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采用光镜和扫描电镜对金佛拟小鲵(Pseudohynobius jinfo)幼体皮肤进行组织学和形态学观察。金佛拟小鲵幼体皮肤由表皮和真皮构成。不同部位皮肤厚度不同,头部背侧皮肤最薄,其厚度为(45.99±12.77)μm,尾部腹侧的皮肤最厚,其厚度为(95.21±42.72)μm。表皮角质层仅躯干背部和尾部明显,由仍具有一定生理活性的复层扁平上皮细胞构成。皮肤腺体包括黏液腺和颗粒腺。黏液腺广泛分布于身体各个部位的皮肤,颗粒腺呈区域性分布,仅见躯干部和尾部皮肤,其体积大于黏液腺。毛细血管多分布于真皮疏松层腺体周围,与表皮层紧密接触并凸向表皮。色素细胞主要分布于表皮和疏松层的交界处,呈多细胞聚集的状态,形成厚度不一的色素层。  相似文献   

高原林蛙不同部位皮肤组织结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)是青藏高原特有的两栖类动物,已适应青藏高原高海拔低温、缺氧、强紫外线的自然环境。采用石蜡切片技术和H.E染色及扫描电镜技术对青藏高原东北部地区高原林蛙头部、背部、腹部、侧部皮肤结构进行观察。高原林蛙各部位皮肤均由表皮和真皮组成,表皮是角质化的复层扁平上皮,不同部位表皮层厚度接近,真皮层厚度不同,头部真皮层的厚度最厚,为(197.86±29.73)μm,侧部最薄,为(55.33±5.22)μm。高原林蛙真皮疏松层中分布有颗粒腺、黏液腺和嗜酸腺。颗粒腺主要分布于头背部;黏液腺在头部数目最多,侧部最少;嗜酸腺在机体各部位均匀分布。高原林蛙头部、背部、侧部色素细胞含量丰富,腹部色素细胞含量较少。毛细血管分布于真皮疏松层腺体周围,表皮中也有少量分布。这些结构特征可能是高原林蛙对青藏高原环境的适应策略。  相似文献   

采用光镜和扫描电镜,对我国特有的珍稀濒危两栖动物版纳鱼螈Ichthyophis bannanicus幼体和成体的皮肤进行形态学和组织学观察.版纳鱼螈幼体和成体的皮肤均可分为表皮、真皮疏松层和真皮致密层;皮肤中含有粘液腺和颗粒腺;在不同发育阶段或同一个体的不同部位,其皮肤的各种组成成分在结构和厚度上存在着差异:成体和幼体都是头部的表皮最厚,尾部的最薄;幼体表皮各层细胞分化不明显,几无角化现象,成体表皮的各层细胞分化明显,表层细胞明显角化;成体躯干部皮肤最厚,头部最薄,幼体则是头部皮肤最厚,尾部最薄;幼体和成体的头部皮肤都分布有大量的粘液腺,颗粒腺分布较少;幼体的躯干部皮肤则主要分布着大量颗粒腺,尾部只有颗粒腺,未见粘液腺;成体躯干部和尾部皮肤均分布有大量的颗粒腺和粘液腺.  相似文献   

松江鲈鱼皮肤的显微和亚显微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜,对松江鲈鱼(Trachidermus fasciatus)成体皮肤的显微和亚显微结构进行了观察。结果表明,松江鲈鱼体表不同部位皮肤的厚薄不一,但基本结构相似。皮肤由表皮和真皮层构成。松江鲈鱼的皮肤裸露无鳞,表皮层较薄,由约4~8层细胞构成,主要由复层上皮细胞和黏液细胞及基底细胞组成。表层细胞呈扁平、多边形,细胞之间主要靠桥粒紧密连接,连接处形成增厚的边缘嵴状突起。表皮细胞游离面向内凹陷,表面形成指纹状微嵴。黏液细胞呈圆形或卵圆形,散布在上皮细胞之间。黏液细胞内的黏原颗粒具有椭圆颗粒状、均匀致密的块状和疏松丝状3种不同形态。真皮通过基膜与表皮相连,由稀疏层和致密层构成。真皮结缔组织在腹部较厚而在其他部位较薄。表皮与真皮连接处有色素层,头部、背部、尾柄和体侧皮肤色素细胞分布多,色素层明显,而腹部和颏部皮肤缺少色素。松江鲈鱼黄河群体真皮层中有角质棘状突起,而滦河群体则无。头部、体侧和尾柄处皮肤上还分布有侧线孔和表面神经丘等感觉器官。  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜,对松江鲈鱼(Trachidermus fasciatus)成体皮肤的显微结构和亚显微结构进行了观察。结果表明,松江鲈鱼体表不同部位皮肤的厚薄不一,但基本结构相似。皮肤由表皮和真皮层构成。松江鲈鱼的皮肤裸露无鳞,表皮层较薄,由约4~8层细胞构成,主要由复层上皮细胞和黏液细胞及基底细胞组成。表层细胞呈扁平、多边形, 细胞之间主要靠桥粒紧密连接,连接处形成增厚的边缘嵴状突起。表皮细胞游离面向内凹陷,表面形成指纹状微嵴。黏液细胞呈圆形或卵圆形,散布在上皮细胞之间。黏液细胞内的黏原颗粒具有椭圆颗粒状、均匀致密的块状和疏松丝状3种不同形态。真皮通过基膜与表皮相连,由稀疏层和致密层构成。真皮结缔组织在腹部较厚而在其他部位较薄。表皮与真皮连接处有色素层,头部、背部、尾柄和体侧皮肤色素细胞分布多,色素层明显,而腹部和颏部皮肤缺少色素。松江鲈鱼黄河群体真皮层中有角质棘状突起,而滦河群体则无。头部、体侧和尾柄处皮肤上还分布有侧线孔和表面神经丘等感觉器官。  相似文献   

林蛙属3物种皮肤的组织结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对蛙科(Ranidae)林蛙属(Rana)高原林蛙(R.kukunoris)、昭觉林蛙(R.chaochiaoensis)和峨眉林蛙(R.omeimontis)的皮肤组织结构进行了观察。应用SPSS 13.0统计软件,对皮肤的厚度、皮肤腺的相对数量和面积作了比较分析。3物种皮肤的基本结构相似,都由表皮和真皮组成。表皮是角质化的复层扁平上皮,由角质层、颗粒层、棘细胞层和生发层构成。真皮又分为疏松层和致密层,疏松层内分布有黏液腺、颗粒腺和脂腺3种类型的皮肤腺,黏液腺在体背和体腹皮肤内基本均匀分布,而颗粒腺主要以团块聚集形式散布在体背皮肤中。在高原林蛙皮肤中还发现了1种与以往描述不同的特殊嗜酸性腺体。皮肤厚度存在种间差异和部位差异。高原林蛙的表皮里有少量毛细血管和发达的色素细胞分布,真皮疏松层里有发达的腺体,这些可能是其对高海拔、低氧、低温和强紫外线辐射生活环境的适应策略。在峨眉林蛙和昭觉林蛙皮肤真皮的疏松层和致密层相邻处,发现有呈波浪条带状的、H.E染色呈蓝色的钙化层结构,体背部的钙化层比体腹部的发达。钙化层的功能可能包括防止体内水分散失、贮存钙离子、构成与体外环境进行物质交换的屏障等方面。  相似文献   

为了解西藏蟾蜍Bufo tibetanus与其高海拔生活环境的适应性,采用常规石蜡切片和苏木精-伊红染色方法,对西藏蟾蜍雌雄性头部、躯干和四肢的背、腹侧皮肤显微结构进行了观察、测量和比较。结果显示皮肤的基本结构与已报道的无尾两栖类相似,由表皮和真皮组成。表皮较薄,由5~8层细胞构成,由外到内分为角质层、中间层和基底层。真皮较厚,分为疏松层和致密层。各部位大多表现为背侧皮肤厚度大于腹侧,相应部位大多为雌性大于雄性。皮肤厚度的变化在一定程度上与西藏蟾蜍运动方式和繁殖期间抱对行为相适应。皮肤腺体分粘液腺和颗粒腺2种。色素细胞主要分布在疏松层近表皮处,但在表皮和腺体周围也可见色素细胞的不连续分布。皮肤中毛细血管极其丰富,不仅在表皮下几乎成连续分布,而且在腺体周围也有密集分布。西藏蟾蜍皮肤结构明显表现出与生活环境中强紫外辐射和缺氧环境相适应的特点。  相似文献   

石磺科3种贝类皮肤显微结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对石磺科(Onchidiidae)3个属的代表物种:瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)、平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)和里氏拟石磺(Paraoncidium reevesii)的皮肤进行了组织学观察及参数测量比较。结果表明,3种石磺的皮肤虽然厚度不一,但基本结构相似,均由角质膜、表皮和真皮构成。角质膜是一层覆盖于表皮角质层上的蛋白质薄膜;表皮由多层上皮细胞构成,包括角质层、颗粒层和生发层;真皮包括疏松层和致密层,疏松层中嵌有颗粒腺和黏液腺两种腺体。3种石磺的皮肤厚度、各组织相对厚度及腺体数量等均存在差异。将结构差异与石磺的栖息环境进行比较分析后得到:陆栖为主的瘤背石磺皮肤表皮角质化程度高,颗粒腺发达;以水栖为主的里氏拟石磺表皮角质化程度相对低,黏液腺发达;而水陆两栖的平疣桑椹石磺,皮肤角质化程度介于前述二者之间,颗粒腺与黏液腺均不发达。研究结果体现了三者不同的生态适应特征,也为深入探讨海洋无脊椎动物从海洋向陆地进化的研究提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

大凉疣螈皮肤的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大凉疣螈Tylototriton taliangensis的皮肤进行了显微观察,结果表明,其体表不同部位皮肤的厚度存在一定差异,但基本结构相同.皮肤表面粗糙,表皮角质化程度较高.表皮与真皮相接处毛细血管丰富,毛细血管常向表皮突起,突起处表皮细胞层数减少,背部毛细血管密度大于腹部.皮肤中含有丰富的色素细胞,主要分布在真皮疏松层浅表.真皮中有丰富的皮肤腺:粘液腺体积较小,分布遍及全身,腹侧密度较大;颗粒腺体积较粘液腺大,主要分布在耳区、体背两侧及尾背侧,形成耳后腺、背嵴、尾部颗粒腺区等特殊结构.  相似文献   

应用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对角蟾亚科3个属的代表物种:短肢异角蟾(Xenophrys brachykolos)、宽头短腿蟾(Brachytarsophrys carinense)和小口拟角蟾(Ophryophryne microstoma)的皮肤进行了组织学观察及参数测量比较。分别取头背、体背和体腹3个部位的皮肤进行观察。结果表明,3物种的皮肤基本结构相似,均由表皮和真皮组成,真皮包括疏松层和致密层,疏松层中有大量腺体分布,包括黏液腺和颗粒腺2种。皮肤厚度、各组织层相对厚度以及腺体密度之间存在种间差异和部位差异。在宽头短腿蟾背部皮肤中,发现了与尖吻山角蟾(Megophrys nasuta)皮肤中一种片层状、H.E染色呈蓝色的皮肤真皮骨化结构(osteoderms)很相似的结构;短肢异角蟾皮肤中有明显的钙化层结构,小口拟角蟾皮肤钙化程度较弱。皮肤的骨化和钙化可能具有防止水分流失,抵御干燥的功能。2种内骨骼在角蟾亚科中同时存在,为探讨两栖动物皮肤内骨骼的进化提供了重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

无尾两栖类动物的呼吸方式为肺呼吸和皮肤辅助呼吸,为探究两种呼吸器官的显微结构,本文采用解剖学和组织学的方法,对大蹼铃蟾(Bombina maxima)、腺角蟾(Megophrys glandulosa)、中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)、华西雨蛙(Hyla gongshanensis)、昭觉林蛙(Rana chaochiaoensis)、滇蛙(Dianrana pleuraden)、双团棘胸蛙(Gynandropaa yunnanensis)、贡山树蛙(Rhacophorus gongshanensis)、斑腿泛树蛙(Polypedates megacephalus)、饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla fissipes)、多疣狭口蛙(Kaloula verrucosa)的皮肤和肺的形态及显微结构进行观察。结果显示,背部和腹部皮下可见血管交错成网状,皮肤由表皮层和真皮层构成。除华西雨蛙外,其余10种均有分布于真皮疏松层与致密层间的钙化层;色素细胞位于疏松层上层,体背色素层较发达。肺囊状,中空密布血管,分为大小相当的左右肺叶,两肺叶相通并与心粘连,无气管和支气管。肺由肺囊壁、隔膜、毛细血管、肺泡细胞等结构组成。肺囊壁分为胸膜层、中间层和内层:胸膜层由扁平细胞构成,中间层由结缔组织构成,内层由肺细胞和毛细血管组成,隔膜由毛细血管和结缔组织构成,游离隔膜向中部靠拢可形成半封闭腔室,结合隔膜与肺囊壁形成封闭小腔室。在这11个物种中,肺较发达的个体,其皮肤结构中黏液腺的数量就会相对较少,组织形态学特征表现出与环境适应性关系较大,而受到系统发育关系影响较小。  相似文献   

The caudal peduncle and caudal fin of Carcharodon carcharias together form a dynamic locomotory structure. The caudal peduncle is a highly modified, dorsoventrally compressed and rigid structure that facilitates the oscillations of the caudal fin. Its stiffness appears to be principally achieved by a thick layer of adipose tissue ranging from 28-37% of its cross-sectional area, reinforced by cross-woven collagen fibers. Numerous overlying layers of collagen fibers of the stratum compactum, oriented in steep left- and right-handed helices (approximately 65 degrees to the shark's long axis), prevent bowstringing of the perimysial fibers, which lie just below the dermal layer. Perimysial fibers, muscles, and the notochord are restricted to the dorsal lobe of the caudal fin and comprise the bulk of its mass. Adipose tissue reinforces the leading edge of the dorsal lobe of the caudal fin and contributes to maintaining the ideal cross-sectional geometry required of an advanced hydrofoil. Most of the mass of the ventral lobe consists of the ceratotrichia or fin rays separated by thin partitions of connective tissue. Dermal fibers of the stratum compactum of the dorsal lobe occur in numerous distinct layers. The layers are more complex than in other sharks and appear to reflect a hierarchical development in C. carcharias. The fiber layer comprises a number of thick fiber bundles along the height of the layer and the layers get thicker deeper into the stratum compactum. Each of these layers alternates with a layer a single fiber-bundle deep, a formation thought to give stability to the stratum compactum and to enable freer movements of the fiber system. In tangential sections of the stratum compactum the fiber bundles in the dorsal lobe can be seen oriented with respect to the long axis of the shark at approximately 55-60 degrees in left- and right-handed helices. Because of the backward sweep of the dorsal lobe (approximately 55 degrees to the shark's long axis) the right-handed fibers also parallel the lobe's long axis. In the dorsal lobe, ceratotrichia are present only along the leading edge (embedded within connective tissue), apparently as reinforcement. Stratum compactum fiber bundles of the ventral lobe, viewed in transverse section, lack the well-ordered distinctive layers of the dorsal lobe, but rather occur as irregularly arranged masses of tightly compacted fiber bundles of various sizes. In tangential sections the fiber bundles are oriented at angles of approximately 60 degrees, generally in one direction, i.e., lacking the left- and right-handed helical pattern. Tensile load tests on the caudal fin indicate high passive resistance to bending by the skin. The shear modulus G showed that the skin's contribution to stiffness (average values from three specimens at radians 0.52 and 1.05) is 33.5% for the dorsal lobe and 41.8% for the ventral. The load tests also indicate greater bending stiffness of the ventral lobe compared to the dorsal. Overall, the anatomy and mechanics of the dorsal lobe of C. carcharias facilitate greater control of movement compared to the ventral lobe. The helical fiber architecture near the surface of the caudal fin is analogous to strengthening of a thin cylinder in engineering. High fiber angles along the span of the dorsal lobe are considered ideal for resisting the bending stresses that the lobe is subjected to during the locomotory beat cycle. They are also ideal for storing strain energy during bending of the lobe and consequently may be of value in facilitating the recovery stroke. The complex fiber architecture of the caudal fin and caudal peduncle of C. carcharias provides considerable potential for an elastic mechanism in the animal's swimming motions and consequently for energy conservation.  相似文献   

In the present study, the parotoid region, dorsal and ventral integuments of Lyciasalamandra billae and Lyciasalamandra luschani basoglui were investigated in terms of localization of hyaluronic acid (HA) and histochemical characteristics. HA immunoreactivity was carried out using biotinylated hyaluronic acid binding protein (B-HABP) labelled with streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). HA was mainly localized in the stratum spongiosum of L. billae and L. luschani basoglui for water homeostasis and skin functionality. Light microscopic observations revealed that the dorsal and ventral integuments of L. billae and L. luschani basoglui exhibited basic morphological characteristics of other amphibians: the epidermis was composed of a stratified squamous epithelium and the dermis subdivided into stratum spongiosum and stratum compactum. Two different types of dermal glands (mucous and granular glands) were identified in the spongious dermis of the dorsal and ventral integuments whereas in the parotoid region, three different types of glands (mucous, granular and parotoid glands) were examined.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of the dorsal skin of trunk in two species of hynobiid salamanders, Batrachuperus pinchonii and Hynobius chinensis were examined by light microscopy. The basic structures of the skin in the two species are similar and consist of two layers: epidermis and dermis. The epidermis consists of stratum corneum, stratum intermedium and stratum germinativum, while the dermis is composed of a stratum spongiosum and stratum compactum. However, some species-specific variation has been identified(e.g., the distribution of capillary vessels and gland cells, and the thickness of skin). H. chinensis is a terrestrial species and only lives in water during breeding period, but B. pinchonii is aquatic and remains aquatic throughout its lifetime. The differences in the distribution of capillary vessels and gland cells are related to their different habitats, and show a morphological adaptation.  相似文献   

The epidermis of the mudskipper Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus consisted of three layers: the outermost layer, middle layer and stratum germinativum. Extensive vascular capillary networks were present near the superficial layer of epidermis and outermost layer. The diffusion distance between the vascular capillaries and the surface of epidermis was c . 1.5 ± 0.9μm. The middle layer consisted of small or voluminous cells swollen by epidermal cells. Due to the swollen cells, the thickness of the epidermis increased and the epidermis appeared web-like. The swollen cells contained tonofilaments, lucent contents and desmosomes. Fine blood capillaries were also discernible in this layer. Well-developed lymphatic spaces containing lymphocytes existed in the stratum germinativum. Numerous blood capillaries were present under the basement membrane. The dermis consisted of a stratum laxum and stratum compactum, and there was a definite area with acid mucopolysaccharides and a small scale in the stratum laxum. The skin had an epidermal pigment cell, dendritic melanophores (-cytes) containing melanin granules within their cytoplasm, and two kinds of dermal pigment cells, melanophores and colourless pigments containing reflecting platelets.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片与苏木精-伊红染色及扫描电镜,对雄性峨眉髭蟾Leptobrachium boringii的角质刺及其周边皮肤进行了显微结构和亚显微结构的观察。显微结构观察发现,峨眉髭蟾的角质刺属于皮肤衍生物,突起呈倒"V"形。角质刺由表皮和真皮构成,表皮为复层扁平上皮,可分成4层;最外层细胞角质化,细胞轮廓不清,被染成深红色。真皮由疏松结缔组织构成,分辨不出致密层与疏松层,其内未见皮肤腺,但有少量色素细胞与毛细血管分布。表皮嵴伸入到真皮层,在以往的无尾两栖类研究中未见报道。角质刺基部可见皮肤褶翻起将其包裹在内,皮肤褶向上延伸形成角质刺。扫描电镜观察表明,角质刺顶端呈锥形的"小山丘"状,表面可分辨出表皮细胞轮廓,细胞为呈覆瓦状排列的角质化细胞。角质刺与皮肤交界处为多边形的角质化细胞。角质化上皮细胞的上表面与下表面均具有凹凸不平的花纹结构,细胞之间以镶嵌的方式连接。  相似文献   

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