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群体遗传不平衡条件下的结构基因遗传共适应特性   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
沈伟  耿社民  潘庆杰  李兰  秦国庆 《遗传》2003,25(3):295-298
本研究以柴达木山羊、柴达木绒山羊和辽宁绒山羊三个群体共147只山羊为材料,利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)技术检测了5种血液蛋白质(酶)基因座的遗传多态性,并进行了结构基因遗传共适应的研究,结果发现:45个基因座组合中有10个基因座组合处于遗传不平衡状态,并且这些遗传不平衡皆单纯由遗传共适应差异造成;除辽宁绒山羊Tf-PA-3组合的遗传不平衡包含非等位基因间的遗传共适应差异外,其他基因座组合的遗传不平衡皆由等位基因间的共适应差异,即单基因座的遗传不平衡造成;LAP-EsD组合的共适应差异在群体间有遗传传递现象。 Abstract:With the technology of PAGE,the genetic polymorphism of blood protein and enzyme was investigated,and genetic co-adaptability among structural genes was studied in three goat populations(147 goats) including Chaidamu goat(CS),Chaidamu Cashmere goat(CRS) and Liaoning Cashmere goat(LRS) in Qinghai Province,China.The results were showed that the genetic disequilibrium of 10 locus combinations was found among 45 locus combinations in the three goat populations,and these genetic disequilibria were caused only by the difference of genetic co-adaptability among genes,because there didn′t exist the linkage disequilibrium among non-allelic genes.The genetic disequilibrium including the difference of genetic co-adaptability between non-allelic genes was only found at Tf-PA-3 locus combinations in LRS population,the other ones were all caused by the genetic disequilibrium at a single locus.The difference of genetic co-adaptability of LAP-EsD locus combinations could be messaged among different populations.  相似文献   

群体遗传不平衡条件下的遗传共适应现象及其遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘庆杰  李晓林  闵令江  沈伟  刘娣 《遗传》2007,29(5):643-648
群体基因库的遗传共适应特性是在系统演化过程中逐渐形成的, 和各基因位点的基因频率一样, 是基因库属性的一个方面。利用群体遗传不平衡状态下的中性基因位点组合的遗传共适应特性, 能揭示群体的起源进化和系统地位; 通过对遗传共适应的认识, 可提高经济性状标记的准确性。文章对遗传共适应的概念、产生的基础和过程, 以及研究现状进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

中国野生鹌鹑群体遗传共适应特性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随机抽取迁飞滞留季节捕获的野生日本鸣鹑40只、野生普通鹌鹑62只和家鹑40只, 采用蒙特卡罗模拟法检验群体遗传不平衡, 运用微卫星DNA标记对两种野生鹌鹑和家鹑群体的遗传共适应特性进行分析, 在3个鹌鹑群体中证实存在遗传共适应特性; 同时构建中性位点遗传共适应的统计模型, 分析遗传共适应特性在分子水平上的效应, 结果表明: 遗传共适应主导了野生日本鸣鹑、野生普通鹌鹑和家鹑群体的遗传不平衡状态, 分别有16.67%, 9.66%和10.05%的非等位基因组合因遗传共适应的影响处于遗传不平衡或极不平衡状态, 几乎所有检测的位点都存在遗传共适应特性, 其在分子水平上的作用更加显著, 维持着群体中大量的稳定多态现象. 这一结果丰富了群体遗传不平衡的概念和内涵, 为了解除连锁之外, 另一重要因素——遗传共适应对群体遗传不平衡的作用提供了科学的依据; 同时也为阐明我国野生鹌鹑的系统地位以及为评价、保护和利用我国野生鹌鹑这一宝贵遗传资源打下基础.  相似文献   

中华鲟天然群体蛋白质水平遗传多样性贫乏的初步证据   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为阐明我国Ⅰ级珍稀水生保护动物中华鲟天然群体的遗传结构和遗传多样性特征,为其资源的监测量民保护提供科学依据,采用聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳技术对中华鲟天然群体进行了蛋白质遗传多态性研究。共研究了15种蛋白质,有4种蛋白无活呈活性很低,在有活性的11种蛋白中人测得26个座位;在26个座位中,只有1个座位(MDH-1)为多态座位。中华鲟多态座位比例(P)为3.90%,遗传杂合度(H)为0.04,均远远低于  相似文献   

采用微卫星标记研究天然封闭型水体肖四海内鳜放流群体与野生群体的遗传差异,试图从分子水平探讨人工增殖放流群体与野生群体遗传结构的差异。结果表明:鳜两个群体在10对微卫星座位共发现有50个等位基因。其中,放流群体发现有22个等位基因,野生群体发现37个等位基因;通过He和PIC统计发现,野生群体遗传多样性明显高于放流增殖鳜,野生鳜群体表现出更丰富的遗传多样性;由杂合度检验可以看出,两个群体都呈现杂合过剩现象,经哈代-温伯格平衡检验,显示两个群体均显著偏离哈代-温伯格平衡(P0.001),属于连锁不平衡群体;群体间的FST检验,可以看出群体间的FST高于0.25,反映遗传变异主要存在于群体间,而不是群体内部,这充分反映近交及瓶颈效应会引起养殖群体遗传结构的改变,从而导致群体间的遗传分化。  相似文献   

多个遗传标记情形下的RFLP的可诊断率估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金力  刘祖洞 《遗传学报》1989,16(5):404-414
限制性酶切片段长度多态性(RFLP)作为共显性的遗传标记,已广泛应用于遗传病的产前诊断。为评价各遗传标记的适用性,本文给出了在多个遗传标记情形下的RFLP的可诊断率的估计方法,即在使用若干个遗传标记时,群体中可被诊断后代罹病与否的婚配类型的比例的估计方法,包括致病基因为常染色体显性、常染色体隐性、X连锁显性和X连锁隐性的情况,并认为增加遗传标记的个数和选择具较多等位基因的遗传标记,是提高产前诊断可诊断率的有效途径。同时,根据各遗传标记在群体中的多态性分布,可估计各遗传标记及其各种不同组合的可诊断率,以此选择在该群体中最为适合的遗传标记或其组合,以指导RFLP在产前诊断中的应用。  相似文献   

利用30个微卫星标记分析长江中下游鲢群体的遗传多样性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
朱晓东  耿波  李娇  孙效文 《遗传》2007,29(6):705-713
摘要: 利用30对微卫星分子标记对长江中下游5个鲢群体进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 在30个基因座中, 共检测到144个等位基因, 每个座位检测到的等位基因数为1~10个, 其中有25个座位具有多态性, 多态位点百分率为83.33,5个群体的平均等位基因数A为4.0/4.1, 平均有效等位基因数Ne为2.4445~2.6332, 平均观察杂合度Ho为0.3233~0.3511, 平均期望杂合度He为0.4421~0.4704, 平均多态信息含量PIC为0.4068~0.4286。对数据进行F-检验, Fst值表明群体间的遗传分化程度中等, 并对基因型进行了基于Hardy-Weinberg平衡的卡方检验, 所得P值说明5个群体均一定程度上偏离了平衡。5个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.8466~0.9146,遗传距离为0.0893~0.1665, 并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离用UPGMA方法对5个鲢群体进行亲缘关系聚类。  相似文献   

柚品种的等位酶变异研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了柚的48个品种的等位酶变异,利用等位酶分析技术对柚的酯酶(EST),6-磷酸葡萄糖异的酶(PGI),6-磷酸葡萄糖变位酶(PGM),莽草酸脱氢酶(SKD),超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)共5个酶系统的10个等位酶基因座进行了分析,除PGI-1,PGI-2两个基因座外,其它8个均为多态性基因座;10个等位酶基因座共观察到的等位基因25个,平均每个基因座的有效等位基因数目为1.55,基因多样度0.2805,柚的品种间具有较为丰富的等位酶标记遗传多样性,但柚类种质资源群体总的遗传多样性水平偏低。柚的较低的有效等位基因数目与基因多样度可能由于人工选择及资源流失造成。  相似文献   

病理性近视的家系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨我国病理性近视的遗传模式,对90个病理性近视大家系进行了分离分析。简单分离分析采用先验法和SEGRAN-B软件,进行拟合优度卡方检验,比较实际分离比与理论分离比的符合程度;复合分离分析运用SAGE-REGD软件进行孟德尔遗传模型(主基因、显性、隐性、共显性)和非孟德尔遗传模型(非传递、环境、一般)的拟合。结果显示,婚配类型为A*N的家系符合常染色体显性遗传,散发概率为13.8%,婚配类型为N*N的家系符合常染色体隐性遗传,散发概率为16.3%,但常染色体显性遗传不能除外,复合分离分析接受孟德尔遗传的显性、隐性、共显性和主基因模型,共显性模型的可能性最大,基因频率为0.21442999。因此,我国病理性近视存在常染色体显性和隐性遗传模式,并有一定比例的散发病例,具有遗传异质性。  相似文献   

谢立峰  李宁 《植物学报》2019,54(1):58-63
采用SRAP标记法对183份茄子(Solanum melongena)种质资源的遗传关系和群体结构进行分析。结果表明, 33对多态性SRAP引物组合共扩增出215条清晰稳定的多态性条带, 平均每对引物组合产生7条多态性条带。183份茄子种质的遗传相似系数介于0.276-0.813之间, 平均值为0.623, 表明茄子种质资源间遗传背景存在一定的差异。在遗传距离为0.345 6处可将183份茄子种质分为4组。通过群体结构分析可将种质划分为4个群体, 不同群体间的界限十分明显, 且群体间的基因渗透较高。  相似文献   

Social heterosis is when individuals in groups or neighbourhoods receive a mutualistic benefit from across‐individual genetic diversity. Although it can be a viable evolutionary mechanism to maintain allelic diversity at a given locus, its efficacy at maintaining genome‐wide diversity is in question when multiple loci are being simultaneously selected. Therefore, we modelled social heterosis in a population of haploid genomes of two‐ or three‐linked loci. With such linkages, social heterosis decreases gametic diversity, but maintains allelic diversity. Genomes tend to survive as complimentary pairs, with alternate alleles at each locus (e.g. the pair AbC and aBc). The outcomes of selection appear similar to fitness epistasis but are novel in the sense that phenotypic interactions occur across rather than within individuals. The model’s results strongly suggest that strong linkage across gene loci actually increases the probability that social heterosis maintains significant genetic diversity at the level of the genome.  相似文献   

The quantitative genetic variance-covariance that can be maintained in a random environment is studied, assuming overlapping generations and Gaussian stabilizing selection with a fluctuating optimum. The phenotype of an individual is assumed to be determined by additive contributions from each locus on paternal and maternal gametes (i.e., no epistasis and no dominance). Recurrent mutation is ignored, but linkage between loci is arbitrary. The genotype distribution in the evolutionarily stable population is generically discrete: only a finite number of polymorphic alleles with distinctly different effects are maintained, even though we allow a continuum of alleles with arbitrary phenotypic contributions to invade. Fluctuating selection maintains nonzero genetic variance in the evolutionarily stable population if the environmental heterogeneity is larger than a certain threshold. Explicit asymptotic expressions for the standing variance-covariance components are derived for the population near the threshold, or for large generational overlap, as a function of environmental variability and genetic parameters (i.e., number of loci, recombination rate, etc.), using the fact that the genotype distribution is discrete. Above the threshold, the population maintains considerable genetic variance in the form of positive linkage disequilibrium and positive gamete covariance (Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium) as well as allelic variance. The relative proportion of these disequilibrium variances in the total genetic variance increases with the environmental variability.  相似文献   

利用连锁不平衡理论,人类遗传学家已能把影响人类疾病的质量基因定位在小至1cM区域内,有些基因已被克隆出来。罗泽伟等进一步发展统计分析方法检测及估算分子标记与QTL之间的连锁不平衡系数,从而提出了人类复杂遗传病高解析度基因定位的理论策略。以此为基础,进一步探讨了供试群体在双亲基因频率存在差异时检测QTL和检测QTL互作的方法,给出了有关的理论结果。  相似文献   

Statistical tests of genetic drift and of the neutrality of mtDNA are presented using empirical time‐series data on multi‐generational changes in cytonuclear disequilibria within replicated experimental hybrid populations of two species of live‐bearing Poeciliid fishes (Gambusia holbrooki and G.affinis) which were monitored over a period of two years (three generations). Cytonuclear disequilibria D and D (which measure departures from random associations of cytoplasmic and nuclear genotypes) over the three generations of the experiment were non‐zero for all replicate populations. For each of five nuclear loci, the observed measures of D and D were highly concordant between replicates during each generation. Significant departures from expectations were observed after one and two generations. A statistical measure of goodness of fit of observed changes in cytonuclear disequilibria (and implicitly of the neutrality of the mtDNA markers) was calculated for each nuclear locus. When the results for the replicates were combined into an overall test of neutrality, the fit to the random union of zygotes (RUZ) model was rejected for four of the five nuclear loci (P < 0.05). A simple genetic drift model does not explain the temporal changes in composite cytonuclear genotypic frequencies. Frequencies of parental G. holbrooki mitochondrial alleles and nuclear genotypes exceeded expected values during most time periods, implying some selective advantage of offspring produced by G. holbrooki females. Expansion of cytonuclear models to explicitly address questions of genetic drift and neutrality have general relevance to studies of natural populations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The balance between stabilizing selection and migration of maladapted individuals has formerly been modeled using a variety of quantitative genetic models of increasing complexity, including models based on a constant expressed genetic variance and models based on normality. The infinitesimal model can accommodate nonnormality and a nonconstant genetic variance as a result of linkage disequilibrium. It can be seen as a parsimonious one‐parameter model that approximates the underlying genetic details well when a large number of loci are involved. Here, the performance of this model is compared to several more realistic explicit multilocus models, with either two, several or a large number of alleles per locus with unequal effect sizes. Predictions for the deviation of the population mean from the optimum are highly similar across the different models, so that the non‐Gaussian infinitesimal model forms a good approximation. It does, however, generally estimate a higher genetic variance than the multilocus models, with the difference decreasing with an increasing number of loci. The difference between multilocus models depends more strongly on the effective number of loci, accounting for relative contributions of loci to the variance, than on the number of alleles per locus.  相似文献   

关于最大信息熵原理与群体遗传平衡一致性的探讨   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
张宏礼  张鸿雁 《遗传》2006,28(3):324-328
汪小龙等建立了用最大信息熵原理推导一个基因座上群体遗传平衡的统一数学模型,并给出了模型的最大值解,此解正是Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律所给出的基因型频率。这说明当群体基因型信息熵最大时,群体基因型频率不再变化,达到平衡状态,从而证明了最大信息熵原理与Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律具有一致性,同时指出这一结论可以推广至有迁移、突变、选择、遗传漂变、近亲交配的群体以及多个基因座情形。概括地说就是:最大信息熵原理与群体遗传平衡具有一致性。但是,他们仅仅证明了最大信息熵原理与一个基因座上Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律具有一致性,本文在这个范围内将其推广至多个基因座,且每一个基因座均为复等位基因情形。至于最大信息熵原理是否与其它的群体遗传平衡具有一致性,他们的结论仅仅是猜想,并未严格推导。事实上,要想将这种一致性推广到迁移、突变、随机漂变和近亲交配等群体,则不见得正确。   相似文献   

河北省大豆地方品种遗传基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以50份河北省大豆地方品种为材料,通过两年对12个农艺性状鉴定和30个SSR位点的分析,结果表明,地方品种农艺性状平均多样性指数为0.83,数量性状平均变异系数为20.15%,30个SSR位点平均等位变异数5.03,平均多样性指数为0.61,参试材料遗传距离平均0.869。利用Bayesian模型将参试材料分为4组。分析结果表明,河北省地方品种的遗传多样性与地理来源或不同熟期类型间没有显著相关。  相似文献   

Genetic trends in a population evolving antibiotic resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution of antibiotic resistance provides a well-documented, rapid, and recent example of a selection driven process that has occurred in many bacterial species. An exhaustive collection of Moraxella catarrhalis that spans a transition to chromosomally encoded penicillin resistance was used to analyze genetic changes accompanying the transition. The population was characterized by high haplotypic diversity with 148 distinct haplotypes among 372 isolates tested at three genomic regions. The power of a temporally stratified sample from a single population was highlighted by the finding of high genetic diversity throughout the transition to resistance, population numbers that remained high over time, and no evidence of departures from neutrality in the allele frequency spectra throughout the transition. The direct temporal analysis documented the persistence, antibiotic status, and haplotypic identity of strains undergoing apparent clonal expansions. Several haplotypes that were beta-lactamase nonproducers in early samples converted to producers in later years. Maintenance of genetic diversity and haplotype conversions from sensitive to resistant supported the hypothesis that penicillin resistance determinants spread to a diverse array of strains via horizontal exchange. Genetic differentiation between sample years, estimated by F(ST), was increasing at a rate that could cause complete haplotype turnover in less than 150 years. Widespread linkage disequilibrium among sites within one locus (copB) suggested recent mutation followed by clonal expansion. Nonrandom associations between haplotypes and resistance phenotypes provided further evidence of clonal expansion for some haplotypes. Nevertheless, the population structure was far from clonal as evidenced by a relatively low frequency of disequilibria both within sites at a second locus (M46) as well as between loci. The haplotype-antibiotic resistance association that was accompanied by gradual haplotype turnover is consistent with a hypothesis of genetic drift at marker loci with directional selection at the resistance locus.  相似文献   

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