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不同尺度因子对滦河流域大型底栖无脊椎动物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2011年滦河流域38个河段大型底栖无脊椎动物采集,探讨了河段尺度和流域尺度环境因子对大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的影响。其中,河段尺度因子包括水体/底质特征、河岸带特征和水质,流域尺度因子包括采样位置、流域土地利用结构和缓冲区土地利用结构。RDA(冗余分析)结果表明,河段尺度影响大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的关键因子为:细粒物质比例、河岸带植被盖度、河岸带人类干扰程度、河岸带农田比例、水面宽度和河道改造程度,总解释量为42%;流域尺度影响大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的关键因子为:纬度、海拔、流域内耕地面积百分比和流域面积,总解释量为32%。研究结果表明,河段尺度因子比流域尺度因子对于指示大型底栖无脊椎动物分布更为重要,在环境因子监测中应给以更多的重视。  相似文献   

为探究河湖交汇区大型底栖无脊椎动物群落特征以及生态系统的健康状况,2020年9月和2021年4月以南四湖流域14条入湖河流的河湖交汇区为研究区域,开展水质、沉积物质量与底栖动物群落调查,共采集到底栖动物55种,隶属6纲15目39科。非度量多维尺度分析表明,春季各样点底栖动物群落相似性比秋季底栖动物群落相似性高,不同季节新薛河(S7)、蟠龙河(S9)和北沙河(S11)3个样点分别具有较高的相似性。冗余分析表明,水体中的总磷、CODCr和沉积物中的总碳是影响底栖动物群落的重要环境因子。生物耐污敏感性指数(BMWP)与水质特征相似,对南四湖流域河湖交汇区健康状况的评估具有较强的应用性。结果表明,南四湖流域主要河湖交汇区健康状况总体处在轻微-中度污染水平。本研究可为河湖交汇区生态恢复提供依据。  相似文献   

广东横石水河大型底栖动物群落与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迟国梁  赵颖  官昭瑛  王建武  童晓立 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2836-2845
应用典范对应分析(CCA)对横石水河流域14个样点中的大型底栖动物与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明,枯水期和丰水期的物种与环境因子的相关性均在90%以上,说明大型底栖动物在横石水河的分布很大程度上受到环境因子的影响。化学需氧量(COD)和pH值是影响枯水期大型底栖动物分布的两个主要因子,浊度和重金属Cu、Pb浓度对大型底栖动物分布也有一定程度的影响。在丰水期,重金属Cu、Pb浓度和pH值是影响大型底栖动物分布的关键因子。从种类水平看,耐污种类如蠓类、摇蚊和大蚊的丰富度与COD和重金属浓度的环境轴呈正相关,而敏感种类如腹足纲、毛翅目以及蜉蝣目昆虫与COD和重金属浓度的环境轴呈负相关。  相似文献   

生物多样性的形成和维持机制是生态学研究的核心问题,其中环境和空间因子在群落构建中的相对重要性是生态学家面临的重要挑战。为探究黄河口湿地底栖动物群落的关键影响因子,及环境和空间因子对底栖动物群落结构的相对调控作用。于2017年10月与2018年5月对黄河口湿地32个样点(淡水恢复湿地19个和自然湿地13个)的底栖动物和水体理化指标进行采集分析。非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)结果显示,黄河口淡水恢复湿地和自然湿地的底栖动物群落结构显著不同。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,影响淡水恢复湿地底栖动物群落结构的环境因子主要为电导率、盐度和氧化还原电位;而自然湿地底栖动物群落结构主要受pH和无机碳的影响;盐度是两类湿地底栖动物群落组成差异的关键因子。变差分解(VPA)结果显示,环境过滤对淡水恢复湿地底栖动物群落起主导作用;在自然湿地中,空间因子对底栖动物群落具有主要的调控作用,同时环境和空间因子的相互作用也至关重要。本研究明确了黄河口的自然和恢复湿地中环境和空间因素对底栖动物群落特征的相对作用,对黄河三角洲河口湿地中生物多样性的保护和生态系统管理提供参考。  相似文献   

李朝  蔡琨  杜娟  杨靖  李勇  胡红娟 《生态科学》2016,35(1):61-66
对徐州市京杭运河市区段和市区湖泊云龙湖进行了大型底栖动物群落结构及影响因子的比较研究。结果显示:城市河流和湖泊生态系统中, 大型底栖动物种类较少、群落结构相对简单, 其中城市河流大型底栖动物的组成主要为水栖寡毛类和软体动物, 城市湖泊大型底栖动物主要组成为水栖寡毛类和摇蚊幼虫。除Margalef 物种丰富度指数外, 河流与湖泊的其他群落指数相差不大。聚类分析将两类生态系统中的大型底栖动物群落明显分为两组。CCA 结果显示云龙湖大型底栖动物群落的主要影响因子是pH 和溶解氧, 京杭运河徐州市区段大型底栖动物群落的主要影响因子是总磷和化学需氧量。  相似文献   

通过对滦河流域66个河段大型底栖动物采集和生境指标监测,基于大型底栖动物完整性评价和13种景观指数构建,探讨了不同景观指数对于大型底栖无脊椎动物完整性的解释能力。景观指数类型包括流域及欧式距离缓冲区土地利用百分比、水流路径缓冲区土地利用百分比、局部区域土地利用百分比和基于水流路径的反距离权重指数。基于多元线性逐步回归模型,根据调整R2(Square of the coefficient)来判断不同指数的解释能力。研究结果表明基于水流路径的反距离权重指数对于大型底栖动物完整性的解释能力最好,其次为基于水流路径的缓冲区和局部区域的土地利用百分比指数,全流域及欧氏距离缓冲区内土地利用百分比解释能力最差。农田是影响大型底栖动物完整性最重要的景观类型,距离河流越近的农田对大型底栖动物完整性的影响越大,因此流域及河岸带农田的控制和管理对于滦河流域大型底栖动物完整性的恢复具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

城市溪流中径流式低坝对底栖动物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了浙江省安吉县内具径流式低坝的城市溪流(6个样点)和参照溪流(3个样点)的底栖动物群落,目的是了解城市溪流底栖动物群落结构退化规律和径流式低坝(2—3 m)对城市溪流底栖动物群落组成与结构的影响。结果表明,参照样点的底质组成以大石块(35.92%)和卵石(33.66%)为主,城市溪流以砾石为主(57.97%)。城市溪流水温和电导率显著高于参照溪流,TN和TP高于参照溪流。底栖动物总分类单元数和EPT分类单元数显著低于参照溪流。城市溪流河道内水坝上下游之间的流速(P=0.273)和宽深比(P=3.92)无显著差异。坝下游水体中的TP高于坝上游,电导率、溶解氧、pH值和水温在坝上下游之间几乎一致。除BI指数坝下游高于坝上游外,坝上下游间底栖动物总分类单元数、EPT分类单元数以及多样性指数、优势度和均匀度指数没有显著差异。但坝下游的耐污类群比例显著高于坝上游,敏感类群比例则显著低于坝上游。与坝上游相比,坝下游捕食者比例上升和集食者比例下降。NMDS结果进一步表明,城市溪流内水坝的建设导致坝上下游底栖动物群落物种组成明显改变。  相似文献   

永定河流域大型底栖动物群落分布格局及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类干扰造成了全球河流生态系统的普遍退化。流域尺度的水生生物分布特征及其影响因素研究对于河流生态系统的保护与恢复具有重要意义。本研究以永定河流域大型底栖动物群落为研究对象,分别于2017年春季(3月)、夏季(7月)、秋季(11月)开展全流域尺度的大型底栖动物调查。研究表明: 永定河流域以摇蚊科为主,优势类群包括直突摇蚊属、摇蚊属、雕翅摇蚊属以及多足摇蚊属。聚类分析表明,大型底栖动物群落结构存在显著的空间差异性,按照群落相似性可分为2组: 组1主要包含桑干河和东洋河水系,以直突摇蚊为主要优势种;组2主要包含洋河、妫水河以及永定河干流部分河段,以雕翅摇蚊为主要优势种。单因素方差分析表明,组2生物量、Shannon指数、Margalef指数、Pielou均匀度指数以及物种丰富度均显著高于组1,指示了该区域内更好的生态状况。大型底栖动物的季节差异显著,夏季的密度、生物量和各多样性指数均显著低于春季和秋季。典范对应分析显示,影响永定河大型底栖动物空间分布的环境因子主要包括水温、铵氮、pH、溶解氧和总磷。从水文因子的角度,流量和流速与主要生物参数存在显著相关性。组2中流速和流量与大型底栖动物密度和EPT%存在显著的正相关关系,表明急流生境有利于EPT(蜉蝣目、襀翅目、毛翅目)敏感类群的生存;但流量和流速与多样性指数呈负相关关系,表明过高流量和流速的生境条件不利于大型底栖动物多样性的维持。总之,水环境因子、水文因子都显示出了对大型底栖动物群落结构和多样性特征的影响,表明永定河流域生态系统受到多类型人为活动的影响。减少水质污染、适度恢复部分河段的流量是永定河流域生态系统修复的重要环节。  相似文献   

为探究新疆巩乃斯河的生态状况, 团队先后在2018年10月(枯水期)和2019年6月(丰水期)对大型底栖动物群落和环境因子进行了调查, 分析大型底栖动物群落结构、功能摄食类群、生活类型组成及其与环境因子的关系。研究河段共采集到大型底栖动物40种, 隶属3门4纲8目27科, 主要以节肢动物门为主, 其中直突摇蚊亚科(Orthocladiinae spp.)、长跗摇蚊族(Tanytansini sp.)、四节蜉属(Baeits sp.)、亚美蜉属(Ameletus sp.)和Cheilotrichia sp.是优势类群。经过分析发现枯、丰水期巩乃斯河大型底栖动物群落结构差异显著, T检验结果显示: 枯水期大型底栖动物群落的生物密度和物种丰富度显著低于丰水期(P<0.05), 两个时期大型底栖动物的生物多样性指数和均匀度无显著性差异(P>0.05)。巩乃斯河大型底栖动物功能摄食类群完整, 枯、丰水期均以收集者为主; 在生活类型方面, 枯水期时固着型动物最相对丰度最大为43.20%, 丰水期时蔓生型动物相对丰度最大为57.53%。经过对大型底栖动物和环境因子之间进行典范对应分析发现, 水温是影响巩乃斯河大型底栖动物群落变化的关键环境因子。研究成果可为巩乃斯河后续相关研究以及伊犁河水系生态保护提供基础数据支持及参考。  相似文献   

香溪河大型底栖无脊椎动物空间分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2005年7月至2006年6月,通过对大型底栖无脊椎动物的量化检测,对三峡水库湖北库区最大河流香溪河的大型底栖无脊椎动物空间分布进行了研究.结果表明:四节蜉、高翔蜉、短尾石蝇为香溪河水系大型底栖动物优势类群;香溪河各支流间生境特征及大型底栖无脊椎动物群落结构差异较大;功能摄食类群密度相对丰度的变化能够反映不同的栖境特征.对生物多样性指数及优势类群耐污值的比较表明,大型底栖动物栖境为九冲河最好,香溪河干流次之,高岚河和古夫河较差.典型对应分析表明:铵态氮对香溪河大型底栖动物群落结构影响显著;pH值、浊度、水深、二氧化硅、电导和碱度对九冲河大型底栖动物群落结构影响显著;浊度对高岚河大型底栖动物群落结构影响显著;铵态氮和硝酸盐氮对古夫河大型底栖动物群落结构影响显著.  相似文献   

Exploring the relative contribution of spatial factors and environmental variables in shaping communities is of widespread interest in biodiversity conservation and environmental management. Stream communities are hierarchically regulated by environmental variables over multiple spatial scales, and the reaction of different organisms to stressors are still equivocal. We sampled both macroinvertebrates and diatom at 80 sites and additional 10 sites for macroinvertebrates, field measured and laboratory analyzed environmental variables, from the tributaries of Qiantang River, Yangtze River Delta China in 2011. We used PCNM (principal coordinates of neighbor matrices) to generate spatial predictors. We applied redundancy analysis and variation partitioning procedures to identify key spatial and environmental factors, and to quantify their relative roles in shaping diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages. Our results demonstrated the role of spatial and environmental variables differed in shaping benthic diatom and macroinvertebrate. Diatom assemblage variations were better explained by spatial factors, however macroinvertebrate assemblage variations were better explained by environmental variables. In terms of environmental variables, catchment scale variables (e.g., land use estimators, land use diversity) played the primary role in determining the patterns of both diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages, whereas the influence of reach-scale variables (e.g., pH, substrates, and nutrients) appeared less. However, nutrients were the stronger factors influencing benthic diatom, whereas physical habitat (e.g., substrates) played more important role than water chemistry in structuring macroinvertebrates. Our results provided more evidence to the incorporation of spatial factors interpreting spatial patterns of stream organisms, and highlighted the useful of multiple organisms and environmental variables at different spatial scales in diagnosing mechanism of stream degradation and in building a sound stream conditions monitoring program for Yangtze River Delta.  相似文献   

Community response to environmental gradients operating at hierarchical scales was assessed in studies of benthic diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fish from 44 stream sites in the New York City watershed. Hierarchical cluster analysis (TWINSPAN) of diatoms and fish partitioned the study sites into four groups, i.e., acid streams, reservoir outlets and wetland streams, large eutrophic streams, and small eutrophic streams; macroinvertebrate TWINSPAN distinguished an additional group of silty eutrophic streams. The correspondence among the three assemblage TWINSPAN groupings was moderate, ranging from 51 to 57%. The similarity across the four major group types was the highest among large eutrophic stream and acid stream assemblages, and the lowest among small eutrophic stream assemblages. Stepwise discriminant function analysis revealed that environmental factors discriminated most effectively the diatom grouping and least effectively the fish grouping. The best environmental predictors for diatom and macroinvertebrate grouping were conductance and percent surface water, while population density was most powerful in separating the fish groups. Carbaryl was the only pesticide that correlated with macroinvertebrate grouping. Partial redundancy analyses suggested a differential dependence of freshwater communities on the scale of the environmental factors to which they respond. The role of small‐scale habitat and habitatland cover/land use interaction steadily increased across the diatom, macroinvertebrate, and fish assemblages, whereas the effect of large‐scale land cover/land use declined.  相似文献   

The macroinvertebrate species and assemblages of headwater streams of the River Tyne catchment in northern England were classified and their relationship with environmental variables based on stream structure, water acidity, distance from source and land cover investigated using constrained ordination and logistic regression. Fuzzy classification of data from 322 stream sites generated five assemblages. Stream structure, quantified as an exposure index, was found to be the most important environmental variable, with water acidity also important. Distance from source and land cover had less influence on species and assemblage distribution. A considerable amount of variation in assemblage distribution was explained using a two-variable logistic regression with stream structure (exposure index) and water acidity (pH) in a template. Site structure and water acidity appeared to be related to drift, geology and topography with little anthropogenic influence. The applicability of the habitat template concept for explaining the distribution of stream macroinvertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   

This study determined if a spatial hierarchy existed with respect to reach-scale habitat, subwatershed-scale, and watershed-scale geomorphology and land use stressors on fish assemblages in southeastern U.S. coastal plain streams. During May–October 2009–2012, fishes were sampled by seine, and habitat was assessed at 50 reaches in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin (USA). Using partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) a variance decomposition procedure was used to partial out influences of confounding covariables at each spatial scale. Reach-scale habitat had the strongest association with the assemblage. Stream width, depth, aquatic vegetation and human debris cover, rapid habitat assessment score, and large woody debris volume were the most important variables. At subwatershed and watershed scales, natural and anthropogenic characteristics were important, including elevation, gradient, watershed area, wetland cover, stream density, road, dam and oil/gas well densities. Six species were associated most strongly with the watershed variables, compared to reach- and subwatershed-scale variables. These species had more “r-selected” life-history strategies (e.g., smaller eggs, shorter life spans, multiple broods, longer spawning season, and trophic generalists). In contrast, most species that were associated strongest with reach-scale variables exhibited more “k-selected” life-history traits (e.g., larger eggs, longer life spans, shorter spawning season, single brood, and trophic specialists).  相似文献   

We studied streams in a rural landscape mosaic of the upper Mara River basin (Mau Forest, Kenya), where native forest has been converted to land uses dominated by various kinds of farming, agriculture and rural human settlements. We investigated scale-dependent effects of these anthropogenic rural activities on macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical variables by separately testing for effects of reach-scale disturbance and catchment-scale land use. Physico-chemical variables like conductivity, turbidity and total suspended solids reacted equally well to reach-scale disturbance and catchment-scale land use, demonstrating the high spatial integration potential of these variables and calling for farsighted large-scale water resource management. In contrast, macroinvertebrates reacted more sensitively at the reach-scale than at the catchment-scale, suggesting a stronger influence of local habitat conditions. These results highlight the importance of local stream ecosystem management, e.g., the restoration and protection of stream banks, to protect against agriculture-driven biodiversity losses. However, we also found responses of selected taxa to catchment-scale land use, suggesting that localized management efforts may not suffice to maintain full stream ecosystem integrity and regional biodiversity. Our results also suggest that macroinvertebrates may allow a scale-specific assessment of stream ecosystem integrity and pressures by a scale-dependent bioindicatory approach.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(5):588-598
Indices developed for stream bioassessment are typically based on either fish or macroinvertebrate assemblages. These indices consist of metrics which subsume attributes of various species into aggregate measures reflecting community-level ecological responses to disturbance. However, little is known about the relationship between fish and macroinvertebrate metrics, or about how ecological health assessments are affected by assemblage-specific responses to disturbance. We used principal component analysis (PCA) and regression analysis of existing fish (n = 371) and macroinvertebrate (n = 442) stream bioassessment data from a multi-source dataset to determine broad scale, within-assemblage metric patterns, and to examine the intercorrelation of fish and macroinvertebrate metrics (n = 246) and their response to watershed area and land use/land cover gradients. Fish and macroinvertebrate metrics expressed as principal components (PCs) accounted for 72.4 and 85.4% of dataset variance, respectively, with PC-metric patterns reflecting aspects of stream impairment including water and habitat quality. Model components predicting fish metric response differed among fish PCs, with watershed area and macroinvertebrate metric response strongly correlated with the first fish PC, and remaining fish PC models consisting of watershed area, land use, and macroinvertebrate PCs. Correlation between fish and macroinvertebrate PCs, and models relating fish and macroinvertebrate PCs generally explained less variation (13–27%) than metric response models of fish (25–34%) and macroinvertebrates (8–38%) to watershed area and land use/land cover variables. Best-response models integrating fish and macroinvertebrate PCs, watershed area, and land use/land cover variables accounted for the greatest variation in fish PCs (32–50%) across sites. Because fish and macroinvertebrate metrics provide different information on ecological condition, integrated use of information from multiple groups may be appropriate when developing monitoring programs.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic communities are structured by multiple forces, and identifying the driving factors over multispatial scales is an important research issue. The East Asian monsoon region is globally one of the richest environments in terms of biodiversity, and is undergoing rapid human development, yet the river ecosystems in this region have not been well studied. We applied a hierarchical framework to incorporate regional and local environmental effects on stream macroinvertebrate communities in this region. The knowledge gained is expected to improve the understanding of the importance of spatial scale on regional and local diversity in the East Asian monsoon region. 2. A national data set of benthic macroinvertebrates and environmental variables (geographical, land‐use, hydrological, substratum and physicochemical elements) in Korean rivers was used to determine the habitat preferences of macroinvertebrates. 3. Latitude, proportion of forest coverage, riffle habitat, silt substratum and temperature were the most important determinants for the ordinations of macroinvertebrate communities in each category evaluated by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The optimal habitats for stream macroinvertebrates are not the same for all species, and overall community metrics and abundance of sensitive species tended to be lower in open agricultural and urban streams than in forested streams. The sensitivity of mayflies and stoneflies to anthropogenic disturbances implicated them as good indicators to assess the effects of urban and agricultural activities. 4. A partial CCA was used to evaluate the relative importance of macrohabitat and microhabitat variables on community composition at three spatial scales (whole country, the large Han River basin and two small sub‐basins in the lowlands and highlands). The majority of community variation (17–22% for each environmental element) was explained by macrohabitat variables at the regional spatial scale. In contrast, large proportions (15–18%) were explained by microhabitat variables at the local spatial scale. 5. Our findings indicate that the relative importance of habitat scales should be determined by geographical size and that comprehensive understanding of multispatial scale patterns can be important for implementing sound biodiversity conservation programmes.  相似文献   

The benthic macroinvertebrate community is an important component of stream diversity, because its members are fundamental connectors among the different trophic levels of running waters. In this study, we assessed alpha and beta diversities of benthic macroinvertebrates in three stream sites and four microhabitats: (i) moss in the air-water interface; (ii) submerged roots of terrestrial plants; (iii) leaf litter deposited in pools; (iv) stones in riffles. We constructed rarefaction curves and compared species richness among microhabitats for each stream site. Additionally, we evaluated which factor, stream site, or microhabitat, was most important in determining variation in assemblage structure, i.e., beta diversity. There was no significant difference among microhabitats in terms of taxa richness evaluated by rarefaction curves. Using partial Constrained Correspondence Analysis (pCCA), we found that microhabitat was most important in determining community composition, accounting for 42.02% of the total variation. Stream sites accounted for 22.27%. In accordance with the pCCA, exploratory multivariate methods (ordination and classification) revealed four distinct groups, corresponding to the four microhabitats, independent of stream sites. Our results indicated that differences among environmental conditions are much more important in the determination of stream assemblage structure than are differences in spatial location. Accordingly, adjacent microhabitats in a single stream site harbor macroinvertebrate assemblages more dissimilar than those found in a single microhabitat at different stream sites. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate assemblages are structured by a number of abiotic and biotic factors interacting simultaneously. We investigated macroinvertebrate assemblages along gradients of human disturbance and morphometric characteristics in five lakes connected by the same stream. We aimed to assess the relative effects of environmental gradients on macroinvertebrate assemblages and to investigate whether water quality effects on the assemblages were correlated with buffer land use. There were significant differences in macroinvertebrate community compositions among lakes, and our results indicated that oligochaetes (mainly Limnodrilus) and insects (mainly Chironomus) contributed highly to the differences. We used redundancy analysis with variation partitioning to quantify the independent and combined anthropogenic effects of water quality and land use gradients on the macroinvertebrate community. The independent effect of water quality was responsible for 17% of the total variance in macroinvertebrate community composition, the independent effect of buffer land use accounted for 6% of variation, and the combined variation between land use change and water quality accounted for 12%. Our study indicated that both the independent effects of land use and within‐lake water quality can explain the influence in macroinvertebrate assemblages, with significant interactions between the two. This is rather important to notice that changes in buffer land use generally may alter nutrient inputs and thus severely affect abiotic conditions encountered by macroinvertebrate. Our study demonstrates that considering buffer zone effects explicitly may be significant in the selection and application of conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   

Watershed-scale anthropogenic stressors have profound effects on aquatic communities. Although several functional traits of stream macroinvertebrates change predictably in response to land development and urbanization, little is known about macroinvertebrate functional responses in lakes. We assessed functional community structure, functional diversity (Rao’s quadratic entropy) and voltinism in macroinvertebrate communities sampled across the full gradient of anthropogenic stress in Laurentian Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Functional diversity and voltinism significantly decreased with increasing development, whereas agriculture had smaller or non-significant effects. Functional community structure was affected by watershed-scale development, as demonstrated by an ordination analysis followed by regression. Because functional community structure affects energy flow and ecosystem function, and functional diversity is known to have important implications for ecosystem resilience to further environmental change, these results highlight the necessity of finding ways to remediate or at least ameliorate these effects.  相似文献   

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