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六棱大麦种质表型遗传多样性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究六棱大麦种质资源的遗传多样性,提高六棱大麦育种组合选配的针对性和育种效率。以来自国内外的89份六棱大麦种质为材料,考察了3个不同环境下参试材料的株高、穗下节间长、穗长、主穗粒数、单株穗数、千粒重、单株粒重、单株生物重等8个性状,综合参试材料3个不同环境的表现,通过变异系数及遗传多样性指数分析参试材料的遗传多样性,通过主成分分析、聚类分析等方法对参试六棱大麦种质进行了综合评价。结果表明:(1)六棱大麦的穗长、单株粒重2个性状变异较丰富,株型性状与穗粒数变异系数较小,六棱大麦育种的增益效应主要体现在穗长和粒重的适度增加;(2)六棱皮大麦与六棱裸大麦仅在千粒重性状上差异显著,六棱皮大麦各性状多样性指数普遍高于六棱裸大麦;(3)参试六棱大麦种质分为5类,其中第4类基本均为中国地方种质,分布广泛,但遗传距离较近;其他4类为国内外选育的种质,各具特性;(4)利用主成分二维排序分析筛选到以高产为基础,分别兼具矮秆、长穗且分蘖能力强、大粒及高生物重的4类优异种质;基于主成分构建了六棱大麦种质资源的综合评价方程。  相似文献   

二稜大麦Bomi×六稜大麦特青穗型的遗传研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究得出,大麦二稜对六稜的遗传是受Vv和Ii基因控制的,V对I、v对i都具上位性作用。Vv与Ii互作,影响侧小穗的育性及外稃顶端的形状,并揭示出我国野生二稜大麦穗型基因型的纯合性和某些变种的可能杂合性。F_2六稜植株的穗粒数超过六稜亲本,穗粒重和千粒重低于六稜亲本,二稜植株的穗粒数低于二稜亲本,穗粒重高于二稜亲本,千粒重高于两亲本。因此认为,用低值的二稜大麦与高值的六稜大麦杂交,在后代容易获得粒多而不易获得粒重的六稜株系,容易获得粒重而不易获得粒多的二稜株系。  相似文献   

为筛选可用于云南啤酒大麦改良的优良种质材料,对107份不同来源啤酒大麦品种的农艺性状进行鉴定与分类研究.结果表明,云南啤酒大麦的主要特点是成熟期长,分蘖较强,植株高,旗叶面积大,穗长、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重、秸秆干重中等,穗草比较高;国外引进品种株型中等紧凑,叶片细长,穗粒重和千粒重较大,穗草比适中.从中筛选出19份性状优良的材料.通过聚类分析,可将供试材料划分成4个性状不同的类群,各类群的农艺性状差异明显,有利于育种目标材料的选择.  相似文献   

杂交水稻产量性状配合力研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 9个不育系和 7个恢复系配制 40个杂交组合 ,对 6个产量性状的亲本一般配合力和组合特殊配合力效应进行分析。结果表明 ,杂种一代 (F1)各性状的形成同时受亲本一般配合力和组合特殊配合力的影响。单株穗数、每穗总粒数、千粒重三性状主要受一般配合力作用 ;每穗实粒数、结实率、单株粒重三性状则一般配合力和组合特殊配合力的作用同样明显 ,或特殊配合力作用更明显些。不育系珍汕 97A、龙特浦A、K1 8A和恢复系明恢 63、直龙、1 0 2 5的一般配合力高 ,利用它们容易配制出高产组合。两年试验结果千粒重、单株粒重二性状的形成均是不育系的作用大于恢复系 ,近期育种工作重点应放在不育系的选育上。  相似文献   

通过花粉管通道法将普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)DNA导入宁夏水稻品种宁粳16号和宁粳23号中,获得外源DNA导入系(以D表示),选择的导入系经4次连续自交获得D4代材料.选择其中36个株系在北京种植,进行农艺性状调查和变异类型分析.结果表明,这些导入系分别在株型、生育期、分蘖力、株高、每穗粒数、每穗粒重、穗长、千粒重等性状上发生变异;一些导入系的每穗实粒数、每穗粒重、穗长、千粒重和分蘖数等明显高于受体,表现出高产潜力.本文着重阐述导入系的每穗实粒数、千粒重、分蘖数等与产量相关性状的遗传变异.  相似文献   

用60Co-γ射线诱变小麦连麦2号,对M3代292个穗行进行了主要农艺性状的变异及多元分析.结果表明:各性状的变异幅度是不同的,变异系数从大到小依次为:穗数>千粒重>穗长>小穗数>株高>行粒重>退化小穗数>穗粒数>穗粒重;变异率从大到小依次为:穗数>千粒重>株高=行粒重>穗粒数>穗长>穗粒重>小穗数>退化小穗数.穗数、...  相似文献   

本文通过对供试亲本的14个籼稻品种主要经济性状的变异系数、遗传力和相关系数的分析表明:株高、抽穗日数、穗长、千粒重等4个性状表现了较小的变异系数和较高的遗传力。每穗粒数的变异系数和遗传力处于中间状态。单株产量、有效穗总分蘖数的变异系数较大,而遗传力低。秕粒数的变异系数大而遗传力中等。9个性状之间的相关系数测定结果,表现极显著相关的有6对性状,显著相关的有5对性状。  相似文献   

选用54个水稻杂交组合F1代,对穗粒数、有效穗数、千粒重、穗谷重等产量构成性状进行相关、回归分析及其线性方程相交分析,并建立水稻选种入选标准的数学模型.结果表明:穗粒数(X_1)分别与其它三个性状间的相关达极显著水平,这四个性状的复相关系数达到极显著水平,表现为水稻产量构成性状间是互相影响、互为矛盾,构成性状间的矛盾与统一;经标准化的有效穗数(X_2)、千粒重(X_3)和穗谷重(X_4)分别依穗粒数(X_1)回归的线性回归方程分别为,x_2=0.6797-0.5907x_1,x_3=0.7268-0.4917x_1,x_4=0.2466+0.5053x_1.根据这些方程的升降性,分别组成联立方程组,求出这四个数量性状互作的矛盾统一点为:穗粒数136.6粒、有效穗数7.72穗/丛、千粒重23.53g、穗谷重3.09g;这四个性状相互作用、相互协调的优良表现型值落在穗粒数为132.3-177.0粒范围内.以穗粒数、有效穗数、千粒重、穗谷重的线性关系,建立的水稻选种入选标准数学模型具有较好的预见性和实用性.  相似文献   

冬小麦产量性状的遗传效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以农大139等7个冬小麦品种进行4×3不完全双列杂交,采用加性-显性及其与环境互作的遗传模型对亲本、F_1和F_2的株高、主穗穗长、单株穗数、主穗小穗数、千粒重和单株粒重6个性状进行遗传分析.结果表明,株高和主穗长主要受加性效应控制,而单株穗数、主穗小穗数、千粒重和单株粒重主要受显性×环境互作效应影响.矮2杂交后代易选到矮株,奥里生杂交后代易得到大穗材料,农林10号和奥里生的杂交后代分蘖力将加强,814的杂交后代小穗数增多,814杂交后代千粒重增高.所有产量性状未表现明显的杂种优势.  相似文献   

以4个高粱不育系13163A、1358A、128A和407A,以及6个恢复系9.1R、213R、272R、381R、矮182R和早21R为试验材料,按照不完全双列杂交设计(NCII),对其F1的穗部主要性状进行配合力分析。结果表明:亲本穗部主要性状存在显著的遗传差异,主要表现为加性基因效应遗传的性状有:穗长、一级枝梗数、二级枝梗数、穗粒数;狭义遗传力大小顺序分别为:二级枝梗数一级枝梗数穗长穗粒数穗粒重千粒重。不同亲本的一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)在不同穗部性状间存在较大差异。不育系407A和恢复系早21R、9.1R是综合性状较好的亲本材料,利用它们可组配出产量较高的杂交组合。恢复系272R组配的杂交种具有穗粒数较多、千粒重较小的特点,能满足市场上对小粒高粱的需求。深入分析高粱杂交亲本穗部主要性状表现,有利于对亲本材料的进一步了解和利用。  相似文献   

Summary Four exotic and four indigenous strains of barley were used for making diallel crosses. The sets of parents and crosses making full, half and quarter diallel were analysed in a randomized block design for plant height, number of effective tillers, ear length, grain yield per plant, 100 grain weight and number of grains per ear.The three alternatives of diallel were similar with respect to the estimates of degree of dominance, general combining ability and specific combining ability, indicating that all these three methods of diallel were equally efficient. However, as the number of entries are minimum in quarter diallel, it would be economical in terms of cost, time and labour to estimate genetic parameters by this method. Average degree of dominance was found in the range of overdominance. The ranking of parents on the basis of their array mean was similar to the ranking based on gca effects. Similarly, the ranking of crosses on the basis of per se performance was similar to the ranking based on sca effects. This suggests that the selection of best general combiner or best cross combinations may be easier and more effective through array mean for per se performance rather than through high gca and sea effects, respectively. From among 56 crosses, IB-226 X X C-164 was the one which showed superiority for maximum number of characters followed by AB-12/59 X PTS-57. High sea effect for plant height, ear length, grain yield, 100 grain weight and number of grains per ear was the result of cross between parents having high X low general combining ability, indicating additive X dominance type of gene interaction. For number of effective tillers, high sca was produced by low x low general combiners, indicating dominance x dominance gene interaction.Part of a Ph. D. thesis submitted by senior author to Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar.  相似文献   

Fourteen north-west European spring barley cultivars were grown alone or in binary mixtures sampled according to a partial diallel scheme. On the basis of the association between cultivars in mixture and monoculture, three groups of characters were distinguished. Group A characters, plant height, ear weight/tiller, grain yield/tiller, number of grains/tiller and 1000-grain weight, showed strong positive associations between performance in monoculture and mixture. Group B characters, number of tillers/plant and harvest index showed incomplete positive associations, while for group C characters, dry matter/plant, ear weight/plant, grain yield/plant and number of grains/plant, associations were weak or non-existent. Compound characters in group C showed less genetic variation in monoculture and lower general competitive effects in mixture than component characters in groups A or B. These results clearly indicate that while selection for grain yield and other characters on a per plant basis (group C characters) is confounded by intergenotypic competition, characters such as the yield components number of grains/tiller and 1000-grain weight (group A characters) are hardly affected in this range of cultivars. Selection for opposing group A characters may start in the F2 generation, while any selection for group B and C characters should be delayed until later generations. The merits of indirect selection for yield using visual assessment of yield components are discussed. Separate analyses obtained by the inclusion of spring wheat cv. Timmo in monoculture and in the set of mixtures indicated that the use of spring wheat plants to minimise intergenotypic competition ranges from superfluous (group A characters) to useless (group C characters). A large degree of mixture advantage and the lack of complementary dominance and suppression between competitor and associate was attributed to the relatively low density of plants in the experiment which, though suitable for single plant selection, is not typical of normal seed rates for cropping.  相似文献   

Soil application of biogas residues (BGRs) is important for closing nutrient cycles. This study examined the efficiency and impact on yields and yield formation of solid-liquid separated residues from biodegradable municipal and industrial wastes (bio-waste) in comparison to complete BGRs, nitrification inhibitor, agricultural BGRs, mineral fertilizer and unfertilized plots as control. The experiment was set up as a randomized block design on silt loam Cambisol. Biogas residues from four biogas plants were evaluated. Plants per m², ears per plant, grains per ear and thousand grain weight (TGW) were measured at harvest. Fertilization with BGRs resulted in similar biomass yields compared with mineral fertilizer. Mineral fertilizer (71 dt/ha) and plots fertilized with liquid fraction (59–62 dt/ha) indicated a trend to higher yields than solid fraction or complete BGR due to its high ammonia content. Liquid fractions and fraction with nitrification inhibitor induced fewer plants per m² than corresponding solid and complete variants due to a potential phytotoxicity of high NH4-N concentration during germination. However, barley on plots fertilized with liquid fraction compensated the disadvantages at the beginning during the vegetation period and induced higher grain yields than solid fraction. This was attributable to a higher number of ears per plant and grains per ear. In conclusion, BGRs from biodegradable municipal and industrial wastes can be used for soil fertilization and replace considerable amounts of mineral fertilizer. Our study showed that direct application of the liquid fraction of BGR is the most suitable strategy to achieve highest grain yields. Nevertheless potential phytotoxicity of the high NH4-N concentration in the liquid fraction should be considered.  相似文献   

The effects of four fungicide treatments for the control of mildew on spring barley were assessed in three field experiments, one in each of the years 1981, 1982, 1983. The fungicide treatments (+/ - triadimenol seed treatment and +/ - triadimefon foliar spray applied during early booting) were chosen to control mildew, and hence affect yield determining processes, at different times in the life of the crop. Two of the experiments also tested different nitrogen amounts and the third tested four varieties differing in their degree of mildew resistance. Mildew appeared too late to affect the production and survival of spikelets and shoots, but reduced average grain weight by reducing the rate of grain growth. Grains in the upper part of the ear had a considerably lower growth rate and final weight than grains in central and basal positions but there was no evidence that the effects of mildew on grain size depended upon grain position within the ear. Mildew incidence increased with increasing nitrogen and varietal susceptibility but there were few significant interactions between these factors and fungicide treatment for grain yield. The degree of mildew control achieved by the seed treatment varied with barley variety. Use of the two successive fungicide treatments did not yield more barley than use of either alone. Amongst varieties, grain positions within the ear and fungicide treatments there was a close correlation between rate of grain growth and final grain weight. Duration of grain growth was not related to rate of grain growth or final grain weight but was inversely correlated with mean temperature during the period of rapid grain growth. The temperature sums during the period of rapid grain growth were similar for the three years and it is suggested that a more precise knowledge of the relationships between mildew incidence, varietal susceptibility and rate of grain growth may enable more accurate predictions to be made about likely yield responses to fungicide treatments.  相似文献   

Selection of parents based on their combining ability is an effective approach in hybrid breeding. In this study, eight maintainer lines and nine restorer lines were used to obtain 72 crosses for analyzing the general combining ability (GCA) and special combining ability (SCA) for seven agronomic and yield characters including plant height (PH), spike length excluding awns (SL), inter-node length (IL), spikes per plant (SP), thousand kernel weight (TKW), kernel weight per plant (KWP) and dry matter weight per plant (DWP). The results showed that GCA was significantly different among parents and SCA was also significantly different among crosses. The performance of hybrid was significantly correlated with the sum of female and male GCA (TGCA), SCA and heterosis. Hu1154 A, Mian684 A, 86F098 A, 8036 R and 8041 R were excellent parents with greater general combining ability. Five crosses, Hu1154 A×8032 R, Humai10 A×8040 R, Mian684 A×8037 R, Mian684 A×8041 R and 86F098 A×8037 R, showed superior heterosis for most characters.  相似文献   

Twenty-five field experiments on barley were done at four sites from 1970 to 1975, with an additional site in 1975, comparing five rates of nitrogen application. The crops were sampled at c. 14-day intervals from about the four-leaf stage to maturity to follow changes with time in the dry weights of the constituent plant parts and to measure fertile tiller number, grain number per ear and grain weight. Some data have been selected from this body of information and regression analysis has been used to assess the possible importance of pre- and post-anthesis growth in determining the yield of barley. Ear emergence was taken as an approximate indicator of anthesis. Yield was closely related (r=+0–96) and almost equal to the amount of dry matter accumulated before ear emergence for twenty-one of the experiments, with a regression coefficient of 0–95. In two of the remaining experiments the regression coefficient was greater, 1–14; and smaller in the other two, o-8i. Plant population is also shown to affect the regression coefficient. Despite these anomalies grain yield was more closely related to plant dry weight at ear emergence than to the increase in weight after ear emergence (r =+0–79). The increase in plant dry weight after ear emergence was frequently less than the yield of grain, suggesting that the plant can compensate for inadequate photosynthesis during grain filling. The result of this compensation is a reduction in straw dry weight. This implies that previously assimilated dry matter is transported to the grain, or that respiratory losses from the straw are not replaced by current photosynthesis. These observations suggest that yield may be limited by sink capacity rather than by photosynthesis after ear emergence. The main component of sink capacity, grain number per m2 was closely related to yield (r =+0–95) and is known to be determined at or before anthesis. Grain size was shown to be related to grain number per ear (r= 4- 0–99), suggesting that grain size is also, at least partially, determined at ear emergence. Therefore, all the yield components are determined, wholly or partly before ear emergence.  相似文献   

Circumstantial evidence from field experiments at Rothamsted suggested that effects of powdery mildew on grain filling in spring barley may be determined partly by temperature during the grain-filling period. An experiment was, therefore, done which compared the effects of fungicides applied to control powdery mildew on grain filling in early- and late-sown spring barley plants kept either out-of-doors throughout their growth (‘cool’ environment) or under the same conditions until the start of grain filling and then transferred to a heated glasshouse (‘warm’ environment) until harvested. Fungicides that controlled mildew increased the total grain yield of the late-sown barley more than that of the early-sown and much more in the warm environment than in the cool. On average, the effect of the fungicides in the cool environment was to increase grain yield by 17·7%. Small increases in numbers of grains/ear (+ 3·4%) and thousand-grain weight (TGW) (+ 2·3%) contributed to this increase but it could be attributed principally to an average increase in numbers of ears/plant of 12·4%. Contrastingly, fungicides increased average grain yield in the warm environment by 58·2%. Effects of the fungicides on numbers of ears/plant (+ 27·8%) and on numbers of grains/ear (+ 4·5%) were not significantly different to those in the cool environment, and the much greater responses in the warm than in the cool environment could be attributed mostly to much larger effects on grain size (+ 19·2%) The greater benefits of the fungicides and, by implication, the greater damage done by powdery mildew in the warm than in the cool environment cannot, unequivocally, be attributed to differences in temperature during grain-filling because the two environments clearly differed in other ways and especially in light intensity. Nevertheless, the results obtained do illustrate the potential risks involved in using data obtained under one set of circumstances to predict what will happen in another, especially when environments differ as greatly as glasshouses and fields.  相似文献   

The efficiency of visual assessment for grain yield and its components in spring barley rows was examined using a number of assessors. In 20 out of 28 combinations of assessor and character, only 20 or less lines were needed to be retained from the set of 99 lines to save at least 50% of the best 10 lines. Assessments of tillers/row and to a lesser extent 1000-grain weight were generally more effective than assessments of yield/row and grain/ear. The low effectiveness of assessment of grains/ear was attributed to inadequate sampling of ears. Four out of five assessors showed bias towards assessment of tillers/row, the most easily assessed character, in their assessments of yield/row. Experienced barley workers were more successful in their assessments than others less familiar with the crop. Specially developed keys, aimed at making visual assessment more objective, generally had only small positive effects on the efficiency of assessment. Repeated assessments of characters by some assessors were consistent. It was concluded that visual assessment rather than direct measurement should be recognised as a basic tool of breeding in the early generations, using a large number of lines as a ‘safety net’ allowing the loss of some of the best lines.  相似文献   

A large number of weakly germinated hulled barley grains was found during archaeobotanical analyses from the early Celtic settlement excavations at Eberdingen-Hochdorf in southwest Germany (ca. 600 – 400 BC). These grains seem to represent deliberate germination, due to the purity of the find and its unusual archaeological context. The possibility of deliberate malting which could be connected with beer brewing is discussed. Recent germination and charring experiments show that the consistently weak traces of germination on the charred subfossil grains from Hochdorf are enough to indicate malted grains. A comparison of the archaeobotanical remains with the written and archaeological sources shows that evidence of beer brewing from excavations is very scarce. There is practically no clear proof of brewing, while written sources and indirect suggestions are abundant. Neither archaeological finds nor either written or iconographic sources give exact details about the prehistoric brewing technology of the early Celts. The archaeological finds from Hochdorf seem to be the result of deliberate malting of hulled barley for the purpose of Celtic beer brewing.  相似文献   

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