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王娓  郭继勋 《生态学报》2002,22(5):655-660
根据静态气室法的测量结果 ,分析了羊草群落土壤呼吸量和枯枝落叶分解释放 CO2 量的季节动态 ,及其与地上生物量 ,枯枝落叶分解量及环境因子的关系。结果表明 :( 1 )在整个观测期内 ,羊草群落土壤呼吸的季节动态呈现单峰曲线 ,8月中旬达到最大值 1 3.2 7g C/( m2 · d)。 ( 2 )羊草群落土壤呼吸的季节变化规律与地上绿色体生物量的季节动态同步。( 3)羊草群落土壤呼吸的季节动态与枯枝落叶分解量的季节动态同步。 ( 4 )羊草群落土壤呼吸量与土壤 0~ 1 0 cm土壤含水量显著正相关。( 5 )地表枯枝落叶层直接排放 CO2 量的季节动态呈现逐渐递减的趋势 ,释放量平均为 -0 .87g C/( m2·d)。有减缓土壤向大气排放 CO2 的作用。 ( 6 )枯枝落叶分解释放 CO2 量同地表枯枝落叶量显著正相关。  相似文献   

郭继勋  祝廷成 《生态学报》1992,12(4):295-301
分解速率和损失率从不同侧面反映了枯枝落叶分解动态,羊草草原主要优势植物,羊草(Leymus chinensis),拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigejos),减蓬(Suaeda glauca),碱茅(Puccinellia tenuiflora),五脉山黎豆(Lathyrus quinqueneruivs),碱蒿(Artemisia anethifolia)分解速率的季节变化动态近似倒“V”字型,损失率的季节变化呈S型,反了枯枝落叶的失重情况,枯枝落叶的化学组成成分是造成不同种植物间分解差异的主要原因,特别是C/N比与分解快慢有密切关系,分解初期,枯枝落叶的损失符合指数衰减模型,枯枝落叶损失95%所需时间,羊草群落约为8.8a,杂类草群落约为9.7a,碱茅群落约为7.1a,碱蓬群落约为4.7a。  相似文献   

羊草草甸枯枝落叶的分解、积累与营养物质含量动态   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
通过数理统计,建立了枯枝落叶的分解和积累模型。枯枝落叶的消失率为0.4065g/g·a,消失量比率的季节变化符合于logisitic曲线,分解活动在5—9月份最活跃,这段时间的消失量约占全年消失量的90%。 分解作用冬季基本停止。羊草草甸在现有情况下,积累量达95%稳定状态大约需要8年。最大积累量约为572g/m2,在分解过程中,枯枝落叶中化学成分的含量和分解初期相比不断下降。氮、磷、钾较其它化学元素损失得快。纤维素分解较慢。各种化学成份损失的顺序是:K>P>N>Na>Ca>Mg>Fe>纤维素。  相似文献   

羊草种群的能量流动及其稳定性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本项研究内容包括太阳总辐射、反射辐射和透射辐射强度以及羊草种群净光合、暗呼吸和蒸腾速率的定位、定量测定,然后将测定结果换算成能量。研究结果表明:羊草种群的能量流动是一个太阳辐射能被羊草种群吸收、固定、转化、损耗和积累的生物能量学过程。在羊草种群的能量流动过程中,能量输入为5199kcal/m~2·d,能量损耗为5132.31kcal/m~2·d,能量积累仅为66.69kcal/m~2·d。可见,羊草种群的能量转化效率是很低的,98.72%的能量损耗于其能流过程之中。稳定性分析的结果表明,羊草种群能量流动过程中的平衡态是渐近稳定的。这说明其平衡态的稳定性机制为负反馈机制,即当羊草种群的能量流动过程受到干扰时,羊草种群具有抵抗干扰和保持其平衡态的自我调节能力,以确保能量流动的正常进行。  相似文献   

在东北地区天然羊草(Leymus chinesis)草原上测定了羊草凋落物生物量、热值含量和分解速率以及土壤微生物生物量的呼吸作用速率,并将测定结果换算成能量。结果指出,在土壤微生物的能量流动过程中,羊草凋落物中的能量含量为206.57千卡/平方米·年;土壤微生物分解羊草凋落物中的能量为83.79千卡/平方米·年;土壤微生物在呼吸作用中消耗的能量为20.64千卡/平方米·年;土壤微生物自身贮存的能量为63.15千卡/平方米·年。据此推算,每年积累在地表上的羊草凋落物约需2.5—3年的时间可全部分解完。用电子计算机对土壤微生物的能量流动进行了稳定性分析表明,其能量流动过程中的平衡态是渐近稳定的,说明该地土壤微生物能量流动过程中平衡态稳定性机制为负反馈机制。即当土壤微生物的能量流动过程受到干扰时,土壤微生物具有抵抗干扰和保持平衡态的自我调节能力,以确保能量流动的正常进行。  相似文献   

郭继勋  祝廷成 《生态学报》1993,13(3):214-220
枯枝落叶的分解受生态环境的影响,枯枝落叶置于不同的生态环境下,其分解速率不同。例如,羊草(Leymus chinensis)在6种不同生境中的分解存在着明显差异。枯枝落叶位于地表和地下,其分解速率则不同,埋入地下的分解比位于地表的迅速。分解速率与土壤水分、地表温度和土壤pH呈指数正相关,与相对湿度呈线性正相关,它们对分解有积极的促进作用。通过生态因子对分解影响的综合分析表明,在羊草草原上,诸生态因子对枯枝落叶分解的重要性依次为:土壤水分、土壤pH、地表温度、相对湿度。  相似文献   

海南五针松人工林分生物量的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 本文是对海拔930m的17年生海南五针松(Pinus fanzeliana)人工林分生物量和生产力进行了测定和研究。按平均标准木法和样方收获法分别调查了乔木层,灌木层,草本地被物层和枯枝落叶层。据调查数,建立了估测乔木层单株林木各器官干重的回归方程。方程的相关系数和估测精度都较高,具有参考价值.分析结果表明:林分总生物量平均为161.152t/ha,生产力为10630.69kg/(ha·a),其中:乔木层生物量为149.351t/ha,生产力为11095kg/(ha·a),叶面积为199248.734m2/ha,叶面积指数为19.9149m2/m2。  相似文献   

在自然状态下,羊草草原枯枝落叶积累季节动态是积累量从5月出现,随着时间推移呈指数形式递增,10月末出现最大值。当枯枝落叶输入量和分解速率保持恒定时,积累量的年变化,随着时间的进展不断增加,最后达到稳定状态,量大积累量为572g/m ̄2,达95%稳定状态时间约为7─8a。放牧对枯枝落叶积累有明显的抑制作用,当放牧强度达7.58羊(只)/hm ̄2时,积累量比非放牧区减少近74%。割草对枯枝落叶积累的影响也是显著的,随着割草频度增加,积累量明显减少,当一年内刈割3次,积累量减少83%。刈割时间对积累量的影响表现在割草期的早晚,伴随刈割时间推迟,积累量逐渐减少。  相似文献   

帽儿山森林落叶分解消耗与土壤动物关系的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1引言森林凋落物分解是森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要环节,枯枝落叶分解是由多种因素作用的复杂过程.研究枯枝落叶在自然环境下的分解消耗及其与土壤动物的关系具有重要的生态学意义[4],并对林业生产、营造人工林有一定的指导作用.在枯枝落叶分解研究中,...  相似文献   

走在阴暗潮湿的热带雨林中,当你惊叹奇花异木的同时,莫忘了那些在枯枝倒木上的生命——大型真菌。它们形态各异、色彩斑驳,在雨林中担任着分解者的角色,靠分解枯枝落叶  相似文献   

陆地生态系统混合凋落物分解研究进展   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18  
李宜浓  周晓梅  张乃莉  马克平 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4977-4987
凋落物分解在陆地生态系统养分循环与能量流动中具有重要作用,是碳、氮及其他重要矿质养分在生态系统生命组分间循环与平衡的核心生态过程。自然生态系统中,植物群落大多具有较高的物种丰富度和多样性,其混合凋落物在分解过程中也更有可能发生养分传递、化学抑制等种间互作,形成多样化的分解生境,多样性较高的分解者类群以及复杂的级联效应分解,这些因素和过程均对研究混合凋落物分解过程、揭示其内在机制形成了极大的挑战。从构成混合凋落物物种丰富度和多样性对分解生境、分解者多样性及其营养级联效应的影响等方面,综合阐述混合凋落物对陆地生态系统凋落物分解的影响,探讨生物多样性在凋落物分解中的作用。通过综述近些年的研究发现,有超过60%的混合凋落物对其分解速率的影响存在正向或负向的效应。养分含量有差异的凋落物混合分解过程中,分解者优先利用高质量凋落物,使低质量的凋落物反而具有了较高的养分有效性,引起低质量凋落物分解加快并最终使混合凋落物整体分解速率加快;而凋落物物种丰富度对土壤动物群落总多度有轻微的影响或几乎没有影响,但是对线虫和大型土壤动物的群落组成和多样性有显著影响,并随着分解阶段呈现一定动态变化;混合凋落物改变土壤微生物生存的理化环境,为微生物提供更多丰富的分解底物和养分,优化微生物种群数量和群落结构及其分泌酶的活性,并进一步促进了混合凋落物的分解。这些基于植物-土壤-分解者系统的动态分解过程的研究,表明混合凋落物分解作用不只是经由凋落物自身质量的改变,更会通过逐级影响分解者多样性水平而进一步改变分解速率和养分释放动态,说明生物多样性确实在一定程度上调控凋落物分解及其养分释放过程。  相似文献   

B. Oertli 《Oecologia》1993,96(4):466-477
Energy generated by leaf litter processing and its flow through the associated macroinvertebrate community was quantified in a pond near Geneva (Switzerland). Annual density, biomass, and production on oak (Quercus robur) leaf litter were assessed for all macroinvertebrate taxa with emphasis on predators. Empirical energetic relations provided an energy budget for the macroinvertebrate community. On 1 m2 of pond bottom, the processing of 5641 kJ of oak leaf litter resulted in 8.5% of leachate (6 days), and after 1 year 32% of material remained; the other 59.5% was biologically (animal or microbial) converted, including 11.2% processed by shredders. The mean annual density of associated macroinvertebrates was 51374 individuals, mean biomass was 3.53 g (dry mass) and production was about 1451 kJ (or 65 g). Predator production was 170 kJ/m2, non-chironomid primary consumer production was 101 kJ/m2 (including 57 kJ from shredders) and chironomid primary consumer production was estimated at 1180 kJ/m2. Predators contributed to a high proportion of total biomass (39%) but to a smaller amount of production (12%) or density (6%). In this two-stepped food-chain mainly based on detritus, the transfer coefficient between first level (detritus + primary producers) and third level (secondary consumers) was high (2–2.5%) and indicated efficient conversion of energy. This high efficiency was partly related to the reutilization of fine particulate organic matter by the collectors. The production estimate measured on leaf litter was compared with two other predominant substrates (Typha latifolia stems and Chara sp.), and exhibited the highest value. This study shows how leaf litter can constitute a direct source for high secondary production and be an efficient energy source in freshwater ecosystems. It is also demonstrated that a woodland pond can support a high macroinvertebrate production as compared with other freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic distances of coexisting species differ greatly within plant communities, but their consequences for decomposers and decomposition remain unknown. We hypothesized that large phylogenetic distance of leaf litter mixtures increases differences of their litter traits, which may, in turn, result in increased resource complementarity or decreased resource concentration for decomposers and hence increased or decreased chemical transformation and reduction of litter. We conducted a litter mixture experiment including 12 common temperate tree species (evolutionarily separated by up to 106 Myr), and sampled after seven months, at which average mass loss was more than 50%. We found no effect of increased phylogenetic distance on litter mass loss or on abundance and diversity of invertebrate decomposers. However, phylogenetic distance decreased microbial biomass and increased carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios of litter mixtures. Consistently, four litter traits showed (marginally) significant phylogenetic signal and in three of these traits increasing trait difference decreased microbial biomass and increased C/N. We suggest that phylogenetic proximity of litter favours microbial decomposers and chemical transformation of litter owing to a resource concentration effect. This leads to a new hypothesis: closely related plant species occurring in the same niche should promote and profit from increased nutrient availability.  相似文献   

鼎湖山马尾松群落能量分配及其生产的动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对鼎湖山马尾松群落各组分热值、能量现存量、能量净生产量及群落太阳能转化效率进行了研究。结果表明:(1)乔木层马尾松各器官热值相差不大,为19.02~20.30 kJ/g(总平均 19.34 kJ/g);灌木层植物热值低于乔木层,为16.55~18.78 kJ/g(总平均17.82 kJ/g);草本层植物热值低于灌木层,为13.07~16.16 kJ/g(总平均15.03 kJ/g)。(2)群落能量总现存量随时间而增加,且组分分配比例因年份不同而异。在 1990、1995和2000年分别为167 141.4、270 295.9和321 294.3 kJ/m2,其中乔木层占93.4%、79.8%和86.7%,林下层占3.5%、10.6%和7.2%,而地表现存凋落物层仅占3.2%、9.5%和6.1%。(3)群落在1990~1995年和1995~2000年期间能量净生产每年分别为 1 7083. 2 kJ/m2 和 21 571. 8 kJ/m2,其中乔木层占 96. 6%和95 5%,林下层仅占3.4%和5.0%。所有能量生产量中,群落自身增长能量(即年能量存留量)占 72.7%和57.6%,而释放到其它子系统的能量占27.3%和42.4%。(4)群落太阳能转化效率在 1990~1995 年和 1995~2001年分别为0.759%和0.958%,10年平均为0.873%。  相似文献   

黑线仓鼠繁殖输出与基础代谢率的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赵志军 《兽类学报》2011,31(1):69-78
为了解黑线仓鼠繁殖输出与基础代谢率(BMR)的关系,阐明最大持续能量收支(SusMR)的限制水平, 揭示哺乳期能量收支对策,本文测定了哺乳期黑线仓鼠的体重、摄食量、BMR 和身体组成,以及哺乳期的胎仔数、胎仔重和泌乳能量支出(MEO)。结果显示,黑线仓鼠哺乳期体重降低了15.0 ± 0.8% , 摄食量显著增加, 哺乳高峰期平均摄食量为13.9 ± 0.3 g /d, 摄入能为222.1 ± 5.3 kJ/ d, 比哺乳初期增加121% , 比对照组高288% ;哺乳高峰期MEO 为62.4 ± 2.3 kJ/ d, 哺乳末期BMR 为49.7 ± 1.1 kJ/ d; 断乳时平均胎仔数4.7 ± 0.2、窝胎仔重50.5 ±1.6 g; 哺乳末期BMR 比对照组增加48% ,BMR 与消化系统各器官的相关性高于对照组; BMR 与胎仔数、胎仔重、乳腺重量和MEO 显著正相关。结果表明:初次繁殖的黑线仓鼠哺乳期SusMR 限制为4.47 ×BMR, 在自身维持和繁殖输出之间采取了“权衡分配”的原则,通过体重降低以减少BMR 的增加幅度, 从而有利于繁殖输出。  相似文献   

Summary The soil fauna of a mull beech forest on lime-stone in southern Lower Saxony (West Germany) was sampled quantitatively. Biomass estimates, trophic characteristics, and measurement and calculation of the energetic parameters of the constituent animal populations were used to construct an energy budget of the total heterotrophic subsystem of the forest. Mean annual zoomass amounted to about 15 g d wt m–2; earthworms (about 10 g d wt m–2) and other groups of the macrofauna were dominant. Protozoa constituted about 1.5 g d wt m–2. Relative distribution of zoomass among the trophic categories was 50% macrosaprophages, 30% microsaprophages, 12% microphytophages, and 4% zoophages. Total annual consumption rate of the saprophagous and microphytophagous soil fauna (6328 and 4096 kJ m–2 yr–1, respectively) was of the same order of magnitude as annual litter fall (canopy leaves 6124 kJ m–2 yr–1, flowers and fruits 944 kJ m–2 yr–1, herbs 1839 kJ m–2 yr–1, fine woody material 870 kJ m–2 yr–1, tree roots 3404 kJ m–2 yr–1, without coarse woody litter). Primary decomposers (macrosaprophages) were the key group for litter comminution and translocation onto and into the soil, thus contributing to the high decomposition rate (k=0.8) for leaf litter. Consumption rates of the other trophic groups were (values as kJ m–2 yr–1): bacteriophages 2954, micromycophages 416, zoophages 153. Grazing pressure of macrophytophages (including rhizophages) was low. Faeces input from the canopy layer was not significant. Grazing pressure on soil microflora almost equalled microbial biomass; hence, a large fraction of microbial production is channelled into the animal component. Predator pressure on soil animals is high, as a comparison between consumption rates by zoophages and production by potential prey — mainly microsaprophages, microphytophages and zoophages — demonstrated. Soil animals contributed only about 11% to heterotrophic respiration. However, there is evidence that animals are important driving variables for matter and energy transfer: key processes are the transformation of dead organic material and grazing on the microflora. It is hypothesized that the soil macrosaprophages are donor-limited.  相似文献   

The results of nitrogen (N) fertilization experiments have shown inconsistent rates of plant litter decomposition, a phenomenon that may be explained by dispropotionate influence of animal detritivores (macro-detritivores) on litter mass loss versus that of microbial decomposers, whose activity may be dependent on inorganic N. In turn, macrodetritivores may be influenced by plant species composition via their selection of optimal food resources and habitats. In our experiment, fertilizer had no apparent effect on litter decomposition, suggesting that microbial decomposers did not use the additional inorganic N and/or that macrodetritivores had a greater influence on decomposition. Manipulation of macrodetritivores suggested that plant species composition—dominated in this study by Festuca arundinacea, an exotic, invasive grass, and Aster ericoides, a native forb—caused shifts in detrivore communities and/or feeding patterns that tended to increase litter mass loss. Canopy cover of F. arundinacea and A. ericoides ranged from 0% to 11%, suggesting that low-intensity invasion may produce significant changes in ecosystem function, such as decomposition.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖对凋落物分解的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋飘  张乃莉  马克平  郭继勋 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1327-1339
凋落物分解作为生态系统核心过程,参与生态系统碳的周转与循环,影响生态系统碳的收支平衡,调控生态系统对全球气候变暖的反馈结果。全球气候变暖通过环境因素、凋落物数量和质量以及分解者3个方面,直接或间接地作用于凋落物分解过程,并进一步影响土壤养分周转和碳库动态。气候变暖可通过升高温度和改变实际蒸散量等环境因素直接作用于凋落物分解。气候变暖可引起植物物种短期内碳、氮和木质素等化学性质的改变以及群落中物种组成的长期变化从而改变凋落物质量。在凋落物分解过程中,土壤分解者亚系统作为主要生命组分(土壤动物和微生物)彼此相互作用、相互协调共同参与调节凋落物的分解过程。凋落物分解可以通过改变土壤微生物量、微生物活动和群落结构来加快微生物养分的固定或矿化,以形成新的养分利用模式来改变土壤有机质从而对气候变化做出响应。未来凋落物分解的研究方向应基于大尺度跨区域分解实验和长期实验,关注多个因子交互影响下,分解过程中碳、氮养分释放、地上/地下凋落物分解生物学过程与联系、分解者亚系统营养级联效应等方面。  相似文献   

  • 1. Forested headwater streams are generally considered to be light-limited ecosystems where primary production is reduced, and the main source of energy and nutrients is composed of allochthonous detritus. We hypothesised that in these ecosystems, the development of primary producers might also be limited by (1) competition for nutrients with leaf-litter decomposers (e.g. bacteria and fungi), and (2) leaf-litter leachates or allelopathic compounds produced by aquatic fungi.
  • 2. To test these hypotheses, a 48-day mesocosm experiment was performed in 12 artificial streams containing stream water inoculated with epilithic biofilm suspensions collected from a forested headwater stream. Three different treatments were applied: control without leaf litter (C), microbially conditioned leaf litter added at the beginning of the experiment and left to decompose throughout the experiment (L), or leaf litter renewed three times during the experiment (RL).
  • 3. We predicted that (1) the presence of litter, through microbial nutrient immobilisation and allelopathy, would reduce primary production and that (2) this effect would be amplified by litter renewal. We also predicted that nutrient competition would mean that (3) leaf-litter decomposers will alter primary producer community composition and physiology. These predictions were tested by analysing biofilm development, physiology, stoichiometry, and benthic algal community structure. To distinguish between the effects of nutrient immobilisation and allelopathy, the biofilm responses to leaf-litter leachates collected after different microbial conditioning durations were also measured in a parallel laboratory experiment.
  • 4. Contrary to our expectations, by day 28, primary producer growth was higher in the mesocosms containing leaf litter (L and RL) despite the rapid decrease in dissolved nutrients when leaf litter was present. After 48 days, the lowest phototrophic biofilm development was observed when leaf litter was renewed (RL), whereas phototrophic biofilm development was similar in the C and L treatments. Biofilm stoichiometry indicated that this effect was most probably related to greater nitrogen limitation in the RL treatment. The presence of leaf litter also affected primary producers' photophysiology, which could be attributed to changes in taxonomic composition and to physiological adjustments of primary producers.
  • 5. Laboratory measurements showed that despite a strong inhibition of primary producer growth by unconditioned leaf-litter leachates, microbially conditioned leaf litter had either low or no effects on the development of primary producers.
  • 6. These results reveal that leaf-litter decomposers can have both positive and negative effects on primary producers underlining the need to consider microbial interactions when investigating the functioning of forested headwater streams.

Fungal decomposition of Abies needle and Betula leaf litter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Osono T  Takeda H 《Mycologia》2006,98(2):172-179
The effect of litter type and incubation temperature on the ability of fungi to decompose leaf litter of subalpine trees was examined by a pure-culture test. Mass loss of Abies needle and Betula leaf litter and utilization patterns of lignin and carbohydrates were investigated under two temperature conditions (20 C and 10 C) and compared for 29 species in basidiomycetes, ascomycetes and zygomycetes. The decomposing ability was generally higher in basidiomycetes than in ascomycetes and zygomycetes. Mass loss (% original mass) of litter was higher in Betula than in Abies and higher at 20 C than at 10 C. The 29 fungi were divided into lignocellulose decomposers, cellulose decomposers and sugar fungi based on their substrate utilization in Abies and Betula litter. Mass loss of lignin and carbohydrates by lignocellulose and cellulose decomposers was higher in Betula than in Abies. Mass loss of carbohydrates was higher at 20 C than at 10 C, but the temperature did not influence mass loss of lignin, indicating lignin decomposition by fungi was less sensitive to temperature than carbohydrate decomposition. Lignin/carbohydrate loss ratio (L/C) of Collybia spp. that caused selective delignification was lower at 20 C than at 10 C. These results indicate that the decomposability of litter, lignin and carbohydrate was different between Abies and Betula and that temperature affected not only the rate at which fungi decompose litter but also the ability of fungi to use lignin and carbohydrates.  相似文献   

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