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镉、铅及其复合污染对油菜部分生理指标的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用盆栽试验的方法研究了土壤外源重金属Cd、Pb及其复合污染对油菜部分生理指标的影响。结果表明:Cd单一处理组中,油菜体内硝酸还原酶活性及根系活力均随Cd胁迫浓度的增加出现不同程度的先升后降的趋势,表明油菜对低浓度的Cd有一定的抵抗能力,但在高浓度的Cd胁迫下则受到伤害;Pb单一处理和Cd+Pb复合处理组中,硝酸还原酶活性及根系活力均随Cd、Pb浓度的增加而降低;Cd、Pb单一处理组中,随Cd、Pb浓度升高,油菜根内游离脯氨酸含量逐渐增加,Cd处理组的脯氨酸含量积累量显著大于Pb处理组,这进一步证实了Cd对植物毒害效应比Pb严重;Cd+Pb复合处理组中脯氨酸含量均高于所有单一处理,表明Cd、Pb复合污染对脯氨酸的积累有促进作用,Pb加强了Cd对植物的毒害,其交互作用机理值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

镉、铅及其复合污染对大麦幼苗部分生理指标的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以Cd、Pb为胁迫因子,以大麦为试验材料,采用室内培养法,研究了重金属Cd﹑Pb及复合污染不同时间(3、5d)对大麦幼苗叶片部分生理指标的影响。结果表明,随着 Cd﹑Pb及Cd+Pb处理浓度的增加,大麦幼苗叶片中可溶性糖的含量表现为先升后降。在Cd﹑Pb单一处理条件下,不同浓度Cd﹑Pb均可造成叶细胞膜透性增大,叶片的相对电导率和脯氨酸含量上升。不同浓度的Cd+Pb复合处理对叶细胞膜的损伤均大于单一处理,低浓度Cd+Pb(5+50 mg·L-1)复合处理组的可溶性糖含量比单一处理高。在不同处理时间(3、5d)内,所有Cd+Pb复合处理组叶中脯氨酸含量均高于单一处理组,Cd﹑Pb复合处理对脯氨酸的积累有促进作用。单一处理中Cd对大麦幼苗的毒性比Pb大,而复合处理(Cd+Pb)对大麦幼苗的损伤和毒害作用比单一处理更为严重,其交互作用机理值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

水培条件下四种植物对Cd、Pb富集特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用水培方法测定了不同浓度下向日葵、蓖麻、紫花苜蓿及芥菜的生物量和植物体内重金属Cd、Pb含量,分析了植物对重金属的富集特征。结果表明:经过5周培养后,4种植物根部与地上部对重金属的富集量随着浓度的增加而增加,Cd浓度为20mg·L-1时,向日葵的根部Cd含量最高,达到237.86mg·kg-1,地上部Cd含量为89.48mg·kg-1;而Pb浓度为200mg·L-1时,芥菜根部对Pb的吸收量较高,达到597.22mg·kg-1,地上部Pb含量最高的则出现在向日葵处理Pb100mg·L-1中,为318.33mg·kg-1。4种植物对Cd、Pb的富集系数随重金属浓度的增加而减小;根部及地上部富集系数与生物量和重金属浓度呈现出一定的相关性;另外,在Cd、Pb复合处理中,一种重金属的存在会在不同程度上影响植物对另一种重金属的吸收。通过比较4种植物根部与地上部的生物量和对Cd、Pb富集特征,认为相对于其他3种植物向日葵对Cd、Pb具有较强的吸收潜力,并可以作为Cd、Pb污染土壤植物修复的备选植物。  相似文献   

镉污染对水稻土微生物量、酶活性及水稻生理指标的影响   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
水稻盆栽条件下,研究了外源Cd不同处理对土壤微生物学指标、土壤酶活性及部分水稻生理指标的影响.结果表明,土壤微生物量C和N开始随Cd浓度增加而上升,到一定浓度时则随Cd浓度增加而下降,其转折点因土壤性质有所差异.同时土壤酶活性变化规律与土壤微生物量C、N变化规律相似,但其转折点浓度因土壤类型及土壤酶种类不同而有差异.Cd污染后的变异系数依次为:脱氢酶>酸性磷酸酶>脲酶.土壤呼吸作用强度和代谢熵都随Cd浓度增大而缓慢增加.水稻叶绿素含量随Cd处理浓度增加表现出先上升后下降,其转折点受供试土壤性质不同而不同;脯氨酸含量与过氧化物酶活性随着Cd处理浓度增大而增加.Cd污染后水稻生理指标的变异系数在黄松田水稻土中依次为过氧化物酶活性>叶绿素含量>脯氨酸含量;黄红壤性水稻土中依次为过氧化物酶活性>脯氨酸含量>叶绿素含量.相关分析表明,种植水稻条件下Cd污染对土壤微生物量、酶活性及水稻生理指标的影响是相辅相成的.  相似文献   

以茭白(Zizania latifoliaTurcz.)的单季茭品种‘蒋墅茭’和双季茭品种‘葑红早’为试材,进行Cd2+、Pb2+的单一及复合胁迫处理,测定了茭白根系和叶片中的非蛋白巯基(NPT)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、植物络合素(PCs)的含量,同时测定了茭白植株各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+的积累量,以探讨茭白对重金属镉、铅胁迫的耐性机理。结果表明:Cd2+、Pb2+的单一及其复合胁迫均能促进两茭白品种根系和叶片中NPT、GSH、PCs的含量及茭白各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+积累量的显著增加;复合胁迫时两茭白品种的NPT、GSH、PCs含量及各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+的积累量均高于单一胁迫,茭白的不同部位间,以根系中的NPT、GSH、PCs含量显著高于叶片;茭白各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+的积累量表现为:细胞壁高于原生质体,而可溶性部分高于细胞器。  相似文献   

Pb、Cd单一及复合污染对弯叶灰藓某些生理特性的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
主要研究了Pb、Cd单一及复合污染对弯叶灰藓外部形态及总叶绿素含量的影响,结果表明:不同浓度的Pb、Cd对弯叶灰藓造成不同程度的伤害,随着Pb、Cd胁迫浓度的增加,弯叶灰藓表现出逐渐严重的伤害症状,总叶绿素的含量也随之下降,并且复合污染效应明显大于单一污染效应。  相似文献   

土壤镉含量对高粱属植物生理生化特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽模拟试验研究了土壤镉(Cd)含量对一年生高粱属植物(甜高粱、高丹草和苏丹革)根系活力、叶片脯氨酸含量和细胞膜透性等生理生化指标的影响.结果表明,土壤Cd含量>25 ng·kg-1时,3种高粱属植物根系活力均显著下降(P<0.05);3种高粱属植物叶片中脯氨酸的含量在各浓度处理下均显著增加(P<0.05);Cd胁迫影响了3种高粱属植物叶片和根系的细胞膜通透性,表现为不同程度的增加.  相似文献   

汞、镉复合污染对金鱼藻的影响及其抗性机制的探讨   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
研究了金鱼藻在不同浓度 Hg2 +、Cd2 +以及 Hg2 +、Cd2 +共同胁迫下叶绿素含量、叶绿素 a/b值、可溶性蛋白含量、SOD活性和游离脯氨酸含量等的变化。结果表明 :低浓度 Cd2 + (≤ 2 mg.L- 1)对上述指标有激应性反应 ,低浓度 Hg2 + (≤ 0 .5mg.L- 1)对叶绿素含量、叶绿素 a/b值、可溶性蛋白含量、SOD活性也有激应性反应 ;可以认为这是植物的一种保护性机制。但随着 H2 +、Cd2 +处理浓度增大 ,上述生理指标呈下降趋势 ,表明植物细胞遭受伤害。Hg2 + 、Cd2 + 共同胁迫下上述生理指标下降幅度明显增大 ,表现为协同作用。  相似文献   

金忠民  沙伟  刘丽杰  潘林  莫继先  郝宇 《生态学报》2014,34(11):2900-2906
研究了铅、镉抗性菌株(JB11)和生物降解螯合剂乙二胺二琥珀酸(S,S)-EDDS)提高高羊茅和红三叶草吸收土壤中铅、镉的能力。从土壤样品中筛选出1株对Cd、Pb具有较强抗性的菌株JB11,经鉴定为成团泛菌属(Pantoea agglomerans)。JB11对Pb2+、Cd2+、Cr6+、Cu2+、Zn2+、Ni2+等多种重金属和卡那霉素、氨苄青霉素、链霉素、四环素等抗生素具有抗性,在温度15—35℃和pH为5.0—9.0范围内生长良好,最适生长温度为30℃,最适pH值为7.0左右,在低于3%的NaCl浓度下生长良好。盆栽试验研究了菌株JB11、EDDS及1/2EDDS+JB11 3种处理下对生长在Cd 100 mg/kg、Cd 200 mg/kg、Pb 500 mg/kg和Pb 1000mg/kg的土壤中的高羊茅和红三叶生长及从土壤富集Cd、Pb能力的影响。结果表明,外加JB11能使高羊茅和红三叶的干重分别比对照都有增加。除外加JB11后在经Pb 1000 mg/kg处理的土壤中高羊茅地上部的Pb浓度、经Cd 200 mg/kg处理的土壤中红三叶地上部的Cd浓度以及经Cd 100 mg/kg处理的土壤中高羊茅和红三叶根部的Cd浓度以外,外加JB11后对其他重金属处理植物中Pb和Cd的含量都显著增加。外加EDDS后除在经Pb 500 mg/kg的土壤中高羊茅根部的Pb浓度增加差异不显著,对其余重金属处理都可产生显著的影响(P0.05)。1/2EDDS+JB11的复合处理下植物重金属吸收量多数高于JB11和EDDS单独处理,JB11用于植物修复土壤Pb和Cd污染具有很大的潜力。  相似文献   

铅胁迫对大灰藓几种生理指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苔藓植物是对环境最为敏感的指示植物之一。灰藓属(Hypnum)植物被广泛用于监测环境污染。为了更好地了解藓类植物对重金属的胁迫反应,测定了不同Pb浓度胁迫下大灰藓总叶绿素含量、丙二醛、脯氨酸和可溶性糖生理指标,并对4种生理指标与铅浓度之间进行了拟合。研究结果显示,在低浓度Pb(〈0.01mmol/L)胁迫下,总叶绿素含量升高。当Pb浓度≥1mmol/L时,总叶绿素含量下降。而丙二醛、脯氨酸及可溶性糖含量则在低Pb浓度(≤0.1mmol/L)下增加不明显,在较高Pb浓度(≥1mmol/L)下均有明显的升高,表现出对铅胁迫的适应性反应。4种生理指标与铅胁迫浓度之间表现出较好的剂量-效应关系。  相似文献   

镉、铅及其相互作用对小白菜生理生化特性的影响   总被引:126,自引:4,他引:122  
本文研究了溶液培养条件下小白菜对镉,铅的吸收积累规律的镉,铅及其相互作用小白菜生理生化特性的影响,结果表明:植物体内镉,铅含量与培养中镉,铅浓度呈正相关性,镉可降低植物对铅的吸收;镉超过一定浓度后,对叶绿素起破坏作用,并促进抗坏血酸分解,使游离脯氨酸累,抑制硝酸还原酶活性。含镉的培养液中,由于铅的加入,加强了镉对植物的毒害作用。  相似文献   

Effects of water stress at different stages of plant growth on leaf relative water content (RWC), osmotic potential (Ψos) and changes in contents of chlorophyll, abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin riboside (t-ZR), ethylene and proline in six cultivars of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were studied. Under water stress, Ψos and RWC were highest in cv. Contender and lowest in cvs. IIHR-909 and Sel-2. The increase in contents of ABA and proline was marked in cv. Contender followed by cv. UPF-626. Decrease in t-ZR and chlorophyll contents was prominent in cv. IIHR-909. Ethylene production surged in all the cultivars under 4- and 8-d stress and declined under 12-d stress. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

德国鸢尾对Cd胁迫的生理生态响应及积累特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张呈祥  陈为峰 《生态学报》2013,33(7):2165-2172
通过盆栽研究了Cd胁迫下德国鸢尾的生长状况、生态效应、生理特性及吸收和富集Cd的能力.结果表明:德国鸢尾对小于5 mg/kg的Cd有较强的耐性,适用于城区土壤修复;Cd浓度大于5 mg/kg时抑制德国鸢尾生长,降低了其生态效应.随着Cd浓度的增大,德国鸢尾根系活力、叶绿素含量和含水量逐渐降低,游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量先升高后降低,细胞膜透性逐渐升高.Cd在德国鸢尾体内分布为根系>地上部分,随着Cd浓度的增大,德国鸢尾根系和地上部分Cd积累浓度逐渐升高、富集系数和转运系数逐渐降低;Cd浓度为20 mg/kg时德国鸢尾对Cd的积累量最大,为2.122 mg/plant.  相似文献   

铅和镉污染对大羽藓生理特性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1引言随着经济的迅猛发展,各种工农业生产和家庭消费以及人类对重金属的开采、冶炼、加工及制造等引起的重金属在环境中的释放,严重地污染了土壤、水质和大气,导致环境恶化,给社会、经济和人民生活造成了严重的危害.据统计,目前人类活动引起的Pb、Cd的人为释放量是自然释放量的12倍和5倍,其它重金属元素的人为释放量也超过自然释放量或与自然释放量持平[4].关于重金属特别是Pb、Cd对植物体的影响研究多为单一污染胁迫研究,受试植物多为农作物、蔬菜等[2,6,8~11].研究多集中在受试植物的外表症状、生物量变化等方面,关于重金属引起植物超…  相似文献   

The effects of Cu, Cd, and Pb toxicity on photosynthesis in cucumber leaves (Cucumis sativus L.) were studied by the measurements of gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence parameters, and Chl content. Concentrations of metals in sequence of 20 μM Cu, 20 and 50 μM Cd, and 1 000 μM Pb decreased the plant dry mass to 50–60 % after 10 d of treatment whereas 50 μM of Cu decreased it to 30 %. The content of Cd in leaves of plants treated with 50 μM Cd was three times higher than the contents of Cu and Pb after plant treatment with 50 μM Cu or 1 000 μM Pb. Hence Cd was transported to leaves much better than Cu and Pb. Nevertheless, the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance in leaves treated with 50 μM Cu or Cd were similarly reduced. Thus, Cu was more toxic than Cd and Pb for photosynthesis in cucumber leaves. None of the investigated metals decreased internal CO2 concentrations. Also the effect of metals on potential efficiency of photosystem 2, PS2 (Fv/Fm) was negligible. The metal dependent reduction of PS2 quantum efficiency (ΦPS2) after plant adaptation in actinic irradiation was more noticeable. This could imply that reduced demand for ATP and NADPH in a dark phase of photosynthesis caused a down-regulation of PS2 photochemistry. Furthermore, in leaves of metal-treated plants the decrease in water percentage as well as lower contents of Chl and Fe were observed. Thus photosynthesis is not the main limiting factor for cucumber growth under Cu, Cd, or Pb stress.  相似文献   

Proline accumulates in a variety of plant species in response to stresses such as drought, salinity and extreme temperatures. Although its role in plant osmotolerance remains controversial, proline is thought to contribute to osmotic adjustment, detoxification of reactive oxygen species and protection of membrane integrity. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of stress-inducible proline production on osmotic adjustment, chlorophyll fluorescence and oxidative stress protection in transgenic sugarcane transformed with a heterologous P5CS gene. In well-watered conditions, free proline, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, Fv/Fm ratios and chlorophyll contents (Chls) in transgenic sugarcane were not statistically different from non-transformed control plants. After 9 days without irrigation, proline content in transgenic events was on the average 2.5-fold higher than in controls. However, no osmotic adjustment was observed in plants overproducing proline during the water-deficit period. The photochemical efficiency of PSII observed was higher (65%) in the transgenic events at the end of the water-deficit experiment. The effects of proline on lipid peroxidation as MDA levels and on the decline of Chl in paraquat-treated leaf discs along the drought period suggest that proline protected the plants against the oxidative stress caused by the water deficit. The overall capacity of transgenic plants to tolerate water-deficit stress could be assessed by the significantly higher biomass yields 12 days after withholding water. These results suggest that stress-inducible proline accumulation in transgenic sugarcane plants under water-deficit stress acts as a component of antioxidative defense system rather than as an osmotic adjustment mediator.  相似文献   

Heavy metal-polluted soil was collected from the Pulang copper mine in Shangri-La City, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The effects of fertilizer (organic and inorganic) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) growth, root morphology, mineral nutrition and cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) contents were investigated by pot experiments. The results showed that both fertilizer and AMF significantly ameliorated the root morphology and mineral nutrition, reduced the Cd and Pb contents, and promoted the growth of ryegrass. Among all treatments, the combined application of organic–inorganic compound fertilizer with AMF had the highest effect, resulting in increases in root length, surface area and branch number by 2.3, 1.1, and 3.9 times, respectively; an 88% increase in plant biomass; a nitrogen content increase of 2.3 and 1.2 times, and phosphorus content increase of 62% and 68% in shoots and roots, respectively was also recorded as well as decreases in Cd content by 34% and 62% and Pb content by 47% and 34% in shoots and roots, respectively. Two-factor analysis showed that both fertilizer and AMF significantly promoted ryegrass growth (plant height, biomass, chlorophyll content, root length, nitrogen and phosphorus content) and reduced the Cd and Pb contents in roots, and there was a synergistic effect between them. Moreover, the nitrogen and phosphorus contents were very significantly positively correlated with the shoot and root biomasses but very significantly negatively correlated with the Cd and Pb contents of ryegrass. Thus, the application of fertilizer and AMF synergistically improved ryegrass growth on polluted soils in the copper mining area.  相似文献   

The efficiency of composted municipal solid wastes (MSW) to reduce the adverse effects of salinity was investigated in Hordeum maritimum under greenhouse conditions. Plants were cultivated in pots filled with soil added with 0 and 40tha(-1) of MSW compost, and irrigated twice a week with tap water at two salinities (0 and 4gl(-1) NaCl). Harvests were achieved at 70 (shoots) and 130 (shoots and roots) days after sowing. At each cutting, dry weight (DW), NPK nutrition, chlorophyll, leaf protein content, Rubisco (ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) capacity, and contents of potential toxic elements were determined. Results showed that compost supply increased significantly the biomass production of non salt-treated plants (+80%). This was associated with higher N and P uptake in both shoots (+61% and +80%, respectively) and roots (+48% and +25%, respectively), while lesser impact was observed for K+. In addition, chlorophyll and protein contents as well as Rubisco capacity were significantly improved by the organic amendment. MSW compost mitigated the deleterious effect of salt stress on the plant growth, partly due to improved chlorophyll and protein contents and Rubisco capacity (-15%, -27% and -14%, respectively, in combined treatment, against -45%, -84% and -25%, respectively, in salt-stressed plants without compost addition), which presumably favoured photosynthesis and alleviated salt affect on biomass production by 21%. In addition, plants grown on amended soil showed a general improvement in their heavy metals contents Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+ (in combined treatment: 190%, 53%, 168% and 174% in shoots and 183%, 42%, 42% and 114% in roots, respectively) but remained lower than phytotoxic values. Taken together, these findings suggest that municipal waste compost may be safely applied to salt-affected soils without adverse effects on plant physiology.  相似文献   

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