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构建了携带紫穗槐尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase,UGPase)基因和4-香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶(4-coumarate:coenzyme Aligase,4CL)反义基因的双价基因植物表达载体,用热激法转化至根癌农杆菌LBA4404中,并用制备的农杆菌工程菌进行了烟草转化。PCR及Southern杂交结果证实,双价基因已成功整合到烟草基因组中。综纤维素和硫酸木质素含量测定结果显示,转基因烟草纤维素含量增加,木质素含量减少,表明双价基因能够有效表达。  相似文献   

构建了携带紫穗槐尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, UGPase)基因和4-香豆酸: 辅酶A连接酶(4-coumarate: coenzyme A ligase, 4CL)反义基因的双价基因植物表达载体, 用热激法转化至根癌农杆菌LBA4404中, 并用制备的农杆菌工程菌进行了烟草转化。PCR及Southern 杂交结果证实, 双价基因已成功整合到烟草基因组中。综纤维素和硫酸木质素含量测定结果显示, 转基因烟草纤维素含量增加, 木质素含量减少,表明双价基因能够有效表达。  相似文献   

分析了田间栽培条件下2年生转UGPase基因喜树与对照株的木材化学成分与生长速率。结果表明,转UGPase基因喜树综纤维素含量达到78.87%,比对照株相比提高了2.23%;纤维素含量为36.34%,与对照株相比没有明显提高;木质素含量为15.05%,较对照株降低了1.75%;两者的灰分含量均较低且无显著差异;冷、热水抽提物含量为7.62%与10.17%,分别提高了2.04%与2.13%;1% NaOH抽提物含量为27.13%,提高了1.27%。因此,就综纤维素、木质素、灰分含量而言,转UGPase基因喜树为优质纸浆材,水抽提物和1% NaOH抽提物的含量略高,在纸浆生产中需加以重视。本文还对转UGPase基因喜树与对照株的株高、基径、生物量进行了动态监测,结果表明,从5月25日到11月10日的生长季中,其株高平均增加121 cm,对照株平均仅67.8 cm,株高生长速率提高了78.47%;基径平均增加1 792 cm,对照株平均仅0.532 8 cm,提高了236.37%;地上部分生物量的积累与对照相比提高了322.61%,即转入UGPase基因使喜树生长速率显著提高。因此,虽然转UGPase基因喜树的综纤维素和纤维素含量没有明显提高,但其生长速率快,生物量增长显著,间接提高了纤维素与喜树碱的产量。因此,转基因喜树较普通喜树更符合纸浆材速生、纤维素含量高和产量高、木质素含量低的基本要求,可在生产中进一步推广。  相似文献   

目的:利用烟草遗传转化体系,研究尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)咖啡酸氧甲基转移酶基因(Eu COMT)和咖啡酰Co A氧甲基转移酶基因(Eu CCo AOMT)对木质素单体合成的定向调控效果。方法:分别利用Eu COMT的正义片段、Eu CCo AOMT的全长RNAi片段进行单基因和二价基因的烟草转化研究,并对转基因烟草植株中目标基因表达水平、木质素和纤维素的含量、茎部解剖结构及木质素单体含量进行检测。结果:分别获得了转基因植株C-S(转Eu COMT正义片段)、CR(转Eu CCo AOMT全长RNAi片段)、C-CR(Eu COM和Eu CCo AOMT二价基因转化)。烟草中转入的正义Eu COMT的片段能够正常表达,而Eu CCo AOMT的全长RNAi片段对烟草CCo AOMT基因引发了强烈的抑制。转基因烟草的生长形态、木质素、纤维含量及解剖结构与野生型无显著差异。转基因植株C-S中G木质素含量升高17.72%,S/G值降低17.99%;CR中S/G值升高61.62%,CCR中G木质素降幅达到57.38%,S/G比值升幅达到114.94%。结论:抑制CCo AOMT对G木质素合成具有显著的抑制效果,Eu COMT和Eu CCo AOMT二价基因转化对S/G比值的定向调控效果最为理想。  相似文献   

为探究华南象草(Pennisetum purpureumcv.Huanan)木质素合成关键酶基因的调控机制,通过同源克隆得到华南象草4-香豆酸:CoA连接酶基因(Pp4CL)的cDNA序列,长度为1 943bp,其中编码区序列1 662bp。Pp4CL蛋白由553个氨基酸组成,分子量为59.57kD,等电点为5.2,属于疏水性蛋白。该蛋白含有AMP结合结构域,属于AFD ClassⅠ超家族。在系统进化分析中,Pp4CL与At4CL1、Os4CL1遗传距离最近,聚为一支。Pp4CL氨基酸序列具有SSGTGLPKGV和GEICIRG等2个保守基序,是典型的植物4CL。构建原核表达载体pGEX-4CL,得到约88kD的Pp4CL-GST融合蛋白,为Pp4CL酶活性测定及Western免疫印迹分析奠定了基础。同时构建植物表达载体pBA-4CL,并通过叶盘法对烟草进行了遗传转化,得到3个转基因阳性株系(OX-9、OX-7、OX-4),它们中叶柄木质素总含量分别比非转基因植株(对照)提高了10.0%、16.2%和94.6%,茎秆基部节木质素总含量分别比对照提高了0.9%、4.0%和13.5%。研究结果表明,Pp4CL蛋白与木质素合成有关,过表达Pp4CL基因能够显著提高植株木质素含量。该研究结果为华南象草木质素改良工作打下了基础,同时也为深入开展牧草分子育种提供了依据。  相似文献   

该研究根据已克隆的华南象草(Pennisetum purpureum cv.Huanan)肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)基因PpCAD的cDNA序列,构建亚细胞定位载体pAN580-PpCAD,用PEG介导法转化象草原生质体,以探究PpCAD蛋白在细胞内的定位;同时构建植物过表达载体pBA002-PpCAD,通过农杆菌介导法在烟草中异源表达,以研究PpCAD基因与植物木质素合成的关系。结果显示:(1)PpCAD定位在象草原生质体的细胞质内;(2)过表达载体pBA002-PpCAD转化烟草后获得27株转基因烟草,其中25株PCR鉴定为阳性;(3)半定量RT-PCR检测6株转基因烟草后发现,PpCAD基因在不同植株的表达量存在差异,通过Southern杂交检测后发现该差异与目的基因插入的拷贝数有关;(4)6株转基因烟草和野生型烟草表型上没有明显差异,除目的基因多拷贝插入的植株OEC6外,木质素含量有不同程度的提高,最高比野生型提高了56.50%。研究表明,PpCAD是一个细胞质蛋白,在烟草中过表达PpCAD能够提高植株木质素含量,表明PpCAD基因参与了植物的木质素合成,可用于象草的木质素调控研究。  相似文献   

该研究根据已克隆的华南象草(Pennisetum purpureum cv.Huanan)肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)基因PpCAD的cDNA序列,构建亚细胞定位载体pAN580-PpCAD,用PEG介导法转化象草原生质体,以探究PpCAD蛋白在细胞内的定位;同时构建植物过表达载体pBA002-PpCAD,通过农杆菌介导法在烟草中异源表达,以研究PpCAD基因与植物木质素合成的关系。结果显示:(1)PpCAD定位在象草原生质体的细胞质内;(2)过表达载体pBA002-PpCAD转化烟草后获得27株转基因烟草,其中25株PCR鉴定为阳性;(3)半定量RT-PCR检测6株转基因烟草后发现,PpCAD基因在不同植株的表达量存在差异,通过Southern杂交检测后发现该差异与目的基因插入的拷贝数有关;(4)6株转基因烟草和野生型烟草表型上没有明显差异,除目的基因多拷贝插入的植株OEC6外,木质素含量有不同程度的提高,最高比野生型提高了56.50%。研究表明,PpCAD是一个细胞质蛋白,在烟草中过表达PpCAD能够提高植株木质素含量,表明PpCAD基因参与了植物的木质素合成,可用于象草的木质素调控研究。  相似文献   

苎麻CCoAOMT基因cDNA反义转化模式烟草''WS38''   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苎麻咖啡酰辅酶A氧甲基转移酶(CCoAOMT)是其木质素合成过程的一种关键酶,运用克隆的该酶基因cDNA及植物表达载体pBI121、pWM101,分别构建了35S启动子控制的苎麻CCoAOMT基因反义cDNA基因质粒(pBI121-antiBnCCoAOMT)和cDNA全长表达质粒(pWM101-BnCCoAOMT),并通过根癌农杆菌介导法将其转化至模式烟草WS38,获得了转基因烟草.对转基因植株进行分子分析和组织学初步研究表明,转反义RNA基因植株叶柄木质素含量较野生烟草或转正义基因烟草叶柄木质素含量降低.说明运用反义RNA技术对CCoAOMT基因的表达进行基因工程调控,一定程度上可以对木质素的合成产生干扰,为获得低木质素或木质素组分改良的苎麻基因工程奠定基础.  相似文献   

翻译和非翻译马铃薯Y病毒外壳蛋白基因介导的抗病性比较   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用RT-PCR方法克隆获得马铃薯Y病毒烟草叶脉坏死株系(PVY^N)的可翻译和不可翻译外壳蛋白(CP)基因,并分别插入pROKⅡ质粒中获得重组双元表达载体。通过根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导的基因转化方法,将可翻译和不可翻译的PVY^N-CP基因分别导入烟草栽培品种NC89叶片组织中,得到抗卡那霉素的再生植株,对所得到的抗卡那霉素的再生苗进行PCR检测表明,被导入可翻译和不可翻译CP基因的植株分别占卡那霉素抗性植株的95%和98%。攻毒实验表明,两种类型的转基因烟草对PVY^N的抗病性具有相似性,其表现型为:免疫、抗病和感病。免疫型转基因植株的抗病性不受接种物类型及其剂量的影响。Southern印迹杂交结果显示,目的基因已经整合到烟草基因组中。Northern印迹杂交证明,两种类型的CP基因都已在RNA水平上得到了表达,但细胞内RNA的积累量与转基因植株的抗病强度成负相关。Western印迹杂交表明,在表达不可翻译PVY^N-CP基因的转基因植株内 以CP蛋白,而在导入可翻译的PVY^N-CP基因的植株内检测到了CP蛋白,且CP蛋白含量与抗病性不存在正相关。本研究结果证明,表达可翻译与不可翻译PVY^N-CP基因的转基因烟草对PVY^N的抗病性均为RNA介导的抗病性。  相似文献   

以野生型和过表达ZmSKIP基因烟草为试材, 研究了低温胁迫下过表达ZmSKIP对烟草抗氧化能力的影响。测定了不同低温处理时间下过表达ZmSKIP转基因烟草T3代植株和野生型植株抗氧化酶如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量以及相对电导率, 结果表明, 低温下, 相对于野生型植株, 转基因烟草具有较高的抗氧化酶活性和较低的相对电导率和MDA含量, 说明过表达ZmSKIP提高了转基因植株的耐低温胁迫能力。  相似文献   

Reducing the lignin content of trees could provide both economic and environmental benefits. To this end, the coumarate:coenzyme A ligase 1 gene (4CL1) was isolated from Pinus massoniana Lamb (Pm4CL1). The sequence of the full-length Pm4CL1 cDNA (accession no. FJ810495) contained an entire open reading frame (ORF) of 1,614 bp, which encoded a polypeptide of 537 amino acid residues. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) as a model plant was used for functional characterization of the Pm4CL1 gene in transgenic plants. Results revealed that 4CL1 enzyme activity and lignin content in most antisense Pm4CL1 transgenic tobacco lines were decreased as compared to wild-type; the average 4CL1 enzyme activity was decreased by 48.75% and lignin content was decreased by 24.5%. In contrast, in the sense Pm4CL1 transgenic tobacco lines, average 4CL1 enzyme activity was increased by 72.3% and lignin content was increased by 27.6%. These results suggest that the Pm4CL1 gene from P. massoniana could be applied to regulate lignin biosynthesis in transgenic trees.  相似文献   

Lignin is a complex aromatic polymer of vascular plants that provides mechanical strength to the stem and protects cellulose fibres from chemical and biological degradation. 4-Coumarate:CoA ligases (EC are key enzymes for the biosynthetic pathway of monolignols which is an important complex aromatic polymer for lignin biosynthesis and tree growth. Recently, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase has been used as exogenous gene in transgenic plants to genetically modify the lignin biosynthesis pathway. Since most lignin is produced in the vascular cells, a tissue-specific-expressed promoter in the vascular cell would be important and useful to change and modify the content of lignin. Here we report the existence of a promoter of GRP1.8 (the glycine-rich protein 1.8) in Sopho japonica L. (GenBank accession number AF250149) and studies on its function in transgenic tobacco. The promoter activity was analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants by histochemical staining of GUS gene expression driven by a 613-bp sjGRP1.8p promoter sequence. In sjGRP1.8p-GUS transgenic plants, intense GUS staining was detected in the xylem of the stem. To further investigate the regulation of the tissue-specific expression of the 4CL1 gene, we analyzed the activity of the 4CL1 gene which is sense orientated with the sjGRP1.8p promoter in transgenic tobacco. The Pto4CL1 gene was expressed in the stem of transgenic tobacco. The activity of the 4CL1 enzyme was increased 1–2-fold in the stem but not increased in the leaves of transgenic tobacco. In comparison with the control plants, the content of lignin was increased 25% in the stem but there was no increase in the leaves of transgenic tobacco.  相似文献   

Lu H  Zhao YL  Jiang XN 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(14):1147-1152
The ability of 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase promoter from Populus tomentosa (Pto4CL1p) to drive expression of the GUS reporter gene and 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase gene in tobacco has been studied using transgenic plants produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Intense GUS histochemical staining was detected in the xylem of stem in transgenic tobacco plants carrying the 1140 bp Pto4CL1p promoter. To further investigate the regulation function of the tissue-specific expression promoter, Pto4CL1p, a binary vector containing Pto4CL1p promoter fused with 4CL1 gene was transferred into tobacco. The activity of the 4CL1 enzyme doubled in the stems of transgenic tobacco but did not increase in the leaves. The content of lignin was increased 25% in the stem but there was no increase in the leaves of transgenic tobacco.  相似文献   

Initially, we isolated the caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene from Miscanthus sinensis (accession number HM062766.1). Next, we produced transgenic tobacco plants with down-regulated COMT gene expression to study its control of total phenol and lignin content and to perform morphological analysis. These transgenic plants were found to have reduced PAL and ascorbate peroxidases expression, which are related to the phenylpropanoid pathway and antioxidant activity. The MsCOMT-down-regulated plants had decreased total lignin in the leaves and stem compared with control plants. Reduced flavonol concentrations were confirmed in MsCOMT-down-regulated transgenic plants. We also observed a morphological difference, with reduced plant cell number in transgenic plants harboring antisense MsCOMT. The transgenic tobacco plants with down-regulated COMT gene expression demonstrate that COMT plays a crucial role related to controlling lignin and phenol content in plants. Also, COMT activity may be related to flavonoid production in the plant lignin pathway.  相似文献   

Because lignin limits the use of wood for fiber, chemical, and energy production, strategies for its downregulation are of considerable interest. We have produced transgenic aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) trees in which expression of a lignin biosynthetic pathway gene Pt4CL1 encoding 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) has been downregulated by antisense inhibition. Trees with suppressed Pt4CL1 expression exhibited up to a 45% reduction of lignin, but this was compensated for by a 15% increase in cellulose. As a result, the total lignin-cellulose mass remained essentially unchanged. Leaf, root, and stem growth were substantially enhanced, and structural integrity was maintained both at the cellular and whole-plant levels in the transgenic lines. Our results indicate that lignin and cellulose deposition could be regulated in a compensatory fashion, which may contribute to metabolic flexibility and a growth advantage to sustain the long-term structural integrity of woody perennials.  相似文献   

The introduction of chimeric sense and antisense gene constructsfor 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase into tobacco plants causedthe reduction of the 4CL activity in the transgenic plants.In the transgenic plants, the cell walls of the xylem tissuein stems were brown and the molecular structure of lignin inthe colored cell walls was dramatically different from thatin the control plants. Analysis with different types of stainrevealed that levels of cinnamyl aldehyde residues and syringylunits in lignin were depressed in the brownish cell walls. Furthermore,the lignin content in colored tissue was lower than that inthe normal tissue. Our results indicate that 4CL has importantroles in the determination of the composition and the amountof lignin in tobacco plants. (Received December 27, 1995; Accepted July 23, 1996)  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) was transformed with three genes involved in sucrose metabolism, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase, EC, sucrose synthase (SuSy, EC and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, EC Plants harbouring the single transgenes were subsequently crossed to produce double and triple transgenic lines, including: 2 × 35S::UGPase × SPS, 4CL::UGPase × SPS, 2 × 35S::SuSy × SPS, 4CL::SuSy × SPS, 2 × 35S::UGPase × SuSy × SPS, and 4CL::UGPase × SuSy × SPS. The ultimate aim of the study was to examine whether it is possible to alter cellulose production through the manipulation of sucrose metabolism genes. While altering sucrose metabolism using UGPase, SuSy and SPS does not have an end effect on cellulose production, their simultaneous overexpression resulted in enhanced primary growth as seen in an increase in height growth, in some cases over 50%. Furthermore, the pyramiding strategy of simultaneously altering the expression of multiple genes in combination resulted in increased time to reproductive bud formation as well as altered flower morphology and foliar stipule formation in 4CL lines. Upregulation of these sucrose metabolism genes appears to directly impact primary growth and therefore biomass production in tobacco.  相似文献   

The use of artificial zinc finger chimeras to manipulate the expression of a gene of interest is a promising approach because zinc finger proteins can be engineered to bind any given DNA sequence in the genome. We have previously shown that a zinc finger chimera with a VP16 activation domain can activate a reporter gene in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (Sánchez, J.P., Ullman, C., Moore, M., Choo, Y. and Chua, N.H. (2002) Regulation of gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana by artificial zinc finger chimeras. Plant Cell Physiol . 43 , 1465–1472). Here, we report the use of artificial zinc finger chimeras to specifically regulate the 4-coumarate:coenzyme-A ligase-1 ( At4CL1 ) gene in A. thaliana . At4CL1 is a key enzyme in lignin biosynthesis and the down-regulation of At4CL1 can lead to a decrease in lignin content, which has a significant commercial value for the paper industry. To this end, we designed zinc finger chimeras containing either an activation or a repression domain, which bind specifically to the At4CL1 promoter region. Transgenic lines expressing a zinc finger chimera with the VP16 activation domain showed an increase in At4CL1 expression and enzyme activity. In contrast, transgenic lines expressing a chimera with the KOX (KRAB) repression domain displayed repression of At4CL1 expression and enzyme activity. The activation of At4CL1 expression produced an increase in lignin content, and transgenic plant stems showed ectopic lignin distribution. Repression of the At4CL1 gene resulted in reduced lignin content, and lignin distribution in transgenic stems was severely diminished. Our results confirm and extend previous studies of gene regulation using various artificial zinc finger chimeras in animal and plant systems, and show that this system can be used to up- and down-regulate the expression of an endogenous plant gene such as At4CL1.  相似文献   

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