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Adaptive within-clutch allocation of resources by laying females is an important focus of evolutionary studies. However, the critical assumption of these studies, namely that within-clutch egg-size deviations affect offspring performance, has been properly tested only rarely. In this study, we investigated effects of within-clutch deviations in egg size on nestling survival, weight, fledgling condition, structural size and offspring recruitment to the breeding population in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). Besides egg-size effects, we also followed effects of hatching asynchrony, laying sequence, offspring sex and paternity. There was no influence of egg size on nestling survival, tarsus length, condition or recruitment. Initially significant effect on nestling mass disappeared as nestlings approached fledging. Thus, there seems to be limited potential for a laying female to exploit within-clutch egg-size variation adaptively in the collared flycatcher, which agrees with the majority of earlier studies on other bird species. Instead, we suggest that within-clutch egg-size variation originates from the effects of proximate constraints on laying females. If true, adaptive explanations for within-clutch patterns in egg size should be invoked with caution.  相似文献   

We examined the relative contributions of egg size and parental quality to hatching success, fledging success, and chick growth in the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) be exchanging clutches between nests to reduce the covariation between egg and parental factors. Among control nests, fledging success increased slightly with egg size. However, the effect of egg size independently of parental quality was limited to an influence on chick mass and size for the first 10 days post-hatching. In contrast, attributes of the parents influenced nesting success and chick size at fledging, independently of the egg size actually raised. We suggest that the common occurrence of a positive phenotypic correlation between egg size and fledging success is due to two factors: (1) adults laying large eggs tend to be of higher quality; and (2) to the extent that egg size does influence early survival independently of parental quality, the effect on survival is due to a maternal effect on egg composition rather than an inherent effect of egg size.  相似文献   

The consequences of avian egg-size variation on offspring quality and survival remain unclear. We evaluated the effects of egg-size and hatch-date variation on survival of Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis ducklings in the wild. Duckling mass at hatching increased significantly with increasing egg size. Ducklings from larger eggs survived better than those from smaller eggs. We suspect that ducklings from larger eggs survived better because of advantages associated with larger or more efficient utilization of nutrient reserves, or both. We were unable to detect any within-clutch differences in egg size of survivors and non-survivors, nor any consistent direction in the difference in egg size between survivors and nonsurvivors within clutches. This suggests that within-clutch variation may be insufficient to have survival consequences for offspring. In addition, ducklings that hatched later in the breeding season had a higher probability of survival. We suggest a food-dependent hypothesis as an explanation for the seasonally increasing survival and for later nest initiation of Lesser Scaup compared with other North American ducks.  相似文献   

Sockman KW 《PloS one》2008,3(3):e1785
Simultaneously dependent siblings often compete for parentally provided resources. This competition may lead to mortality, the probability of which may be a function, in part, of the individual offspring's production order. In birds, serial ovulation followed by hatching asynchrony of simultaneous dependents leads to differences in post-hatching survival that largely depend on ovulation (laying) order. This has led to the widespread assumption that early-laid eggs are of greater value and therefore should possess different maternally manipulated characteristics than later-laid eggs. However, this perspective ignores the potential effect of laying order on pre-hatching viability, an effect which some studies suggest should offset the effect of laying order on post-hatching viability. I examined the relationship between laying order and hatching and fledging probability in wild, free-living Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii). In broods with complete hatching success, first-laid and therefore first-hatched offspring had the highest probability of fledging, and fledging probability declined with increasing laying order. However, first-laid eggs were less likely than later-laid eggs to hatch. This effect of laying order on pre-hatching viability seemed to offset that on post-hatching viability, and, consistently, maternal investment in egg size varied little if at all with respect to laying order. These results suggest that ovulation order mediates a trade-off between pre-hatching and post-hatching viability and should encourage a re-evaluation of the solitary role post-embryonic survival often plays when researchers make assumptions about the value of propagules based on the order in which they are produced.  相似文献   

We studied the consequences of intraclutch egg-size variation in Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus in southern Spain to test the hypothesis that females allocate resources preferentially to eggs with the greatest survival potential. Second eggs were larger and had a greater hatching success than the other eggs in a clutch. However, we did not find unequivocal support for the differential allocation hypothesis, because egg failures according to laying order were not due to the causes predicted by the hypothesis, and the change in egg-size with laying order was not consistent between successive clutches of renesting females. This suggests that nutrient availability during egg formation could act as a proximate factor affecting egg-size independently of laying order. Larger eggs produced heavier chicks and, within broods, heavier chicks were most likely to be recruited into the breeding population. By laying clutches with a larger mean egg volume in replacement clutches, females took longer to lay again after failure of the first clutch. Thus, opposing selective forces may act to increase and decrease egg volume. Although a trade-off between egg-size and clutch-size has not been found in precocial birds, our results suggest that there may be a trade-off between egg-size and fecundity, since an increase in the size of eggs within clutches may limit the time remaining within the season to lay second or replacement clutches.  相似文献   

Budden AE  Beissinger SR 《Oecologia》2005,144(2):318-326
Life history theory predicts phenotypic trade-offs between the number and quality of offspring produced. Intraspecific variation in egg mass is common in birds and increased egg size can have positive effects on offspring fitness. However, evidence of a trade-off with clutch size is limited. We analyzed variation in mass of 5,743 Green-rumped parrotlet (Forpus passerinus) eggs laid over 15 years to evaluate the potential for facultative adjustment of egg mass and factors governing variation. Heavier eggs had an increased probability of both hatching and fledging but egg mass did not affect postfledging recruitment. Offspring egg mass differed between populations and the potential for seasonal adjustment to egg mass may be related to environmental factors such as seed density. Egg mass was moderately heritable (h 2=0.42) which accounts for some of the individual variation detected, and these results are likely attributable to strong maternal effects. We found an effect of female age on egg mass, but no effects of previous reproductive experience. Finally, egg mass was strongly governed by position within the laying sequence, independent of clutch size, and such adjustment may facilitate brood reduction under some conditions in this highly asynchronous species.  相似文献   

Summary There is a range of egg size phenotypes in Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) that has a large genetic component. It was hypothesized that egg size variation could play an important role in survival of newly hatched ducklings during their first few days out of the nest when they are most susceptible to thermal stress and starvation. Precocial young must be physiologically capable of maintaining homeothermy in order to spend adequate time foraging. Duckling size at hatching was highly correlated with egg mass, and those hatching from heavier eggs were able to maintain homeothermy at colder environmental temperatures than those from lighter eggs. Heavy ducklings had significantly lower mass-specific cooling rates, but lower critical temperature did not vary significantly among ducklings of different size. Although insulation and energy reserves were not proportionally greater in larger ducklings, those hatching from heavier eggs can survive starvation longer than those from lighter eggs. The relative cold tolerance of young from light and heavy eggs will affect the ratio of time spent foraging to time spent being brooded by the female parent. Although there is no direct evidence that selection is acting on egg size, variation in this trait within a population could be maintained by fluctuating environmental conditions at hatch.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between egg size and composition and their subsequent effects on hatching and fledging success in Eurasian Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus on the island of Schiermonnikoog (53̀30'N, 06̀10'E) in the Dutch Wadden Sea between 1986 and 1990. Egg size variation was considerable. The ratio in egg volume of the largest over the smallest egg was more than 1.5 in each of five years. Differences between females accounted for, on average, 61% of the total variance of egg volume. Individual females produced similarly sized eggs from one year to another. Nevertheless, average egg volume per clutch declined by 0.2 cm3 per year as females aged, but this explains little of the observed variation. Female size and food supplementation had no significant effect on egg volume. In absolute terms, large eggs contain more lean dry matter and lipid than small eggs, but the proportion of both constituents decreases with egg size. Consequently, the combustible energy content of eggs increases less than proportionally with egg size. Hatchability averaged 87% and was not correlated with egg volume. Hatchling weight increased with egg size, averaging 65% of fresh egg weight. Chick survival until fledging did not increase with egg volume. Consequently, within the size range observed, large and small eggs are of comparable quality. Since both the costs and benefits of large eggs compared with small eggs seem small at best, we propose that, within the size range encountered in this population, egg size can be considered an evolutionarily neutral trait.  相似文献   

Egg size is a widely-studied trait and yet the causes and consequences of variation in this trait remain poorly understood. Egg size varies greatly within many avian species, with the largest egg in a population generally being at least 50% bigger, and sometimes twice as large, as the smallest. Generally, approximately 70% of the variation in egg mass is due to variation between rather than within clutches, although there are some cases of extreme intra-clutch egg-size variation. Despite the large amount of variation in egg size between females, this trait is highly consistent within individuals between breeding attempts; the repeatability of egg size is generally above 0.6 and tends to be higher than that of clutch size or laying date. Heritability estimates also tend to be much higher for egg size (> 0.5) than for clutch size or laying date (< 0.5). As expected, given the high repeatability and heritability of egg size, supplemental food had no statistically significant effect on this trait in 18 out of 28 (64%) studies. Where dietary supplements do increase egg size, the effect is never more than 13% of the control values and is generally much less. Similarly, ambient temperature during egg formation generally explains less than 15% of the variation in egg size. In short, egg size appears to be a characteristic of individual females, and yet the traits of a female that determine egg size are not clear. Although egg size often increases with female age (17 out of 37 studies), the change in egg size is generally less than 10%. Female mass and size rarely explain more than 20% of the variation in egg size within species. A female's egg size is not consistently related to other aspects of reproductive performance such as clutch size, laying date, or the pair's ability to rear young. Physiological characteristics of the female (e.g. endogenous protein stores, oviduct mass, rate of protein uptake by ovarian follicles) show more promise as potential determinants of egg size. With regards to the consequences of egg-size variation for offspring fitness, egg size is often correlated with offspring mass and size within the first week after hatching, but the evidence for more long-lasting effects on chick growth and survival is equivocal. In other oviparous vertebrates, the magnitude of egg-size variation within populations is often as great or greater than that observed within avian populations. Although there are much fewer estimates of the repeatability of egg size in other taxa, the available evidence suggests that egg size may be more flexible within individuals. Furthermore, in non-avian species (particularly fish and turtles), it is more common for female mass or size to explain a substantial proportion of the variation in egg size. Further research into the physiological basis of egg-size variation is needed to shed light on both the proximate and ultimate causes of intraspecific variation in this trait in birds.  相似文献   

We carried out an egg-removal experiment on Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis to test the hypothesis that tactile contact between the brood patch and eggs accumulating in the nest during laying was causally related to intraclutch egg-size variation, acting through the development of incubation behaviour. Egg removal had no effect on mean egg mass, relaying interval or clutch size: mean (±s.e.) clutch sizes for first clutches were 4.9 ± 0.9 and 4.7 ± 0.9 eggs for control and experimental females, respectively. We therefore conclude that Barnacle Geese have a determinate pattern of egg laying. Daily removal of all eggs from the first-laid egg did not affect the within-clutch pattern of egg-size variation: in both control and experimental clutches the first egg was relatively small, the second or third egg was largest and there was a linear decline in egg size to the smallest, last-laid egg. There was no significant difference in either the absolute or relative size of the last-laid eggs in control and experimental clutches. Tactile contact with eggs in the nest, therefore, is not required for the expression of intraclutch egg-size variation in Barnacle Geese. In this respect, determinate-laying Barnacle Geese differ from species with indeterminate laying patterns (e.g. gulls) where egg removal does affect the normal pattern of within-clutch egg-size variation. If hormonal changes (e.g. prolactin) associated with onset of incubation are causally related to the intraclutch decrease in egg size, then the stimuli involved appear to differ between determinate and indeterminate layers.  相似文献   

The relationship between offspring size and offspring number is crucial to life history evolution. To examine how these two life history variables are coupled and whether an altered balance between them will result in changes in maternal fitness, we manipulated clutch size of the Chinese cobra (Naja atra) by using the techniques of hormonal manipulation and follicle ablation. Females receiving exogenous follicle-stimulating hormone produced more but smaller eggs, and females undergoing follicle ablation produced fewer but larger eggs. Neither body size (body mass and snout-vent length) at hatching nor egg mass at oviposition had a role in determining hatchling survival and growth. Female hatchlings were more likely to die in early post-hatching days and grew more slowly than male hatchlings. Our data show that: (1) there is a nonlinear continuum of egg size-number trade-offs in N. atra within which there is a single inflexion where the rate at which egg size decreases with increasing clutch size, or clutch size increases with decreasing egg size, is maximized; (2) there is a fixed upper limit to egg size for a given-sized female, and the limit is not determined by her body volume; (3) egg size has no role in determining hatchling survival and growth; and (4) the extent to which females may enjoy reproductive benefits in a given reproductive episode depends on how well egg size and egg number are balanced.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of birds have demonstrated the value of producinginsurance eggs. We have previously found that second eggs provideinsurance against failure of first eggs for Nazca boobies (Sulagranti), which raise only one chick to fledging, yet some femaleslay only one egg. We used an 8-year data set to compare 2 hypothesesfor clutch size variation: one based on trade-offs, predictingdeclining future performance by females that lay a costly secondegg and one based on parental quality, predicting that intrinsicallysuperior females lay 2 eggs both currently and in the future.Clutch size variation did not contribute to the best multistatemark–recapture model of survival, suggesting that clutchsize and survival are unrelated and that any survival cost ofreproduction related to laying second eggs is small. Transitionprobabilities between reproductive states were generally, butnot entirely, inconsistent with fecundity costs of producinga marginal egg. Parental quality effects were apparent, withfemales tending to remain in a given reproductive state acrossseasons. Parents producing a marginal egg had consistently higherbreeding success than did parents of 1-egg clutches, due principallyto the insurance effect and secondarily to differences in parentalquality after hatching. Different model selection approachesgave differing results for logistic regression analyses of breedingsuccess of females that hatched eggs. A conventional significance-testing,iterative-fitting approach excluded insurance state from thetop model, whereas the information-theoretic (I-T) approachdetected an association between current insurance state andsubsequent survival and fecundity. Using the I-T approach, potentiallybiological significant (but not statistically significant underconventional analysis) effects were detected that may otherwisehave been ignored.  相似文献   

The expression and maintenance of maternal behavior in the earwig,Euborellia annulipes, was examined through manipulation of clutch size, age, and species and through observations of interactions between brooding females. Females underwent discrete gonadotrophic cycles culminating in oviposition of first clutches that were highly variable in size. Neither the head capsule width nor the age of the mother was correlated with clutch size. Maternal care extended through embryogenesis and for the week following hatching. Clutch removal significantly shortened the interclutch interval, indicating that the presence of brood inhibited the onset of the second gonadotrophic cycle. Brooding females readily accepted replacement clutches of the same age. Thus, mothers did not appear to distinguish their own eggs from those of other females. Experimental doubling of clutch size did not significantly reduce the proportion hatching or fledging. In contrast, reducing clutch size diminished the percentage successfully fledging. Manipulation of clutch age resulted in reduced hatching/fledging success. Placing two females, each with newly laid clutches, in the same cage usually resulted in egg transfer from the nest of one female to that of the other within 12 h. Nests of females with larger forceps were significantly more likely to contain both clutches. When mothers with first clutches were paired with mothers with third clutches, eggs were more likely to be transferred to the nest of the older female.E. annulipes females with newly laid clutches appeared to accept as replacement clutches eggs of the earwigDoru taeniatum. Alien clutches were maintained for the typical duration of embryogenesis; however, noD. taeniatum hatchlings were observed.  相似文献   

We studied causes and consequences of egg-size variation among clutches of American kestrels ( Falco sparverius ). Egg. from 275 clutches were measured 1990 to 1992. To test the hypothesis that the size of eggs was contrained by food availability in the pre-laying period, we censused small mammal populations in the three years and performed a food supplementation experiment in 1990 and 1991. Kestrels did not advance the date they laid their first egg but did lay significantly larger eggs in response to extra food. The size of eggs was correlated with small mammal abundance on the territoty, and females in good body condition tended to lay large eggs. Body size did not affect egg size, and there were no relationship between agg size and laying date except in 1900, the poorest food year. Clutches with a large mean egg volume had better hatching success than clutches containing small eggs. We argue that there is a phonetypic component to egg size in kestrels, and that kestrels use egg size to fine-tune reproductive investiment to available resources.  相似文献   

Variations in growth of Cape petrel Daption capense chicks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karel  Weidinger 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(1):193-207
This study reports on the growth of Cape petrel chicks at Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the breeding seasons 1990/91 and 1991/92. Parameters of logistic growth model fitted to mass, wing, culmen and tarsus measurements were compared between available composite data sets. Differential growth rate of morphometric characters and their proportional development at hatching and fledging conform to the pattern observed in other fulmarine petrels, overall growth rate being among the fastest found in Procellariiformes. Composite growth curves varied significantly between populations, but few annual, seasonal, and intercolony differences were found within the Nelson Island population. As the differences between chicks from equally disturbed colonies were less marked than in comparison with the control colony, regular handling most probably reduced the growth in this study. Larger eggs produced heavier rather than structurally larger hatchlings, which attained higher peak and fledging mass and size. Strength of the relationship between egg-size and chick measurements initially declined with chick age but, in contrast with results of earlier studies, increased again after around the middle of the chick-rearing period. This suggests that pre-hatching maternal factors probably influenced initial and fledging (peak) size and mass of chicks via egg-size, while intermediate stages of growth were less affected. A difference in mass between chicks from small and large eggs was maintained until fledging and increased gradually until peak mass was reached.  相似文献   

Summary In the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, we examined the effects of intra-clutch egg size differences and hatching asynchrony on differential chick growth and survival (including post-fledging survival), in five years for which indices of food supply were available. An initial size hierarchy within-broods at hatching was due to hatching asynchrony not intra-clutch egg size differences. In 1988 only (a poor food year), the weight advantage gained by the first-hatched (A) chick persisted to the end of brooding (30 days), with more second-hatched (B) chicks dying. There was no difference between A- and B-chick weights at fledging (60 days) or in overall chick survival between synchronous and asynchronous broods in any year. Postfledging survival (measured in one year) was not related to fledging weight or hatching order. These results provide only partial support for the hypothesis that gentoo penguins operate a brood reduction strategy to optimise chick survival in years of low food availability. We suggest that hatching asynchrony in gentoo penguins may result from selection to keep the first egg warm as soon as it is laid, due to extreme low ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

Hatching failure is widespread in birds despite presumably strong selection against any wasted reproductive effort and yet there have been few attempts at uncovering sources of variation in failure within a species. Here we use 11 yr of data on the frequency of both undeveloped and unhatched eggs in a marked population of house sparrows Passer domesticus to examine the effects of multiple factors hypothesized to affect hatching success in birds including parental identity, phenotype and genotype, as well as several environmental variables. Unhatched eggs were present in 34.3% of 1523 clutches in which at least one egg hatched, and a total of 10.1% of eggs failed to hatch, of which 75.7% had no visible embryo. We found an effect of female identity on the proportion of eggs that developed and an effect of male identity on hatching success, as well as a positive effect of egg size on both the proportion of eggs that developed and hatching success between females. Neither the proportion of eggs that developed nor hatching success varied according to time of season or weather conditions, clutch size, the age of either parent, the size of the male's black bib, female size, female heterozygosity or the genetic similarity between members of a pair. There was also no positional bias in the occurrence of undeveloped eggs, although undeveloped eggs were more common among birds nesting at low density. Our results suggest that hatching failure in house sparrows has few environmental components and is primarily influenced by intrinsic differences among individuals.  相似文献   

MURRAY C. GRANT 《Ibis》1991,133(2):127-133
The relationships between egg size, chick size at hatching and chick survival in Whimbrels Numenius phaeopus were studied over a three-year period in the Shetland Isles. Three measurements of chick size at hatching were all positively correlated with egg volume, though the relationship was strongest with hatchling body-weight. In two of the three years the proportion of chicks from a brood which survived to fledging increased significantly with the mean hatching weight of chicks in the brood. Within broods, a significant effect of hatching weight on survival was detectable only up to 7 days after hatching. Between years the egg volumes and hatchling weights of individual female Whimbrels showed relatively little variability, indicating that these attributes could be controlled to a large extent by inheritance.  相似文献   

Different mortality of males and females during early post-hatching development in sexually size-dimorphic bird species is usually attributed to different nutritional requirements of the sexes, because mortality is mostly biassed toward the larger sex. We investigated whether sex-specific embryo mortality in the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis), a size-dimorphic seabird, depends on parental condition. To test this, we experimentally modified parental nutritional conditions by supplementary feeding of yellow-legged gulls during egg formation, to evaluate sex-biassed environmental sensitivity of gull embryos. We found that eggs were larger in supplemented clutches, but egg size did not affect embryo survival. Survival of male gull embryos was more related to parental food conditions than was survival of female embryos. Survival of male embryos in supplemented clutches was greater than in unsupplemented clutches whereas survival of female embryos was similar in both groups. Because size at hatching was similar in both sexes our results suggest that male phenotype disadvantage is not exclusively linked to the energy demands of size-dimorphic development at the embryo stage.  相似文献   

We examined if laying intervals and hatching asynchronies are related in a chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) population in the South Orkneys. The lack of association between the two variables, as well as data on brood patch development, indicated that incubation did not begin immediately after the first egg was laid. This suggests that longer laying intervals may be compensated by longer delays in the onset of full incubation. Hatching asynchrony increased with within-clutch egg size asymmetry, decreased with breeding date, and was related to the laying order of the eggs according to size. However, only egg-size asymmetry remained significant when controlling for the other variables. We conclude that more asymmetric clutches were more asynchronous, although a large part of the variation in hatching asynchrony remains unexplained.  相似文献   

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