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植物间的生化相克   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大自然的植被景观形成明显的地带性,这是气象因子作用的结果,即植被带与气候带成平行关系。局部的小气候形成了非地带性植被。植物在小气候的形成上起着重要的作用。植物之间的相互作用,有时能为某些植物创造良好的生境,但是在更多的情况下,也可以造成不良的影响。生存竞争是生物之间的普遍现象,它解释了生物为争夺食物和空间而发生的分化。随着人类活动的发展,人们发现植物之间在食物和空间满足的情况下也会产生一些不良的影响,使人们开始对植物间的关系进行了进一步研究,因而产生了新的研究领域——植物之间的生化相克(简称生化相克),它是植物间的生物化学作用,即植物能产生某些化学物质对邻近的植物产生不良的影响。也有人把生化相克现象称为他感现象或对等现象。  相似文献   

随着现代科学的发展,出现了许多新的边缘科学,化学生态学就是现代生态学向纵深发展的产物,是化学向生态学渗透的结果。化学生态学作为一门系统完整的学科是七十年代在欧美形成的。植物间的生化他感作用研究是目前化学生态学研究的活跃领域之一O一、生化地感作用他感作用(Allelopathy)是植物学家莫利施(HMoltS。h)于1937年首先提出的,指在植物间,包括微生物间各种相互促进或抑制的生物化学作用,又称为异株克生。植物间的他感作用大致可分为异种植物间他感作用和同种作物间的相互作用。前者可能对促进群落形成起作用,后者可能成…  相似文献   

高飞雁  李玲  王教瑜  王艳丽  孙国昌 《遗传》2017,39(10):908-917
过氧化物酶体(peroxisomes)是一类真核生物中普遍存在的细胞器,参与β-氧化、乙醛酸循环等多种重要的生化代谢。研究表明,过氧化物酶体在植物病原真菌侵染寄主过程中具有着举足轻重的作用。参与过氧化物酶体形成与增殖的基因,通常称为PEX基因。近年来,越来越多的PEX基因在植物病原真菌中得到鉴定,真菌过氧化物酶体的形成机制及其在植物病原真菌生长发育和致病过程中的作用越来越受到研究者的关注。本文围绕PEX 基因在过氧化物酶体形成中的作用、对过氧化物酶体相关生化代谢的影响,以及与植物病原真菌生长发育和致病性的关系进行了综述,以期为植物病原真菌致病机理研究和病害防控提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

前言本世纪二十年代Kuhn等发现植物淀粉酶有两种类型,根据酶作用于淀粉时旋光度的变化,水解产物为α—型,有负的变旋光作用的称为α—淀粉酶;产物为β—型,有正的变旋光作用的称为β—淀粉酶。由于α—和β—淀粉酶在植物的生理生化过程和某些食品发酵工业中起着重要的作用,因此,同时测定这两种淀粉酶活力的方法,对农业、食品工业和淀粉酶的生化研究都具有实际的应用价值。苏联植物生理学家X.H.波钦诺克所著《植物生物化学分析方  相似文献   

植物开花是一个非常复杂的过程,对其机理的研究有着重要的实践意义和理论意义。近百年来进行了广泛的生理生化研究,提出过多种假设。自90年代初成功分离了花器官分化和发育基因以来,使这一研究领域进入了分子水平。钙不仅是植物的矿质营养元素之一,而且Ca~(2+)作为植物的第二信使,参与细胞内多种生理生化活动。许多研究结果表明,Ca~(2+)在成花诱导、花芽形成和分化过程中起重要作用,我们自建立黄瓜子叶培养物离  相似文献   

植物抗病机制是目前研究的热点。在长期的进化过程中,植物形成了一系列复杂有效的防御机制来抵御、破坏病原物的侵染。植物抗病基因在植物抗性反应中起着重要的作用,植物一旦监测到病原物马上起始防御反应,并伴随着植物体内一系列细胞和生理生化的变化。近年来,基因沉默作为一个重要的细胞内防御外源核酸的机制,越来越受到科学家重视。综述了植物抗病基因和基因沉默机制在植物抗病反应中的重要作用,并对研究植物抗病机制的前景做了展望。  相似文献   

壳聚糖调节植物生长发育及诱发植物抗病性研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
综述了壳聚糖在调节植物生长发育和诱导植物抗病性方面所起的重要作用及其可能的作用机制。壳聚糖对植物氨同化关键酶具有明显的生理调节功能,可以提高植物同化NH4 的能力,有利于蛋白质的生物合成与积累,改善植物的营养品质及园艺性状;并能迅速激发植物的防卫反应,启动植物的防御系统,有效地提高植物的抗病性。同时通过壳聚糖结合蛋白的分离、纯化及其生化特性的研究为进一步确定壳聚糖的作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

植物抗旱过程中ABA生理作用的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
谭云  叶庆生  李玲 《植物学通报》2001,18(2):197-201
植物在长期进化中,对干旱等胁迫从生理,生化和分子水平上产生了适应性变化,从而增加逆境存活机会,在这些响过程中,ABA起着极其重要的作用,本文介绍了近年来研究ABA的植物抗旱中生理作用方面所取得的进展。  相似文献   

植物在长期进化中,对干旱等胁迫从生理、生化和分子水平上产生了适应性变化,从而增加逆境存活机会,在这些响应过程中,ABA起着极其重要的作用。本文介绍了近年来研究ABA在植物抗旱中生理作用方面所取得的进展。  相似文献   

植物体内的钙信使系绕   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ca对植物不仅仅是一种大量营养元素,更重要的是作为偶连胞外信号与胞内生理生化反应的第二信使,作为植物代谢和发育的主要调控者。本文介绍了Ca在植物细胞中的分布及其体内平衡机制,以及Ca2+信使系统调控的植物生理生化过程,讨论了外界信号通过Ca2+信使系统的传递和表达过程,Ca2+信使系统对基因表达的可能影响,以及Ca2+信使系统的作用机制,并提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Evolution of mutualism in plant-pollinator interactions on islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution and ecology of interactions between plants and pollinators are discussed based on the studies on the Izu Islands and mainland Honshu, Japan. The species assemblage is depauperate, and long-tongued pollinators are absent or rare on the islands. Bumblebees, one of the most important pollinators in Japan, are generally absent. Plants depending strongly on bumblebee pollination are absent on Izu Islands, but those depending on varied pollinators including bumblebees display smaller flower sizes and accommodate smaller pollinators than their mainland counterparts. Breeding systems of these species also shift to partial inbreeding, possibly an evolutionary result of the decrease in pollinator availability. Changes in flowering phenology between mainland and island populations also occur. Plants in the islands tend to reproduce vegetatively less frequently and produce greater numbers of smaller seeds than those in the mainland. The possibility of evolution on the side of island pollinator species is also discussed, although there are few data on this topic.  相似文献   

The new EU-regulations on organic farming (1804/1999) are also influencing the animal welfare. A lot of positive regulations is to find, but also regulations that seen to mind more about the general public and customer and their view on organic farming, than the health and welfare of the animals.The paper specially focus on the impact of the regulations and the recommendations that phytotherapeutic essences and homeopathic products take precedence over the so called chemically-synthesised allopatic veterinary medical products, and that the use of the same is prohibited for preventive treatments. Key questions here are the lack of scientific evidence concerning homeopathy in animals, and that Swedish veterinarians are not allowed to work with homeopathy.Differences in interpretation of the regulations between animal owners and veterinarians will also be discussed. What is a disease that needs treatment? Who is to decide about the treatment? Parasitic infections are discussed as an illustrative example.Other consequences of the regulations concerning the animal welfare are problems in certain geographical zones, for instance subarctic areas where necessary crops are impossible to grow.Animal transports and splitting mother-offspring are briefly discussed as future problems to be handled in the regulations, and the paper ends by presenting the need of regulated herd health control programs in organic husbandry, which can detect and focus on welfare and production problems. The organic movement is not static, and must not be so.  相似文献   

A H Clark 《Acta cytologica》1989,33(4):455-459
Data are presented on the manpower shortage in the field of cytotechnology and the lack of sufficient training programs to meet current needs, and the fiscal bases of these problems are discussed. The workload placed on cytotechnologists is also analyzed in financial terms, emphasizing the pressures for high productivity in frequently less-than-optimal conditions. Screening accuracy is also considered. All of these issues need attention to produce adequate numbers of accurate screeners.  相似文献   

While several plant species are initially described as androdioecious, upon more thorough investigation, many of these are found to be cryptically dioecious with functionally male flowers and perfect flowers that produce inaperturate pollen or are otherwise functionally female on separate plants. The change in function of pollen produced by perfect flowers opens up the possibility for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in pollen grain size. We found that Thalictrum macrostylum (Ranunculaceae) is cryptically dioecious, and produces apparently inaperturate pollen in perfect flowers. In four field sites throughout North Carolina, inaperturate grains are larger than grains from staminate flowers and also show a greater variance in size. We also found substantial variation in pollen grain size among plants. The sites with lower soil nutrient content also had smaller pollen grains of both types, although local adaptation or genetic drift may also be causing among-site variation.  相似文献   

Yanyan Li  Rolf Müller 《Phytochemistry》2009,70(15-16):1850-1857
Myxobacteria are prolific producers of a wide variety of secondary metabolites. The vast majority of these compounds are complex polyketides which are biosynthesised by multimodular polyketide synthases (PKSs). In contrast, few myxobacterial metabolites isolated to date are derived from non-modular PKSs, in particular type III PKSs. This review reports our progress on the characterisation of type III PKSs in myxobacteria. We also summarize current knowledge on bacterial type III PKSs, with a special focus on the evolutionary relationship between plant and bacterial enzymes. The biosynthesis of a quinoline alkaloid in Stigmatella aurantiaca by a non-modular PKS is also discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial display in combinatorial protein engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Technologies for display of recombinant protein libraries are today essential tools in many research-intensive fields, such as in the drug discovery processes of biopharmaceutical development. Phage display is still the most widely used method, but alternative systems are available and are becoming increasingly popular. The most rapidly expanding of the alternative systems are the cell display-based technologies, offering innovative strategies for selection and characterization of affinity proteins. Most investigations have focused on eukaryotic yeast for display of protein libraries, but similar systems are also being developed using prokaryotic hosts. This review summarizes the field of bacterial surface display with a strong emphasis on library applications for generation of new affinity proteins. The main focus will be on the most recent progress of the work on primarily Escherichia coli, but also on studies using a recently developed system for display on Gram-positive Staphylococcus carnosus. In addition, general strategies for combinatorial protein engineering using cell display are discussed along with the latest developments of new methodologies with comparisons to mainly phage display technology.  相似文献   

The data of modern experimental and clinical researches of a estrogen role in pathogenesis of cognitive disorders are analyzed. The estrogen effects on receptor and postreceptor molecular-cellular level, and also its opportunity of cross-talk interaction with various neurotransmitters playing the role in mental functions are described. The data of the estrogen role during cellular differentiation, synaptic neuroplasticity and apoptoz are descibed. In comparative aspect influence [cyrillic word: see text] on training and memory, uneasiness and depression in experiments and in clinic is discussed. The principles of pharmacocorrection of the psycho-neurologic disorders caused by dysfunction of hypohysis-ovary of system, and also an opportunity of the combined application of estrogen and neurotropic drug are considered.  相似文献   

植物果聚糖合成酶基因克隆及特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
果聚糖(fructan)是蔗糖来源的果糖多聚体,果聚糖的类型常因聚合度的多寡、分支结构有无、相邻果糖基成键差异及葡萄糖位置不同而多种多样。果聚糖不仅是植物储存非结构性碳水化合物的形式之一,而且在干旱、低温等非生物胁迫中具有保护植物细胞免受伤害的作用。果聚糖作为一种益生素,对人体健康具有保健作用,有效减少或避免结肠癌、心血管疾病及骨质疏松等发病机率。本文就果聚糖的存在形式、生物合成代谢途径、果聚糖合成酶(fructan biosynthetic enzymes, FBEs)基因的克隆和转化等研究做一介绍,并对植物中FBEs结构特点进行了分析,同时对小麦中FBEs基因的拷贝数、染色体定位及亚细胞定位等研究进行了商榷,为从更多植物中分离FBEs基因,研究FBEs基因的作用方式和表达特性,以及利用转基因技术提高重要作物抗逆性奠定基础。  相似文献   

Advances in polyamine research in 2007   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Polyamines are small aliphatic amines found in all living organisms except some Archaea. In plants, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine are major components which are not only involved in fundamental cellular processes, for example cell proliferation, differentiation, and programmed cell death, but also in adaptive responses to environmental stress. In this article we review plant polyamine research focusing on recent studies.  相似文献   

红树林是生长在热带和亚热带海岸潮间带的一种独特植物群落,构成陆地与海洋间的过渡,具有水分高、盐分高、耐缺氧等特征的特殊生态系统及很高的生物多样性,是筛选和发现放线菌新物种和药用生物活性次级代谢产物的宝贵资源。在物种鉴定方面,放线菌分类学是目前红树林放线菌物种鉴定的重要手段。本文综述了红树林放线菌物种鉴定主要方法、红树林放线菌生态环境和物种分布特征、生物学活性及其次级代谢产物等,并展望了该领域研究与发展的重要问题与趋势。  相似文献   

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