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陈付强 《化石》2004,(4):33-33
在昆虫纲鳞翅目中,有一类昆虫叫做刺蛾(俗名洋蜡子)Limacodidae,这类昆虫的幼虫身上布满了枝刺,上有刺毛,在刺毛内有毒液,能使接触产生麻痹或疼痛感。正是籍着这种结构,令许多鳞翅目幼虫的天敌——鸟类束手无策,望而却步。然而,却有一种鸟类,专以这种刺蛾为食,在它体内似乎专门针对刺蛾的枝刺产生了一种免疫机制。  相似文献   

两色绿刺蛾幼虫空间分布型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用聚集度指标法、回归分析法、零频率方法对两色绿刺蛾幼虫在毛竹林间的分布型进行测定。结果表明,两色绿刺蛾幼虫在竹林中呈聚集分布,分布的基本成分为个体群。用零频率方法分析得,两色绿刺蛾幼虫种群类型为聚集度零频率制约型,并确定了林间调查的理论抽样数和简单序贯抽样分析表。  相似文献   

扁刺蛾(Thosea sinensis Walker)属鳞翅目刺蛾科,危害茶、果、桑等多种经济作物。茶园中扁刺蛾虫害严重时,茶树叶片被吃光,造成茶树枯死。虫体刺毛触及人的皮肤会引起痒痛红肿。1975年9月,我们从敬亭山茶场和舒茶公社茶园自然死亡的扁刺蛾幼虫中,分离到一种核型多角体病毒和一种质型多角体病毒。通过室内感染和田间防治试验表明,扁刺蛾核型多角体病毒的毒力及专一性较强,杀虫效果显著,对家蚕(bombyx mori)和小白鼠无毒。可感染褐刺蛾(Setora postornata Hampson)、绿刺蛾(Porasa lepida Crame)。  相似文献   

中国鳞刺蛾属订正(鳞翅目,刺蛾科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过系统研究,发现我国的鳞刺蛾并不是一直被称为的眼鳞刺蛾Squamosa ocellata(Moore),共有2种和1亚种.首次报道了姹鳞刺蛾S.chalcites Orhant在我国有分布,描述了1新种,短爪鳞刺蛾S.brevisunca和1新亚种,云南亚种S.brevisunca yunnanensis.本文还描述了云南亚种的茧和老熟幼虫形态,编制了分种和亚种检索表,提供了成虫彩色照片和外生殖器特征图.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆.  相似文献   

从自然死亡的扁刺蛾幼虫分离到一株核型多角体病毒。扁刺蛾核型多角体病毒新分离株(Oxyplax ochracea nucleopolyhedrovirus-Thosea sinensis,OxocNPV-Ts)具有典型的杆状病毒特征,呈单粒包埋型病毒粒子,病毒颗粒(Occlusion-derived virus,ODV)呈不规则的多边形,直径为0.63μm~1.49μm。OxocNPV-Ts能有效杀灭扁刺蛾幼虫,它对扁刺蛾幼虫的半致死浓度LC50为4×106 PIB/mL,是一种理想的生物防治剂。本实验对OxocNPV-Ts基因组进行了测序和鉴定。OxocNPV-Ts基因组全长114781 bp,包含124个开放阅读框。它与斜纹刺蛾核型多角体病毒(OxocNPV)关系最为密切,序列相似性高达99%。系统进化分析表明,OxocNPV-Ts属于杆状病毒科alpha杆状病毒属(Alphabaculovirus),根据国际病毒分类委员会(International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses,ICTV)的种属划分标...  相似文献   

茶刺蛾颗粒体病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶刺蛾[Darna trima(more)]*属鳞翅目刺蛾科,危害多种果树林木。1985年我们从四川珙县某茶园内自然罹病死亡的茶刺蛾幼虫中,分离到一种茶刺蛾病原物。通过纯化后,经感染试验、电镜形态观察、超微结构研究等,结果确定该病原物为一种颗粒体病毒。  相似文献   

为明确上海城市绿化植物中常见刺蛾的种间关系,定量研究了黄刺蛾、桑褐刺蛾、丽绿刺蛾及褐边绿刺蛾在营养、时间、空间资源序列上的生态位指数。结果表明:褐边绿刺蛾比其它刺蛾能较广泛地利用寄主资源,生态位宽度指数为0.5447;黄刺蛾、桑褐刺蛾在时间序列上占有较大优势,生态位宽度指数分别为0.4304和0.4415;而黄刺蛾的茧则在空间资源利用中优于其它刺蛾,生态位宽度指数为0.5441。在种间,桑褐刺蛾与丽绿刺蛾利用营养资源较为接近,其生态位重叠指数(2.6647)、生态位相似比例(0.5199)和种间竞争系数(0.7015)均高于其它共存种类;黄刺蛾和桑褐刺蛾利用时间资源较相似,生态位相似比例和种间竞争系数分别为0.4846、0.5222;而桑褐刺蛾和褐边绿刺蛾则在空间资源利用中较为接近,其生态位重叠指数(2.7495)、生态位相似比例(0.9165)和种间竞争系数(0.9959)在共存种间均为最高。  相似文献   

上海市绿化植物中四种常见刺蛾的生态位及其种间竞争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确上海城市绿化植物中常见刺蛾的种间关系,定量研究了黄刺蛾、桑褐刺蛾、丽绿刺蛾及褐边绿刺蛾在营养、时间、空间资源序列上的生态位指数。结果表明:褐边绿刺蛾比其它刺蛾能较广泛地利用寄主资源,生态位宽度指数为0.5447;黄刺蛾、桑褐刺蛾在时间序列上占有较大优势,生态位宽度指数分别为0.4304和0.4415;而黄刺蛾的茧则在空间资源利用中优于其它刺蛾,生态位宽度指数为0.5441。在种间,桑褐刺蛾与丽绿刺蛾利用营养资源较为接近,其生态位重叠指数(2.6647)、生态位相似比例(0.5199)和种间竞争系数(0.7015)均高于其它共存种类;黄刺蛾和桑褐刺蛾利用时间资源较相似,生态位相似比例和种间竞争系数分别为0.4846、0.5222;而桑褐刺蛾和褐边绿刺蛾则在空间资源利用中较为接近,其生态位重叠指数(2.7495)、生态位相似比例(0.9165)和种间竞争系数(0.9959)在共存种间均为最高。  相似文献   

桃树上扁刺蛾幼虫空间分布型的参数特征及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定桃树上扁剌蛾幼虫的空间参数m、K、α、β、b值,导出了桃树上扁刺蛾幼虫属聚集公布,分析了引起聚集分布的原因,同时根据Iwao、Kuno法,分别制订了幼虫不同密度、不同结果枝未被害率下的几种理论抽样模型,根据Gerrard法制订了不同结果枝被害率下虫量密度的简易估值模型,经检验效果较好。  相似文献   

中国扁刺蛾属分类研究(鳞翅目,刺蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整理出中国扁刺蛾属12种,其中玛扁刺蛾Th.magna Hering、祺扁刺蛾Th.cheesmanae Holloway、泰扁刺蛾Th.siamica Holloway、叉瓣扁刺蛾Th.styx Holloway、明脉扁刺蛾Th.sythoffi Snellen及棕扁刺蛾Th.vetusinua Holloway为中国新纪录种。将Quasithosea Holloway,1987作为扁刺蛾属Thosea Walker,1855的同物异名处理,编制了中国已知种检索表,提供了新纪录种的彩色照片及外生殖器解剖图。  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope study has enabled an explanation as to why the brown-tail moth provokes Lepidopterism. The brown-tail moth only provokes Lepidopterism via a transmission of the urticating hairs of its caterpillar. Urticating moths (genus Hylesia and Anaphae) protect their eggs and young caterpillars with urticating hairs, thus it is very ambiguous to label erucism as the contact dermatitis produced by caterpillar production or Lepidopterism as the contact dermatitis caused by moth urticating hairs.  相似文献   

The beneficial role of insectivorous birds potentially contributing to the biological control of forest insect pests appears crucial in the context of climate warming, especially for species currently expanding their range such as the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Larvae of T. pityocampa are aposematic and carry true urticating setae which, together with overwintering in silk winter nests, prevent them from predation by most insectivorous forest birds. The present review aims at pointing out which bird species can regularly feed on this key forest defoliator throughout its distribution range, and which predation strategies allow birds to cope with the urticating setae carried by late-instar larvae. At least seven bird species can be considered as regular predators of the pine processionary moth: four large migrant specialists (great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius, common cuckoo Cuculus canorus, European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus and Eurasian hoopoe Upupa epops) and three small sedentary generalists (great tit Parus major, crested tit Lophophanes cristatus and coal tit Periparus ater). Each species has developed morphological traits and foraging techniques to feed on different life stages of T. pityocampa throughout the year: (i) gizzard wall structure allowing the consumption of caterpillars with urticating setae (cuckoos); (ii) nocturnal foraging on moth imagos by aerial hawking (nightjars); (iii) ground probing on below-ground pupae with long curved bill (hoopoe); and (iv) shifted predation period in autumn and winter on eggs, early- and late-instar larvae, with particular feeding technique allowing to eat only the inner parts of urticating larvae stages (tits). Although several avian predators regularly feed on T. pityocampa, only a few specialist and generalist insectivorous birds may contribute to regulate its populations, especially when population density of the moth is low. Moreover, their efficiency may possibly be threatened by mismatches associated with climate change.  相似文献   

The sensilla on the male and female second swimmerets are sexually dimorphic. Female swimmerets contain many long "smooth hairs" (long simple setae) on the coxa and rami. The endopodite of the male swimmeret has an accessory lobe covered with short "bristly spines" (serrate setae). In both sexes the swimmeret rami are lined by "feathered hairs" (plumose setae). The influence of mechanosensory stimulation of these sensilla upon abdominal tonic motor activity was analyzed in an in vitro swimmeret-nerve cord preparation. Movement of several clusters of smooth hairs produced an abdominal extension program by exciting the flexor inhibitor f5, inhibiting the flexor excitors, and activating several extensors. Stimulation of the male bristly spines excited the medium-sized flexor excitors f3 and f4. In both sexes the feathered hairs did not generate any response to mechanical stimulation. We infer that in nongravid females the smooth hairs are involved in receiving mechanosensitive cues to support abdominal extension. Bristly spines may contribute to postural adjustments that assist mating. The long latencies of these responses and their propagation to adjacent ganglia suggest that they are mediated by postural interneurons rather than by direct afferent terminations on postural motoneurons.  相似文献   

The larvae of the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa, feed on the needles of pine and cedar. The urticating hairs of older instars pose a threat to human and animal health. Strains of the entomopathogenic fungi, Metarhizium brunneum (V275, ARSEF 4556) and Beauveria bassiana (KTU-24), were assayed against first to fourth instar T. pityocampa using doses ranging from 1?×?105 to 1?×?108 conidia mL?1. The three strains differed slightly in their virulence but caused 100% mortality of all instars at the highest dose. The newly emerged or first instar larvae were extremely susceptible with 100% mortality being achieved 2–4 days post inoculation with V275 at all but the lowest dose. The fourth instar larvae appeared to be less susceptible than earlier instars. There was good horizontal transmission of conidia from treated to un-inoculated larvae. However, mortality was higher in third and fourth instars and where the ratio of inoculated versus untreated larvae was high. This we presume is due to spores being more readily trapped by the urticating hairs found on third and older instar larvae. Injection of the nests offers a simple and environmentally friendly way of controlling the pest with reduced risk to operators.  相似文献   

The bag‐shelter moth, Ochrogaster lunifer Herrich‐Schaffer (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae), is associated with a condition called equine amnionitis and fetal loss (EAFL) on horse farms in Australia. Setal fragments from O. lunifer larvae have been identified in the placentas of experimentally aborted fetuses and their dams, and in clinical abortions. The gregarious larvae build silken nests in which large numbers cohabit over spring, summer and autumn. The final instars disperse to pupation sites in the ground where they overwinter. Field‐collected O. lunifer larvae, their nests and nearby soil were examined using light and electron microscopy to identify setae likely to cause EAFL and to determine where and how many were present. Microtrichia, barbed hairs and true setae were found on the exoskeletons of the larvae. True setae matching the majority of setal fragments described from equine tissue were found on third to eighth instar larvae or exuviae. The number of true setae increased with the age of the larva; eighth instars carried around 2.0–2.5 million true setae. The exuvia of the pre‐pupal instar was incorporated into the pupal chamber. The major sources of setae are likely to be nests, dispersing pre‐pupal larvae and their exuviae, and pupal chambers.  相似文献   

The larva of Libellula foliata (Kirby) is described based upon mature larvae from the Biosphere Reserve of ??El Triunfo?? in the state of Chiapas. It belongs to the small group of species without dorsal protuberances, L. composita (Hagen), L. comanche Calvert and L. saturata Uhler. The following combination of characters permits the separation of L. foliata larva from the other aforementioned larvae: tergites 6?C10 uniformly colored, no lateral spines on segments 8?C9, 5?C6 palpal setae and 3 long premental setae. After this finding, only the larvae of Libellula gaigei Gloyd and L. nodisticta Hagen remain undiscovered for the Mexican species of Libellula.  相似文献   

Urticating hairs of pine processionary caterpillars are detectable in air using techniques designed for airborne microorganisms and pollen's research. As with pollens, abondance of hairs is correlated with distance of production zone and with local meterological conditions. Collected in Bordeaux, urticating hairs will be considered for allergists as pollens and other allergic particles.  相似文献   

We examined the morphology of setae and microtrichia in Aquarius paludum during larval development using a scanning electron microscope. We then conducted immersion experiments with larvae and adults in oxygenated and deoxygenated water. The adult water strider body is covered by a pilose double layer consisting of upper long setae (30-80 microm) and lower filiform microtrichia (5-9 microm). Only setae are present on the legs. Microtrichia on the larval body are very short: 0.5-0.6 microm in first and second instars, and 0.8-1.7 microm in third to fifth instars. Larval body setae are approximately as long as those of adults (25-50 microm), but are much less dense at 1,800-5,750 setae per mm(2) versus 15,000-20,000 setae per mm(2) in adults. The density of setae on the legs remains relatively constant throughout development (larvae: 15,000-20,000 setae per mm(2); adults: 20,000-26,000 setae per mm(2)). Immersion experiments demonstrated that young instars may use cuticular respiration. First- and second-instar larvae survived underwater for several hours without a visible air supply, although they did not survive in deoxygenated water. We posit that the short body microtrichia have a waterproofing function in larvae, whereas they create a compressible air bubble in adults. In adults, waterproofing is accomplished by the setae. The density and length of setae on the legs of larvae was nearly the same as that on the body and legs of adults and is presumably optimized for waterproofing. Thus, a change in morphometrical parameters can result in a large functional change in the same structure. We discuss this interpretation in both ecological and physiological contexts.  相似文献   

Larvae of the cosmopolitan family Limacodidae, commonly known as “slug” caterpillars, are well known because of the widespread occurrence of spines with urticating properties, a morpho‐chemical adaptive trait that has been demonstrated to protect the larvae from natural enemies. However, while most species are armed with rows of spines (“nettle” caterpillars), slug caterpillars are morphologically diverse with some species lacking spines and thus are nonstinging. It has been demonstrated that the evolution of spines in slug caterpillars may have a single origin and that this trait is possibly derived from nonstinging slug caterpillars, but these conclusions were based on limited sampling of mainly New World taxa; thus, the evolution of spines and other traits within the family remains unresolved. Here, we analyze morphological variation in slug caterpillars within an evolutionary framework to determine character evolution of spines with samples from Asia, Australia, North America, and South America. The phylogeny of the Limacodidae was reconstructed based on a multigene dataset comprising five molecular markers (5.6 Kbp: COI, 28S, 18S, EF‐1α, and wingless) representing 45 species from 40 genera and eight outgroups. Based on this phylogeny, we infer that limacodids evolved from a common ancestor in which the larval type possessed spines, and then slug caterpillars without spines evolved independently multiple times in different continents. While larvae with spines are well adapted to avoiding generalist predators, our results imply that larvae without spines may be suited to different ecological niches. Systematic relationships of our dataset indicate six major lineages, several of which have not previously been identified.  相似文献   

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