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间歇低温胁迫对桃果实细胞壁代谢的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
桃果实在成熟过程中细胞壁于物质不断减少,随着共价结合果胶质和离子结合果胶质减少,水溶性果胶质明显增加,纤维素也逐渐减少,但半纤维素含量变化较小,低温胁迫造成果胶质和纤维素的降解过程受,从而造成较高分子量果胶质的积累,果汁粘度升高。中途加温则能促进果胶质和纤维素的溶和解聚,引导细胞进行与果实成熟有关的细胞壁代谢,14C-蔗糖标记试验表明,在细胞壁不断降解的同时,也进行着合成,在果实成熟的启动阶段,细胞壁的合成能力加强,果实衰老过程与细胞壁合成减少有着直接的联系,受到低温伤害的果实细胞壁物质含量高于正常果实的原因,并不是其合成水平的升高,而是其降解的减慢。  相似文献   

细胞壁代谢与琯溪蜜柚果实成熟过程汁胞粒化的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以易发生汁胞粒化的老龄树和不易发生汁胞粒化的适龄树的琯溪蜜柚(Citrus grandis(L.)Osbeck‘Guanximiyou’1果实为材料,研究了果实成熟过程中汁胞粒化发生与细胞壁代谢的关系。结果表明:老龄树果实的汁胞粒化指数随着果实成熟而上升。在汁胞粒化发生过程中,汁胞维持较低的细胞壁降解酶[果胶甲酯酶(PE)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)、纤维素酶(Cx)]活性,保持较高的细胞壁物质(原果胶、纤维素、半纤维素)含量;尤其在汁胞粒化的起动阶段和加快阶段,纤维素、半纤维素含量极显著增加。相反,适龄树果实的汁胞粒化指数在果实成熟过程中变化不大,汁胞中细胞壁降解酶活性较高,促进原果胶、纤维素、半纤维素等细胞壁物质的降解,保持较低的细胞壁物质含量,使汁胞发育正常、柔软多汁。这说明PE、PG、Cx活性和原果胶、纤维素、半纤维素含量与錧溪蜜柚汁胞粒化密切相关。  相似文献   

以丰香和红丰草莓为试材,对果实发育成熟过程中细胞壁水解酶活性和细胞壁成份变化进行了研究.结果表明:半乳糖苷酶和α-甘露糖苷酶活性随草莓果实成熟而提高,葡萄糖苷酶活性不随草莓果实成熟而提高.随着果实发育成熟,纤维素酶活性、果胶酶活性不断提高.果实中未检测到内切多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性,外切多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性变化不随果实成熟软化而提高.随果实发育成熟,细胞壁中可溶性果胶和半纤维素增加,而离子结合果胶和共价结合果胶及纤维素减少.  相似文献   

高等植物细胞壁中纤维素的合成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植物细胞壁主要由纤维素、半纤维素、木质素和果胶质等构成.近年来,在细胞壁形成,如纤维素合成方面的研究取得了一系列非常令人鼓舞的进展.本文就高等植物细胞壁中纤维素合成机制的研究进展作一介绍.  相似文献   

植物细胞的细胞膜外具有细胞壁。构成细胞壁的物质种类很多,特别重要的有构架物质——纤维素,主要树质——半纤维素和果胶质等。关于纤维素和果胶质的结构、合成过程等已研究得较为清楚,而对半纤维素的研究则远未深入。  相似文献   

内切-1,4-β-葡聚糖酶在植物细胞生长发育中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内切-1,4-β-葡聚糖酶(EGases)可以催化水解具有1,4-β-葡聚糖主链的多聚糖,如纤维素和木葡聚糖分子,从而参与对细胞壁的修饰.植物细胞中存在一个EGase蛋白家族,且多为分泌蛋白;在植物细胞中还存在另一类跨膜EGase,是细胞壁纤维素生物合成所必需的,但植物EGases在体外具有降解纤维素人造底物羧甲基纤维素(CMC)的能力,而绝大多数植物EGases在活体细胞中并不能有效地降解结晶态纤维素分子和木葡聚糖分子.本文就EGases在细胞伸长、果实成熟和组织器官脱落等发育过程中的作用,以及EGases在植物纤维素合成与降解中的作用进行综述.  相似文献   

比较桃品种‘双久红’和‘川中岛白桃’果实成熟前后20 d内果肉硬度、细胞壁成分和细胞壁降解酶活性变化的结果表明,桃果实成熟5 d后,‘双久红’桃果实的硬度、纤维素含量和原果胶含量均极显著高于‘川中岛白桃’:从成熟前15 d开始,‘双久红’的水溶性果胶含量、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性和纤维素酶活性均极显著低于‘川中岛白桃’;整个成熟期间,‘双久红’的果胶甲酯酶活性明显低于‘川中岛白桃’。相关分析表明,果实硬度与原果胶、纤维素含量呈极显著正相关,而与可溶性果胶含量、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性和纤维素酶活性呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

柿果实采后软化过程中细胞壁组分代谢和超微结构的变化   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
柿果实采后果胶酯酶活性迅速上升,其活性与果实硬度的下降呈明显的负相关。多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性增加缓慢,但其活性与果实硬度的下降无明显相关性。β-半乳糖苷酶活性迅速增加,其活性与果实硬度的下降呈明显的负相关。纤维素酶活性呈逐渐上升趋势,与果实硬度的下降也呈明显的负相关。伴随着细胞壁水解酶活性的增加,果实原果胶和纤维素含量迅速下降,而水溶性果胶含量则迅速上升。柿果刚采收时细胞壁结构完整,3d后细胞壁中胶层基本被溶解,甚至初生壁也局部发生降解。  相似文献   

苹果果实发育期间细胞壁组分变化特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以 '富士'、'国光'、'红星'、'金冠'和'嘎拉'5个苹果品种为试材,分析了果实发育成熟过程细胞壁物质(CWM)、水溶性果胶(WSP)、共价结合果胶(CSP)、离子结合果胶(ISP)、纤维素及半纤维素各组分变化.结果表明:在苹果果实发育过程中,5个品种果实CWM含量变化均呈先升后降的变化规律,均以果实膨大期为其含量下降的转折点;果实总果胶含量均呈不断降低的趋势,其中CSP为主导成分,'富士'和'国光'果实CSP含量最高,WSP含量最低,'嘎拉'与'红星'果实3种果胶含量变化居中,'金冠'果实总果胶含量最低且变化小,但在近成熟期'红星'和'金冠'果实WSP呈明显的上升趋势.果实半纤维素含量也具相似的变化规律,'国光'、'富士'和'金冠'等3个品种的高峰值显著高于'嘎拉'和'红星';比较5个品种纤维素含量,'国光'果实在成熟期之前显著高于其他4品种,而其他4品种的纤维素含量变化比较平稳.  相似文献   

益智胚珠的珠心冠原与承珠盘细胞壁的组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用组织化学方法研究了益智胚珠中珠心冠原与承珠盘细胞壁的组成。珠心冠原细胞壁含有纤维素、胼胝质、果胶质,但不含栓质。承珠盘细胞壁含有纤维素、木质素、果胶质,也不含栓质。讨论了珠心冠原与承珠盘细胞壁的组成及承珠盘的可能功能。  相似文献   

Pectin methylesterase (PME, EC 3.1.11) demethoxylates pectins and is believed to be involved in degradation of pectic cell wall components by polygalacturonase in ripening tomato fruit. We have introduced antisense and sense chimeric PME genes into tomato to elucidate the role of PME in fruit development and ripening. Fruits from transgenic plants expressing high levels of antisense PME RNA showed <10% of wild-type PME enzyme activity and undetectable levels of PME protein and mRNA. Lower PME enzyme activity in fruits from transgenic plants was associated with an increased molecular weight and methylesterification of pectins and decreased levels of total and chelator soluble polyuronides in cell walls. The fruits of transgenic plants also contained higher levels of soluble solids than wild-type fruits. This trait was maintained in subsequent generations and segregated in normal Mendelian fashion with the antisense PME gene. These results indicate that reduction in PME enzyme activity in ripening tomato fruits had a marked influence on fruit pectin metabolism and increased the soluble solids content of fruits, but did not interfere with the ripening process.  相似文献   

The Charentais variety of melon (Cucumis melo cv Reticulatus F1 Alpha) was observed to undergo very rapid ripening, with the transition from the preripe to overripe stage occurring within 24 to 48 h. During this time, the flesh first softened and then exhibited substantial disintegration, suggesting that Charentais may represent a useful model system to examine the temporal sequence of changes in cell wall composition that typically take place in softening fruit. The total amount of pectin in the cell wall showed little reduction during ripening but its solubility changed substantially. Initial changes in pectin solubility coincided with a loss of galactose from tightly bound pectins, but preceded the expression of polygalacturonase (PG) mRNAs, suggesting early, PG-independent modification of pectin structure. Depolymerization of polyuronides occurred predominantly in the later ripening stages, and after the appearance of PG mRNAs, suggesting the existence of PG-dependent pectin degradation in later stages. Depolymerization of hemicelluloses was observed throughout ripening, and degradation of a tightly bound xyloglucan fraction was detected at the early onset of softening. Thus, metabolism of xyloglucan that may be closely associated with cellulose microfibrils may contribute to the initial stages of fruit softening. A model is presented of the temporal sequence of cell wall changes during cell wall disassembly in ripening Charentais melon.  相似文献   

The potential significance of the previously reported papaya (Carica papaya L.) beta-galactosidase/galactanase (beta-d-galactoside galactohydrolase; EC isoforms, beta-gal I, II and III, as softening enzymes during ripening was evaluated for hydrolysis of pectins while still structurally attached to unripe fruit cell wall, and hemicelluloses that were already solubilized in 4 M alkali. The enzymes were capable of differentially hydrolyzing the cell wall as evidenced by increased pectin solubility, pectin depolymerization, and degradation of the alkali-soluble hemicelluloses (ASH). This enzyme catalyzed in vitro changes to the cell walls reflecting in part the changes that occur in situ during ripening. beta-Galactosidase II was most effective in hydrolyzing pectin, followed by beta-gal III and I. The reverse appeared to be true with respect to the hemicelluloses. Hemicellulose, which was already released from any architectural constraints, seemed to be hydrolyzed more extensively than the pectins. The ability of the beta-galactanases to markedly hydrolyze pectin and hemicellulose suggests that galactans provide a structural cross-linkage between the cell wall components. Collectively, the results support the case for a functional relevance of the papaya enzymes in softening related changes during ripening.  相似文献   

Partially tree-ripened ripe fruit of peach (Prunus persica L.) were stored for 1-4 weeks at 5 degrees C and then ripened at 20 degrees C for 3 d to induce chilling injury. With increasing cold storage the incidence and severity of mealiness symptoms increased progressively, manifested as reduced quantities of free juice and internal flesh browning. Relative to juicy fruit, tissue of mealy fruit showed altered intercellular adhesion when examined by microscopy and, upon crushing, a higher proportion of cells remained intact and did not release cellular contents. Substantial alterations in the metabolism of cell wall polysaccharides were observed. Chelator-soluble polyuronides from mealy fruit were partially depolymerized during cold storage in a manner dissimilar to that in unripe or ripe juicy fruit, and were not depolymerized further during the ripening period. The solubility of these high molecular weight pectins remained low, and did not show the increase characteristic of juicy fruit. Furthermore, in mealy fruit the dramatic decline in the polymeric Ara content of base-soluble, matrix glycan-enriched fractions occurring during normal ripening was absent, indicating diminished disassembly of an arabinan-rich polysaccharide firmly attached to cellulose. A corresponding rise in the polymeric Ara content of the most soluble pectin fraction was also absent, as was a decline in the Gal content of this extract. The depolymerization of matrix glycans showed only minor differences between juicy and mealy fruit. After cold storage and ripening, the activities of endo-1,4-beta-glucanase (EC, endo-1,4-beta-mannanase (EC, beta-galactosidase (EC, alpha-arabinosidase (EC, and particularly endo-polygalacturonase (EC were lower in mealy fruit than in juicy fruit, whereas pectin methylesterase activity (EC was lower in slightly mealy and higher in very mealy fruit. The data suggest that cold storage affects the activities of numerous cell wall-modifying enzymes, with important consequences for pectin metabolism. These changes alter the properties of the primary wall and middle lamella, resulting in tissue breakage along enlarged air spaces, rather than across cells, which reduces the amount and availability of free juice upon tissue fragmentation.  相似文献   

Senescence of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L. ev. White Sim) petals coincided with a decrease on a per flower basis in the yield of cell wall and ethanol-insoluble solids. The decrease in cell wall yield per flower was due largely to a loss of neutral sugars, primarily galactose (45%) and arabinose (23%). On a per flower basis, water-and chelator-soluble pectins increased throughout development, comprising in senescent petals 18 and 58%, respectively, of total pectin. Alkali-soluble pectins ranged from 35 to 45% of the total pectin and decreased during senescence. Gel chromatography of chelator- and alkali-soluble pectins revealed no change in molecular size and polygalacturonase activity was not detected. Large-molecular-size hemicelluloses decreased during development, an observation reminiscent of the changes affecting hemicelluloses during the ripening of a number of fruit types. Compositional analysis of the large hemicellulosic polymers revealed a decrease in xylose and galactose content.  相似文献   

Watermelon [ Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai, cv. Charleston Gray] fruits were examined to determine the effect of ethylene on cell wall hydrolases. pectin degradation, and cell wall ultrastructure. Enzymic studies showed that activity of polygalacturonase (EC increased in placental tissue following 1 day of ethylene treatment and was 10 times higher after 6 days of treatment. The increase in polygalacturonase activity was accompanied by the appearance in ethanol powders of low-molecular-weight pectic polymers and a decrease in total pectin. The enhanced enzyme activity and decrease in total pectins were observed only in fruits exposed to ethylene. Ultrastructural studies of ethylene-treated tissue revealed an early disintegration of the middle lamella. The onset of wall separation coincided with the first notable increase in polygalacturonase activity. Cell wall of untreated fruit showed no evidence of structural changes. The results indicate that initiation of enzymic activity and cell wall separation in response to ethylene are not characteristic phenomena of normal ripening and senescence in watermelon fruit.  相似文献   



One of the main factors that reduce fruit quality and lead to economically important losses is oversoftening. Textural changes during fruit ripening are mainly due to the dissolution of the middle lamella, the reduction of cell-to-cell adhesion and the weakening of parenchyma cell walls as a result of the action of cell wall modifying enzymes. Pectins, major components of fruit cell walls, are extensively modified during ripening. These changes include solubilization, depolymerization and the loss of neutral side chains. Recent evidence in strawberry and apple, fruits with a soft or crisp texture at ripening, suggests that pectin disassembly is a key factor in textural changes. In both these fruits, softening was reduced as result of antisense downregulation of polygalacturonase genes. Changes in pectic polymer size, composition and structure have traditionally been studied by conventional techniques, most of them relying on bulk analysis of a population of polysaccharides, and studies focusing on modifications at the nanostructural level are scarce. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows the study of individual polymers at high magnification and with minimal sample preparation; however, AFM has rarely been employed to analyse pectin disassembly during fruit ripening.


In this review, the main features of the pectin disassembly process during fruit ripening are first discussed, and then the nanostructural characterization of fruit pectins by AFM and its relationship with texture and postharvest fruit shelf life is reviewed. In general, fruit pectins are visualized under AFM as linear chains, a few of which show long branches, and aggregates. Number- and weight-average values obtained from these images are in good agreement with chromatographic analyses. Most AFM studies indicate reductions in the length of individual pectin chains and the frequency of aggregates as the fruits ripen. Pectins extracted with sodium carbonate, supposedly located within the primary cell wall, are the most affected.  相似文献   

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