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脱水速率对非洲柚种子脱水耐性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过脱水速率对不同发育阶段的非洲柚种子脱水耐性影响的研究,其结果表明:花后130 d,190 d,245 d和275 d的非洲柚种子在慢速脱水的条件下具有比快速脱水更强的脱水耐性,而且差异显著(P0.05)。但对于花后155 d和220 d的非洲柚种子,快速脱水和慢速脱水条件下脱水耐性差别变小,未达到显著性水平;脱水速率对非洲柚种子脱水耐性的影响与种子的发育阶段有关。这样的结果与前人以正常性大豆种子和玉米胚为材料得到的结果相类似。研究认为,脱水速率对中间型非洲柚种子脱水耐性的影响,可能主要在于慢速脱水能够诱导某些与脱水耐性相关的蛋白的表达和积累。慢速脱水诱导脱水耐性必需以种子具有相应的遗传基础为前提,而且需要选择合适的时机。  相似文献   

种子脱水耐性及其与种子类型和发育阶段的相关性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
种子脱水耐性是种子发育过程中获得的综合特性,是判断种子贮藏持性的一个重要依据。当种子获得脱水耐性时,生理,形态和结构会发生相应的变化,包括糖,蛋白质,脂类和抗氧化系统等保护性物质的合成,各种保护性物质不是单独作用的,而是协同调节种子的脱水耐性。不同的植物种子,其脱水耐性不同,并且随着种子的发育而变化。关于种子脱水耐性的获得,主要有2种观点,一种认为是数量性状,另一种认为是突变性状。种子库收集种子保存时,适时采集和适度脱水才能有效地延长种子的贮藏寿命。  相似文献   

种子脱水耐性的成因及人工诱导   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了脱水伤害、形成种子脱水耐性的可能要素、脱水耐性的人工诱导及成功可能性的研究进展。  相似文献   

成熟脱水对种子发育和萌发的作用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
成熟脱水是正常性种子发育的末端事件。种子在成熟时胚的脱水耐性增加;当种子萌发时胚变得不耐脱水。当种子获得脱水耐性时,糖、蛋白质和抗氧化防御系统等保护性物质积累;当脱水耐性丧失时,这些物质被降解。成熟脱水是种子从发育过程向萌发过程转变的“开关”,它降低发育的蛋白质和mRNA的合成,终止发育事件和促进萌发事件。顽拗性种子不经历成熟脱水的发育阶段,对脱水高度敏感。  相似文献   

成熟脱水是正常性种子发育的末端事件。种子在成熟时胚的脱水耐性增加;当种子萌发时胚变得不耐脱水。当种子获得脱水耐性时,糖、蛋白质和抗氧化防御系统等保护性物质积累;当脱水耐性丧失时,这些物质被降解。成熟脱水是种子从发育过程向萌发过程转变的“开关”,它降低发育的蛋白质和mRNA的合成,终止发育事件和促进萌发事件。顽拗性种子不经历成熟脱水的发育阶段,对脱水高度敏感。  相似文献   

种子顽拗性的形成机理及其保存技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据种子的脱水行为将种子分为正常性种子、顽拗性种子和中间性种子。顽拗性种子在发育的末期不经历成熟脱水.脱落时有相对高的含水量,并且对低温和脱水干燥非常敏感。在自然界,顽拗性种子存在一个连续群,即低度、中度和高度顽拗性种子,其差异在于对脱水伤害的敏感程度。影响种子顽拗性的因素,既有种子本身的生理生化物质基础,也有种子在母株上发育过程中所经受的外界环境的影响。目前,对种子脱水耐性的分子机制及其保存技术研究得较多。本文综述了有关顽拗性种子研究的近期进展。  相似文献   

种子脱水耐性与糖的关系   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
糖类在植物种子中的累积随种子的发育阶段和种子类型不同而不同,并与种子脱水耐性的变化相联系。许多正常性植物种子的发育伴随着某些糖的累积,这些糖的累积已被认为在种子脱水耐性获得中起重要作用。但糖对种子脱水耐性的影响不是单独的,而是与ABA和蛋白质等物质协同作用。种子脱水耐性不仅与糖的种类和含量有关,而且与种子所处的生理状态和发育进程有关。本文综述了种子脱水耐性与糖关系的研究进展。  相似文献   

假槟榔种子脱水耐性的发育变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
对假槟榔(Archontophoenix alexandrae)种子和胚发育过程中脱水耐性的变化、不同脱水速率对脱水耐性的影响及种子的萌发和贮藏特性进行了研究。种子含水量在花后55~70d逐步降低,随后不再变化,并保持在较高水平(37%);花后90d的种子获得最大干重。花后60d后种子获得萌发能力,花后70d达到最大值。在交替光照下(14h光照,10h黑暗,12μnmol m^-2s^-1),种子在15℃~40℃下均能萌发,其萌发的适宜温度范围为30℃~35℃;但光照对种子的萌发有较大的抑制作用。种子和胚在花后55~90d,脱水耐性逐渐增强;花后90d种子和胚的脱水耐性最强,此时种子和胚的半致死含水量分别为0.18g/g和0.3g/g。脱水至相同含水量,快速脱水的种子的存活率明显高于慢速脱水。无论是否进行脱水处理,-18℃下贮藏1个月后,种子均丧失萌发能力;在4℃,10℃和15℃下,适度脱水能延长种子的贮藏寿命。假槟榔种子不耐脱水,不适合在低温、低含水量条件下长期贮藏,属顽拗性种子。  相似文献   

与种子耐脱水性有关的基础物质研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
耐脱水的获得和维持与种子的类型有关,正常型种子耐脱水,而顽拗形种子对脱水高度敏感,正常型种子的脱水耐性随发良[过程而变化,种子成熟时胚的脱水耐性增强,其萌发时胚变为不耐脱水,当种子获得脱水耐性时,糖,LEA蛋白质和抗氧化防御系统等保护性物质积累,但脱水耐性是一种复杂的数量的特性,任何一种单一的机制都不能 充分地解释脱水耐性,各种保护性物质协同调节脱水耐性,本文综述了近几年来关于种子耐脱水性与保护性物质相关性的研究进展。  相似文献   

耐脱水的获得和维持与种子的类型有关,正常型种子耐脱水,而顽拗形种子对脱水高度敏感。正常型种子的脱水耐性随发育过程而变化,种子成熟时胚的脱水耐性增强,而萌发时胚变为不耐脱水。当种子获得脱水耐性时,糖、LEA蛋白质和抗氧化防御系统等保护性物质积累。但脱水耐性是一种复杂的数量的特性,任何一种单一的机制都不能充分地解释脱水耐性,各种保护性物质协同调节脱水耐性。本文综述了近几年来关于种子耐脱水性与保护性物质相关性的研究进展。  相似文献   

玉米种子脱水试验表明,25℃下萌发24h种子脱水耐性开始丧失,丧失50%和100%的时间分别为33h、58h。萌发过程中随着吸胀时间增加,玉米种子脱水耐性逐步丧失。显微观察显示,种子吸胀过程中,胚根细胞的贮藏物质逐步减少,线粒体等细胞器的分化程度则不断提高,尤其是脂类物质的分解程度与脱水耐性变化的关系似乎更明显。  相似文献   

XUE Peng  WEN Bin 《Plant Diversity》2015,37(3):293-300
The effects of drying rates on the desiccation tolerance of Citrus maxima ‘Feizhouyou’ seeds at different developmental stages were studied in this paper. For seeds harvested at 130 days after anthesis (DAA), 190 DAA, 245 DAA and 275 DAA, slow dried seeds had higher desiccation tolerance than those rapid dried, with difference at significant level (P < 005). However, such improvement was little for seeds harvested at 155 DAA and 220 DAA, indicating that effect of drying rate on desiccation tolerance depends on seed developmental stages. These results accorded with previous reports on orthodox soybean seeds and maize embrys. It was suggested that the effects of drying rate on desiccation tolerance of intermediate Citrus maxima ‘Feizhouyou’ seeds mainly resulted from expression and accumulation of some desiccation related proteins induced by slow drying. On the required genetic basis, desiccation tolerance in seeds can be induced only at suitable seed developmental stages.  相似文献   

苔藓植物耐旱机制研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
耐旱藓类快速脱水并存活的能力可由快速建立起来的对环境变化的耐受机制来反映,保护细胞完整性的组成型机制与修复细胞损伤的诱导机制协同作用使苔藓植物渡过干旱胁迫.再水化时光合系统原初恢复非常迅速;ABA处理可显著改变PSⅡ的生理特征;基因表达的变化主要由翻译调控引起;脱水组织中贮存mRNPs既保护了mRNAs,又加快了再水化修复速度.山墙藓(Tortula ruralis)是耐旱研究较多的一个种,已建立了表达序列文库(EST),将会成为耐旱研究的重要模式植物.  相似文献   

文章对竹柏(Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0.7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16.86±0.73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2 h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

1. There have been no reports of the long-term responses of the desiccation-tolerant (DT) plants to elevated CO2. Xerophyta scabrida is a DT woody shrub, which loses chlorophylls and thylakoids during desiccation: a so-called poikilochlorophyllous desiccation-tolerant species (PDT). When the leaves of X. scabria are allowed to desiccate, the species shows many of the normal features of (P)DT plants.
2. However, the duration of photosynthesis in X. scabria is prolonged by 300% when the measurements are made at 700 as opposed to 350p.p.m. CO2. The implication is that the carboxylating enzymes must still have been active at this time to enable appreciable photosynthetic activity. This response could have far-reaching implications for the success of such species in a future climate.
3. Lichens and mosses, representing the homoiochlorophyllous DTs (HDT), retain their chlorophyll content and photosynthetic apparatus during desiccation. We show the desiccation responses of two common HDT species ( Cladonia convoluta and Tortula ruralis ) to elevated CO2 for comparison. Both HDT species showed increased net CO2 uptake in the material grown at high CO2 by more than 30% in moss and by more than 50% in lichen. It is concluded that desiccation-tolerant plants will be among the main beneficiaries of a high CO2 future.  相似文献   

The Hymenophyllaceae is a primitive family within the Filicopsidae. One of the most exceptional features of this family of ferns is the presence of fronds with one or just a few cell layers (hence their name of filmy ferns), and the absence of stomata. Hymenophyllum caudiculatum and Hymenophyllum dentatum are able to lose more than 82% of their fully hydrated water content, to remain dry for extended periods of time (days or weeks), and to survive and remain viable following rehydration. The aim of this work was to understand whether the adaptive strategy of the Hymenophyllaceae for desiccation tolerance is constitutive or inducible. A proteomic approach was adopted in combination with physiological parameters to assess whether there were changes in the protein content during dehydration and following rehydration. Detached fronds were used to monitor the rates of photosynthesis in desiccation experiments, sugar accumulation, and high-resolution 2-DE to analyze proteome variation during a desiccation–rehydration cycle. The analyzed proteome exhibited little variation (3–4%) between hydrated and desiccated states, while variation was greater between the desiccated and rehydrated states (8.7–10%). Eighty-two discrete proteins were analyzed by MS/MS, and 65 were identified. About 21% of the analyzed proteins (17) were mixtures of two or more different polypeptides. Of the identified proteins, more than a half (33 spots, 55%) had functions related to energy-photosynthesis. The second largest category with known function (five spots, 8%) was related to cell rescue, defense, and virulence. More than one in every four proteins analyzed belonged to a group of hypothetical proteins (18 spots, 28%). The results suggest that the Hymenophyllaceae represent an example of a change in adaptive strategy from a typical vascular to the poikilohydric homoiochlorophyllous adaptation, which they share with the bryophytes that grow in profusion in the same habitats. The speed at which desiccation takes place therefore precludes the induction of protective systems, suggesting a constitutive mechanism of cellular protection.  相似文献   

Air temperature and humidity, moss surface temperature, moss water content, and photosynthetically active radiation were measured through a clear dry night and early morning in July 1998; CO2 gas exchange of the moss was measured by infra-red gas analysis. The measurements showed progressive absorption of water by the moss through much of the night. The moss reached sufficient water content for about 1.5 h of positive net CO2 uptake immediately after dawn. The cumulative net carbon balance on this occasion was negative, but mornings with heavier dew could give a positive daily carbon balance, and short, early morning periods of photosynthesis during prolonged dry weather may mitigate long-term desiccation damage and allow for regular molecular repair.  相似文献   

Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins occur in desiccation-tolerant organisms, including the nematode Aphelenchus avenae, and are thought to protect other proteins from aggregation. Surprisingly, expression of the LEA protein AavLEA1 in A. avenae is partially discordant with that of its gene: protein is present in hydrated animals despite low cognate mRNA levels. Moreover, on desiccation, when its gene is upregulated, AavLEA1 is specifically cleaved to discrete, smaller polypeptides. A processing activity was found in protein extracts of dehydrated, but not hydrated, nematodes, and main cleavage sites were mapped to 11-mer repeated motifs in the AavLEA1 sequence. Processed polypeptides retain function as protein anti-aggregants and we hypothesise that the expression pattern and cleavage of LEA protein allow rapid, maximal availability of active molecules to the dehydrating animal.  相似文献   

文章对竹柏( Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0?7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16?86±0?73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

D. F. Gaff  H. Ziegler 《Oecologia》1989,78(3):407-410
Summary All species of desiccation tolerant angiosperms studied conserved some ATP in air-dry viable leaves. Otherwise there was no uniformity of response to drying: ATP content remained high in some species, but fell markedly in the others. ATP levels stayed high in Boea hygroscopica and Borya constricta until relative water content fell below 30%. ATP content recovered in the first 2 h of rehydration in Boea, but recovery was gradual in Borya, taking more than 16 h.Abbreviations ADP adenosine 5-diphosphate - ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate - BES N,N-bis[2-hydroxyethyl]-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N1-2-ethanesulfonic acid - RH relative humidity - RWC relative water content  相似文献   

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