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水生植物对富营养水体水质净化作用研究   总被引:100,自引:1,他引:99  
利用富营养浅水湖泊武汉东湖中所建立的大型实验围隔系统,对沉水植物的水质净化作用作了现场实验研究。重建后的沉水植物可以显著改善水质,水体透明度显著提高,水色降低。在研究期间,水生植物围隔CODcr和BOD5一般分别为20和5mg/L左右;对照围隔和大湖水体则分别约为40和10mg/L。水生植物围隔水体中检出的有机污染种类也较对照围和大湖水体柢。实验结果表明恢复以沉水植物为主的水生植被是改善营养湖泊水质和重建生态系统的有效措施。  相似文献   

长江中游浅水湖泊水生植物氮磷含量与水柱营养的关系   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
水生植物组织内氮和磷(N和P)含量受到水体营养状况和植物生长状况影响。对长江中游江汉湖群不同营养水平湖泊中大型水生植物的N和P含量3个季度的研究表明,在不同生活型水生植物中,沉水植物主要分布在中营养到中富营养湖泊中,在富营养湖泊均无分布,浮叶和挺水植物在不同营养类型湖泊的沿岸带均有分布。N和P含量以沉水植物最高,浮叶植物次之,挺水植物最低。水生植物的N和P含量都达到或超过生长所需最低N和P阈值,代表性浮叶植物和沉水植物的N和P含量随着湖泊营养水平提高呈现规律性变化。湖泊5种常见的水生植物N和P含量与水柱中不同种类N和P浓度具有季节性相关:菱(TrapabispinosaRoxb.)春夏季P含量都与TP(总磷)和TDP(总溶解磷)明显相关,春季N含量与NH4—N(氨氮)明显相关;春季黄丝草(PotamogetonmaackianusA.Benn.)的P含量与TP明显相关,夏季与TDP明显相关,春季和夏季黄丝草和穗花狐尾藻(MyriophyllumspicatumL.)的N含量与TN(总氮)和TDN(总溶解氮)显著正相关,秋季成负相关;夏季芦苇(PhragmitescommunisTrin.)P含量与TP和TDP显著相关;春季芦苇和香蒲(TyphaorientalisPresl.)N含量与NH4N和NO2N(亚硝态氮)显著相关。  相似文献   

利用水生植物原位修复污染水体   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
在实验围隔系统中,夏季利用凤眼莲、冬季利用耐寒型沉水植物伊乐藻等恢复水生生态系统,研究水生植物对水体氮、磷营养盐、透明度等理化性质的影响.结果表明:水生植物处理围区营养盐水平均显著低于围区对照和大湖水体.最初15 d,凤眼莲生长速度快,覆盖面积从100 m2增加到470 m2;44 d后,覆盖面积达到65%,处理围区的水质最佳,总氮(TN)、铵态氮(NH4+ -N)、亚硝态氮(NO2- -N)、高锰酸钾盐指数(CODMn)和叶绿素a浓度最低,透明度达到1.7~1.8 m(水底).10月份后,处理围区水体总磷(TP)维持在0.1 mg·L-1左右.处理围区透明度提高后,伊乐藻逐渐成为优势种(覆盖面积达到总水域的1/3),在净化水质、维持水质理化性质稳定和提高透明度方面作用显著.表明水生植被恢复可以有效降低水体营养盐,控制浮游植物增长,是改善富营养湖泊水质的重要措施.  相似文献   

2014 年2 月10 日至3 月28 日对滴水湖外围中涟河道实施以引清调水引导的沉水植物生态修复工程, 从临近的D 港引入清水快速提高水体透明度, 然后移栽苦草(Vallisnerianatans)、伊乐藻(Elodea nuttalii)、龙须眼子菜(Potamogetonpectinatus)等沉水植物, 构建水生植物群落。跟踪监测总氮(TN)、氨态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO3-N)、亚硝态氮(NO2-N)、总磷(TP)和磷酸盐(PO43–-P)等水质指标, 分析该生态工程对富营养化河道的修复效果。结果表明: 工程实施后第2 个月, 修复区沉水植物的覆盖率由移栽初期的60%提高到85%, 水体综合营养状态指数比对照区降低了19.31%, 达到中营养水平, 修复效果显著(P<0.05)。6 个月后, 修复河道水体内总氮、氨态氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮、总磷、磷酸盐的浓度与对照区相比显著降低, 削减率分别为43.86%、61.17 %、51.90 %、72.62 %、43.86 %和55.71%, 水体透明度比对照区提高81.82%, 综合营养状态指数显示修复区水体仍保持在中营养状态。引清渐推生态修复工程对富营养化河道修复效果明显, 为我国南方河网较密集区的河道生态修复提供更多的治理思路。  相似文献   

为深入了解沉水植物生态化学计量学特征在西南高原地区和长江中下游平原地区湖泊中的差异, 以及生态修复的影响, 于2010年—2016年的夏季(6—9月)调查了36个湖泊的沉水植物。结果表明: (1)高原湖泊沉水植物群落的碳(C)含量显著高于平原湖泊, 氮(N)含量显著低于平原湖泊, 磷(P)含量高于平原湖泊但差异不显著; 高原湖泊沉水植物群落的C/N和C/P的比值显著高于平原湖泊, N/P显著低于平原湖泊; 在平原湖泊和高原湖泊共有的金鱼藻、苦草、穗花狐尾藻、微齿眼子菜和伊乐藻中, 仅有伊乐藻的N含量和金鱼藻的P含量与群落的差异性不一致。(2)在长江中下游平原地区生态修复后的水域中, 沉水植物群落的C和P含量显著高于未修复区, N含量低于未修复区但差异不显著; 修复区沉水植物群落的C/P和N/P显著低于未修复区, C/N显著高于未修复区; 修复区和未修复区共有的金鱼藻、苦草、穗花狐尾藻和竹叶眼子菜的C和P含量都跟群落的差异性一致。以上结果说明, 在清澈的水体中, 沉水植物的C和P含量高而N含量低; 湖泊富营养化会导致沉水植物N含量升高。因此, 在湖泊生态修复过程中, 应注重提高水体的透明度, 这将会提高沉水植物中C和P的含量, 从而有利于促进沉水植被区成为湖泊的C和P库。  相似文献   

滩涂富营养池塘中浮游生物种群结构及其生态调控研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文研究了种植芦苇和菖蒲,放养鲢,接种有益微生物对滩涂富营养水体藻类和浮游动物的群落结构、数量、生物量等。不同处理藻的种类有差异,对照和放养鲢水体无隐藻门和黄藻门,其他两处理都有7门。种植芦苇、菖蒲等水生植物以及接种有益微生物都可以使水体藻类多样化,减少蓝藻生物量比例。放养鲢水体藻类种数减少,提高了蓝藻生物量的比例,优势种群变为铜绿微囊藻、针状蓝纤维藻、线形棒条藻等。对照和放养鲢处理水体原生动物种类较多,其生物量比例较高;接种有益微生物水体浮游动物数量最多、生物量最大,以轮虫类和枝角类为主。接种有益微生物大幅度地降低生态系统中总氮、氨态氮、总磷的浓度,其含量分别是对照的57.1%、42.7%、57.9%;同时可以降低COD值,提高溶氧水平和透明度。总之,种植芦苇、唐菖蒲等水生植物或接种有益微生物可以改善水体微生态机构和生态结构。  相似文献   

水生植物腐烂分解对水质的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对6种水生植物进行64 d的腐烂分解试验,对比不同水生植物腐烂分解过程中水体营养盐浓度的变化.结果表明: 6种水生植物的腐烂分解速率差别较大,浮叶植物分解速度最快,沉水植物次之,挺水植物最慢.不同水生植物腐解过程对水质影响不同,并与植物生物量密度相关.挺水植物芦苇腐解过程中的水体化学需氧量、总氮和总磷浓度最低;在茭草分解后期,水体化学需氧量和总氮浓度上升,水质变差.浮叶植物荇菜和莲腐解过程中,水体化学需氧量和总氮浓度高于其他植物.沉水植物菹草和狐尾藻腐解过程中,水体铵态氮、硝态氮和总磷浓度最高.对于同一种植物,不同生物量密度处理下,主要水质指标变化趋势相似.适量的植物残体的存在可以有效促进水体氮、磷等营养元素的循环,一定程度上去除硝态氮,降低水体氮负荷.  相似文献   

氮 (N)、磷(P)是最常见的限制植物生长的矿质元素。水生植物所需营养主要来源于水体和沉积物,植物体内的元素组成能够反映淡水生态系统的营养供应状况。开都河是新疆一条流经高山草甸和荒漠绿洲的重要内陆河。本研究采集了开都河大型水生植物和水、沉积物样品,分析了不同生活型和发育史的植物物种叶的氮磷化学计量特征,探讨了上下游、不同土地利用类型下植物、水体和沉积物化学计量特征的差异和关联。结果表明: 植物叶的N、P平均含量分别为24.9 mg·g-1和2.49 mg·g-1,氮磷质量比值(N/P)平均为12.6。不同生活型植物叶的N、P含量及N/P存在显著差异:沉水植物N、P含量均显著高于浮叶和挺水植物;浮叶植物N/P为19.2,显著高于其他两类植物,表明其生长可能受P的限制。上游水生植物叶的N、P含量均高于下游。同时,河流上游的沉积物和水体中的N含量均高于下游。与农耕区河段相比,草地区河段水生植物的叶N和P含量较高,可能与草地土壤有机质丰富和放牧产生的排泄物有关,说明放牧对开都河水生态系统化学计量特征的影响大于农耕。过度放牧可能使开都河上游水质变差,改变水生态系统的氮磷养分平衡,并最终影响特定区域的生物地球化学循环过程。  相似文献   

采用盆栽方法,设置5种氮素营养水平(N0、N1、N2、N3、N4,分别为0、2.5、5、10、15 mmol·L-1),以苗期菘蓝的生物量、光合参数、氮同化物含量、氮代谢酶活性、叶中靛蓝、靛玉红、总黄酮含量以及根中(R,S)-告依春含量等作为指标,研究氮营养对苗期菘蓝生长及活性成分的影响。结果表明:N0—N3处理组菘蓝的株高、主根直径及单株干重显著降低,根冠比增加。随着氮素水平降低,菘蓝叶片的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量以及净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度均呈逐渐降低趋势,胞间二氧化碳浓度呈升高趋势。低氮营养使菘蓝叶片中可溶性蛋白、硝态氮、游离氨基酸含量降低,抑制了硝酸还原酶活性、谷氨酰胺合成酶活性。N0—N2处理组菘蓝叶片中的靛玉红及总黄酮含量较高,靛蓝含量在氮素水平为0~10 mmol·L-1范围内随着氮水平的降低而减小,(R,S)-告依春含量在N0处理时显著低于其余处理。综合分析认为,较低的供氮水平显著影响苗期菘蓝的生长及部分生理指标,降低叶片中的靛蓝与根中的(R,S)-告依春含量,但促进叶中靛玉红及总黄酮的积累。综合考虑苗期菘蓝的生物量与活性成分含量,将氮素水平控制在10~15 mmol·L-1范围内,可以获得产量稳定、活性成分含量较高的药材。  相似文献   

为研究氮磷营养负荷比值(N︰P)的升高对浅水湖泊初级生产者的影响, 在种植刺苦草的模拟系统中, 保证磷(P)负荷不变, 不断增加氮(N)负荷, 设置三种N︰P 比(0︰1、20︰1 和40︰1), 比较不同N︰P 负荷条件下, 浮游植物、附着藻类和沉水植物的生长情况。研究结果表明: 三种不同的N︰P 负荷条件下, 上覆水中总氮(TN)和硝态氮(NO3 – -N)含量随着N︰P 的升高呈现增加的趋势, 总磷(TP)则下降。浮游植物和附着藻类生物量在N︰P 比为20︰1 时出现最大值,显著高于其它两个处理组; 刺苦草的生物量在实验结束时显著增加, 但各处理间没有显著差异。以上结果表明, N︰P 升高能够促进浮游植物与附着藻类的生长, 但超过20︰1 会抑制其生长, 而N︰P 的变化对沉水植物没有显著影响。  相似文献   

不同生活型大型植物对浮游植物群落的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
湖泊加速富营养化是世界范围内的普遍现象,由此造成水质恶化,藻类大量增生,水生植被特别是沉水植物衰退乃至消失,生物多样性降低,严重影响湖泊主要功能的发挥。大型植物与浮游植物都是浅水湖泊的初级生产者,其间存在复杂的相互关系,如除竞争作用外,还可能存在相生...  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes enhance water transparency and aquatic biodiversity in shallow water ecosystems. Therefore, the return of submerged macrophytes is the target of many lake restoration projects. However, at present, north-western European aquatic ecosystems are increasingly invaded by omnivorous exotic crayfish. We hypothesize that invasive crayfish pose a novel constraint on the regeneration of submerged macrophytes in restored lakes and may jeopardize restoration efforts. We experimentally investigated whether the invasive crayfish (Procambarus clarkii Girard) affects submerged macrophyte development in a Dutch peat lake where these crayfish are expanding rapidly. Seemingly favourable abiotic conditions for macrophyte growth existed in two 0.5 ha lake enclosures, which provided shelter and reduced turbidity, and in one lake enclosure iron was added to reduce internal nutrient loading, but macrophytes did not emerge. We transplanted three submerged macrophyte species in a full factorial exclosure experiment, where we separated the effect of crayfish from large vertebrates using different mesh sizes combined with a caging treatment stocked with crayfish only. The three transplanted macrophytes grew rapidly when protected from grazing in both lake enclosures, demonstrating that abiotic conditions for growth were suitable. Crayfish strongly reduced biomass and survival of all three macrophyte species while waterfowl and fish had no additive effects. Gut contents showed that crayfish were mostly carnivorous, but also consumed macrophytes. We show that P. clarkii strongly inhibit macrophyte development once favourable abiotic conditions for macrophyte growth are restored. Therefore, expansion of invasive crayfish poses a novel threat to the restoration of shallow water bodies in north-western Europe. Prevention of introduction and spread of crayfish is urgent, as management of invasive crayfish populations is very difficult.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that shallow lakes in warm climates have a higher probability of being turbid, rather than macrophyte dominated, compared with lakes in cooler climates, but little field evidence exists to evaluate this hypothesis. We analyzed data from 782 lake years in different climate zones in North America, South America, and Europe. We tested if systematic differences exist in the relationship between the abundance of submerged macrophytes and environmental factors such as lake depth and nutrient levels. In the pooled dataset the proportion of lakes with substantial submerged macrophyte coverage (> 30% of the lake area) decreased in a sigmoidal way with increasing total phosphorus (TP) concentration, falling most steeply between 0.05 and 0.2 mg L−1. Substantial submerged macrophyte coverage was also rare in lakes with total nitrogen (TN) concentrations above 1–2 mg L−1, except for lakes with very low TP concentrations where macrophytes remain abundant until higher TN concentrations. The deviance reduction of logistic regression models predicting macrophyte coverage from nutrients and water depth was generally low, and notably lowest in tropical and subtropical regions (Brazil, Uruguay, and Florida), suggesting that macrophyte coverage was strongly influenced by other factors. The maximum TP concentration allowing substantial submerged macrophyte coverage was clearly higher in cold regions with more frost days. This is in agreement with other studies which found a large influence of ice cover duration on shallow lakes' ecology through partial fish kills that may improve light conditions for submerged macrophytes by cascading effects on periphyton and phytoplankton. Our findings suggest that, in regions where climatic warming is projected to lead to fewer frost days, macrophyte cover will decrease unless the nutrient levels are lowered.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration in eutrophic Lake Wuli: A large enclosure experiment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A large-scale enclosure experiment for lake restoration was carried out in Lake Wuli, a northern bay of shallow and eutrophic Lake Taihu in China. The large enclosure with an area of 10 ha was set up in the littoral zone and was bordered by waterproof fabric which did not cover the sediments. Multiple approaches were used and included fish removal, piscivorous fish stocking, shoreline reconstruction, aquatic macrophyte planting, benthic macro-animal stocking, and silver carp cultivation in pens for reduction of cyanobacteria. The results showed that the coverage of aquatic macrophytes increased from 0% to 45.7%. Mean concentrations of TN and TP inside the enclosure from May 2004 to May 2008 were 22.2% and 26.0% of those outside, respectively. Secchi depth was 0.40 m outside the enclosures and 0.75 m inside. However, responses of phytoplankton to the restoration project lagged behind improvement of water quality and reestablishment of aquatic plants. The phytoplankton biomass gradually decreased after the third year of the restoration. Stocking piscivorous fish and planting submerged macrophytes could not increase zooplankton biomass and enhance graze pressure on phytoplankton, most likely due to high omnivorous fish density and lower nutrition inside the enclosure. Higher grazing pressure of zooplankton on phytoplankton was observed in May and October every year. Zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratios were significantly negatively correlated with phytoplankton biomass outside (r = −0.440, p < 0.01) and inside the enclosure (r = −0.336, p < 0.05) from February 2004 to March 2007. Therefore, phytoplankton biomass inside and outside the enclosure was lower in May and October. Higher grazing pressure of zooplankton on phytoplankton in spring may result in occurrence of the clear-water phase that facilitated growth of submerged macrophytes in the littoral in Lake Wuli, and a clear-water state and improved water quality would likely be sustained throughout the year after reestablishment of submerged macrophytes.  相似文献   

1. The effect of total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) loading on trophic structure and water clarity was studied during summer in 24 field enclosures fixed in, and kept open to, the sediment in a shallow lake. The experiment involved a control treatment and five treatments to which nutrients were added: (i) high phosphorus, (ii) moderate nitrogen, (iii) high nitrogen, (iv) high phosphorus and moderate nitrogen and (v) high phosphorus and high nitrogen. To reduce zooplankton grazers, 1+ fish (Perca fluviatilis L.) were stocked in all enclosures at a density of 3.7 individuals m?2. 2. With the addition of phosphorus, chlorophyll a and the total biovolume of phytoplankton rose significantly at moderate and high nitrogen. Cyanobacteria or chlorophytes dominated in all enclosures to which we added phosphorus as well as in the high nitrogen treatment, while cryptophytes dominated in the moderate nitrogen enclosures and the controls. 3. At the end of the experiment, the biomass of the submerged macrophytes Elodea canadensis and Potamogeton sp. was significantly lower in the dual treatments (TN, TP) than in single nutrient treatments and controls and the water clarity declined. The shift to a turbid state with low plant coverage occurred at TN >2 mg N L?1 and TP >0.13–0.2 mg P L?1. These results concur with a survey of Danish shallow lakes, showing that high macrophyte coverage occurred only when summer mean TN was below 2 mg N L?1, irrespective of the concentration of TP, which ranged between 0.03 and 1.2 mg P L?1. 4. Zooplankton biomass and the zooplankton : phytoplankton biomass ratio, and probably also the grazing pressure on phytoplankton, remained overall low in all treatments, reflecting the high fish abundance chosen for the experiment. We saw no response to nutrition addition in total zooplankton biomass, indicating that the loss of plants and a shift to the turbid state did not result from changes in zooplankton grazing. Shading by phytoplankton and periphyton was probably the key factor. 5. Nitrogen may play a far more important role than previously appreciated in the loss of submerged macrophytes at increased nutrient loading and for the delay in the re‐establishment of the nutrient loading reduction. We cannot yet specify, however, a threshold value for N that would cause a shift to a turbid state as it may vary with fish density and climatic conditions. However, the focus should be widened to use control of both N and P in the restoration of eutrophic shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes are a central component of lake ecosystems; however, little is known regarding their long‐term response to environmental change. We have examined the potential of diatoms as indicators of past macrophyte biomass. We first sampled periphyton to determine whether habitat was a predictor of diatom assemblage. We then sampled 41 lakes in Quebec, Canada, to evaluate whether whole‐lake submerged macrophyte biomass (BiomEpiV) influenced surface sediment diatom assemblages. A multivariate regression tree (MRT) was used to construct a semiquantitative model to reconstruct past macrophyte biomass. We determined that periphytic diatom assemblages on macrophytes were significantly different from those on wood and rocks (ANOSIM R = 0.63, P < 0.01). A redundancy analysis (RDA) of the 41‐lake data set identified BiomEpiV as a significant (P < 0.05) variable in structuring sedimentary diatom assemblages. The MRT analysis classified the lakes into three groups. These groups were (A) high‐macrophyte, nutrient‐limited lakes (BiomEpiV ≥525 μg · L?1; total phosphorus [TP] <35 μg · L?1; 23 lakes); (B) low‐macrophyte, nutrient‐limited lakes (BiomEpiV <525 μg · L?1; TP <35 μg · L?1; 12 lakes); and (C) eutrophic lakes (TP ≥35 μg · L?1; six lakes). A semiquantitative model correctly predicted the MRT group of the lake 71% of the time (P < 0.001). These results suggest that submerged macrophytes have a significant influence on diatom community structure and that sedimentary diatom assemblages can be used to infer past macrophyte abundance.  相似文献   

宋碧玉  曹明  谢平 《生态学报》2000,20(2):270-276
利用建在武汉东湖的中型围隔来研究沉水植被的重建一消失对原生动物群落的影响。结果表明:沉水植被重建后,一些原已消失的种类重又出现,原生动物种类增加,密度降低,多样性指数增高,优势种类由固着种类取代浮游种类。沉水植被的消失引起原生动物优势种类的明显变化,周丛种类大量丧失,但密度显著增高。  相似文献   

Frequent resuspension of sediments is recognized as an important process in large shallow lakes, impeding the recovery of eutrophic lakes. A large-scale project, including a wave barrier (3.3 km long) and a soft enclosure, was implemented to reduce wave energy and sediment resuspension in Lake Taihu, eastern China. The effects of the wave-reduction engineering on sediment resuspension and internal nutrient loading were investigated. Results showed that sediment resuspension rates as well as suspended solids (SS) in the areas protected by the wave barrier and the soft enclosure were significantly lower than in the unprotected areas. There was a positive relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and SS; thus internal loading of phosphorus was significantly reduced by the wave-reduction structure. High nutrient levels and phytoplankton biomass persisted during the experiment period, suggesting that additional measures, such as re-establishment of the macrophyte community, must be included to help restore the water quality in such a large, shallow and eutrophic lake.  相似文献   

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