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该研究以油橄榄“鄂植-8”为材料,应用压片荧光观察花粉在柱头和花柱中的萌发及生长情况,采用石蜡制片法观察油橄榄的胚珠结构特点和授粉受精过程。结果表明:油橄榄为1子房2心室4胚珠,珠心较发达,由多层细胞构成,属于厚珠心椭圆型胚珠,胚珠直生;花开时花粉粒落到柱头上立刻萌发,随后花粉管在花粉通道中生长,再后进入子房经子房内表面,大部分花粉管不能到达胚珠,仅少数沿胎座生长经珠柄进入珠孔,释放2个精子,2个精核分别进入卵细胞和极核,并与卵核及极核相互融合;观察到合子中雌、雄性核仁融合的过程。授粉受精各阶段经历的时间为花粉落到柱头上立刻萌发;授粉后6d左右,花粉管长入胚珠的珠孔,随后释放精子;10 d左右完成授粉受精,30 d左右形成心型胚,40 d左右胚发育几乎成熟。在进行子房石蜡切片中,共观察到612个完整子房切片,发育完整的子房为97.53%,完成授粉受精的胚珠为15.52%。油橄榄在自然授粉下,约85%的胚珠授粉受精过程不能完成,在一定程度上影响其坐果。该研究结果为油橄榄授粉受精、高效生产等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

被子植物的受精过程复杂而精细,包括柱头识别、花粉管萌发、花粉管穿过花柱、花粉管进入珠柄和胚囊、释放精子等过程。花粉管准确定位于胚珠,从珠孔进入胚囊对于受精过程的完成具有重要意义。本文主要介绍雌配子体在花粉管向胚珠生长过程中导向机理。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜术和光学显微镜术研究了黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)的珠孔塞和珠孔的形态发育和花粉管在雌蕊中的路径。黄檗胚珠的珠孔塞起源于珠柄。随着胚珠生长,珠孔塞逐渐增大,胚珠成熟时珠孔塞变得相当大并紧密地覆盖在珠孔上。当雌花进入可传粉期时,珠孔塞的形态发生很大变化,其表面细胞径向延伸,形成柱形、半乳突或乳突细胞。受精后,珠孔塞体积变小并逐步退化。花粉管在子房室中并非一定经过珠孔塞结构。花粉管是否经过珠孔塞取决于它们进入子房室的位置。我们不支持先前研究者关于珠孔塞主要充当对花粉管生长的机械作用的观点。我们对黄檗胚珠的珠孔的形态发育研究显示,在不同的生殖时期,珠孔的结构会发生变化,在传粉时期它的结构显示不对称性。黄檗珠孔塞和珠孔的发育与雌配子体发育存在密切关系。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜术和光学显微镜术研究了黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)的珠孔塞和珠孔的形态发育和花粉管在雌蕊中的路径.黄檗胚珠的珠孔塞起源于珠柄.随着胚珠生长,珠孔塞逐渐增大,胚珠成熟时珠孔塞变得相当大并紧密地覆盖在珠孔上.当雌花进入可传粉期时,珠孔塞的形态发生很大变化,其表面细胞径向延伸,形成柱形、半乳突或乳突细胞.受精后,珠孔塞体积变小并逐步退化.花粉管在子房室中并非一定经过珠孔塞结构.花粉管是否经过珠孔塞取决于它们进入子房室的位置.我们不支持先前研究者关于珠孔塞主要充当对花粉管生长的机械作用的观点.我们对黄檗胚珠的珠孔的形态发育研究显示,在不同的生殖时期,珠孔的结构会发生变化,在传粉时期它的结构显示不对称性.黄檗珠孔塞和珠孔的发育与雌配子体发育存在密切关系.  相似文献   

用光学显微镜对Fuerte和Hass品种油梨的花粉管生长、受精与早期胚和胚乳发育进行了研究。授粉后24小时,花粉管穿入胚珠。当花粉管到达子房时,花粉管贴着子房内壁表面生长,然后沿着珠柄,穿过内珠被形成的珠孔,在珠心顶端的乳突细胞之间生长。它经过一个助细胞进入胚囊。授粉后48小时在胚囊中可见到精核,精核与极核融合后,精卵才融合。胚乳核先分裂,接着细胞壁形成。授粉后5—6天,合子第一次分裂。Fuerte品种授粉后1—2天的胚珠中,虽然在珠被或珠心处经常看到花粉管,但是只有不到20%的胚囊有花粉管进入。在Hass品种中,有60%的胚囊有花粉管穿入。可以认定,Fuerte品种之所以低产可能与花粉管很少进入胚囊有一定的关系。  相似文献   

高山杜鹃与大喇叭杜鹃种间杂交过程的观察研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以高山杜鹃‘Nova Zembla’为母本,大喇叭杜鹃为父本进行人工杂交授粉,利用荧光显微镜对杂交组合花粉萌发及花粉管生长过程进行观察,并统计其杂交的田间坐果率。结果显示:(1)授粉后1d花粉开始萌发形成花粉管,其萌发率在授粉后1~5d内显著增长,其后增长缓慢,到第12天萌发率最高达37.36%。(2)花粉萌发后花粉管生长速度由慢变快,授粉后2d花粉管进入花柱,7d进入子房,10d进入胚珠;实验中杂交花粉管与胚珠虽有结合,但与胚珠结合率低,授粉后12d仅7.42条花粉管进入胚珠。(3)在花粉管生长过程中,伴有大量异常现象,表现为授粉后柱头细胞、花粉管、花柱引导组织、子房组织、胚珠中的胚囊等部位依次出现胼胝质沉积反应,花粉管生长中出现的膨大、先端沉积胼胝塞而中途停止生长、螺旋扭曲、粗细不均、杂乱生长或螺旋膨大且逆向生长等异常。(4)该实验杂交的田间坐果率为零。研究表明,高山杜鹃‘Nova Zembla’与大喇叭杜鹃杂交不亲和,杂交后花粉管生长的异常行为可能是种间杂交不亲和的主要原因,且受精前障碍与受精后障碍可能同时存在。  相似文献   

以‘杂交石竹’为试验材料,利用荧光显微镜观察其授粉后花粉萌发、花粉管生长情况,采用石蜡切片法对其受精及胚胎发育过程进行观察研究。结果表明:(1)授粉后1h母本柱头上少量花粉开始萌发;授粉后4h大量花粉萌发,花粉管生长至柱头中部有胼胝质出现;授粉后6h花粉管生长至子房组织并有少量与胚珠结合;授粉后15h柱头中出现大量胼胝质,花粉管与胚珠结合数增多;授粉后24h胚珠周围出现多条花粉管,其中1条花粉管进入胚珠,部分进入胚囊的花粉管卷曲盘绕生长并产生胼胝质;精细胞与极核的融合主要发生在授粉后17~48h,与卵细胞融合主要于授粉后1~3d。(2)杂交石竹胚发育经过原胚、球形胚、棒状形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚阶段。(3)杂交障碍表现为:只有游离的胚乳核而无胚发育的胚囊、合子未分裂、两极核未融合、球形胚败育。研究表明,杂交石竹存在受精前和受精后障碍,这是导致其结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

异叶苦竹花粉管生长及双受精过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以异叶苦竹为材料,采用扫描电镜、荧光显微镜技术及传统的石蜡制片技术,解剖观察其花粉管生长途径及双受精过程。结果表明:(1)授粉后,花粉在柱头上吸水膨胀,约30 min即可萌发。(2)授粉1~2 h后花粉管可达到花粉长度的5~10倍,花粉管在柱头分支中进一步伸长,并开始伸入花柱中生长。(3)授粉后5 h,大量花粉管沿引导组织进入花柱基部与子房顶部之间的子房壁,有少量花粉管在子房壁与外珠被之间的缝隙中生长。(4)授粉后8 h,少量花粉管到达珠孔端。(5)授粉后15~18 h,精核与极核融合,形成初生胚乳核;精、卵核融合,形成合子。(6)授粉后20~30 h,仍可在花柱中见到大量呈束状的花粉管。(7)授粉后48 h,子房内的大部分花粉管出现解体,大多数花粉死亡。研究认为,精细胞到达胚珠的时间为8 h。  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜与白菜正反杂交的胚胎学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用荧光技术对芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea)与白菜(B.pekinesis)种间正反杂交后花粉萌发和花粉管生长过程进行了观察。结果显示:芥菜型油菜与白菜正交授粉后,花粉在柱头上能正常萌发,多数花粉管沿花柱到达胚珠完成受精,且受精方式有珠孔受精、合点受精和中部受精,少量花粉管生长不正常,出现花粉管顶端膨大扭曲,花粉管分支等异常现象;反交授粉后,花粉在柱头上萌发时柱头乳突细胞产生强烈胼胝质反应,影响花粉管生长,只有少量花粉管通过花柱到达胚珠完成受精。用石蜡切片技术观察了正反杂交后杂种的胚胎发育,正交杂种胚胎发育较早,胚和胚乳生长较正常,杂种胚一般均能发育至成熟;反交杂种胚发育至心型期便不能继续发育,胚乳也停滞在游离核阶段并最终败育。综合分析表明,芥菜型油菜与白菜正反杂交都存在一定程度的受精不亲和性。  相似文献   

利用荧光技术对芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea)与白菜(B. pekinesis)种间正反杂交后花粉萌发和花粉管生长过程进行了观察。结果显示: 芥菜型油菜与白菜正交授粉后, 花粉在柱头上能正常萌发, 多数花粉管沿花柱到达胚珠完成受精, 且受精方式有珠孔受精、合点受精和中部受精, 少量花粉管生长不正常, 出现花粉管顶端膨大扭曲, 花粉管分支等异常现象; 反交授粉后, 花粉在柱头上萌发时柱头乳突细胞产生强烈胼胝质反应, 影响花粉管生长, 只有少量花粉管通过花柱到达胚珠完成受精。用石蜡切片技术观察了正反杂交后杂种的胚胎发育, 正交杂种胚胎发育较早, 胚和胚乳生长较正常, 杂种胚一般均能发育至成熟; 反交杂种胚发育至心型期便不能继续发育, 胚乳也停滞在游离核阶段并最终败育。综合分析 表明, 芥菜型油菜与白菜正反杂交都存在一定程度的受精不亲和性。  相似文献   

The micropyle of Gossypium hirsutum consists of an exostome and an endostome. On semithin serial transections, the exostome was visualized as a branched narrow gap except its outer and inner openings, whereas the endostome only a narrow linear gap. Ultrastructurally, the micropyle gap was formed by the integumental epidermal cells coated with a cuticle. The cells lining the micropyle gap were characterized by a large nucleus and abundant organelles as mitochondria, plastids, rough endoplasmic reticulum, vesicle-secreting dictyosomes and small vacuoles. One or two pollen tubes were seen growing through the exostome and endostome gaps. Thus, the micropyle in cotton was basically a closed type as has been found in sunflower, but similar asymmetrical structural features were not observed.  相似文献   

在野外居群调查的启示下,本文以组件观点对柳叶野豌豆复合种和歪头菜幼苗亚单位的时序变化与开花关系进行了分析。结果发现在柳叶野豌豆复合种栽培居群中存在打破物种间形体结构特征的个体,即在复叶由一对小叶组成的植株就已开花而进入生殖时期。另外,在歪头菜的野生居群中发现由三或四枚小叶组成复叶的个体,因此,我们推测这种形体结构的变化可能暗示着柳叶野豌豆复合种和歪头菜有着共同的祖先。  相似文献   

DUNCAN  E. J. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(3):677-683
Ontogeny of the ovule and development of the embryo in Bombacopsisglabra (Pasq.) A. Robyns were examined. The ovule is bitegmic,crassinucellate, and anatropous. The exostome is eccentric relativeto the endostome; stomata occur on the outer integument. Thesingle archesporial cell functions directly as the megasporemother cell. The embryo-sac is bisporic. The organization ofthe nuclei in the mature embryo-sac is normal. The antipodalcells disintegrate soon after formation. Double fertilization takes place; the zygote undergoes a longperiod of dormancy, but the primary endosperm nucleus dividesimmediately to produce first a nuclear-type, later a cellular-typeendosperm. The zygote is of the caryophyllad type. Adventive embryos arise from single cells of the nucellus inthe vicinity of the micropyle, and develop faster than the sexuallyproduced embryo; this leads to anomictic renroduction.  相似文献   

Potassiam antimonate was used to localize Ca2+ in the micropyle and embryo sac of Brassica napus L. before and after pollination. To identify the nature of the pyroantimonate deposits, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDXA) was employed and the deposits were proved to contain calcium pyroantimonate. Image processing system was employed to measure the volume density and the diameter of the deposits. Before and after pollination, calcium was more abundant in the exostome and endostome as compared with the other regions of the integuments, and was concentrated at the apoplast system, i.e. the intercellular matrix of the micropyle canal and the cell wall. Before pollination, each of the two sister synergids accumulated more calcium than the other embryo sac cells. Although the mean diameter of the deposits in the synergid was only two-thirds as that in the egg cell and central cell, the volume density of the deposits in the synergid was about 2.5 times and 1.9 times as that in the egg cell and the central cell respectively. The filiform apparatus and the nucleus had the most abundant calcium within a synergid. After pollination both sister synergids degenerated conspicuously and were characterized by much more deposited calcium (about 2.4 times more than before); and the diameter of the deposits decreased dramatically, which was less than one-third as before. The relationship between calcium distribution and synergid degeneration as well as its functions was discussed.  相似文献   

A new moss,Paranapiacabaea paulista, is described from the Serra do Mar of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It is characterized by erect, narrowly flask-shaped capsules with a pale peristome, blunt, papillose exostome teeth, and an endostome with segments longer than the exostome teeth. Its relationships toDonnellia, Pterogoniopsis, andMaguireella are discussed. The combinationMaguireella vulpina (Mont.) Buck is validated.  相似文献   

A new orthotrichaceous species, Lewinskya transcaucasica Eckstein, Garilleti & F.Lara, is described, based on several samples collected in the Georgian territories of Greater Caucasus and Lesser Caucasus. The species is best differentiated by its sporophytic characteristics. Its capsules are long ovoid to cup-shaped and smooth and show no differentiation of the longitudinal bands of the exothecial cells. The capsules vary from emerging fully from the perichaetial leaves to having a shortly exserted position. The peristome is double, with an exostome of eight pairs of orange to crimson teeth whose tips are variably cancellated and fenestrated and recurved when dry, and an endostome of eight segments that occasionally alternate with reduced intermediate segments. All of these segments are yellowish to pale orange, mainly linear, uniseriate or partially biseriate, and strongly ornamented on the inner side. The new moss is illustrated and compared with similar taxa around the world.  相似文献   

以澳洲杨的胚珠及其种子为材料,运用光学显微镜和电镜扫描的方法对其从胚珠发生直到种子成熟的个体发育过程和结构进行观察,同时与鸭脚西番莲的种子附属结构的发育过程进行对比研究。结果表明:(1)澳洲杨的珠孔类型为外珠孔类型,种子附属结构起源于珠孔而非珠柄,其为种阜,而非假种皮。(2)鸭脚西番莲的珠孔类型为内珠孔类型,种子附属结构起源于珠柄,并且最终将珠孔包被,其为真正的假种皮结构。通过种阜与假种皮的不同个体发育过程,建立了大戟科种阜与假种皮的不同发育模式,并对种子附属结构的生物学功能及其暗示的不同植物进化路径进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A new epiphytic Orthotrichum species ( Orthotrichum spiculatum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka sp. nov. ) is described from the sierra of Córdoba (Argentina). The new species has most of the characteristics of subgenus Pulchella (Schimp.) Vitt, but it is unique because of having eight exostome teeth pairs and 16 broad, strongly papillose endostome segments. Additionally, its upper leaves have green, acuminate, dentate–spiculate apices.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 477–482.  相似文献   

The anatomy of each of the series of floral organs of Krameria lanceolata was examined. The sepals are characterized by three main veins each, an undifferentiated mesophyll, and stomata on the upper epidermis. The fleshy petals are distinguished by their numerous veins as well as by palisade-like epidermal cells on the outer surface. The three partially united petals have each a single vein and long, narrow epidermal cells similar to those on other floral organs. The stamens are united at their bases and bear tetra-sporangiate, conical anthers. The gynoecium includes a sterile and a fertile carpel. In the receptacle the veins to the sepals and petals are separated by a wide gap; those to the petals and stamens, by a narrow gap. Anatomical characteristics of the flower dissociate Krameriaceae from the legumes with which they have frequently been thought to be allied.  相似文献   

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