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橙黄豆粉蝶生殖系统形态学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
解剖并描述了橙黄豆粉蝶Colias fieldii Ménétriés的生殖系统结构。结果表明:橙黄豆粉蝶雄性内生殖器包括精巢(睾丸)、2个贮精囊、2条输精管、1对复射精管、2根附腺和单射精管。其中2个睾丸体彼此密接似单一器官包被在半透明的睾丸膜中,单射精管较长且分化为形态不同的4段。外生殖器包括抱器瓣、阳茎及其附属结构;雌性内生殖器由1对卵巢、2根侧输卵管、1根中输卵管、肾型受精囊、附腺、外生殖腔及产卵孔组成。卵巢左右对称,每个卵巢具4根多滋式卵巢管。外生殖器包括导精管、囊导管、交配囊及其附属结构、前后表皮突和肛突。  相似文献   

测定了中国迁粉蝶属3种4亚种以及迁粉蝶指名亚种5个生态型的线粒体COⅠ基因和NDⅠ基因部分序列,以灵奇尖粉蝶为外群,分别采用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建分子系统树,探讨了中国迁粉蝶属3种4亚种间的系统发育关系,并首次明确了迁粉蝶指名亚种5个生态型的亲缘关系。结果显示在测得的COⅠ基因661bp序列和NDⅠ基因472bp序列中,有变异位点227个,简约位点119个,A+T含量(75.5%)明显偏高。迁粉蝶属4亚种分子系统关系为:(镉黄迁粉蝶指名亚种+((梨花迁粉蝶指名亚种+梨花迁粉蝶海南亚种)+迁粉蝶指名亚种)),迁粉蝶指名亚种5个生态型分子系统关系为:(无纹型+((有纹型+红角型)+(银斑型+血斑型)))。  相似文献   

【背景】梨花迁粉蝶是园林植物伞房决明、黄花决明、铁刀木上的主要害虫。【方法】在福建省三明市明溪县蝴蝶生态园内观察不同时段梨花迁粉蝶成虫的飞行活动与产卵行为。【结果】梨花迁粉蝶成虫的飞行活动与产卵行为密切相关(R=0.9406),飞行与产卵频率都是在上午8:00~11:00较高。梨花迁粉蝶卵多产于第2和第3片复叶,第6片复叶上未发现卵;同时,梨花迁粉蝶卵多产于复叶末端的小叶上,其临近叶片上的卵量逐渐减少;叶片正面和背面的卵量差异不显著;植株新芽、茎秆、花等部位上的产卵量极少;梨花迁粉蝶在盆栽决明和水培决明上的产卵量无显著差异。【结论与意义】梨花迁粉蝶飞行与产卵有特定的规律,这对于其田间调查和防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

测定了粉蝶科的粉蝶亚科和黄粉蝶亚科14属共24种线粒体COⅠ和Cyt b基因部分序列,并从GenBank中下载了2种粉蝶的同源序列,以眼蝶科的2个物种为外类群,运用NJ法、贝叶斯法分别重建了分子系统树,探讨了它们的系统发生关系。基因序列分析结果表明,经比对和处理后的序列总长度为1111bp,其中变异位点478个,简约位点382个,碱基T、C、A、G平均含量为39.9%、16.9%、30.9%、12.3%,A+T含量和C+G含量分别为70.8%和29.2%。分子系统树显示:黄粉蝶亚科不是单系群,但其中迁粉蝶属和豆粉蝶属在不同的分析方法中均聚合在一起。粉蝶亚科形成一个独立的支系,其中,襟粉蝶族为并系群;粉蝶族的粉蝶属、飞龙粉蝶属和云粉蝶属具有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

为了探讨中国黄粉蝶亚科属间的系统发育关系,我们对其中6属9种的细胞色素氧化酶Ⅱ(COⅡ)的部分序列和延伸因子基因(EF-1α)部分序列进行了分析。分别采用最大简约法(maximum parsimony, MP)、最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)和贝叶斯推论法(bayesian inference, BI)构建黄粉蝶亚科分子系统树。结果表明:在测得的COⅡ基因的648 bp序列和EF-1α基因的504 bp序列中,有261个变异位点,151个简约信息位点,黄粉蝶亚科内各属COⅡ基因A+T含量(77.3%)均明显偏高。系统发育分析显示黄粉蝶属为亚科中较为原始的类群,分化较早,豆粉蝶属和迁粉蝶属亲缘关系较近,但钩粉蝶属与豆粉蝶属、迁粉蝶属之间的亲缘关系还不能确定。本研究结果和传统的基于形态学的黄粉蝶亚科的分类体系有所不同,最显著的分歧是本研究支持内群中分化最早的属应为黄粉蝶属,而不是豆粉蝶属和迁粉蝶属。  相似文献   

首次基于外生殖器构造特征对中国迁粉蝶属Catopsilia,Hüubner进行了系统研究,包括3种4个亚种,绘制了外生殖器特征图,编制了分种检索表;同时对其地理分布进行了初步分析,优势分布地卡要集巾在西南区、华中区和华南区;所有研究标本均保存丁两北农林科技人学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

【目的】由于绢粉蝶属Aporia和妹粉蝶属Mesapia的分类地位尚存在争议,本研究基于COI和EF-1α基因探讨它们的系统发育关系。【方法】对采自中国的19个种(含绢粉蝶属13个种,妹粉蝶属1种以及用作外群的另外3个属的5个种)的COI和EF-1α基因部分序列进行了测定和分析;依据这2个基因的联合序列采用最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian inference,BI)构建了这些种的系统发育树。【结果】序列分析结果显示,测得的COI序列长度为657 bp,EF-1α序列长度为642 bp,联合后获得的序列总长为1 299 bp,其中变异位点439个,简约信息位点249个;序列A+T的含量明显高于C+G的含量。系统发生分析结果显示,除外群外,其余种类形成单系群(BV=100,PP=1.00),且分成两大支,一支为(奥倍绢粉蝶A.oberthuri+锯纹绢粉A.goutellei)+(丫纹绢粉蝶A.delavayi+(完善绢粉蝶A.agathon+(马丁绢粉蝶A.martineti+(大翅绢粉蝶A.largeteaui+巨翅绢粉蝶A.gigantea)))),另一支为普通绢粉蝶A.genestieri+(中亚绢粉蝶A.leucodice+((绢粉蝶A.crataegi+灰翅绢粉蝶A.potanini)+(妹粉蝶M.peloria+(暗色绢粉蝶A.bieti+小檗绢粉蝶A.hippia))))。【结论】本研究结果支持妹粉蝶属应为绢粉蝶属的异名,且绢粉蝶属内不再划分亚属和种组。  相似文献   

侯小燕  花保祯 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):237-240
解剖并描述了刘氏蝎蛉Panorpa liui Hua的雌性生殖系统。结果表明,刘氏蝎蛉外生殖器包括下生殖板、内骨,内生殖器官包括卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、附腺、受精囊以及生殖腔。每个卵巢由10~13根多滋式卵巢管组成,12根出现频率最高。  相似文献   

【目的】孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant生殖系统结构和卵细胞发生将为昆虫的系统进化关系及瓢虫分类提供依据,同时可作为瓢虫人工饲料研究开发的参考。【方法】利用组织石蜡切片技术和光学显微镜,观察孟氏隐唇瓢虫生殖系统结构,以及自成虫羽化后不同发育阶段卵巢发育状况和成熟卵巢管卵子发生过程。【结果】孟氏隐唇瓢虫雄性生殖系统包括2对附腺、1对精巢、1对输精管、1对贮精囊、射精管、弯管和阳基。雌性生殖系统包括2片生殖板、生殖腔、受精囊、中输卵管、1对侧输卵管和1对卵巢。单侧卵巢管数量在11~14根之间,卵巢管端部延伸出细长的端丝。卵巢管属于端滋式,分为原卵区和生长区。滋养细胞分散且细胞核几乎充满整个细胞,未见合胞体。卵细胞稀疏地集中在原卵区下端,并且可见营养索向卵巢管顶端延伸。根据卵细胞位置和形态,卵黄积累情况,滤泡细胞形态变化,将卵细胞发生分为前期,中期,中后期和后期。卵细胞发育后期,营养索消失,滤泡细胞排列疏松,细胞间隙增大。【结论】孟氏隐唇瓢虫卵巢管的滋养细胞是端滋式卵巢管滋养细胞中的原始类型,且推测瓢虫科昆虫卵巢管滋养细胞均属于此类。卵细胞早期发育过程中,卵细胞通过营养索从滋养细胞获取营养物质。  相似文献   

中国云粉蝶属分类研究(鳞翅目,粉蝶科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地整理了中国云粉蝶属Pontia Fabricius,1807的全部种类,共3种12亚种,包括2新亚种:云粉蝶且末亚种Pontia edusa qiemoensis ssp.nov.、云粉蝶黑龙江亚种Pontia edusa heilongjiangensis ssp.nov.和2个中国新纪录亚种:箭纹云粉蝶卡洛亚种Pontia callidice kalora(Moore,1865)、绿云粉蝶青藏亚种Pontia chloridice alpina(Ver-ity,[1911]).阐述了各亚种的主要识别特征及其地理分布,提供了分种检索表及全部种类的雄、雌性外生殖器特征图,并附所有中国亚种的成虫彩色照片.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether reproductive failures in ageing, obese lethal yellow (Ay/a) females are due primarily to defects within Ay/a ovaries or to systemic defects which may operate outside the ovaries. Reciprocal ovary transplantation between control (a/a) and lethal yellow (Ay/a) females provided an experimental system to test the reproductive potential of not only Ay/a ovaries in control (a/a) females but also control (a/a) ovaries in mutant (Ay/a) females. Results on reproductive performance of all four combinations of grafts between Ay/a and a/a mice proved that Ay-induced reproductive failures are not due to intrinsic ovarian lesions but rather to defects operating extrinsically to the ovary. The hypothalamo-pituitary axis is a likely site for this reproductive lesion.  相似文献   

Quantities of ecdysteroid are compared in the haemolymph and ovaries of the blowfly Protophormia terraenovae Robineau‐Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) under reproductive (LD 18 : 6 h at 25 °C) and diapause (LD 12 : 12 h at 20 °C) conditions. The effects of ablation of the pars intercerebralis or ovaries on ecdysteroid quantities and of ablation of the pars intercerebralis on yolk protein expression are examined. Under reproductive conditions, the levels of ecdysteroid in vitellogenic females are high, although the levels in previtellogenic females and females with mature ovaries are low. Under diapause conditions, there are low quantities of ecdysteroid in both the haemolymph and ovaries. Ecdysteroid titres in the haemolymph are not significantly affected by the removal of the ovaries, suggesting that tissues other than the ovaries are also involved in the production of ecdysteroids. Reproductive females in which the pars intercerebralis of the brain is experimentally ablated have ecdysteroid levels that are not significantly different from sham‐operated or intact females. However, yolk protein expression in the fat body is suppressed after removal of the pars intercerebralis. These results suggest that the suppression of ecdysteroid levels in the haemolymph and ovaries is associated with reproductive diapause, and that the pars intercerebralis could play a role in yolk protein synthesis without mediating ecdysteroid production.  相似文献   

Although oogonial proliferation continues in mature females in most teleosts, its dynamics and the transformation of oogonia to early meiotic oocytes during the reproductive cycle have received little attention. In the present study, early oogenesis was examined throughout the reproductive cycle in two Clupeiform fishes, the Mediterranean sardine, Sardina pilchardus, and the European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus. Observations using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) provided extensive information on markers of oogonial proliferation (mitotic divisions, oogonia nests) and meiotic prophase I divisions of oocyte nests (leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene) in ovaries of different reproductive phases. In sardine, oogonial proliferation persisted throughout the entire reproductive cycle, whereas in anchovy, it was more pronounced prior to (developing ovaries) and after (resting ovaries) the spawning period. Anchovy exhibited a higher rate of meiotic activity in developing ovaries, whereas sardine exhibited a higher rate in resting ovaries. The observed differences between the two species can potentially be attributed to different seasonal patterns of energy allocation to reproduction and the synchronization between feeding and the spawning season.  相似文献   

对室内饲养的二点委夜蛾Athelis lepigone(Moschler)雌成虫分时段进行解剖,观察其卵巢的结构及发育进程。结果显示二点委夜蛾具有1对卵巢,各由4个卵巢小管组成。发育进程可分为5个阶段:透明期、卵黄沉积期、成熟待产期、产卵盛期和产卵末期。河北省石家庄地区2011年7月下旬至8月上旬田间卵巢发育的监测结果显示,Ⅰ级卵巢在整个发生期所占比例较高,Ⅳ级卵巢所占比例较低,推测其下一代幼虫的发生量将较低,并与田间调查结果吻合,因此卵巢解剖分级法可以用于二点委夜蛾的预测预报工作。  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this study were to: 1) determine if removal of 1.5 ovaries from young rats would mimic reproductive characteristics that normally occur with advancing age and 2) determine if removal of 1.5 ovaries from aged rats would further advance the process of reproductive aging. Removal of 1.5 ovaries increased the number of young (P less than 0.05) and old (P less than 0.01) rats that exhibited abnormal estrous cycles. In addition, concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were higher at both ages in the groups with half an ovary. The increased concentrations of FSH are consistent with a decrease in the number of growing follicles after removal of 1.5 ovaries. All groups had lower concentrations of estradiol (E2) than young controls. There was a significant increase in the number of abnormal embryos with age and removal of 1.5 ovaries when rats were mated during a 5-day estrous cycle, but there was no effect if they were mated during a 4-day estrous cycle. From the results of this study, we conclude that the reduction in ovarian tissue in young and aged rats mimicked several reproductive characteristics of advancing age. Also, an effect of aging on the hypothalamus was evident in this study.  相似文献   

Several parts of the reproductive system of both sexes ofDermatophagoides farinae andD. pteronyssinus are investigated and compared by light-, scanning electron-, and transmission electron microscopy. New techniques have been employed for scanning of the internal structures of these mites. The male reproductive system consists of unpaired testis, paired vasa deferentia, an accessory gland, ejaculatory duct, and copulatory organ. The female reproductive system consists of bursa copulatrix, ductus bursae, receptaculum seminis, paired ducti receptaculi, ovaries, oviducts, one chorion gland, ovipositor, and oviporus. Testis as well as ovaries are characterized by syncytia of nutritional function. The specifics of spermatogenesis are discussed in connection with sperm transfer. Similarities between the construction of the ovaries and oogenesis in astigmatic mites and telotrophic meroistic ovaries in insects are discussed.  相似文献   

长足大竹象生殖系统的形态解剖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解剖研究了长足大竹象雌雄虫牛殖系统的构造.该虫的雌性生殖系统包括一对卵巢、一对侧输卵管、中输卵管、交配囊、受精囊、生殖腔、产卵器;雄性生殖系统由一对睾九、一对输精管、一对附腺、射精管和交配器组成.  相似文献   

The microscopic structure of theAlouatta caraya ovary is studied in different ages and reproductive stages. The most significant feature seems to be the presence in adult ovaries of abundant glandular interstitial tissue which occupies both the cortex and medulla. It seems to be derived from the theca interna of atretic follicles. Discrete luteinized masses are present in the medulla in all the ovaries observed. Invaginations of the surface epithelium are seen only in infant and juvenile ovaries. The development of cystic follicles seems to be a common pathway of atresia.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effect of the donor cat's reproductive cycle stage on in vitro maturation (IVM), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and in vitro development of oocytes recovered from ovaries that were collected and stored at 35 degrees C for a short period (1-6 h). Based on the presence or absence of follicles and corpora lutea, the ovarian pairs collected were classified into inactive, follicular, or luteal stages. Nuclear status of 161 cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were examined immediately after recovery; 91.3% of the oocytes were found to be at the immature germinal vesicle (GV) stage, and 3.7% of the oocytes were at metaphase II (MII) stage. The percentage of the oocytes at the GV stage was significantly lower in the follicular stage than in the inactive stage (P < 0.01). Of the oocytes from the follicular stage, 9.1% were at MII stage. After culture for 24 h, however, the proportions of oocytes that reached metaphase I and MII were not different among the reproductive cycle stages of the ovaries collected (P > 0.05). After co-incubation with sperm, 63.1% of oocytes were fertilized, but there were no significant differences among the reproductive cycle stages of the ovaries with respect to the proportions of normal and polyspermic fertilization. However, the number of oocytes reaching cleavage stage and development to the morula and blastocyst stages from follicular stage ovaries were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those obtained from inactive and luteal stage ovaries. These results indicate that the reproductive cycle stage of donor cat ovaries, stored at 35 degrees C, has no apparent effects on the frequencies of maturation and fertilization of oocytes, but influences developmental competence of the oocytes following IVM or IVF.  相似文献   

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