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HSP70分子伴侣系统研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
综述了HSP70分子伴侣系统的晶体结构、功能及作用机理方面的研究进展.HSP70分子伴侣能够帮助细胞内新生蛋白的折叠和跨膜运输、蛋白质多聚体结构的装配和解装配,并能在胁迫下维持蛋白质的特殊构象,防止未折叠的蛋白质变性和使聚集的蛋白质溶解复性.所有这些活性均依赖于ATP调节的HSP70与底物蛋白中的疏水片段的相互作用.  相似文献   

目的:来源于芽孢杆菌的β-折叠桶植酸酶基因PhyH,截去N端120个碱基编码的40个氨基酸后,成功构建了原核表达体系,通过两种方法分别得到有活性的目的蛋白PhyHT,并通过进一步纯化提高目的蛋白的纯度.方法:通过分子伴侣共表达系统提高目的蛋白的可溶性表达,并通过包涵体复性研究,从包涵体中制备出有活性的目的蛋白.结果:(1)目的蛋白PhyHT主要以包涵体形式存在于沉淀中;(2)通过优化表达条件,降低温度和诱导剂浓度均不能明显改善包涵体问题,通过构建分子伴侣共表达系统(即pG-KJE8、pGro7、pKJE7和pTfl6 4种分子伴侣质粒分别与重组表达质粒pET28b-PhyHT共表达),筛选能提高目的蛋白可溶性表达的分子伴侣质粒;(3)包涵体经过复性和进一步的纯化,得到了高纯度的有生物活性的目的蛋白.  相似文献   

二硫键形成蛋白A(DisulfidebondformationproteinA,DsbA)是存在于大肠杆菌周质胞腔内的一种参与新生蛋白质折叠过程中催化二硫键形成的折叠酶。综述了DsbA三维结构、进化过程、协助蛋白质体内外复性方面的研究进展。DsbA比硫氧还原蛋白具有更强的氧化性,其强氧化性来自于Cys30残基异常低的pKa值和不稳定的氧化型结构,通过定点突变的研究表明了Cys30残基是DsbA活性中心最关键的氨基酸残基之一。DsbA不论在体内与目标蛋白融合表达还是在体外以折叠酶形式添加,都能有效地催化蛋白质的折叠复性,同时DsbA还具有部分分子伴侣的活性。  相似文献   

徐迅  王永华 《生物技术》2010,20(1):9-12
目的:从嗜热古菌Sulfolobus solfataricus中克隆一种新的小热激蛋白SsHsp14.1的基因,并研究其表达和生物活性。方法:用PCR技术以S.solfataricus基因组为模板扩增得到目的基因序列片段,并将其克隆到pET-28a(+)中,转化到E coli BL21(DE3)中经IPTG诱导表达,纯化后对产物进行生物活性测定。结果:从菌株S.solfataricus中克隆出目的基因,该基因的编码框由375个碱基组成,编码的蛋白质由124个氨基酸组成。含该质粒的大肠杆菌经诱导表达了一个与预期理论值相符的约14kDa的蛋白,利用亲和层析和凝胶柱分离纯化了重组蛋白。试验证明纯化后的重组SsHsp14.1具有分子伴侣活性,重组蛋白在体内表达时能提高E.coli细胞的耐热性。结论:成功克隆SsHsp14.1基因并表达出蛋白,并明确了其分子伴侣活性,为该热激蛋白的研究和应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

分于伴侣(Chaperohe)是细胞内催化及维持其他蛋白质正确梅象的一类蛋白质分子[1,2]。研究表明,分子伴侣参与细胞内许多蛋白质的折叠、聚合以及跨膜运输[3,4],通过瞬时稳定其他蛋白质折叠中间体,阻止了蛋白中间体的聚集,帮助其形成正确构象[5,6]。SecB是一个胞质酸性蛋白.单体分子量为17kDa,在体内以4~6个相同亚基组成的寡聚体形式存在。它在大肠杆菌中参与蛋白质分泌系统,纯化后进行离体试验表明,它可以阻止抗蛋白酶的pre-MBP的出现,能稳定地结合前体蛋白.使其处于适合运输的构型[7],它的作用是使蛋白质可以在正确折叠前跨过细胞膜,运输到细胞周质中。SecB通过与前体蛋白结合.从而阻止前体蛋自由于不正确折叠发生的聚集,属于分子伴侣家族的成员。分子伴侣的这些特性使得它们在基因工程中具有广阔的应用前景。外源蛋白在大肠杆菌中高表达时往往形成无活性的包涵体,包涵体大多是蛋白质在过量表达过程中不正确折叠形成的[8],正确构象的形成需要在体外进行变性和复性。蛋白质的复性过程十分复杂,在方法上缺少一定的规律可循,特别是分子量较大以及二硫键较多的分子,复性更加困难,有的甚至根本难以复性。分子伴侣可以促进其它蛋白质的正确折叠,设想在基因工程中如果将分子伴侣基因与外源蛋白基因共存表达,可能会有效地促进外源蛋白形成正确的构象.提高其活性,减少包涵体的形成,对基因工程下游的处理带来很大方便。根 据这个思路,我们将克隆的SecB基因与重组人淋巴毒索(Lymphotoxin,简称LT)基因在同一个大肠杆菌细胞中共存表达,来研究分子伴侣SecB对外源基因表达的影响。  相似文献   

褚鑫  王丽  何永志  董志扬 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1324-1329
[目的]研究重组表达的硫矿硫化叶菌P2分子伴侣β亚基体外同源聚合体的结构和生化功能.[方法]利用PCR技术从硫矿硫化叶菌P2的基因组DNA中克隆得到分子伴侣β亚基的基因,将该基因克隆到表达载体pET-21a( )上并在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中实现了表达.对纯化后的β亚基单体进行体外聚合,利用透射电镜观察β分子伴侣的结构,并对其促蛋白折叠性质进行了研究.[结果]硫矿硫化叶菌P2分子伴侣β亚基基因在大肠杆菌BL21中实现了高效表达,纯化后的分子伴侣β亚基单体在ATP和Mg2 存在的条件下可自组装形成分子伴侣聚合体.透射电镜观察表明:该β分子伴侣具有Ⅱ型分子伴侣典型的双层面包圈结构,每个环由8个亚基构成.该β分子伴侣具有ATPase活性,最适反应温度为80℃;它不仅能够促进变性的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)重新折叠,而且还能有效的提高木聚糖酶的热稳定性.[结论]本文根据P2基因组序列分析预测的分子伴侣基因设计引物,克隆表达了硫矿硫化叶菌P2分子伴侣的β亚基,纯化后对其进行体外聚合,透射电镜观察表明该聚合体具有Ⅱ型分子伴侣的经典结构,功能分析表明该β分子伴侣能够在体外促进异源蛋白质的折叠、提高其它酶分子的热稳定性.这为进一步深入研究嗜热古菌耐热抗逆的分子机制,奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

带有pBV221-hBMP-7的E.coli表达得到的rhBMP-7以不溶的包涵体形式存在,用高浓度的变性利溶解后,经过DEAE-FF纯化,得到高纯度的目的蛋白,达95%以上。分别用尿素浓度梯度降低法、添加促复性剂及人工分子伴侣法对蛋白质进行复性,并通过不同方法对复性结果进行比较。Western blot中辉度扫描结果显示,GSH/GSSG法样品二聚体/单体比例为79.5/20.5,尿素浓度梯度降低法二聚体/单体比例为73.6/26.4,表明GSH/GSSG法复性样品溶液上清中含较高比例的蛋白质二聚体。根据不同复性样品对NIH3T3细胞ALP活性影响大小的比较结果,氧化还原剂最有助于二聚体的形成,蛋白质活性最高。  相似文献   

二硫键形成蛋白A(Disulfide bond formation protein A,DsbA)是存在于大肠杆菌周质胞腔内的一种参与新生蛋白质折叠过程中催化二硫键形成的折叠酶。综述了DsbA三维结构、进化过程、协助蛋白质体内外复性方面的研究进展。DsbA比硫氧还原蛋白具有更强的氧化性,其强氧化性来自于Cys30残基异常低的pKa值和不稳定的氧化型结构,通过定点突变的研究表明了Cys30残基是DsbA活性中心最关键的氨基酸残基之一。DsbA不论在体内与目标蛋白融合表达还是在体外以折叠酶形式添加,都能有效地催化蛋白质的折叠复性,同时DsbA还具有部分分子伴侣的活性。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌(E.coli)重组表达获得的重组人瘦素蛋白(rh-leptin),复性、纯化后进行SDS-PAGE电泳和Western-blot印迹杂交鉴定其免疫学活性,免疫小鼠后制备单克隆抗体,结果表明通过对rh-leptin进行复性和纯化,获得了高纯度的具有免疫学活性的rh-leptin蛋白,并获得一株稳定分泌抗rh-leptin单抗的杂交瘤细胞株。瘦素蛋白的纯化及其单克隆抗体的制备,可供瘦素进一步研究应用。  相似文献   

Zhou LM  Liu DC  Sun HH  Zhao BS 《遗传》2012,34(5):609-614
通过对东亚三角涡虫胰蛋白酶Djtry氨基酸序列比对分析,发现保守的催化三联体结构中第一位的His被Lys所取代。为了探究这种突变是否会对胰蛋白酶的活性有影响,文章构建了原核表达重组质粒pET-28a-Djtry,转化到E.coli BL21中,利用IPTG诱导表达,对表达的重组蛋白进行变性、复性、纯化以及Westernblotting鉴定,获得成分均一的活性蛋白。利用牛胰蛋白酶为标准品,胰蛋白酶特异性底物BAEE,检测Djtry酶活力与比活力。SDS-PAGE电泳表明诱导表达的融合蛋白为包涵体,分子量约为26 kDa,Western blotting结果显示为目的蛋白,对复性纯化的目的蛋白进行酶活检测发现,突变型胰蛋白酶Djtry仍然保持了胰蛋白酶催化性质,但是催化活性相对较弱。  相似文献   

GTP-binding proteins are involved in cell proliferation, development, signal transduction, protein elongation, etc. and construct the GTPase superfamily, whose structures and sequence motifs (G-1 to G-5) are highly conserved from prokaryote to eukaryote. Obg of Bacillus subtilis and Obg homologues of other bacteria belong to the GTPase superfamily and have been suggested as being essential for cell growth, development and monitoring of intracellular levels of GTP. We identified the Obg homologue in Escherichia coli, a protein previously known as YhbZ, which we have renamed ObgE. Double cross-over experiments showed that the obgE gene is essential for growth in E. coli. From characterization of the obgE temperature-sensitive mutant, we found that DNA replication was not inhibited, that the nucleoids did not partition and instead remained in the middle of cell, and that the cells elongated. Overproduction of ObgE also resulted in aberrant chromosome segregation. These data suggested that ObgE is involved directly or indirectly in E. coli chromosome partitioning. Characterization studies showed that ObgE is abundant in normal cells, partially associated with the membrane and does not associate with ribosomes such as in Obg of B. subtilis. We purified ObgE protein from a cell extract of E. coli, and the purified ObgE had GTPase activity and DNA-binding ability.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells depleted of the conserved GTPase, ObgE, show early chromosome-partitioning defects and accumulate replicated chromosomes in which the terminus regions are colocalized. Cells lacking ObgE continue to initiate replication, with a normal ratio of the origin to terminus. Localization of the SeqA DNA binding protein, normally seen as punctate foci, however, was disturbed. Depletion of ObgE also results in cell filamentation, with polyploid DNA content. Depletion of ObgE did not cause lethality, and cells recovered fully after expression of ObgE was restored. We propose a model in which ObgE is required to license chromosome segregation and subsequent cell cycle events.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) is resistant to proteolytic cleavage while the yeast homolog from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is not. We have explored the biophysical basis of this surprising difference. The sequences of these homologs are 39% identical and 56% similar. Determination of the crystal structure for the E. coli protein and comparison to the previously solved yeast structure reveals that the two proteins have extremely similar tertiary structures, and their global stabilities determined by equilibrium denaturation are also very similar. The extrapolated unfolding rate of E. coli PGK is, however, 10(5) slower than that of the yeast homolog. This surprisingly large difference in unfolding rates appears to arise from a divergence in the extent of cooperativity between the two structural domains (the N and C-domains) that make up these kinases. This is supported by: (1) the C-domain of E. coli PGK cannot be expressed or fold independently of the N-domain, while both domains of the yeast protein fold in isolation into stable structures and (2) the energetics and kinetics of the proteolytically sensitive state of E. coli PGK match those for global unfolding. This suggests that proteolysis occurs from the globally unfolded state of E. coli PGK, while the characteristics defining the yeast homolog suggest that proteolysis occurs upon unfolding of only the C-domain, with the N-domain remaining folded and consequently resistant to cleavage.  相似文献   

The stringent response is important for bacterial survival under stressful conditions, such as amino acid starvation, and is characterized by the accumulation of ppGpp and pppGpp. ObgE (CgtA, YhbZ) is an essential conserved GTPase in Escherichia coli and several observations have implicated the protein in the control of the stringent response. However, consequences of the protein on specific responses to amino acid starvation have not been noted. We show that ObgE binds to ppGpp with biologically relevant affinity in vitro , implicating ppGpp as an in vivo ligand of ObgE. ObgE mutants increase the ratio of pppGpp to ppGpp within the cell during the stringent response. These changes are correlated with a delayed inhibition of DNA replication by the stringent response, delayed resumption of DNA replication after release, as well as a decreased survival after amino acid deprivation. With these data, we place ObgE as an active effector of the response to amino acid starvation in vivo . Our data correlate the pppGpp/ppGpp ratio with DNA replication control under bacterial starvation conditions, suggesting a possible role for the relative balance of these two nucleotides.  相似文献   

A bacterial G protein-mediated response to replication arrest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To define factors in E. coli promoting survival to replication fork stress, we isolated insertion mutants sensitive to replication inhibitors. One insertion caused partial loss of the universally conserved GTPase, obgE/yhbZ gene. Although obgE is essential for growth, our insertion allele supported viability until challenged with various replication inhibitors. A mutation designed to negate the GTPase activity of the protein produced similar phenotypes, but was genetically dominant. Synergistic genetic interactions with recA and recB suggested that chromosome breaks and regressed forks accumulate in obgE mutants. Mutants in obgE also exhibited asynchronous overreplication during normal growth, as revealed by flow cytometry. ObgE overexpression caused SeqA foci, normally localized to replication forks, to spread extensively within the cell. We propose that ObgE defines a pathway analogous to the replication checkpoint response of eukaryotes and acts in a complementary way to the RecA-dependent SOS response to promote bacterial cell survival to replication fork arrest.  相似文献   

Obg proteins are universally conserved GTP-binding proteins that are essential for viability in bacteria. Homologs in different organisms are involved in various cellular processes, including DNA replication. The goal of this study was to analyse the structure-function relationship of Escherichia?coli ObgE with regard to DNA replication in general and sensitivity to stalled replication forks in particular. Defined C-terminal chromosomal deletion mutants of obgE were constructed and tested for sensitivity to the replication inhibitor hydroxyurea. The ObgE C-terminal domain was shown to be dispensable for normal growth of E.?coli. However, a region within this domain is involved in the cellular response to replication fork stress. In addition, a mutant obgE over-expression library was constructed by error-prone PCR and screened for increased hydroxyurea sensitivity. ObgE proteins with substitutions L159Q, G163V, P168V, G216A or R237C, located within distinct domains of ObgE, display dominant-negative effects leading to hydroxyurea hypersensitivity when over-expressed. These effects are abolished in strains with a single deletion of the iron transporter TonB or combined deletions the toxin/antitoxin modules RelBE/MazEF, strains both of which have been shown to be involved in a pathway that stimulates hydroxyl radical formation following hydroxyurea treatment. Moreover, the observed dominant-negative effects are lost in the presence of the hydroxyl radical scavenger thiourea. Together, these results indicate involvement of hydroxyl radical toxicity in ObgE-mediated protection against replication fork stress.  相似文献   

Obg proteins are a family of P-loop GTPases, conserved from bacteria to human. The Obg protein in Escherichia coli (ObgE) has been implicated in many diverse cellular functions, with proposed molecular roles in two global processes, ribosome assembly and stringent response. Here, using pre-steady state fast kinetics we demonstrate that ObgE is an anti-association factor, which prevents ribosomal subunit association and downstream steps in translation by binding to the 50S subunit. ObgE is a ribosome dependent GTPase; however, upon binding to guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp), the global regulator of stringent response, ObgE exhibits an enhanced interaction with the 50S subunit, resulting in increased equilibrium dissociation of the 70S ribosome into subunits. Furthermore, our cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the 50S·ObgE·GMPPNP complex indicates that the evolutionarily conserved N-terminal domain (NTD) of ObgE is a tRNA structural mimic, with specific interactions with peptidyl-transferase center, displaying a marked resemblance to Class I release factors. These structural data might define ObgE as a specialized translation factor related to stress responses, and provide a framework towards future elucidation of functional interplay between ObgE and ribosome-associated (p)ppGpp regulators. Together with published data, our results suggest that ObgE might act as a checkpoint in final stages of the 50S subunit assembly under normal growth conditions. And more importantly, ObgE, as a (p)ppGpp effector, might also have a regulatory role in the production of the 50S subunit and its participation in translation under certain stressed conditions. Thus, our findings might have uncovered an under-recognized mechanism of translation control by environmental cues.  相似文献   

Fold assignments for proteins from the Escherichia coli genome are carried out using BASIC, a profile-profile alignment algorithm, recently tested on fold recognition benchmarks and on the Mycoplasma genitalium genome and PSI BLAST, the newest generation of the de facto standard in homology search algorithms. The fold assignments are followed by automated modeling and the resulting three-dimensional models are analyzed for possible function prediction. Close to 30% of the proteins encoded in the E. coli genome can be recognized as homologous to a protein family with known structure. Most of these homologies (23% of the entire genome) can be recognized both by PSI BLAST and BASIC algorithms, but the latter recognizes an additional 260 homologies. Previous estimates suggested that only 10-15% of E. coli proteins can be characterized this way. This dramatic increase in the number of recognized homologies between E. coli proteins and structurally characterized protein families is partly due to the rapid increase of the database of known protein structures, but mostly it is due to the significant improvement in prediction algorithms. Knowing protein structure adds a new dimension to our understanding of its function and the predictions presented here can be used to predict function for uncharacterized proteins. Several examples, analyzed in more detail in this paper, include the DPS protein protecting DNA from oxidative damage (predicted to be homologous to ferritin with iron ion acting as a reducing agent) and the ahpC/tsa family of proteins, which provides resistance to various oxidating agents (predicted to be homologous to glutathione peroxidase).  相似文献   

The recent finding that the ObgE GTPase acts as a replication checkpoint protein in Escherichia coli has important implications. It reveals the existence of a new pathway of replication control by the nucleotide pool and suggests unsuspected links between replication, proteins synthesis, and cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from S. typhimurium belongs to the triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) or the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel fold, one of the most common structures in biology. To test the conservation of the global fold in the isolated Escherichia coli homolog, we have obtained a majority of the backbone assignments for the 29-kD alphaTS by using standard heteronuclear multidimensional NMR methods on uniformly (15)N- and (15)N/(13)C-labeled protein and on protein selectively (15)N-labeled at key hydrophobic residues. The secondary structure mapped by chemical shift index, nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs), and hydrogen-deuterium (H-D) exchange, and several abnormal chemical shifts are consistent with the conservation of the global TIM barrel fold of the isolated E. coli alphaTS. Because most of the amide protons that are slow to exchange with solvent correspond to the beta-sheet residues, the beta-barrel is likely to play an important role in stabilizing the previously detected folding intermediates for E. coli alphaTS. A similar combination of uniform and selective labeling can be extended to other TIM barrel proteins to obtain insight into the role of the motif in stabilizing what appear to be common partially folded forms.  相似文献   

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