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乌龟外周血细胞的显微和超微结构   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
乌龟血细胞的显微和超微结构研究表明:在外周血细胞中,可分辨出红细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞、血栓细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、嗜中性粒细胞等7种细胞。红细胞核圆形,胞质均匀无细胞器。单核细胞的特征是核内异染色质多聚集于周边,胞质中含有许多囊泡。淋巴细胞的核质比例大。血栓细胞以具细长的指状突起,基本无细胞器为其特征。嗜酸性粒细胞仅含一种圆形颗粒,颗粒质地均匀,电子致密,大小不等。嗜碱性粒细胞颗粒环绕在胞核周围,有三种电子密度、颗粒大小不一的类型。嗜中性粒细胞含有两种电子密度、形态不一的颗粒。  相似文献   

中国对虾非包涵体杆状病毒在体内的感染与发生   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
在感染发病成虾的肝胰腺和中肠上皮细胞的胞核内,出现大量病毒发生基质,核衣壳,套膜和完全的病毒粒子。病毒粒子为短杆状,两端呈钝园形,平均大小约为250-300×l10nm,在核内无包涵体形成。在胞质内发现伴随病毒拉子并具有双层膜的蛋白质结构,这种结构建议称为该病毒的“封入体”。同时,我们认为这种无包涵体的杆状病毒,有可能应归属于杆状病毒科的第三个亚组。  相似文献   

养殖齐口裂腹鱼外周血细胞显微观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
养殖齐口裂腹鱼Schizothorax prenanti外周血经瑞氏染色液染色,可鉴定出红细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、血栓细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞,一些未成熟的红细胞和少量进行无丝分裂的红细胞,未观察到嗜碱性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞.在外周血中还可观察到3个阶段的嗜中性粒细胞:中性晚幼粒细胞胞体为圆形或近圆形,胞浆呈淡粉红色,量丰富,其中含有较多红色的细小颗粒,胞核呈肾形;中性杆状核粒细胞胞核较中性晚幼粒细胞的凹陷更强,呈"S"、"C"等形状;中性分叶核粒细胞占多数,胞体近圆形,核至少分成两叶,多达五或六叶.血栓细胞呈圆形、近圆形、梨形、纺锤形、杆状等多种形态,一个或多个聚集在一起.外周血细胞中,血栓细胞体积最小、数量最多,单核细胞体积最大、数量最少.  相似文献   

为探讨髭鲷属鱼类的分类地位,克隆了两种髭鲷属鱼类(横带髭鲷和斜带髭鲷)的线粒体Cyt 6基因全长序列,并利用线粒体Cyt b基因序列分析了鲈总科6个科29种的分子系统进化关系.结果表明:髭鲷属与石鲈科的其他5个属的遗传距离超过了科问水平的遗传距离,存在较远的遗传分化.29种鲈总科鱼类分成了两大类群,石鲈科的矶鲈属、仿石鲈属、厚唇椒鲷属、异孔石鲈属和石鲈属的物种聚为一起形成石鲈科的一个独立分支,与亲缘关系较近的鲷科、梅鲷科和笛鲷科形成一个类群;而隶属于石鲈科的髭鲷属与石鲷科及雀鲷科形成另一个类群.髭鲷属与其他石鲈科鱼类的亲缘关系已经超过了科问的遗传分化水平,而在遗传距离及系统进化分析上髭鲷属仍然隶属于鲈总科.本研究支持将髭鲷属提升为髭鲷科的观点.  相似文献   

陆星  杨萍  邹记兴  钟山 《生物技术》2012,22(1):43-47
目的:提取斜带髭鲷高质量基因组DNA并建立适用于AFLP分析的体系。方法:以斜带髭鲷(Hapalogenys nitens)为材料提取高质量基因组DNA,并进行AFLP扩增。对AFLP分析体系中几个关键环节(基因组双酶切、连接、预扩增及选择性扩增、变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染)做了优化。结果:提取的斜带髭鲷全基因组DNA纯度高,无拖尾。采用9组选择性引物共检测出350个不同的扩增位点,其中多态位点为175个,多态性比例为49.58%。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图像染色均匀,条带清晰且无背景干扰。结论:该分析体系的建立为斜带髭鲷的群体遗传多态性、种质资源、遗传图谱、遗传育种等研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

采用常规瑞氏染色和细胞化学染色方法对团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)外周血细胞的显微结构及细胞化学特征进行了观察。在团头鲂外周血细胞中可区分出六类细胞: 红细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和血栓细胞。其中淋巴细胞是除红细胞外含量最多的细胞, 其次分别为血栓细胞、单核细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞。成熟红细胞多为卵圆形, 表面光滑, 胞核呈椭圆形或圆形, 染色质较为致密; 淋巴细胞多呈圆形, 胞质较少, 胞核常偏位; 单核细胞多为圆形, 胞核呈圆形或椭圆形, 胞质内可见空泡状结构; 嗜中性粒细胞近似圆形, 胞核常偏于细胞一侧, 呈分叶状、肾形或椭圆形, 核质界限清晰; 嗜酸性粒细胞一般为圆形, 胞核为肾形或椭圆形, 胞质中充满紫红色颗粒; 血栓细胞形态多样, 主要有椭圆形、纺锤形、长杆状和泪滴形, 核质比较大。淋巴细胞呈α-醋酸萘酚酯酶(ANAE)阳性, 呈过碘酸-雪夫(PAS)、氯乙酸AS-D萘酚酯酶(AS-DCE)弱阳性, 呈苏丹黑B(SBB)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)及过氧化物酶(POX)阴性; 单核细胞呈POX、ACP强阳性, PAS、SBB、AS-DCE和ANAE为阳性, 呈AKP阴性; 嗜中性粒细胞除PAS和ANAE为弱阳性外, 其他染色结果和单核细胞相同; 嗜酸性粒细胞呈POX、ANAE强阳性, SBB、ACP阳性, PAS及AS-DCE则为弱阳性, 呈AKP阴性; 血栓细胞呈PAS、AS-DCE及ANAE弱阳性, 呈SBB、ACP、AKP及POX阴性。团头鲂外周血细胞的显微结构及细胞化学特征与其他鱼类具有相似之处, 但亦有其明显的物种特异性。该研究结果可作为监测团头鲂健康状态的依据, 为其养殖及病理诊断提供基础资料。  相似文献   

病毒包涵体(viral inclusion bodies,IBs)是病毒蛋白在胞质或核内的聚集体,许多病毒能够形成病毒包涵体。早期研究认为,病毒包涵体只是病毒复制及组装的重要起始位点,然而最近研究发现,一些病毒形成的病毒包涵体在宿主细胞抗病毒免疫反应中具有一定作用。本文主要就病毒包涵体在病毒感染细胞中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

采集广东省深圳市南澳区野生斜带髭鲷Hapalogenys nitens(Richardson)和养殖斜带髭鲷各25个样本。通过设计特异性引物,采用PCR技术对该50个个体的mtDNA D-loop区全序列进行扩增,测序得到的序列进行比对,发现该50个序列长度变异较小,均在788—790 bp之间,野生型和养殖型区别不大。采用MEGA(version 4.0)和DnaSP(version 4.0)软件对序列进行分析,结果显示:50条序列中T、C、A和G碱基平均含量分别为29.9%、21.5%、35.2%和13.5%,其中A+T的含量(65.1%)显著高于G+C含量(34.9%),表现了明显的碱基偏倚。50个个体表现为26种单倍型,包括91个多态位点,单倍型间平均遗传距离为0.024,单倍型多态性(h)为0.958,核苷酸多态性(π)值为0.02277。研究表明,mtDNA D-loop区可以作为检测野生与养殖斜带髭鲷群体遗传多样性的有效分子标记,而广东省深圳市南澳区野生斜带髭鲷种群遗传多样性已经下降至中等水平。研究提示野生斜带髭鲷种群遗传多样性不容乐观,资源调查、种质维护与遗传评价有待深入。  相似文献   

发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒(Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus,SFTSV)是在我国首次发现的布尼亚病毒科白蛉病毒属的一种新型病毒,是新发传染病发热伴血小板减少综合征的致病病原。本研究通过免疫荧光共聚焦实验观察不同感染剂量和不同感染时相SFTSV核衣壳蛋白(Nucleocapsid protein,NP)在THP-1细胞内的动态定位特点,并应用电镜方法在超微结构水平观察不同感染时相THP-1细胞的胞内形态结构特征,发现SFTSV感染THP-1在胞内形成包涵体结构。研究进一步显示感染后的第3天核衣壳蛋白NP所形成包涵体的形态大小与感染后第7天培养上清中的病毒载量之间存在相关。本研究揭示SFTSV感染人源巨噬细胞THP-1形成的包涵体结构可能是SFTSV利用宿主细胞形成的特殊胞内结构以利于大量合成和产生新的病毒颗粒。  相似文献   

史氏鲟外周血细胞的显微及超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用血细胞计数、光学显微及电子显微技术对二龄史氏鲟外周血细胞的数目、形态及结构进行了研究。二龄史氏鲟红细胞的数目为47.75×104个/mm3,白细胞数目为2.9万个/mm3,其中淋巴细胞所占比率最高。史氏鲟的外周血中除正常红细胞外,还有处于分裂状态及未成熟的红细胞。史氏鲟外周血中的白细胞有四种类型,分别为淋巴细胞、粒细胞、血栓细胞和单核细胞。其中粒细胞有两种,即嗜中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞。嗜中性粒细胞含有多种形状的核,其中分叶的核数目较多,粒细胞及淋巴细胞均类似于哺乳动物。对史氏鲟外周血细胞细微结构的观察显示:红细胞中具有少量的细胞器;淋巴细胞结构典型;单核细胞较粒细胞稍小且具有较多线粒体;血栓细胞具有梭形和圆形两种,胞质较少,其中梭形的血栓细胞胞质几乎透明;对粒细胞的颗粒按照形状和电子密度进行了分类。  相似文献   

A striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) showing abnormal behavior had histopathologic lesions of toxoplasmosis and canine distemper in addition to intranuclear, eosinophilic inclusions in the reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen, liver and lung. The inclusions, on electron microscopic examination, were compatible with herpesvirus infection.  相似文献   

珙桐叶肉细胞中的核内含体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对植物细胞核内含体的超微结构已有过广泛的研究[1]。Bigazzi仅对玄参科就研究了290种植物,发现其中242种具有核内含体[2]。根据超微结构特征,可以把这类无膜的已证明主要是蛋白质成分的核内含体分为5种类型。即片状型(L-type)、纤丝状型(F-type)、管状型(T-type)、晶体型(C-type)及无定形型(A-type)[3]。此前除F-type外陆续发现了与基本类型略有差异的4种亚型,即C2亚型、T2亚型、A2亚型和L2亚型[2,3]。尽管目前还不清楚核内含体的功能,但是研究发现,它在成熟细胞中的结构是稳定的。许多学者认为核内含体作为超微结构特征,在系统学和分…  相似文献   

Intranuclear microtubular-microfilamentous rod-like inclusions were investigated in chromaffin cells of the auricle of the heart of lungfishes. In conventional electron microscopy, these inclusions reveal a wide variety in appearance, depending on their orientation to the plane of sectioning. Whereas originally they were merely interpreted as a bundle of microfilaments, application of a goniometer stage showed the rod- or spindle-shaped intranuclear inclusions to have a basic substructure of parallel arranged microtubules among microfilaments, which are clearly connected to chromatin granules, occasionally penetrating dense areas of chromatin. The chemical nature and biological significance of these structures, which so far remain enigmatic, are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of ultrastructural studies and transmission electron microscope microanalysis of two Scenedesmus strains experimentally exposed to copper sulfate are presented. A fine-structural examination of the cells revealed the presence of nuclear inclusions in the form of central dense-core complexes. Cytoplasmic structures resembling the intranuclear inclusions were occasionally found in the cells. TEM-X-ray microanalysis of these structures has provided evidence that the inclusions contain copper. It is concluded that their presence may be regarded as a detoxifying mechanism.  相似文献   

Parenteral administration of bismuth subnitrate produced intranuclear inclusions in the rabbit kidney tubules. In glutaraldehyde fixed material these inclusions had a homogeneous appearance but in osmicated material some of these inclusions showed a granular and fibrillar substructure. In relatively thick unstained sections prepared from unosmicated tissues, it was found that the inclusions were electron-dense, but they vanished from view when the electron beam was focussed on them. This phenomenon is thought to be due to the presence of bismuth, which is a mental with a high electrical resistance and low thermal conductivity. With the aid of electron-probe analysis the presence of bismuth was demonstrated in these inclusions and it seems possible that sulphur may be present here.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study of intranuclear inclusions which occur in giant cells in a transplantable mouse hepatoma and in enlarged liver cells in mice fed a diet containing bentonite demonstrates that these inclusions are formed by invaginations of the nuclear envelope, and corroborates a previous histochemical study which revealed that the contents of the inclusions are of cytoplasmic origin. In the hepatoma cells the intranuclear inclusions are abundant, small, and situated close to the border of the nucleus, and there are wide openings from the cytoplasm into the invaginations whose contents include lipid droplets, ergastoplasm, and structurally normal mitochondria. In the enlarged liver cells the inclusions are fewer in number, generally much larger than those in the hepatoma, hence they extend deeper into the nucleus, and the interior is continuous with the cytoplasm through only a small opening. Some normal ergastoplasm is present within the inclusions but all other constituents are abnormal. Both normal and degenerating mitochondria occur in the cytoplasm but only degenerating ones are found within the inclusions. Both types of inclusions arise in greatly enlarged cells in which an attempt is made to maintain the normal nuclear surface/nuclear volume ratio by the development of the invaginations of the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

I P Grigor'ev  V A Otellin 《Tsitologiia》1990,32(12):1157-1160
Intranuclear membranous inclusions were found in neurons of the rat's cerebral cortex and caudate nucleus 2-21 days following the intraperitoneal injection of ascorbic acid (0.2 and 2.0 g/kg) or the intracisternal infusion of 6-hydroxydopamine (300 micrograms). The intranuclear inclusions were mostly round, occasionally irregular in shape, consisting of one or several concentric membranes; in addition, they were electron-lucid with the diameter of 0.2-0.5 microns, sometimes up to 1 micron. Possible relationship between the formation of intranuclear membranous inclusions and the acceleration of intranuclear metabolism, particularly lipid peroxidation processes, are discussed.  相似文献   

After injection in the rat of a soluble beryllium salt, the distribution of this element was studied at the subcellular level by analytical ion microscopy. Beryllium is concentrated inside the nuclei with a particular affinity for the nuclei of the proximal tubule cells of the kidney. The same tissue was studied by electron microscopy and abnormal intranuclear inclusions were observed in the same variety of cells.  相似文献   

Summary The nuclei of mesophyll cells of olive trees contain numerous sizeable crystalloid inclusions. Cytochemical examination using epoxy resin-embedded, semithin-sectioned tissue indicated the presence of proteins and oligoor polysaccharides in these inclusions. Their electron microscopical analysis revealed a crystalline substructure consisting of intersected subunits of high order. The spacing of the lattice fibrils and the angles of intersection were determined and used to establish a model of the unit cell of crystallization. It is suggested that the nuclear crystalloids of olive trees consist of glycoprotein molecules. They differ from the intranuclear crystalloids observed in other species predominantly in the high density of their subunit arrangement.  相似文献   

Various types of intranuclear particles and intramitochondrial inclusions of possibly viral nature are demonstrated by thin-section electron microscopy of uterine cervix cancer cells, as well as in mast cells infiltrating the tumor stroma, and their significance is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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