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生物酶法生产D-对羟基苯甘氨酸具有良好的应用前景。通过介绍生物酶法生产D-对羟基苯甘氨酸的研究现状,从酶的分离纯化、酶和细胞的固定化、反应介质研究和反应动力学研究以及基因工程进展几个方面作了总结。  相似文献   

D-对羟基苯甘氨酸是一种重要的精细化工品,在制药行业具有广泛的应用前景。酶法是生产D-对羟基苯甘氨酸的主要手段,但由于缺乏高催化效率的酶而限制了D-对羟基苯甘氨酸的生产。为了提高来自Bacillus sp. AR9的D-海因酶(HYD)的催化效率,进而提高D-对羟基苯甘氨酸的产量,对HYD的底物结合通道进行分析,选取底物通道瓶颈处的氨基酸进行饱和突变和筛选,以提高HYD的催化效率。结果显示,突变体F159S、F159A和F65V的活性相较于野生型HYD分别提高了51%、40%和17%,通过对突变体F65V、F159S和双位点突变F65V/F159S的酶动力学研究发现,突变体的Km值基本与野生型HYD相似,而kcat是野生型HYD的1.3、1.9和2.0倍,最终双位点突变F65V/F159S的催化效率kcat/Km是野生型HYD的2.4倍。高催化效率突变体的获得,以及对突变体动力学的分析,对酶法制备D-对羟基苯甘氨酸具有重要的研究意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

海因酶研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
于平 《生物学杂志》2005,22(2):1-4,58
海因酶在生产手性药物中间体D-氨基酸上具有广泛的应用价值。全面综述了海因酶的研究历史、分类、进化和酶学性质;总结了产海因酶的茵种筛选和产酶条件、D-海因酶的纯化、微生物海因酶基因的克隆及其在大肠杆茵中的表达等技术;阐述了酶法合成D-(-)-对羟基苯甘氨酸的工艺条件。  相似文献   

海因酶法制备D-对羟基苯甘氨酸的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
D-对羟基苯甘氨酸(D-HPG)主要用于合成β-内酰胺类半合成抗生素,是国内最紧缺的医药中间体之一。微生物酶法是目前获得光学纯D-HPG的重要途径,微生物中起催化作用的主要是D-海因酶和N-氨甲酰水解酶。文章综述了产酶微生物的来源,酶的理化性质,以及培养条件的优化、基因工程、酶的固定化技术生产D-HPG的研究进展。  相似文献   

目的:Bacillus subtilis中表达异源D-海因酶基因(hyd)和D-氨甲酰水解酶基因(adc),构建重组细胞作为催化剂,用于生产D-对羟基苯甘氨酸(D-HPG)。方法: 构建hyd表达质粒,考察培养基中二价金属离子对D-海因酶活性的影响。过表达acoR基因,考察AcoR蛋白胞内水平与PacoA-hyd基因拷贝数的关系。筛选表达adc基因的启动子,构建hydadc基因共表达质粒,考察双酶活性菌株的催化特性。结果: 成功构建了海因酶表达质粒pHPS和pUBS,培养基中添加0.8mmol/L的MnCl2·4H2O,使168N/pUBS菌株的D-海因酶活性达到956U/gDCW。整合表达Pcdd-acoR基因,使LSL02/pUBS菌株的D-海因酶活性达到1 470U/gDCW。单拷贝PAE-adc基因的表达水平相对最高。双酶共表达质粒pUBSC被成功构建,菌株LSL02/pUBSC的最适催化温度为40℃45℃,催化活性能够持续12h,当底物起始浓度为20g/L时,反应12h生成的D-HPG达到14.32g/L,转化率达到95%,收率超过80%。结论: 构建具有D-海因酶和D-氨甲酰水解酶双酶活性的重组Bacillus subtilis作为全细胞催化剂,用于海因酶法生产D-HPG,具有技术上的可行性和优势。  相似文献   

用基因工程菌酶法和化学法制备-D-对羟基苯甘氨酸(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D 对羟基苯甘氨酸 (D p HPG)是制备羟氨苄青霉素、羟氨苄头孢菌素和羟氨唑头孢菌素等β 内酰胺类抗生素的重要中间体 ,同时它也用于多种多肽类激素及农药的合成 .在D 对羟基苯甘氨酸的多种制备方法中 ,生物酶转化法具有原料易得、工艺简单、耗能少、产率高、成本低、光学纯度好、三废污染少等优势 .为利用生物酶转化法制备D 对羟基苯甘氨酸 ,首先用尿素、乙醛酸和苯酚合成底物D ,L 对羟基苯海因 ,然后利用D 海因酶基因工程菌E .coliBL2 1 pMD T7 dht细胞作酶源 ,进行底物D ,L 对羟基苯海因到中间体N 氨基甲酰 D 对羟基苯甘氨酸的酶法转化 ,最后用化学法将N 氨基甲酰 D 对羟基苯甘氨酸进一步转化为D 对羟基苯甘氨酸 .结果表明 ,底物D ,L 对羟基苯海因的收率为 60 % .8L体积的发酵小试实验表明 ,发酵 12h ,工程菌E .coliBL2 1 pMD T7 dht的海因酶活力为 30 0 0U L ,SDS 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳薄层扫描结果显示海因酶表达量约占菌体总可溶性蛋白质的 60 % ,菌体收率为 6% .8L体积的海因酶转化实验表明 ,在 4 %底物D ,L 对羟基苯海因和 1%菌体 (湿重 )pH 9 0情况下 ,反应 5h ,D ,L 对羟基苯海因的转化率可达 96% .在酸性条件下 ,用NaNO2 将N 氨基甲酰 D 对羟基苯甘氨酸转化为D 对羟基苯甘氨酸 ,反应 2h ,转  相似文献   

中科院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所分子微生物学开放实验室主持的国家“863”计划项目“半合成β-内酰胺类抗生素相关工业用酶的研究”课题中的“重组酶法生产D-对羟基苯甘氨酸”部分,于2005年4月27日通过了成果鉴定。  相似文献   

【目的】构建异源D-海因酶和N-氨甲酰水解酶共表达的重组枯草芽孢杆菌,探讨其作为全细胞催化剂合成D-对羟基苯甘氨酸的可行性。【方法】采用P_(aco)表达盒表达D-海因酶基因hyd或sd1,采用P_(AE)表达盒表达N-氨甲酰水解酶基因adc。分别以质粒pHP13和pUB110为载体,构建D-海因酶和N-氨甲酰水解酶共表达质粒pHCS、pHCY和pUCS。在受体菌中整合表达了acoR和sigL基因,敲除了skf和sdp基因。将共表达质粒分别转化不同的受体菌,通过测定全细胞催化活性,表征D-海因酶和N-氨甲酰水解酶共表达的效果。【结果】带有质粒pHCY和pHCS的重组菌,全细胞催化活性分别为0.21 U/mL和0.31 U/mL。整合表达acoR和sigL基因以及高拷贝质粒pUCS,使全细胞催化活性达到1.0 U/mL。【结论】异源D-海因酶和N-氨甲酰水解酶在枯草芽孢杆菌中能够正确表达。基因拷贝数、acoR和sigL基因表达水平,及skf和sdp基因缺失对重组菌的催化活性具有显著影响。  相似文献   

石家庄中天化工有限责任公司(以下简称石家庄中天化工)位于石家庄经济技术开发区,是一家应用生物技术生产医药中间体产品的民营高新技术企业。公司注册于1996年12月,注册资金3000万元,资产总值9800万元,其中固定资产5240万元。主导产品为半合成抗生素中间体D-对羟基苯甘氨酸及其钾盐,2001年通过河北省高新技术产品认定,2002年获河北省科技进步一等奖。  相似文献   

在以L-天冬氨酸为原料制备D-天冬氨酸的基础上,设计了D-天冬酰胺和D-高丝氨酸的合成新方法。即以L-天冬氨酸为原料,经酯化、消旋、拆分后得到D-天冬氨酸甲酯;D-天冬氨酸甲酯盐酸盐氨解、精制可得到D-天冬酰胺,总收率为49.9%,光学纯度达到99%以上;由D-天冬氨酸甲酯经还原、精制可得到D-高丝氨酸,总收率为64.7%,旋光纯度达到99%以上。  相似文献   

Characteristics of inorganic pyrophosphate synthesis from inorganic orthophosphate were examined in chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum. The application of an ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase-trapping system has shown in an unequivocal fashion that pyrophosphate is a product of a light-dependent reaction utilizing P(i) as the substrate. Only very limited pyrophosphate synthesis takes place in the dark. The rates of synthesis of both ATP and pyrophosphate were studied under conditions in which the membrane-bound adenosine triphosphatase and pyrophosphatase activities would normally make these substances unstable. The maximum rate of pyrophosphate synthesis was 25% of that for ATP synthesis, with maximum activation of pyrophosphate synthesis occurring at a lower light-intensity than that required for ATP synthesis. As a result, at low light-intensity the rate of pyrophosphate formation approached that of ATP. Maximal rates of synthesis of both pyrophosphate and ATP were attained only on the addition of an exogenous reducing agent. Conditions for optimum pyrophosphate synthesis required about one-half of the concentration of the reductant required for maximum ATP synthesis. Consistent with previous reports, oligomycin inhibited ATP synthesis, but had little influence on the rate of pyrophosphate synthesis. In membrane particles that retained pyrophosphatase activity but were treated to remove adenosine triphosphatase activity and the ability to photophosphorylate ADP, oligomycin stimulated light-dependent pyrophosphate synthesis by nearly 250%. The influence of Mg(2+) concentration, pH and various inhibitors and uncouplers on pyrophosphate synthesis was studied. The results are discussed with respect to the mechanism and function of electron-transport-coupled energy conservation in R. rubrum chromatophores.  相似文献   

Changes of intracellular nucleotide levels and their stimulatory effects on curdlan synthesis in Agrobacterium species were investigated under different culture conditions. Under nitrogen-limited conditions where curdlan synthesis was stimulated, intracellular levels of UMP were as high as 87 and those of AMP were 78 nmol/mg of cellular protein, while those under nitrogen-sufficient conditions were lower than 45 nmol/mg-protein. The levels of other nucleotides such as UDP, UTP, UDP-glucose, ADP, ATP, and ADP-glucose were lower than 30 nmol/mg-protein under both nitrogen-limited and sufficient conditions. The time profiles of curdlan synthesis and cellular nucleotide levels showed that curdlan synthesis had a positive relationship with intracellular levels of UMP and AMP. After the ammonium concentration in the medium fell below 0.1 g/L, intracellular levels of UMP and AMP increased, followed by curdlan synthesis. However, no significant changes in the specific activities of UMP kinase, UDP kinase, and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase were observed during cultivation. In vitro enzyme reactions for the synthesis of UDP-glucose, which serve as a precursor for curdlan synthesis, demonstrated that the synthesis of UDP-glucose increased with the increase of UMP concentration. In contrast, AMP had no effect on UDP-glucose synthesis at all. Addition of UMP in the medium increased the curdlan synthesis, whereas curdlan synthesis was inhibited in the presence of AMP. From these results, we concluded that only the higher intracellular UMP levels caused by nitrogen limitation in the medium enhance the metabolic flux of curdlan synthesis by promoting cellular UDP-glucose synthesis.  相似文献   

Incorporation of (14C)choline and (3H)myo-inositol into the total lipid fraction, incorporation of (14C)acetate into the sterol fraction and incorporation of (3H)thymidine into DNA were studied in human lymphocyte cultures. Concanavalin A induced an increase in the incorporation of these labels with the following features: (a) Phospholipid synthesis was increased promptly. The lag time for the increase in sterol synthesis and DNA synthesis were 5 hours and 27 hours respectively; (b) The increase in phospholipid synthesis and sterol synthesis was proportional to ConA concentration initially. Cells treated with a high concentration of ConA showed very low levels of DNA synthesis; (c) The increase in phospholipid synthesis could be abolished immediately by alpha-Methyl-Mannoside. alpha-Methyl-Mannoside blunted but did not abolish the increase in sterol synthesis. alpha-Methyl-Mannoside enhanced DNA synthesis of those cells which had been treated by a high concentration of ConA; and (d) Selective inhibition of sterol synthesis with 25-hydroxycholesterol did not prevent the increase in phospholipid synthesis, but it blocked the increase in DNA synthesis. Supplement of LDL, HDL or total lipoproteins to lymphocyte cultures was effective in preventing the inhibition of DNA synthesis by 25-hydroxy-cholesterol. These results suggest that in lymphocyte activation by ConA phospholipid synthesis, sterol synthesis and DNA synthesis were sequentially increased. The rate of cellular commitment to mitogenesis was proportional to ConA concentrations. High concentrations of ConA arrested the cell growth at a postcommitment point in the G1 phase. Enhanced phospholipid synthesis was a precommitment event. Enhanced sterol synthesis was a postcommitment event and reflected the requirement of an increased cholesterol supply for the passage of cell growth through G1.  相似文献   

The effects of the tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) inhibitor p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA; 200mg/kg; 3 days), and of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CXM, 2mg/kg), on regional serotonin (5-HT) synthesis were studied using the alpha-[14C]methyl-L-tryptophan (alpha-[14C]MTrp) autoradiographic method. The objectives of these investigations were to evaluate the changes, if any, on 5-HT synthesis, as measured with alpha-MTrp method, following the inhibition of TPH by PCPA, or the inhibition of proteins synthesis by CXM. The rats were used in the tracer experiment approximately 24h after the last dose of PCPA was administered, and in the CXM experiments, they were used 30 min following a single injection of CXM. In both experiments, the control rats were injected with the same volume of saline (0.5 ml/kg; s.c.) and at the same times as the drug injections. The results demonstrate that trapping of alpha-MTrp, which is taken to be related to brain 5-HT synthesis, is drastically reduced (40-80%) following PCPA treatment. The inhibition of protein synthesis with CXM did not have a significant effect on the global brain trapping of alpha-MTrp and 5-HT synthesis. These findings suggest that the brain trapping of alpha-[14C]MTrp relates to brain 5-HT synthesis, but not to brain protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Infusion of physiological levels of insulin and/or amino acids reproduces the feeding-induced stimulation of muscle protein synthesis in neonates. To determine whether insulin and amino acids independently stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis in neonates, insulin secretion was blocked with somatostatin in fasted 7-day-old pigs (n = 8-12/group) while glucose and glucagon were maintained at fasting levels and insulin was infused to simulate either less than fasting, fasting, intermediate, or fed insulin levels. At each dose of insulin, amino acids were clamped at either the fasting or fed level; at the highest insulin dose, amino acids were also reduced to less than fasting levels. Skeletal muscle protein synthesis was measured using a flooding dose of l-[4-(3)H]phenylalanine. Hyperinsulinemia increased protein synthesis in skeletal muscle during hypoaminoacidemia and euaminoacidemia. Hyperaminoacidemia increased muscle protein synthesis during hypoinsulinemia and euinsulinemia. There was a dose-response effect of both insulin and amino acids on muscle protein synthesis. At each insulin dose, hyperaminoacidemia increased muscle protein synthesis. The effects of insulin and amino acids on muscle protein synthesis were largely additive until maximal rates of protein synthesis were achieved. Amino acids enhanced basal protein synthesis rates but did not enhance the sensitivity or responsiveness of muscle protein synthesis to insulin. The results suggest that insulin and amino acids independently stimulate protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of the neonate.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that NGF couples the rate of degradation of long-lived proteins in sympathetic neurons to the rate of protein synthesis. Inhibiting protein synthesis rate by a specific percentage caused an almost equivalent percentage reduction in the degradation rate of long-lived proteins, indicating nearly 1:1 coupling between the two processes. The rate of degradation of short-lived proteins was unaffected by suppressing protein synthesis. Included in the pool of proteins that had increased half-lives when protein synthesis was inhibited were actin and tubulin. Both of these proteins, which had half-lives of several days, exhibited no degradation over a 3-d period when protein synthesis was completely suppressed. The half-lives of seven other long-lived proteins were quantified and found to increase by 84–225% when protein synthesis was completely blocked.Degradation–synthesis coupling protected cells from protein loss during periods of decreased synthesis. The rate of protein synthesis greatly decreased and coupling between degradation and synthesis was lost after removal of NGF. Uncoupling resulted in net loss of cellular protein and somatic atrophy. We propose that coupling the rate of protein degradation to that of protein synthesis is a fundamental mechanism by which neurotrophic factors maintain homeostatic control of neuronal size and perhaps growth.  相似文献   

The rate of wound ethylene synthesis was reduced by more than 85% when 9-millimeter subapical sections of etiolated 7-day-old Pisum sativum L., cv. Alaska seedlings were incubated in water during the 26-minute induction period prior to wound ethylene synthesis, but the rate of synthesis was unaffected if sections were incubated in water during the actual synthesis of wound ethylene. The characteristic timing of the wound response was unaffected by either treatment. The ability of various chemical solutions and aqueous plant extracts to alter the rate of wound ethylene synthesis was studied by first incubating subapical pea stem sections in solutions under anaerobic conditions (anaerobiosis delays the induction and synthesis of wound ethylene; Plant Physiol 61: 675-679), and then measuring wound ethylene synthesis after the tissue was transferred to air. Solutions of several reported precursors of ethylene synthesis, such as methionine, homoserine, or propanal, did not reverse the water-caused reduction of wound ethylene synthesis. A water-soluble, heat-stable factor in extracts from pea seedlings, and solutions of 23 nanomolar triacontanol, 10 micromolar kinetin, or 10 micromolar benzyladenine prevented the reduction of wound ethylene synthesis, but were ineffective if administered after an initial 15-minute anaerobic water incubation. This suggested that the active solutions may have only prevented the loss of some ephemeral, though necessary factor, rather than actually containing the substrate or inducer of wound ethylene synthesis. Attempts to isolate and characterize the active fraction from aqueous tissue extracts were unsuccessful. Free radical quenchers, inhibitors of protein synthesis, and rhizobitoxine, an inhibitor of ethylene synthesis from methionine, all reduced wound ethylene synthesis when administered in solutions which previously had maintained wound ethylene synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of methyl, propyl and butyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid on DNA and RNA synthesis has been tested in toluenized cells of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Both RNA and DNA synthesis of these bacteria were inhibited. The inhibitory concentrations were higher than those previously reported for growth inhibition. Protein synthesis in cell-free extracts (S-30 fraction) of B. subtilis was even more sensitive to parabens than DNA and RNA synthesis, while protein synthesis in Esch. coli was largely unaffected.  相似文献   

林继伟  张晓东  曹雪雁  胡钧 《遗传》2007,29(6):765-770
基因合成正日益成为基因获取的一种有效手段。两种常用的基因合成方法是基于PCR的基因合成(P法)和基于连接酶的基因合成(L法)。这两种方法都不是独立于所合成基因的序列内容的。文章首次提出了一种新的基因合成策略—等温单向生长法(Isothermal Unidirectional Elongation Method, IUEM), 在3种酶的作用下, DNA链在等温状态下单向串行延伸, 直到获得目标基因。由于引物设计成特殊的发夹结构, 该方法可以做到合成过程独立于或部分独立于目标基因的序列内容。本文探索了该策略的实验可行性, 检测了影响基因合成的各种因素, 并利用该方法成功地合成了一段254 bp和一段300 bp的DNA序列。  相似文献   

The response of leukemic cells from AKR/J mice to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was compared with that of normal lymphocytes. PHA stimulated first cholesterol synthesis and then DNA synthesis in both lymphocytes and leukemic cells. The neoplastic cells were, however, much more sensitive to PHA, requiring less time and a lower concentration of the lectin for optimum stimulation as compared to lymphocytes. In fact, the amount of PHA which was required to activate lymphocytes to proliferate, as measured by increases in sterol and DNA synthesis, was inhibitory to leukemic cells. The basal level of cholesterol synthesis and the induction of cholesterol synthesis following PHA activation were depressed in lymphocytes and leukemic cells by treatment with 25-hydroxycholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol. These two oxygenated derivatives of cholesterol are known to be potent and specific inhibitors of sterol synthesis. Blockage of sterol synthesis by these reagents also abolished PHA-activated DNA synthesis in lymphocytes and leukemic cells. The results support the hypothesis that the synthesis of cholesterol is an important event leading to cell proliferation.  相似文献   

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