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山顶洞101号头骨化石是东亚地区保存最为完整的化石之一,是探讨东亚地区现代人起源的重要研究材料。本文依据数据集中现生人的面部软组织平均分布,提出了计算机三维颅面复原方法,实现了101号头骨生前面貌的预测复原。主要包括三个步骤:首先使用CT完成了101号男性头骨和下颌骨仿制模型的三维重建。然后,利用计算机技术将现生人的面部软组织分布作为101号头骨的面部软组织分布,实现了颅面虚拟复原,并采用手工绘画技巧再现了复原面貌的形态特征。最后,提出了一种基于面部软组织分布和面貌统计形状模型的形态分析方法,实现了颅面复原结果的评估。山顶洞101号头骨的复原面貌具有头部较长、额头前倾、眉弓粗壮等特征,与101号头骨的几何形态基本一致。该技术再现了更新世晚期人类的脑颅及面部的形态特征,为古人类颅面复原的研究提供了技术支持和参考资料。  相似文献   

"中心和边缘"假说认为非洲是人类演化的中心地区,东亚等地区是边缘地区。在边缘地区,人群的地区性形态特征出现较早,可上溯到直立人生活时期;在中心地区,人群的地区性形态特征出现较晚。Bodo人类头骨化石和南京1号人类头骨化石分别出自中心地区和边缘地区,二者年代都是距今60万年左右,二者都保留有面颅。因此,Bodo人类头骨化石和南京1号人类头骨化石是检测"中心和边缘"假说的最合适的材料。本文是对南京1号和Bodo头骨的面颅测量性特征作比较研究。研究结果表明:1.二者面颅测量性特征上的差别远大于这两个相应地区现代人群之间的差别,提示了人类的地区性体质形态差别早在60万年前就很明显;2.东亚的南京1号人类头骨和东非的Bodo人类头骨尽管同样古老,但各自与当地区的现代人群的面颅上的差异情况并不一致。Bodo头骨与东非现代人群显得差异较大,南京1号头骨与东亚现代人群显得较相近。这种相近,提示了在东亚这个"边缘地区",现代人群的面颅测量性特征可追溯到以南京1号头骨为代表的远古人类那里,而在"中心地区",现代人群的面颅测量性特征还很难与以Bodo为代表的远古人群相联系。本项研究结果与"中心和边缘"假说的推测相符合。  相似文献   

面貌是人类最重要的特征,其形态受到颅骨几何形态、面部软组织分布以及性别、年龄、身体质量指数、营养状况等多种因素的影响。考古遗址出土的古代人类遗骸,其面部软组织大多已经消失,如何根据颅面形态关系推测古人类颅骨的生前面貌已成为人类学家和考古学家关注的热点问题之一。传统手工颅面复原是由人类学家和艺术家使用雕塑技艺在颅骨上用可塑物质生成其生前面貌的技术。近年来,随着医学影像采集和计算机技术的发展,计算机颅面复原技术已经成为信息科学、体质人类学、法医人类学交叉研究的前沿技术之一。本文通过梳理和归纳相关文献的研究方法,对手工颅面复原技术、计算机颅面复原技术和颅面复原结果评价方法作简要综述,并对颅面复原技术在体质人类学中的应用进行了回顾和展望。  相似文献   

1 993年在南京汤山葫芦洞发现了2具人类头骨化石-南京1号头骨和南京2号头骨.这2具头骨化石先后经过两次研究都被认为是属于直立人.近几年来,对南京人类头骨化石作了更深入的研究,研究涉及的内容可归纳为:1)对南京2号头骨作了复位和复原、进行了重新鉴定.对南京1号头骨作了颅容量计算;2)对南京1号头骨作了更广泛的比较,对比标本包括周口店直立人头骨、印尼Sangiran 17直立人头骨、肯尼亚KNM-ER3733头骨和东非Bodo头骨;3)对南京1号头骨的适应性特征-鼻梁高耸进行了论证.这些研究的结果表明:1)南京2号头骨应属于早期智人而不是直立人.南京1号头骨的颅容量,经计算,为871 ml.该颅容量与周口店3号头骨的相当,二者年代也应相近(周口店3号头骨的年代为57.8万年);2)南京1号头骨显示出地区性的形态特征.提示了中国人群南北两大类型的形态差别早在南京直立人生活时期已显出端倪.南京1号头骨及和县头骨可能代表一类中国南方的直立人群,其形态与以周口店直立人为代表的中国北方直立人群有些不同.南京1号头骨在脑颅上显示出较多的与KNM-ER 3733头骨相近的特征,但在面颅上二者相差较大,提示了直立人某些成员在至少1Ma期间脑颅形态保持稳定.南京1号头骨与Bodo头骨的比较结果与"中心和边缘"假说的推测相符合,在东亚这个"边缘地区",现代人群的面颅测量性特征可追溯到直立人群那里;3)南京直立人的高耸鼻梁是适应性特征,是对寒冷或(和)干燥气候适应的结果,并不意味着"西方血统".  相似文献   

近年来,根据三维软件虚拟复原的头骨来获取测量数据的方法被越来越多地应用在古生物,特别是古人类学的研究中,然而对于三维软件不同精度虚拟复原的头骨,其测量数值是否有差异,研究者并不是很清楚。本文以Mimics软件为例,根据其复原模型简化规则,选择未精简的最佳精度模型作为标准进行配对t检验或非参数检验,通过对43例云南人头骨的顶骨矢状弦长、颅周长、头盖部面积、乳突小房表面积、颅容量、乳突小房体积等六个测量项目的对比和分析,对Mimics软件低、中、高、最佳四种精度3D虚拟复原头骨间的测量差异进行了研究。结果显示:颅周长、头盖部面积、颅容量、乳突小房体积四项的所有简化精度模型的测量数据均与最佳精度模型测量数据的差异具有显著性;而除高精度组外,顶骨矢状弦长及乳突小房表面积的其余精度组测量数据均与最佳精度组差异具有显著性;此外,顶骨矢状弦长、颅周长、头盖部面积、颅容量的简化精度与最佳精度的测量差异占比均小于3%.而乳突小房表面积的低精度与最佳精度测量差异占比可超过50%,乳突小房体积的低精度与最佳精度测量差异占比可超过120%。这一结果提示我们,在测量Mimics复原的三维模型时,体量大差异小的测量项可以在较低精度的复原模型上进行测量;而对头骨内部腔窦这样体量小表面粗糙的结构,复原模型的精度选择及测量数据比较需要格外谨慎。  相似文献   

南京直立人与印尼、周口店直立人的面颅形态比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2005,24(3):171-177
本文对南京直立人1号头骨与印尼Sangiran17头骨和周口店11号头骨作面颅形态上的比较。结果表明,南京1号头骨的面颅与周口店11号头骨的有许多共同的形态:较小的面颅尺寸、眶下区呈扁平状、较扁平的上部颜面、眶上圆枕较纤细、中眶型的眼眶、发育有颧切迹、上颌骨颧突基部位置较高等。南京1号头骨的面颅在另外一些方面显示出与Sangiran17头骨的形态上相近:阔上面型的面型、眶上圆枕内侧部比外侧部稍靠前、眶上圆枕下缘略呈平直状、鼻梁发育有中矢锐嵴、鼻梁横向呈峰状拱起、颧骨下缘外展、颧结节相对位置稍偏外侧、颧骨较高等。南京直立人面颅兼具周口店直立人11号头骨的和印尼直立人Sangiran17头骨的形态。从南京直立人的面颅形态可以推测我国南方的与北方的直立人群之间在体质形态上已经出现一定程度的地理变异。南京1号头骨面颅上的某些形态特征,如颧骨下缘外展等,可能反映了特征的梯度变异现象。这些特征的梯度变异的成因目前还很难确定。  相似文献   

吴秀杰  张玄 《人类学学报》2018,37(3):371-383
颅内模保存有脑表面的形态结构,是脑演化研究的直接证据。中国最早复原和研究的颅内模来自20世纪20年代北京周口店遗址发现的3号猿人头骨;此后虽然中国境内也相继发现了一些古人类的头骨化石,但由于古人类标本非常珍贵,不允许对其进行实体解剖,加上多数头骨破碎或者内部附有地层胶结物,导致颅内模无法成功复原。受技术水平及研究手段的限制,研究者一般只是侧重于化石外表形态结构的研究。高分辨率工业CT和3D软件的应用,可以在不损坏标本的情况下,虚拟复原出化石的内部解剖结构,使得一些重要的古人类化石标本的颅内模被复原出来,促进了脑演化的研究。近年来,本文第一作者采用新技术、新方法复原了南京直立人、柳江人等一些重要的中国古人类头骨的颅内模,通过对其颅容量、脑沟回特征、脑不对称性、脑表面的动、静脉血管压迹、各脑叶的大小、形状及比例的研究,获取了中国古人类脑形态特征变化的数据,为探讨东亚地区古人类的演化提供了参考信息。  相似文献   

南京2号人类头骨化石的复位和形态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2006,25(4):267-275
南京2号人类头骨化石仅保留部分的额骨、顶骨、枕骨和颞骨,为一不完整的颅盖骨。其顶骨和枕骨有数条断裂缝,各断块之间有程度不一的错动,致使该颅盖骨显得外形异常。本项研究是对该颅盖骨的错动部分进行复位,结果表明,南京2号头骨有较大的顶骨、较小的上枕鳞相对宽度、可能较大的颅容量。这些形态提示该头骨与直立人有所不同而与早期智人相近。该头骨所具有的角圆枕、颞鳞顶缘形状、枕骨圆枕发育程度、枕骨的枕平面与项平面过渡情况、枕内隆突点与枕外隆突点的距离、头骨骨壁厚度、脑膜中动脉分支情况、头骨枕面观之轮廓线样式等形态细节,还很难作为可靠的依据把南京2号头骨鉴定为直立人。南京2号头骨很大可能是属于智人亚种(Homo sapiens sapiens)中的一员。  相似文献   

辽宁营口金牛山人化石头骨的复原及其主要性状   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文叙述了辽宁营口金牛山人化石头骨的保存情况、复原过程及其主要性状。从头骨壁之薄、脑量之大、以及其他的形态特征,认为它属于早期智人类型而不是猿人,对它的年代为距今28万年的报道,提出了疑问。  相似文献   

为建立赛加羚羊(Saiga tatarica)头骨三维可视化模型,进一步研究赛加羚羊头骨的解剖特征,建立赛加羚羊头骨的“数字化标本”,以提高其疾病诊治的准确率和物种保护的有效性。本研究以国家林业局甘肃濒危动物保护中心的赛加羚羊为研究对象,经锥形束CT扫描获得影像数据,运用MIMICS 20.0软件对赛加羚羊头骨扫描数据进行处理和三维重建,以建立赛加羚羊的“数字化头骨”用于形态研究。运用MIMICS 20.0软件对数字化头骨的26项形态学指标(n = 8)进行三维测量,且与头骨标本游标卡尺的测量值(n = 8)进行配对样本t检验分析,经与真实测量值比较后评价数字化模型及其三维测量的准确性。结果显示,26项形态测量指标均与真实头骨无显著性差异(P > 0.05),例如颅全长游标卡尺测量值为(227.147 ± 10.646)mm,三维测量值为(227.130 ± 10.638)mm,P = 0.635,表明三维重建后的数字化头骨和真实的头骨标本高度相似,且“数字标本”能够实现任意角度的旋转、剖切和测量。本研究可为赛加羚羊头部疾病如骨折等的治疗及骨骼系统的三维可视化研究提供基础依据和技术支撑,同时可为CT扫描和医学图像三维可视化技术在野生动物的临床应用和相关研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

体质量推算作为体质人类学的一项重要研究方法,为衡量古代居民体型提供了新的途径,同时也为解决考古学、历史学问题提供了新的研究思路。本文通过"生物力学"和"形态测量学"两种方法对内蒙古和林格尔县土城子遗址2005年出土的34例战国时期人骨标本进行了体质量推算。统计分析结果表明,该组男性居民的平均体质量约为67.21kg,女性居民的平均体质量约为54.63kg,男女两性之间的差异显著。通过与战国时期内蒙古长城地带井沟子居民的比较分析,土城子男性居民在平均体质量上明显大于井沟子男性居民,并且体质量值整体分布偏高,而女性组则差异不显著。结合考古学、历史学相关研究材料,该数据为土城子居民为戍边军士的身份提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In spite of the abundance of archaeological, bio-archaeological, historical and genetic data, the origins, historical biogeography, identity of ancient grapevine cultivars and mechanisms of domestication are still largely unknown. Here, analysis of variation in seed morphology aims to provide accurate criteria for the discrimination between wild grapes and modern cultivars and to understand changes in functional traits in relation to the domestication process. This approach is also used to quantify the phenotypic diversity in the wild and cultivated compartments and to provide a starting point for comparing well-preserved archaeological material, in order to elucidate the history of grapevine varieties.


Geometrical analysis (elliptic Fourier transform method) was applied to grapevine seed outlines from modern wild individuals, cultivars and well-preserved archaeological material from southern France, dating back to the first to second centuries.

Key Results and Conclusions

Significant relationships between seed shape and taxonomic status, geographical origin (country or region) of accessions and parentage of varieties are highlighted, as previously noted based on genetic approaches. The combination of the analysis of modern reference material and well-preserved archaeological seeds provides original data about the history of ancient cultivated forms, some of them morphologically close to the current ‘Clairette’ and ‘Mondeuse blanche’ cultivars. Archaeobiological records seem to confirm the complexity of human contact, exchanges and migrations which spread grapevine cultivation in Europe and in Mediterranean areas, and argue in favour of the existence of local domestication in the Languedoc (southern France) region during Antiquity.  相似文献   

Establishing the diets of ancient human populations is an integral component of most archaeological studies. Stable isotope analysis of well-preserved bone collagen is the most direct approach for a general assessment of paleodiet. However, this method has been limited by the scarcity of well-preserved skeletal materials for this type of destructive analysis. Hair is preserved in many burials, but is often overlooked as an alternative material for isotopic analysis. Here we report that the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values for the hair of the 5200 year-old Ice Man indicates a primarily vegetarian diet, in agreement with his dental wear pattern. Whereas previous investigations have focused on bone collagen, the stable isotope composition of hair may prove to be a more reliable proxy for paleodiet reconstruction, particularly when skeletal remains are not well preserved and additional archaeological artifacts are unavailable.  相似文献   

吉林省白城市双塔遗址东周时期人骨研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双塔遗址是近年来松嫩平原先秦时期最为重要的考古发现,该遗址为建立白城西部乃至科尔沁沙地东部地区汉以前考古学文化的编年序列,廓清相关诸考古学文化的谱系关系,奠定了重要基础;为判断同类遗存年代提供了重要标尺,特别是东周时期人骨标本的发现,是迄今在科尔沁沙地东部地区发现的唯一一份保存较为完整的人骨资料。本文对出土9例东周时期的颅骨(男性6例,女性3例)进行了体质人类学的研究,该组颅骨在种族特征上可归入现代亚洲蒙古人种中的北亚人种范围。在若干古代和现代对比组中,双塔组东周时期居民的体质特征与井沟子东周时期居民、近代蒙古人最为接近,属于先秦时期我国北方地区的"古蒙古高原类型",佐证了这一时期该地区的人口流动。  相似文献   

Seckel syndrome (MIM 210600) is an autosomal recessive disorder of low birth weight, severe microcephaly, and dysmorphic facial appearance with receding forehead, prominent nose, and micrognathia. We have performed a genomic screen in two consanguineous families of Pakistani origin and found that the disorder segregates with markers between loci D3S1316 and D3S3710, which map to chromosome 3q22.1-q24. Analysis using HOMOZ/MAPMAKER gave a maximum LOD score of 8.72. All five affected individuals were homozygous for the same allele, for two adjacent polymorphic markers within the region segregating with the disease, narrowing the region to 12 cM.  相似文献   

The prehistoric lake settlement tradition is spread far beyond the region of the Alps, and it has been known for a long time that lake settlements are not a characteristic of one particular area. The present paper presents the results of the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary investigations of such types of sites in Lithuania, the two lake settlements at Lake Luokesa (Luokesai e?eras). They were excavated with underwater archaeology techniques between 2000 and 2011. They are Late Bronze to early Iron Age transition (LBA–EIA) in date and were probably built and inhabited during a short period between 625 and 535 cal bc. The excavated archaeological material contains a wealth of well-preserved wooden architectural details and other organic materials. Therefore, the importance and unique character of these sites is beyond question. This paper gives an overview of the history of research on lake settlements in northeastern Europe. In addition, the archaeological material of the LBA–EIA settlements at Lake Luokesa is evaluated in the context of the other lake settlements in the southeastern Baltic region. Existing hypotheses and interpretations of the origins, development and use of the lake settlements of this region are discussed. All the investigations which have been done, including archaeobotany, palynology, dendrochronology and geoarchaeology, provide data for a well-grounded interpretation and reconstruction of the Luokesa lake settlements.  相似文献   

On the archaeological site of Menez-Dregan in Brittany, France, dated 300,000-500,000 years-old, paleoparasitological analysis of cave deposits led to the detection of well-preserved helminth eggs, which morphology and morphometry pointed to the diagnosis of Toxocara canis eggs, a parasite of carnivore mammals. Paleolithic remains suggested a parasitism of the hyena Crocuta spelaea or other canids that inhabited the region.  相似文献   

In 1961, two human footprints were excavated from the Cuatro Cienegas region of Coahuila, Mexico, but for decades were not studied scientifically or deposited in any museum. Consequently, knowledge of the locality where they were found was lost. Once the two tracks were relocated they found their way to the Museo del Desierto, Saltillo (Coahuila) where they were placed on display with a tentative label suggesting an early Holocene age (10,000 B.C.). This inference was based only on the known antiquity of humans in the region determined from previous archaeological work and two dated sediment cores close to the footprint site. It was not until 2006 that the presumed footprint discovery site was rediscovered, revealing more than 20 additional well-preserved prints, in at least four trackways representing several different individuals with foot lengths ranging from about 23–27 cm. The tracks include one well-preserved trackway providing step and stride measurements. A poorly preserved cervid trackway and a possible duck footprint have also been identified. The footprints are preserved in hard tufa. Geochemical evidence suggests the tracks were made during periods of increased aridity.  相似文献   

Chiao JY  Bowman NE  Gill H 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3666


Throughout human history, a disproportionate degree of political power around the world has been held by men. Even in democracies where the opportunity to serve in top political positions is available to any individual elected by the majority of their constituents, most of the highest political offices are occupied by male leaders. What psychological factors underlie this political gender gap? Contrary to the notion that people use deliberate, rational strategies when deciding whom to vote for in major political elections, research indicates that people use shallow decision heuristics, such as impressions of competence solely from a candidate''s facial appearance, when deciding whom to vote for. Because gender has previously been shown to affect a number of inferences made from the face, here we investigated the hypothesis that gender of both voter and candidate affects the kinds of facial impressions that predict voting behavior.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Male and female voters judged a series of male and female political candidates on how competent, dominant, attractive and approachable they seemed based on their facial appearance. Then they saw a series of pairs of political candidates and decided which politician they would vote for in a hypothetical election for President of the United States. Results indicate that both gender of voter and candidate affect the kinds of facial impressions that predict voting behavior. All voters are likely to vote for candidates who appear more competent. However, male candidates that appear more approachable and female candidates who appear more attractive are more likely to win votes. In particular, men are more likely to vote for attractive female candidates whereas women are more likely to vote for approachable male candidates.


Here we reveal gender biases in the intuitive heuristics that voters use when deciding whom to vote for in major political elections. Our findings underscore the impact of gender and physical appearance on shaping voter decision-making and provide novel insight into the psychological foundations underlying the political gender gap.  相似文献   

内蒙古东南部是辽西地区粟作农业起源地的中心区域,也是历史时期农、牧民族反复争夺的战略要地。战国早中期,该地主要为北方民族聚居地,具有多元的族群文化和复杂的经济类型;战国晚期,随燕文化的北扩,中原地区的文化与农耕技术促使此地的文化与人群趋于统一。纵观战国时期,农耕经济在内蒙古东南部先民的生存方式中居于何种地位,对不同人群及文化的融合又起到了怎样的积极作用,仍缺乏深入的探讨。为此,本文以赤峰地区战国时代水泉和大山前墓地出土的67例人骨及牙齿为研究对象,开展了C、N稳定同位素分析。结果显示:先民主要摄食C4类,包括粟、黍等作物和(或)以粟类副产品为食的动物,反映了其生存方式为以种植粟类作物为基础的农业和家畜饲养业。部分先民的同位素数据,表明也存在着渔猎经济。结合该区域已发表的人骨C、N稳定同位素数据,我们发现,粟作农业始终在该地先民生存方式中发挥重要作用,为不同人群及文化的融合奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

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