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The return trip often seems shorter than the outward trip even when the distance and actual time are identical. To date, studies on the return trip effect have failed to confirm its existence in a situation that is ecologically valid in terms of environment and duration. In addition, physiological influences as part of fundamental timing mechanisms in daily activities have not been investigated in the time perception literature. The present study compared round-trip and non-round-trip conditions in an ecological situation. Time estimation in real time and postdictive estimation were used to clarify the situations where the return trip effect occurs. Autonomic nervous system activity was evaluated from the electrocardiogram using the Lorenz plot to demonstrate the relationship between time perception and physiological indices. The results suggest that the return trip effect is caused only postdictively. Electrocardiographic analysis revealed that the two experimental conditions induced different responses in the autonomic nervous system, particularly in sympathetic nervous function, and that parasympathetic function correlated with postdictive timing. To account for the main findings, the discrepancy between the two time estimates is discussed in the light of timing strategies, i.e., prospective and retrospective timing, which reflect different emphasis on attention and memory processes. Also each timing method, i.e., the verbal estimation, production or comparative judgment, has different characteristics such as the quantification of duration in time units or knowledge of the target duration, which may be responsible for the discrepancy. The relationship between postdictive time estimation and the parasympathetic nervous system is also discussed.  相似文献   

在这个物质文明发展,要求全球化的时代,精神文化的多样性退居到了第二位,甚至正在慢慢消亡。曾经以《血染的风采》风靡一时的词作家陈哲抱着这样的忧虑踏上了他去往西南的风采历程,这是一趟现代土风音乐的人文旅程。  相似文献   

行黑龙江省会城市哈尔滨距五大连池风景区384公里,公路为202国道,夏季客运汽车,哈尔滨每天早七点、十二点三十分均有发往五大连池风景区的金龙、亚星客车,历时4小时30分。也可从黑龙江北安前往,北安距五大连池风景区62公里,全天候往返客运50分钟即达。 五大连池风景区距国家一类边境开放口岸黑河市270公里,有高等级公路相连(202国道),3小时30分即到五大连池风景区。  相似文献   

交通 1.北京、沈阳、石家庄、呼和浩特均有直达赤峰市首府红山区的航班。 2.大连经沈阳至赤峰、北京至赤峰、呼和浩特至赤峰、承德至赤峰均有火车可通达,呼和浩特至通辽火车在巴林右旗大板可乘降。 3.在赤峰换乘汽车行180公里至大板镇,然后再换乘汽车行110公里至赛罕乌拉。 住宿 1.保护区设有招待所,可接待40人,订房电话(0476)6172132,索布日嗄邮电宾馆标准间80元,可接待40人,订房电话(0476)6172177,六味神泉度假村,每床位40元。 2.在巴林右旗所在地大板镇还有二星级宾馆一家,标准间  相似文献   

一个小型野外活动的成功与否,其策划与筹备工作相当重要,它关系到活动的成败。准备得当会使整个活动顺利、安全且开销不大。没有野外活动经验的朋友初次筹划此项活动,有时会觉得准备工作无从下手,想带的东西一大堆,好象哪件东西都是必需要带的。但是到了野外才发现,真正有用的东西没带够,没用的东西反到带了一大堆,多花了钱,多受了累还没达到理想效果。针对此种情况,我向您介绍一下野外活动在策划和筹备阶段的主要思路,仅供参考。  相似文献   

2001年4月6日 晴 从飞机的舷梯上走下来,一股温湿的风立刻笼罩了我,海南——在我对它有过多次幻想之后的今天,终于又再次踏上了这块葱绿的土地。在接到拍摄任务的几天之内,我甚至请朋友用纸牌占卜——此行安否?答案是有惊无险!唯物主义的我穿着套头衫在北京料峭的春风中登上了飞机,开始了我的穿越海南之行。  相似文献   

记述2017年在柏林参加学术研讨会期间参观园博会和几座18世纪前后古典园林的感受和联想。对欧洲园林艺术从规整式向自然式转型的意义以及“中国风”在其中扮演的角色提出了个人的看法,并与中国魏晋时期传统园林艺术价值观的转变进行对照。介绍了柏林国际园博会的概况和值得借鉴的策划思路。  相似文献   

海滨、湖泊、河流、瀑布、泉水、峡谷溪流、沼泽及人工湖等水域,水深只要小于6米统称为湿地。有水的地方周边的环境一定秀美,是户外活动爱好者的最佳选择。  相似文献   

Healers Return     

Theory suggests that human behavior has implications for disease spread. We examine the hypothesis that individuals engage in voluntary defensive behavior during an epidemic. We estimate the number of passengers missing previously purchased flights as a function of concern for swine flu or A/H1N1 influenza using 1.7 million detailed flight records, Google Trends, and the World Health Organization''s FluNet data. We estimate that concern over “swine flu,” as measured by Google Trends, accounted for 0.34% of missed flights during the epidemic. The Google Trends data correlates strongly with media attention, but poorly (at times negatively) with reported cases in FluNet. Passengers show no response to reported cases. Passengers skipping their purchased trips forwent at least $50 M in travel related benefits. Responding to actual cases would have cut this estimate in half. Thus, people appear to respond to an epidemic by voluntarily engaging in self-protection behavior, but this behavior may not be responsive to objective measures of risk. Clearer risk communication could substantially reduce epidemic costs. People undertaking costly risk reduction behavior, for example, forgoing nonrefundable flights, suggests they may also make less costly behavior adjustments to avoid infection. Accounting for defensive behaviors may be important for forecasting epidemics, but linking behavior with epidemics likely requires consideration of risk communication.  相似文献   


8名志愿者、两辆破车、两顶破帐篷、一人一件50元的黑心棉大衣,杨勇他们就这样开始了长江三源独立科学考察。最惹眼的是两辆国产越野车,车身上贴满了各种机构的logo,甚至还有超市的名字,这都是此次考察的支持者。保护国际(CI)关键生态系统合作基金资助了2万美  相似文献   

Return to Normal     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1947,1(4496):300-301

The Return on Environment (ROE) is developed, and tested, as an objective indicator to support the results of Life Cycle Assessments. It is based on the observation that a ratio of life cycle costs incurred throughout the extraction, transport, manufacturing, use and disposal stages, to the selling price, appears to scale linearly with a quantitative impact assessment. ROE is therefore a normalization method which permits comparison of new assessments with existing data, even from products with quite different characteristics. It can, alternatively, be applied to estimate either the life cycle cost, or quantify environmental impact, provided the other is known. Like its economic cousin, the return on investment, cases studied typically have ROEs in over the range of 2–20%. ROE is intended as a preliminary estimation method, akin to engineering costing, which has a precision of +-30%. As such, it can be used to rapidly determine if a more detailed cost assessment can be justified and, if so, where the efforts should be oriented. ROE is a measurable life cycle index intended to render LCAs more suitable for decision making. A further benefit that ROE provides is the guidance to a life cycle practitioner, or product development team, to assess if sufficient data has been collected, or if costs and impacts have been over or under-estimated. It has advantages over specific ecoindicators, such as manufacturing energy or waste emissions, which are both product specific and subjective. The Return on Environment also serves as a systematic index for reporting improvements or as a relative environmental rating.  相似文献   

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