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普定喀斯特地区不同演替阶段植物群落凋落物动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
凋落物是陆地生态系统碳收支和物质循环的重要组成部分.本研究于2011年3月-2012年2月对普定喀斯特区6个演替阶段(稀灌草丛、藤刺灌丛、灌木林、乔灌过渡林、次生乔木林以及原生乔木林)植物群落的凋落物生物量、组分(叶、枝、花果等)、月动态进行了定位观测.结果表明:6个演替阶段群落年均总凋落量分别为789.5、3821.8、4315.0、4158.8、4201.0和3950.4 kg·hm-2;随着群落正向演替的推进,植物群落凋落物量表现为先升高后缓慢下降最后趋于稳定.叶凋落量占总凋落量的59.0% ~ 77.7%,枝凋落量占7.9%~24.0%,花果等凋落量占5.4% ~ 24.0%,叶凋落量比例随群落正向演替递减,枝凋落量与群落演替阶段显著正相关.原生乔木林、灌木林和稀灌草丛群落凋落物的月变化规律为单峰型,其余3个演替群落凋落物的月变化规律均为双峰型;叶凋落物的月动态与总凋落物一致.  相似文献   

通过对贵州省普定县喀斯特地区不同植被演替阶段群落的调查, 研究了植被演替过程中群落物种组成和群落结构的变化。结果表明, 该地区的植被主要处于5个演替阶段, 即次生乔木林、乔灌过渡林、藤刺灌丛、稀灌草丛以及火烧干扰后的蕨类植物群落。本次调查共记录到植物365种, 隶属89科218属。其中, 蕨类植物31种, 隶属14科23属; 种子植物334种, 隶属75科195属。物种分布较多的科主要有蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科、百合科、忍冬科、唇形科、莎草科、樟科、葡萄科和水龙骨科。随着正向演替的推进, 物种丰富度增加, 群落结构趋于复杂化。藤刺灌丛与乔灌过渡林群落层次不明显, 次生乔木林分层明显。从藤刺灌丛向次生乔木林演替的过程中, 小径级个体所占比例明显降低, 高于1.3 m植物的总密度、乔木密度和藤本密度都先升高后降低, 而灌木密度呈逐渐降低的趋势。对喀斯特地区植被的恢复提出了参考措施。  相似文献   

云南热带、亚热带山地灌草丛植被特点及利用途径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
灌草丛植被在云南的热带、亚热带山地广泛分布。这一植被类型主要由热带(或起源于热带)的禾草所组成,形成一个很明显的禾草草层,其上散生少数乔、灌木。现已分出5个植被亚型,12个群系和17个群丛。5个植被亚型是:热性灌草丛、干热性灌草丛、暖热性灌草丛、暖温性灌草丛和温凉性灌草丛。其中干热性灌草丛可认为是“半热带草原”或“次生热带草原”。在长期演替中,5个灌草丛可分别向5个最后的气候顶极演替。在开发利用上,山地坡度大于20˚者可发展林业,小于20˚者可发展畜牧业及其他种植业。在已划定的自然保护区(或点)内,必须严格保护,并可开展一些重要科研工作。  相似文献   

中国西南喀斯特植物群落演替特征及驱动机制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
植被恢复是西南喀斯特石漠化治理和生态重建的关键步骤。通过总结已有的结果和分析中国科学院环江喀斯特试验站部分试验数据,研究了西南喀斯特植被演替过程中群落的动态特征,结果发现:西南喀斯特沿北、中、南亚热带至北热带的海拔递减、气温和降雨量升高的梯度格局下,群落的高度、盖度增加,密度、科属种数量和物种多样性呈递减趋势;不同区域沿草丛、灌丛、灌乔丛、乔丛的顺向演替方向上,群落的高度、盖度增加、密度减小,科属种数量及物种多样性除北亚热带持续增加外,其他3个区域的最大值均出现在灌乔丛,乔丛反而有所下降;西南喀斯特植被演替是生物驱动因素与环境阻力相互作用的结果,不同区域不同演替阶段植被演替的建群种和关键种不同,其植物群落的稳定性受多样性和结构性的共同控制,因地质和生态环境恶劣,植被退化容易恢复难,充分理解和认识植被演替规律对西南喀斯特植被恢复和生态重建意义重大。  相似文献   

贵州喀斯特山区不同植被下土壤C、N、P含量和空间异质性   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
西南喀斯特地区是中国四大生态脆弱地区之一,为了解喀斯特生态环境下植被演替对土壤养分循环的影响,选取贵州中部喀斯特地区由乔木林、灌木林和灌草丛等不同植被类型下的土壤为研究对象,采用样块法采集了表层土壤样品,测定C、N、P全量及有效态含量,分析了这些元素的空间异质性特点.结果表明,各养分元素无论全量和有效态含量均在乔木林下最高,灌木林下有机碳及N、P全量的下降并不显著,但养分有效态含量显著下降,而灌草丛下土壤养分无论是全量还是有效态含量均较灌木林下显著降低下降;土壤养分空间异质性在灌木林下最高,土壤全磷素特别是速效磷的空间异质性高于有机碳和N.这显示,不仅是土壤养分含量,而且土壤养分的空间异质性都随植被演替而改变.这种变化中,土壤养分有效态较全量更为剧烈.植物类型和结构变化下凋落物返还及土壤生物化学转化环节的变化可能是引起喀斯特生态系统退化下土壤养分库降低而空间异质化提高的主要原因,这最终也会影响土壤养分在生态系统内的循环和分布.  相似文献   

Du YX  Pan GX  Li LQ  Hu ZL  Wang XZ 《应用生态学报》2010,21(8):1926-1932
为了解喀斯特生态系统退化过程中树木细根生物量和土壤养分的变化,选择贵州中部喀斯特山地乔木林、灌木林和灌草丛3种植被生态系统,比较分析不同深度(0~5 cm、5~10 cm和10~15 cm)土壤细根数量及其养分情况.结果表明:树木细根主要分布在0~10 cm土层,并随土层加深而减少.在0~10 cm土层中,乔木林、灌木林和灌草丛的活细根生物量分别占0~15 cm总细根生物量的42.78%、56.75%和53.38%,总活细根生物量的83.36%、86.91%和93.79%.不同植被下优势种植物细根生物量存在差异.0~5 cm土层乔木林活细根氮素和磷素储量均显著高于灌草丛和灌木林(P0.05),但灌木林和灌草丛间没有差异;5~10 cm土层乔木林活细根氮和磷储量显著高于灌草丛和灌木林(P0.05),灌木林下又显著高于灌草丛下(P0.05).0~10 cm土层的活细根生物量与植株地上部分生物量呈正相关,植物叶片氮、磷养分含量与细根比根长呈显著的负相关,说明细根的养分储量对地上生物量的建成和生态系统功能的发挥具有重要作用.  相似文献   

基于马尔柯夫模型的怒江流域中段植被动态变化预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李晖  白杨  杨树华  朱雪  赵凯 《生态学杂志》2009,28(2):371-376
运用GIS、RS和GPS技术,采用1994和2004年2个时期的TM影像建立了植被分类系统,分析了2个时期的植被景观格局特征及其变化,并利用马尔柯夫模型,对未来该区域植被景观的动态变化进行了预测。结果表明,怒江流域中段植被景观以灌草丛为基质,其他景观类型镶嵌于其中。1994—2004年,各种植被景观类型之间发生转移最多的是在灌草丛、半湿润常绿阔叶林和针阔混交林之间。变化最大的是海拔较低的灌草丛和半湿润常绿阔叶林等;海拔较高的针阔混交林、寒温性针叶林等的变化均不明显。结果预示,未来10年,人为干扰对整个流域植被演替的影响将进一步加强,灌草丛、寒温性针叶林等面积不断增加,半湿润常绿阔叶林和中山湿性常绿阔叶林面积不断减少,景观整体趋于破碎化,研究区的生态环境受到人类活动严重影响。  相似文献   

三峡水库岛屿成岛前的植被特征与物种丰富度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三峡水库蓄水导致原有生境的岛屿化, 本文调查了三峡水库6个即将形成的岛屿蓄水前的植被特征, 并对这些岛屿上各类群落类型的物种丰富度进行了分析。共调查到群落类型28个, 其中草丛12个, 灌丛7个, 森林9个。研究结果表明, 绝大多数岛屿自然植被覆盖率低, 植被退化严重。主要表现为森林比重很小, 群落多样性低, 撂荒地上处于次生演替初始阶段的杂类草草丛占了相当大的比例。6个岛屿的植物种数分别为126、157、175、189、242、254; 其中森林群落的平均物种丰富度指数为42.19, 灌、草丛分别为15.96和17.89。杂类草草丛具有较高的丰富度指数, 而演替到较为稳定的退化草丛物种丰富度指数呈下降趋势。各类灌丛之间物种丰富度指数相差不大。在针阔混交林向阔叶林演替过程中, 物种丰富度指数表现为较大的波动性。由于自然植被被严重破坏, 岛屿上外来入侵种形成了较大的灾害。三峡库区即将形成的这些岛屿具有重要的研究价值, 建议选择一些岛屿建立保护区。  相似文献   

木本植物对喀斯特石质生境岩石形态结构的适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王美权  黄宗胜 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7749-7761
为弄清植物对喀斯特岩石形态结构的适应性,选择3种岩石类型及7种木本群落为研究对象,基于分形、空间句法理论研究岩石结构面孔裂隙形态结构及其与群落特征的关系。结果表明:石灰岩结构面孔裂隙间隙度大、白云岩居中、白云质砂岩小,分维数则反之;白云质砂岩结构面孔裂隙整合度、控制值、密度值大,白云岩居中,石灰岩小;白云岩生境下群落物种多样性及优势种碳、氮含量高、白云质砂岩次之、石灰岩低;分形与空间句法指数间呈显著相关关系,两者能较好的揭示岩石形态结构;总体上3种岩性生境下物种多样性及优势种碳、氮含量与岩石结构面孔裂隙分形及空间句法指数具较强相关关系;大致相同的环境下白云岩形态结构适宜植物生长、白云质砂岩次之、石灰岩差;研究岩石形态结构对喀斯特植被恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

喀斯特山区不同植被类型土壤有机碳的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Liao HK  Long J 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2253-2258
研究了贵州西南部典型喀斯特山区不同植被类型下常规土壤及小生境土壤中有机碳及不同粒径土壤颗粒有机碳的变化.结果表明:不同植被类型下,常规及小生境土壤有机碳含量均表现为:裸地<草丛<灌木林<乔木林,常规土壤变幅在7.18 ~43.42 g·kg-1,土面和石坑土壤有机碳变幅分别为6.62 ~46.47 g· kg-1和9.01 ~52.07 g·kg-1;颗粒有机碳(POC)/矿物结合态有机碳( MOC)值均为:裸地<草丛<乔木林<灌木林,同一植被类型下,与常规及土面相比,石坑中土壤POC/MOC值最高;植被在由裸地-草丛-灌木林-乔木林的变化过程中,不同粒径土壤颗粒有机碳含量增加,而土壤有机碳主要以砂粒及粉砂粒有机碳形式存在,说明喀斯特地区土壤的固碳能力及有机碳稳定性较弱,土壤易受外界干扰而引发有机碳流失,土壤质量存在下降或退化的风险.  相似文献   

西南喀斯特区域水土流失敏感性评价及其空间分异特征   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
凡非得  王克林  熊鹰  宣勇  张伟  岳跃民 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6353-6362
西南喀斯特地区碳酸盐岩酸不溶物含量很低,成土速率慢、土壤允许流失量小,加上地形起伏大、植被破坏严重,导致该地区水土流失敏感性及其空间分异的独特特征。选取降雨侵蚀力、地形起伏度、土壤类型、植被类型及土壤允许流失量等5个指标,应用GIS技术对西南喀斯特区水土流失敏感性进行单因子和多因子综合分析评价,结果表明西南喀斯特区水土流失敏感性普遍很高,中度敏感以上区域占西南喀斯特区总面积的82.8%,不敏感区域所占面积比例为6.4%;水土流失中度敏感以上区域主要分布于贵州全境、广西峰丛洼地区、云南东南部、重庆东北部、东南部、湖北西南部及湖南西北部等区域;随着岩石中酸不溶物含量的增加,水土流失极敏感和高度敏感区面积比例减少,中度敏感区比例增加。研究结果有助于指导西南喀斯特地区水土流失防治及退化喀斯特生态系统的恢复与重建。  相似文献   

A series of studies claimed that deep root development of plant established in karst regions was facilitated by fractured bedrock beneath the shallow soils; however, bedrock is not a uniform medium for root proliferation. We hypothesized plant species that survived in different karst habitats had some other rooting characteristics rather than deep penetration. To test the hypothesis, coarse root systems of two widely distributed woody species (one tree and one shrub) growing in three typical rocky karst habitats (shallow soil, loose rocky soil and exposed rock) were excavated in karst region of southwest China. Root systems were investigated based on four parameters: maximum rooting depth, maximum radial extent, root tapering pattern and root curvature. In all the three habitats, maximum rooting depths were no deeper than 120 and 40 cm for the tree and shrub species, respectively. Maximum radial extents were extremely large compared with maximum rooting depth, indicating that rooting characteristics were dominated by horizontal extension rather than deep penetration. Roots of both species growing in shallow soil habitat tapered gradually and curved slightly, which was consistent with the specific characteristics of this habitat. On the contrary, roots of the tree species growing in the other two habitats tapered rapidly but curved slightly, while roots of the shrub species tapered gradually but curved strongly. It was speculated that limited depths and rapid tapering rates of the tree roots were likely compensated by their utmost radial extensions, while the shrub species might benefit from its root curvature as the associated root tropisms may increase the ability of root to encounter more water and contribute to potentially high resource absorption efficiency. Our results highlight the importance of taking shallow-rooted species into account in understanding the distribution of natural plant communities and predicting future vegetation dynamics in karst regions.  相似文献   

Aims Fujian Province has been one of the most severe soil erosion regions since Ming and Qing Dynasty in China. Recently, several ecological restoration projects have been implemented and they have significantly changed vegetation cover in this region.
Methods We analyzed the four-decade vegetation cover change in Fujian Province using seven time-series data of Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM), and Operational Land Imager (OLI) between 1975 and 2014. We further explored the possible drivers on vegetation cover change by incorporating statistical data of plantation, cropland and urbanized area.
Important findings Vegetation coverage in Fujian Province has increased from 69.0% to 77.8% between 1975 and 2014. However, a slight decrease was observed between 1995 and 2005. Spatially, forest was the primary vegetation type in the northwest, where croplands and human settlements were scattered along rivers or oceans. Shrubs and bare lands were also scattered across the northwest. In southwest, the areas of bare land, shrub land and cropland decreased, while areas of forest and human settlements expanded. The vegetation coverage and urbanized area increased at the cost of cropland and bare land.  相似文献   

广西岩溶植被演替过程中主要小气候因子日变化特征   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
选择广西不同气候带下具有典型性和代表性的岩溶区作为研究区域,调查和监测了岩溶植被演替过程中主要小气候因子的日变化特征。结果表明,在石荒漠阶段和草丛阶段,群落光照强、土温和气温高、空气相对湿度低,时间波动比较明显:灌丛阶段群落冠层以下的照度、气温均较低,随时间变化的幅度不大,而冠层以上的光照强度和气温均出现了大幅上升,而且随时间变化的幅度较大;落叶阔叶林阶段和常绿落叶阔叶混交林阶段群落内部的照度、气温及土壤温度均大幅降低,空气相对湿度保持在较大水平,主要小气候因子的时空变化比较平缓。主要小气候因子的时空动态与群落结构和群落种类组成特征密切相关。  相似文献   

桂西峰丛岩溶区的环境特点及农业生态系统优化设计   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
庞冬辉  李先琨  何成新  蒋忠诚 《广西植物》2003,23(5):408-413,398
桂西岩溶峰丛山区生态系统功能脆弱、抗干扰能力低 ,面临严重的生态危机 ,急需修复和重建。以生态学的原理与方法为指导 ,进行土地利用的优化设计 ,调整农村产业结构 ,通过全面封育与先锋群落的构建 ,实行乔灌藤草优化配置、生态防护林体系与特色农林产品基地建设结合 ,恢复良好的森林植被 ,涵养表层岩溶水 ,改善生存环境 ,进行不同地貌部位和岩溶地质背景下适生植物合理布局 ,是峰丛岩溶区生态恢复重建的基本步骤。  相似文献   

In karst regions, forests often grow on bedrock outcrops, however the water sources used by the forest vegetation are not known. This study aimed at investigating whether there were seasonal shifts (dry/wet season) of water sources for plants growing on the continuous dolostone outcrops, and comparing their differences with those growing on nearby thin soils in karst areas of southwest China. Rainwater, soil water within 0–30 cm depths, spring water (as a reflection of local deep water sources) and plant xylem water were sampled in March (late dry season) and July (mid rainy season) 2009, respectively. A direct inference approach and the IsoSource mixing model were used to estimate the contributions of different sources to the plant xylem water. On the outcrops, the deciduous tree species Radermachera sinica mainly used deep water sources during the dry season and a mixture of rainwater and deep water sources during the wet season. By contrast, the deciduous small shrub Alchornea trewioides largely relied on recent rainwater during both dry and wet seasons. Three non-deciduous species (Sterculia euosma, Schefflera octophylla and Ficus orthoneura) appear to rely on deep water sources during the wet seasons. In nearby thin soils, R. sinica mainly utilized deep water in the dry season and a mixture of soil water and deep water in the wet season. A. trewioides relied on the same water sources (rainwater-derived soil water) in the different seasons. The above results indicate that inter-specific differences in rooting patterns and leaf phenologies may lead to the differences in the sources of water used by coexisting plant species in karst regions.  相似文献   

广西马山岩溶次生林群落生物量和碳储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶植被在岩溶生态系统碳循环和全球碳平衡中具有重要的作用。通过对马山县岩溶次生林年龄序列(幼龄林、中龄林和老龄林)3个演替阶段9个样地(20 m×50 m)的系统取样调查,研究了停止人为干扰后岩溶次生林生物量和碳储量的变化。结果表明:沿幼林、中林和老林群落的顺向演替发展,群落生物量显著增加(P0.05),从幼林群落的48.17 t/hm2、到中林群落113.47 t/hm2,再到老林群落242.59 t/hm2。老林生态系统的碳储量较高,平均为236.69 t/hm2,中林和幼林较低且非常相近,分别为225.17 t/hm2和224.76 t/hm2,各次生林生态系统的碳储量差异不显著(P0.05)。土壤碳储量的大小顺序为幼林(198.44 t/hm2)中林(167.39 t/hm2)老林(113.43 t/hm2)。沿群落正向演替,各次生林生态系统中植物碳储量和土壤碳储量的比例发生明显的变化。幼林的土壤碳储量占生态系统碳储量的88.29%,植物碳储量只占11.71%;中林相应为74.34%和25.66%;而老林为47.92%和52.08%。可见,随着岩溶植被的正向演替,土壤碳转变为植物碳的趋势十分明显,这是岩溶森林不同于酸性土森林的一个显著特征。  相似文献   

Changes in the carbon stocks of stem biomass, organic layers and the upper 50 cm of the mineral soil during succession and afforestation of spruce (Picea abies) on former grassland were examined along six chronosequences in Thuringia and the Alps. Three chronosequences were established on calcareous and three on acidic bedrocks. Stand elevation and mean annual precipitation of the chronosequences were different. Maximum stand age was 93 years on acid and 112 years on calcareous bedrocks. Stem biomass increased with stand age and reached values of 250–400 t C ha?1 in the oldest successional stands. On acidic bedrocks, the organic layers accumulated linearly during forest succession at a rate of 0.34 t C ha?1 yr?1. On calcareous bedrocks, a maximum carbon stock in the humus layers was reached at an age of 60 years. Total carbon stocks in stem biomass, organic layers and the mineral soil increased during forest development from 75 t C ha?1 in the meadows to 350 t C ha?1 in the oldest successional forest stands (2.75 t C ha?1 yr?1). Carbon sequestration occurred in stem biomass and in the organic layers (0.34 t C ha?1 yr?1on acid bedrock), while mineral soil carbon stocks declined. Mineral soil carbon stocks were larger in areas with higher precipitation. During forest succession, mineral soil carbon stocks of the upper 50 cm decreased until they reached approximately 80% of the meadow level and increased slightly thereafter. Carbon dynamics in soil layers were examined by a process model. Results showed that sustained input of meadow fine roots is the factor, which most likely reduces carbon losses in the upper 10 cm. Carbon losses in 10–20 cm depth were lower on acidic than on calcareous bedrocks. In this depth, continuous dissolved organic carbon inputs and low soil respiration rates could promote carbon sequestration following initial carbon loss. At least 80 years are necessary to regain former stock levels in the mineral soil. Despite the comparatively larger amount of carbon stored in the regrowing vegetation, afforestation projects under the Kyoto protocol should also aim at the preservation or increase of carbon in the mineral soil regarding its greater stability of compared with stocks in biomass and humus layers. If grassland afforestation is planned, suitable management options and a sufficient rotation length should be chosen to achieve these objectives. Maintenance of grass cover reduces the initial loss.  相似文献   

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