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滑背霜扁蝽属Lissonotocoris Usinger & Matsuda 1959年根据采自越南的1头雌虫建立的。此前中国尚未有此属的报道。我们研究海南的扁蝽标本时,发现此种的雄虫。本文对该属、种进行重新描述。该属主要特征为:体小,长卵圆形。全翅。棕黑色,霜粉被白色。除前胸背板后叶光滑外,体被颗粒。头前叶短钝;颊未达前叶端部;触角短粗。前胸背板前叶深凹,后叶光滑。前翅膜片完整,无翅脉。  相似文献   

扁蝽属(Aradus Fabr.)包括小型至中型的昆虫,身体扁平,椭圆形,一般颜色黑暗。头长于宽,背面常具眼前刺及眼后刺;眼小,突出;触角基成刺状突出,触角第一节最短,第二或第三节最长;喙超过头的后缘。前胸背板横宽,具四条纵脊,侧叶多少扩展;小盾片长三角形。前翅完全,常有短翅型,革片基部扩展。身体腹面中央具纵沟。各足转节及股节愈合。  相似文献   

熊江  刘强 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):306-306,314
印度篁蝽Fernelius indicus Distant,1900(图1,2) 椭圆形。黑褐色,具不规则的黄褐色小斑点。头侧叶长于中叶,前端成一整齐的缺口;触角基部4节黑褐,第1节基部的背腹面和第5节棕黄色;复眼同体色,单眼棕红。前胸背板不规则的浅色斑多横向排列,前胸及胝区暗黄褐,前缘成一向上翘折的卷边。小盾片基角具光滑的淡黄色小圆斑,末端成一淡色狭边。前翅革片中折端部具1明显的棕黄色光滑小斑。腹部背板棕红色。侧接缘明暗相间。体下方淡黄褐色;两侧的长斑、由气门向内斜伸的斑,及各胸侧板中央的斑点黑色。足股节淡黄褐,胫节和跗节暗褐色。雄虫生殖节如图2:后面观横宽,向背侧方展开。生殖节盘域中央大部为一近似心形的凹陷占据。背侧角处显著内弯,末端尖。背缘成前陷的扁脊状,作宽V字形。  相似文献   

艳蝽属(Agaeus Dallas)昆虫,国内尚未见报道。笔者在整理云南西双版纳地区所采蝽类昆虫标本中发现该蝽数头,经鉴定为(Agaeus mimus Distant),中名暂定为格艳蝽。该虫在中国科学院云南热带植物研究所植保组收藏的标本中,记录为马鞭草科(Verbenaceae)云南石梓(Gmelina arborea Roxb)的害虫。目前仅知分布于西双版纳(勐腊,景洪),国外分布于印度。现将其成虫形态特征描述于后,以资参考。 体长 雄虫16—17毫米 雌虫20.5—23毫米 两侧角间宽 雄虫7.5毫米 雌虫9.5—10毫米 身体长椭圆形,赭红色具黑斑,黑斑常有铜绿金属光泽或紫蓝光泽(在活体时更明显)。头长,并略微长于前胸背板的正中部分,头中叶长于侧叶,末端略尖,侧缘波曲;头侧缘、复眼内侧、头中纵线赭色,头背面其他部分黑色,  相似文献   

刘国卿  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》1993,36(3):364-370
昧盲蝽属(Mecomma Fieber)为盲蝽科合垫盲蝽亚科(Orthotylina)中的一个小属,本属成虫雌雄体型各异:雄虫常为长翅型,雌虫多为短翅型,但偶亦可为长翅类型。体长一般为2—5mm。头横阔,喙多伸达后足基节。前胸背板钟形,前端具较狭的领片。体色常为褐色或黑色。  相似文献   

广东蝽亚科二新种——半翅目:蝽科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈振耀 《昆虫学报》1989,32(4):477-479
今年在广东省大埔县丰溪自然保护区和龙门县南昆山自然保护区先后采到蝽亚科各一新种。其中直缘伊蝽以章士美教授之姓氏命名,以表敬意。描述所用长度单位为毫米。模式标本保存于中山大学昆虫学研究所。 突肩薄蝽Brachymna humerata新种(图1—3) 雄虫体长12.6,腹宽5.6。体长椭圆形,扁薄,黄褐色,密布黑色刻点,外观黑褐色。头长2.8,宽2.5,头顶宽1.5,密布刻点,复眼内侧至单眼间为无刻点的光滑斑。头侧叶长于中叶,并于中叶前相交后再分开,前端中央成一凹缺(图1)。复眼突出,黑色,单眼暗红。触角红褐色,各节长度分别为0.8、1.2、1.2(第4、5节断失)。头下,黑色刻点更细密,外观  相似文献   

1988年6月,在山东省烟台昆嵛山采到跷蝽科刺肋跷蝽属两头标本,经鉴定为1新种,现描述如下。模式标本存于内蒙古师范大学生物系。1.无纹刺肋跷蝽Metacanthus acinctus,新种(图1—9) 体狭长,黄褐色。头长0.60mm,宽0.42mm;颊部长超过复眼直径;头顶鼓,前端下倾,中叶长于侧叶;头背面横沟将头分为前后两叶,前叶长于后叶(6:2.5),后叶  相似文献   

短喙扁蝽亚科 Mezirinae是扁蝽科中最大的亚科,目前国内已知70余种,隶属于13属。本文着重记述了7个属里的10个新种,其中刺扁蝽属为我国新纪录。新种模式标本(除注明者外),均存于天津自然博物馆。文中所用测量单位为毫米。平截胡扁蝽 Wuiessa truncata,新种(图1—3) 长9.40,前胸背板宽2.44,腹部宽5.00。棕黑色;触角第4节端半部、喙及跗节  相似文献   

我国原花蝽属新种记述(半翅目:花蝽科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卜文俊  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):330-332
原花蝽属(Anthocoris Fallen)在花蝽科中种类较多而且常见,我国已记载19种。本文记述2个新种。文中所用长度单位为mm。 秦岭原花蝽Anthocoris qinlingensis新种(图1—4) 头黑,长0.50,宽0.52,眼前部分长:眼前缘以后部分长=1:1。触角第1节、第2节端部1/4以及第4节黑褐,第2节基部3/4黄褐,第3节基半黄褐或全部黑褐,各节毛长不超过该节直径,各节长0.22:0.64:0.42:0.42。前胸背板黑色,长0.58,领宽0.48,后缘宽1.18,毛被短,平伏;侧缘几不伸出,前角处平缓,胝后缘凹陷较浅,胝后横皱明显,延至背板后缘。前翅革质部全具光泽,毛被短,平伏;爪片淡黄白,基部、内缘及端部褐色,界  相似文献   

古铜长蝽(Emphanisis China)是长蝽科中的一个小属,目前已知5种。此属体多古铜色,密被金黄色平伏毛;头凸圆,眼小,远离前胸背板前缘,中叶长于侧叶;触角第一节超过头部末端,第四节纺锤形,触角瘤由背面明显可见;喙伸达中足基节。前胸背板侧缘弯曲,中纵脊不甚明显,刻点粗大.密集,后叶刻点更深,并相互连结形成粗糙多皱的网状。  相似文献   


Clavaptera ornata gen. et sp. n. from leaf-litter from North Cape, Northland, New Zealand, is described and figured. This new genus falls within Group 1 of the Carventinae as proposed by Usinger & Matsuda (1959), and shares some characteristics of Carventaptera and Neocarventus, but it is readily distinguished from these genera by the medial fusion of the mesothorax and metathorax and the presence of a large hexagonal median prominence in the region of fusion. The holotype male was collected in leaf-litter near Serpentine access road, 4 miles from Spirits Bay road and the allotype from the Tapotupotu Stream area, at the base of Cape Reinga.  相似文献   

Ernst Heiss 《ZooKeys》2013,(319):137-151
As an addition to the presently poorly known aradid fauna of Ecuador, 3 new genera and 4 new species are described: Osellaptera setifera gen. n., sp. n.; Kormilevia ecuadoriana sp. n. both belonging to Mezirinae; and Carventinae Cotopaxicoris cruciatus gen. n., sp. n. and Onorecoris piceus gen. n., sp. n. An updated key is provided for all species of the Neotropical genus Kormilevia Usinger & Matsuda, 1959.  相似文献   

Mexico has 18 species of Triatomine bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) reported to be vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi. Chagas Disease is widespread in Mexico, with up to 3.5% seropositivity of human transfusion blood. The State of Oaxaca has the longest history of endemic Chagas Disease, based on acute and chronic case reports, and of entomological surveys in the country. However, the State health care services need more information on current risks of vector transmission. In order to identify and characterize areas of transmission in Oaxaca and to stratify the vector potential, the distribution of domestic Triatominae was surveyed during 1996-98 in collaboration with the primary health care services and local communities. Villages were studied in 11% of 570 municipalities in Oaxaca. Eight triatomine species were found in domestic and peri-domestic habitats: Triatoma barberi Usinger, T. bolivari Carcavallo et al., T. dimidiata (Latreille), T. mazzottii Usinger, T. nitida Usinger, T. pallidipennis (Stal), T. phyllosoma (Burmeister) and Rhodnius prolixus Stal. For each triatomine species in Oaxaca, the range of distribution and habitat characteristics are described. Habitat partitioning, principally based on altitude and mean annual precipitation, limited the overlap of distribution between species. Relatively consistent altitude of human settlements facilitates the dispersion of individual species within microregions. Entomological indices of house infestation were used to estimate that approximately 50% of the human population (1,874,320 inhabitants) would be at risk of vector transmission, with a minimum of 134,320 infected people and 40,280 chronic cases of Chagas Disease currently in Oaxaca.  相似文献   

In Mexico, Triatoma longipennis (Usinger), Triatoma picturata (Usinger), and Triatoma pallidipennis (Stal), primary Chagas disease vector species of the phyllosoma complex, were analyzed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Sixteen decametric primers resolved individual profiles not identical, but partially discriminative between species. Analysis based on pairwise presence/absence comparisons between the three species was performed using three primers and two outgroup species Triatoma infestans (Klug) and Triatoma barberi (Usinger). Fifty-three bands in total were scored, although only two bands were constant among the three phyllosoma complex species. Two other bands were constant only for T. longipennis and T. picturata together, and not present in T. pallidipennis. Neighbor Joining tree and the multiple correspondence analysis discriminated T. pallidipennis clearly from the other two species, although there was overlap between T. longipennis and T. picturata. The results indicate a close relationship between the studied species and support the hypothesis of their recent evolution. The suitability of RAPD to discern populations within the species is discussed.  相似文献   

Book Notices     
《Systematic Entomology》1973,42(1):28-28
Robert Leslie Usinger: Autobiography of an Entomologist. By R.L.Usinger, edited by E.G.Linsley and J.L.Gressitt. Pp. xiii, 330, frontis., 27 text-figs., 8vo. The Horse Flies of Europe (Diptera, Tabanidae). By M.Chvala, L.Lyneborg and J.Moucha. Pp. 500, 8 pls., 12 tabs., 164 text-figs. 8vo.  相似文献   

报道假糙苏属(Paraphlomis)植物在中国广西2个新分类群和2个新记录种.2个新分类群是翅柄假糙苏(P.javanica(Blume)Prain var.pteropoda D.Fang & K. J.Yan)和白脉狭叶假糙苏(P.javanica(Blume)Prain var.angustifolia (C.Y. Wu)C.Y.Wu&H. W.Li f.albinervia D.Fang & K J.Yan).2个新记录种是刚毛假糙苏(P.hispida C.Y.Wu)和近革叶假糙苏(P.subcoriacea C.Y Wu ex H. W.Li).  相似文献   

产于天目山的中国多孔菌二新记录种(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔宝凯  戴玉成 《菌物研究》2007,5(3):125-128
报道了产自浙江省天目山自然保护区的2种多孔菌:塔斯马尼亚小集毛孔菌Coltriciella tasmanica和凹形栓孔菌Trametes ectypus,2种多孔菌均为中国新记录种,根据所采集的材料对这2种真菌进行了详细描述和绘图。  相似文献   

<正>Dichotomophthora was erected by Mehrlich & Fitzpatrick in 1935. Its distinctive characteristics are regularly dichotomously branched or lobed at the apex of conidiophores and brown,  相似文献   

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