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目的 对肺通气过程进行床旁实时连续图像监控,是机械通气患者和临床医生的迫切需求。肺部电阻抗成像(EIT)可反映呼吸引起的胸腔电特性变化分布,在肺通气监测方面具有天然的优势。本文目的在于建立基于径向基函数神经网络(RBFNN)的肺部加权频差电阻抗成像(wfd-EIT)方法,实现对肺通气的高空间分辨率成像。方法 利用肺部wfd-EIT成像方法实时描绘胸腔电导率分布状况,再通过RBFNN将目标区域可视化并精准识别其边界信息。首先通过数值分析模拟,在各个激励频率利用COMSOL与MATLAB软件建立2 028个仿真样本,分为训练样本集和测试样本集,验证所提出成像方法的可行性和有效性。其次,为了验证仿真结果,建立肺部物理模型,选用具有低电导特性的生物组织模拟肺部通气区域,对其进行成像实验,并采用图像相关系数(ICC)和肺区域比(LRR)定量数据衡量成像方法的准确性。结果 wfd-EIT方法可以在任意时刻进行图像重建,并能够准确反映出目标区域的电特性分布;利用基于RBFNN的算法能够增强目标区域的成像精度,ICC可达0.94以上,更好地凸显其边界轮廓信息。结论 通过wfd-EIT成像方法,利用多频阻抗谱同步测量实现目标区域的快速可视化,并结合RBFNN网络逼近任意非线性函数的优点,实现对目标区域电特性变化的精准识别,为下一步进行临床肺通气的EIT图像监测奠定了理论和技术基础。  相似文献   

电阻抗断层成像技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电阻抗断层成像(EIT)是一种重要的医学成像方法,通过对物体表面的分布电测量来获知物体内部的电特性图像,有着良好的应用前景.本文对EIT的硬件系统和成像算法的研究进展作了全面的描述.首先对硬件部分的信号源和驱动模式进行了介绍,并对目前使用的EIT系统作了简要的分析;然后介绍了成像算法,从二维和三维成像两个方面对目前EIT的重建算法进行阐述.最后,对EIT进行了讨论和总结.  相似文献   

目的 在体外循环系统中,血栓的在线检测和可视化具有重要意义。本文提出了基于电阻抗成像(EIT)的体外循环血栓非侵入在线检测方法。方法 首先通过联合仿真研究了传感器尺寸对成像效果的影响。其次,根据仿真结果设计了直径为20 mm的16铜质电极EIT传感器,搭建了循环流动实验平台,并设计了静态和循环流动实验。使用尺寸为3~6 mm的猪血块代替血栓,将血块置于新鲜猪血样本中,采用Tikhonov正则化算法进行成像。将3 mm和5 mm的血块分别置于循环系统中,重建血块在传感器截面的大小和位置图像,并与高速相机拍摄结果进行对比。结果 仿真结果显示当目标物与传感器面积比(AR)不小于0.01时,传感器直径为20 mm和30 mm对应的图像相关系数(IC)均大于0.06,成像效果较好。静态成像结果显示,相对尺寸覆盖率误差(RCR)小于等于0.1。循环流动实验显示,血块经过传感器时,检测到归一化后的相对电导率变化值分别为80和200,结果显示该方法能够检测到循环系统中的血块。结论 该方法具有实时性和非侵入的优点,有望应用于体外血栓的检测。  相似文献   

电阻抗断层成像技术分为:静态EIT(以电阻抗分布的绝对值为成像目标)和动态EIT(以电阻抗分布的相对值为成像目标),它是近年来国内外生物医学工程研究的比较热门的一种成像技术。因为与已有的X射线成像、计算机断层扫描成像(CT)、核磁共振成像(MRI)及超声成像相比,这种新的成像技术不仅具有解剖学的特征信息,还有功能性成像的性质。又因为它的无创、简单、便宜、容易应用等特点,在临床有着很好的应用前景。本文通过数学、物理以及应用上的论述并结合了最新的国内外科研动态。介绍了电阻抗断层成像技术的数学计算(包括算法和算法分析),物理基础(激励方式,激励频率,驱动模式),揭示了电阻抗断层成像技术的基本原理,并展示了此项技术的临床应用情况。  相似文献   

本文以微波热声效应为基础,报道了一种重建生物组织电导率相对分布图像的方法。和传统的微波热声像相比,重建得到的组织电导率图像消除了由于微波场能量密度分布不均匀带来的影响,能够准确的反映组织的介电特性差异,实现对肿瘤的早期发现。本文首先从理论上详细推导了获得生物组织电导率分布图像的原理,然后在实验中通过结合已有的脉冲微波成像系统,重建得到了一块肌肉组织的电导率分布图像。实验结果表明利用热声成像技术,组织的电导率分布图像能够被清晰的重建,本研究为推进热声成像技术的实用性打下了理论和实验基础。  相似文献   

电子断层成像技术(electrontomography)是近年来发展起来一项三维成像技术,可以在纳米分辨率(2-10nm)水平上获得生物大分子及其复合物或聚集体、细胞器、细胞以及组织的三维结构,而且可以用于研究生物大分子在细胞中的定位、排列、分布以及相互作用,已逐渐成为细胞生物学领域中的一项重要技术手段。该文针对这项技术及其在细胞生物学中的应用作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

吸收强度涨落调制成像(AIFM)方法是基于血红细胞和背景组织对低相干光照明的吸收差异,通过在频域分离动态的血红细胞信号和静态的背景信号,实现对近透明活体生物样本全场无标记的光学血管造影成像. 但此成像方法需采集较长的原始图像序列,系统漂移或生物抖动会造成图像模糊,难以实现对某些特定区域的血管造影成像. 本文提出一种结合AIFM成像和归一化互相关算法的新方法来提升血管造影图像的质量:原始的图像序列被分成若干短时序列,每个短时序列先利用AIFM成像算法重构得到全场的血管造影图像;再利用归一化的互相关算法将所有的短时重构图像与第一帧重构图像相匹配,并融合得到最终的血管造影片. 我们以活体鸡蛋胚胎为样品,通过实验验证了利用短时归一化互相关AIFM成像方法,能够消除鸡胚胎心跳引起的图像模糊,从而获得高分辨率和信噪比的心血管造影片,对研究活体动物心脑血管疾病具有重要应用价值.  相似文献   

目的 三维电阻抗成像(3D-EIT)结合二维电阻抗成像(2D-EIT)研究胃容积及胃食道液体状态变化的电学特性响应,旨在探究EIT技术应用于胃食道反流病监测的可能性。方法 8名受试者被要求在实验前4 h禁食,保证实验开始时胃部处于排空状态,实验开始后受试者被要求分两次喝下400 ml经口补水液,在摄入200 ml状态下和摄入400 ml状态下分别应用3D-EIT检测腹腔3D空间的电导率分布。为了定量说明不同状态下电学特性的变化,使用配对样本t检验分析3D-EIT重建3D图像的空间平均电导率(■)。采用数值仿真工具,建立两种尺寸胃容积模型验证,实验结果中胃容积变化是引起受试者腹腔3D空间内电导率变化的原因,并研究胃腔被不同比例补水液填充状态下电学特性的变化趋势,应用2D-EIT数值仿真进行电导率分布图像重建。结果 8名受试者腹腔3D-EIT实验中空间平均电导率■的配对样本t检验结果表明,空间平均电导率从C200 ml状态下的■增加到C400 ml状态下的■(n=8,P<0.05)。因此,受试者腹腔胃部区域空间平均电导率随胃容积增加而显著增...  相似文献   

目的 采用电阻抗成像(electrical impedance tomography,EIT)方法研究神经肌肉电刺激(neuromuscular electrical stimulation,NMES)下小腿肌肉的电学特性,旨在将EIT作为一种长期监测方法,从而可视化NMES训练对人类小腿肌肉的训练效果。方法 16名实验对象被随机分配到对照组(control group,CG,n=8)和最佳电压强度的NMES训练组(optimal voltage intensity training group,OG,n=8)。对照组保持正常生活方式并不进行NMES和其他的肌肉训练;NMES训练组中使用商业NMES设备对实验对象右小腿进行23 min的NMES训练,每周3次,为期5周。应用EIT测量在每周一训练开始前的电导率分布。并且采用生物电阻抗分析(bioelectrical impedance analysis,BIA)方法测量右腿细胞外含水量与身体总含水量的比率(ECW/TBW) βrl,及身体总含水量(TBW)τ。为了量化NMES在肌肉训练过程中的作用,使用配对样本t检验分析EIT重建图像的...  相似文献   

提出将基于Stokes参量的偏振共焦显微成像技术应用于弱各向异性物质的成像研究。通过将分振幅Stokes参量测量法与共焦扫描成像技术相结合的方法,得到了基于Stokes参量测量的偏振共焦显微成像系统。利用该系统对具有弱各向异性的生物组织样品进行逐点测量,通过四个通道同时测量获得全部的Stokes参量。再以计算得到的偏振参量作为成像物理量进行图像重建,获得对应Stokes参量、偏振度、相位差、方位角和椭率角的空间分布图像,从而对生物组织实现细胞水平的偏振显微成像研究。实验结果表明:基于Stokes参量的偏振共焦显微成像技术能够获得弱各向异性的生物组织样品的显微图像,并通过比较样品的Stokes参量及相关偏振参量的分布图像,提取样品全部的偏振信息,从而为生物组织的特性研究提供更丰富的信息。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture has developed rapidly over the past 5–10 years with the goal of better replicating human physiology and tissue complexity in the laboratory. Quantifying cellular responses is fundamental in understanding how cells and tissues respond during their growth cycle and in response to external stimuli. There is a need to develop and validate tools that can give insight into cell number, viability, and distribution in real-time, nondestructively and without the use of stains or other labelling processes. Impedance spectroscopy can address all of these challenges and is currently used both commercially and in academic laboratories to measure cellular processes in 2D cell culture systems. However, its use in 3D cultures is not straight forward due to the complexity of the electrical circuit model of 3D tissues. In addition, there are challenges in the design and integration of electrodes within 3D cell culture systems. Researchers have used a range of strategies to implement impedance spectroscopy in 3D systems. This review examines electrode design, integration, and outcomes of a range of impedance spectroscopy studies and multiparametric systems relevant to 3D cell cultures. While these systems provide whole culture data, impedance tomography approaches have shown how this technique can be used to achieve spatial resolution. This review demonstrates how impedance spectroscopy and tomography can be used to provide real-time sensing in 3D cell cultures, but challenges remain in integrating electrodes without affecting cell culture functionality. If these challenges can be addressed and more realistic electrical models for 3D tissues developed, the implementation of impedance-based systems will be able to provide real-time, quantitative tracking of 3D cell culture systems.  相似文献   

提出一种可以用于电阻抗成像中的直接寻找法,它是建立在一些先验知识的基础上,定位阻抗突变区域并求解其阻抗。仿真的结果表明该方法可以有效的定位阻抗突变区域,并可求得其阻抗值。  相似文献   

生物电阻抗特征参数测量数据采集系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了实现生物电阻抗参数成像,我们建立了一个快速、精确的生物电阻抗特性参数测量的数据采集系统,采取多频率组合激励并扫基频的方法,在多个激励频率不同测量阻抗信息,同时采用了一种新的高精度解调方法;正交序列数字解调,并对阻抗模型参数的估算方法进行了改进。结果表明,系统可以在1.6kHz-380kHz的频带范围内以小于100Hz的跨度编程选择工作频率,最多时可同时在四种频率下测量阻抗信息,系统的噪声水平在-80dB左右。在每周期采样64点的情况下,解调算法可将信噪比提高5.6倍以上。  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the acoustic properties of a neonate finless porpoise’s head was performed using X-ray computed tomography (CT). The head of the deceased neonate porpoise was also segmented across the body axis and cut into slices. The averaged sound velocity and density were measured, and the Hounsfield units (HU) of the corresponding slices were obtained from computed tomography scanning. A regression analysis was employed to show the linear relationships between the Hounsfield unit and both sound velocity and density of samples. Furthermore, the CT imaging data were used to compare the HU value, sound velocity, density and acoustic characteristic impedance of the main tissues in the porpoise’s head. The results showed that the linear relationships between HU and both sound velocity and density were qualitatively consistent with previous studies on Indo-pacific humpback dolphins and Cuvier’s beaked whales. However, there was no significant increase of the sound velocity and acoustic impedance from the inner core to the outer layer in this neonate finless porpoise’s melon.  相似文献   

In electromagnetic dosimetry, anatomical human models are commonly obtained by segmentation of magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scans. In this paper, a human head model extracted from thermal infrared images is examined in terms of its applicability to specific absorption rate (SAR) calculations. Since thermal scans are two-dimensional (2D) representation of surface temperature, this allows researchers to overcome the extensive computational demand associated with 3D simulation. The numerical calculations are performed using the finite-difference time-domain method with mesh sizes of 2 mm at 900 MHz plane wave irradiation. The power density of the incident plane wave is assumed to be 10 W/m(2). Computations were compared with a realistic anatomical head model. The results show that although there were marked differences in the local SAR distribution in the various tissues in the two models, the 1 g peak SAR values are approximately similar in the two models.  相似文献   

In electromagnetic dosimetry, anatomical human models are commonly obtained by segmentation of magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scans. In this paper, a human head model extracted from thermal infrared images is examined in terms of its applicability to specific absorption rate (SAR) calculations. Since thermal scans are two-dimensional (2D) representation of surface temperature, this allows researchers to overcome the extensive computational demand associated with 3D simulation. The numerical calculations are performed using the finite-difference time-domain method with mesh sizes of 2 mm at 900 MHz plane wave irradiation. The power density of the incident plane wave is assumed to be 10 W/m2. Computations were compared with a realistic anatomical head model. The results show that although there were marked differences in the local SAR distribution in the various tissues in the two models, the 1 g peak SAR values are approximately similar in the two models.  相似文献   

The simultaneous assessment of glottal dynamics and larynx position can be beneficial for the diagnosis of disordered voice or speech production and swallowing. Up to now, methods either concentrate on assessment of the glottis opening using optical, acoustical or electrical (electroglottography, EGG) methods, or on visualisation of the larynx position using ultrasound, computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging techniques.The method presented here makes use of a time-multiplex measurement approach of space-resolved transfer impedances through the larynx. The fast sequence of measurements allows a quasi simultaneous assessment of both larynx position and EGG signal using up to 32 transmit–receive signal paths. The system assesses the dynamic opening status of the glottis as well as the vertical and back/forward motion of the larynx.Two electrode-arrays are used for the measurement of the electrical transfer impedance through the neck in different directions. From the acquired data the global and individual conductivity is calculated as well as a 2D point spatial representation of the minimum impedance.The position information is shown together with classical EGG signals allowing a synchronous visual assessment of glottal area and larynx position. A first application to singing voice analysis is presented that indicate a high potential of the method for use as a non-invasive tool in the diagnosis of voice, speech, and swallowing disorders.  相似文献   

Hu G  He B 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23421
Magnetoacoustic tomography with magnetic induction (MAT-MI) is an emerging approach for noninvasively imaging electrical impedance properties of biological tissues. The MAT-MI imaging system measures ultrasound waves generated by the Lorentz force, having been induced by magnetic stimulation, which is related to the electrical conductivity distribution in tissue samples. MAT-MI promises to provide fine spatial resolution for biological tissue imaging as compared to ultrasound resolution. In the present study, we first estimated the imaging spatial resolution by calculating the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the system point spread function (PSF). The actual spatial resolution of our MAT-MI system was experimentally determined to be 1.51 mm by a parallel-line-source phantom with Rayleigh criterion. Reconstructed images made from tissue-mimicking gel phantoms, as well as animal tissue samples, were consistent with the morphological structures of the samples. The electrical conductivity value of the samples was determined directly by a calibrated four-electrode system. It has been demonstrated that MAT-MI is able to image the electrical impedance properties of biological tissues with better than 2 mm spatial resolution. These results suggest the potential of MAT-MI for application to early detection of small-size diseased tissues (e.g. small breast cancer).  相似文献   

Electrical impedance was measured at a range of AC frequenciesof 100 Hz to 1 MHz in potato tubers and carrot roots. Detailsof a method for analysing the data in relation to electricalmodels, using complex non-linear least squares (CNLS), are described.The measured data were analysed in relation to four previously-describedelectrical models for plant tissues. The results showed thatplant tissue conforms well to a double-shell model which includescomponents (resistors and capacitors) representing the vacuole,as well as cytoplasm, plasma membrane, and extracellular space.The method permitted the calculation of specific membrane capacitance,which was found to approximate l0µF cm–2. Key words: Electrical impedance, complex non-linear least squares (CNLS), electrical modelling, membrane capacitance  相似文献   

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