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大型双瓣壳节肢动物是凯里生物群中重要组成部分,其中吐卓虫属(Tuzoia)最为常见,化石标本达200多件.吐卓虫常见于全球早、中寒武世地层,地理分布广泛,在地层对比和古环境研究中具有重要意义.文章运用数理统计和对比研究的方法,详细检测130多块双刺吐卓虫(Tuzoia bispinosa Yuan and Zhao,1999)化石标本,发现明显可分为幼年期、青年期和成年期3个不同的生长发育阶段.文中探讨双刺吐卓虫的个体发育,确认先前建立的凯里生物群中Tuzoia的2个种:Tuzoia bispinose和T.magna,应为Tuzoia bispinose一种.  相似文献   

大型双瓣壳节肢动物吐卓虫Tuzoia是一个形态丰富的属,广泛分布在北美、中国、澳大利亚和捷克的寒武系第二、三统中。文中报道了采自贵州剑河八郎"清虚洞组"的吐卓虫的2种:即Tuzoia jianheensis sp.nov.与T.bispinosa Yuan and Zhao,1999。新种的主要特征为中后刺、后腹刺细长,腹部边缘发育有锯齿状边缘刺,壳面网纹细密,不同于Tuzoia的其他种,有较强地域性。新种化石数量占优,占总数三分之二。T.bispinisa背缘发育有三角形或近三角形背刺,前后铰突发育,壳面的网纹以不规则六边形为主,网眼大。T.jianheensis sp.nov.与上覆凯里组的T.bispinosa对比研究,得出Tuzoia的壳长有变短的趋势。  相似文献   

首次报道山东潍坊馒头组上部(寒武系第三统)的东北吐卓虫Tuzoia manchuriensis,该种的模式标本产自辽宁省烟台镇东南3.2km的当十岭,但保存不很完整。潍坊标本在后腹缘处有两个明显、粗壮的边缘刺,前腹缘处有许多呈锯齿状小刺,这是辽宁标本所没有保存的特征,是对模式种的重要补充。另外,潍坊标本个体较大,而辽宁标本个体较小,长约40mm,且长高比(0.64)与潍坊标本(0.71)有较大差距,推测模式种可能是幼体。根据与潍坊Tuzoia共生的三叶虫,认为其时代为寒武纪第三世中期(长清期早期),相当于华南寒武纪第三世王村期早期或国际上鼓山期早期(Drumian),比布尔吉斯页岩生物群时代略晚。  相似文献   

腕足动物是贵州凯里生物群中重要的化石门类,不仅化石数量丰富,分异度高,还具有丰富的生态现象。在寒武系的化石记录上,腕足动物常与海绵、藻类、棘皮动物、水母状生物、软舌螺、威瓦西亚虫、其他腕足动物等保存在一起,凯里生物群中的腕足动物也有类似的共存现象。本文就凯里生物群中腕足动物与游泳动物的共存现象进行了初步研究,认为腕足动物与贵州拟轮盘水母Pararotadiscus guizhouensis存在共栖、共埋两种关系,讨论了这两种关系的不同之处;分析了腕足动物与大型双瓣壳节肢动物加拿大虫Canadaspis的共存现象,推测一只腕足动物与Canadaspis共同保存的化石记录表明这两种生物存在共栖关系。本文的研究丰富了凯里生物群物种之间的生态关系,为凯里生物群的生态多样性提供了更多的证据。  相似文献   

记述了黔东南凯里组三叶虫的地层分布 ,讨论了三叶虫的分带 ,根据三叶虫地层分布情况 ,将凯里组与国内外同期地层进行了对比 ,指出了凯里生物群与布吉斯页岩生物群 ,斯潘塞页岩生物群出现的顺序 ,对于深入研究凯里生物群与其它生物群的演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

贵州省台江县中寒武世凯里生物群含有丰富的非钙质藻类和具有软躯体后生动物化石 ,它为布尔吉斯页岩型生物群在世界广泛分布提供了更有力的证据。在生物群的宏观藻类中描述了 5个属 5个种 ,包括 2个新属。它们是MarpoliaspissaWalcott、AcinocricusstichusConwayMorrisandRobison、UdotealgaerectaYang、EosargassumsawataYang和RhizophytonzhaoyuanlongiiYang ,并且将凯里生物群中的宏观藻类化石组合与加拿大布尔吉斯页岩生物群中的宏观藻类进行了对比 ,发现两个生物群不仅具有相似的动物化石组成 ,而且宏观藻类化石组成也很相似。  相似文献   

丘尔藻Chuaria Walcott,1899是宏观藻类中研究最早、延续时限最长的一类宏观藻类化石,它是新元古代赵家山生物群、淮南生物群及西陵峡动物群的代表分子之一.寒武纪第3世凯里生物群中Chuaria化石的产出,不仅是其最年青的代表,也是凯里生物群中宏观藻类组合中较为重要的分子之一.凯里生物群中Chuaria化石呈...  相似文献   

太阳女神螺类(helcionellids)是寒武纪常见的一类软体动物,广布全球,多见于碳酸盐岩沉积地层中,而布尔吉斯页岩型生物群中却少有报道。贵州剑河凯里生物群是典型的特异埋藏化石库,产有700余件太阳女神螺类标本,这在世界各地同时期的布尔吉斯页岩型生物群中是很少见的。本文对贵州剑河八郎寒武系凯里组太阳女神螺类化石标本进行了系统研究,采用几何形态测量学的典型变量分析进行量化分析。几何形态测量学(Geometric morphometrics)是用界标点或轮廓线等来描绘生物的形态或者标记特征部位及器官,将生物形态特征归纳为数据变化的定量学方法,其中的典型变量分析(Canonical Variate Analysis)是多变量分析中进行判别分析的一个重要方法,可以用于多组数据之间的判别。CVA判别结果显示:利用壳体侧视轮廓线判别Dorispira属中三个种的正确率为92%,验证了Dorispira accordinonata、D.taijiangensis和D.cf.pearylandica化石种分类合理性。本文研究表明即使壳体形态较为相似的类群,也可以较为准确地使用CVA量化其中的差别,...  相似文献   

贵州台江中寒武世凯里生物群的研究取得了突破性的进展 ,一些澄江生物群、布尔吉斯页岩生物群的分子诸如Ottoia,Naraoia,Palaeoscolex ,Urokodia,Microdictyon ,Leanchio lia,Isoxys及anomalocarids等化石已被发现 ,凯里生物群的组成发生了重大的变化。新面貌的凯里生物群成为拥有 1 2个大类 1 2 0多个属的布尔吉斯页岩型生物群 ,其中动物化石已超过 80多个属 ,仅次于布尔吉斯页岩生物群和澄江生物群 ,居全球同类型第三位。其核心组成为非三叶虫节肢动物、水母状动物及棘皮动物。  相似文献   

贵州剑河寒武纪凯里生物群的高肌虫风雅峨眉虫(相似种)Emeiella cf.venusta和峨眉虫(未定种)Emeiellasp.化石,曾被描述为梁山虫(未定种)Liangshanellasp.,作者认为这些化石发育有细长的背脊,不符合Liangshanella的属征,厘定为峨眉虫Emeiella Lee,1975的1个相似种和1个未定种。相似种以具半圆形的壳、细长而平直的背脊且与背边平行的特点,区别于峨眉虫属的其它种;未定种壳受压扁长,呈半椭圆形,背脊细而长,暂作未定种处理。凯里生物群中Emeiella的产出,不仅增加了该属新的种群、地理分布由扬子区扩大至扬子-江南之间的过渡区、时代从寒武纪第二世延伸至苗岭世,也为寒武纪高肌虫的分类、地理分布、演化研究提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

昆明、武定地区早寒武世关山动物群的双瓣壳节肢动物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道采自昆明、武定地区下寒武统沧浪铺阶乌龙箐组下部黄绿色页岩层中的双瓣壳节肢动物Tuzoia和Isoxys,讨论Tuzoia和Isoxys两属的特征和种群、地质、地理分布、软体附肢、分类位置、古生态及其演化趋势。详细描述关山动物群中Tuzoia和Isoxys的3种(其中2新种):TuzoiasinensisP’an,1957,T.tylodesaLuoetHusp.nov.,IsoxyswudingensisLuoetHusp.nov.,和I.sp.。  相似文献   

Ten specimens of two phosphatic fossils have been recently discovered in lower and middle portions of Middle Cambrian Jince Formation in the Czech Republic. They are attributed to the genus Sphenothallus Hall, 1847 and described as two separate species; comparatively small conchs are described as S. kozaki sp. nov., the much larger specimens characterized by its smooth and partly flexible organo-phosphatic walls of shell are determined as ?S. kordulei sp. nov. Sphenothallus is known to range from Cambrian to Permian and accommodates numerous species. However, its Cambrian distribution is considerably restricted. Generally rare specimens have been described from Lower to Middle Cambrian of Laurentia and from the Lower Cambrian of Gondwana and peri-Gondwana. The new record of Sphenothallus from the Jince Biota represents a notable extension of their geographic range.  相似文献   

Abstract: Abundant material from a new quarry excavated in the lower Cambrian Emu Bay Shale (Kangaroo Island, South Australia) and, particularly, the preservation of soft‐bodied features previously unknown from this Burgess Shale‐type locality, permit the revision of two bivalved arthropod taxa described in the late 1970s, Isoxys communis and Tuzoia australis. The collections have also produced fossils belonging to two new species: Isoxys glaessneri and Tuzoia sp. Among the soft parts preserved in these taxa are stalked eyes, digestive structures and cephalic and trunk appendages, rivalling in quality and quantity those described from better‐known Lagerstätten, notably the lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna of China and the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of Canada.  相似文献   

The blastozoan echinoderm genus Gogia is reported for the first time in the Early and the Middle Cambrian of Mexico. Reports in different members of the section of San José de Gracia (Sonora State, northwestern Mexico) extend the palaeogeographical range of the genus to the South Laurentia, and the stratigraphic range of Gogia granulosa to the whole first half of middle Middle Cambrian. Isolated plates occur in rocks deposited in detrital inner platform and complete specimens, in carbonate outer platform, confirming their ability to live in diverse environments. Their presence in these different environments through the Early-Middle Cambrian on Laurentia agrees with the onshore-offshore expansion of echinoderms during Cambrian.  相似文献   

More than 4200 kg of limestone, representing 980 productive samples, from the upper Middle Cambrian, Upper Cambrian, and lowermost Ordovician in western and north-western Hunan were processed for paraconodonts, protoconodonts, and euconodonts. The focus of the present paper is on the upper Middle and lower Upper Cambrian interval as it is developed at two, apparently stratigraphically continuous, key sections. The collections studied, which include more than 20,000 specimens and are quite diverse taxonomically, prove that some protoconodonts and paraconodonts are useful biostratigraphically. Previously proposed protoconodont-paraconodont biozones in Hunan are revised and correlated with recently revised trilobite biozones, as well as with protoconodont-paraconodont and trilobite biozones in North China. Twenty-six species and seven conditionally identified species belonging to 13 genera are described. Among these, two genera ( Huayuanodontus and Yongshunella ) and two species ( Westergaardodina elegans and Yongshunella polymorpha ) are new. This study has special interest for Cambrian biostratigraphy because the two studied sections are global stratotype candidates for the Middle-Upper Cambrian series boundary. The level of the Upper-Middle Cambrian Series boundary, as currently recognized in China (at the base of the Linguagnostus reconditus Trilobite Biozone) is well marked in the paraconodont succession and can be traced into the Swedish standard succession using these fossils. By contrast, another level recently proposed as a potential global Middle-Upper Cambrian Series boundary level, the base of the Glyptagnostus reticulatus Trilobite Biozone, does not coincide with any marked change in the Hunan conodont species succession useful for local and regional correlation.  相似文献   

近年来在云南昆明附近的海口镇和大板桥地区发现大量的节肢动物卵形川滇虫化石,这些化石隶属于澄江生物群,其所处的地层是下寒武统玉案山组。卵形川滇虫化石的不断发掘使得对该属种化石的研究和认识能在很大程度上取得新的进展。文章基于相当数量化石的信息统计,首先对化石保存的多种方式进行总结并分析其埋藏时的环境条件,其次分析卵形川滇虫一些有趣的生活习性并初步划分卵形川滇虫生长中历经3次蜕皮的发育阶段;对雌雄性个体特征(包括外部形态和内部器官的解剖)进行对照性描述。文中揭示卵形川滇虫的生活环境及运动方式,并将卵形川滇虫与中寒武世瓦普塔虾进行较为详尽的比较,列举两者不可归为一属的可靠证据。  相似文献   

描述了采自云南永善肖滩剖面下寒武统石岩头组的托莫特壳类(tommotiids)骨片化石Lnpworthella rete Yue,1987,其骨片锥状或塔状,横向环脊明显,环脊尖棱状;骨片外表面具多边形网状纹饰,但无齿、瘤或纵脊等装饰;骨片可分为两种类型,即弯曲型和近直立型,前者数量明显多于后者。简要地讨论了托莫特壳类化石的分类及生物亲缘关系,认为目前为止,其仍为亲缘关系不明的化石类别。尚难断定所有的托莫特壳类骨片化石皆属于同一生物门类,因为难以证明将它们归人同类生物所依据的骨片性状是共同衍征(synapomorphy)还是由于趋同演化(convergent evolution)的结果;在缺乏躯干化石记录的情况下,离散骨片的生物亲缘关系研究较为困难。  相似文献   

贵州早、中寒武世斗篷海绵科(Choiidae)的发现   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
本文描述了贵州遵义下寒武统牛蹄塘组生物群和台江中寒武世凯里生物群中保存完整的斗篷海绵科(Choiidae)中斗篷海绵(Choia)和小斗篷海绵(Choiaella)化石标本,共计2属2种2未定种:Choia zunyiensis sp.nov.,Choia sp.,Choiaella avata sp.nov.和Choiaella sp.。Choia分布很广.在我国下寒武统澄江生物群及北美中寒武统的四大生物群中均有产出。Choiaella原仅产于我国澄江生物群,凯里生物群中Choiaella的发现使其时代上延至中寒武世。贵州早、中寒武世斗篷海绵科的发现及研究为海绵动物的早期演化及古地理学等方面的研究提供了重要的新材料。  相似文献   

An unusual trace fossil from the Middle Cambrian Bright Angel Shale Formation of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, consisting of two rows of biserially opposed circular or oval depressions, with alternating symmetry, is described as Bicavichnites martini ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. While specimens of this trace may represent the surface expression of a complex treptichnid-like burrow system, it is more likely that they are the walking traces of a bilaterally symmetrical benthic animal. The large variation in external width within the trackways is inconsistent with an arthropod producer. The trackway morphology and presence of limb spur marks suggest that the trace maker may have been a lobopodian, a Cambrian relative of modern onychophorans.  相似文献   

Abstract: Numerous new cases of preserved shell microstructure were discovered in molluscs from the Middle Cambrian Gowers Formation (Ptychagnostus atavus/Peronopsis opimus Zone, Floran Stage) in the Georgina Basin, Australia. The new data provide further evidence that, by the Middle Cambrian, molluscan shell microstructures were diverse, and many molluscs had a complex shell with multiple types of shell microstructure. In addition, many new occurrences of laminar microstructures are described herein. For many, the nature of these laminar microstructures is not known, but in three species the microstructure is foliated calcite, and in at least two the microstructure is more likely to have been calcitic semi‐nacre, a type of microstructure known in brachiopods and bryozoans but unknown in modern molluscs. This commonality among these three closely related lophotrochozoans underscores a similar mechanism of biomineralization. Moreover, these observations suggest a prevalence of calcite‐shelled lineages among molluscs from the Middle Cambrian, a time of calcite seas. In addition, the broad occurrence of laminar, nacre‐like microstructures in many of these fossils reveals how widespread these strong (fracture‐resistant) microstructures were in Middle Cambrian molluscs. Additionally, a few specimens of Yochelcionella preserve imprints of a bilaterally symmetrical pair of muscle scars. New taxa described here include Corystos thorntoniensis gen. et sp. nov., Yochelcionella snorkorum sp. nov., Yochelcionella saginata sp. nov., and Anhuiconus? agrenon sp. nov.  相似文献   

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