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流域生态系统补偿机制研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
张志强  程莉  尚海洋  李延梅 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6543-6552
生态补偿是近年来生态环境管理领域的一个新发展起来的方向和热点,尤其在我国,生态补偿受到学者和政府部门的高度关注,其研究和实践进展迅速。流域是完整的地理与生态系统区域,是实施生态保护和生态补偿的典型单元。从流域角度研究和实施生态系统保护,可以最好体现生态系统的完整性和生态要素的综合性。流域生态补偿机制研究是当前生态经济研究的前沿命题。系统梳理和全面总结了流域生态补偿研究的国内外进展与应用案例,总结了当前流域生态补偿研究存在的主客体界定、补偿原则、措施短效性等方面存在的主要问题,提炼概述了流域生态补偿研究的理论分析框架,并就流域生态补偿确定方法、补偿途径等关键问题进行了探讨。结合水权交易与水市场、流域社会化管理等问题,对流域生态补偿的未来研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

运用物质流分析法对银川市2006-2012 年生态经济系统中的物质流进行分析。结果显示, (1)不含水的物质输入与输出总量均呈先减后增的趋势。物质输入以气体和固体为主, 其中固体物质主要以化石燃料、矿物和建筑材料的增加最为明显; 物质输出端主要以气体为主, 其中化石燃料燃烧废气排放量和工业废气(二氧化硫、工业烟粉尘)排放量在总气体排放中所占的量最多。固体废弃物的增加, 也加大了研究区的环境压力。(2)水输入量波动下降, 水输出量不断上升。农业用水和工业用水约占总用水量的98%, 农业用水量在不断下降, 工业用水量和生态用水量在不断上升; 废水排放以工业污水为主。(3)从整体来看, 物质利用强度和输出强度在缓慢降低, 银川市经济发展一方面依靠大量的资源投入, 另一方面, 环境污染的压力在迅速减轻; 单位产值的物质消耗量在减少, 废弃物的输出效率明显提高, 银川市资源利用效率在稳定提高。  相似文献   

三峡库区流域水环境保护分区   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wang LJ  Xi CY  Zheng BH 《应用生态学报》2011,22(4):1039-1044
流域内不同地域的社会经济发展水平、土地利用状况、植被覆盖程度、与水域的相对位置均对水环境质量存在显著影响.围绕水体保护的核心需求,面向流域空间范围开展水环境保护分区十分必要.本文以三峡库区为研究区,着眼于区域生态环境特征、水体压力-响应特征的空间差异性,基于生态因子叠置法、生态敏感性分析等方法,研究三峡库区水环境保护分区.分区综合考虑了水热条件、地势地貌、生态敏感性等因素,将库区划分为:1)红区,即严格保护区,总面积2924 km2,占库区的5.1%;2)黄区,即一级防护区,总面积10477 km2,占库区的18.4%;3)蓝区,即二级防护区,总面积43599 km2,占库区的76.5%.辨识了红区、黄区和蓝区不同分区的关键环境问题,并有针对性地提出各区的发展方向和水环境保护定位.  相似文献   

张雯  刘倩倩  王慧  陈彬 《生态学报》2023,43(12):4943-4953
高强度农业开发引起的农业水土资源生态问题日益增多,探究粮食及蔬菜(粮蔬)生产中水土资源空间配置及短缺压力对农业资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。从水足迹视角出发,分析了山东省3种主要粮食作物(冬小麦、玉米及大豆)和两种不同种植模式蔬菜(设施蔬菜和露地蔬菜)的生产水足迹空间特征;同时将资源数量及资源质量的概念纳入研究框架,分析了农业水土资源数量及质量匹配格局差异,并进一步探究了农业水土资源短缺压力及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)2019年,山东省粮食和蔬菜的生产总水足迹为811亿m3,其中粮食生产总水足迹占比78.50%,蔬菜生产总水足迹占比21.50%;粮蔬生产水足迹受地势影响明显,鲁西北及鲁西南平原地区的粮蔬生产水足迹占比较大。(2)考虑资源数量的水土资源匹配系数均值为0.622×104 m3/hm2,考虑资源质量的匹配系数均值为0.416×104 m3/hm2;水土资源数量及质量匹配系数在空间上呈现出一致性,表明山东省农业生产水土资源空间配置水平高的地区同时面临着较大的农业面源污染压力。(3)整体上,土地资源短缺压力略高于水资源短缺压力;基于生产视角的水土资源短缺压力受生产环境因素制约显著,受经济发展因素的影响具有差异性,社会因素对水土资源短缺压力无显著影响。研究可为农业资源可持续管理提供数据基础,为全面理解粮蔬生产所产生的水土资源短缺提供案例参考。  相似文献   

目的:调查河北省某大学学生每天水摄入量及其影响因素。方法:采用简单随机抽样方法抽取河北省某大学156名健康成年大学生,调查对象使用带刻度的水杯,连续记录7 d内每次饮水的量。采用双份饭法与称重法结合的方式,测定调查对象连续3 d每天所吃的所有食物中水的含量。总水摄入量等于饮水量与食物水摄入量之和。结果:调查对象总水摄入量为2 342 mL/d、饮水量为1 135 mL/d、食物水摄入量为1 174 mL/d,男性的总水摄入量、饮水量、食物水摄入量均高于女性(P<0.05),体脂率肥胖的调查对象的总水摄入量、饮水量与食物水摄入量均低于非体脂率肥胖的调查对象(P<0.05),不同体表面积等级的调查对象其总水摄入量与食物水摄入量存在显著差异(P<0.05),但饮水量无显著差异。BMI等级以及腰臀比对调查对象饮水量与总水摄入量的影响均无显著性。性别、BMI等级、体表面积、腰臀比、体脂率对调查对象饮水量占总水摄入量的比例的影响均无显著性。结论:河北省大学生的饮水量偏少。水摄入量的影响因素较多,不仅仅有性别、体重,还可能涉及到腰臀比、体成分等因素,这些因素对水摄入量的影响较为复杂,应综合考虑各项因素,为修订适宜饮水量提供科学依据。  相似文献   

识别流域生态系统服务权衡协同关系的时空分异特征及其影响因素,是生态系统管理和调控的重要基础,对高效配置环境资源和合理制定生态环境政策具有重要意义。本研究运用相关性分析、均方根偏差等方法分析清江流域2000—2020年粮食供给、净初级生产力(NPP)、土壤保持和产水服务间的权衡协同关系,并采用地理探测器分析影响生态系统服务权衡的决定因素。结果表明:2000—2020年,清江流域粮食供给服务呈下降趋势,NPP、土壤保持和产水服务呈递增态势;粮食供给与土壤保持服务、NPP与产水服务间权衡强度呈下降趋势,其他服务间权衡强度均呈增加趋势。粮食供给与NPP、土壤保持、产水服务间呈现东北权衡、西南协同的格局;NPP与土壤保持、产水服务在中部为协同关系、四周为权衡关系;土壤保持与产水服务表现为高度协同。土地利用和归一化植被指数为粮食供给与其他生态系统服务间权衡强度的主导因素,降水、气温和高程为产水服务与其他生态系统服务间权衡强度的主导因素,生态系统服务间权衡强度并非受单一因素的影响,两种服务间的相互作用或共同影响因素的驱动是其决定因素。研究结果可为国土空间生态修复规划策略的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

张振龙  孙慧 《生态学报》2017,37(16):5273-5284
新疆正面临"五化同步"对水资源的需求不断增长与水资源开发利用过度的矛盾。水资源瓶颈制约已成为影响新疆经济可持续发展和长治久安的突出问题之一。运用VAR模型,通过ADF检验、脉冲响应函数和方差贡献度分解,对2000—2014年新疆耗水产业生态系统和经济增长的长期均衡关系进行实证分析。结果表明:(1)经济增长与总用水量、工业用水量和农业用水量之间均存在长期均衡关系;(2)经济发展对用水量产生负向冲击,工业用水量和农业用水量随着经济发展出现正向冲击效应。(3)新疆经济快速增长伴随着水资源的大力开发和过度利用。据此提出对策建议,通过实施严格的退地减水政策,明确用水总量控制和定额指标,加强跨流域调水工程建设,防止浪费等多途径维持新疆水资源可持续利用和耗水产业健康发展。  相似文献   

流域综合管理信息系统是集成多主题流域信息,服务流域综合管理决策的工具。本文基于GIS技术,设计了锡林河流域水质评价、流域分析和灌溉需水估算模型,研制了锡林河流域综合管理信息系统,并在系统中集成了数据管理、查询、更新、处理、模型分析和输出等多种功能,在栅格水平上实现了模型参数的输入、传递、计算及显示与分析。其中,水质评价模型以遥感影像为基本信息源,实现水质评价指标实时监测与估算,应用影响因子与水质评价指标的回归系数,分析影响水质变化的关键影响因素;流域分析模型具备确定流向、估算流域累积流量并判定流域分区等功能;农业灌溉需水计算模型实现了在已有降雨条件下锡林河流域年灌溉需水量的估算。锡林河流域综合管理信息系统为该流域现代化管理和综合治理提供了决策参考。  相似文献   

新疆正面临“五化同步”对水资源的需求不断增长与水资源开发利用过度的矛盾。水资源瓶颈制约已成为影响新疆经济可持续发展和长治久安的突出问题之一。运用VAR模型,通过ADF检验、脉冲响应函数和方差贡献度分解,对2000—2014年新疆耗水产业生态系统和经济增长的长期均衡关系进行实证分析。研究结果表明:(1)经济增长与总用水量、工业用水量和农业用水量之间均存在长期均衡关系;(2)经济发展对用水量产生负向冲击,工业用水量和农业用水量随着经济发展出现正向冲击效应。(3)新疆经济快速增长伴随着水资源的大力开发和过度利用。据此提出对策建议,通过实施严格的退地减水政策,明确用水总量控制和定额指标,加强跨流域调水工程建设,防止浪费等多途径维持新疆水资源可持续利用和耗水产业健康发展。  相似文献   

针对中小尺度区域气象因素与城市供水、用水量之间的作用关系问题,选用了年均温度、年均湿度、年降水量和年日照时数等四个气象因子指标研究,广州市供水及用水量与各气象因子的关系进行了相关性分析,进一步分析了用水量对气候变化的敏感性,以及气候变化对用水量的影响趋势。结果表明,广州市供水及用水量与年均湿度、日照时数成负相关,而与年均温度、年降水量成正相关,生活用水对气候变化的敏感度大于生产用水,且气候变化对用水量的影响越来越显著。  相似文献   

The method used to calculate ecological compensation remains an important but difficult issue in current studies of ecological compensation. In this study, we used the ecological compensation method to examine the natural, social, and economic interactions between ecological and economic systems at the administrative level and between upstream and downstream areas in a river basin, with the aim of capacity control in the total amount of pollutants discharged. We used the information entropy method to build the total pollutant allocation model, in which we included a range of indexes that reflected regional heterogeneity in factors such as population, economic structure, production level, pollution control, and the water environment. The relationship between the capital invested and the quantity of pollutants discharged was used to calculate the unit value of the pollutants, from which we constructed a quantitative model of ecological compensation standard for river basin water environment based on total pollutants control. We used the Xiao Honghe River Basin, China, as a case study, and calculated the ecological compensation values of the water environment from 2008 to 2012 with chemical oxygen demand (COD) as the main pollution evaluation index. From the upper to lower reaches, the compensation value gradually decreased while it gradually increased in terms of time scale. This study provides a valid approach that can be applied to develop a long-term effective mechanism for protecting river basin ecology and improving the system of ecological compensation in river basins.  相似文献   

Many international river basins are likely to experience increasing water scarcity over the coming decades. This water scarcity is not rooted only in the limitation of resources, i.e. the shortage in the availability of freshwater relative to water demand, but also on social factors (e.g. flawed water planning and management approaches, institutional incapability to provide water services, unsustainable economic policies). Therefore, the assessment of water scarcity risks is not limited to the assessment of physical water supply and demand, but it requires also consideration of several socio-economic factors. In this study, we provide a comprehensive dynamic assessment of water scarcity risks for the Lower Brahmaputra river basin, a region where the hydrological impact of climate change is expected to be particularly strong and population pressure is high. The basin area of Brahmaputra River lies among four different countries: China, India, Bangladesh and Bhutan. For water scarcity assessment, we propose a novel integration of different approaches: (i) the assessment of water scarcity risk, considering complex social-ecological system; (ii) the analysis of dynamic behaviour of the system; (iii) exploration of participatory approach in which limited number of stakeholders identify the most relevant issues with reference to water scarcity risks and provide their preferences for the aggregation of risk assessment indicators. Results show that water scarcity risk is expected to slightly increase and to fluctuate remarkably as a function of the hazard signal. Social indicators show trends that can at least partially compensate the increasing trend of the drought index. The results of this study are intended to be used for contributing to planned adaptation of water resources systems, in Lower Brahmaputra River Basin.  相似文献   

内陆干旱区水分驱动的生态演变机理   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
陈敏建  王浩  王芳  唐克旺  王研 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2108-2114
我国内陆河流域约占国土面积 1/3,降水集中在山区 ,盆地干旱少雨 ,形成内陆河平原独特的非地带性生态群落。针对内陆河干旱区水资源条件与生态特点 ,从水分 -生态相互作用机理入手 ,系统研究了以绿洲为中心的内陆干旱区沿河平原生态问题 ,以此作为干旱区生态需水研究的基础。由于径流运动的作用 ,平原生态系统表现出有序的层次结构 :以河流为中心向两岸依次为绿洲、过渡带、荒漠 ;植被等级和盖度逐渐由高向低演变 ,分别为有林地、灌木林、疏林地和高盖度草地、中盖度草地、低盖度草地、沙漠、戈壁。植被生态系统的这种规律性反映了地下径流 (潜流场 )的变化。在干旱少雨 (年降雨量小于 10 0 mm)的环境中 ,来自河川补给的潜水蒸发 ,成为植被水分最主要来源 ,对植被生态系统起决定性的作用。根据生态景观的需水补给条件界定内陆河盆地生态系统的组成 ,给出了平原生态圈层结构的定义。当水资源开发利用方式和土地利用方式发生变化时 ,水资源分布和补给条件相应发生变化 ,并导致生态系统圈层结构随之发生变化。生态圈层结构理论成为干旱区生态需水计算的理论依据和方法基础 ,据此构造定量化的水分驱动生态演变模型。利用 2 0世纪 70年代和 90年代遥感影像 1∶ 10万解译图 ,结合地面观测资料 ,分析了西北内陆  相似文献   

黑河流域景观结构分析   总被引:85,自引:7,他引:78  
卢玲  李新  程国栋  肖洪浪 《生态学报》2001,21(8):1217-1224
在黑河流域土地利用分类的基础上,利用地理信息系统进行流域景观制图,划分出6个景观区。利用景观结构分析软件FRAGSTATS在流域尺度上计算了各景观区的多种景观结构指标。结果表明:山区的景观结构特征突出表现为连通性强,拼块形状复杂。绿洲-荒漠区的景观结构特征表现为,绿洲主要沿河流和渠道分布,是镶嵌在荒漠基质上的景观异质体。绿洲是干旱区景观结构最复杂,类型最丰富,景观多样性最高的地区,但不同景观区的绿洲其景观结构有显著的差异。荒漠和绿注的过渡地带的过渡生态类型丰富,其共同的景观结构特征是拼块破碎、呈团聚状分布,在极端干旱的北部阿拉善高平原,裸露戈壁是景观模地,占据绝对优势,蔓延度极高,其它类型是面积相对很小的异质镶嵌体。文章最后指出,在使用FRAGSTATS的栅格版本时要特别注意尺度的影响。  相似文献   

夏沛  宋世雄  刘志锋  何春阳  王一航 《生态学报》2020,40(17):5884-5893
掌握我国内陆河流域城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务的影响评价研究现状,对于提高内陆河流域人类福祉和促进区域城市可持续发展具有重要意义。系统综述了我国内陆河流域城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务的影响评价。结果表明:相关中英文论文数量与被引频次整体呈上升趋势,研究对象侧重于水源涵养、水质净化和淡水供给服务,研究方法主要包括价值量评价法和物质量评价法,研究结果则表明城市景观过程已造成涉水生态系统服务总量下降和空间异质性增加,同时还加剧了服务间的权衡关系。相关研究为深入理解内陆河城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务的影响奠定了良好基础,但在揭示影响机理、模拟未来影响、分析服务权衡、协同与供需流关系以及探索可持续的内陆河流域综合优化管理等方面还存在不足。因此,未来应基于"机理-过程-可持续性"的思路建立内陆河流域城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务影响评价框架,开展综合评价研究,为我国内陆河流域城市与山水林田湖草综合优化管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of various traits and effects on auction price of Texel, Suffolk and German white-headed mutton rams was determined. Furthermore, (co)variance components between auction price and performance traits recorded at licensing were estimated. Data from 1988 to 2007 were extracted from the recording database of the Sheep Breeding Organisation in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Auction prices of 1133 Texel, 373 Suffolk and 341 German white-headed mutton rams from the year 2003 to 2007 were analysed. General Linear Models and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to identify the impact of traits and effects on the auction price. Estimation of (co)variance components was carried out using multivariate animal model. From the traits recorded at licensing, live weight, followed by type traits of conformation and muscle mass, had the highest impact on the auction price. Also the effects of breed, PrP (Prion Protein) genotype, and owner of the ram influenced the auction price of rams significantly. A moderate genetic contribution of auction price, with favourable genetic correlations to all collected performance traits (average daily gain from birth until licensing, muscle depth, fat depth, conformation, muscle mass and wool quality), was estimated. Genetic correlations were 0.42, 0.34, 0.17, 0.49, 0.39 and 0.23, respectively. The results showed a high influence of live weight of animal on auction price of the rams contrary to very low influence of carcass quality traits measured with ultrasound technology.  相似文献   

Freshwater scarcity is a growing concern, placing considerable importance on the accuracy of indicators used to characterize and map water scarcity worldwide. We improve upon past efforts by using estimates of blue water footprints (consumptive use of ground- and surface water flows) rather than water withdrawals, accounting for the flows needed to sustain critical ecological functions and by considering monthly rather than annual values. We analyzed 405 river basins for the period 1996-2005. In 201 basins with 2.67 billion inhabitants there was severe water scarcity during at least one month of the year. The ecological and economic consequences of increasing degrees of water scarcity--as evidenced by the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo), Indus, and Murray-Darling River Basins--can include complete desiccation during dry seasons, decimation of aquatic biodiversity, and substantial economic disruption.  相似文献   

Climate change is likely to cause deleterious hydrological and ecological impacts in many of the world’s major river basins. Using the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, as a case study, we present an adaptation framework which addresses the hydrological impacts of climate change at three spatial scales: the high-conservation value asset, the water management unit and the entire basin. At each scale, the appropriate scientific, policy and operational tools differ, though should be applied in concert. At the scale of the asset, hydrodynamic modelling has improved the capacity of site managers to anticipate the effects of management interventions. These models have also contributed to improve hydrological modelling of the water management unit. When combined with ecosystem response models, hydrological models can compare ecological outcomes over a range of timescales, leading to improvements in the representation of environmental requirements in water sharing plans. At the scale of the basin, the Australian government has used a legislative mechanism to set overarching ecological and diversion objectives. In addition, the purchase of water-use entitlements has created a flexible mechanism to use the water market as a climate-change adaptation mechanism, responding to the changing water availability and conservation priorities that emerge over the coming decades.  相似文献   

This study has been performed in order to evaluate the land use changes and related environmental impacts which occurred in recent decades in the Lamone river basin (Northern Italian Apennines). Using the DPSIR indicator-based approach, agricultural land use changes and conversions occurred within the periods 1976–1994 and 1994–2003, have been associated with the shortage of water in the river and the modification of the landscape structure. Results show that Lamone river basin in 1976 was mainly dominated by forest (27.4%) and cropland (32.3%) and through the entire period the valley presented a strong persistence of land uses and the main conversions detected are afforestation and agricultural intensification. The hydrological balance analysis results indicate that the agricultural intensification process produced a water deficit in summer periods equal to 0.89 mln m3 in 2003. The landscape of the Lamone valley became more homogeneous, showing a decrease in diversity (Shannon Diversity Index values decreased from 1.81 to 1.58) and the riparian corridor became more human-dominated (Human Habitat values increased from 0.61 to 0.77). An integrated assessment of possible management options has been conducted, using the MULINO-DSS software as a support. Thirteen different management scenarios have been produced in order to solve the water balance issue and to enhance the riparian corridor. Attributing equal weight to the environmental, social and economical criteria, the best solution corresponds to the sole creation of artificial basins and the actual situation is placed at position 8 (out of 13).  相似文献   

1. Biological monitoring is vital to river conservation. Aside from providing census data, regular monitoring may detect population trends that reflect the degradation or remediation of riverine environments. Birds are major candidates for this purpose because of their connections to riverine food webs and river habitat features. However, much information on factors affecting river bird distributions is qualitative. 2. River bird populations have been surveyed annually in the U.K. since 1974. The value of this monitoring could be increased if links between population trends and changes in riverine landscapes or channel hydromorphology were better understood. We modelled the relationships between bird species’ distributions recorded by the British Trust for Ornithology's Waterways Breeding Bird Survey (WBBS) and hydromorphology recorded by the Environment Agency's River Habitat Survey (RHS). 3. Regression models were built for 20 bird species associated with the river channel and neighbouring floodplains. This provided one of the first illustrations in ecology of generalized estimating equations (GEEs) for extending generalized linear models to instances where individual observations are not statistically independent. GEEs could offer a range of benefits to freshwater biologists, as they are a simple approach to analysing hierarchical, correlated data while maintaining the ease of interpretation with a range of link functions and data types. 4. Upland, fast water species and reedbed specialists showed the closest links with RHS, followed by lowland, slow water species, where correlations to RHS varied widely in magnitude. The distributions of floodplain wading birds were poorly modelled by RHS, suggesting that floodplain land uses as quantified by RHS were poor predictors of distributions. Marked preferences between upland and lowland channels were evident for most species. Specific features were also important, including hydraulics, bank/channel vegetation, depositional features and anthropogenic structures. 5. Monitoring the abundance and distribution of a range of bird species, with a diversity of life histories, could be a valuable tool for assessing trends in riverine landscapes and whole river basins. RHS captures useful information about channel hydromorphology and vegetation, but needs supplementing with additional environmental information to describe (i) the wider riverine landscape (e.g. more detailed floodplain variables, proximity of other waterbodies) and (ii) water chemistry. Although further work is required, this study suggests that WBBS and RHS add mutual value in appraising the river environment. We advocate the further development of birds as indicators in riverine landscapes that could convey the importance of the ecological integrity, biological production and conservation value of river systems to a wider audience.  相似文献   

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