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伪蝎生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peter Weygoldt(1969)编写出版了伪蝎生物学,内容丰富翔实,包括外部形态、内部解剖学与生理学、运动与一般行为、生殖与发育、胚胎后发育和蜕皮、寿命与衰老、生态学以及进化与分类系统学等,并附有大量的精细插图.本书侧重的是伪蝎生物学,附带了极少的进化与分类系统,但与当前的进化研究与分类系统相比,内容已显陈旧(如当时世界伪蝎种数1500,现已知3385).本书自出版至今没有再版.我国对伪蝎目动物无论是生物学还是分类学均了解甚少.在国家自然基金委资助下,我国于今年已启动伪蝎目分类项目.为了促进我国伪蝎研究,引发对伪蝎的兴趣,我们翻译了本书.为体现近年世界对伪蝎的研究进展,我们增加了序的内容.  相似文献   

我国5种土壤伪蝎记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋大祥 《蛛形学报》1996,5(1):75-80
记述采自我国亚热带土壤的蛛形纲伪蝎目5种:土伪蝎科Chthoniidae的强壮暴伪蝎Tyrannochthonius robustus和北部湾拉伪蝎Lagynochthonius tonkinensis,木伪蝎科Neobisiidae的中国华肉伪蝎Chinocreagris chinensis、巨小肉伪蝎Microcreagirs gigas和东方小肉伪蝎M.orientalis.  相似文献   

首次报道了采自中国贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区一洞穴的多腺巨伪蝎Megachernes glandulosus Mahnert,2009雌性,并对其形态特征进行了详细描述。标本保存于河北大学博物馆(MHBU)。多腺巨伪蝎Megachernes glandulosus Mahnert,2009(图1~3)鉴别特征:该种触肢非常粗短,触肢膝节中央明显具1突起,腿节和膝节着生大量浓密的长羽状刚毛;背甲刚毛正常;基节、第Ⅳ~Ⅸ每半个腹板和触肢螯固定指基部内侧面具大量腺体刚毛,第三步足和第四步足腿节和膝节腹面着生有大量腺体微刚毛。  相似文献   

产蝎及仔蝎的若干生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文实验用蝎绝大多数在夜间产仔。用特殊装置录得的图形显示,产仔前12—8小时移位走动较多;产后约一周内活动减少,通常出现在傍晚前后的频繁走动消失。1337只仔蝎初生体重平均在18mg以下,生后约10天内不摄食,体重逐日下降。仔蝎与亲蝎间无特异性识别能力;绝大多数产蝎 不食幼仔。文中描述了产蝎母性行为的若干方面,以及母性行为在未产孕蝎诱发的可能性,并对母性行为作了讨论。作者认为,用“残食”来描述蝎与蝎之间的某种关系,并没有触及其生物学特性的实质。  相似文献   

蝎蛉科与蚊蝎蛉科昆虫触角感器超微形态比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
触角是昆虫重要的感觉器官,其感觉功能主要是通过其上的各类感器来实现的。本文以染翅蝎蛉Sinopanorpa tincta(Nav偄s)和中华蚊蝎蛉Bittacus sinensis Walker为代表,采用扫描电子显微镜观察了蝎蛉科Panorpidae和蚊蝎蛉科Bittacidae触角感器的类型及其超微结构,并简要讨论了各种感器的功能。结果显示:染翅蝎蛉触角上共发现7种感器,分别为短刺形感器、Bhm氏鬃毛、毛形感器、短毛形感器、锥形感器、刺形感器、和微毛形感器。中华蚊蝎蛉触角上也发现7种感器,分别为Bhm氏鬃毛、芽形感器、毛形感器、刺形感器、畸形毛感器、腔锥感器和钟形感器。蚊蝎蛉触角与蝎蛉的最大区别是着生有大量的腔锥感器,初步推测众多的腔锥感器可能与蚊蝎蛉对湿度的高度敏感有关。  相似文献   

孕蝎饲养繁殖器具   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马氏钳蝎(Buthsu martensi)是我国分布范围最广、种群数量最多的一种传统的药用野生动物。属节肢动物门、蛛形纲。近年来有些地方在人工养蝎方面取得了一定的成就。由于孕蝎产仔期间性喜安静场所,一般都需要单独饲养,避免惊扰。在其产仔之后还要及时补充水分和食物,否则母蝎会残食仔蝎。因此,解决母蝎孕期的饲养繁殖器具是人工养蝎一项急待解决的课题。本文介绍了我室在对马氏钳蝎开发利用的研究过程中,设计并制造的一种行之有效、简单方便的孕蝎饲养繁殖器具,以供参考。  相似文献   

河南省伏牛山蝎蛉记述:长翅目:蝎蛉科   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文报道了1996年7月河南省伏牛山昆虫考察中采到的蝎蛉科6种昆虫,其中蝎蛉属Pamor pa4种,即大蝎蛉Panor pa magna Chou,六刺蝎蛉P.sexspina Cheng,华山蝎蛉P.emarginata Cheng和伏牛山蝎蛉P.funiushana Hua et Chou,sp.n。新蝎蛉属Neo panor pa2种,即河南新蝎蛉Neopanor pa longiproce  相似文献   

对蝎类物种的传统分类主要依靠形态和行为特征,但由于该类群种间形态特征极为相似,物种的划分和鉴定困难。为弥补传统分类方法的不足,本研究以线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COI)基因作为分子标记,对形态相似的壮真蝎Euscorpiops validus和普洱真蝎E.puerensis进行分子水平的物种鉴定。采用PCR扩增测序获得壮真蝎与普洱真蝎共24个样本的COI基因部分片段序列(660 bp),进行了遗传距离、系统发育及单倍型网络图分析。结果显示:壮真蝎15个样本中共检测到4个单倍型,单倍型之间的相似度为99.3%~99.8%;普洱真蝎9个样本中共检测到4个单倍型,单倍型之间的相似度为99.6%~99.8%;2种蝎的种间序列相似度为90.1%~90.6%,单倍型间的稳定差异核苷酸位点数为61个。壮真蝎与普洱真蝎种内平均遗传距离分别为0.004 0、0.002 3,种间平均遗传距离为0.103 9,且种间遗传距离为种内的34.6倍。此外,分子系统发育树显示壮真蝎与普洱真蝎的单倍型序列各自聚为2个单系枝,且具有很高的分枝自举值(100%)。单倍型网络图结果也显示壮真蝎与普洱真蝎8个单倍型明显分为2大类群,且壮真蝎的单倍型HAP2与普洱真蝎的单倍型HAP7之间的突变步数高达62步。上述结果不仅进一步确认壮真蝎与普洱真蝎为2个不同的物种,且表明线粒体COI基因可用于开展真蝎属Euscorpiops物种的分子鉴定。  相似文献   

蝎毒素基因分子生物学研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了克隆蝎毒素cDNA和基因组基因的策略以及蝎毒素cDNA的结构和毒素蛋白前体的翻译后加工过程,同时综述了蝎毒素基因组基因的组织结构及其mRNA前体的加工以及重组蝎毒素基因表达的研究进展.  相似文献   

描述了产于老挝北部和越南北部的豚蝎属2新种:老挝豚蝎Chaerilus laoticus sp.nov.和越南豚蝎Chaerilus vietnamicus sp.nov.。为比较,根据保存在法国自然历史博物馆的系列标本,重新描述和图示了产于越南南部的佩氏豚蝎Chaerilus petrzelkai Kovaík,2000。老挝豚蝎,新种Chaerilus laoticus sp.nov.(图20 ~38,54 ~57,62,63 , 66 , 67)正模♂,副模:4 ♂♂, 4♀♀,老挝库安县(Xiang Kuang, 1 500m) ,1939年1月,C.Dawydoff采。模式标本保存在法国自然历史博物馆, 1 ♂和1♀保存在河北大学博物馆。体长19 ~21mm。身体基色为浅黄至浅红黄色。背甲前缘平直,雄蝎几乎无脊和具弱的颗粒,雌蝎具稀疏而强的颗粒;雄蝎背沟浅,雌蝎背沟适度深。后体脊较显著;节Ⅰ腹脊退化,节Ⅱ腹脊较显著。触肢螯的可动指和固定指齿缘具7 ~8排斜齿。雄蝎栉板具5个栉齿,雌蝎栉板具4 ~5个栉齿。生殖板亚卵圆形。听毛模式B型。词源:新种的种名以模式标本的采集地而拟定。越南豚蝎,新种Chaerilus vietnamicus sp.nov.(图39 ~49 ,58 , 59 , 68)正模♀,越南老街红河(接近中国河口边界) , 1960年,采集者不详。保存在河北大学博物馆。体长26.5mm。身体基色为浅黄至浅红黄色。背甲前缘稍凹入,几乎无脊和具弱的颗粒;背沟深。后体脊适度到较显著,腹脊退化或缺。触肢螯的可动指和固定指齿缘具14 ~15排斜齿。栉板具4 ~5个栉齿。生殖板亚三角形。听毛模式B型。词源:新种的种名以模式标本的采集地而拟定。  相似文献   

Solifuges (order Solifugae) and pseudoscorpions (order Pseudoscorpiones) united into the superorder Haplocnemata (Shultz, 2007) are nevertheless characterized by essential differences both in morphological and biological characters. Analysis of available information on the biology and life cycles of these arachnids revealed a clear difference between the daily rhythms of activity: their presence in solifuges and their absence in pseudoscorpions. However, this concerning the seasonal adaptations in the two orders is not simple since they demonstrate not only differences but also a lot of similarities. All the studied solifuges are characterized by the seasonally timed stenochronous (heterodynamic) type of development which is characteristic of species with uni-, bi-, and semi-voltine development (i.e., to life cycles completed within a year, half a year, and several years), as well as to species combining different forms of voltinism. This type of development is not only prevalent in solifuges (as in pseudoscorpions and other arachnids) but appears to be the only one, since no cases of eurychronous (homodynamic) development have been found in solifuges; whereas pseudoscorpions and other arachnids develop both steno- and eurychronously. The initial ontogenetic stages remain in underground shelters (brood burrows in solifuges and brood chambers in pseudoscorpions). The first nymphal stages (I instar nymphs in solifuges, protonymphs in pseudoscorpions) are embryonized; active life outside the brood burrows starts with II instar nymphs in solifuges and with deutonymphs in pseudoscorpions.  相似文献   

Stahlavsky F  Kral J 《Hereditas》2004,140(1):49-60
Karyotypes of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) are largely unknown. Here we describe for the first time karyotypes of the suborder Epiocheirata, represented by 9 European species of two genera of Chthoniidae, Chthonius and Mundochthonius. Diploid chromosome numbers of males range from 21 to 37. Karyotypes of both genera differ substantially. Acrocentric chromosomes predominate in karyotypes of the genus Chthonius, whereas M. styriacus exhibits a predominance of metacentric chromosomes. These differences suggest that the two genera belong probably to distant branches of the family Chthoniidae. It is proposed that karyotype evolution of the genus Chthonius was characterised by a reduction of chromosome numbers by tandem and centric fusions as well as gradual conversion of acrocentric chromosomes to biarmed ones, mostly by pericentric inversions. A tendency towards reduced chromosome numbers is evident in the subgenus Ephippiochthonius. All species display X0 sex chromosome system that is probably ancestral in pseudoscorpions. The X chromosome exhibits conservative morphology. It is metacentric in all species examined, and in the majority of them, a subterminal secondary constriction was found at one of its arms. In contrast to chthoniids, secondary constriction was not reported on sex chromosomes of other pseudoscorpions. Analysis of prophase I chromosomes in males revealed an achiasmatic mode of meiosis. Findings of the achiasmatic meiosis in both genera, Chthonius and Mundochthonius, indicate that this mode of meiosis might be characteristic of the family Chthoniidae. Amongst arachnids, achiasmatic meiosis has only been described in some scorpions, acariform mites, and spiders.  相似文献   

Information of phoretic nematode-pseudoscorpion associations and cases of parasitism on five European species of pseudoscorpions was summarized by Cur?ic et al. [Curci?, B.P.M., Dimitrijevi?, R.N., Makarov, S.E., Luci?, L.R., Curci?, S.B., 1996. Further report on nematode-pseudoscorpion associations. Acta arachnol. 45, 43-46; Curci?, B.P.M., Sudhaus, W., Dimitrijevi?, R.N., Tomi?, V.T., Curci?, S.B., 2004. Phoresy of Rhabditophanes schneideri (Bütschli) (Rhabditida: Alloionematidae) on pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Nematology 6 (3), 313-317]. An examination of a sample of the cavernicolous pseudoscorpion Neobisium rajkodimitrijevici (Curci? and Tomi?, 2006) (comprising a holotype male and a paratype tritonymph) from a cave in Eastern Serbia revealed this false scorpion to be a nematode carrier; the present paper reports this finding and extends our knowledge of phoresy of Rhabditophanes on pseudoscorpions. This is the first time that the rhabditid R. schneideri (Bütschli, 1873) has been noted in association with a cavernicolous pseudoscorpion. There must be some patchily distributed micro-habitats in caves where saprobiotic nematodes and small arthropods can complete their life-cycles, for example something like deposits of bat guano. The transportation of Rhabditophanes J3 by pseudoscorpions indicate that Neobisium specimens often visit these micro-habitats to find their prey.  相似文献   

We surveyed pseudoscorpion fauna in the soil organic layer in managed and abandoned secondary forests in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, and studied the effects of forest management on the pseudoscorpions. The vegetation structure was generally more developed in abandoned stands than in managed stands. The depth of the soil organic layer was not significantly different between the two stand types. We observed a total of seven pseudoscorpion species belonging to five genera. Pseudoscorpion species richness and densities were higher in abandoned stands than in managed stands. We did not find any pseudoscorpions in stands where the summed vegetation cover was less than 150%.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The karyotypes of pseudoscorpions of the family Atemnidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) were studied for the first time. Karyotype data for 7 species have been obtained. The diploid chromosome numbers of most species considerably exceed the numbers reported in pseudoscorpions so far, with males ranging between 65 and 143. In spite of this, the sex chromosome system of atemnids is characterized by the same features that are found in the majority of other pseudoscorpions with an X0 system; the X chromosome is metacentric and is the largest chromosome or one of the largest chromosomes of the karyotype. Male meiotic cells of Atemnus politus contain 1 or 2 autosome multivalents; most specimens had 2 multivalents. The multivalents were composed of 4, 6, 8 or 10 chromosomes. Multivalent number and structure was consistent within each of the studied individuals. The same number of chromosomes in all of the males examined suggests that multivalents are generated by reciprocal translocations. The high diversity of multivalents suggests considerable range of translocation heterozygosity in the studied population.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Geogarypus nigrimanus (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida) is described. The spermatozoon is composed of a small elliptic nucleus, a short flagellum and a very long and complex acrosome. In the male genital ducts, as in other studied species of pseudoscorpions, the sperm components are rolled up to form a globular structure enclosed in a cyst wall. The Geogarypus spermatozoon with a reduced flagellum and a giant acrosome seems to be evolutionary more advanced than spermatozoa from other pseudoscorpions.  相似文献   

Complex social insect species exhibit task specialization mediated by morphological and behavioral traits. However, evidence of such traits is scarce for other social arthropods. We investigated whether the social pseudoscorpion Paratemnoides nidificator exhibits morphologically and behaviorally specialized individuals in prey capture. We measured body and chela sizes of adult pseudoscorpions and analyzed predation processes. Larger individuals spent more time moving through the colony and foraging than smaller pseudoscorpions. Individuals that captured prey had increased body and absolute chelae sizes. Although larger individuals had relatively small chelae size, they showed a higher probability of prey capture. Larger individuals manipulated prey often, although they fed less than smaller pseudoscorpions. Individuals that initiated captures fed more frequently and for more time than the others. Natural selection might be favoring individuals specialized in foraging and colony protection, allowing smaller and less efficient adults to avoid contact with dangerous prey. To our knowledge, there is incipient information regarding specialized individuals in arachnids, and our results might indicate the emergence of a morphologically specialized group in this species.  相似文献   

Many beetles associated with old trees are on national red lists, but pseudoscorpions living in similar habitats have received little attention. This study reports the habitat and occurrence patterns of two species of pseudoscorpions living in hollow trees. Their occurrence has been assessed by sieving wood mould from 274 oaks in southeastern Sweden and from museum specimens collected in Sweden. Larca lata is confined to hollow oaks with a large girth and a plentiful supply of wood mould. Allochernes wideri is much less particular about wood mould volume, trunk diameter and tree species. Larca lata inhabits hollow trunks with characteristics that are typical of very old trees, whereas A. wideri predominantly occurs in trunks in an earlier stage of hollow formation. Larca lata was almost exclusively found in larger assemblages of hollow oaks, which suggests long-term survival may be difficult when the network of suitable hollow trees is too sparse. Larca lata is a rare species in Europe and probably vulnerable to extinction, since it is dependent on a habitat which has declined severely in the last few centuries.  相似文献   

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