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树液流动密度(SFD)随边材径向深度的变化对于准确估测流经边材的树液通量是非常重要的,后者又制约着Heat Pulse的应用精度.但迄今为止,只有很少的研究估计了由于SFD随径向的梯度变化而带来的误差,SFD沿树干径向分布规律的获得往往依靠对少数几棵树的观测资料.基于在广东雷州半岛对两块3~4年生桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake)人工林1年的Heat Pulse观测,探讨了对来自39株立木大量观测资料的综合处理方法,发现这两个样地(纪家和河头)的林分中SFD随边材径向深度的变化可以用如下回归方程来描述:纪家: y=3.667 5x3-7.295 5x2+3.682 6x+0.567 4 (R2=0.939 1, n=80, P=0.01)河头: y=5.006 2x3-9.116 1x2+4.454 4x+0.463 4 (R2=0.806 9, n=72, P=0.01)式中:y--某一树液感应器所测得的SFD与不同深度的4个感应器所测得的SFD的平均值之比;x-某一树液感应器在边材中的深度与边材厚度之比.从形成层到心材,SFD最初有所增加,随后持续减小,但由于树木年龄很小,最大的SFD只比最小的SFD大0.33~0.36倍.  相似文献   

应用热脉冲系统对桉树人工林树液流通量的研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
尹光彩  周国逸  王旭  褚郭威  黄志宏 《生态学报》2003,23(10):1984-1990
应用热脉冲式树液流测定系统和自动气象站 1 999年 9月~ 2 0 0 0年 9月的观测资料 ,探讨了广东省湛江市雷州半岛两个桉树人工林树液流通量 (Sap flux density,SFD)的时空动态及其与环境因子的相关关系。河头和纪家两地桉树林的树液流变化具有明显的昼夜节律性 ,大约从清晨 7:0 0开始萌动 ,1 2 :0 0以后达到峰值 ,夏季连续 4 d中 (2 0 0 0年 6月 1 5日~ 6月 1 8日 )河头 SFD最大值 44.2 1± 4.5 ml/ (cm2 · h) ,纪家 2 9.2± 7.2 ml/ (cm2· h)。此后 ,SFD逐渐减小 ,一直到日落前后降至最低值。树液流在不同的季节具有不同的昼夜节律性变化规律。两地 SF D值的季节波动节律相似 ,湿季时相对较大。但是河头日平均 SFD值 (2 4 36± 1 1 92 .5 ml/ (cm2 · d) )要比纪家 (1 70 3± 82 4 .5 ml/ (cm2 · d) )高 ,这主要是由于两地土壤质地的差异所导致的。在所选时段内 ,SFD的最大值出现在河头的冬季和纪家的夏季 ,这是由于这两天的大气饱和水气压差 ,太阳辐射和土壤有效持水量都比较高的缘故。在空间上 ,从形成层到心材 ,SF D最初有所增加 ,随后持续减小。整个观测期间两地 SFD的极大值均出现在 6月中旬 ,河头为 51 .53ml/ (cm2· h) ,而纪家为 39.85ml/ (cm2 · h) ,显然 ,由于环境条件的限制 ,主要是土  相似文献   

通过对广东省湛江市雷州半岛桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla S.T.Blake)人工林的树液流通量、环境因子、土壤蒸发、林冠截留和林分特性相关指标一年多的连续观测,以及通过一个理论公式对日蒸散量的计算,得出了如下结论:(1)土壤特性及由此决定的土壤水势对树液流通量,以及树液流通量密度(SFD)与气温的关系有一定影响;(2)林冠层的VPD(空气饱和差)对SFD有显著影响;(3)由测定和计算得来的蒸散量在河头和纪家分别有5.26%和6.14%的偏差,可以认为这两种方法有较好的一致性;(4)河头和纪家的林分蒸腾量占总蒸散量百分比分别为62.2%和51.3%;(5)树种单位叶面积水平上的SFD是评价该树种水分利用的重要指标.  相似文献   

华南桉树人工林树液流通量及蒸散作用(英文)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对广东省湛江市雷州半岛桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla S.T.Blake)人工林的树液流通量、环境因子、土壤蒸发、林冠截留和林分特性相关指标一年多的连续观测,以及通过一个理论公式对日蒸散量的计算,得出了如下结论:(1)土壤特性及由此决定的土壤水势对树液流通量,以及树液流通量密度(SFD)与气温的关系有一定影响;(2)林冠层的VPD(空气饱和差)对SFD有显著影响;(3)由测定和计算得来的蒸散量在河头和纪家分别有5.26%和6.14%的偏差,可以认为这两种方法有较好的一致性;(4)河头和纪家的林分蒸腾量占总蒸散量百分比分别为62.2%和51.3%;(5)树种单位叶面积水平上的SFD是评价该树种水分利用的重要指标。  相似文献   

豆天蛾田间饲养量及效益研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对豆天蛾在田间笼罩条件下的饲养调查观察 ,测定出其幼虫食叶量、食叶率 ,从而计算出每平方米豆田的理论养虫量 ,实际适宜养虫量及对大豆产量损失的影响。笼罩条件养虫量 (x)与食叶率(y1)回归方程 :^y1=2 2 0 + 2 4 1x± 2 874 9,r1=0 9971 ;笼罩条件养虫量 (x)与产量损失率 (y2 )回归方程 :^y2 =1 5 7+ 0 4 2 5x± 0 6 837,r2 =0 994 6 ;笼罩条件养虫量 (x)与结荚损失率 (y3 )回归方程 :^y3 =1 5 7+ 0 33x± 1 785 4 ,r3 =0 94 6 8 。在幼虫饲养量为 1 0~ 1 5头 m2 时 ,综合效益比一般豆田每 6 6 7m2增收 4 73 6元以上。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危保护植物蒙古扁桃的生长特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过连续9 a定株观测方法,研究了蒙古扁桃物候期对应气候因子指标、年株高变化、地径生长、冠幅变化及根系变化规律,结果表明:物候期与气温、地表温度、地温(15 cm)、空气湿度和水汽压等因子关系密切,而与蒸腾量和日照时数关系较疏;年株高变化符合直线方程:y=18.91 8x-0.780 6(R2=0.991 5);年地径变化符合直线方程:y=0.275 6x 0.348 6(R2=0.999 2);年冠幅变化符合指数方程:y=50.371e0.2527x(R2=0.989 9);根系纵向和横向生长趋势分别符合指数函数方程:y=12.914e0.7358x(R2=0.971 5)和y=17.126e0.6918x(R2=0.965 4),但纵向生长落后于横向生长,即侧根生长优于主根。  相似文献   

一类KOLMOGOROV系统的极限环   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
关于两种群互相作用的Kolmogorov模型 x=xF_1(x,y), y=yF_2(x,y),文〔1〕根据生态意义对F_1、F_2给出较多限制条件下作过研究,由于现实中总结出的模型归结到F_1、F_2为x和y的多项式的形式不少〔2,3〕,本文讨论一类Kolmogorov系统x=x(a_0+a_1x-a_3x~2+a_2y+a_4xy),y=y(x-1) (1)极限环的存在性和唯一性,其中x和y分别表示两种群的密度,参数a_0>o,a_3>o,a_1、a_2、a_4不定号,它们各表示一定的生态意义,随不同的取值范围而反映两种群的不同作用〔1〕。  相似文献   

六种犁头尖属植物(天南星科)的核型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了 6种 8个居群犁头尖属 ( Typhonium Schott)植物的核型 ,其结果如下 :( 1 )独角莲 ( T.gigan-teum)北京居群 2 n=4 x=5 2 =4 4m+ 7sm+ 1 st;( 2 )鞭檐犁头尖 ( T.flagelliforme)金平居群 2 n=3x=2 4 =3m+ 9sm( 4 SAT) + 1 2 st,河内居群 2 n=4 x=32 =7m+ 2 0 st+ 4sm+ 1 t;( 3)单籽犁头尖 ( T. calcicolum)西畴居群2 n=4 x=5 2 =2 1 sm+ 2 3m( 5 SAT) + 8st;( 4 )犁头尖 ( T.blumei)重庆居群 2 n=4 x=5 2 =4 0 m( 1 SAT) + 1 2 sm( 3SAT) ;( 5 )马蹄犁头尖 ( T.trilobatum)西双版纳居群 2 n=2 x=1 8=4 sm( 2 SAT) + 1 2 m+ 2 st,河内居群 2 n=2 x=1 8=2 st+ 9m+ 7sm;( 6 )金慈菇 ( T. roxburgii)个旧居群 2 n=2 x=1 8=8sm+ 1 0 m( 2 SAT)。其中鞭檐犁头尖 2 n=2 4、32 ,金慈菇 2 n=1 8均为首次报道 ,同时分析讨论了本属植物染色体基数和倍性的多样性及其可能的原始基数  相似文献   

苏云金杆菌对中华稻蝗的毒力和致染色体畸变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用注射法测定了苏云金杆菌 (Bacillusthuringiensis,B .t)对中华稻蝗 5龄蝻和初羽化成虫的毒力。结果显示 ,B .t对中华稻蝗蝻和成虫均有一定的杀伤力。在 4 8h ,B .t对蝻和成虫的毒力回归线分别为 y =1 15 2 61x (相关系数r =0 993 8)和 y =2 0 6 2 11x (r =0 992 1) ,LD50 分别为 0 18IU/头和 0 2 0IU/头 ,蝗蝻较成虫对药剂稍敏感 ;成虫在 2 4h的LD50 ( 0 2 7IU/头 )比 4 8h的LD50 ( 0 2 0IU/头 )大 ,在较短的作用时间达到同样的杀伤效果需要较高的作用效价。此外 ,还观察分析了B .t悬浮液对 5龄蝗蝻精巢细胞染色体的致畸效应。结果发现 ,B .t可诱发蝗蝻一定比例的染色体畸变 ,其畸变类型主要是染色单体断裂和染色体断裂。统计分析认为 ,它是一种较强的致蝗虫染色体畸变剂。  相似文献   

温度和水分对无芒隐子草和条叶车前种子萌发的影响   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
研究了无芒隐子草 (Cleistogenessongorica)和条叶车前 (Plantago lessingii)种子萌发对不同温度和水分渗透势的响应。温度在 10℃恒温至 5 0 /2 0℃变温范围内设 11个处理 ,水分渗透势在 0~ - 1.8MPa区间以 0 .2 MPa为间隔设 10个处理。结果显示 :无芒隐子草鞘内小穗的种子具有很高的生活力 ,其萌发温度幅较宽 ,在 10~ 5 0 /2 0℃温度区间 ,较高温度促进萌发 ;条叶车前种子萌发温度幅较窄 ,在 10~ 30℃温度区间 ,较低温度促进其萌发。无芒隐子草和条叶车前种子的最佳萌发温度分别为35 /2 0℃变温和 2 0℃恒温 ,在此条件下的发芽率分别达 94 %和 6 1% ,后者发芽率低的原因是种子存在生理休眠。两种植物种子萌发的最低水分阈值为 - 1.6 MPa,发芽率皆随渗透势降低而呈直线下降趋势 ,但条叶车前较无芒隐子草下降缓慢。发芽率 (y)与渗透势 (x)的回归方程 ,无芒隐子草为 y1 =- 10 .976 x1 98.4 (r2 =0 .95 4 ) ,条叶车前为 y2 =- 5 .90 9x2 6 0 .2 (r2 =0 .96 4 )。随着水分胁迫的加剧 ,供试种胚芽长呈逐渐下降趋势 ,但胚根长呈先增加 (无芒隐子草在 - 0 .6 MPa,而条叶车前在 - 0 .4 MPa)而后下降的趋势。讨论了两种植物种子萌发对不同温度和水分响应的生态学意义  相似文献   

? To our knowledge, to date, no nonempirical method exists to measure reverse, low or high sap flux density. Moreover, existing sap flow methods require destructive wood core measurements to determine sapwood water content, necessary to convert heat velocity to sap flux density, not only damaging the tree, but also neglecting seasonal variability in sapwood water content. ? Here, we present a nonempirical heat-pulse-based method and coupled sensor which measure temperature changes around a linear heater in both axial and tangential directions after application of a heat pulse. By fitting the correct heat conduction-convection equation to the measured temperature profiles, the heat velocity and water content of the sapwood can be determined. ? An identifiability analysis and validation tests on artificial and real stem segments of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) confirm the applicability of the method, leading to accurate determinations of heat velocity, water content and hence sap flux density. ? The proposed method enables sap flux density measurements to be made across the entire natural occurring sap flux density range of woody plants. Moreover, the water content during low flows can be determined accurately, enabling a correct conversion from heat velocity to sap flux density without destructive core measurements.  相似文献   

Heat-pulse methods to determine sap flux density in trees are founded on the theory of heat conduction and heat convection in an isotropic medium. However, sapwood is clearly anisotropic, implying a difference in thermal conductivity along and across the grain, and hence necessitates the theory for an anisotropic medium. This difference in thermal conductivities, which can be up to 50%, is, however, not taken into account in the key equation leading to the currently available heat-pulse methods. Despite this major flaw, the methods remain theoretically correct as they are based on derivations of the key equation, ruling out any anisotropic aspects. The importance of specifying the thermal characteristics of the sapwood according to axial, tangential or radial direction is revealed as well as referring to and using the proper anisotropic theory in order to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of thermal properties when dealing with sap flux density measurements or erroneous results when modelling heat transport in sapwood.  相似文献   

Information on the water use of Pinus patula plantations isrequired to predict the impact of forest plantations on waterresources in South Africa. The heat pulse velocity (HPV) methodis a promising technique for measuring water use by trees, andhas been shown to measure sap flows accurately in a varietyof hardwood trees. This method has not been sufficiently verifiedfor pine trees where the presence of a strongly-defined ringstructure in the sapwood gives rise to a complex radial patternof sap flow. The purpose of this study was to compare wateruptake by cut trees to simultaneous HPV sap flow measurementsin the same tree. Fourteen trees were used for this comparison.Results showed that HPV sap flow estimates consistently overestimatedcut-tree uptake by an average of 49%. The bias is attributedto heat averaging across non-conducting latewood rings. Wateruptake was found to be highly correlated to the product of under-barkcross-sectional area and wound-corrected mean HPV, and it issuggested that this empirical relation provides a more appropriateway of estimating water use by this species. Key words: Heat pulse velocity, sap flow, Pinus patula, transpiration  相似文献   

Sap flow in the stems of two cut saplings each of Eucalyptus maculata (a canopy eucalypt forest tree), Doryphora sassafras and Ceratopetalum apetalum (both canopy rainforest trees of south-eastern coastal Australia) was measured by the heat pulse velocity technique and compared with water uptake from a potometer. Scanning electron micrographs of wounding caused by implantation of temperature sensor and heater probes into the sapwood showed that wounding was similar in rainforest and eucalypt species and was elliptical in shape. A circular wound has been implicitly assumed in previous studies. Accurate measurements of sapling water use were obtained using the smaller transverse wound dimension rather than the larger longitudinal dimension because maximum disruption of sap flow through the xylem vessels occurred in the transverse plane. Accurate measurements of sap flux were obtained above a minimum threshold sap velocity. These velocities were 15·7,10·9 and 9·4 cm h?1 for E. maculata, C. apetalum and D. sassafras, respectively. Below the threshold sap velocity, however, sap flow could not be accurately calculated from measurements of heat pulse velocity. The minimum threshold sap velocity appeared to be determined by probe construction and xylem anatomy. Despite the elliptical wounding and inaccurate measurement of sap flow below the threshold sap velocity, total sap flow over the experimental period for two saplings of each species was within 7% of water use measured by the potometer.  相似文献   

Heat pulse velocity (HPV) apparatus was used to investigatethe relation between the radial HPV profile and the positionof growth rings in two Pinus patula trees (aged 4 and 7 years),growing in Frankfort State Forest in the eastern Transvaal,South Africa. Successive measurements of HPV at 3.0 mm intervalsalong each of four radii in each tree revealed a cyclical pattern,with maxima and minima correlated with summer and winter wood,respectively. We recommend that probe emplacement in fast-growingpines with relatively wide growth rings should be to randomly-assigneddepths in the sapwood. Confidence limits associated with samplemeans of wound-corrected HPV obtained with 4, 8 or 12 probesets were generated by simulating the repeated selection ofa randomly-chosen HPV measurement from each sapwood radius.We conclude from this analysis that a minimum of 12 point measurementsper tree is required to obtain an acceptable estimate of sapflow. In older trees where a decline in HPV is expected towardsthe centre of the trunk, sampling must be modified to avoidbias caused by deeper measurements representing proportionatelyless of the total sapwood area than those taken at more shallowdepths in the sapwood. Key words: Pinus patula, heat pulse velocity, sap flow, growth rings  相似文献   

介绍了Granier热消散探针在树干液流测定中的工作原理,并利用该系统长期监测广东鹤山马占相思林14株样树的液流密度,分析了树木个体内和个体之间液流密度的差异、整树和林段水分利用的量化特征.由于树木边材结构以及周围微环境的差别,树木内和个体间的液流密度差异非常明显,变异系数的平均值分别为15.51%-37.26%、37.46%-50.73%.尽管液流密度的差异较大,但同一株树木不同方位的液流密度之间却呈现明显的线性相关(p<0.0001),这是重要的特征值,使得只需测定某一方位的液流密度经尺度外推计算整树和林段蒸腾成为可能.树木液流对环境因子响应的变化规律取决于所参照的时间尺度,日变化主要受光辐射、水汽压差等气候因子的控制,而土壤水份对液流的季节变化影响较大.形态特征明显影响树木的液流,高大树木由于边材较厚、树干粗壮和冠幅较宽而承载较多的辐射能量,因而水分蒸腾较高.对树木液流密度在径向和方位上进行适当的整合,可较准确地计算整树和林段蒸腾.由液流估测的马占相思整树和林段蒸腾的结果显示,该群落的水分利用在时间和空间上均有明显的分化.  相似文献   

运用Granier热扩散探针法对半干旱黄土丘陵区不同胸径辽东栎进行树干液流测定,并对太阳辐射、空气温湿度、降水量、土壤水分等环境因子进行同步观测,分析不同土壤水分条件下不同胸径辽东栎的树干液流变化特征及其对环境因子的响应.结果表明:辽东栎液流日变化特征总体上与太阳辐射和空气水汽压亏缺呈相同趋势,但液流峰值出现时间早于两个气象环境因子的峰值时间.同一树木个体在土壤水分条件较高时期的树干液流通量高于土壤水分较低时期.在相同土壤水分条件下,大径级样本液流通量显著高于小径级样本.采用指数饱和曲线函数对液流通量与太阳辐射和空气水汽压亏缺以及两因子的综合指标进行拟合,效果良好,可以反映液流通量对气象环境因子的响应规律.不同胸径辽东栎在不同土壤水分条件下的拟合曲线特征和拟合参数差异表明,在土壤水分较高时段,液流通量可快速上升至饱和值;在土壤水分较低时段,液流通量上升缓慢.小径级样本对土壤水分变化的反应更加剧烈.单位空气水汽压亏缺的日液流通量值(日液流通量与空气水汽压亏缺的比值)在两种土壤水分条件下的比值与边材面积呈线性相关,且小径级样本的斜率高于大径级样本,说明小径级样本对土壤水分的变化较为敏感,在土壤含水量较低时段,大径级样本较厚的导水组织对土壤水分供应不足起到了缓冲作用.  相似文献   

Improvement of the heat pulse method for determining sap flow in trees   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Abstract. The heat pulse method for determining sap flux in large woody sterns was modified for easier field operation. It uses the measurement of the time elapsed between heat pulse release by a line heater radially inserted in the stem, and the occurrence of maximum temperature 15 mm downstream of the heater. This spacing between heater and thermometer is critical to the reliability of the measurement. Calculations using uncorrected theory provide estimates of the sap flux density in stems with both uniform and non-uniform cross-sectional distribution of conducting tissues which are about 55% of the actual sap flux density. This factor results from insufficient thermal homogeneity between tissues where sap flow occurs and tissues where sap flow has been interrupted.
Sap flow in trunks of citrus trees was inferred from measurements of the cross-sectional distribution of sap flux density. Variability of sap flux density is specific to each trunk and is time-dependent and imposes multiple radial and angular measurements. The method was checked in a citrus trunk ramified into three branches. Instantaneous determinations of the flow in the trunk and in the branches differed by less than 5.7%. The daily values agreed within 2.8%.  相似文献   

Land devoted to plantation forestry (50 million ha) has been increasing worldwide and the genus Eucalyptus is a popular plantation species (14 million ha) for its rapid growth and ability to grow well on a wide range of sites. Fertilization is a common silvicultural tool to improve tree growth with potential effects on stand water use, but the relationship between wood growth and water use in response to fertilization remains poorly quantified. Our objectives in this study were to determine the extent, timing and longevity of fertilization effects on water use and wood growth in a non‐water limited Eucalyptus saligna experimental forest near Hilo, HI. We evaluated the short‐ and long‐term effects of fertilization on water use by measuring sap flux per unit sapwood area, canopy conductance, transpiration per unit leaf area and water‐use efficiency in control and fertilized stands. Short‐term effects were assessed by comparing sap flux before and after fertilizer application. Long‐term effects were assessed by comparing control plots and plots that had received nutrient additions for 5 years. For the short‐term response, total water use in fertilized plots increased from 265 to 487 mm yr?1 during the 5 months following fertilization. The increase was driven by an increase in stand leaf area accompanied by an increase in sap flux per unit sapwood area. Sap flux per unit leaf area and canopy conductance did not differ during the 5 months following fertilizer additions. For the last 2 months of our short‐term measurements, fertilized trees used less water per unit carbon gain (361 compared with 751 kg H2O kg C?1 in control stands). Trees with 5 years of fertilization also used significantly more water than controls (401 vs. 302 mm yr?1) because of greater leaf area in the fertilized stands. Sap flux per unit sapwood area, sap flux per unit leaf area, and canopy conductance did not differ between control and fertilized trees in the long‐term plots. In contrast to the short‐term response, the long‐term response of water use per unit wood growth was not significant. Overall, fertilization of E. saligna at our site increased stand water use by increasing leaf area. Fertilized trees grew more wood and used more water, but fertilization did not change wood growth per unit water use.  相似文献   

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