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Summary The morphological relationship between sensory and sympathetic nerves was studied in tissues of the eye and the oral cavity following chronic sympathetic or sensory denervation. Immunoreactivities for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were used as indexes to assess the changes of the two nerve populations after denervation.Following surgical sympathectomy, a marked increase of CGRP-containing fibres was seen in all tissues studied, while TH-imunoreactive fibres were totally depleated. Conversely, after capsaicin treatment, an increase of TH-immunoreactive nerves was found in the same tissues, concomitant with a sharp decrease of CGRP-immunoreactive nerves. These changes were particularly evident in iridial stroma and around blood vessels in all tissue, where sensory and sympathetic nerves have a closely overlapping distribution pattern.The altered proportion of sensory peptide-and catecholamine-containing nerves following sympathetic and sensory denervation suggest that there is a reciprocal trophic influence between the two nerve subsets, possibly with the intervention of neurotrophic substances such as nerve growth factor. These results indicate a close interaction between sensory peptidergic and sympathetic nervous systems in peripheral organs.  相似文献   

Summary This study was designed to investigate the effects of multiple denervation procedures on calcitonin gene-related peptide- and substance P-immunoreactive neurons in sympathetic and sensory cranial ganglia and in selected targets. Sympathectomy by long-term guanethidine treatment induced a pronounced increase in calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive and substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibres in all the tissues investigated, in contrast to a significant reduction of immunoreactive cell bodies. Neonatal capasaicin treatment abolished substance P immunoreactivity in many targets and caused a dramatic reduction of substance P-immunoreactive sensory nerve cell bodies; calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive nerve density was decreased, but the number of immunoreactive nerve cell bodies was unchanged. Guanethidine treatment of capsaicin-injected rats reversed the loss of calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive nerves, but not that of substance P-immunoreactive neurons. In the iris, capsaicin treatment had little effect on calcitonin gene-related peptide- and substance P-immunoreactive nerves, suggesting that in rats the majority of these fibres originate from capsaicin-insensitive neurons. The results suggest that the denervation procedures used in this study alter the synthesis and transport of neuropeptides in sensory neurons in conjunction with changes in the number of nerve fibres.  相似文献   

Summary Calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) nerves in rat were studied as to their distribution and origin in anterior buccal glands, which are unique minor mucous salivary glands in the rat. A moderate number of CGRP-IR nerve fibres were located, mostly perivascularly and around intralobular ducts, but they were also found around acini. The latter fibres were mainly of sensory origin, as suggested by their disappearance after denervation of the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal nerve. On the contrary, CGRP-IR nerves around interlobular ducts and some of those in a perivascular location remained both after sensory denervation and after extirpation of the sympathetic superior cervical ganglion. Whether these fibres originate in dorsal root ganglia C3−C4 or represent parasympathetic fibres is not known. Based on the present data and the previous findings showing a regulatory role of CGRP both on blood and salivary flow, it is possible that CGRP in sensory, and possibly also in parasympathetic nerves, participates in the regulation of reflex blood flow and salivary secretion in the anterior buccal gland of the rat.  相似文献   

Oestrogen is a key factor in the remodelling of uterine sympathetic nerves during puberty and the oestrous cycle; these nerves are influenced by changes in their target uterine tissue. The magnitude of oestrogen-induced responses might however be influenced by the maturation stage of sympathetic nerve fibres, the age of the neurons and/or the developmental state of the uterus. We have therefore compared the sympathetic innervation of the uterus following chronic oestrogen treatment of infantile/prepubertal and young adult intact and ovariectomised rats. Treatment of infantile/prepubertal rats resulted in the complete loss of intrauterine noradrenaline (NA)-labelled sympathetic nerves and a marked reduction in the total NA content in the uterine horn. Chronic treatment of young adult rats had little effect. To examine whether the age of the neurons or the degree of development of the uterus determined responsiveness of nerves to oestrogen, we assessed the effects of oestrogen on the sympathetic reinnervation of intraocular transplants of young adult uterine myometrium into ovariectomised adult host rats. Early treatment (10 days post-transplantation) resulted in less sympathetic innervation than late treatment (30 days post-transplantation). Measurements of nerve growth factor (NGF) levels in the uterine horn of control rats before and after puberty and following infantile/prepubertal chronic oestrogen treatment and acute oestrogen treatment of young adult rats revealed a coordinated increase between the growth of the uterus and NGF protein levels. Thus, developing and recently regrown sympathetic nerves are more susceptible to oestrogen-induced changes in the uterus than mature nerves, differential susceptibility is not related to the age of the neurons or the developmental state of the uterus and changes in NGF protein do not account for the differential susceptibility of developing and mature uterine sympathetic nerve fibres to oestrogen. Growing sympathetic fibres are more vulnerable to oestrogen than mature fibres and nerve fibres that have been in contact for longer periods with their target become less susceptible to oestrogen.  相似文献   

Estrogen plays important roles in preparing mammary tissue for lactation. However, estrogen also influences innervation in some tissues. We examined the effect of estrogen on peripheral innervation of mammary tissues of ovariectomized adult virgin female rats. Seven days after ovariectomy, 17beta-estradiol or placebo pellets were implanted subcutaneously, and tissues were harvested 1 week later. Estrogen treatment decreased mammary gland mass and adipocyte content, while ductal content increased and vascular composition was unaffected. Estrogen increased total areas occupied by nerves in mammary gland sections immunostained for the pan-neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5, and this increase persisted after normalizing for treatment-induced differences in gland mass. Although a significant increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive sympathetic nerve area was observed, no difference was detected following correction for differences in gland size, implying a conserved number of sympathetic nerves in the face of reduced gland volume. Calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive sensory nerve sectional area was also increased, and corrected nerve area remained 88% greater, indicating nerve proliferation during estrogen treatment. Total, sensory, and sympathetic innervation of the nipple and adjacent dermal tissue were unaffected by estrogen. We conclude that chronic estrogen elevation induces selective proliferation of rat mammary gland calcitonin gene-related peptide-containing nerves, which are associated primarily with blood vessels and are probably nociceptors. Because they are likely to subserve a vasodilatory function, increased innervation may promote increased blood flow necessary for milk formation during suckling. Moreover, these findings may help explain abundant anecdotal reports of increased breast sensitivity in humans under high estrogen conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of the electrical stimulation of the peripheral stump of the cervical sympathetic nerve, at physiological frequencies, was studied on the activity of mechanoreceptors with sensory field around the teeth, in anaesthetized and paralysed animals. In the 33% of the tested units either an increase of the resting discharge rate or an activation of the receptors occurred. The latency of this response ranged between 0.3 and 6 sec; the maximum discharge frequency, which varied widely in different units, was reached within the subsequent 2 to 4 sec and usually outlasted the duration of the stimulation. The possible mechanisms of this sympathetic effect are discussed on the basis of its latency and pattern and of the following further observations: i) its presence after denervation of carotid sinus and glomus, ii) its dependence on the stimulation of preganglionic sympathetic fibres belonging to the groups S1 and S2, iii) the absence of response in the mechanoreceptor units by the temporary occlusion of the ipsilateral common carotid artery.  相似文献   

White adipocyte proliferation is a hallmark of obesity, but it largely remains a mechanistic mystery. We and others previously demonstrated that surgical denervation of white adipose tissue (WAT) triggers increases in fat cell number, but it is unknown whether this was due to preadipocyte proliferation or maturation of existing preadipocytes that allowed them to be counted. In addition, surgical denervation severs not only sympathetic but also sensory innervation of WAT. Therefore, we tested whether sympathetic WAT denervation triggers adipocyte proliferation using 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) as a marker of proliferation and quantified BrdU-immunoreactive (ir) cells that were co-labeled with AD-3-ir, an adipocyte-specific membrane protein marker. The unilateral denervation model was used for all experiments where Siberian hamster inguinal WAT (IWAT) was unilaterally denervated, the contralateral pad was sham denervated serving as a within-animal control, and then BrdU was injected systemically for 6 days. When IWAT was surgically denervated, severing both sympathetic and sensory nerves, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-ir, a sympathetic nerve marker, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-ir, a sensory nerve marker, were significantly decreased, and BrdU+AD-3-ir adipocytes were increased approximately 300%. When IWAT was selectively sensory denervated via local microinjections of capsaicin, a sensory nerve-specific toxin, CGRP-ir, but not TH-ir, was decreased, and BrdU+AD-3-ir adipocytes were unchanged. When IWAT was selectively sympathetically denervated via local microinjections of 6-hydroxy-dopamine, a catecholaminergic-specific toxin, TH-ir, but not CGRP-ir, was significantly decreased, and BrdU+AD-3-ir adipocytes were increased approximately 400%. Collectively, these data provide the first direct evidence that sympathetic nerves inhibit white adipocyte proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary The neuropeptide content of nerve fibers associated with submucosal arteries in the small intestine of guinea pigs was studied in whole-mount preparations using immunohistochemical methods. Tissues were obtained from normal animals or animals in which the small intestine had been extrinsically denervated. In normal animals, submucosal arteries are innervated by extrinsic sensory nerve fibers which contain both substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide, and by sympathetic noradrenergic nerve fibers. In preparations obtained from animals 5–9 days after denervation, nerve fibers which contained substance P without detectable calcitonin gene-related peptide were associated with a few submucosal arteries. Nerve fibers which contained vasoactive intestinal peptide were also associated with some arteries. By 42–48 days after extrinsic denervation, substance P-containing fibers (without calcitonin gene-related peptide) and vasoactive intestinal peptide-containing fibers were associated with nearly every blood vessel. The extrinsic sympathetic nerve fibers did not regenerate during the course of this study. The nerve fibers associated with submucosal arteries in denervated tissues were not sensitive to capsaicin treatment.The alteration in the innervation of submucosal arterioles that follows extrinsic denervation of the gut may reflect either an increase in the neuropeptide content of the fibers, synthesis of a new peptide, or an increase in the number of fibers as a result of axonal sprouting.  相似文献   

The immediate effects of total or partial denervation of single digits (0-16 hr after nerve transection) on primary somatosensory cortex were studied electrophysiologically. Comparisons of response properties and cortical somatotopy were made between intact raccoons and four groups of raccoons with transection of some or all of the nerves innervating the fourth or fifth digit. Animals with all four digital nerves cut (amputation of the digit) were most different from normal. Approximately half of the penetrations in the affected cortical region showed inhibitory responses to stimulation of adjacent skin regions. These consisted of a strong response to stimulus offset and/or a suppression of spontaneous activity during indentation. Since these responses were substantially different from those recorded several months after digit amputation, additional changes in connectivity and synaptic strength must occur with chronic denervation. These inhibitory responses were not seen in animals with one, two, or three nerves cut per digit. In the animals with partial denervation of a digit, the greatest disruption occurred when both ventral nerves to the glabrous skin were transected. This yielded cell clusters with abnormally large receptive fields, disruptions in somatotopic organization, and a decreased occurrence of low-threshold responses. If only one nerve to glabrous skin was transected, there was less change, even if it was combined with transection of both nerves to hairy skin. These results suggest that the release of inhibitory responses in a cortical digital region by amputation is prevented by the retention of even one ventral nerve. None of the denervation conditions produced large nonresponsive areas of cortex, which would have indicated a loss of all inputs.  相似文献   

The immediate effects of total or partial denervation of single digits (0-16 hr after nerve transection) on primary somatosensory cortex were studied electrophysiologically. Comparisons of response properties and cortical somatotopy were made between intact raccoons and four groups of raccoons with transection of some or all of the nerves innervating the fourth or fifth digit. Animals with all four digital nerves cut (amputation of the digit) were most different from normal. Approximately half of the penetrations in the affected cortical region showed inhibitory responses to stimulation of adjacent skin regions. These consisted of a strong response to stimulus offset and/or a suppression of spontaneous activity during indentation. Since these responses were substantially different from those recorded several months after digit amputation, additional changes in connectivity and synaptic strength must occur with chronic denervation. These inhibitory responses were not seen in animals with one, two, or three nerves cut per digit.

In the animals with partial denervation of a digit, the greatest disruption occurred when both ventral nerves to the glabrous skin were transected. This yielded cell clusters with abnormally large receptive fields, disruptions in somatotopic organization, and a decreased occurrence of low-threshold responses. If only one nerve to glabrous skin was transected, there was less change, even if it was combined with transection of both nerves to hairy skin. These results suggest that the release of inhibitory responses in a cortical digital region by amputation is prevented by the retention of even one ventral nerve. None of the denervation conditions produced large nonresponsive areas of cortex, which would have indicated a loss of all inputs.  相似文献   

Estrogen plays important roles in preparing mammary tissue for lactation. However, estrogen also influences innervation in some tissues. We examined the effect of estrogen on peripheral innervation of mammary tissues of ovariectomized adult virgin female rats. Seven days after ovariectomy, 17β‐estradiol or placebo pellets were implanted subcutaneously, and tissues were harvested 1 week later. Estrogen treatment decreased mammary gland mass and adipocyte content, while ductal content increased and vascular composition was unaffected. Estrogen increased total areas occupied by nerves in mammary gland sections immunostained for the pan‐neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5, and this increase persisted after normalizing for treatment‐induced differences in gland mass. Although a significant increase in tyrosine hydroxylase‐immunoreactive sympathetic nerve area was observed, no difference was detected following correction for differences in gland size, implying a conserved number of sympathetic nerves in the face of reduced gland volume. Calcitonin gene‐related peptide‐immunoreactive sensory nerve sectional area was also increased, and corrected nerve area remained 88% greater, indicating nerve proliferation during estrogen treatment. Total, sensory, and sympathetic innervation of the nipple and adjacent dermal tissue were unaffected by estrogen. We conclude that chronic estrogen elevation induces selective proliferation of rat mammary gland calcitonin gene‐related peptide‐containing nerves, which are associated primarily with blood vessels and are probably nociceptors. Because they are likely to subserve a vasodilatory function, increased innervation may promote increased blood flow necessary for milk formation during suckling. Moreover, these findings may help explain abundant anecdotal reports of increased breast sensitivity in humans under high estrogen conditions. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 59: 192–204, 2004  相似文献   

Summary The development of the adrenergic sympathetic innervation of the rabbit choroid plexus system was studied prenatally and up to two months after birth by a combination of fluorescence histochemistry (formaldehyde and glyoxylic acid methods) and quantitative enzymatic determinations of noradrenaline. The first signs of adrenergic nerves are found in the plexus of the third ventricle within the first day after birth. Fluorescent fibres subsequently appear in the choroid plexuses of the lateral ventricles (five days post partum) and the fourth ventricle (two weeks post partum). During the following development nerve fibres grow along blood vessels to form a plexus located between small vessels and the overlying epithelium. The nerve plexus, with varicose axon terminals, is fully developed at three weeks post partum, and maturation is then established by an increase in the number of terminals within the network of axons. There is a good agreement between (a) the development of the fluorescent nerves and histochemically visible adrenergic innervation, and (b) the tissue level of noradrenaline in the various choroid plexuses. Against the background of available information on the development of the secretory functions in choroid plexus, it is concluded that possibilities for a sympathetic neurogenic influence on the formation of cerebrospinal fluid exist already a few weeks after birth.  相似文献   

The renal nerves contribute to hypertension in experimental models of the disease, and appear to play a role in human hypertension. Several lines of evidence indicate that both in spontaneously hypertensive rats and in deoxycorticosterone acetate--NaCl rats, the full development of hypertension is dependent on renal efferent nerves and their induction of excess sodium retention. Renal sensory (afferent nerve) feedback to the central nervous system does not contribute to either of these forms of hypertension. In contrast, renovascular hypertension in rats and aortic coarctation hypertension in dogs are mediated, at least in part, by overactivity of renal afferent nerves and a resultant increase in systemic sympathetic nervous system activity. These forms of hypertension are not associated with sodium retention, and selective sensory denervation of renal afferent nerves by dorsal rhizotomy and total renal denervation result in similar reductions in hypertension. Surprisingly, the renal nerves do not contribute to dietary NaCl exacerbated hypertension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat, dietary NaCl-induced hypertension in the Dahl NaCl-sensitive rat, or the chronic hypertensive and nephrotoxic effects of cyclosporine A therapy in the rat, despite the finding that in all three forms of hypertension, overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system is prominent. Clinical studies indicate that the renal afferent and efferent nerves contribute to hypertension of different etiologies. Together these data point to the complex role that the renal nerves likely play in human essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Summary Using histochemical, immunohistochemical and biochemical techniques, noradrenaline-, neuropeptide Y-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, substance P- and calcitonin gene-related peptide-containing nerve fibres were studied in the uterine artery of virgin, progesterone-treated and pregnant guinea-pigs. Morphological changes following hormone treatment or in pregnancy were also evaluated in a quantitative study on semithin sections of the uterine artery. In late pregnancy, the number of noradrenalinecontaining nerve fibres, which formed the densest plexus in virgin animals, was significantly decreased, a finding supported by a significant reduction in noradrenaline levels. This reduction was not mimicked by systemic progesterone treatment. In contrast, the innervation of the uterine artery by neuropeptide Y-containing nerve fibres was increased in pregnancy, while the other peptidergic nerves and peptide levels were unchanged after progesterone treatment and in pregnancy. These changes led to a predominance of innervation by neuropeptide Y- rather than noradrenaline-containing nerve fibres in late pregnancy. No morphological changes were detected following progesterone treament, but pregnancy led to a marked increase in the cross-sectional area of the vessel accompanied by an increase in the thickness of the media.  相似文献   

Increased efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity could facilitate the development of hypertension by shifting the arterial pressure-renal sodium excretion curve to the right. Accordingly, interruption of the renal nerves should prevent the development of hypertension in animal models in which increased sympathetic nervous system activity has been implicated. Renal denervation delays the development of hypertension and results in greater sodium excretion in the Okamoto and New Zealand spontaneously hypertensive rat and in the deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt-treated rat, which suggests that these responses result from, at least in part, loss of efferent renal nerve activity. Similar sympathetically mediated renal vasoconstriction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of early essential hypertension in humans. The efferent renal sympathetic nerves play a diminishing role once hypertension is established in these models. Renal denervation in established one-kidney, one-clip and two-kidney, one-clip Goldblatt hypertension in the rat and chronic coarctation in the dog results in an attenuation of the hypertension. The depressor effect of renal denervation in these models is not caused by changes in renin activity or sodium excretion but is associated with decreased sympathoadrenal activity. These findings suggest that the afferent renal nerves contribute to the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension by enhancing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Interruption of afferent renal fibers also appears to be the mechanism by which renal denervation prevents or reverses the normal increase in arterial pressure seen after aortic baroreceptor deafferentation in the rat.  相似文献   

Corneal sensory and sympathetic nerves exert opposing actions on corneal mitogenesis and wound healing. The mechanisms by which these nerves exert their actions are unknown; however, the release of axonally transported neuropeptides has been postulated. In the present study, we investigated changes in innervation densities of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP-) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH-)immunoreactive (IR) nerves of the rat cornea following neonatal capsaicin administration, and the relationships between these changes and the development of neuroparalytic keratitis. Newborn rats were injected with capsaicin on each of the first 3 days of life. Forty-eight hours after the last injection, corneal CGRP immunostaining had totally disappeared from the cornea, whereas TH immunostaining was relatively unaffected. Over the next several weeks, a dramatic reinnervation of the cornea took place. By 6–8 weeks both the CGRP-and TH-IR corneal innervation density in the capsaicin-treated animals exceeded that of age-matched control or normal animals; that is, the corneas had become “hyper-reinnervated”. The pattern of innervation that returned was grossly abnormal and was characterized by the presence of a bizarre subepithelial plexus of fine stromal sprouts; an abundance of myelinated axons; and complex, atypical, epithelial leash morphologies. Retrograde transport of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA:HRP) from the central cornea in control and capsaicin-treated adult animals labeled an average of 143 and 47 trigeminal ganglion cells, respectively (with mean diameters of 25.7 × 0.49 μm and 34.3 × 0.72 μm), suggesting a 67% decrease in corneal afferent neurons in the capsaicin-treated animals. Transection of the ophthalmomaxillary nerve in adult capsaicin-treated animals completely eliminated corneal CGRP-IR staining, and extirpation of the superior cervical ganglion resulted in the loss of 70–80% of corneal TH-IR nerves, thus demonstrating the sensory and predominantly sympathetic origins, respectively, of these fiber populations. Chronic keratitis and neovascularization developed in the capsaicin-treated animals by approximately 3 weeks of age, achieved a maximum intensity between 4 and 6 weeks, and showed some gradual improvement thereafter. However, the keratitis never completely disappeared, even after 13 months. In conclusion, these data show that corneal sensory (CGRP-IR) and sympathetic (TH-IR) nerve fibers undergo extensive sprouting following partial corneal sensory denervation with the neurotoxin capsaicin. However, the resultant “hyper-reinnervation” is morphologically abnormal and, for reasons unknown, functionally incapable of preventing or totally reversing the keratitis.  相似文献   

The structure of catecholamine-containing dumb-bell shaped cells of the taste buds was studied by luminescent microscopy in the epithelial layer of the frog's tongue (Rana temporaria). On the unilateral section of the lingual nerve, a maintained adrenergic innervation of vessels and of the epithelium was observed, a decreased number of dumb-bell shaped cells in the taste bud, and their significant enlargement, and increased cathecholamine luminescence. With desympathization, no adrenergic nerves were observed on the vessels and the epithelium of the tongue. The size of the taste buds in desympathized cells of the tongue is sharply decreased and their number is increased. There is a tendency to grouping of the dumbbell shaped cells into 3--4 taste buds in one fungiform papillina. The experiments with sensory and sympathetic denervation of the frog tongue distinctly showed the trophic action of sensory and sympathetic nerves on the taste organ of the frog.  相似文献   

Summary A detailed study of the origin and distribution of sympathetic fibres in the distal colon of the guinea-pig has been made using the fluorescent histochemical method for localizing catecholamines. The extrinsic adrenergic fibres of the colonie sympathetic nerves follow the inferior mesenteric artery and its branches to the colon. Some of the extrinsic adrenergic fibres are associated with the parasympathetic fibres of the pelvic nerves near the colon. Complete adrenergic denervation follows the removal of the inferior mesenteric ganglion or the destruction of the nerves running with the inferior mesenteric artery.No fluorescent fibres, other than those associated with blood vessels, were observed in air-dried stretch preparations of the isolated longitudinal muscle. However, a substantial number of varicose, terminal fibres, not associated with blood vessels, were observed in the circular muscle. Some varicose fibres, apart from those associated with ganglion cells, were observed in the myenteric plexus. These fibres were seen in the bundles of nerves running between the nodes of the plexus and also as single fibres which branched from the plexus to end in areas free of ganglion cells.Three plexuses of adrenergic nerve fibres have been distinguished in the submucosa: a dense plexus of terminal fibres innervating both the veins and arteries; a plexus consisting of innervated nodes of ganglion cells, connected by bundles of fluorescent and non-fluorescent nerves; and a plexus of varicose and non-varicose fibres, which is not associated with ganglion cells. Some groups of ganglion cells in the submucosa were without adrenergic innervation.A plexus of varicose fibres forms a meshwork in the lamina propria of the mucosa. The muscularis mucosae is sparsely innervated. Most of the blood vessels in the mucosa are not associated with adrenergic fibres.  相似文献   

Summary This study evaluates the production of adrenergic nerve fibers by adrenal medullary tissue of the adult rat grafted to the anterior chamber of the eye of adult recipients. The chromaffin grafts attach to and become vascularized by the host iris. They decrease in size intraocularly during the first 3 weeks. This decrease is somewhat counteracted by sympathetic denervation of the host iris, and better counteracted by sympathetic denervation and addition of nerve growth factor (NGF, given at grafting and 1 and 2 weeks after grafting). Outgrowth of adrenergic nerve fibers from the grafts into the host iris was studied in wholemount preparations by use of the Falck-Hillarp technique 3 weeks after grafting. The innervated area of the host iris was approximately doubled in the chronically sympathectomized group and doubled again in the chronically sympathectomized NGF-supplemented group. Chronic sympathetic denervation had no effect on density of outgrowing nerves, whereas addition of NGF more than doubled nerve density. Since sympathetic denervation causes a slight elevation of NGF activity in the iris, the present experiments are taken as evidence that the level of NGF in the iris regulates formation of nerve fibers by adrenal medullary tissue grafts from adult rats.  相似文献   

The effects of norepinephrine (NE) infusion and surgical denervation or electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nerves on 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) uptake in interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) were investigated in vivo in rats to obtain direct evidence for sympathetic control of glucose utilization in this tissue. 2-DG uptake was rather low in fasted rats, but after refeeding it increased in the BAT as well as the heart, skeletal muscle, and white adipose tissue, in parallel with an increase in plasma insulin level. Cold exposure also enhanced 2-DG uptake in the BAT without the increase in plasma insulin level, while it had no appreciable effect on 2-DG uptake in other tissues. Sympathetic denervation greatly attenuated the stimulatory effect of cold exposure on 2-DG uptake in BAT, but it did not affect the increased 2-DG uptake after refeeding. Electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nerves entering BAT or NE infusion produced a marked increase in 2-DG uptake in BAT without noticeable effects in other tissues. beta-Adrenergic blockade, but not alpha-blockade, abolished the increased 2-DG uptake in BAT. It was concluded that glucose utilization in BAT is activated directly, independently of the action of insulin, by sympathetic nerves via the beta-adrenergic pathway.  相似文献   

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