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到目前为止,关于尾核的传出神经纤维联系的问题,已有较多研究,而传入的神经联系研究还不多,1974年 Nauta 等人曾用辣根过氧化物酶轴突逆行传送的方法,对大白鼠尾壳核的传入神经联系进行了研究。大白鼠的尾核和壳核是不可分的,  相似文献   

大鼠脚内核的镇痛作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张唯  房家智 《生理学报》1993,45(2):190-195
本实验应用核团内微量注射L谷氨酸,利多卡因,bieuculline,GABA以及用辐射热甩尾法测痛等手段观察脚内核的镇痛作用,向双侧脚内核注射25 100nmol的L谷氨酸可引起大鼠痛阈升高,这个作用可为缰核内注射2 利多卡因0.5mol或0.2 bieuculline0.5mol所阻断,反之,向缰核内注射200nmolGABA可引起大鼠痛阈升高,上述实验表明,参与痛觉调制,脚内核缰核的GABA能纤维参与了脚内核的痛觉调制活动。  相似文献   

锡嘴雀和家鸽中脑发声与听觉核团传入联系的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李东风  姜秋波 《动物学报》1991,37(4):383-388
作者采用HRP神经轴突逆行标记的方法对鸣禽锡嘴雀(Coccothraustes coccothraustes)、非鸣禽家鸽(Columba livia domesticus)丘间核内发声与听觉核团的传入联系进行了比较研究。结果表明:丘间核内侧部的背内侧亚核接受来自前脑发声运动核团的传入;外侧部的背外侧亚核接受来自脑干听觉中继核的传人。鸣禽与非鸣禽的两亚核接受下行纤维投射的部位既有共同之处,亦存在着差异。  相似文献   

峡视核——研究中枢神经系统发育及细胞凋亡的新模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟类离中系统的峡视核是近年来研究中枢神经系统发育过程中细胞凋亡的新模型.在其发育过程中,随着核团的形成、折叠及分层,伴有一些与峡视核相关的临时神经通路的形成和消失,与此同时,该核团中神经元有一半以上发生细胞凋亡.研究表明,形成正确的传入和传出联系对神经元的存活十分重要.分子水平上的机制研究揭示,细胞凋亡与一系列神经营养因子及其相应的受体相关.细胞凋亡对中枢神经系统发育过程中正确神经通路的形成有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍近年来有关臂旁核(NPB)的解剖学和生理学研究进展:臂旁核的分区及传入、传出纤维联系,臂旁核在调节心血管活动、呼吸及睡眠一觉醒过程中的作用。并论述了臂旁核与邻近核团—蓝斑(LC)在功能方面的对立统一性。  相似文献   

脚内核在电针镇痛及兴奋尾壳核镇痛中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wu GJ  Chen ZQ  Shi H 《生理学报》2002,54(1):55-59
用行为学和电生理学的方法 ,探讨脚内核在电针镇痛及兴奋尾壳核镇痛中的作用。脚内核微量注射红藻氨酸 7d后 ,电针对辐射热引起的大鼠缩腿潜伏期无明显影响 ,电针或兴奋尾壳核对丘脑束旁核神经元的伤害性反应亦无明显影响。与正常对照组电针或兴奋尾壳核产生的抑制作用相比有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;与脚内核微量注射生理盐水 7d后 ,电针可提高大鼠缩腿潜伏期 ,及电针或兴奋尾壳核对束旁核神经元伤害性反应的抑制作用相比 ,有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。上述结果提示 ,脚内核在电针及兴奋尾壳核镇痛中发挥重要作用  相似文献   

本工作应用核团推挽灌流技术和放射免疫测定方法,研究了家兔伏核和杏仁核相互促进阿片肽释放的现象。在两核团中任何一个注射微量吗啡,均可引起另一核团内脑啡肽和β-内啡肽的释放增加。这些结果提示伏核和杏仁核之间具有功能上的双向联系,并可能参与形成脑内镇痛系统中的某种正反馈机制。  相似文献   

杨铭  潘盛武  杨盛昌 《四川动物》2007,26(2):263-266,I0003
本研究发现,蛤蚧视觉神经核团有视顶盖(OT)、峡核(NI)、基底视束核(nBOR)、豆状核(LM)、中脑深部核(NPM)、圆核(NR)、前背侧室嵴(ADVR)和皮质加厚区(Pth)等,其中NI和ADVR两核团的体积最大。视觉核团中有各种形状的细胞形态,其中梨形和梭形细胞占的比例较大。神经核团的细胞直径为6~30μm,其中以15~28μm最多。在ADVR和Pth核团中有细胞丛簇存在,其它核团尚未发现有这样的结构。各神经核团问和核团内有广泛而复杂的纤维联系。蛤蚧有关视觉神经核团除具有视觉功能外,可能还与听觉、触觉、嗅觉和平衡感觉等功能有关。  相似文献   

我们最近的研究证实了黄喉鹀(Emberiza elegans)的上橄榄核(Superior olivonucleus,SO)是听觉传入通路中的中继核。但对SO的传入性联系尚未见报道,本文用  相似文献   

一氧化氮合酶在豚鼠听觉核团的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究一氧化氮合酶(nitricoxidesythase,NOS)在听觉核团的分布特点,探讨一氧化氮(nitricoxede,NO)在听觉径路中的作用,本文采用NADPH硫辛酸胺脱氢酶(NADPH-d)组织化学方法,研究了豚鼠听觉核团内NOS的分布。结果发现,在各级听觉传入核团,均有NOS阳性神经元,而上橄榄复合体NOS反应阴性。耳蜗核NOS阳性神经元主要集中在耳蜗后腹核,为圆形或椭圆形双极神经元。下丘NOS阳性反应神经元位于下丘中央核团,胞体形状和大小不一。内侧膝状体背侧核NOS阳性神经元相对集中,多为双极神经元,部分神经元突起很长,散在阳性纤维,部分阳性纤维穿行于内侧膝状体背侧核与内侧膝状体之间。本研究提示,NO可能是听觉中枢的神经递质或调质,参与声信号传递的调节。  相似文献   

Using an antiserum generated in rabbits against synthetic galanin (GA) and the indirect immunofluorescence method, the distribution of GA-like immunoreactive cell bodies and nerve fibers was studied in the rat central nervous system (CNS) and a detailed stereotaxic atlas of GA-like neurons was prepared. GA-like immunoreactivity was widely distributed in the rat CNS. Appreciable numbers of GA-positive cell bodies were observed in the rostral cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex, the nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis, the caudate, medial preoptic, preoptic periventricular, and preoptic suprachiasmatic nuclei, the medial forebrain bundle, the supraoptic, the hypothalamic periventricular, the paraventricular, the arcuate, dorsomedial, perifornical, thalamic periventricular, anterior dorsal and lateral thalamic nuclei, medial and central amygdaloid nuclei, dorsal and ventral premamillary nuclei, at the base of the hypothalamus, in the central gray matter, the hippocampus, the dorsal and caudoventral raphe nuclei, the interpeduncular nucleus, the locus coeruleus, ventral parabrachial, solitarii and commissuralis nuclei, in the A1, C1 and A4 catechaolamine areas, the posterior area postrema and the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia. Fibers were generally seen where cell bodies were observed. Very dense fiber bundles were noted in the septohypothalamic tract, the preoptic area, in the hypothalamus, the habenula and the thalamic periventricular nucleus, in the ventral hippocampus, parts of the reticular formation, in the locus coeruleus, the dorsal parabrachial area, the nucleus and tract of the spinal trigeminal area and the substantia gelatinosa, the superficial layers of the spinal cord and the posterior lobe of the pituitary. The localization of the GA-like immunoreactivity in the locus coeruleus suggests a partial coexistence with catecholaminergic neurons as well as a possible involvement of the GA-like peptide in a neuroregulatory role.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of substance P-immunoreactivity (SP-IR) in the brainstem and spinal cord of normal and colchicine-pretreated cats was analysed using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. Numerous SP-IR fibers are present in the nucleus solitarius, nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi and nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, various parts of the formatio reticularis, substantia grisea centralis mesencephali, locus coeruleus and nucleus parabrachialis. SP-IR perikarya occur in the substantiae gelatinosa and intermedia of the spinal cord, the nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini-pars caudalis, the nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi, and the nucleus solitarius, as well as in the adjacent formatio reticularis and the medullary nuclei of the raphe. In addition, SP-IR cell bodies are located in the nuclei raphe magnus and incertus, ventral and dorsal to the nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis (Gudden), nucleus raphe dorsalis, substantia grisea centralis mensencephali, locus coeruleus, nucleus parabrachialis and colliculus superior.The results indicate that SP-IR neurons may be involved in the regulation of cardiovascular functions both at the central and peripheral level. A peripheral afferent portion seems to terminate in the nucleus solitarius and an efferent part is postulated to originate from the nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi and from the area of the nuclei retroambiguus, ambiguus and retrofacialis.  相似文献   

The distribution of somatostatinlike immunoreactive (SLI) perikarya, axons, and terminals was mapped in subcortical areas of the brain of the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus, using light microscopic immunocytochemistry. A preponderance of immunoreactivity was localized in reticular, limbic, and hypothalamic areas including: 1) in the forebrain: the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; lateral preoptic, dorsal, anterior, lateral and posterior hypothalamic areas; amygdaloid, periventricular, arcuate, supraoptic, suprachiasmatic, ventromedial, dorsomedial, paraventricular, lateral and medial mammillary, and lateral septal nuclei; the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca and nucleus accumbens septi; 2) in the midbrain: the periaqueductal gray, interpeduncular, dorsal and ventral tegmental, pretectal, and Edinger-Westphal nuclei; and 3) in the hindbrain: the superior central and parabrachial nuclei, nucleus incertus, locus coeruleus, and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis. Other areas containing SLI included the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen), zona incerta, infundibulum, supramammillary and premammillary nuclei, medial and dorsal lateral geniculate nuclei, entopeduncular nucleus, lateral habenular nucleus, central medial thalamic nucleus, central tegmental field, linear and dorsal raphe nuclei, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, superior and inferior colliculi, nucleus ruber, substantia nigra, mesencephalic nucleus of V, inferior olivary nucleus, inferior central nucleus, nucleus prepositus, and deep cerebellar nuclei. While these results were similar in some respects to those previously reported in rodents, they also provided interesting contrasts.  相似文献   

The spread of herpes simplex virus (HSV) was studied in the mouse central nervous system (CNS) after ocular inoculation. Sites of active viral replication in the CNS were identified by autoradiographic localization of neuronal uptake of tritiated thymidine. Labeled neurons were first noted in the CNS at 4 days postinoculation in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, ipsilateral spinal trigeminal nucleus, pars caudalis, pars interpolaris, and ipsilateral dorsal horn of the rostral cervical spinal cord. By 5 days postinoculation, additional sites of labeling included the seventh nerve nucleus, nucleus locus coeruleus, and the nuclei raphe magnus and raphe pallidus. None of these sites are contiguous to nuclei infected at 4 days, but all are synaptically related to these nuclei. By 7 days postinoculation, no new foci of labeled cells were noted in the brain stem, but labeled neurons were noted in the amygdala, hippocampus, and somatosensory cortex. Neurons in both the amygdala and hippocampus receive axonal projections from the locus coeruleus. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that the spread of HSV in the CNS after intracameral inoculation is not diffuse but is restricted to a small number of noncontiguous foci in the brain stem and cortex which become infected in a sequential fashion. Since these regions are synaptically related, the principal route of the spread of HSV in the CNS after ocular infection appears to be along axons, presumably via axonal transport rather than by local spread.  相似文献   

L J Sim  S A Joseph 《Peptides》1989,10(5):1019-1025
Afferent projections to the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) were identified using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (HRP-WGA). Neurons were labeled in important nociceptive regions including periaqueductal gray (PAG), arcuate nucleus, lateral hypothalamus and medial thalamic nuclei following both injections. We have immunocytochemically identified opiocortin/WGA neurons in the arcuate nucleus following NRM and DRN injections. Dual stained catecholamine/WGA perikarya were found in zona incerta, locus coeruleus, substantia nigra, nucleus tractus solitarius and adjacent A2, C2 and C3, lateral paragigantocellular reticular nucleus/C1 and lateral reticular nucleus/A1 following DRN injections and in zona incerta, substantia nigra, nucleus tractus solitarius/A2 and lateral reticular nucleus/A1 after NRM injections. These results provide further evidence for opiocortin and catecholamine modulation of analgesia.  相似文献   

Following the i.c.v. administration of arginine8-vasopressin (30 ng in 1 μl saline) to rats that had been injected i.p with α-MPT 30 min prior to the administration of the peptide catecholamine metabolism was altered in a restricted number of brain nuclei. Noradrenaline disappearance was accelerated as compared to saline treated controls in the dorsal septal nucleus, the anterior hypothalamic nucleus, the medial forebrain bundle, the parafascicular nucleus, the dorsal raphe nucleus, the locus coeruleus, the nucleus tractus solitarii and the Al-region. In the supraoptic nucleus and the nucleus ruber a decreased noradrenaline disappearnce was observed after the administration of the peptide. Dopamine disappearance was accelerated in the caudate nucleus, the median eminence, the dorsal raphe nucleus and the A8-region. These results support the view that vasopressin is participating in the regulation of a variety of physiological processes by modulating neurotransmission in specific brain nuclei.  相似文献   

马嵘  徐光尧 《生理学报》1991,43(5):489-493
The effect of electrical stimulation of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) on intragastric pressure (IGP) was observed on 80 Wistar rats anaesthetized with urethan. The main results are as follows: (1) Electrical stimulation of ARC could cause an obvious decrease of IGP. (2) The reduction of IGP induced by electrical stimulation of ARC was not affected by intracerebroventricular injection of naloxone. (3) After lesioning of locus coeruleus or dorsal raphe, the effect of ARC stimulation was depressed. The results suggest that the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe nucleus may be involved in the reduction of IGP induced by ARC stimulation, but without the involvement of beta-endorphinergic neurons.  相似文献   

Projections into rat ventromedial hypothalamus were studied with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Following injection of HRP into ventromedial hypothalamus, labeled neurons were found in cortical and medial amygdaloid nuclei, ipsilateral mediodorsalis thalamus (MD), dorsal raphe nucleus, and contralateral sensorimotor cortex. Futhermore, labeled axons that connect directly amygdala with hypothalamus (DAH) also were found.  相似文献   

Behavioral, anatomical, and gene expression studies have shown functional dissociations between the dorsal and ventral hippocampus with regard to their involvement in spatial cognition, emotion, and stress. In this study we examined the difference of the multisynaptic inputs to the dorsal and ventral dentate gyrus (DG) in the rat by using retrograde trans-synaptic tracing of recombinant rabies virus vectors. Three days after the vectors were injected into the dorsal or ventral DG, monosynaptic neuronal labeling was present in the entorhinal cortex, medial septum, diagonal band, and supramammillary nucleus, each of which is known to project to the DG directly. As in previous tracing studies, topographical patterns related to the dorsal and ventral DG were seen in these regions. Five days after infection, more of the neurons in these regions were labeled and labeled neurons were also seen in cortical and subcortical regions, including the piriform and medial prefrontal cortices, the endopiriform nucleus, the claustrum, the cortical amygdala, the medial raphe nucleus, the medial habenular nucleus, the interpeduncular nucleus, and the lateral septum. As in the monosynaptically labeled regions, a topographical distribution of labeled neurons was evident in most of these disynaptically labeled regions. These data indicate that the cortical and subcortical inputs to the dorsal and ventral DG are conveyed through parallel disynaptic pathways. This second-order input difference in the dorsal and ventral DG is likely to contribute to the functional differentiation of the hippocampus along the dorsoventral axis.  相似文献   

研究用荧光金(FG)逆行追踪与免疫荧光组化染色相结合的双标技术对大鼠脑干向延髓网状背侧亚核(SRD)的5┐羟色胺(5┐HT)能、P物质(SP)能和亮氨酸┐脑啡肽(L┐ENK)能投射进行了观察。将FG注入SRD后,FG逆标神经元主要见于中脑导水管周围灰质、脑干中缝核簇(中缝背核、中缝正中核、中缝桥核、中缝大核、中缝隐核和中缝苍白核)、巨细胞网状核α部、延髓网状结构的内侧部和外侧部、延髓外侧网状核、三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核和孤束核。5┐羟色胺(5┐HT)样、P物质(SP)样和亮氨酸脑啡肽(L┐ENK)样阳性神经元主要见于中脑导水管周围灰质、脑干中缝核簇和巨细胞网状核α部;此外,SP样和L┐ENK样阳性神经元还见于臂旁核、背外侧被盖核和孤束核。FG逆标并呈5┐HT样、SP样或L┐ENK样阳性的双标神经元也主要见于中脑导水管周围灰质、脑干中缝核簇和巨细胞网状核α部,尤其是位于延髓中缝核团内的双标神经元数量较多。本研究的结果说明SRD内的5┐HT样、SP样和L┐ENK样阳性终末主要来自中脑导水管周围灰质、脑干中缝核簇和巨细胞网状核α部,向SRD发出5┐HT能、SP能和L┐ENK能投射的上述核团对SRD发挥“弥漫性伤害抑  相似文献   

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