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玉米根系水流导度差异的生理形态原因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在人工气候室水培条件下,研究了水分胁迫对不同基因型玉米杂交种及其亲本根系水流导度(Lpr)变化的影响,并从生理和形态角度对其差异进行了分析。结果表明:表型抗旱的杂交种F1代(户单四号)整株根系水流导度最高,具有根系水流导度上的杂种优势现象。对其差异的生理和形态因素分析表明,F1代水流导度高与其高脯氨酸含量、低MDA含量和低质膜透忡有关。同时表明,根系的形态特征对根系的水流导度也存在一定的影响。  相似文献   

氮磷亏缺对玉米根系水流导度的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在人工气候室水培条件下,从单根和整株根系两个层次研究了N、P营养与玉米(Zea mays L.)根系水流导度(root hydraulic conductivity,Lpr)间的关系。结果表明:表型抗旱的杂交种F1代户单4号和母本天四的单根水导和整株根系水导均高于不抗旱的父本478,其中天四的单根水导最高,而户单4号的整株根系水导最高。N、P亏缺均使玉米单根水导和整株根系水导降低,但与N亏块相比,P亏缺的植株具有较高的整株根系水导和较低的单根水导。整株根系的水导更能反映植物根系的输水性能。  相似文献   

水分亏缺下玉米根系ZmPIP1亚族基因的表达   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在PEG-6000胁迫条件下,以微管蛋白基因为内参基因、水通道蛋白基因ZmPIP1-1和ZmPIP1-2为检测基因,采用半定量逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)体系检测它们在玉米根系中的表达情况。实验结果是:胁迫条件下,ZmPIP1-1的表达量在杂交F,代‘户单4号’(抗旱)和母本‘天四’(抗旱)根系中增多,它的表达量与品种的抗旱性呈正相关,并且胁迫不同时间段它的表达量有差异;而ZmPIP1-2在3个玉米品种的不同水分处理条件下,表达量均没有明显变化。这提示,水分胁迫条件下根系中某些种类的水通道蛋白基因的表达量增多,并且与品种的抗旱性有关;而另一些水通道蛋白基因的表达不受水分亏缺的影响。  相似文献   

为探明不同抗旱性棉花品种的根系生理特性对干旱的响应及其与生物量的关系,以不耐旱性品种‘新陆早17号'(L17)和耐旱性品种‘新陆早22号'(L22)为试材,在土柱栽培条件下设常规灌溉(CK)、轻度干旱(W1)和中度干旱(W2)处理,研究干旱胁迫对不同耐旱性棉花品种根系活力、保护酶活性及解剖结构(导管直径、数量)和生物量的影响。结果表明:干旱胁迫下两棉花品种根系可溶性蛋白(SP)含量、根系活力(RV)、木栓层数、根茎导管数量、导管直径显著降低,根系丙二醛(MDA)含量及保护性酶活性显著增加,进而导致地上部干物质量显著降低。与L17相比,L22的SP含量、0~40 cm和80~120 cm土层RV、木栓层数、根茎导管数量、导管直径以及地上部干物质量均显著增加,尤其W2条件下L22的RV降幅比L17低26.2%,过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和皮层厚度分别比L17高43.6%、6.9%、25.4%、19.9%,且差异均达到显著水平。干物质量与RV、SOD、POD、木栓层数、导管直径和个数之间均呈显著正相关。因此,耐旱性强的棉花品种在干旱条件下通过保持较高的根系活性、木栓层数、导管直径和数量,进而促进地上部生物量积累,是其具有较高耐旱性的生理机制。  相似文献   

利用大型移动防雨棚开展了玉米水分胁迫及复水试验,通过分析玉米叶片光合数据,揭示了不同生育期水分胁迫及复水对玉米光合特性及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:水分胁迫导致玉米叶片整体光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度下降以及光合速率日变化的峰值提前;水分胁迫后的玉米叶片蒸腾速率、光合速率和气孔导度为适应干旱缺水均较对照显著下降,从而提高了水分利用效率,缩小了与水分充足条件下玉米叶片的水分利用效率差值;在中度和重度水分胁迫条件下,玉米叶片的水分利用效率降幅低于光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度的降幅, 有时甚至高于正常供水条件下的水分利用效率;适度的水分胁迫能提高玉米叶片的水分利用效率,从而增强叶片对水分的利用能力,抵御干旱的逆境;水分亏缺对玉米光合速率、蒸腾速率及水分利用效率的影响具有较明显滞后效应,干旱后复水,光合作用受抑制仍然持续;水分胁迫时间越长、胁迫程度越重,叶片的光合作用越呈不可逆性;拔节-吐丝期水分胁迫对玉米叶片光合作用的逆制比三叶-拔节期更难恢复。  相似文献   

李文娆  李小利  张岁岐  山仑 《生态学报》2011,31(5):1323-1333
利用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟水分亏缺条件(胁迫水势-0.2MPa,胁迫48h),研究了变水条件下紫花苜蓿(品种:阿尔冈金和陇东)和高粱(品种:抗四)根系水力学导度(Lpr)、根系活力、根叶相对含水量、水分利用效率等参数的动态变化,以期进一步明确植物水分吸收及散失过程调控的生理生态学基础。结果表明:水分亏缺限制了紫花苜蓿和高粱根系吸水,表现在Lpr的下降和根系活力的降低;继而调控了其地上部反应,引起气孔导度、光合速率、叶片相对含水量和蒸腾速率等的下降,但限制性的提高了其水分利用效率,尤其在胁迫初期。恢复到正常供水条件后,Lpr、根系活性、气孔导度等水分利用参数逐渐部分或完全恢复到了胁迫前水平,但恢复程度存在种间和品种间差异,并且根系吸水能力的恢复对于是植株地上部生长状态的恢复至关重要,尤其是水分恢复初期。紫花苜蓿根系中检测到水通道蛋白(AQPs)的存在,水分亏缺对紫花苜蓿Lpr的影响认为主要是通过影响AQPs的活性实现的。比较紫花苜蓿和高粱水分吸收与利用状况在变水条件下的动态变化,认为紫花苜蓿幼苗对干旱逆境的适应能力相对弱于高粱,品种间陇东适应能力更强。  相似文献   

根系径向流的水力学性质主要是根的径向水流导度,它取决于径向水流通道的状况。利用改进的现有原位的测定根系径向水流导度的蒸腾计技术,设计了一个简便的4室吸水测定装置,可一次性获得根本质部水势和根径向水流导度,缩短测定时间10min,确保测定精度。然后用改进的装置测定了生长在不同水分条件下冬小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)根系的径向水流导度,结果显示根系的平均径向水流导度为4.63*10^  相似文献   

细胞相容性溶质对水分胁迫下玉米根系SOD活性的促进作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王娟  李德全 《西北植物学报》2002,22(6):1312-1317
分别用脯氨酸,甜菜碱,蔗糖,甘露醇饲喂玉米根系,PEG-6000模拟水分胁迫,测定外源相容性溶质对根系SOD活性的影响。结果表明,4种溶质对水分胁迫下玉米SOD活性有不同程度的促进作用,其大小顺序为:甘露醇>蔗糖>甜菜碱>脯氨酸。饲喂植株的MDA含量明显降低,降低程度的大小顺序同SOD活性一致。胁迫过程中SOD活性与MDA含量呈极显著负相关,有力地说明了SOD在干旱胁迫下对活性氧的清除和细胞膜结构的保护作用。细胞相容性物质可促进保护酶活性升高,提高植物的干旱适应性。  相似文献   

为探讨亚低温和干旱对植株水分传输的影响机制,以番茄幼苗为试材,利用人工气候室设置常温(昼25 ℃/夜18 ℃)和亚低温(昼15 ℃/夜8 ℃)环境,采用盆栽进行正常灌水(75%~85%田间持水量)和干旱处理(55%~65%田间持水量),分析了温度和土壤水分对番茄植株水分传输、气孔和木质部导管形态解剖结构的影响。结果表明: 与常温正常灌水处理相比,干旱处理使番茄叶水势、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、水力导度、茎流速率、气孔长度和叶、茎、根导管直径显著减小,而使叶、茎、根导管细胞壁厚度和抗栓塞能力增强;亚低温处理下番茄叶水势、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、水力导度和叶、茎、根导管直径显著降低,但气孔变大,叶、根导管细胞壁厚度和叶、茎、根抗栓塞能力显著升高。亚低温条件下土壤水分状况对番茄叶水势、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、水力导度、气孔形态、叶、根导管结构均无显著影响。总之,干旱处理下番茄通过协同调控叶、茎、根结构使植株水分关系重新达到稳态;亚低温处理下番茄植株水分关系的调控主要通过改变叶和根导管结构实现,且受土壤水分状况的影响较小。  相似文献   

不同抗旱性玉米幼苗根系抗氧化系统对水分胁迫的反应   总被引:45,自引:6,他引:39  
以抗旱性不同的2个玉米品种为材料,研究不同程度水分胁迫下玉米根系活性氧清除系统的变化及膜脂过氧化水平。明确了轻度水分胁迫下玉米根系POD、CAT、APX等保护酶活性明显提高;中、重度胁迫下其活性急剧下降,但几种酶对水分胁迫的敏感程度不同。SOD对水分胁迫表现最不敏感,在中度水分胁迫下仍保持上升趋势;抗氧化剂GSH含量变化趋势与保护酶相似;而AsA含量在不同程度水分胁迫下持续下降;MDA含量随水分胁迫程度加剧而增加。其中抗旱性强的鲁玉14与抗旱性弱的掖单13相比具有较高的保护酶活性和抗氧化剂含量,膜脂过氧化程度较轻,除POD外,品种间抗氧化酶活性(抗氧化剂含量)呈极显著差异,说明抗氧化能力强是抗旱性品种具有较强抗旱性的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

不同生态区主要育成谷子品种芽期耐旱性鉴定   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以-0.5 MPa的PEG6000作渗透介质模拟干旱条件,对不同生态区的谷子(Setaria italica(L.)Beauv.)品种(系)进行种子萌发耐旱鉴定。结果表明:在PEG6000胁迫下,萌发耐旱指数与相对根芽比、芽生长抑制率呈极显著负相关;与根生长抑制率呈正相关,但相关系数小,相关不显著;与相对发芽势呈极显著正相关,且相关系数达0.939,可以反映谷子芽期耐旱性。根据萌发耐旱指数,将201份谷子品种(系)划分为极抗旱、抗旱、中度抗旱、不抗旱和极不抗旱5个等级。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫下小麦叶片的电阻抗图谱参数与生理参数的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽实验,在适宜水分、中度干旱和严重干旱水分条件下,分别测定了3个不同抗旱类型的7个小麦品种叶片的电阻和电抗以及保护酶活性、MDA含量、细胞膜相对透性、脯氨酸和含水量等生理参数,并拟合了胞外电阻、胞内电阻、驰豫时间以及驰豫时间的分布系数等电阻抗图谱参数,分析了叶片的电阻抗图谱参数与生理参数之间的相关性。结果表明,在受到水分胁迫后,小麦叶片的CAT、POD活性较适宜水分条件下降低,MDA含量、细胞膜相对透性和脯氨酸含量增加,含水量减小;胞外电阻、胞内电阻、驰豫时间以及驰豫时间的分布系数在品种间差异均极显著(P<0.01),而仅胞内电阻在水分处理间差异显著(P<0.05);在适宜水分条件下,胞外电阻与细胞膜透性有显著负相关,驰豫时间与丙二醛、含水量之间有显著正相关,而在严重干旱条件下,驰豫时间分布系数与丙二醛含量之间有显著正相关,胞内电阻与含水量之间有显著负相关。可见,胞内电阻和驰豫时间分布系数在一定程度上反映了小麦叶片受水分胁迫的程度。  相似文献   

Hydroponic experiments were conducted in a growth chamber and changes in the hydraulic conductivity of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) roots (Lpr) at the three-leaf stage were measured using the pressure chamber method. Water deficiency was imposed with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 and the phosphorus (P) levels were controlled by complete Hoagland solution with and without P nutrient. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of P nutrition on root Lpr under water deficiency. The results showed that the Lpr in P deficiency treatments decreased markedly, but the Lpr recovered to the same value as that of control when sufficient P was supplied for 4-24 h. Water deficiency decreased Lpr, but the hydraulic conductivity of the roots with sufficient P supply was still higher than that of plants without P supply. When resuming water supply, the Lpr of the water-deficient plants under P supply recovered faster than that of plants without P supply, which indicates that plants with sufficient P nutrient are more drought tolerant and have a greater ability to recover after drought. The treatment of HgCl2 indicated that P nutrient could regulate the Lpr by affecting the activity and the expression levels of aquaporins.  相似文献   

通过对两个品种白三叶Trifolium repens cv.Haifa(海发)和Trifolium repens cv.Rivendel(瑞文德)盆栽试验,模拟3种不同的土壤水分状况(无水分胁迫:保持植株良好的水分供应;轻度胁迫:表层0~20cm土壤处于干旱状态;重度胁迫:表层0~20cm土壤处于极干旱状态,20~40cm土壤处于干旱状态)对白三叶光合作用和根系生长的影响.结果表明,当植株未遭受水分胁迫时,两个品种白三叶的光合作用和根系生长状况没有明显差异;当表层0~20cm处于干旱状态时,'海发'在处理后期的净光合速率和水分利用效率升高,根系生长量增大,表现出促进作用,'瑞文德'受到的影响不显著;当表层0~20cm处于极干旱、20~40cm处于干旱状态时,'海发'在处理前期受到轻微影响,随后恢复正常状态,'瑞文德'则受到较严重的影响.随着干旱程度的加深和时间的延长,白三叶的根冠比逐渐增大.与'瑞文德'相比,在相同时期相同胁迫程度下,'海发'的根冠比没有显著差异,但深根数量大大超过'瑞文德',因而,'海发'的耐旱能力强于'瑞文德'.  相似文献   

Effects of soil drought or waterlogging on the morphological traits of the root system and internal root anatomy were studied in maize hybrids of different drought tolerance. The investigations comprised quantitative and qualitative analyses of a developed plant root system through determining the number, length and dry matter of the particular components of the root system and some traits of the anatomical structure of the seminal root. Obtained results have demonstrated a relatively broad variation in the habit of the root system. This mainly refers, to the number, length and dry matter of lateral roots, developed by seminal root, seminal adventitious and nodal roots as well as to some anatomical properties of the stele, cortex and metaxylem elements. Plants grown under waterlogging or drought conditions showed a smaller number and less dry matter of lateral branching than plants grown in control conditions. The harmful effect of waterlogging conditions on the growth of roots was greater when compared with that of plants exposed to drought. In the measurements of the root morphological traits, the effect of soil drought on the internal root anatomical characteristic was weaker than the effect of soil waterlogging. The observed effects of both treatments were more distinct in a drought sensitive hybrid Pioneer D than in drought resistant Pioneer C one. The drought resistant hybrid Pioneer C distinguished by a more extensive rooting and by smaller alterations in the root morphology caused by the stress conditions than drought sensitive hybrid Pioneer D one. Also the differences between the resistant and the sensitive maize hybrids were apparent for examined root anatomical traits. Results confirm that the hybrid Pioneer D of a high drought susceptibility was found to be also more sensitive to periodieal soil water excess. A more efficient water use and a lower shoot to root (S:R) ratio were found to be major reasons for a higher stress resistance of the hybrid Pioneer C. The reasons for a different response of the examined hybrids to the conditions of drought or waterlogging may be a more economical water balance and more favourable relations between the shoot and root dimensions in the drought resistant genotype. The observed modifications of the internal root structure caused by water deficit in plant tissues may partly influence on water conductivity and transport within roots. The results suggest that the morphological and anatomical traits of the maize root system may be used in practice as direct or indirect selection criteria in maize breeding.  相似文献   

Hydroponic experiments were conducted in a growth chamber and changes in the hydraulic conductivity of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) roots (Lpr) at the three-leaf stage were measured using the pressure chamber method. Water deficiency was imposed with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 and the phosphorus (P) levels were controlled by complete Hoagland solution with and without P nutrient. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of P nutrition on root Lpr under water deficiency. The results showed that the Lpr in P deficiency treatments decreased markedly, but the Lpr recovered to the same value as that of control when sufficient P was supplied for 4-24 h. Water deficiency decreased Lpr, but the hydraulic conductivity of the roots with sufficient P supply was still higher than that of plants without P supply. When resuming water supply, the Lpr of the water-deficient plants under P supply recovered faster than that of plants without P supply, which indicates that plants with sufficient P nutrient are more drought tolerant and have a greater ability to recover after drought. The treatment of HgCl2 indicated that P nutrient could regulate the Lpr by affecting the activity and the expression levels of aquaporins.  相似文献   

Radial hydraulic conductivity along developing onion roots   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Although most studies have shown that water uptake varies along the length of a developing root, there is no consistent correlation of this pattern with root anatomy. In the present study, water movement into three zones of onion roots was measured by a series of mini-potometers. Uptake was least in the youngest zone (mean hydraulic conductivity, Lpr = 1.5 x 10(-7) +/- 0.34 x 10(-7) m MPa-1 s-1; +/- SE, n = 10 roots) in which the endodermis had developed only Casparian bands and the exodermis was immature. Uptake was significantly greater in the middle zone (Lpr = 2.4 x 10(-7) +/- 0.43 x 10(-7) m MPa-1 s-1; +/- SE, n = 10 roots) which had a mature exodermis with both Casparian bands and suberin lamellae, and continued at this level in the oldest zone in which the endodermis had also developed suberin lamellae (Lpr = 2.8 x 10(-7) +/- 0.30 x 10(-7) m MPa-1 s-1; +/- SE, n = 10 roots). Measurements of the hydraulic conductivities of individual cells (Lp) in the outer cortex using a cell pressure probe indicated that this parameter was uniform in all three zones tested (Lp = 1.3 x 10(-6) +/- 0.01 x 10(-6) m MPa-1 s-1; +/- SE, n = 60 cells). Lp of the youngest zone was lowered by mercuric chloride treatment, indicating the involvement of mercury-sensitive water channels (aquaporins). Water flow in the older two root zones measured by mini-potometers was also inhibited by mercuric chloride, despite the demonstrated impermeability of their exodermal layers to this substance. Thus, water channels in the epidermis and/or exodermis of the older regions were especially significant for water flow. The results of this and previous studies are discussed in terms of two models. The first, which describes maize root with an immature exodermis, is the 'uniform resistance model' where hydraulic resistances are evenly distributed across the root cylinder. The second, which describes the onion root with a mature exodermis, is the 'non-uniform resistance model' where resistances can be variable and are concentrated in a certain layer(s) on the radial path.  相似文献   

向日葵根系水通道蛋白活性与苗龄关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
刘晚苟  山仑 《西北植物学报》2003,23(10):1663-1668
利用压力室结合水通道蛋白抑制剂氯化汞(HgCl2)检测了不同苗龄(15d、25d和35d)向日葵根系水通道的活性,结果显示此生长期间根系导水率保持相对恒定,但0.1mmol/L氯化汞使所有苗龄根系的水流速率和根系导水率迅速降低,而降幅随根龄的增大而增大,表明向日葵根存在调节水分进入根系的水通道蛋白,其活性随根龄的增大而提高,质外体水流随根龄的增大而减小。结论是:在根系生长过程中,细胞到细胞途径水通道蛋白活性的提高可以补偿由于质外体途径导水度降低所致根系导水率的降低,从而维持根系导水率的相对稳定。  相似文献   

Drought resistance of rice is a complex trait and is mainly determined by mechanisms of drought avoidance and drought tolerance. The present study was conducted to characterize the genetic basis of drought resistance at reproductive stage in field by analyzing the QTLs for drought response index (DRI, normalized by potential yield and flowering time), relative yield, relative spikelet fertility, and four traits of plant water status and their relationships with root traits using a recombinant inbred population derived from a cross between an indica rice and upland rice. A total of 39 QTLs for these traits were detected with individual QTL explained 5.1–32.1% of phenotypic variation. Only two QTLs for plant water status were commonly detected in two environments, suggesting different mechanisms might exist in two types of soil conditions. DRI has no correlation with potential yield and flowering time under control, suggesting that it can be used as a good drought resistance index in field conditions. The co-location of QTLs for canopy temperature and delaying in flowering time suggested a usefulness of these two traits as indexes in drought resistance screening. Correlation and QTL congruence between root traits and putative drought tolerance traits revealed that drought avoidance (via thick and deep root traits) was the main genetic basis of drought resistance in sandy soil condition, while drought tolerance may play more role in the genetic basis of drought resistance in paddy soil condition. Therefore, both drought mechanisms and soil textures must be considered in the improvement of drought resistance at reproductive stage in rice.  相似文献   

Menghua Xiao  Yuanyuan Li 《Phyton》2021,90(4):1131-1146
The flooding caused by heavy rainfall in rice irrigation area and the drought caused by the drop of groundwater level are the research focus in the field of irrigation and drainage. Based on the comparative experiment and farmland water level control technology, this paper studied the average soil temperature under different soil layers (TM), the daily temperature change (TDC), the photosynthetic accumulation of single leaf and canopy in rice, and response of photothermal energy to rice root characteristics and growth factors in the paddy field under drought conditions. The results showed that the peak soil temperature under drought treatment was basically synchronous with the conventional irrigation, and the it was delayed by 2–6 h under flooding treatment compared to the drought treatment. Under different water gradients, the temperature decreased according to TL > TCK > TH (L, H and CK represented water flooding, drought and control treatments), and the TDC was opposite. In addition to milky stage, the daily photosynthetic (Pn) accumulation of single leaf and canopy in the flooding and drought treated paddy fields were lower than conventional irrigation, and had a negative impact on leaf area index (LAI) and yield (YR), but did not form fatal damage. The root characteristic factors, RL (root length), RW (root weight), R-CR (root-canopy ratio) were promoted with drought, and YR under light drought was slightly higher than that under heavy drought. There was a strong positive correlation between TM and R-CR in all rice growth stages, while TDC-5 was negatively correlated with effective panicle number, TDC and R-CR in 20 cm soil layer were positively correlated. The correlation between daily Pn accumulation and YR was low, and the correlation between Pn and YR factors was negative or weak positive or negative. The total Pn was positively correlated with yield factors, and the correlation coefficient was higher than that of daily Pn.  相似文献   

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