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哈尼梯田湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
舒远琴  宋维峰  马建刚 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9292-9304
为了获得梯田湿地生态系统健康评价的指标体系,以云南红河哈尼梯田湿地为例,基于对该湿地维持机制的分析,构建了包括生态特征、功能整合、社会与政治3个方面共20个指标的健康评价指标体系以及各个指标的健康阈值分级表。同时,利用AHP层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,运用综合评价法对梯田湿地生态系统的健康状态进行评价。本研究构建的评价指标体系解决了哈尼梯田湿地生态系统缺乏健康评价指标体系和支持理论的问题,为评价该类型湿地生态系统的健康状态提供指导方法,能够依据其评价结果为后续湿地健康质量的提升及湿地的可持续利用发展提出改进策略。  相似文献   

区域尺度生态修复空间辨识研究进展   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
区域尺度辨识生态修复空间是进行生态恢复与重建的重要前提,对区域生态文明建设和可持续发展具有重要作用。如何构建科学合理、面向政策和民众需求的生态修复空间辨识指标体系,目前已成为生态学研究的热点问题之一。系统梳理生态空间评价理论,综合构建生态修复空间辨识框架,包括评价对象的选择、评价指标筛选的原则、指标体系构建的主要方法和评价指标权重设定等方面,在区域生态评价的基础上,强调政策目标、民众需求,构建了生态质量、生态系统服务、生态系统健康3个方面18个指标,能够较全面反映区域生态空间主要特征,以期为构建区域尺度生态修复空间辨识指标体系提供参考,为生态恢复和重建提供科学依据。研究还展望了区域尺度下生态修复空间辨识的重点发展方向,即加强复合生态系统理论的应用,统筹社会、经济、自然因子开展综合评价,并推动多尺度评价结果的融合与应用。  相似文献   

生态系统健康评价方法初探   总被引:143,自引:13,他引:130  
生态系统是维持人类环境的最基本单元,生态系统功能主要体现在两个方面:一是生态服务功能(service);二是价值功能(goods)这两种功能是人类生态和发展的基础,生态系统健康是保证生态系统功能正常发挥的前提,结构和功能的完整性,具有抵抗干扰和恢复能力(resilience)、稳定和可持续性是生态系统健康的特征,生态系统健康评价需要基于生态系统的结构、功能过程来确定指标,包括生态系统的完整性,适应性和效率,生态系统健康评价主要有两种方法:一是指示物种评价,二是结构功能指标评价,结构功能指标评价包括单指标评价,复合指标评价和指标体系评价,指标体系评价中又包括自然指标体系评价,社会-经济-自然复合生态系统指标体系评价,本文针对生态系统健康的不同评价方法进行了对比研究,同时,针对不同的生态系统类型应选择其健康评价方法方面进行了简要的阐述。  相似文献   

汉江中下游生态系统健康评价指标体系构建及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水利工程建设影响了河流生态系统健康。为探究梯级水库、跨流域调水等水利工程建设对长江流域河流生态系统健康的影响,以汉江中下游为例,采用频次分析法和相关性分析法对评价指标进行筛选,用最小二乘法和熵系数法相结合的综合权重模型确定各评价指标权重,从整体性、稳定性及可持续性3个方面构建了河流生态系统健康评价指标体系,并利用赋分法进行河流健康评价。结果表明,汉江中下游河流健康评价指标体系包含流量过程变异程度、输沙量变化、河流连通性、富营养化状况、鱼类物种数等11个指标。评价结果显示汉江中下游河流生态健康状况表现出较强的空间异质性,且健康状况逐年降低。靠近丹江口水库的区域较好,越往下游越差。  相似文献   

生态安全及其评价方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
生态安全是国家安全的重要支撑与组成部分,具有不受生态退化问题影响、且生态系统服务能有效支撑经济社会发展和保障人类福祉的意义。但长期以来,不同学者和决策者对生态安全概念内涵的理解有所差异,生态安全评价关注点和方法体系也不统一且存在局限,不利于相关研究与实践活动的科学开展。鉴于此,通过梳理生态安全概念内涵及其发展脉络,提出以生态系统之整体系统特征为核心基础、并紧密联系人类福祉的生态安全,明确其具有生态系统物质基础层面与人类社会发展层面两方面的涵义。在此基础上,总结了当前生态安全评价的案例研究。相关评价研究中普遍使用“压力-状态-响应”或者类似气候-生态环境-社会经济维度的指标体系及赋权加和的综合方法,这样的基于不同要素的评价,没能突出关系到生态安全的关键系统性特征,没有反映生态安全的动态性,同时也偏离了不同维度特征的实际意义。因此,本文阐述了以体现生态安全核心内涵的生态退化问题与生态系统服务为关注对象、构建具有相对性和动态性的指标体系、选择恰当的指标综合方法以进行生态安全评价的策略。根据此评价方法提出一些具体的研究展望,包括合理构建与发展生态安全评价的指标体系及综合方法,深入探讨生态系统与...  相似文献   

王广成  王欢欢  谭玲玲 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4515-4521
论述了煤炭矿区生态产业评价指标体系设置的理论依据,针对煤炭矿区生态产业链的特点和发展模式,从自然资源、经济效益、环境效益和社会效益四个角度出发选择筛选指标,构建了煤炭矿区生态产业评价指标体系.建立了模糊综合评价模型,探讨了运用层次分析法并通过熵值法修正的确定评价指标权重的新方法,构建了各因素指标的模糊隶属度函数.应用龙口矿区2010年的指标数据对所建模型和方法进行检验,对龙口矿区生态产业发展及生态产业链延伸提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

农业生态系统脆弱性评价方法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
开展农业生态系统脆弱性评价是减缓气候、环境变化带来不利影响的重要环节.虽然近10年对不同的生态系统已经开展了一些脆弱性的评估研究,但尚未形成统一和公认的方法.本文以典型的农业生态脆弱区北方农牧交错带为研究对象,在分析影响其农业生态系统脆弱性主要因素基础上,选取了4类共17项指标构建了农业生态系统气候脆弱性评价指标体系.通过层次分析法确定了指标权重,并采用模糊评判原理,得出农业生态系统的气候脆弱性的综合定量评价方法.  相似文献   

区域生态风险评价指标体系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
区域生态风险评价包含多种风险源、多种风险受体和多种评价终点,评价指标的选取较为复杂,成为区域环境管理研究中的一个热点问题.大量国内外相关领域的研究成果表明,区域生态风险评价包括3个关键环节:1)风险概率评价,用风险概率指数来度量;2)生态系统在区域中的生态地位和价值评价,用生态指数来度量;3)各生态系统遭受风险时的脆弱程度评价,用脆弱度指数来度量.区域生态风险评价指标体系构建存在的主要问题为主观性强和可比性差,鉴于此,应遵循客观性、整体性、层次性和可比性原则分层次构建指标体系,其中,构建受体生态地位和价值的评价指标体系最为复杂,可通过建立必选指标和可选指标来完善,以增强区域之间生态风险评价结果的可比性.  相似文献   

植被是陆地生态系统的主体,是保障生态质量的基础,也是基于自然的生态系统增汇、实现“碳中和”的重要利器。植被是生态质量评价的核心要素,但目前的生态质量评价研究中所用到的植被指标多是通过遥感反演或者气象指数模型计算得到的,而基于典型生态系统尺度地面调查的植被观测数据更直接、更准确,数据也很丰富,却很少用于生态质量评价,也缺乏系统的评价指标体系。通过文献研究、专家研讨和问卷调查,并借鉴群落退化演替和生态系统长期监测研究的理论基础,构建基于地面调查的植被生态质量综合评估指标体系。该指标体系整体分为三级,一级综合指数由群落结构指数、物质生产指数、生物多样性指数、群落发展或者演替趋势4个二级分项指标构成,二级分项指标由12—14个三级指标组成,不同植被类型各有其特征指标。该体系将完善我国多尺度陆地生态系统的生态质量评价指标体系,为新时期国家生态质量评价提供科学建议,为我国生态文明建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

退化森林生态系统评价指标体系研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
徐欢  李美丽  梁海斌  李宗善  伍星 《生态学报》2018,38(24):9034-9042
森林是陆地生态系统的主要组成部分,而森林退化是全球面临的主要环境问题之一,准确评价退化森林生态系统是进行森林生态系统恢复与重建的重要前提,建立合理的评价指标体系目前已成为生态学研究的热点问题。在研究国内外提出的关于退化森林生态系统评价理论的基础上,综述了森林退化的定义、特征和一般过程,梳理了退化森林生态系统评价指标筛选的一般原则和指标体系构建的主要方法,分析比较了不同学者所提出的主要评价指标。并在此基础上,重新筛选、构建了一套退化森林生态系统评价指标体系,即从生态系统的组成结构、功能和生境这3个方面选取了32个能够较全面反映退化生态系统主要特征的评价指标,以期为构建我国区域尺度上的退化森林生态系统评价指标体系提供参考,为退化森林生态系统的恢复和重建提供科学依据。总结分析了退化森林生态系统评价指标体系在构建过程中产生的一些问题和不足,提出了今后开展研究和探索应该深入的方向,以提高评价指标体系的科学性、准确性和合理性。  相似文献   

目的考察一次性游泳对氢化可的松粉针剂诱导大鼠阳虚状态指标的影响,以期暴露模型本身内隐的隐性测评指标并确定特征指标。方法将SD雄性大鼠随机分为正常组、正常游泳组、阳虚组、阳虚游泳组,阳虚组/阳虚游泳组肌注氢化可的松粉针剂20ms/kg,正常组/正常游泳组注射等量的0.9%氯化钠溶液,注射14d后,阳虚游泳组/正常游泳组辅以一次性游泳后,各组麻醉,取血,测定相关指标。结果阳虚游泳组C4、cGMP、TC、L阳虚隐性指标暴露,BUN、17-OHCS、T、T/E2、cAMP/cGMP阳虚评定指标凸显。结论非破坏性一次游泳可以使氢化可的松粉针剂诱导的大鼠阳虚证候模型的隐性指标凸显、部分显性指标放大,建议今后在建立、模拟阳虚证候模型时辅以游泳手段,以便客观、全面、真实的反映模型状态。  相似文献   

A proposed framework for developing indicators of ecosystem health   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Considerations involved in developing a suite of indicators to monitor regional environmental health, similar in conception to management use of leading economic indicators, are described. Linkages between human activities and well being and the state of the environment are considered essential to the evaluation of general environmental health. Biogeochemical and socioeconomic indicators are mutually affected by environmental degradation and examples of both categories of indicators are described. Desirable properties in indicators of environmental health vary with their specific management use. Different indicators are called for when collecting data to assess the adequacy of the environment, monitor trends over time, provide early warning of environmental degradation, or diagnose the cause of an existing problem. Tradeoffs between desirable characteristics, costs, and quality of information are inevitable when choosing indicators for management use. Decisions about what information to collect for which purpose can be made more rationally when available indicators are characterized and matched to management goals.  相似文献   

Metrics of epiphyte load on macrophytes were evaluated for use as quantitative biological indicators for nutrient impacts in estuarine waters, based on review and analysis of the literature on epiphytes and macrophytes, primarily seagrasses, but including some brackish and freshwater rooted macrophyte species. An approach is presented that empirically derives threshold epiphyte loads which are likely to cause specified levels of decrease in macrophyte response metrics such as biomass, shoot density, percent cover, production and growth. Data from 36 studies of 10 macrophyte species were pooled to derive relationships between epiphyte load and −25 and −50% seagrass response levels, which are proposed as the primary basis for establishment of critical threshold values. Given multiple sources of variability in the response data, threshold ranges based on the range of values falling between the median and the 75th quantiles of observations at a given seagrass response level are proposed rather than single, critical point values. Four epiphyte load threshold categories − low, moderate, high, very high, are proposed. Comparison of values of epiphyte loads associated with 25 and 50% reductions in light to macrophytes suggest that the threshold ranges are realistic both in terms of the principle mechanism of impact to macrophytes and in terms of the magnitude of resultant impacts expressed by the macrophytes. Some variability in response levels was observed among climate regions, and additional data collected with a standardized approach could help in the development of regionalized threshold ranges for the epiphyte load indicator.  相似文献   

常绿阔叶林植被分类一直是植被生态学研究中的难题,尤其是基本单位——群丛的分类。该文以地形因子和物种组成数据为变量的多元回归树方法,将浙江古田山24hm2森林监测样地的森林群落分为3个群丛。所得群丛既反映了群落在时间和空间上的相对间断分布,也符合植被分类基本单位的特点,为常绿阔叶林的群丛分类提供了新思路。并首次引入了指示值算法,解决了以往指示种无法量化的难题。最终以优势层优势种为主、下木层指示种为辅的命名原则,将3个群丛命名为:1)石斑木(Raphiolepis indica)+柳叶蜡梅(Chimonanthus salicifolius)-格药柃(Eurya muricata)+赤楠(Syzygium buxifolium)-木荷(Schima superba)+甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)群丛;2)映山红(Rhododendron simsii)+满山红(Rhododendron mariesii)-短柄枹(Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata)+灰白蜡瓣花(Corylopsis glandulifera var.hypoglauca)-马尾松(Pinus massoniana)+甜槠群丛;3)短尾越桔(Vaccinium carlesii)+毛花连蕊茶(Camellia fraterna)-杨梅叶蚊母树(Distylium myricoides)+浙江新木姜子(Neolitsea aurata)-木荷+甜槠群丛。  相似文献   

An extensive review of the literature describing epiphytes on submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), especially seagrasses, was conducted in order to evaluate the evidence for response of epiphyte metrics to increased nutrients. Evidence from field observational studies, together with laboratory and field mesocosm experiments, was assembled from the literature and evaluated for a hypothesized positive response to nutrient addition. There was general consistency in the results to confirm that elevated nutrients tended to increase the load of epiphytes on the surface of SAV, in the absence of other limiting factors. In spite of multiple sources of uncontrolled variation, positive relationships of epiphyte load to nutrient concentration or load (either nitrogen or phosphorus) often were observed along strong anthropogenic or natural nutrient gradients in coastal regions. Such response patterns may only be evident for parts of the year. Results from both mesocosm and field experiments also generally support the increase of epiphytes with increased nutrients, although outcomes from field experiments tended to be more variable. Relatively few studies with nutrient addition in mesocosms have been done with tropical or subtropical species, and more such controlled experiments would be helpful. Experimental duration influenced results, with more positive responses of epiphytes to nutrients at shorter durations in mesocosm experiments versus more positive responses at longer durations in field experiments. In the field, response of epiphyte biomass to nutrient additions was independent of climate zone. Mesograzer activity was a critical covariate for epiphyte response under experimental nutrient elevation, but the epiphyte response was highly dependent on factors such as grazer identity and density, as well as nutrient and ambient light levels. The balance of evidence suggests that epiphytes on SAV will be a useful indicator of persistent nutrient enhancement in many situations. Careful selection of appropriate temporal and spatial constraints for data collection, and concurrent evaluation of confounding factors will help increase the signal to noise ratio for this indicator.  相似文献   

黄洁  吝涛  胡灯进 《生态学报》2015,35(3):686-695
科学有效的指标体系是开展区域生态建设评估以及规划、管理的重要技术手段。然而目前在生态指标体系构建中仍缺乏对指标内涵的系统研究,同时指标的选取过程不够透明,掺杂诸多主观臆断,损害了生态指标体系构建的科学性和有效性。针对福建省生态建设实践,将网络分析与量化指标选择过程相结合,(1)根据福建省生态建设规划和目标,建立主题导向的生态省建设评估网状指标体系;(2)从因果联系、生态过程和管理需求三方面分析各个备选指标之间的相互联系,形成基于主题导向的生态指标网络;(3)根据生态指标应用的科学性和实用性标准,基于网络分析原理,建立生态建设评估指标选择标准矩阵和备选指标矩阵;(4)构建面向经济社会成本和生态完整性的指标选取模型,定量化选取符合福建省实际发展特征的生态建设评估操作指标体系。将有助于深入理解生态建设评估指标体系的内涵,提高指标体系构建的科学性和系统性,提升生态指标体系在实际生态建设评估、规划和管理应用中的效用。  相似文献   

利用结晶物质在一定温度下熔融的特性,通过对四种化学试剂进行熔点测定。选出试剂A和试剂B作为干热灭菌温度指示剂和参考指示剂。试验结果表明,这两种温度指示剂终点明确,简便快速,能满足180℃干热灭菌的温度要求,可以对干热灭菌的温度验证提供客观证据  相似文献   

Founded in thermodynamics and systems ecology, emergy evaluation is a method to associate a product with its dependencies on all upstream environmental and resource flows using a common unit of energy. Emergy is thus proposed as an indicator of aggregate resource use for life cycle assessment (LCA). An LCA of gold mining, based on an original life cycle inventory of a large gold mine in Peru, is used to demonstrate how emergy can be incorporated as an impact indicator into a process‐based LCA model. The results demonstrate the usefulness of emergy in the LCA context. The adaptation of emergy evaluation, traditionally performed outside of the LCA framework, requires changes to the conventional accounting rules and the incorporation of uncertainty estimations of the emergy conversion factors, or unit emergy values. At the same time, traditional LCA boundaries are extended to incorporate the environmental processes that provide for raw resources, including ores. The total environmental contribution to the product, doré, is dominated by mining and metallurgical processes and not the geological processes forming the gold ore. The measure of environmental contribution to 1 gram (g) of doré is 6.8E + 12 solar‐equivalent Joules (sej) and can be considered accurate within a factor of 2. These results are useful in assessing a process in light of available resources, which is essential to measuring long‐term sustainability. Comparisons are made between emergy and other measures of resource use, and recommendations are made for future incorporation of emergy into LCA that will result in greater consistency with existing life cycle inventory (LCI) databases and other LCA indicators.  相似文献   

With a growing number of forest biodiversity indicators being applied in forest policy documents and even more being suggested by the scientific community, there is a need to evaluate, review and critically assess the strength of evidence for individual indicators, their interrelationships and potential overlaps and gaps. Biodiversity indicators proposed for forest ecosystems in Europe were reviewed with the overarching aim of providing advice on strategic selection and combination of indictors. The objectives were to (1) establish interrelationships between indicators and their indicandum (i.e. the indicated aspect of biodiversity); (2) assess the strength of scientific evidence for individual indicators; and (3) identify a set of indicators with confirmed validity for further scientific testing and inclusion in long-term reporting and decision-making regarding forest biodiversity. Ten indicator groups and 83 individual indicators were identified with application from stand scale up to landscape scale in 142 eligible scientific papers. In 62 of the 142 studies no statistical correlations between indicator(s) and indicandum were performed and 42 (out of the 62) did not even present a clear indicandum. In the remaining 80 studies, 412 correlations between indicator and indicandum were identified. However, only six correlations were assessed as being supported by strong evidence, i.e. three or more studies found statistical correlation between the indicator and indicandum, and no studies reported contradictory results. For the species richness relationships, there was strong evidence for positive correlations between deadwood volume and wood-living fungal species richness; deadwood volume and saproxylic beetle species richness; deadwood diversity and saproxylic beetle species richness; age of canopy trees and epiphytic lichen species richness. There was strong evidence for a negative correlation between tree canopy cover and spider species richness. Concerning species composition-related correlation, there was strong evidence that the species composition of epiphytic lichens changed with the age of canopy trees. These results imply that the validity of most indicators on which monitoring and conservation planning are based are weakly scientifically supported and that further validation of current biodiversity indicators for forest ecosystems is needed.  相似文献   

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