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Variation in pitch, amplitude and rhythm adds crucial paralinguistic information to human speech. Such prosodic cues can reveal information about the meaning or emphasis of a sentence or the emotional state of the speaker. To examine the hypothesis that sensitivity to prosodic cues is language independent and not human specific, we tested prosody perception in a controlled experiment with zebra finches. Using a go/no-go procedure, subjects were trained to discriminate between speech syllables arranged in XYXY patterns with prosodic stress on the first syllable and XXYY patterns with prosodic stress on the final syllable. To systematically determine the salience of the various prosodic cues (pitch, duration and amplitude) to the zebra finches, they were subjected to five tests with different combinations of these cues. The zebra finches generalized the prosodic pattern to sequences that consisted of new syllables and used prosodic features over structural ones to discriminate between stimuli. This strong sensitivity to the prosodic pattern was maintained when only a single prosodic cue was available. The change in pitch was treated as more salient than changes in the other prosodic features. These results show that zebra finches are sensitive to the same prosodic cues known to affect human speech perception.  相似文献   

Java sparrows (Padda oryzivora) were trained to discriminate English from Chinese spoken by a bilingual speaker. They could learn discrimination and showed generalization to new sentences spoken by the same speaker and those spoken by a new speaker. Thus, the birds distinguished between English and Chinese. Although auditory cues for the discrimination were not specified, this is the first evidence that non-mammalian species can discriminate human languages.  相似文献   

Variation in the acoustic structure of vocal signals is important to communicate social information. However, relatively little is known about the features that receivers extract to decipher relevant social information. Here, we took an expansive, bottom-up approach to delineate the feature space that could be important for processing social information in zebra finch song. Using operant techniques, we discovered that female zebra finches can consistently discriminate brief song phrases (“motifs”) from different social contexts. We then applied machine learning algorithms to classify motifs based on thousands of time-series features and to uncover acoustic features for motif discrimination. In addition to highlighting classic acoustic features, the resulting algorithm revealed novel features for song discrimination, for example, measures of time irreversibility (i.e., the degree to which the statistical properties of the actual and time-reversed signal differ). Moreover, the algorithm accurately predicted female performance on individual motif exemplars. These data underscore and expand the promise of broad time-series phenotyping to acoustic analyses and social decision-making.  相似文献   

Six adult Java sparrows were trained to discriminate between consonant and dissonant sounds consisting of three tones. In the consonance group, the perching response was reinforced when consonance was presented, but not when dissonance was presented. Both groups were given an inversion test, in which the first inversion of the chord was used as a stimulus. Four of six birds learned the discrimination and were given two tests. In the first test, novel consonances and novel dissonances were presented. All birds maintained the discrimination. When inverted consonances and dissonances were presented in the second test, the discriminative behavior was not well demonstrated. When novel dissonances consisting of tones with different intervals were presented in the third test, birds trained to perch for dissonance performed well, whereas those trained to perch for consonance did not. In summary, Java sparrows were able to discriminate between consonances and dissonances and demonstrated generalization to new combinations, they do not discriminate the same consonances and dissonances.  相似文献   

Honeybees (Apis mellifera) have remarkable visual learning and discrimination abilities that extend beyond learning simple colours, shapes or patterns. They can discriminate landscape scenes, types of flowers, and even human faces. This suggests that in spite of their small brain, honeybees have a highly developed capacity for processing complex visual information, comparable in many respects to vertebrates. Here, we investigated whether this capacity extends to complex images that humans distinguish on the basis of artistic style: Impressionist paintings by Monet and Cubist paintings by Picasso. We show that honeybees learned to simultaneously discriminate between five different Monet and Picasso paintings, and that they do not rely on luminance, colour, or spatial frequency information for discrimination. When presented with novel paintings of the same style, the bees even demonstrated some ability to generalize. This suggests that honeybees are able to discriminate Monet paintings from Picasso ones by extracting and learning the characteristic visual information inherent in each painting style. Our study further suggests that discrimination of artistic styles is not a higher cognitive function that is unique to humans, but simply due to the capacity of animals—from insects to humans—to extract and categorize the visual characteristics of complex images.  相似文献   

Individual variation in exploratory behaviour has been demonstrated in a diverse array of animal species. Understanding the evolutionary antecedents and ecological consequences of this variation is an active research area within animal behaviour. Here we investigate whether different exploration styles exhibited by black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) in a novel environment are related to how quickly these birds learn an acoustic discrimination task. We found that birds that readily enter a novel environment learn an acoustic discrimination task faster than birds that do not readily enter a novel environment. This result contrasts with previous work suggesting no correlation between exploration style and learning a spatial or associative task in great tits (Parus major), a close relative of the black-capped chickadee.  相似文献   



Prosody, the melody and intonation of speech, involves the rhythm, rate, pitch and voice quality to relay linguistic and emotional information from one individual to another. A significant component of human social communication depends upon interpreting and responding to another person''s prosodic tone as well as one''s own ability to produce prosodic speech. However there has been little work on whether the perception and production of prosody share common neural processes, and if so, how these might correlate with individual differences in social ability.


The aim of the present study was to determine the degree to which perception and production of prosody rely on shared neural systems. Using fMRI, neural activity during perception and production of a meaningless phrase in different prosodic intonations was measured. Regions of overlap for production and perception of prosody were found in premotor regions, in particular the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). Activity in these regions was further found to correlate with how high an individual scored on two different measures of affective empathy as well as a measure on prosodic production ability.


These data indicate, for the first time, that areas that are important for prosody production may also be utilized for prosody perception, as well as other aspects of social communication and social understanding, such as aspects of empathy and prosodic ability.  相似文献   

Current research on spoken language does not provide a consistent picture as to whether prosody, the melody and rhythm of speech, conveys a specific meaning. Perception studies show that English listeners assign meaning to prosodic patterns, and, for instance, associate some accents with contrast, whereas Dutch listeners behave more controversially. In two ERP studies we tested how Dutch listeners process words carrying two types of accents, which either provided new information (new information accents) or corrected information (corrective accents), both in single sentences (experiment 1) and after corrective and new information questions (experiment 2). In both experiments corrective accents elicited a sustained positivity as compared to new information accents, which started earlier in context than in single sentences. The positivity was not modulated by the nature of the preceding question, suggesting that the underlying neural mechanism likely reflects the construction of an interpretation to the accented word, either by identifying an alternative in context or by inferring it when no context is present. Our experimental results provide strong evidence for inferential processes related to prosodic contours in Dutch.  相似文献   



Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a specific triad of symptoms such as abnormalities in social interaction, abnormalities in communication and restricted activities and interests. While verbal autistic subjects may present a correct mastery of the formal aspects of speech, they have difficulties in prosody (music of speech), leading to communication disorders. Few behavioural studies have revealed a prosodic impairment in children with autism, and among the few fMRI studies aiming at assessing the neural network involved in language, none has specifically studied prosodic speech. The aim of the present study was to characterize specific prosodic components such as linguistic prosody (intonation, rhythm and emphasis) and emotional prosody and to correlate them with the neural network underlying them.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used a behavioural test (Profiling Elements of the Prosodic System, PEPS) and fMRI to characterize prosodic deficits and investigate the neural network underlying prosodic processing. Results revealed the existence of a link between perceptive and productive prosodic deficits for some prosodic components (rhythm, emphasis and affect) in HFA and also revealed that the neural network involved in prosodic speech perception exhibits abnormal activation in the left SMG as compared to controls (activation positively correlated with intonation and emphasis) and an absence of deactivation patterns in regions involved in the default mode.


These prosodic impairments could not only result from activation patterns abnormalities but also from an inability to adequately use the strategy of the default network inhibition, both mechanisms that have to be considered for decreasing task performance in High Functioning Autism.  相似文献   

Infant-directed (ID) speech provides exaggerated auditory and visual prosodic cues. Here we investigated if infants were sensitive to the match between the auditory and visual correlates of ID speech prosody. We presented 8-month-old infants with two silent line-joined point-light displays of faces speaking different ID sentences, and a single vocal-only sentence matched to one of the displays. Infants looked longer to the matched than mismatched visual signal when full-spectrum speech was presented; and when the vocal signals contained speech low-pass filtered at 400 Hz. When the visual display was separated into rigid (head only) and non-rigid (face only) motion, the infants looked longer to the visual match in the rigid condition; and to the visual mismatch in the non-rigid condition. Overall, the results suggest 8-month-olds can extract information about the prosodic structure of speech from voice and head kinematics, and are sensitive to their match; and that they are less sensitive to the match between lip and voice information in connected speech.  相似文献   

Species-specific distance calls (DCs) were recorded from Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis) obtained from three different breeding stocks: Japanese breeders that use Bengalese finches as fostering parents, and Japanese and American breeders that let natural parents rear Zebra finches. These calls were analyzed for five acoustic parameters that were shown to be sexually dimorphic in wild Zebra finches. Male Zebra finches had DCs that were variable among breeding stocks and among individuals. Female DCs recorded from Bengalese-fostered birds were generally longer in duration and higher in pitch than those recorded from Zebra-finch-reared birds, males and females in each breeding stock differed in at least one acoustic parameter, but that parameter was unique in each of the breeding stocks. These results suggest that although sexual dimorphism in Zebra finch DCs has gradually disappeared during the process of domestication, at least one acoustic attribute which allows discrimination between the calls of the sexes has been preserved.  相似文献   

The interhemispheric interactions in perception of Russian prosody were studied in the norm and in schizophrenia as a clinical model of impaired hemispheric interactions. Monaural presentation of stimuli and binaural presentation in a free acoustical field were used. Sentences with main variants of Russian prosodic intonations were used as stimuli. The response time and the number of erroneous responses were recorded. In binaural listening without headphones, no significant difference in the percent of errors in identifying the emotional prosody was found between healthy subjects and schizophrenics. Compared with the healthy subjects, the patients made more errors in understanding the logical stress and fewer errors in understanding the syntagmatic segmentation. By response time, a significant dominance of the left ear was revealed in the healthy subjects during monaural listening to sentences with emotional prosody and complete or incomplete sentences, whereas no significant ear dominance was found in the schizophrenics. During monaural listening to sentences with logical stress, the response time was shorter when stimuli were presented to the right ear both in the healthy subjects and in the schizophrenics. The results testified that the functional brain asymmetry in schizophrenics is flattened. The flattening was less evident in the perception of a logical stress in a sentence and did not significantly affect the efficiency of identification of emotional prosody and syntagmatic segmentation of a sentence.  相似文献   

Pathologists and radiologists spend years acquiring and refining their medically essential visual skills, so it is of considerable interest to understand how this process actually unfolds and what image features and properties are critical for accurate diagnostic performance. Key insights into human behavioral tasks can often be obtained by using appropriate animal models. We report here that pigeons (Columba livia)—which share many visual system properties with humans—can serve as promising surrogate observers of medical images, a capability not previously documented. The birds proved to have a remarkable ability to distinguish benign from malignant human breast histopathology after training with differential food reinforcement; even more importantly, the pigeons were able to generalize what they had learned when confronted with novel image sets. The birds’ histological accuracy, like that of humans, was modestly affected by the presence or absence of color as well as by degrees of image compression, but these impacts could be ameliorated with further training. Turning to radiology, the birds proved to be similarly capable of detecting cancer-relevant microcalcifications on mammogram images. However, when given a different (and for humans quite difficult) task—namely, classification of suspicious mammographic densities (masses)—the pigeons proved to be capable only of image memorization and were unable to successfully generalize when shown novel examples. The birds’ successes and difficulties suggest that pigeons are well-suited to help us better understand human medical image perception, and may also prove useful in performance assessment and development of medical imaging hardware, image processing, and image analysis tools.  相似文献   

Offspring begging can be triggered by a variety of acoustic, visual or chemical cues from the parents. In many birds, nestlings use information derived from these cues to discriminate between individual parents or different classes of adults. Although begging occurs in some insects, we know very little about discrimination between adults by insect larvae. Here, we examine whether begging larvae in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides can discriminate between individual parents or different classes of adults. We found that larvae showed no discrimination between male and female beetles, but that they begged more towards breeding beetles than towards non‐breeding ones. These results were robust regardless of whether larvae had been reared in presence or absence of adult beetles, thus suggesting that larval discrimination is based on an innate template that requires no prior exposure to adult beetles. We also found that larvae begged more towards unfamiliar beetles than towards familiar ones, suggesting that they can learn to discriminate between individual parents based on cues about familiarity. We conclude that insect larvae may benefit from discriminating between different classes of adult beetles, as it allows them to lower the costs associated with begging in response to irrelevant environmental cues (costly in terms of wasted effort) and with not begging in response to the presence of caring parents (costly in terms of lost feeding opportunities).  相似文献   

In various contexts, animals rely on acoustic signals to differentiate between conspecifics. Currently, studies examining vocal signatures use two main approaches. In the first approach, researchers search for acoustic characteristics that have the potential to be individual specific. This approach yields information on variation in signal parameters both within and between individuals and generates practical tools that can be used in population monitoring. In the second approach, playback experiments with natural calls are conducted to discern whether animals are capable of discriminating among the vocal signatures of different individuals. However, both approaches do not reveal the exact signal characteristics that are being used in the discrimination process. In this study, we tested whether an individual-specific call characteristic – namely the length of the intervals between successive maximal amplitude peaks within syllables (PPD) – is crucial in neighbour-stranger discrimination by males of the nocturnal and highly secretive bird species, the corncrake (Crex crex). We conducted paired playback experiments in which corncrakes (n = 47) were exposed to artificial calls with PPD characteristics of neighbour and stranger birds. These artificial calls differed only in PPD structure. The calls were broadcast from a speaker, and we recorded the birds'' behavioural responses. Although corncrakes have previously been experimentally shown to discriminate between neighbours and strangers, we found no difference in the responses to the artificial calls representing neighbours versus strangers. This finding demonstrates that even if vocal signatures are individual specific within a species, it does not automatically mean that said signatures are being crucial in discrimination among individuals. At the same time, the birds'' aggressive responses to the artificial calls indicated that the information transmitted by PPDs is important in species-specific call recognition and may be used by males and/or females to evaluate sender quality, similarly like sound frequency in some insect species.  相似文献   

Populations with multiple morphological or behavioural types provide unique opportunities for studying the causes and consequences of evolutionary diversification. A population of the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) at El Garrapatero on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, features two beak size morphs. These morphs produce acoustically distinctive songs, are subject to disruptive selection and mate assortatively by morph. The main goal of the present study was to assess whether finches from this population are able to use song as a cue for morph discrimination. A secondary goal of this study was to evaluate whether birds from this population discriminate songs of their own locality versus another St Cruz locality, Borrero Bay, approximately 24 km to the NW. I presented territorial males with playback of songs of their own morph, of the other morph, and of males from Borrero Bay. Males responded more strongly to same-morph than to other-morph playbacks, showing significantly shorter latencies to flight, higher flight rates and closer approaches to the playback speaker. By contrast, I found only minor effects of locality on responsiveness. Evidence for morph discrimination via acoustic cues supports the hypothesis that song can serve as a behavioural mechanism for assortative mating and sympatric evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

We trained jungle crows to discriminate among photographs of human face according to their sex in a simultaneous two-alternative task to study their categorical learning ability. Once the crows reached a discrimination criterion (greater than or equal to 80% correct choices in two consecutive sessions; binomial probability test, p < .05), they next received generalization and transfer tests (i.e., greyscale, contour, and ‘full’ occlusion) in Experiment 1 followed by a ‘partial’ occlusion test in Experiment 2 and random stimuli pair test in Experiment 3. Jungle crows learned the discrimination task in a few trials and successfully generalized to novel stimuli sets. However, all crows failed the greyscale test and half of them the contour test. Neither occlusion of internal features of the face, nor randomly pairing of exemplars affected discrimination performance of most, if not all crows. We suggest that jungle crows categorize human face photographs based on perceptual similarities as other non-human animals do, and colour appears to be the most salient feature controlling discriminative behaviour. However, the variability in the use of facial contours among individuals suggests an exploitation of multiple features and individual differences in visual information processing among jungle crows.  相似文献   

Yee  KK; Costanzo  RM 《Chemical senses》1998,23(5):513-519
Following recovery from olfactory nerve transection, animals regain their ability to discriminate between odors. Odor discrimination is restored after new neurons establish connections with the olfactory bulb. However, it is not known if the new connections alter odor quality perception. To address this question, 20 adult hamsters were first trained to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry odors. After reaching criterion (> or = 90% correct response), half of the animals received a bilateral nerve transection (BTX) and half a surgical sham procedure. Animals were not tested again until day 40, a point in recovery when connections are re-established with the bulb. When BTX animals were tested without food reinforcement, they could not perform the odor discrimination task. Sham animals, however, could discriminate, demonstrating that the behavioral response had not been extinguished during the 40 day period. When reinforcement was resumed, BTX animals were able to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry after four test sessions. In addition, their ability to discriminate between these two familiar odors was no different than that of BTX and sham animals tested with two novel odors, baby powder and coffee. These findings suggest that, after recovery from nerve transection, there are alterations in sensory perception and that restoration of odor quality discrimination requires that the animal must again learn to associate individual odor sensations with a behavioral response.   相似文献   

The effect on the perception of the emotional prosody of a vocal signal of the acoustic parameters of the stimulus in children of various ages (7–10, 11–13, and 14–17 years) was studied. Considerable differences in recognition of positive and negative valences of the vocal signal against the background of noise and in its absence were demonstrated. The ontogenetic specific features of the dependence of recognition of the emotional valence on the acoustic parameters of a vocal signal were determined. The most important acoustic characters (the fundamental frequency F0 and the frequency of the first formant F1) that ensure the perception of the emotional prosody of a vocal signal against the background of noise at different age stages were found.  相似文献   

The dear enemy phenomenon in which animals discriminate familiar neighbors from unknown strangers, and respond more aggressively to strangers is well established in various social animals, especially in songbirds and mammals. So far, very few studies of neighbor–stranger discrimination have been carried out in amphibians and the results have been mixed. Thus, it is unclear whether this phenomenon exists commonly in frogs and toads, and whether it is exhibited by species with large vocal repertoires. We conducted acoustic playback experiments with male concave-eared torrent frogs ( Odorrana tormota , a species with an unusually large vocal repertoire) kept in a tank in a quiet room to investigate whether or not they can discriminate strangers from neighbors acoustically. Nine of the 14 males tested showed evoked vocal responses to the calls from strangers, but none to calls from neighbors; vocal response to the calls from strangers was accompanied by aggressive motor activity. These results demonstrate that male O. tormota possess the ability to discriminate neighbors from strangers acoustically. Odorrana tormota therefore joins three ranid species ( Rana catesbiana , Rana clamitans , Rana dalmatina , all known to have a comparatively small and stereotyped vocal repertoires) as the only anurans demonstrated to have this ability. Given the difference in signaling complexity between these frog species, the salient acoustic features used for discriminating neighbors and strangers are likely to be quite distinct.  相似文献   

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