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种子类别和埋藏深度对雌性小泡巨鼠发现种子的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
肖治术  张知彬 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):311-314
2001年9~12月,在四川省都江堰林区实验围栏内研究了栓皮栎、袍树、栲树、石栎、青冈和油茶种子与6种埋藏深度对小泡巨鼠雌性成体发现埋藏种子的影响。结果表明:1)由于不同种子在种子大小、营养价值和单宁含量等存在差异,雌性小泡巨鼠对个体最大的石栎种子发现率最高,油茶(脂肪含量高)和栲树(单宁含量低)次之,单宁含量较高的袍树、青冈和栓皮栎则较低;2)埋藏深度与雌性小泡巨鼠发现栓皮栎种子的比例呈显负相关,即随着埋藏深度增加,小泡巨鼠发现埋藏种子的比例则减少。  相似文献   

小泡巨鼠对森林种子选择和贮藏的观察   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
小泡巨鼠是四川省都江堰林区一种占优势的鼠种,取食多种林木种子和果实,可能影响这些树种的更新。于2001年秋季,调查了小泡巨鼠对栓皮栎、袍树、栲树、石栎、青冈和油茶等6种重要林木种子的选择和贮藏,并初步探讨了其对森林更新的影响。结果表明,小泡巨鼠对上述6种林木种子有很强的选择性,种子的营养价值和单宁含量是影响其选择和贮藏的主要因素。小泡巨鼠喜好取食和贮藏单宁含量较低的栲树、油茶和石栎种子,而不喜好取食和贮藏单宁含量较高的袍树、青冈和栓皮栎种子。小泡巨鼠在围栏内分散贮藏了部分种子(特别是石栎和油茶种子),且绝大部分贮藏点仅有1粒种子。小泡巨鼠对种子的选择和贮藏可能对有关林木的更新产生积极影响。  相似文献   

都江堰林区小型兽类取食林木种子的调查   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
肖治术  张知彬 《兽类学报》2004,24(2):121-124
在都江堰林区, 采用活捕喂养法调查了取食栓皮栎、枹树、栲树、石栎、青冈和油茶种子的小型兽类及其对这些种子的选择。结果表明, 捕获的小泡巨鼠、针毛鼠、青毛鼠、大足鼠和褐家鼠大都取食这些林木种子,且存在一定的选择差异性。小泡巨鼠对6 种林木种子的选择指数均较高, 其他鼠种的选择有显著差异。在6 种林木种子中, 所有鼠种均喜好取食栲树种子, 很少取食石栎种子。小型兽类个体的大小、种子质量和取食林木种子所耗用的时间可能是影响小型兽类选择和利用不同林木种子的主要因素。活捕喂养法虽然能够了解小型兽类对林木种子的选择差异, 有其优点, 但也有局限性。  相似文献   

种子大小对小泡巨鼠贮藏行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以小泡巨鼠为研究对象,在围栏条件下,测定小泡巨鼠对大小两种栓皮栎种子的贮藏行为差异,以检验最优贮藏空间模型的两个预测:(1)大种子(高价值食物)的贮藏率大于小种子(低价值食物);(2)大种子的贮藏距离远于小种子.结果表明:大种子的搬运比例(39%)多于小种子(21.5%),多数的小种子(53%)被取食,大种子的贮藏比率(16%)远大于小种子(7%),上述结果支持模型的预测(1).但是,不同大小种子在贮藏距离上没有显著差异,因而预测(2)没有被支持.实验结果表明种子价值对鼠类的取食和贮藏行为有十分重要的影响,但围栏空间可能影响对模型预测(2)的检验.  相似文献   

红豆树(Ormosia hosiei)为我国特有的国家Ⅱ级保护珍稀濒危植物,有关动物对种子的捕食和扩散作用是否影响其种群更新目前尚无研究.2009年秋季,我们在四川省都江堰地区利用大型实验围栏研究了小泡巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi)和社鼠(Niviventor confuciamus)对红豆树种子的捕食和贮藏格局,以便了解鼠类在红豆树种子扩散中的潜在作用.结果表明小泡巨鼠和社鼠均取食红豆树种子,但二者贮藏种子的方式不同:社鼠主要集中贮藏种子,对红豆树种子的扩散作用不大,而小泡巨鼠则主要分散贮藏种子,故对红豆树种子有一定的扩散作用.研究结果说明尽管鼠类可通过捕食而降低种子存活,但分散贮藏的鼠种能促进红豆树种子的扩散,从而有利于其种群维持.  相似文献   

种内及种间干扰对围栏内花鼠分散贮藏行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2009 年9 月在黑龙江省带岭区东方红林场10 m ×10 m 半天然围栏内模拟花鼠种内(不同性别) 和种间
(大林姬鼠) 干扰竞争对花鼠分散埋藏红松种子行为的影响。实验分四个处理两个批次进行,依次为单只花鼠对
照实验(雄性7 只,雌性9 只)、种内同性干扰竞争、种内异性干扰竞争和种间干扰竞争。结果表明:(1)花鼠
内干扰对花鼠分散埋藏行为的影响不显著;(3) 种内干扰竞争条件下,同性干扰竞争和异性干扰竞争对花鼠分
增加;(5)雌性个体在雌性和雄性干扰条件下,花鼠分散埋藏行为均无明显变化。  相似文献   

王威  张洪茂  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(4):358-364
面对捕食风险,贮藏植物种子的啮齿动物如何通过调整其贮藏行为,权衡捕食风险和贮食效益,需要深入研究。2006 年9 月,在北京东灵山地区,以黄鼬作为捕食风险源,在半自然围栏内比较了有无捕食风险源时,岩松鼠贮藏的核桃种子的状态,以及埋藏种子在实验围栏内的分布、微生境和搬运距离,以探讨捕食风险对岩松鼠贮藏种子行为的影响。结果表明,捕食风险源存在时,搬运和埋藏种子的比例都显著减少,弃置地表种子的比例无显著差异;埋藏于高风险区的种子比例减少,中风险区和低风险区的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;位于裸地和草下的埋藏种子比例减少,位于墙基的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;此外,埋藏种子的搬运距离也没有显著差异。可见,捕食风险源存在时,岩松鼠显著减少了搬运和埋藏种子的比例,但对埋藏种子时的埋藏区域和微生境选择,以及搬运距离无显著影响。差异不显著可能与围栏效应有关。  相似文献   

果囊是苔草属植物的种子特有外部结构, 果囊的存在可能对种子的休眠和萌发造成影响。以红穗苔草种子为实验材料, 研究了不同的光照、种子埋藏深度和土壤湿度条件下, 有无果囊对红穗苔草种子萌发的影响。结果表明: (1)去除果囊显著提高了红穗苔草种子的萌发率(GR)、日平均萌发率(MDG)和发芽峰值(PV); (2)红穗苔草种子的萌发需要光照,随埋藏深度的增加, 种子的萌发能力减弱, 同时湿润条件比淹水条件更适合苔草种子的萌发。  相似文献   

种子中的单宁影响鼠类的取食和贮藏策略。高单宁假说认为鼠类倾向于优先贮藏单宁含量高的种子、取食单宁含量低的种子。同域分布的鼠类对种子的取食和贮藏选择是否符合高单宁假说的预测尚缺乏足够的实验证据。本研究通过围栏实验研究了四川都江堰地区亚热带常绿阔叶林中的小泡巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi)、针毛鼠(Niveventer fulvescens)、北社鼠(N.confucianus)、高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)、中华姬鼠(A.draco)对单宁含量高的栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)种子和单宁含量低的锥栗(Castanea henryi)种子的取食和贮藏偏好,旨在进一步验证高单宁假说。结果表明:(1)5种鼠均偏好取食锥栗种子,很少取食或不取食栓皮栎种子;(2)仅具集中贮藏习性的针毛鼠和北社鼠偏好集中贮藏锥栗种子;兼具集中和分散贮藏习性的小泡巨鼠和高山姬鼠也倾向于贮藏锥栗种子;(3)兼具集中和分散贮藏习性的中华姬鼠偏好分散贮藏栓皮栎种子,集中贮藏锥栗种子。研究结果并不完全支持高单宁假说,表明同域分布的鼠类对种子取食和贮藏偏好表现出种间分化,高单宁假说在同域分布鼠类中可能不具有普遍性。  相似文献   

贮藏种子的啮齿动物对油茶种子沉积形式的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子沉积的质量常常涉及种子扩散作用者(如鸟类和小型啮齿动物)对生境和微生境的选择以及种子沉积的形式(如种子埋藏)。然而,很少的研究涉及到种子在离开母树后被这些动物沉积在何处。在四川省都江堰一个实验林场的2个林分(次生林和原生林)内,通过追踪用带编号的金属薄片标记的油茶(CamelliaoleiferaAbel.)种子的命运,研究了贮藏种子的啮齿动物对种子沉积的影响。研究发现在2个林分内,80%以上的种子被很好地埋藏在0~60mm深的土壤中,而小部分种子则被放置在地表(但有少量落叶遮盖)。小型啮齿动物喜好在灌丛下或灌丛边缘贮藏和取食种子,可能是在这样的微生境下它们在觅食时将遭遇较小的捕食风险。研究还发现,贮藏点的微生境分布随贮藏点等级而逐渐变化在两个林分内较高等级的贮藏点(如次贮藏点和三级贮藏点)比初级贮藏点有更多的种子被贮藏在灌丛下或灌丛边缘。这表明,啮齿动物对油茶种子的埋藏可能更有益于种子的存活、萌发以及幼苗的建成。啮齿动物将散落在母树下或其附近的油茶种子扩散到不同的微生境,这可能有利于他们遭遇到更多的适宜环境而萌发,实现幼苗补充。  相似文献   

Scatter‐hoarding animals spread out cached seeds to reduce density‐dependent theft of their food reserves. This behaviour could lead to directed dispersal into areas with lower densities of conspecific trees, where seed and seedling survival are higher, and could profoundly affect the spatial structure of plant communities. We tested this hypothesis with Central American agoutis and Astrocaryum standleyanum palm seeds on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. We radio‐tracked seeds as they were cached and re‐cached by agoutis, calculated the density of adult Astrocaryum trees surrounding each cache, and tested whether the observed number of trees around seed caches declined more than expected under random dispersal. Seedling establishment success was negatively dependent on seed density, and agoutis carried seeds towards locations with lower conspecific tree densities, thus facilitating the escape of seeds from natural enemies. This behaviour may be a widespread mechanism leading to highly effective seed dispersal by scatter‐hoarding animals.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is qualitatively effective when it increases recruitment probability. A poorly studied factor likely affecting recruitment is the spatial distribution of dispersed seeds. Seed-caching animals are thought to disperse seeds in a way that reduces clumping and density to impede cache pilfering. Furthermore, dispersal might differ depending on whether the seed is immediately consumed versus cached for later consumption, and might differ depending on the ecological context. The main objectives of this study were to determine: 1) the spatial pattern of seed dispersal by rodents in a heterogeneous environment; 2) whether the patterns differ among years and among acorn competitor exclosure treatments, and 3) whether rodents create different spatial patterns of dispersal for acorns that are cached versus consumed immediately following dispersal. We studied the degree of spatial aggregation of acorn dispersal by rodents using two different estimators derived from the Ripley K and the Diggle G functions. We also analyzed various metrics of dispersal distances. For both analyses we used observed acorn dispersal patterns in two years differing in crop size and inside versus outside exclosures restricting access to acorn-consuming ungulates. During 2003, a year with a larger crop size, maximum seed dispersal distances were less, and the pattern of dispersed seeds was more clumped, than in 2004, a year with a smaller crop size. Median dispersal distances did not differ between years. In the presence of ungulates, seed dispersal was marginally sparser than in their absence. Cached acorns were dispersed more sparsely than acorns eaten immediately. These results have important implications for the quality of seed dispersal for oak recruitment that are likely relevant to other systems as well.  相似文献   

Current dynamic optimization models predict that animals shouldrespond to cache pilferage by decreasing the probability ofcaching food and by increasing internal fat storage to compensatefor a reduction in cache size. We tested these predictions underlaboratory conditions with variable food access (four 15-minintervals/day). Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) weresubjected to two environments: under pilferage conditions, one-quarterof their cached seeds were stolen every 0.5 h, and under no-pilferageconditions, seeds were left in place. Half the birds startedwith pilferage conditions and were then switched to the no-pilferagecondition; the other half started with no pilferage and werethen switched to pilferage conditions. The experiment was conductedover the course of a year to test for seasonal variation inthe response to seed pilferage. The birds responded to seedpilferage by taking more seeds from a feeder, suggesting thatthey monitored cache availability. Alternatively, the birdsmay have taken additional seeds from the feeder in responseto increased hunger caused by a loss of cached food. Contraryto our prediction, birds cached a higher percentage of seedsfrom the feeder when cached seeds were pilfered than when cacheswere left in place. Treatment order also affected caching behaviorfor all but the summer birds: chickadees initially subjectedto pilferage stored a higher proportion of seeds than thoseinitially subjected to no pilferage. Caching percentages inthe summer were unaffected by cache pilferage. Caching rates(number cached/day) also followed the same trends: rates werehigher when seeds were pilfered than when seeds were not pilfered,and there was a treatment-order effect for all but the summerbirds. Variation in body mass also failed to match predictedtrends. All birds exhibited a monotonic increase in mass asthe experiments proceeded, irrespective of treatment order.Controlling for this monotonic increase in mass, an analysisof residual variation in body mass indicated that birds gainedless weight when seeds were pilfered than when seeds were leftin place. Finally, birds tested in the fall and spring wereheavier than those tested in the summer. These results failto support the relationship between cache maintenance and bodymass regulation predicted by current models of energy regulation.We discuss the applicability of three hypotheses for the observedtrends.  相似文献   

K. C. BURNS  & JAMIE STEER 《Ibis》2006,148(2):266-272
Social interactions are thought to be an important determinant of food hoarding behaviour in birds. Theoretical work predicts that subordinate birds should cache more to offset losses to dominant birds. However, empirical support for this prediction is mixed. We evaluated whether social dominance influences the food hoarding behaviour of New Zealand Robins Petroica australis . Robins provide a unique opportunity to test food hoarding theory because they are fearless of humans and will cache food presented to them by hand. We offered mealworms to free-ranging male and female Robins to test whether (1) one sex was socially dominant, (2) the subordinate sex cached more frequently than the dominant sex and (3) birds cached more frequently when they were in the presence of a potential competitor. Our results indicate that males were dominant over females. Males acquired most of the prey offered to birds during trials and won all aggressive encounters observed between sexes. However, caching rates ran contrary to theoretical predictions. Males stored approximately twice as many mealworms as females. Both sexes also stored more food when they were alone than when they were accompanied by conspecifics. We interpret the reluctance of females and paired birds to hoard food as a strategy to avoid the loss of caches to competitors. Our overall results indicate that dominance rank strongly influences caching decisions, but that caching rates ran contrary to theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

张博  石子俊  陈晓宁  侯祥  王京  李金钢  常罡 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6750-6757
种子作为森林鼠类的主要食物来源,它们的扩散和更新很大程度上依赖于鼠类的传播。在鼠类扩散种子的过程中,种子特征和食物相对丰富度是影响鼠类对种子进行何种选择策略的重要因素。2011—2012年的8—12月,采用塑料片标记法在秦岭南坡的佛坪国家级自然保护区内调查了森林鼠类对同域分布的3种壳斗科植物(锐齿槲栎Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata、栓皮栎Q.variabilis和短柄枹栎Q.serrata var.brevipetiolata)种子的扩散差异。结果表明:(1)鼠类倾向于贮藏营养价值较大的栓皮栎种子,并且其贮藏距离也最远(2011:1.52 m,2012:4.03 m),3种种子在食物相对丰富度较低年份被贮藏的距离均较远。(2)在食物相对丰富度较高的年份(2011),种子的消耗速率较慢,在种子释放10 d后种子释放点仍有67.33%的种子,贮藏量较高,至实验结束仍有29.67%的种子被贮藏。在食物相对丰富度较低的年份(2012),种子消耗速率较快,在种子释放后10 d内所有种子均被取食或搬离种子释放点,贮藏量较低,至实验结束仅有3.83%的种子仍被贮藏。(3)虽然栓皮栎种子的贮藏量最大,被贮藏后的存留量也最大,但其在实验地的分布却较小,说明种子扩散仅是植物分布与存活的第一步。以上结果表明,鼠类倾向于贮藏营养价值高的种子。在食物相对丰富度较高的年份会更多的贮藏种子,但种子被贮藏的距离较近,在食物相对丰富度较低的年份会更多的取食种子。  相似文献   

Food‐storing birds use spatial memory to find previously cached food items. Throughout winter, pinyon jays (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) rely heavily on cached pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) seeds. Because of a recent severe drought, pinyon pine trees had not produced a significant seed crop for several years. Therefore, 1‐ and 2‐yr‐old birds never had the opportunity to cache and recover seeds and birds 4 or more years of age had not recovered seeds in 3 yr. This study examined whether natural but extreme variability in experience might result in differences in abstract spatial memory ability during a non‐cache recovery test of spatial memory. Three groups of jays were tested for spatial memory ability in an open room analog of the radial arm maze. Two of the groups were 8 mo old: young/minimally experienced birds which had 2 mo of experience in the wild, while young/experienced birds had 5 mo of experience in their natural habitat. The third group, adult, consisted of birds more than 3 yr old, with at least 3 yr of experience in their natural habitat. This was the only group with experience caching pine seeds. All three groups performed equally and well above chance. This suggests that spatial memory is fully developed by 8 mo of age and is not affected by extensive experience in the wild.  相似文献   

Western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) engage in a variety of cache-protection strategies to reduce the chances of cache theft by conspecifics. Many of these strategies revolve around reducing visual information to potential thieves. This study aimed to determine whether the jays also reduce auditory information during caching. Each jay was given the opportunity to cache food in two trays, one of which was filled with small pebbles that made considerable noise when cached in (‘noisy’ tray), whereas the other one contained soil that made little detectable noise when cached in (‘quiet’ tray). When the jays could be heard, but not seen, by a competitor, they cached proportionally less food items in the ‘noisy’ substrate than when they cached alone in the room, or when they could be seen and heard by competitors. These results suggest that western scrub-jays know when to conceal auditory information, namely when a competitor cannot see but can hear the caching event.  相似文献   

Social influences on food caching in willow tits: a field experiment   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
We studied the food hoarding behavior of willow tits (Parusmontanus), a scatter-hoarding passerine wintering in dominance-structuredflocks. We examined social influences on microhabitat selectionand spatial cache distribution at temporary feeders. Dominantadult males stored food closer to die feeder and at a greaterrate than did subordinates. When alone, the birds stored foodcloser to the feeder than when accompanied by conspecifics.Conifers were preferred over deciduous trees as cache trees.The subordinates cached more in die outer parts of branchesthan dominants. There were no significant differences in dierelative or absolute heights of die caches, nor in the verticalor horizontal hoarding niche breadths between dominants andsubordinates. We experimentally removed die dominants from dieflock for 90 min and recorded the behavior of die remainingsubordinates immediately after die removal. The removal resultedin a decrease in die hoarding distance of die remaining birds,indicating that die presence of dominants directly affecteddie behavior of subordinates and suggesting that kleptopar-asitismby dominants may be prevented by rarhing farther away. Withdie dominants removed, die subordinates cached at a greaterrate than before die removal. The decrease in die hoarding distanceand increase in die hoarding rate were die only significanteffects of die experiment, perhaps suggesting that, during ashort absence of dominants, die subordinates do not benefitfrom changing dieir caching microhabitat They might be excludedfrom those new, possibly safer, microhabitats after die dominantbird rejoins die flock.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) seed dispersal performed by seed-caching yellow pine chipmunks (Tamias amoenus) and lodgepole chipmunks (Tamias speciosus) was compared to that of wind dispersal in the Sierra Nevada of western Nevada. Wind-dispersed seeds typically fall under or near the parent tree. Chipmunks removed 90 and 97% of 1064 radioactive seeds from each of two simulated wind-dispersed seed shadows in less than 24 h. Wind-dispersed seeds were deployed within 12 m of the two source trees, but chipmunk caches were found from 2–69 m from the trees. Chipmunks carried nearly all seeds away from source trees, greatly reducing the density of seeds under and near source trees. Caches contained from 1–35 seeds and most were buried 7–21 mm deep. Chipmunks cached in open bitterbrush shrubland with mineral soils much more than expected and cached in closed-canopy Jeffrey pine and lodgepole pine forests with thick needle litter much less than expected. Many Jeffrey pine seedlings and saplings grow in the bitterbrush habitat and few grow in the pine forests. Ten and 20% of the original caches survived until April, the time of seed germination, at the two sites. The movement of wind-dispersed seeds is random relative to environmental variables important in seedling survival, and the wind in coniferous forests cannot quickly bury seeds. The quality of seed dispersal rendered by chipmunks was superior to that provided by the wind because the chipmunks quickly harvested seeds on the ground, moved them away from source trees, and buried them in the ground in habitats and microhabitats where they were more likely to establish new seedlings. The increased quality of seed dispersal provided by animals relative to the wind may help explain why over twenty species of pines have evolved seeds and cones that are adapted for dispersal by seed-caching animals.  相似文献   

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