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肠道菌群是一个复杂的生态系统,影响宿主的饮食、疾病发展、药物代谢和免疫系统调节等诸多生理方面。多糖广泛存在于动物、植物及微生物中,具有多种生理活性。肠道菌群与多糖相互作用,消化难以消化的多糖,多糖作为肠道菌群的重要能量来源,促进益生菌增殖。肠道菌群紊乱导致疾病的发生,多糖通过调节肠道菌群改善疾病。随着“人类微生物组计划”的启动和国内外学者对肠道菌群的深入研究,多糖与肠道菌群的关系逐渐清晰,但多糖的结构与肠道菌群之间的关系还有待进一步探究。因此,本文综述了多糖与肠道菌群的相互作用,并通过调节肠道菌群的组成来改善疾病,以及从多糖的分子量、糖苷键、单糖组成三方面探讨多糖与肠道菌群的构效关系,同时对未来研究的方向进行展望,以期为治疗疾病的深入研究提供重要参照和建议。  相似文献   

糖尿病是一种代谢和内分泌紊乱性疾病,随着发病率的不断升高对人类的身体健康造成威胁。近年来皂苷类化合物因其降血糖生物活性而被广泛关注,降糖活性的调节可通过多个靶点和信号通路实现,主要包括胰岛素信号通路、基于碳水化合物的代谢途径、内质网应激调节通路、PPAR调节通路和游离脂肪酸促进胰岛素分泌以及多通路联合作用。本文着重从降糖信号通路入手,就近十年来皂苷类化合物降血糖作用及其作用机制进行综述,为皂苷类化合物降糖活性的进一步开发和应用,以及糖尿病的治疗和预防提供参考。  相似文献   

对胡椒碱通过抑制食欲、调节脂质代谢、影响肠道吸收改善肥胖,通过调节能量代谢、糖代谢、脂质代谢、发挥抗炎作用改善胰岛素抵抗的研究进展进行综述,为研究胡椒碱改善肥胖和2型糖尿病的相关机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

糖原的合成与分解可动态调节体内葡萄糖含量以维持细胞内变化的能量需求。胰岛素作为体内唯一降血糖的激素,通过作用于磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, PI3K)/蛋白激酶B (Akt)信号通路,促进葡萄糖转运体转位以促进糖原合成,也可抑制糖异生以降低血糖。而子宫内膜糖代谢有其特殊性,不发生糖异生,尚未被利用的葡萄糖均以糖原形式储存。子宫内膜的糖原代谢除受经典糖代谢激素调控外,还受卵巢激素调控。子宫内膜在着床窗口期发生的与着床有关的功能活动都需要葡萄糖供给能量。着床前子宫内膜上皮细胞内大量葡萄糖合成糖原,在着床窗口期分解为葡萄糖,以满足增加的能量需求,保证胚胎着床的顺利进行。糖尿病时子宫内膜糖原代谢受损,糖原合成或分解异常可导致胚胎着床失败、早期流产。本文就子宫内膜的糖原代谢及其在胚胎着床中的作用等方面进行综述,以期为胚胎着床的研究及不孕诊断和治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

膳食营养是影响肠道菌群结构和功能最为重要,也较为迅速的因素,并由此影响宿主的代谢状况。高脂等不健康饮食习惯会引起肠道菌群的失调,使肠道通透性增加,形成全身的慢性、低水平炎症,进一步破坏胰岛素的信号转导通路,最终导致包括胰岛素抵抗、肥胖、糖尿病等在内的代谢综合征的发生。高纤维饮食可能通过富集短链脂肪酸(SCFAs)产生菌,增加肠道内SCFAs浓度,降低内毒素产生菌水平,进而减少脂多糖(LPS)入血引起的组织器官炎症。这类饮食还能抑制某些能产生有害物质,如三甲胺(TMA)和吲哚的有害菌,从而改善宿主的代谢状况。益生元能减少宿主的脂肪积累,降低宿主的炎症水平并增加胰岛素敏感性,同时还伴随着食欲因子、胃肠肽水平和肠道中某些益生菌丰度的增加。此外,蔬菜、水果、奶制品等食物也能通过调节肠道菌群进而改善宿主的代谢状况。虽然越来越多的研究表明,肠道菌群可能在调节宿主的代谢状况中存在着因果关系,但是在食物-肠道菌群-代谢这条通路中到底存在着一种怎样的机制,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

肠道是机体重要的消化器官,亦是共生微生物群的主要寄居场所,在维持机体正常生命活动如免疫和内分泌功能中发挥着重要作用。 肠道功能紊乱与疾病的发生以及发展过程密切相关。近年来,多项研究结果显示,多糖具有肠道功能调节作用,包括通过作用于肠道黏膜 参与机体免疫过程、保护肠道屏障结构和功能的完整性、调节肠道菌群组成以及刺激肠道内分泌。从伴随疾病过程中的肠道功能紊乱的角度, 对多糖调节肠道功能的作用机制进行综述。  相似文献   

乙肝病毒X蛋白结合蛋白(hepatitis B X-interacting protein,HBXIP)可以调节乳腺癌中糖代谢重编程.为了研究HBXIP在生理条件下对糖代谢的调节作用及机制,本研究利用Cre/lox P重组酶系统成功构建了肝脏组织中HBXIP特异敲除小鼠.当小鼠接受刺激后,与正常组小鼠相比,肝脏HBXIP敲除小鼠表现基础糖代谢功能异常,如葡萄糖、丙酮酸;相对于对照小鼠,肝脏HBXIP敲除小鼠对糖异生和胰岛素耐受性减弱. RT-PCR、Western blot实验和免疫组化实验结果表明,HBXIP敲除小鼠肝脏组织中糖异生关键酶磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase,PEPCK)表达显著增加. QRT-PCR分析30例临床肝组织中HBXIP m RNA和PEPCK m RNA表达水平发现,HBXIP与PEPCK表达水平呈负相关.荧光素酶报告基因实验和Ch IP实验结果表明HBXIP可以在基因转录水平调节PEPCK表达.以上结果表明,HBXIP通过调节糖异生关键酶PEPCK的表达参与调控小鼠肝脏糖异生.  相似文献   

2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)是一种因胰岛素分泌不足或胰岛素抵抗而引起的慢性代谢疾病,T2DM患病人数的快速增长使治疗和预防T2DM成为世界上亟待解决的医学问题。随着微生物组学技术的进步,肠道菌群及其代谢产物与T2DM的研究亦逐渐深入,肠道菌群可能成为治疗和预防T2DM的靶点。肠道菌群及其代谢产物作用于T2DM的潜在机制,主要是参与体内炎症反应、增加肠道短链脂肪酸产量、调节肠道胆汁酸的代谢、调节支链氨基酸的代谢等。目前,治疗T2DM的药物可能会产生一些副作用,而基于肠道菌群干预T2DM的措施相对安全无害。例如,可通过严格控制的特定结构饮食长期摄入或增加益生菌的长期摄取控制血糖,或通过口服可影响肠道菌群生态结构的降糖药物(二甲双胍、阿卡波糖)有效地调控血糖水平。综述基于肠道菌群及其代谢产物诱发T2DM的潜在机制,研讨基于肠道菌群干预T2DM的措施,从肠道菌群的新视角探索治疗T2DM的新方法,为彻底治疗T2DM提供一种新可能。  相似文献   

目的 本研究拟从宿主-肠道菌群-代谢的角度探讨泻白散保护过敏性哮喘大鼠可能的微观机制。方法 将SPF级SD大鼠分为正常对照组(NC组)、过敏性哮喘模型组(M组)和泻白散组(Xiebaisan组)。通过卵清白蛋白(OVA)诱导建立大鼠过敏性哮喘模型;HE染色观察大鼠肺组织病理学变化;取结肠内容物进行16S rDNA高通量测序,观察肠道菌群结构与功能的变化;采用超高效液相色谱-四级杆飞行时间串联质谱法(UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS)分别进行血清样本和肺组织样本非靶向代谢组学检测。结果 HE染色显示:与NC组相比,Xiebaisan组可以在一定程度上改善哮喘大鼠肺部组织形态结构;16S rDNA高通量测序结果显示:M组肠道菌群多样性降低,与M组相比,Xiebaisan组肠道菌群多样性增加,肠道微生态得以改善;血清非靶向代谢组学检测结果显示:Xiebaisan组能够调节氨基酸代谢、mTOR等通路,且部分回调M组引起的差异代谢物表达;肺组织样本非靶向代谢组学检测结果显示,Xiebaisan组能够调节碳代谢、血管平滑肌收缩信号通路和cAMP等信号通路,且部分回调M组引起的差异代谢物表达。结论 泻白...  相似文献   

甘露寡糖(mannan-oligosaccharides, MOS)及其与二甲双胍联用具有良好的辅助降血糖的作用,并可显著调节肠道菌群.本研究在前期工作基础上,进一步研究了MOS联合二甲双胍改善2型糖尿病模型小鼠胰岛素抵抗的分子机制,并与小鼠肠道菌群结构进行关联性分析.研究结果显示, MOS与二甲双胍联用可显著上调胰岛素受体(insulin receptor, IR)/胰岛素受体底物1(insulin receptor substrate 1)/磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase,PI3K)/蛋白激酶B(protein kinase B, AKT)信号通路相关基因的转录水平,且与二甲双胍给药量有良好的剂量依赖关系. MOS及与二甲双胍联用可显著调节肠道菌群结构,在属水平上,三种高剂量给药组共有6个属上调, 17个属下调;关联分析发现, Akkermansia属与PI3K基因的转录正相关, Anaerostipes属和AF12属与胰岛素信号通路IR/IRS-1及Glut4的转录负相关,显示肠道菌群与胰岛素抵抗相关信号通路之间存在显著关联性.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by two major defects: a dysregulation of pancreatic hormone secretion (quantitative and qualitative--early phase, pulsatility--decrease of insulin secretion, increase in glucagon secretion), and a decrease in insulin action on target tissues (insulin resistance). The defects in insulin action on target tissues are characterized by a decreased in muscle glucose uptake and by an increased hepatic glucose production. These abnomalities are linked to several defects in insulin signaling mechanisms and in several steps regulating glucose metabolism (transport, key enzymes of glycogen synthesis or of mitochondrial oxidation). These postreceptors defects are amplified by the presence of high circulating concentrations of free fatty acids. The mechanisms involved in the of long-chain fatty acids are reviewed in this paper. Indeed, elevated plasma free fatty acids contribute to decrease muscle glucose uptake (mainly by reducing insulin signaling) and to increase hepatic glucose production (stimulation of gluconeogenesis by providing cofactors such as acetyl-CoA, ATP and NADH). Chronic exposure to high levels of plasma free fatty acids induces accumulation of long-chain acyl-CoA into pancreatic beta-cells and to the death of 50 % of beta-cell by apoptosis (lipotoxicity).  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes is associated with defects in insulin signaling and the resulting abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism. The complexity of insulin signaling cascades is highlighted by the existence of multiple isoforms of target proteins implicated in metabolic and gene-regulatory events. We utilized siRNA to decipher the specific role of predominant insulin receptor substrates and Akt isoforms expressed in human skeletal muscle. Gene silencing revealed specialized roles of insulin signaling cascades to metabolic endpoints. IRS-1 and Akt2 were required for myoblast differentiation and glucose metabolism, whereas IRS-2 and Akt1 were dispensable. A key role of IRS-2 and Akt1 in lipid metabolism was revealed, highlighting reciprocal relationships between metabolic pathways. Unraveling the isoform-specific regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism by key elements along insulin signaling cascades through siRNA-mediated gene silencing in human tissues will facilitate the discovery of novel targets for the treatment of diabetes and related metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

Signal integration and the specificity of insulin action   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insulin is a potent metabolic hormone essential for the maintenance of normal circulating blood glucose level in mammals. The physiologic control of glucose homeostasis results from a balance between hepatic glucose release (glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis) and dietary glucose absorption versus skeletal muscle and adipose tissue glucose uptake and disposal. Disruption of this delicate balance either through defects in insulin secretion, liver glucose output, or peripheral tissue glucose uptake results in pathophysiological states of insulin resistance and diabetes. In particular, glucose transport into skeletal muscle and adipose tissue is the rate-limiting step in glucose metabolism and reduction in the efficiency of this process (insulin resistance) is one of the earliest predictors for the development of Type II diabetes. Importantly, recent studies have directly implicated an impairment in insulin receptor signal transduction as the prime mechanism for peripheral tissue insulin resistance. In this review, we have focused on recent developments in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms and signal transduction pathways that insulin utilizes to specifically regulate glucose uptake. The detailed understanding of these events will provide a conceptual framework for the development of new therapeutic targets to treat this chronic and debilitating disease process.  相似文献   

Background and purposeDiosmetin (Dios), a flavonoid compound with multiple pharmacological activities. However, fewer studies have reported its effects on type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM). Here, we address the effect of Dios on glucose metabolism and gut microbiota in KK-Ay diabetic mice.MethodWild type C57BL/6 J mice or diabetic KK-Ay mice were treated with vehicle or Dios for one month. The ELISA kit and fluorescence microscope system were respectively employed to the evaluation of serum biochemical indicators and histopathological changes. Liver RNA-Seq and western blot were used to reveal the key signaling pathway. The effects of Dios on gut microbiota was investigated by the 16S rRNA gene sequencing, as well as the relationship between Dios and C. glu on glucose metabolism was explored with the C. glu transplantation.ResultsDios treatment significantly decreased blood glucose and increased serum insulin concentrations. RNA-Seq analysis found that the underlying action mechanism of Dios on T2DM was via modulating glucose metabolism, which was proved by up-regulating IRS/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to promote glycogen synthesis and GLUT4 translocation. Besides, Dios treatment reshaped the unbalanced gut microbiota by suppressing the ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes and markedly increasing the richness of C. glu. Moreover, treatment with C. glu and Dios together could markedly ameliorate glucose metabolism by up-regulating IRS/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to promote glycogen synthesis and GLUT4 translocation.ConclusionsDios treatment remarkably ameliorated glucose metabolism in KK-Ay diabetic mice by the regulation of C. glu via IRS/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway and reshaped the unbalanced gut microbiota. Our study provided evidence for the application of Dios to the treatment of T2DM.  相似文献   

Jiang W  Wang S  Xiao M  Lin Y  Zhou L  Lei Q  Xiong Y  Guan KL  Zhao S 《Molecular cell》2011,43(1):33-44
Protein acetylation has emerged as a major mechanism in regulating cellular metabolism. Whereas most glycolytic steps are reversible, the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate kinase is irreversible, and the reverse reaction requires phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK1) to commit for gluconeogenesis. Here, we show that acetylation regulates the stability of the gluconeogenic rate-limiting enzyme PEPCK1, thereby modulating cellular response to glucose. High glucose destabilizes PEPCK1 by stimulating its acetylation. PEPCK1 is acetylated by the P300 acetyltransferase, and this acetylation stimulates the interaction between PEPCK1 and UBR5, a HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin ligase, therefore promoting PEPCK1 ubiquitinylation and degradation. Conversely, SIRT2 deacetylates and stabilizes PEPCK1. These observations represent an example that acetylation targets a metabolic enzyme to a specific E3 ligase in response to metabolic condition changes. Given that increased levels of PEPCK are linked with type II diabetes, this study also identifies potential therapeutic targets for diabetes.  相似文献   

PPARs and the complex journey to obesity   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Obesity and the related disorders of dyslipidemia and diabetes (components of syndrome X) have become global health epidemics. Over the past decade, the elucidation of key regulators of energy balance and insulin signaling have revolutionized our understanding of fat and sugar metabolism and their intimate link. The three 'lipid-sensing' peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR-alpha, PPAR-gamma and PPAR-delta) exemplify this connection, regulating diverse aspects of lipid and glucose homeostasis, and serving as bona fide therapeutic targets. With molecular underpinnings now in place, new pharmacologic approaches to metabolic disease and new questions are emerging.  相似文献   

The kidneys are as involved as the liver in gluconeogenesis which can significantly contribute to hyperglycemia in the diabetic condition. Substantial evidence has demonstrated the overexpression of rate-limiting gluconeogenic enzymes, especially phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose 6 phosphatase, and the accelerated glucose release both in the isolated proximal tubular cells and in the kidneys of diabetic animal models and diabetic patients. The aim of this review is to provide an insight into the mechanisms that accelerate renal gluconeogenesis in the diabetic conditions and the therapeutic approaches that could affect this process in the kidney. Increase in gluconeogenic substrates, reduced insulin concentration or insulin resistance, downregulation of insulin receptors and insulin signaling, oxidative stress, and inappropriate activation of the renin–angiotensin system are likely to participate in enhancing renal gluconeogenesis in the diabetic milieu. Several studies have suggested that controlling glucose metabolism at the renal level favors effective overall glycemic control in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, renal gluconeogenesis may be a promising target for effective glycemic control as a therapeutic strategy in diabetes.  相似文献   

食药用真菌多糖是食药用真菌的主要天然生物活性成分,可以从多层次、多靶点调节机体的免疫功能,被认为是一种天然免疫调节剂。此前食药用真菌多糖抗肿瘤机制研究集中在提升机体的免疫力达到抑制肿瘤的目的,但近年的研究表明它可以调节肿瘤微环境,恢复机体对肿瘤以及肿瘤微环境的监视能力,提升机体对肿瘤微环境的特异性免疫应答能力,进而达到充分发挥其抑制和杀伤肿瘤的功能。我们课题组前期研究中也发现食药用菌多糖可以正向调节肿瘤小鼠外周血免疫细胞数量,促进免疫细胞浸润到肿瘤微环境中帮助机体识别及杀伤肿瘤细胞,改善肿瘤微环境免疫状态。本文在我们团队的研究工作的基础上,结合国内外文献总结食药用真菌多糖作为免疫调节剂在抑制肿瘤免疫逃逸中的生物活性,结合肿瘤微环境探讨其与肿瘤免疫的关系、作用机制和在肿瘤治疗中的作用,以期为食药用真菌多糖免疫治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

PGC-1alpha, a transcriptional coactivator involved in metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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