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根据对苏北新元古代九顶山组似锥叠层石标本的剖析,初步揭示构成似Conophyton叠层石的微生物席可以分为两类.这两类席被作者称为"开端微生物席(first microbial mat)”和"继承微生物席(succedent microbial mat)”.它们在整个叠层石发生和发育过程中起作不同作用.Conophyton叠层石的形态发生可能与开端微生物席的造型有着密切联系,这类微生物席在叠层石形成过程中起作生长"芽”或模具作用.继承微生物席仅仅起作叠层石的增高或增大的作用,它的发育经常受环境制约.  相似文献   

根据对苏北新元古代九顶山组似锥叠层石标本的分析,初步揭示构成似Conophyton叠层珠微生物席可以分为两类。这两类席被作者称为“开端微生物席(first microbial mat)”和“继承微生物席(succedent microbial mat)”。它们在整个叠层石发生和发育过程中起作不同作用。Conophyton叠层石的形态发生可能与开端微生物席的造型有着密切联系,这类微生物席在叠层石形态过程中起作生长“芽”或模具作用。继承微生物席仅仅起作叠层石的增高或增大的作用,它的发育经常受环境制约。  相似文献   

苏皖北部新元古代微生物化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏皖北部新元古代海相泥页岩,粉砂岩及燧石中富含微生物化石,其中,通过化学浸解法,从碎屑岩中获得14个形态属种的微生物化石;6个形态属种的蓝细菌化石呈三维立体状态保存在燧石切片中。浸解获得的泥页岩,粉砂岩相微生物化石,在刘老碑组中-上部的主要是片形和球形:Laminarites antiquis-simus,Leiosphaeridia pelucida,Spumiosa alara及Asperatopsophosphaera bavlinensis;在九里桥组,贾园组和赵圩组主要为多面形和球形;Monilinema quadratucella及Synsphaeridium sp.而史家组,金山寨组和沟后组则有丰富的球形,片形,梭形和带形个体;Leiosphaeridia hyperboreica,Trachysphaeridium simplex,Annulum difuminatum,Nucellosphaeridium asperatum,Tophoporata sp.Symplassosphaeridium sp,Macroptycha uniplicata及Taenia-tum simplex。该微生物组合可与河北及天津蓟县的新元古界景儿峪组和下马岭组的相对比,虽然上述微生物化石的系统古生物学仍在研究中,但却为我们了解新元古代大冰期前夕近岸海相环境生物圈提供了有关浮游植物的信息。苏皖北部新元古代倪园组及九顶山组的燧石中,保存良好的微生物三维立体化石为丝形和球形蓝细菌遗留物,包括Siphonophycus sp,Eoentophysalis belcherensis,Eozygion grande,Tetraphycus conjionceum,Globophycus rugosum及Caryospharoides pristine。该蓝细菌组合可能是底栖的,它们出现在非叠层石的碳酸盐沉积环境。  相似文献   

叠层石的形态和它们与陆源沉积的关系反映了沉积盆地的构造背景.在巴西中部地区,叠层石出现在中元古和新元古代的Paranoa群、Vazante群和Bambui群.根据沉积学和矿物学的研究分析,Paranoá群形成于被动边缘盆地,而另外两个群形成于前陆盆地.Vazante群沉积在形成巴西褶皱带的山脉附近,然而Bambui群的大部分都形成于克拉通地区.通常远离山脉褶皱带的Paranoá群和B2mbuí群内的叠层石建造的形态和规模的改变与环境的变化有关.在柱状生长方向的频繁变化和不规则的丰富陆源物质的夹层进入叠层石,表征活跃的构造背景,例如在Vazante,Paranoá群和Bambuí群的西部.  相似文献   

徐淮地区新元古代叠层石组合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐淮地区新元古代海相碳酸盐岩地层分布广泛,其中由微生物生命活动形成的叠层石十分发育,构成了各种形态及规模的礁体,文内拟就该区地层序列中叠层石组合及其演变过程,讨论其环境的变迁及区域地层对比,根据徐淮地区叠层石组合的层位分布特点,可划分为3个亚组合,自上而下分别为:亚组合I,星散分布于贾园组,赵圩组及九里桥组,以Baicalia,Jurusania,Inzeria,Crassphloem,Grmnosolen及Stratifera为特征,形成小型点礁和生物丘,亚组合Ⅱ。广泛分布于倪园组,九顶山组,张渠组,魏集组,史家组,望山组及四顶山组,包括Conophyton,Jacutophyton,Acaciella,Baicalia,Jurusania,Linella,Tungussia,Anabaria,Minjaria,Katavia,Gymnosolen,Colonnella及Stratifera等多种类型,建造起巨大而复杂的堡礁,堤礁,斑礁,环礁及生物丘/层,亚组合Ⅲ,仅见于金山寨组,以Boxonia,Xiehiella及Anabaria为主,构成中型的点礁及生物丘,这套叠层石组合面貌,造礁规模及多样化程度说明,它们显然形成于新元古代大冰期之前的叠层石繁盛期,其层位大致可与我国华北及东北青白口系上部,俄罗斯上里菲系及澳大利亚苦泉组的叠层石组合对比。  相似文献   

锥叠层石(Conophyton),前人已经作出了良好的古生物学、地层学、古生态学、沉积学和古地磁学研究成果。本文在此基础上对Conophyton的向阳性判别标志开展探讨。初步认为:锥叠层石的高峰型和低峰型两种形态在空间分布上存在相互垂直的组合关系,高峰型锥叠层石两翼的藻席发育或藻丝体密度存在一定程度的不对称性。这种现象似乎与锥叠层石生活的弱动力水流环境而又具有较强趋光性能力有关。通过野外定向标本采集和室内薄片观察,获得新元古代九顶山组锥叠层石的古向阳性方向为现今地理坐标的NE45°。  相似文献   

新元古代奇异叠层石和凝块石中可疑的动物活动证据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹瑞骥 《古生物学报》1999,38(3):291-304
在湖北保康马桥地区,新元古代神农架群石家冲组产出一套奇异的叠层石,凝块石和叠层石-凝块石联合体。其中叠层石具类似于食草和钻孔动物破坏的疤痕,通过对上述构造形态和特征分析,这些构造可能与后生动物的活动有关,但也不排除它们是非生物成因的可能。这些后生动物似乎已显示高度发育的行为。当前的资料表明,在凝块石构造与食草和钻孔动物生态效应之间似乎存在着一种紧密的联系,在生物进化史上,寒武纪生命大爆发似乎仅是一  相似文献   

叠层石的形态和它们与陆源沉积的关系反映了沉积盆地的构造背景。在巴西中部地区 ,叠层石出现在中元古和新元古代的 Paranoa′群、Vazante群和 Bambui′群。根据沉积学和矿物学的研究分析 ,Paranoa′群形成于被动边缘盆地 ,而另外两个群形成于前陆盆地。Vazante群沉积在形成巴西褶皱带的山脉附近 ,然而 Bam bui′群的大部分都形成于克拉通地区。通常远离山脉褶皱带的 Paranoa′群和 Bambui′群内的叠层石建造的形态和规模的改变与环境的变化有关。在柱状生长方向的频繁变化和不规则的丰富陆源物质的夹层进入叠层石 ,表征活跃的构造背景 ,例如在Vazante,Paranoa′群和 Bam bui′群的西部  相似文献   

叠层石性状编码是运用一组阿拉伯数字记录叠层石各种性状的编码。反映一个叠层石形态和结构特征的性状主要包括柱体形态、大小、高度、分枝方式、分枝频率、层理形态、叠置方式、柱体边缘特征、横断面形态和微结构等十个项目。编码的每一个序列代表上述每一个项目,每一种叠层石的性状编码由10个阿拉伯数字组成。而每个序列的阿拉伯数字则代表此项目的不同性状。本文在对前人资料的深入剖析的基础上,记录我国新元古代常见的叠层石(西北39属种,东部47属种,湖北大洪山和神农架19属种,扬子区埃迪卡拉纪6属种)的性状编码。  相似文献   

中国叠层石研究的历史和现状   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
中国前寒武纪地层分布广泛。在20世纪70-80年代,中国学者对晚前寒武纪的叠层石进行了系统的研究,描述了类型众多的叠层石属种,并把叠层石组合应用于地层的划分和对比。近年来,为了揭示叠层石的形态发生,中国学者正在探讨硅质叠层石的生物组构模式和叠层石微层理的成因,以及叠层石中微生物生长、运动和造席过程。  相似文献   

再论假裸枝叠层石科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概要地介绍了假裸枝科叠层石的特征、分布时限、分类系统、研究方法和形成环境.提出该科叠层石有可能作为我国中元古代乃至蓟县系叠层石标志的意见.  相似文献   

Carboniferous to Permian marine stromatolites are widely dispersed across the Pangaean margins and embayments and are typified by the ‘Ottonosia-grade stromatolite’ (designated herein). This stromatolite type consists of a well-laminated oncoid or domical stromatoid that developed into branching, laminated columns in the upper reaches. To develop a model for the global pattern, we investigated Lower Permian stromatolites from Kansas (Howe Limestone Member, Red Eagle Limestone). Stromatoids from the Lyon County locality typify the Ottonosia-grade stromatolites. The laminae are sharp throughout the stromatoid and are defined by an increase in cornuspirid foraminfera and algal filaments. The upper zone of the stromatoid is composed of well-laminated branching and brecciated columns (‘pseudo-thrombolitic’). Coeval stromatolites from a new exposure at the Tuttle Creek Dam spillway possess a more massive mesostructure. These stromatolites are composed of a turbinate stromatoid or oncoid base and an overlying domical stromatoid, and are rimmed by smaller meandering columns. Only the basal stromatoid, oncoids, and upper columns are well laminated. In both localities, the microbial-constructing ecosystem is dominated by cornuspirids and calcifying filamentous algae (?Girvanella). The mesostructural differences of the stromatolites are due to different environments of formation. The Tuttle Creek stromatolites formed in a shallow-subtidal to intertidal open marine setting. The coeval Lyon County stromatolites formed in a semi-restricted, marginal marine environment such as a lagoon or supratidal zone. Based on this information and independent sedimentological data, we conclude that lagoonal or supratidal zones were common features in the late Paleozoic intracratonal zones of the Pangaean supercontinent and account for Ottonosia-grade stromatolites occurring in the Laurentian mid-continent, the Zechstein Basin, Japan, Brazil, and Tunisia.  相似文献   

Archean and Proterozoic stromatolites are sparry or fine‐grained and finely laminated; coarse‐grained stromatolites, such as many found in modern marine systems, do not appear until quite late in the fossil record. The cause of this textural change and its relevance to understanding the evolutionary history of stromatolites is unclear. Cyanobacteria are typically considered the dominant stromatolite builders through time, but studies demonstrating the trapping and binding abilities of cyanobacterial mats are limited. With this in mind, we conducted experiments to test the grain trapping and binding capabilities of filamentous cyanobacterial mats and trapping in larger filamentous algal mats in order to better understand grain size trends in stromatolites. Mats were cut into squares, inclined in saltwater tanks at angles from 0 to 75° (approximating the angle of lamina in typical stromatolites), and grains of various sizes (fine sand, coarse sand, and fine pebbles) were delivered to their surface. Trapping of grains by the cyanobacterial mats depended strongly on (i) how far filaments protruded from the sediment surface, (ii) grain size, and (iii) the mat's incline angle. The cyanobacterial mats were much more effective at trapping fine grains beyond the abiotic slide angle than larger grains. In addition, the cyanobacterial mats actively bound grains of all sizes over time. In contrast, the much larger algal mats trapped medium and coarse grains at all angles. Our experiments suggest that (i) the presence of detrital grains beyond the abiotic slide angle can be considered a biosignature in ancient stromatolites where biogenicity is in question, and, (ii) where coarse grains are present within stromatolite laminae at angles beyond the abiotic angle of slide (e.g., most modern marine stromatolites), typical cyanobacterial‐type mats are probably not solely responsible for the construction, giving insight into the evolution of stromatolite microfabrics through time.  相似文献   

The unique geochemical coupling of organic molecules and mineral CaCO3 provides a fluorescence signature detectable using conventional confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The surface microbial mats of open-water marine stromatolites (Bahamas) exist in a continuum of states ranging from a Type 1 (i.e., nonlithifying) to Type 2 (i.e., lithified micritic laminae present) to Type 3 (i.e., fused grain layer). An approach was developed here, that utilizes geographical information systems (GIS) and digital image analysis, coupled with CSLM to estimate concentrations of calcium carbonate precipitates in developing marine stromatolites. We propose that the area occupied by particles within each image can be used to estimate concentrations of precipitates. Fluorescent polymeric microbeads and bacteria were used to calibrate the approach. We used this approach to demonstrate that CaCO3 precipitates in lithifying layers were quantifiable and significantly different (p < 0.0001) from those in nonlithifying layers. The approach provided a useful tool for the unambiguous assessment of relative changes in microbial precipitates occurring over small ( μ m to mm) spatial scales, and that characterize the formation of lithified layers (micritic laminae) in open-water marine stromatolites.  相似文献   

Bosak T  Greene SE  Newman DK 《Geobiology》2007,5(2):119-126
Although cyanobacteria are the dominant primary producers in modern stromatolites and other microbialites, the oldest stromatolites pre-date geochemical evidence for oxygenic photosynthesis and cyanobacteria in the rock record. As a step towards the development of laboratory models of stromatolite growth, we tested the potential of a metabolically ancient anoxygenic photosynthetic bacterium to build stromatolites. This organism, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, stimulates the precipitation of calcite in solutions already highly saturated with respect to calcium carbonate, and greatly facilitates the incorporation of carbonate grains into proto-lamina (i.e. crusts). The appreciable stimulation of the growth of proto-lamina by a nonfilamentous anoxygenic microbe suggests that similar microbes may have played a greater role in the formation of Archean stromatolites than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Summary Despite extensive discussions during the last 20 years stromatolites are still used by many geologists as unequivocal indicators of very shallow-water conditions. We investigated four stratigraphic units from the Lower and Middle Jurassic of southern Germany (Posidonien-Schiefer, Amaltheen-Ton) and of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Adneter Kalk, Klauskalk), which were formerly interpreted as shallow marine sediments by some authors due to the occurrence of stromatolites. Our interpretations of the macro-, micro- and ultrafacies of these sediments are not compatible with shallow-water settings. We therefore propose a deep-marine, aphotic origin of these stromatolites. Former interpretations of the Posidonien-Schiefer as a shallow-water deposit are mainly based on the occurrence of stromatolites. We favour the model of a temporarily stagnant, deep, aphotic basin for these planktonrich sediments. Particles resembling ooids, but lying within mudstones cannot be taken as evidence for shallow agitated water. They either formed within the mud or are allochthonous. The deep-water setting of the red limestone of the Alpine Early and Middle Jurassic is indicated by a lack of platform-typical components like coated grains and phototrophic benthos and by shells of plankton and nekton forming a major part of the sediment. Stromatolites occur on the steep slope of a drowned Rhaetian reef with an estimated relief of 50–100 m and immediately below and within radiolarian limestones, deposited below the aragonite compensation depth (ACD). The aphotic stromatolites show some morphological differences to their shallow water counterparts. In all of our sections they occurred during intervals of reduced sedimentation. They form only thin horizons and probably grew very slowly. Mineralizations by Fe−Mn oxides and phosphate are very common. The presence of a microbial film is evident from binding of sedimentary particles, but the nature of the microbes is not known. Growth habits within the very distinct environments of red limestone and black shales show some common features, but also clear differences. The microproblematicumFrutexites Maslov is a very common component in deep-water stromatolites, but may also itself form small crusts or dendrolites. It occurs in two different forms. Opaque, slender forms with indistinct outlines probably grew within the weakly lithified sediment. Thicker, transparent forms with well defined outlines are found in cavities and probably also grew on the seafloor. Well preserved specimens display an internal fabric of radially arranged fibres of Fe−Mn oxides and calcite. It is suggested that calcite or aragonite were one original mineralogy ofFrutexites, which was later replaced by Fe−Mn oxides or phosphate. It is not certain whetherFrutexites is an organic, biomineralized structure or an inorganic mineralization, but the variable mineralogy and growth forms in different environments point to an organic origin. But even if organic, the occurrence in cryptic habitats and negative phototactic growth-directions make it clear thatFrutexites was not phototrophic.  相似文献   

台湾地区上下第三系界线划分的孢粉学证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对台湾中部南投县国姓地区北港溪剖面的孢粉样品分析,结合已有的台湾北部基隆地区万里-大武仑露头剖面的孢粉资料,认为台湾地区上下第三系界线置于炭寮地层与十四股层(南投)或公馆凝灰岩与木山层(基隆)之间较为合理。其孢粉组合特征,反映出古气候由晚渐新世经含桤木粉-松粉孢粉组合为特征的寒冷潮湿的北亚热带型向早中新世以含榆科、栎属孢粉组合为特征的温暖湿润的南亚热带型过渡趋势。由于南海北部大陆架北坡的珠海组  相似文献   

We describe stromatolites forming at an altitude of 3570 m at the shore of a volcanic lake Socompa, Argentinean Andes. The water at the site of stromatolites formation is alkaline, hypersaline, rich in inorganic nutrients, very rich in arsenic, and warm (20–24°C) due to a hydrothermal input. The stromatolites do not lithify, but form broad, rounded and low-domed bioherms dominated by diatom frustules and aragonite micro-crystals agglutinated by extracellular substances. In comparison to other modern stromatolites, they harbour an atypical microbial community characterized by highly abundant representatives of Deinococcus-Thermus, Rhodobacteraceae, Desulfobacterales and Spirochaetes. Additionally, a high proportion of the sequences that could not be classified at phylum level showed less than 80% identity to the best hit in the NCBI database, suggesting the presence of novel distant lineages. The primary production in the stromatolites is generally high and likely dominated by Microcoleus sp. Through negative phototaxis, the location of these cyanobacteria in the stromatolites is controlled by UV light, which greatly influences their photosynthetic activity. Diatoms, dominated by Amphora sp., are abundant in the anoxic, sulfidic and essentially dark parts of the stromatolites. Although their origin in the stromatolites is unclear, they are possibly an important source of anaerobically degraded organic matter that induces in situ aragonite precipitation. To the best of our knowledge, this is so far the highest altitude with documented actively forming stromatolites. Their generally rich, diverse and to a large extent novel microbial community likely harbours valuable genetic and proteomic reserves, and thus deserves active protection. Furthermore, since the stromatolites flourish in an environment characterized by a multitude of extremes, including high exposure to UV radiation, they can be an excellent model system for studying microbial adaptations under conditions that, at least in part, resemble those during the early phase of life evolution on Earth.  相似文献   

Some modern laminated find calcified stromatolitic structures are partially or completely formed by eukaryotes. Diatom populations in freshwater environments with elevated ionic concentrations contribute to calcite precipitation, and the formation of distinctive mineral-rich stromatolitic laminae. Two types of stromatolite-forming diatom populations were observed. In the first example, in stromatolites growing on a quarry ledge near Laegerdorf, North Germany, calcite crystals with biogenic imprints form around polysaccharide stalks of the diatom Gomphonema olivaceum var. calcarea (Cleve) Cleve-Euler. These individually precipitated crystals eventually become cemented together in layers, forming rigid, laminated stromatolitic deposits which drape over the quarry ledge. In the second example, in stromatolites forming in a shallow stream near Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, Mexico, diatomaceous laminae also form by the accumulation of carbonate particles in a matrix of diatoms and their extracellular polysaccharide products. These laminae become thick enough to drape over individual stromatolite heads. The diatoms responsible for these deposits are Amphora aff. A. katii Selva, Nitzschia denticula Grun., and six other species. At Cuatro Ciénegas, in addition to the diatomaceous laminae, carbonate-rich cyanobacterial layers, dominated by two cyanobacterial species with different fabrics and porosities, are also present and contribute substantially to the growth of the stromatolites. In both the Laegerdorf and Cuatro Ciénegas examples, entire stromatolites or thick laminations on stromatolites are built by a small number of diatom species which produce copious amounts of extracellular stalk, gel, and sheath material, a propertuy they share with cyanobacterial stromatolite builders.  相似文献   

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