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珠三角地区四季草坪杂草群落组成及其生态位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用倒置"W"九点取样法,对珠三角地区5个城市32个草坪样点进行了季节动态调查.结果表明:春季草坪杂草群落结构以水蜈蚣(KyUinga brevifolia)+三点金(Desmodium triflorum)+狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)+积雪草(Asiatic pennywort)为主;夏季以水蜈蚣+三点金+香附子(Cypems rotundus)+伞房花耳草(Hedyotis corymbosa)为主;秋季以水蜈蚣+三点金+伞房花耳草+狗牙根为主;冬季以积雪草+水蜈蚣+天胡荽(Hydrocotyle sibthorpoioides)+三点金为主.运用改进的Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数对四季优势杂草生态位进行分析,结果表明,大部分杂草生态位宽度在0.5以下,生态位宽度达到0.50的有水蜈蚣(四季均最高),三点金(秋季)、狗牙根(春季)、酢浆草(Oxalis pes-caprae)(春季).春季优势杂草的生态位重叠指数达到0.60的最多,冬季则最少.生态位重叠指数的最大值出现在夏季,分别是天胡荽和母草(Lindernia crustacea)、白花蛇舌草(Hedyotis diffusa)和瓶尔小草(Ophioglossum vulgatum)之间,可达0.85.  相似文献   

深圳市草坪杂草发生季节变化及杂草群落聚类分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用样线法调查了深圳市区不同管理类型草坪的杂草周年发生及分布情况,并用系统聚类法分析了各草坪杂草群落的发生规律。共观察到25科83种草坪杂草,其中春季发生的杂草种类67种,夏季68种,秋季70种,冬季49种,四季共有的种类40种,占总数的48.2%;香附子、光鳞水蜈蚣、狗牙根、千根草等9种杂草为优势种,也是重要的防除对象;深圳市草坪杂草全年共分为15类群落,其中春季3类,夏、秋、冬季各4类,管理水平是影响杂草群落发生特征的最直接因素。  相似文献   

马尼拉草(Zoysia matralla)又名半细叶结缕草,是一种较好的草坪用禾本科植物,近年来在黄河流域以南地区广泛栽植。但杂草的侵蔓一直是严重影响马尼拉草坪正常养护管理的一个突出问题,对整个草坪造成威胁。据初步调查,马尼拉草坪在不同的小环境条件下,杂草发生有不同的群落类型,杂草种类多达18科30多种,其中优势种类有如阔叶杂草小藜、黄花蒿、苋菜、马齿苋、打碗花、萹蓄、车前、朝天委陵菜等,禾本科杂草有狗尾草、蟋蟀草、马唐等;莎草  相似文献   

空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)是目前我国危害最为严重的外来植物之一。利用样方法调查了南京市春季有空心莲子草分布的不同生境下杂草的种类和分布情况,用主成分分析及聚类分析法进行数据处理分析,目的是研究空心莲子草对杂草群落组成和物种多样性的影响。结果表明,南京市春季有空心莲子草分布的样点杂草有36科142种,其中禾本科、菊科、蓼科最多;影响空心莲子草及伴生杂草分布、发生的主要因素是土壤水分条件和人为干扰强度。依据这两个因素的不同,可将样点划分为4个聚类群,比较了各聚类群物种多样性指数,结果显示:各聚类群里随着空心莲子草重要值的升高,Simpson优势度指数也逐步上升,表明空心莲子草的优势度得到加强;Shannon-Weiner指数和Pielou均匀度指数均逐渐下降,说明了群落的物种多样性持续降低,原来的优势种危害加大,空心莲子草的入侵影响群落结构,使物种多样性降低。  相似文献   

草坪杂草生态位研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
谭永钦  张国安  郭尔祥 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1300-1305
调查研究草坪杂草的重要值、生态位宽度、以及不同种类杂草之间的生态位重叠值 ,能够揭示杂草种间生态相似关系 ,能够预测杂草之间相互影响的趋势。利用杂草种间的相互制约关系 ,可以指导合理地使用除草剂 ,从而达到降低草坪养护成本 ,保护环境的双重效果。以武汉市区多种不同种类草坪为研究对象 ,对该地区草坪主要杂草进行了系统调查 ,通过七级目测法 ,计算了草坪 2 0种主要杂草的重要值 ,并计测了它们的生态位宽度和生态位重叠值。结果表明 ,看麦娘 (Alopecurusaequalis) ,牛蘩缕(Stellaria media) ,野燕麦 (Avena fatua) ,猪殃殃 (Galium aparine) ,一年蓬 (Erigeron annuus) ,鼠麴草 (Gnaphalium multiceps) ,毛茛 (Ranunculus arevensis) ,通泉草 (Mazus japonicus)等杂草的实际生态位比较宽 ,它们是本地区草坪的主要杂草。而猪殃殃(Galium aparine) ,婆婆纳 (Veronica persica) ,野燕麦 (Avena fatua)等杂草间的生态位重叠值大。杂草生态位宽度大小反映了杂草利用资源的多样化水平或特化水平 ,通常生态位宽度大的杂草以牺牲对局域范围内资源的利用效率来换取对大范围内资源的利用能力  相似文献   

南京市春季外来杂草调查及生态位研究   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:23  
吴海荣  强胜  林金成 《西北植物学报》2004,24(11):2061-2068
利用样方法调查了南京市不同生境下外来杂草的种类、盖度、密度情况,探讨了不同生境中外来杂草对杂草群落的影响,同时分析了10种主要外来杂草和本地伴生种的生态位特点.结果表明,南京市春季外来杂草有36种,在74个样点中外来杂草出现的频率达到98.65%;外来杂草的入侵对生物多样性有不利影响;外来杂草平均优势度在不同生境中大小次序为:水边>菜地>荒地>路旁>景区>田埂>草坪>果茶园>墙缝>农田>宅旁>山坡.生态位的研究结果表明:野塘蒿 Conyzabonariensis L. Cronq. 、野老鹳草 GeraniumcarolinianumL. 和阿拉伯婆婆纳 VeronicapersicaPoir. 是生态位宽度最高的外来杂草,其入侵性最强;具有较高生态位宽度的外来杂草与其它杂草的生态位重叠较大,具有相似形态特征的杂草间的生态位重叠较大.  相似文献   

模拟铅污染土壤中杂草的菌根形成及对铅的吸收   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过盆栽试验研究了13种杂草在模拟铅污染土壤中的菌根形成及对铅的吸收累积特点。结果表明铅污染对杂草的生长没有明显影响。铅污染土壤中杂草的菌根侵染状况发生了显著变化,与无污染的土壤相比,苦荬菜(Ixerischinensis)、早熟禾(Poaannua)、黑麦草(Loliumperenne)、野燕麦(Avenafatua)、野豌豆(Viciacracca)、白车轴草(Trifoliumrepens)的菌根侵染率下降,而无芒稗(Echinochloacrusgallivar.mitis)、北美车前(Plantagovirginica)、鼠曲草(Gnaphaliumaffine)和酢浆草(Oxaliscorniculata)的菌根侵染率上升,鸡眼草(Kummerowiastriata)、升马唐(Digitariaciliaris)和婆婆纳(Veronicadidyma)无明显变化;土壤中的孢子数除了鸡眼草、野豌豆、白车轴草和酢浆草无显著差异外,其余物种在铅污染土壤中的孢子数量与对照相比明显下降。不同的杂草物种对土壤铅的吸收和积累存在明显差异,被杂草吸收的铅主要积累在杂草根系内,向杂草地上部转移的铅比率不高。  相似文献   

王艳荣  赵利清 《生态学杂志》2005,24(12):1413-1417
2000~2002年对呼和浩特地区不同草坪的杂草种类组成及其危害进行了调查,发现在3个不同管理水平的草坪中共出现80种杂草植物,其中管理水平较差、中等、较好的草坪分别有67种、37种和36种杂草,以菊科、豆科、禾本科植物占优势,不同草坪杂草群落的生活型谱有明显差异.根据危害度指数把草坪杂草分为极度、重度、中度、轻度、弱度危害5个等级,极度和重度危害杂草在管理水平较差、中等、较好的草坪中的种类比例分别为11.95%、21.63%和22.22%;在管理水平较差草坪中,极度危害杂草是早开堇菜和止血马唐,春季和秋季以早开堇菜的危害为主,夏季以止血马唐为主;在管理水平中等草坪中,极度危害杂草是赖草和止血马唐,赖草的高危害期在春秋季节,夏季以止血马唐为主要危害杂草;在管理水平较好的草坪中,极度危害杂草是鼠掌老鹳草、鹅绒委陵菜、赖草、欧亚旋复花,其中鼠掌老鹳草的危害度在整个生长季中占绝对优势.  相似文献   

玉米连作、迎茬和轮作对田间杂草群落的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用定位试验方法研究了北方旱作玉米长期 (1 0~ 1 2年 )连作、米豆米迎茬和豆麦米轮作条件下玉米田杂草群落变化。结果表明 ,3种茬口杂草密度以米豆米迎茬最小 ,杂草密度在不同年际间存在着差异 ,随着连作年限的增加 ,使连作区一些杂草种类增加 ,同时也有些杂草种类减少 ,但这种差别主要是在双子叶杂草之间 ,单子叶杂草种类没有变化 ,如连作 1 2年较连作 1 0年杂草增加了牛繁缕 ,减少了鸡眼草。 2年调查结果可知 ,连作、迎茬和轮作 3个茬口相比 ,米豆米迎茬较连作和轮作杂草种类发生的少  相似文献   

不同控草措施对高温季节华南地区蔬菜田杂草群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈国奇  冯莉  田兴山 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7444-7453
华南地区高温季节从6月持续到10月,田间杂草危害严重,当前高温季节田间杂草群落发生格局相关的研究资料积累不足。因此在广州高温季节于标准化菜田通过田间杂草调查、小区控草试验和室内土壤培养,研究了杂草群落发生规律和菜田不同清园和土壤处理控草措施对田间杂草群落短期防效和后续影响。结果表明,试验田休耕50 d后,田间杂草群落中禾草类杂草种类较少但发生量明显占优,阔叶类杂草种类较多而危害总体较轻,莎草类杂草种类较少,发生量与阔叶草相当;牛筋草(Eleusine indica)呈现明显的单优势,光头稗(Echinochloa colona)、千金子(Leptochloa chinensis)、碎米莎草(Cyperus iria)、草龙(Ludwigia hyssopifolia)等的盖度也较高。休耕后取田间土壤在不同温度条件下培养的结果亦表明,高温促进禾草类杂草的出苗和幼苗生长(尤其是40℃/35℃)而15℃恒温培养14 d几乎仅有阔叶类杂草出苗。不同控草措施处理的田间试验结果表明,百草枯处理(900 g a.i./hm~2)后阔叶类杂草总盖度上升的趋势被扭转为禾草类杂草持续占优势;喷施百草枯并铲草处理30 d后杂草盖度即恢复至60%以上,而配合喷施丁草胺(1350 ga.i./hm~2)、乙草胺(750 ga.i./hm~2)、精异丙甲草胺(750 ga.i./hm~2)或二甲戊灵(600 ga.i./hm~2)进行土壤处理30 d后可使杂草盖度与仅喷施百草枯处理分别下降72.9%、84.6%、83.9%和77.5%;土壤处理前配合浅翻耕可明显提升控草效果。典范对应分析(CCA)结果表明,控草处理70d后,百草枯、铲草和翻耕处理均对试验田间杂草群落结构具有显著影响(P0.01),田间各主要杂草在CCA排序图中明显分为两个类群:1)光头稗、牛筋草、千金子、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、水虱草(Fimbristylis miliacea)和三头水蜈蚣(Kyllinga triceps);2)草龙、胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)、鳢肠(Eclipta prostrata)、马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea)等阔叶类杂草和碎米莎草。  相似文献   

We assessed the ecological value of golf courses based on a quantitative synthesis of studies in the scientific literature that have measured and compared biota on golf courses to that of biota in green-area habitats related to other land uses. We found that golf courses had higher ecological value in 64% of comparative cases. This pattern was consistent also for comparisons based on measures of species richness, as well as for comparisons of overall measures of birds and insects—the fauna groups most widely examined in the studies. Many golf courses also contribute to the preservation of fauna of conservation concern. More broadly, we found that the ecological value of golf courses significantly decreases with land types having low levels of anthropogenic impact, like natural and nature-protected areas. Conversely, the value of golf courses significantly increases with land that has high levels of anthropogenic impact, like agricultural and urban lands. From an ecosystem management perspective, golf courses represent a promising measure for restoring and enhancing biodiversity in ecologically simplified landscapes. Furthermore, the review suggests that golf courses hold a real potential to be designed and managed to promote critical ecosystem services, like pollination and natural pest control, providing an opportunity for joint collaboration among conservation, restoration and recreational interests. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. J.C. have designed the study, performed research, the analysis of data and writing the paper, and C.F. has especially contributed to the latter two.  相似文献   

Potentially, golf courses could act as wildlife refuges under adequate golf course management. We assessed the impacts of golf course managements on arthropod communities by analyzing arthropod community data. Arthropods were collected using a sweeping-net method from turf areas. Information of management applied in each golf course such as frequency of chemical use, length of grass was obtained by field measurements and also from interviews based on management records with green keepers. In total, 92 invertebrate families were collected. Of 44 frequently appearing families, the number of individuals in 22 arthropods families such as Delphacidae and Deltocephalidae were associated with some kind of course management features. Length of grass was the most influential factor to those families. After removing the effect of the grass length by regression analysis, herbicide affected six families. The effects of frequency of the use of fungicide and insecticide were not detected in this study.  相似文献   

Golf courses have been shown to have a positive impact on local biodiversity, quality of life and the economy. However, the impacts of golf courses on local environment, including ecosystem services and dis-services are not clearly understood. To explore this relationship, we took two golf courses in Beijing (a links course and a parkland course) to develop an assessment framework and present estimates of economic values of net ecosystem services, in aspects of ecosystem goods, carbon fixation, soil retention, flood storage, recreation, water consumption and nonpoint-source pollution. The results showed that the two golf courses have provided remarkable net ecosystem services values (links 51.58 × 104 yuan/ha/yr, parkland 42.60 × 104 yuan/ha/yr, 6.19 yuan = 1 US$ in 2013). Over 95% of this value is generated by three services: recreation, ecosystem goods and flood storage. Our results indicate that the parkland course has better performance in sustainable supply of ecosystem services than the links course. In addition, this study provides useful improvements for golf course design and management concerning positive environmental externalities optimizing, including the scaling of non-playing areas to maximize golf course ecosystem services supply capacity, appropriate grass species selecting and irrigation with recycled water. Moreover, a policy analysis suggests that the development of public golf course in China is a necessary complement to resolve the mismatch between private and public benefits and let more people enjoy the ecosystem services.  相似文献   

不同除草方式对浙西南柑橘园杂草群落及其多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2005年6月—2008年5月在浙江衢州市柑橘主产区,运用群落生态学方法研究了化学除草、人工除草和化学除草+人工除草3种方式对果园杂草群落及其多样性的影响.结果表明:化学除草试验区杂草为17科46种,人工除草试验区杂草为20科59种,化学除草+人工除草试验区杂草为18科51种,对照区杂草为25科75种.化学除草处理的杂草物种丰富度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均匀度指数最低,人工除草处理最高,表明化学除草对果园杂草多样性的影响最大.在浙西南柑橘园既要防除杂草,又要维持果园杂草的多样性,建议采取化学除草+人工除草的方式.  相似文献   

本文就厦门地区高尔夫球场草种选择和绿化问题作了初步探讨。作者认为,厦门地区的自然条件适合暖地型草种的生长,草种应以狗牙根(Cynodon spp.)和结缕草(Zoysia spp.)为主。绿化设计应体现南亚热带滨海风光的植被景观,树种配置以亚热带植物为主,并与引种的树种相结合,注意绿化效果和球场功能的协调统一,做到绿化布局合理,以绿化效果衬托球场草坪的美观。  相似文献   

We studied population size, genetic diversity and differentiation of common frog (Rana temporaria) populations at urban golf courses and reference natural ponds in the greater Helsinki region, southern Finland. A total of 248 tadpoles from 12 locations (six golf courses, six reference sites) were genotyped with 13 polymorphic microsatellite markers. The most urban populations, situated in northern Helsinki, were the largest breeding sites having >120 (golf courses) and >200 (reference sites) spawn clumps at the time of sampling. On average, there was no difference in the number of spawns between the anthropogenic ponds at golf courses and the natural water bodies. Genetic variation within populations was substantial (H O = 0.68) while genetic differentiation between populations was low (F ST = 0.016; average distance = 17.6 km). The golf course populations did not differ from natural populations in terms of genetic variability or differentiation. Hence, our results suggest that golf courses contribute positively to urban amphibian populations by providing suitable water bodies for reproduction and green corridors for dispersal, thus preventing isolation and loss of genetic variability within populations.  相似文献   

The role the environment has on populations of Pythium and Mesocriconema spp. was investigated at 5 golf course locations in east central Alabama. Every 4 to 5 weeks soil samples were collected from 3 golf greens on each of the 5 golf courses. Environmental data, including air and soil temperature, pH and relative humidity, were also collected. Dilution plating and a combined sieving and sugar flotation procedure were conducted to determine the populations of Pythium and Mesocriconema spp. for each month. Isolates of Pythium from 4 months were also identified. Pythium spp. populations increased as soil temperature and ambient air temperature prior to sampling decreased (P < 0.05). Pythium spp. populations were highest in the winter and lowest in the spring. At some locations, populations of Mesocriconema spp. increased as soil acidity and populations of Pythium spp. decreased (P < 0.05) and as ambient air temperature prior to sampling increased (P < 0.05). Eight species of Pythium were isolated from 4 months, with Pythium rostratum being the most commonly isolated. Results suggest that Pythium and Mesocriconema spp. prefer different soil environments.  相似文献   

The number of Egyptian Geese Alopochen aegyptiaca has increased in the Western Cape province, South Africa, during the past few decades and they are allegedly perceived as a problem on golf courses. However, attitudes towards the geese on golf courses in the province have not been empirically assessed. We surveyed the residents and members of the Steenberg Golf Estate, Cape Town, during April 2012 to evaluate perceptions towards Egyptian Geese on the estate. A standardised, anonymous questionnaire was sent to 548 estate residents and non-resident golfing members. Of the 112 respondents, the majority (92, or 84%) considered that geese are a problem on the estate. The ranking of the perceived problem was: 16 (15%) minimal problem, 34 (33%) moderate problem and 54 (52%) severe problem. The majority also considered that the goose population should be reduced by 50% or more (90, or 86% of all respondents). Dealing with Egyptian Geese numbers and activities on golf courses is complex. The option of designing golf courses and adjacent vegetation so that they are attractive to local bird species, while simultaneously being less attractive to Egyptian Geese, is available.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding the response of farmland weed community assembly to fertilization is important for designing better nutrient management strategies in integrated farmland ecological systems. Many studies have focused on weed characteristics, mainly crop–weed competition responses to fertilization or weed communities alone. However, weed community assembly in association with crop growth is poorly understood in the agroecosystems, but is important for the determination of integrated weed management. Biodiversity promotes ecosystem productivity in the grassland, but whether it applies to the agroecosystems is unclear. Based on an 11-year field experiment, the cumulative effects of different fertilization patterns on the floristic composition and species diversity of farmland weed communities along with wheat growth in a winter wheat–soybean rotation were investigated.Methods The field trial included five fertilization patterns with different combinations of N, P and K fertilizers. Species composition and diversity of weed communities, aboveground plant biomass and nutrient accumulation of weeds and winter wheat, light penetration to the ground surface and wheat yield were measured at each plot in 2009 and 2010. Multivariate analysis, regression and analysis of variance were used to analyze the responses of these parameters to the different fertilization treatments.Important findings Four dominant weeds (Galium aparine L., Veronica persica Poir., Vicia sativa L. and Geranium carolinianum L.) accounted for ~90% of the total weed density in the 2 years of experimental duration. The residual weed community assembly was influenced primarily by topsoil available nutrients in the order P> N> K. Competition for nutrients and solar radiation between crops and weeds was the main indirect effect of fertilization on the changes in weed community composition and species diversity. The indices of species diversity (species richness, Shannon–Wiener, Pielou and Simpson indices) showed significant linear relationships with wheat yield. The balanced fertilization treatment was more efficient at inhibiting the potential growth of weeds because of solar radiation being intercepted by wheat. These results support the conclusion that wheat yield is favored by balanced fertilization, whereas the weed community is favored by PK fertilization in terms of density and diversity. However, the negative effects on wheat yield may be compromised by simultaneous positive effects of weed communities in the fertilization treatments, for instance, the NP and NK treatments, which are intermediate in terms of increasing wheat production and to a level maintaining a diverse community.  相似文献   

The weevil Listronotus maculicollis Dietz (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest of annual bluegrass, Poa annua L., on golf courses in northeastern North America. To determine the distribution, abundance, and seasonal ecology of L. maculicollis on golf courses in Québec, Canada, we sampled 19 golf courses (GC1-GC19) from different geographic and climatic conditions during 2001, 2002, and 2003. L. maculicollis was found on all golf courses except GC19, which was located in northeastern Québec. In most sites, L. maculicollis completed two generations per year. A linear regression model comparing L. maculicollis larval densities as a function of spatial coordinates revealed that L. maculicollis were more abundant in western Québec than in eastern Québec. Pearson correlations on the probability of both L. maculicollis larval and pupal presence with soil parameters indicated significant positive correlations for fine sand (larvae) and soil pH (pupae) and negative correlations for gravel.  相似文献   

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