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肿瘤热疗中自动控温、恒温   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
肿瘤热疗技术在临床上得到了较为广泛的应用,但是对于人体深层部位的肿瘤,由于热能难于传至并集中于肿瘤部位,肿瘤热疗效果不理想.在当前肿瘤热疗中存在的另一个问题,即是准确、快速地测出热疗病灶部位的温度,仍然存在很大的困难,因而热剂量难于掌握,直接影响到肿瘤热疗的疗效.由于锰锌铁氧体磁性微粉吸收剂具有强烈吸收电磁波和存在居里温度的特性,采用在肿瘤热疗过程中,将锰锌铁氧体磁性微粉吸收剂输入血管中,可以达到对肿瘤热疗自动控温、恒温和提高疗效的目的.  相似文献   

本文介绍了肿瘤热疗及其存在的问题,并对磁热疗,磁性纳米粒子材料在热疗中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

热疗作为继手术、放疗和化疗后的肿瘤治疗的重要方法之一,自其诞生之初便受到研究人员和产业部门的关注.磁热疗目前已经应用到前列腺癌、脑部肿瘤等临床实验或治疗中,并取得较好的疗效.本文主要介绍基于磁性纳米颗粒的磁热疗产热物理机制与影响因素,以及磁热的亚细胞水平生物学效应.  相似文献   

肿瘤热疗的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肿瘤热疗是近年来研究的热点.肿瘤热疗后宿主机体的免疫功能发生变化,宿主全身抗肿瘤免疫反应被激活.本文从基础研究和临床试验两个方面对热疗后机体免疫功能的改变及其杀伤肿瘤的机理作一综述.  相似文献   

热疗在近年来已经成为肿瘤治疗最为重要的手段之一,但存在一定的局限性。磁流体热疗技术作为新兴发展起来的热疗手段,克服了常规热疗的缺陷,可以辅助治疗,甚至发展成独立治疗手段。本文综述了国内外近年来有关磁流体热疗基础研究及试验领域的最近进展,首先对磁流体特性、常见磁流体材料和交变磁场装置等方面进行了介绍,最后介绍了磁流体肿瘤热疗技术在体外试验、动物试验和临床研究方面的进展状况。虽然磁流体热疗逐步进入临床阶段,但仍存在不足,需要进一步的完善提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

肿瘤热疗已成为一种重要的治癌手段 ,但是对于人体深层部位的肿瘤 ,由于人体内各部脏器组织对电磁波的干扰及人体内各部分物理特性的非均匀性 ,肿瘤热疗的疗效并不显著。本文提出一种提高肿瘤热疗疗效的新方法 ,它能使肿瘤热疗既适用于浅层肿瘤的治疗又适用于深层肿瘤的治疗 ;通过静脉注射将多晶铁纤维注入血管 ,利用稳恒梯度磁场诱导多晶铁纤维定位于肿瘤病灶局部 ,然后在微波照射下 ,多晶铁纤维将有效地吸收微波能量 ,并将其转换成热能对肿瘤组织加热 ,杀灭肿瘤细胞。本文对多晶铁纤维提高肿瘤热疗疗效的应用基础进行了研究 ,并得出重要结论 ;多晶铁纤维通过很强的畴壁运动损耗和宏观涡流损耗将入射的微波能量转换成热能从而对肿瘤加温 ;热疗过程中当微波频率为 1 1GHz时多晶铁纤维吸收转换微波能量的效率最高 ;稳恒梯度磁场可用于诱导多晶铁纤维定位于肿瘤病灶局部等。随着研究的深入 ,多晶铁纤维将使肿瘤热疗发展成更为重要的肿瘤治疗手段。  相似文献   

肿瘤热疗是近年来研究的热点。肿瘤热疗后宿主机体的免疫功能发生变化,宿主全身抗肿瘤免疫反应被激活。本文从基础研究和临床试验两个方面对热疗后机体免疫功能的改变及其杀伤肿瘤的机理作一综述。  相似文献   

应用多晶铁纤维提高肿瘤热疗疗效的基础研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
肿瘤热疗已成为一种重要的治癌手段,但是对于人体深层部位的肿瘤,由于人体内各部脏器组织对电磁波的干扰及人体内各部分物理特性的非均匀性,肿瘤热疗的疗效并不显。本提出一种提高肿瘤热疗疗效的新方法,它能使肿瘤热疗既适用于浅层肿瘤的治疗又适用于深层肿瘤的治疗:通过静脉注射将多晶铁纤维注入血管,利用稳恒梯度磁场诱导多晶铁纤维定位于肿瘤病灶局部,然后在微波照射下,多晶铁纤维将有效地吸收微波能量,并将其转换成热能对肿瘤组织加热,杀灭肿瘤细胞。本对多晶铁纤维提高肿瘤热疗疗效的应用基础进行了研究,并得出重要结论;多晶铁纤维通过很强的畴壁运动损耗和宏观涡流损耗将入射的微波能量转换成热能从而对肿瘤加温;热疗过程中当微波频率为11GHz时多晶铁纤维吸收转换微波能量的效率最高;稳恒梯度磁场可用于诱导多晶铁纤维定位于肿瘤病灶局部等。随着研究的深入,多晶铁纤维将使肿瘤热疗发展成更为重要的肿瘤治疗手段。  相似文献   

目的 探讨短波热疗对荷VX2肿瘤的抑制作用.方法 选择一级新西兰兔49只,随机分成热化组(RH)13只、热疗组(R)13只、化疗组(H)12只和空白对照组(K)11只.移植VX2肿瘤10天后,对RH组施加热疗和化疗,R组施加热疗,H组施加化疗,K组不作任何处理,监测肿瘤的变化.结果 RH组、R组、H组和K组平均瘤重为9.1 g、29.81 g、16.62 g和29.93 g.RH组瘤重极显著小于对照组(P<0.01),并显著小于H组(P<0.05).肿瘤平均大小为:7.81 cm3、26.28 cm3、11.66 cm3和30.94 cm3,RH组肿瘤平均体积比H组小,但无显著性差异.结论 短波热疗结合化疗对兔VX2肿瘤的抑制作用明显高于单纯化疗.单纯热疗未见对肿瘤有明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   

铁氧体微粉吸收剂是一种高性能的磁性微波吸收剂。经静脉注射和磁场诱导定位于肿瘤后 ,铁氧体微粉可以充分吸收体外传入的微波能量 ,并将其转换成热能对肿瘤加热 ,因而可以提高热效率、改善热分布的均匀性及消除冷点。本文首先阐述了肿瘤热疗中存在的问题 ,然后介绍了铁氧体微粉在肿瘤热疗中的应用原理和方法 ,分析了铁氧体微粉的发热机理 ,并对铁氧体微粉在肿瘤化疗中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This mini-review has investigated the recent progress regarding gold nanostructures capacities of energy absorption for thermal therapy applications. Unselective thermal therapy of malignant and normal tissues could lead to irreversible damage to healthy tissues without effective treatment on target malignant tissues. In recent years, there has been a considerable progress in the field of cancer thermal therapy for treating target malignant tissues using nanostructures. Due to the remarkable physical properties of the gold nanoparticle, it has been considered as an exceptional element for thermal therapy techniques. Different types of gold nanoparticles have been used as energy absorbent for thermal therapy applications under several types of energy exposures. Electromagnetic, ultrasound, electric and magnetic field are examples for these energy sources. Well-known plasmonic photothermal therapy which applies electromagnetic radiation is under clinical investigation for the treatment of various medical conditions. However, there are many other techniques in this regard which should be explored.  相似文献   

Minimally invasive image-guided tumor ablation using short duration heating via needle-like applicators using energies such as radiofrequency or microwave has seen increasing clinical use to treat focal liver, renal, breast, bone, and lung tumors. Potential benefits of this thermal therapy include reduced morbidity and mortality compared to standard surgical resection and ability to treat non-surgical patients. However, improvements to this technique are required as achieving complete ablation in many cases can be challenging particularly at margins of tumors>3 cm in diameter and adjacent to blood vessels. Thus, one very promising strategy has been to combine thermal tumor ablation with adjuvant nanoparticle-based chemotherapy agents to improve efficiency. Here, we will primarily review principles of thermal ablation to provide a framework for understanding the mechanisms of combination therapy, and review the studies on combination therapy, including presenting preliminary data on the role of such variables as nanoparticle size and thermal dose on improving combination therapy outcome. We will discuss how thermal ablation can also be used to improve overall intratumoral drug accumulation and nanoparticle content release. Finally, in this article we will further describe the appealing off-shoot approach of utilizing thermal ablation techniques not as the primary treatment, but rather, as a means to improve efficiency of intratumoral nanoparticle drug delivery.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of thermal neutron capture therapy (TNCT) for melanoma cell inactivation using 10B1-paraboronophenylalanine (10B1-BPA) was carried out to demonstrate a high therapeutic effect of TNCT, compared with that of fast neutron. Cells preincubated with or without 10B1-BPA at a concentration of 50 micrograms/ml for 20 h were irradiated with 60Co gamma-ray, fast neutron or thermal neutron. The absorbed dose of the cells from thermal neutron was calculated by Kobayashi's model. The D0 value of fast neutron was 1.07 Gy, and the D0S of thermal neutron radiation with or without preincubation of the cells with 10B1-BPA were 0.46 Gy or 0.67 Gy, respectively. The RBEs of fast neutron, thermal neutron beams, and neutron capture therapy relative to 60Co gamma-ray were calculated as 2.78, 4.18, and 6.15 at 0.1 surviving fraction, respectively. These results indicate radiologically that thermal neutron capture therapy using 10B1-BPA is an excellent radiation therapy for malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were exposed to thermal and epithermal neutrons, and the occurrence of mutations at the HPRT locus was investigated. The Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR), which has been improved for use in neutron capture therapy, was the neutron source. Neutron energy spectra ranging from nearly pure thermal to epithermal can be chosen using the spectrum shifters and thermal neutron filters. To determine mutant frequency and cell survival, cells were irradiated with thermal and epithermal neutrons under three conditions: thermal neutron mode, mixed mode with thermal and epithermal neutrons, and epithermal neutron mode. The mutagenicity was different among the three irradiation modes, with the epithermal neutrons showing a mutation frequency about 5-fold that of the thermal neutrons and about 1.5-fold that of the mixed mode. In the thermal neutron and mixed mode, boron did not significantly increase the frequency of the mutants at the same dose. Therefore, the effect of boron as used in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is quantitatively minimal in terms of mutation induction. Over 300 independent neutron-induced mutant clones were isolated from 12 experiments. The molecular structure of HPRT mutations was determined by analysis of all nine exons by multiplex polymerase chain reaction. In the thermal neutron and mixed modes, total and partial deletions were dominant and the fraction of total deletions was increased in the presence of boron. In the epithermal neutron mode, more than half of the mutations observed were total deletions. Our results suggest that there are clear differences between thermal and epithermal neutron beams in their mutagenicity and in the structural pattern of the mutants that they induce. Mapping of deletion breakpoints of 173 partial-deletion mutants showed that regions of introns 3-4, 7/8-9 and 9-0 are sensitive to the induction of mutants by neutron irradiation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the thermal behavior in living biological tissues using time fractional dual-phase-lag bioheat transfer (DPLBHT) model subjected to Dirichelt boundary condition in presence of metabolic and electromagnetic heat sources during thermal therapy. We solved this bioheat transfer model using finite element Legendre wavelet Galerkin method (FELWGM) with help of block pulse function in sense of Caputo fractional order derivative. We compared the obtained results from FELWGM and exact method in a specific case, and found a high accuracy. Results are interpreted in the form of standard and anomalous cases for taking different order of time fractional DPLBHT model. The time to achieve hyperthermia position is discussed in both cases as standard and time fractional order derivative. The success of thermal therapy in the treatment of metastatic cancerous cell depends on time fractional order derivative to precise prediction and control of temperature. The effect of variability of parameters such as time fractional derivative, lagging times, blood perfusion coefficient, metabolic heat source and transmitted power on dimensionless temperature distribution in skin tissue is discussed in detail. The physiological parameters has been estimated, corresponding to the value of fractional order derivative for hyperthermia treatment therapy.  相似文献   

Thermal therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia requires accurate prediction of the temperature distribution induced by the heating within the prostatic tissue. In this study, the Pennes bioheat transfer equation was used to model the transient heat transfer inside the canine prostate during transurethral microwave thermal therapy. Incorporating the specific absorption rate of microwave energy in tissue, a closed-form analytical solution was obtained. Good agreement was found between the theoretical predictions and in-vivo experimental results. Effects of blood perfusion and the cooling at the urethral wall on the temperature rise were investigated within the prostate during heating. The peak intraprostatic temperatures attained by application of 5, 10, or 15 W microwave power were predicted to be 38 degrees C, 41 degrees C, and 44 degrees C. Results from this study will help optimize the thermal dose that can be applied to target tissue during the therapy.  相似文献   

An effective method of thermal therapy to fifth-instar silkworm larva (Bombyx mori) has been developed for the control of the flacherie virus disease. Fifth-instar larvae, which were infected with the flacherie virus in their fourth instar, were reared at 27°C for 5 days and then transferred to 37°C for 1–3 days. Such larvae were able to form normal cocoons. The basis for the thermal therapy appeared to be: (1) the discharge of the virus-infected goblet cells into the midgut lumen and out with the feces and (2) the escape of the newly regenerated goblet cells from infection and virus multiplication.  相似文献   

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - The transfer of radon from thermal water via the skin to different human organs in radon therapy can experimentally be determined by measuring the radon...  相似文献   

Gold nanoparticles (GNPs)-based photothermal therapy (PTT) is a promising minimally invasive thermal therapy for the treatment of focal malignancies. Although GNPs-based PTT has been known for over two decades and GNPs possess unique properties as therapeutic agents, the delivery of a safe and effective therapy is still an open question. This review aims at providing relevant and recent information on the usage of GNPs in combination with the laser to treat cancers, pointing out the practical aspects that bear on the therapy outcome. Emphasis is given to the assessment of the GNPs’ properties and the physical mechanisms underlying the laser-induced heat generation in GNPs-loaded tissues. The main techniques available for temperature measurement and the current theoretical simulation approaches predicting the therapeutic outcome are reviewed. Topical challenges in delivering safe thermal dosage are also presented with the aim to discuss the state-of-the-art and the future perspective in the field of GNPs-mediated PTT.  相似文献   

Carbon encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles may find many prospective biomedical applications, e.g., in drug and gene delivery systems, disease detection, cancer therapy, rapid toxic cleaning, biochemical sensing, and magnetic resonance imaging. Each of these applications hinges on the relationship between magnetic fields and biological systems. Herein we present the results on the thermal stability of carbon encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles. The products were synthesized by using induction radio frequency (RF) thermal plasma. Phase composition and morphology were studied by powder X-ray diffraction and HRTEM, respectively. Thermal stability was investigated by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analyses. Carbon nanostructures were thermally stable up to 500 K.  相似文献   

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