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郭英兰  张中义 《菌物系统》1999,18(3):236-237
本文报道寄生在构树上的小树状霉属一新种:构树小树状霉。小树状霉属DendryphiellaBubak&Ranojevic仅迁2种,即淡褐小树状霉D.infuscans(Thuem)M.B.Ellis和葡酒色小树状霉D.vinoisa (Berk.&Curt)Reisinger.前者与新种的区别在于分生了梗具有宽的结节,分生隐子平滑或具有小疣,短而稍宽(9 ̄16×4-7μm);后者与新种的区别在于分  相似文献   

采自广东的簇孢霉属Sporothrix一新种,棉蝗簇孢霉SporothrixchondracisB.Huang,M.Z.FanetZ..Z.Li。该种产孢细胞齿突不再育或多次再育呈给节状间生,其分生孢子在该属中最小,呈油滴状或倒拟卵形,(1.7~)2.5(~3.1)×(1.0~)1.3(~2.0)μm。  相似文献   

采自广东的簇孢霉属Sporothrix一新种,棉蝗簇孢霉SporothrixchondracisB.Huang,M.Z.FanetZ..Z.Li。该种产孢细胞齿突不再育或多次再育呈给节状间生,其分生孢子在该属中最小,呈油滴状或倒拟卵形,(1.7~)2.5(~3.1)×(1.0~)1.3(~2.0)μm。  相似文献   

刘会梅  张天宇 《菌物学报》2006,25(3):386-388
报道分离自土壤中的齿梗孢属 Scolecobasidium 二新种:椭圆齿梗孢 Scolecobasidium ellipticum 和小孢齿梗孢 Scolecobasidium microsporum。椭圆齿梗孢与亚马逊齿梗孢 S. amazonense、粗腐植齿梗孢 S. crassihumicola 和倒卵齿梗孢 S. obovatum 形态近似,区别在于 S. amazonense 的分生孢子倒卵形,常在分生孢子基部形成一横隔膜,同样 S. crassihumicola 的分生孢子也仅具一横隔膜;S. obovatum 的分生孢子(10-25×4-6μm)明显地较新种的大,且表面光滑,因此容易区分。小孢齿梗孢与嗜粪齿梗孢 S. coprophilum、腐植齿梗孢 S. humicola 和小疣齿梗孢 S. verruculosum 分生孢子形态有些相似,但新种的分生孢子明显小于 S. coprophilum(6-12.5×2.8-4.2μm)和 S. humicola(7-13×2.8-4μm, Matsushima,1971)的,分生孢子梗也明显较后两者的短;此外,新种的分生孢子密生刺突,而 S. verruculosum 分生孢子表面遍生小疣,使它们陪此易于区分。二新种的模式标本(干制培养物)保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

本文报道云南热带地区尾孢菌属及其近似属真菌45种,其中有一个新种:番木瓜短胖孢(Cercosporidium papayae Y.L Guo,sp.nov.),寄生在番木瓜科(Caricaceae)番木瓜(Carica papaya L)叶上。短胖孢属真菌在番木瓜科植物上是首次报道。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述并附图。模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。寄生在番木瓜(Carica papaya L)上的Cercospora mamaonis Vicgas & Chupp与本种近似,二者都具有子座。分生孢子梗紧密簇生,但前者分生孢子梗(5~25×2~3μm)和分生孢子(10~45×2~3μm)均短而窄。番木瓜尾孢(Cercospora papayae Hansf.)与本种的区别在于无子座,分生孢子梗色泽深(中度褐色),分生孢子梗长(50~200×3.5~6μm),分生孢子无色,针形,窄(20~75×3~5μm)。  相似文献   

记录了最近在中国记载的侵染双翅目昆虫的虫霉目两个新种,毛蚊虫疠霉(Pandora bibionis)发现于浙江庆元的毛蚊(Bibio sp),其初生分生孢子拟卵形,多对称144~20.5×7.2~11.5μm(平均16.5~174×8.4~10.4μm), L/D 1.4~2.3(平均1.7~2.0);假根2倍粗于分生孢子梗,末端膨大为吸盘状固着器;休眠孢子外壁刺毛状,19.1~23.4μm。食蚜蝇干尸霉(Tarichium syrphis)发现于陕西镇坪县的斑翅狭口食蚜蝇上,其休眠孢子外被圆锥形长刺,长2.2~5.0μm,直径21.2~28.1μm。在毛蠓上发现中国新记录胶孢虫疠霉,并根据本文所采用的Humber(1989)系统,将其组合为胶孢虫瘴霉(Furia gloeosora comb. Nov.);此外,还将北虫疫霉(Erynia borea)组合为北虫疠霉(Pandoraborea comb. Nov.),并同时给予修订。  相似文献   

本文报道云南热带地区尾孢菌属及其近似属真菌45种,其中有一个新种:番木瓜短胖孢(CercosporidiumpapayaeY.L.Guo,sp.nov.),寄生在番木瓜科(Caricaceae)番木瓜(CaricapapayaL.)叶上。短胖孢属真菌在番木瓜科植物上是首次报道。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述并附图。模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。寄生在番木瓜(CaricapapayaL.)上的CercosporamamaonisViegas&Chupp与本种近似,二者都具有子座,分生孢子梗紧密簇生,但前者分生孢子梗(5~25×2~3μm)和分生孢子(10~45×2~3μm)均短而窄。番木瓜尾孢(CercosporapapayaeHansf.)与本种的区别在于无子座,分生孢子梗色泽深(中度褐色),分生孢子梗长(50~200×3.5~6μm),分生孢子无色,针形,窄(20~75×3~5μm)。  相似文献   

本文报道寄生在鳞毛颜料(DryoPteridaceae)卵果蕨(DryopterispolypodioidesFee)上的尾孢菌属一新种——鳞毛藏尾孢(CercosporadryopteridisY.L.Guo,sp.nov.)。尾孢菌属真菌在鳞毛蕨科是首次报道。鳞毛蕨尾孢叶斑角状至不规则形,灰白色至浅黄褐色。子实体主要生在叶背面。分生孢子梗单生或2~12根簇生,青黄褐色至中度褐色,顶部色泽较浅,宽度不规则,常基部较宽,不分枝或偶具分枝,1~4个屈膝状折点,1~5个隔膜,40~150(~210)×4.3~6μm。孢痕疤明显加厚,宽2.5~3.2μm。分生孢子无色,针形,直立或弯曲,顶端尖细,基部平截,具不明显的多个隔膜,95~250×3.7~4.8μm。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介并附图。模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

采自西双版纳的三个拟茎点霉新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了采自云南西双版纳的三个拟茎点霉Phomopsis新种:猴面包树拟茎点霉Ph. adansoniae、橡胶生拟茎点霉Ph. heveicola和蒲桃生拟茎点霉Ph. syzygiicola。猴面包树拟茎点霉分生孢子梗较长且宽,甲型分生孢子纺锤形,不同于木棉科植物上已报道的拟茎点霉种。橡胶生拟茎点霉与橡胶拟茎点霉Ph. heveae的主要区别在于前者分生孢子梗较宽,甲型和乙型分生孢子较窄。蒲桃生拟茎点霉与蒲桃拟茎点霉Ph. syzygii的主要区别是前者分生孢子梗合轴分枝,甲型分生孢子具2个油球。新种附有拉丁文、英文描述及显微结构图。模式标本保存于华南农业大学真菌标本室(SCHM)。  相似文献   

报道了分离自中国土壤中淡领瓶霉属及匍柄霉属的2个新种:球孢淡领瓶霉Cadophora shaerospora及福建匍柄霉Stemphylium fujianensis。其中,C. shaerospora的产孢瓶体3~5个簇生,淡褐色,瓶状,光滑,长6.5~15.0μm,基部稍细,1.5~3.0μm宽,中部膨大,围领近无色。分生孢子单生或常链生,淡褐色,球形至阔卵形,2.5~4.5×2.0~3.0μm。S. fujianensis的分生孢子单生,顶生,椭圆形至广椭圆形,基部钝圆,顶端钝尖状或钝圆,淡褐色至中度褐色,具5~8个横隔膜,多个纵、斜隔膜,光滑,(26.5~) 40.0~59.5×17.0~31.0μm。脐部暗色疤痕状,4~6μm宽。对新种与各自相似种的区别进行了详尽讨论。新种的模式标本(干制培养物)保存于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院真菌标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the potential contribution of conserved aromatic residues to the hydrophobic active site of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase, site-directed mutagenesis was employed to produce Y130L, Y163L, F204L, Y225L, Y346L, and Y376L proteins. Each mutant protein was expressed at levels comparable with wild-type enzyme and was isolated in highly purified form. Initial kinetic characterization indicated that F204L exhibits a substantial (>300-fold) decrease in catalytic rate (kcat). Upon modification with the mechanism-based inhibitor, 3-chloropropionyl-CoA, or in formation of a stable binary complex with acetoacetyl-CoA, F204L exhibits binding stoichiometries comparable with wild-type enzyme, suggesting substantial retention of active site integrity. Y130L and Y376L exhibit inflated values (80- and 40-fold, respectively) for the Km for acetyl-CoA in the acetyl-CoA hydrolysis partial reaction; these mutants also exhibit an order of magnitude decrease in kcat. Formation of the acetyl-S-enzyme reaction intermediate by Y130L, F204L, and Y376L proceeds slowly in comparison with wild-type enzyme. However, solvent exchange into the thioester carbonyl oxygen of these acetyl-S-enzyme intermediates is not slow in comparison with previous observations for D159A and D203A mutants, which also exhibit slow acetyl-S-enzyme formation. The magnitude of the differential isotope shift upon exchange of H218O into [13C]acetyl-S-enzyme suggests a polarization of the thioester carbonyl and a reduction in bond order. Such an effect may substantially contribute to the upfield 13C NMR shift observed for [13C]acetyl-S-enzyme. The influence on acetyl-S-enzyme formation, as well as observed kcat (F204L) and Km (Y130L; Y376L) effects, implicate these invariant residues as part of the catalytic site. Substitution of phenylalanine (Y130F, Y376F) instead of leucine at residues 130 and 376 diminishes the effects on catalytic rate and substrate affinity observed for Y130L and Y376L, underscoring the influence of aromatic side chains near the active site.  相似文献   

In addition, two new sections, Echinochlomorphae Y. L. Chang and Thomsonianae Y. L. Chang, two new combinations, C. duriuscula subsp. rigescens (Franch.) S. Y. Liang et Y. C. Tang (=C. stenophylla var. rigescens Franch.) and C. rochebrunii Franch. Subsp. reptans (Franch.) S. Y. Liang et Y. C. Tang (=C. remotae L. var. reptans Franch.) are made, and C. stenophylloides V. Krecz. is reduced to C. duriuscula subsp. stenophylloides (V. Krecz.) S. Y. Liang et Y. C.Tang.  相似文献   

Reaction centers from the Y(L167) mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, containing a highly oxidizing bacteriochlorophyll dimer and a tyrosine residue substituted at Phe L167, were compared to reaction centers from the Y(M) mutant, with a tyrosine at M164, and a quadruple mutant containing a highly oxidizing dimer but no nearby tyrosine residue. Distinctive features in the light-induced optical and EPR spectra showed that the oxidized bacteriochlorophyll dimer was reduced by Tyr L167 in the Y(L167) mutant, resulting in a tyrosyl radical, as has been found for Tyr M164 in the Y(M) mutant. In the Y(L167) mutant, the net proton uptake after formation of the tyrosyl radical and the reduced primary quinone ranged from +0.1 to +0.3 H(+)/reaction center between pH 6 and pH 10, with a dependence that is similar to the quadruple mutant but different than the large proton release observed in the Y(M) mutant. In the light-induced absorption spectrum in the 700-1000 nm region, the Y(L167) mutant exhibited unique changes that can be assigned as arising primarily from an approximately 30 nm blue shift of the dimer absorption band. The optical signals in the Y(L167) mutant were pH dependent, with a pK(a) value of approximately 8.7, indicating that the tyrosyl radical is stabilized at high pH. The results are modeled by assuming that the phenolic proton of Tyr L167 is trapped in the protein after oxidation of the tyrosine, resulting in electrostatic interactions with the tetrapyrroles and nearby residues.  相似文献   

A 4-year interdisciplinary study was performed to compare two organically managed sheep production systems, using 118 ewes and 24 ha each. The systems differed in the ewes' reproduction rhythm: one lambing per ewe per year (1L/1Y), with the aim of balancing feed self-sufficiency and lamb marketing periods v. three lambings over 2 years (3L/2Y), with the aim of maximising ewes' productivity. The sustainability was evaluated through ewes' reproductive performance, lamb growth rate, carcass characteristics and quality, animal health, forage and feed self-sufficiency, soil mineral balance and gross margin. General animal health was assessed by recording ewe and lamb mortality and putative cause of death. Nematode digestive-tract strongyles parasitism was studied using faecal egg counts and necropsies. Carcass quality was assessed by recording carcass weight, conformation and fatness, and colour and firmness of subcutaneous fat. Thirty-three percent of 3L/2Y ewes lambed twice a year against 4% of 1L/1Y. Mean ewe productivity was 161.3% and 151.0% in 3L/2Y and 1L/1Y, respectively, and it was more variable between years in 3L/2Y. Average concentrate feed consumption and the corresponding cost per ewe were higher in 3L/2Y than in 1L/1Y (156 v. 121 kg, and €49.5 v. €39.3, respectively). Finally, average gross margin was lower in 3L/2Y than in 1L/1Y (€59 v. €65 per ewe, respectively). Even in year 2002, when ewe productivity was highest in 3L/2Y (193%), gross margin was not different between systems (€90 v. €86 per ewe in 3L/2Y and 1L/1Y, respectively), because of higher concentrate costs in 3L/2Y. The 3L/2Y animals presented a lower health status, with a higher lamb mortality (P < 0.05) and a higher digestive-tract strongyles and coccidia parasitism level (P < 0.05). Lamb carcass conformation, fatness and fat colour were not different between systems, but carcass weight and subcutaneous dorsal fat firmness were lower in 3L/2Y lambs than in 1L/1Y lambs (P < 0.05 and < 0.001, respectively). Intensification in an organically managed sheep system, through an increased reproduction rhythm, thus did not lead to better economic results and proved riskier, more variable and more difficult to manage, and so less sustainable. The less intensive system (1L/1Y) was both highly efficient from the animal standpoint and highly feed self-sufficient. The technical and economic results of this system were better than those of organic private farms in the same area and matched those of non-organic farms.  相似文献   

In the paper four new species of the genus Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) are described from China. They are Impatiens fenghwaiana Y. L. Chen, I. wuyuanensis Y. L. Chen,I. jinggangensis Y. L. Ghen, and 1. hunanensis Y. L. Chen.  相似文献   

A mutant of the uniformly lethal L5178Y lymphoma, called the L5178Y/Manitoba (L5178Y/M), was rejected after subcutaneous challenge in syngeneic DBA/2 mice. Karyotypic analysis revealed that the parent L5178Y lymphoma had four chromosome markers, with the mutant L5178Y/M sharing one of them as well as possessing two distinguishing markers. One diploid and two hypotetraploid clones were isolated from the L5178Y/M; they contained all the marker chromosomes and were also rejected by the syngeneic host. In addition to the shared chromosome markers, the L5178Y/M possessed antigens in common with the parent L5278Y. DBA/2 mice made immune to the mutant by subcutaneous immunization were able to slow the growth of the parent tumor but not the unrelated P-815-X2 mastocytoma.  相似文献   

Reported are the X-ray crystal structures of recombinant Phascolopsis gouldii methemerythrin (1.8-A resolution) and the structure of an O2-binding-pocket mutant, L98Y methemerythrin (2.1-A resolution). The L98Y hemerythrin (Hr) has a greatly enhanced O2 affinity, a slower O2 dissociation rate, a larger solvent deuterium isotope effect on this rate, and a greater resistance to autoxidation relative to the wild-type protein. The crystal structures show that the hydrophobic binding pocket of Hr can accommodate substitution of a leucyl by a tyrosyl side chain with relatively minor structural rearrangements. UV/vis and resonance Raman spectra show that in solution L98Y methemerythrin contains a mixture of two diiron site structures differing by the absence or presence of an Fe(III)-coordinated phenolate. However, in the crystal, only one L98Y diiron site structure is seen, in which the Y98 hydroxyl is not a ligand, but instead forms a hydrogen bond to a terminal hydroxo/aqua ligand to the nearest iron. Based on this crystal structure, we propose that in the oxy form of L98Y hemerythrin the non-polar nature of the binding pocket favors localization of the Y98 hydroxyl near the O2 binding site, where it can donate a hydrogen bond to the hydroperoxo ligand. The stabilizing Y98OH-O2H-interaction would account for all of the altered O2 binding properties of L98Y Hr listed above.  相似文献   

中国竹类中的新分类等级及一新组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在大明竹属Pleioblastus下发表1新组,2新种,即Pl.sect.Amari sect.nov.及Pl.incarnatus sp.nov.,Pl.sanmingensis sp.vov.。在矢竹属Pseudosasa下发表新亚属Ps.subgen.Sinicae subgen.nov.;2新组Ps.subgen.Sinicae sect.Sinicae sect.nov.及sect.Cantorisect.nov.;2新系Ps.subgen.Sinicae sect.Sinicae ser.Amabiles er.nov.ser.Maculiferae ser.nov.;4新种Ps. rirta sp nov.,Ps. truncatula sp. nov. Ps. wuyiensis sp. nov. viridula sp. nov.; 3新变种及一新组合Ps. amabilis var. farinosa var. nov., Ps. nanunica var. angustifotis var. nov., Ps. maculi fera var. hirsute var. nov.,及Ps. pallidiflora (Meclure) comb. nov.  相似文献   

在观察大量标本和野外考察的基础上,认为Nannoglottis souliei (Franch.)Ling et Y.L. Chen应作为N.gynura (C.Winkl.)Ling et Y.L. Chen的异名。  相似文献   

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