Phaonia fimbripeda sp.nov.,新种隶属于光泽棘 蝇种团。并且编制了该种团中国已知种的检索表。  相似文献   

阳蝇属是蝇科中第二大属,迄今全世界已知400余种,中国已知近200种。本文综述了该属分亚属、种团研究简史,首次提出了古阳蝇种团Helina annosaspecies-group的概念及其区别特征,报告了中国产该种团19种名录和分布,编制了该种团分亚种团、分种检索表,对其中一个新种鬃胫阳蝇Helina setipostitibia sp.nov.予以描述。新种与分布于我国四川省的羽胫阳蝇Helina plumipostitibia Feng et Xue,2002近缘,但新种额宽为前单眼横径2倍宽,间额在最狭处约为一侧额宽的1.5倍,下眶鬃几乎达于单眼三角处;侧颜约为触角第三节宽的2倍,颊高约为眼高的1/2;翅前鬃体毛状;前胫无中位后鬃,中胫具7-9根发达的后鬃,长短不一,略呈2列,后胫不弯曲等即可区别。模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

冯炎  薛万琦 《四川动物》1997,16(4):153-157
本文报道四川秽蝇亚科Coenosiinae秽蝇族 Coenosiini4新种;短指秽蝇,新种Coenosia brachyodactyla sp.nov.;虎爪溜芒蝇,新种Caricea ungulitigris sp.nov.;后侧叶溜芒蝇,新种Caricea postifolifera sp.nov;寒溜芒蝇,新种Caricea frigida sp.nov。模式标本存沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

In this paper, a total of four species of the genus Lispe are treated. Of these, L. assimilis Wiedemann and L. litorea Fallén are reported for the first time in Korea. A key to the Korean species, their domestic localities, and some illustrations are given.  相似文献   

Two predatory fly species, Lispe consanguinea Loew, 1858 and L. tentaculata DeGeer, 1776, inhabit the supralittoral zone at the shore of a fresh-water reservoir. Both species look alike and possess similar "badges," reflective concave silvery scales on the face. Flies occupy different lek habitats. Males of the first species patrol the bare wet sand on the beach just above the surf. Males of the second species reside on the more textured heaps of algae and stones. Courtship and aggressive behaviour of males was video-recorded and analysed frame by frame. Visual stimuli provided by the conspecific partner were computed in the body-fixed space of a fly observer. Males of L. consanguinea perform long pedestrian dances of pendulating circular arcs (frequency 2 s(-1), median radius 2.5 cm, linear velocity 0.130 m/s). Right and left side runs are equally probable. Circular runs are interrupted by standby intervals of average duration 0.35 s. The female views the male as a target covering 2 by 2 ommatidia, moving abruptly with the angular velocity over 200 degrees/s in a horizontal direction down the path of about 50 degrees till the next standpoint. Dancing is evenly distributed around the female. On the contrary, the male fixates the image of the female within the narrow front sector (median +/-10 degrees); the target in his view has 6-7 times less angular velocity and angular span of oscillations, and its image in profile overlays 6-8 by 2 ommatidia. If the female walks, the male combines tracking with voluntary circular dances. Rival males circle about one another at a distance shorter than 15 mm, but not in close contact. Males of L. tentaculata are capable of similar circular courting dances, but do so rarely. Usually they try to mount any partner immediately. In the latter species, male combat consists of fierce wrestling. Flies of both species often walk sideward and observe the partner not in front but at the side.  相似文献   

Lispe patellitarsis Becker is identified for the first time in Korea. Diagnoses and illustrations of the habitus and male genitalia are given.  相似文献   

The Lispe longicollis species-group is revised. Lispe ethiopica sp. n. is described. The following 3 new synonyms are established: Lispe assimilis Wiedemann, 1824 (syn: cyrtoneurina Stein, 1900 and modesta Stein, 1913); Lispe manicata Wiedemann, 1830 (syn: forficata Kurahashi & Shinonaga, 2009). Female of Lispe microptera Seguy, 1937 is described for the first time. Identification key for known Eurasian and African species is given.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Limnodynastes are a prominent and widespread feature of the Australian frog fauna. Yet despite their potential to be informative about biogeographic history and mechanisms of speciation, the relationships among these taxa are not well known. We investigated phylogenetic relationships within the genus Limnodynastes via sequencing of mitochondrial (mt)DNA from current members of the genus Limnodynastes and the monotypic genus Megistolotis. a 450-bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene and a 370-bp fragment of the protein-coding gene ND4 were used to infer a molecular phylogeny. We revise traditional species groupings and now recognize four species groups within Limnodynastes: the L. ornatus group (L. ornatus and L. spenceri), the L. peronii group (L. peronii, L. tasmaniensis, L. fletcheri, the L. depressus), the L. salmini group (L. salmini, L. convexiusculus, and L. lignarius), and the L. dorsalis group (L. dorsalis, L. terraereginae, L. dumerilii and L. interioris). The L. ornatus species group forms a highly distinctive clade that is a sister group to the other Limnodynastes groups. Pending broader phylogenetic studies it could be removed from the genus Limnodynastes. Our results concur with previous suggestions that Megistolotis lignarius is nested within Limnodynastes, and we therefore reclassify this species as Limnodynastes lignarius. Furthermore, specimens identified as L. depressus form a mtDNA lineage distinct from other species in the genus, confirming the validity of the species. Specimens of species from the L. dorsalis group (L. dorsalis, L. dumerilii, L. interioris, and L. terraereginae) are closely related such that L. dumerilii is paraphyletic with two other species. Finally, our study provides broad support for previous phylogenies based on microcomplement fixation.  相似文献   

记述采自云南西双版纳细颚猛蚁属LeptogenysRoger 5新种 :黄帝细颚猛蚁L .huangdiisp .nov .,盘古细颚猛蚁L .panguisp .nov .,庄子细颚猛蚁L .zhuangziisp .nov .,老子细颚猛蚁L .laoziisp .nov .,孟子细颚猛蚁L .mengziisp .nov .。在同一地区发现中国新记录种 1种 :粗角细颚猛蚁L .crassi cornisEmery。编制了细颚猛蚁属中国已知 13种的工蚁分种检索表。提供了除勃固细颚猛蚁L .peuqueti(Andre)外 12个种的详细特征图。中国已知种类被划分为 4个种组 :粗角细颚猛蚁种组L .crassicornis group ,中华细颚猛蚁种组L .chinensis group ,条纹细颚猛蚁种组L .diminuta group和庄子细颚猛蚁种组L .zhuangzii group。  相似文献   

目的:研究扇贝裙边糖氨聚糖时氧化低密度脂蛋白(ox-LDL)诱导的U937细胞泡沫化过程中血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的影响,探讨其抗动脉粥样硬化作用的机理。方法:采用U937细胞与80mg/L的ox-LDL孵育48h建立U937泡沫细胞模型。将培养的U937细胞随机分为六组,正常对照组、模型组(ox-LDL)、肝素对照组(ox-LDL加100mg/L肝素)和低、中、高浓度的SS-GAG药物组(ox-LDL加200mg/L,400mg/L,800mg/L的SS-GAG)。采用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)检测细胞分泌的VEGF的量,观察不同浓度SS-GAG对U937细胞泡沫化过程中VEGF表达量的影响。结果:培养的U937泡沫细胞中VEGF的表达量明显高于正常U937细胞(P<0.01),而加入SS-GAG的药物组和肝素对照组则有不同程度降低,以800mg/mL药物组降低最为明显(P<0.01)。结论:泡沫细胞形成过程中伴有VEGF的高表达,SS-GAG能够抑制其表达从而发挥抗动脉粥样硬化作用。  相似文献   

Based on the examination of Muscidae flies collected from Liaoning and Shanxi Provinces, two females of the genus of Lispe are firstly reported here. Morphological terminology generally follows McAlpine (1981). Absolute measurements are used for body length in millimeters (mm). Abbreviations used for characters include: ad = anterodorsal seta, av = anteroventral seta, p = posterior seta, pv = posteroventral seta. 1. Lispe hebeiensis Ma et Tian, 1993 (Figs. 1~2) Lispe hebeiensis Ma et Tia…  相似文献   

目的:研究髂骨钉在脊柱-骨盆固定系统中对腰骶稳定性及螺钉应力分布的影响。方法:6具成人腰椎-骨盆防腐标本,分别按照三种不同的固定方式完成置钉连接操作,制成3个实验组:单纯腰椎后路长节段固定组(L2-L5组)、腰骶固定组(L2-S1组)、髂骨钉固定组(L2-S1-I组)。生物力学测试采用8 N·m纯力矩执行前屈、后伸、左右侧弯、左右旋转6个工况运动,比较各固定组L2、L5水平活动度以及L5椎弓根钉、S1螺钉应力。结果:L2-S1组、L2-S1-I组内固定系统以及腰骶关节活动度均明显降低(P0.05),L2-S1-I组的优势更加显著,尤其在抵抗固定系统旋转活动以及腰骶关节前屈活动时作用更明显。L2-S1-I组、L2-S1组L5椎弓根钉应力均较L2-L5组明显减小(P0.05);L2-S1-I组S1螺钉应力较L2-S1组显著减小(P0.05)。结论:髂骨钉技术能够提供良好的脊柱-骨盆固定效果,在维持腰骶稳定性方面优势明显;对近端固定螺钉有保护作用,在与S1螺钉联合使用时,能有效分担S1螺钉所受应力,显著降低螺钉松动、拔出的风险。  相似文献   

Four groups of castrated photorefractory starlings were transferred from a photoperiod of 18 h light/day (18 L) to photoperiods of 6 L, 8 L, 11 L or 12 L. A control group was kept on 18 L. Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) were low in all groups initially. The first significant increase in LH, which signals the recovery of photosensitivity, occurred after 4 weeks in the groups on 6 L and 8 L, after 8 weeks in the 11 L group and after 13 weeks in the 12 L group. There was no increase in the group on 18 L. The rate of recovery of photosensitivity is therefore inversely proportional to daylength, for daylengths between 8 L and 12 L.  相似文献   

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