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<正>2016年4—5月在广西猫儿山国家级自然保护区进行两栖动物调查过程中,采集到树蛙科Rhacophoridae雄性成体标本1号(KIZ045743,图1)和雌性成体标本1号(KIZ045764),经鉴定为绿背树蛙Rhacophorus dorsoviridis Bourret,1937,为广西壮族自治区两栖类新纪录。标本使用10%甲醛溶液固定,保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。形态特征:雄蛙体长34.8 mm,雌蛙体长39.6 mm。头近似三角形,头长小于头宽;吻端钝圆;吻棱明显;鼻孔位于吻  相似文献   

兴凯湖大银鱼食物组成与食性转化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文于2010年6月—2011年1月逐月分析中俄界湖兴凯湖外来种大银鱼食性,结果发现,大银鱼主要摄食枝角类、桡足类、虾类和鱼类。6月份大银鱼体长<60 mm,以枝角类和桡足类为食,7月份体长>60 mm群组、8月份体长>80 mm群组、9月份体长>100 mm群组与10月及之后体长>120 mm群组等的食谱中均出现鱼类,且优势种类为大银鱼和属鱼类。该摄食鱼类的大银鱼最小体长随季节而增加的现象,与饵料鱼类生长导致的食物资源可得性变动密切相关。  相似文献   

蓝尾石龙子的生长、两性异形及雌性繁殖   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
杜卫国  计翔 《动物学研究》2001,22(4):279-286
报道蓝尾石龙子(Eumeces elegans)的生长、两性异形和雌性繁殖,性成熟个体体色的两性差异显著,成年雄性体长、头长和头宽显著大于成年雌性,幼体体长生长率无显著的两性差异。成年雄体体长生长率显著大于成年雌体,因此,个体大小的两性异形是性成熟后发生的,体长小于50mm的幼体,头长和头宽无性差异;当体长大于50mm。雄性头长和头宽随体长的生长率显著大于雌性。并导致头部大小的两性异形,并随个体发育变得越来越显著,蓝尾石龙子产卵雌体的最小体长为69.3mm,大于此体长的雌体均年产单窝卵。窝卵数、窝卵重和平均卵重均与雌体体长呈正相关,平均值分别为6.4、2.783和0.554g。窝卵数与雌体产后状态无关,蓝尾石龙子雌体主要通过增加窝卵数和卵大小来增加繁殖输出。  相似文献   

2012年和2013年在湖南省桑植县天平山采集到6号臭蛙类标本,经形态比较和分子系统学分析,鉴定为宜章臭蛙(Odorrana yizhangensis),表明天平山为该物种的新分布点。这些标本与宜章臭蛙的主要鉴别特征相符:体型较小;体背面棕色斑大而密,形状不规则;腹面褐色,其上斑纹稀少;股后部色浅,深色斑明显。雄性头体长(52.45 ± 2.54)mm(48.96 ~ 54.92 mm,n = 3),雌性头体长(73.11 ± 1.43)mm(71.26 ~ 74.74 mm,n = 3),均比模式标本群体的头体长略大。基于线粒体16S rRNA基因片段(502 bp)的系统关系分析结果表明,分析的天平山臭蛙标本与宜章臭蛙已知种群聚为一支系,天平山种群与宜章臭蛙已知种群间的遗传距离为0.002 0 ~ 0.008 1,远小于宜章臭蛙与其近缘种龙胜臭蛙(O. lungshengensis)之间的遗传距离(0.035 2 ~ 0.043 9);这表明采自天平山的臭蛙样本属于宜章臭蛙。本文为宜章臭蛙物种的地理分布与系统学提供了新的信息。  相似文献   

海南黄鳝体内新棘衣虫和胃瘤线虫感染初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王文彬  曾伯平 《四川动物》2006,25(3):539-542
首次报道了海南产野生黄鳝对新棘衣虫和胃瘤线虫(幼虫)的感染情况。结果表明,新棘衣虫的感染率为46.7%,感染强度为3.80,平均丰度为1.78;胃瘤线虫的感染率为24.3%,感染强度为2.15,平均丰度为0.52;黄鳝的感染与其自身的体长有一定关系,体长190 mm以下黄鳝对线虫未发现有感染,对棘头虫的感染率亦最低,为20%,而体长191 mm以上黄鳝对棘头虫和线虫均有较高的感染率,其中体长191~220 mm黄鳝的感染率最高;棘头虫和线虫的种群在黄鳝种群中均呈聚集分布,其负二项参数k值分别为0.2539和0.2176;棘头虫和线虫的感染均以210~220 mm体长段的阳性宿主最多,分别占26.0%和34.6%。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 6月于云南省河口瑶族自治县采集到鱼类标本 3尾 ,经鉴定为我国华吸鳅属鱼类之新纪录种———红河华吸鳅 (Sinogastromyzonchapaensis)。测量标本 3尾均保存在台湾清华大学。体长 35~ 5 0mm。背鳍iii,8;臀鳍ii,5 ;胸鳍xiv~xv ,14~ 16 ;腹鳍x~xi,11~ 12。侧线鳞 6 0~ 6 4。体长为体高的 7 0~ 7 2倍 ,为体宽的 4 3~ 4 6倍 ,为头长的 4 9~ 5 1倍 ,为尾柄长的 5 4~ 6 0倍 ,为尾柄高的 12 7~ 14 0倍 ,为背鳍前距的 2 2倍 ,为腹鳍前距的 2 4~ 2 7倍。头长为头高的 1 8~ 1 9倍 ,为头宽的 0 9~ 1 1倍 ,为吻长的 2 0~2 1倍 ,为眼径的 4 7~ 5 0倍 ,为眼间距的 2 0~ 2 3倍。尾柄长为尾柄高的 2 2~ 2 6倍。头宽为口宽的 3 7~4 6倍。  相似文献   

本文记述赤眼蜂科Trichogrammatidae斯赤眼蜂属SoikiellaNowicki一新种,亚洲斯赤眼蜂Soikiellaasiaticasp.nov.,新种与S.mongibelli相似,主要区别为:新种为褐色,体长0.9-1.0mm;雌虫触角棒节显著膨大呈卵圆形,长为宽的2倍;前翅翅面纤毛规则排列成行;而后者为黑色,体长1.13mm;棒节较细长,长为宽的2.5倍;前翅翅面仅有13列纤毛排列成行,其余散乱分布;两者易于区别。  相似文献   

湘中西部小鲵属一新种--挂榜山小鲵(两栖纲:小鲵科)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
沈猷慧  邓学建  王斌 《动物学报》2004,50(2):209-215
在比较和研究小鲵属Hynobius物种后 ,确定湖南省祁阳县产小鲵为一新种 ,即挂榜山小鲵Hynobiusguabangshanensissp .nov .。新种与安吉小鲵H amjiensis近似 ,它们体型较大 ;有 13条肋沟 ;前后肢贴体相向时指趾重叠较多 ;掌、突明显 ,但又有明显区别 :1)新种比安吉小鲵稍小 ,全长 139 32mm± 9 5 0mm (n=9) ;2 )犁骨齿细且排列密 ,外枝 9- 11枚、内枝 2 5 - 2 7枚 ;3)尾较短 ,平均为头体长之 70 4 % (n =9) ;4 )卵袋较短 ,香蕉形弯曲等。本文列表比较近似种 ,统计并记述了新种  相似文献   

2019年6—7月,采用样线法对云南省大理白族自治州苍山西坡红瘰疣螈Tylototriton shanjing的种群数量、繁殖时间和个体身体状况进行调查,并对红瘰疣螈两性个体的繁殖时间,不同繁殖时段个体体质量、头体长、肥满度、重长比进行了分析。共观察到红瘰疣螈个体664只,其中雄性410只,雌性254只,整体性比偏雄,雄性个体的比例由繁殖前期的69%逐渐降至后期的49%。雌性个体体质量、头体长和肥满度在不同繁殖时段的差异有统计学意义,繁殖前期雌性个体大于繁殖后期的个体;除头体长和体质量外,雄性个体肥满度和重长比在不同繁殖时段的差异均无统计学意义。繁殖后期,雌雄两性红瘰疣螈小个体的比例均增加,体质量小于5 g,头体长小于50 mm的雄性个体比例由0逐渐增加到13.16%和10.53%;体质量小于10 g,头体长小于60 mm的雌性个体比例由0逐渐增加到10.26%和7.69%,显示两性个体中的较小个体参与繁殖时间均较晚。较小个体身体状况相对较差,运动能力、繁殖潜力和配偶竞争等都不具优势,可能采用了较晚繁殖的繁殖策略。  相似文献   

发头裸腹溞生长、生殖的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发头裸腹MoinairrasaBrehm(Cladocera)在25±1℃下有3个幼龄、6个成龄,平均寿命为167.7h,平均最大体长为1.75mm,平均产仔量为117个,rm为1.358/d;在30±1℃下有3个幼龄、7个成龄,平均寿命为121.0h,平均最大体长为1.71mm,平均产仔量为106.6个,rm为1.650/d。在生命初期30±1℃下体重增长率(dW/dt)、相对体长增长率(dL/Ldt)、体长、体重均大于25±1℃,在生命中后期25±1℃各增长率、体长及体重反而超出30±1℃。体重增长率25±1℃下在0.862d有一最大值,30±1℃下在0.395d有一最大值。两温度下相对体长增长率在t=0即刚出生时最大。  相似文献   

本文记述两栖纲蝾螈目蝾螈科一新种,新种具肥螈属(Pachytriton)系列特征,与肥螈属已知2种比较有明显区别.如1)本新种与黑斑肥螈(Pachytriton brevipes)相似,体表具黑色小圆斑,但新种具额鳞弓、上鳃骨直而与后者不同;无斑肥螈(Pachytriti on labiatus)(地模标本)虽具额鳞弓,但上鳃骨明显弯曲,体表无黑色小圆斑;2) 新种吻短,吻长小于眼间距,黑斑肥螈吻长大于眼间距,无斑肥螈吻长大于或等于眼间距, 它们的头型明显不同,虽然三者头长均大于头宽,但头长、吻长、眼间距差异显著;3)繁 殖期新种雄体肛区不明显肿胀,肛裂周边中、后部生殖乳突长,而且多,十分醒目;黑斑肥 螈和无斑肥螈繁殖期肛区明显肿胀膨大,生殖乳突较短、且稀.经统计分析三种肥螈的头体长、头长、头宽、吻长和眼间距存在显著差异  相似文献   

Examination of the lectotype and paralectotypes of Pachytriton labiatus ( Unterstein, 1930 ) from southern China revealed that the specimens do not represent a member of Pachytriton, but are identical with a newt of another genus, Paramesotriton ermizhaoi Wu et al., 2009 also described from southern China. We suggest that Pac. labiatus should be transferred to Paramesotriton as a senior synonym of Par. ermizhaoi. We compared the morphology of the northeastern and southwestern groups of newts previously called Pac. "labiatus" with special reference to age and sexual variations. As a result, we confirmed that the two groups are differentiated sufficiently to be treated as different species. In this report, we revive the name Pac. granulosus Chang, 1933 to refer to the northeastern group of Pac. "labiatus," and at the same time, describe a new species representing the southwestern group.  相似文献   

大凉疣螈的骨骼系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了大凉疣螈 Tylototriton taliangensis 的骨骼系统,对各部分的形态结构进行了详细的描述.胸骨、喙骨、耻骨的形状与已报道的贵州疣螈 Tylototriton kweichowensis 不同;腕骨、跗骨数目存在个体差异;前颌骨、鼻突等与无斑肥螈、尾斑瘰螈的亦不相同.  相似文献   

无斑肥螈皮肤的组织学观察   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
徐剑 《四川动物》2007,26(2):400-401,I0008
本文报导了无斑肥螈(Pachytriton labiatus)皮肤的显微结构和特点。其皮肤的基本结构与其他有尾两栖类相似,体背、腹部位的皮肤厚度和结构有一定差异,皮肤中有丰富的微血管,在表皮和真皮相接处分布密集,背部分布密度明显大于腹部。皮肤腺体较少,缺乏色素细胞,角质化程度较低,表皮细胞层数少,界限不清。表皮下的毛细血管常向表皮突起,突起处表皮细胞层数减少,形成皮肤的血气呼吸屏障,以保证皮肤有效的呼吸作用的完成。  相似文献   

Callimico goeldii, Saguinus fuscicollis, and S. labiatus are sympatric in northern Bolivia and differ from each other in patterns of spatial and structural use of their environment. C. goeldii has a home range five times larger than that of mixed-species troops of S. fuscicollis and S. labiatus. The larger overlapping home range of C. goeldii allows it to move among Saguinus troops, giving it access to a wide range of different microhabitats. All three species use the most common microhabitat in the area, primary forest with dense understory, more than any other microhabitat type. C. goeldii habitat use varies by season, with bamboo and Heliconia microhabitats used more during the dry season. Each species shows preferences for different height classes: C. goeldii is found almost exclusively in the understory, S. fuscicollis uses the understory and middle canopy, and S. labiatus is found mostly in the middle canopy. These height class preferences are reflected in each species' locomotor styles, with C. goeldii showing the highest rates of vertical clinging and leaping, and S. labiatus showing the highest rates of branch-to-branch leaping and quadrupedal movement. The results suggest that C. goeldii may be restricted to forests with dense understory and a mosaic of other microhabitats. Furthermore, C. goeldii does not appear to use its tegulae for large branch foraging, but rather for vertical clinging and leaping between small vertical supports.  相似文献   

Polyspecific associations are an important component of Callimico goeldii behavior and ecology. On average, Callimico goeldii was found in proximity to or in vocal contact with Saguinus troops (S. fuscicollis and S. labiatus) during 53% of all time intervals sampled. Polyspecific associations varied considerably between seasons, however, with association rates peaking during the wet-season month of February (89%) and declining in the dry season, with the lowest rate (13%) in July. The primary benefits of associations appear to be an increased use of the lower and middle canopy, and an increase in feeding behaviors during the wet season. Thus, Callimico goeldii appear to benefit most from associations during the wet season when fruits are its principal food source. Fruits are eaten more in the forest canopy than in the understory; thus, an increase in height use likely permits an increase in the fruit resources on which Callimico goeldii can forage and feed. In addition, Saguinus groups, with their smaller home ranges, are likely to be more knowledgeable than Callimico goeldii about the location and abundance of ripe fruits in their home ranges. Thus, Callimico goeldii may parasitize Saguinus for their fruit knowledge by following them through their ranges. In the dry season, limited dietary overlap between Callimico goeldii and Saguinus groups is likely to make associations less beneficial for Callimico goeldii as they adopt different foraging and ranging strategies.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented to show that both the quality and quantity of food available to a buffalo population falls below the minimum maintenance requirements of that population at certain times of the year. In the Serengeti grasslands there was a shortage of the only good quality component, grass leaf, in the dry season, with the result that the animals consumed an increasing proportion of poor quality food such as grass stem. By the end of the dry season the diet had dropped in quality below the minimum maintenance level. In areas such as Mt. Meru where there was a more continuous growing season, the high density of animals kept the standing crop of leaf at a low level. During the cooler dry season the growth of leaf became insufficient in quantity for the maintenance requirements of the population. These two quite different situations suggested that food shortage was a more general phenomenon in eastern Africa. Various measurements of feeding behaviour were made. Total grazing time per 24 h did not differ between seasons but ruminating time may have increased as the season became drier and could have been a response to the more fibrous food. Analysis for cycles of activity showed that there was more temporal organization during the dry season. These changes in activity cycles appeared to be related to the increase in energy expenditure produced by heat stress and sweating. Old animals with poor teeth did not compensate for the poor food supply by changing their feeding behaviour. There was a positive relationship between annual rainfall and mean crude density in different areas of eastern Africa, indicating that regulation was taking place. Since rainfall determined the amount of available food, it could have operated through the food supply. On a finer scale it was found that the extent of the preferred riverine habitats was also related to density. Thus rainfall, the extent of riverine habitat and perhaps soil moisture were three limiting factors that determined mean density and all could have taken effect through the food supply. As a result of initial selective grazing the amount of available leaf declined as the dry season progressed to the extent that by the end of the season the proportion of this component in the diet fell to a very low level. The impact of the population on its limited food supply indicated that intra-specific competition was acting as the cause of regulation. Measurements of wildebeest eating the same food in the same habitats as buffalo showed that inter-specific competition was also taking place. A small proportion (7“) of the wildebeest population could have reduced the buffalo population by approximately 18o,‘, from its potential population size. The buffalo population in the Serengeti was regulated by adult mortality which was caused by undernutrition as a result of food shortage. This food shortage was caused by intra- and inter-specific competition. The effect of predation and disease was to hasten the response of the population to changes in the food supply. The limiting factors determining the mean level of the available food were, amongst others, rainfall, soil moisture and the extent of the preferred riverine habitat. The effect of interspecific competition could result in a complex regulation of populations through their food supply. There appears to be no foundation for hypotheses which invoke over-utilization or damage as a consequence of regulation through food.  相似文献   

The diet and activity of a population of Alouatta pigra were compared before and immediately after a major hurricane to begin to explore how the monkeys cope with severe habitat destruction. Focal animal data were collected from January to April (dry season) for two seasons before (368 h) and one season after the storm (149 h) on a population of black howlers in Monkey River, Belize. During the first dry season after the storm, the monkeys changed their diet in direct accordance with the availability of food. The absence of fruit and flower production and the increase in new leaf availability forced the monkeys to adopt a completely folivorous diet. The activity budget of the monkeys also changed, and they spent more time inactive, which may be linked to the change in the distribution and type of food available. They also spent less time in social interactions, which may be due to the lower number of juveniles in the population or to the formation of new groups between unfamiliar individuals following the hurricane. The ability to live for long periods of time on leaves alone has allowed the remaining population to survive in the short term.  相似文献   

The hippopotamus population in Liwonde National Park, Malawi was studied from December 2002 to June 2003. Motorboat censuses along the River Shire counted 640 animals, but because of the large number of hippos in temporary water sources at the time, the true number is probably closer to 950. Marked shifts in hippo distribution from the Shire into temporary water sources occurred as the wet season advanced. Because of the Shire’s year‐round water supply, the hippo population is not regulated by the availability of aquatic refuges, but by food availability. By following feeding tracks, dry season grazing range was estimated to extend 5 km east and 1 km west of the river. Grazing intensity transects and visual estimates indicated only a small portion of this area is suitable for hippo grazing, leading to over‐grazing in suitable areas. Coupled with low primary productivity levels in Liwonde, this means that dry season food competition between hippos and other herbivores is probably high. Recent proposals to raise the Shire’s dry season water level should be considered very carefully, as this will flood late dry season grazing grounds, thereby intensifying grazing competition and increasing grazing pressure in remaining grazing areas, having potentially serious impacts on the animal community.  相似文献   

A field study on the ecology of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) was carried out for 28 months in Cameroon. Fresh food remnants and large quantities of fresh feces were collected by following the groups. Analyses of these products indicated that fruit (including seeds), monocotyledonous plant leaves and insects (especially ants and termites), were frequently eaten. Mandrills mostly ate the plant and animal foods in the lower forest stratum and on the ground. Fallen seeds and monocotyledonous plant leaves were eaten more frequently in the minor fruiting season than in the major fruiting season presumably to compensate for the shortage of fresh fruit during the former. Daily travel distances were shorter during the minor fruiting season than during the major fruiting season, because in the minor fruiting season mandrills forage for small food items, such as the new leaves and piths of monocotyledons and fallen seeds which are sparsely distributed on the ground, while in the major fruiting season they search for widely distributed food such as fruit. The daily pattern of group movement and a food intake experiment suggest that mandrills move and feed continuously throughout the day. Use of fallen seeds and monocotyledonous plant leaves appears to enable mandrills to maintain a terrestrial life in the tropical rain forest. The feeding and ranging characteristics of mandrills are basically similar to those of other baboon species in open land, though their environments differ extremely.  相似文献   

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