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农田土壤动物和微生物与生物化学动态关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
研究了农田土壤动物和微生物的季节动态与土壤生物化学特征之间的关系 ,并利用灰色理论与方法进行分析。结果表明 ,土壤生物和土壤生物化学特征均有明显的季节性变化。而土壤动物和微生物的季节动态与土壤生物化学特征之间也具有明显的相关性。其中关系最大的生物化学特征是过氧化氢酶、脱氢酶、无机磷转化作用和枯枝落叶分解速率。并建立了 5个灰色数学模型 [GM(1,5 ) ]。  相似文献   

郭继勋  祝廷成 《生态学报》1993,13(3):214-220
枯枝落叶的分解受生态环境的影响,枯枝落叶置于不同的生态环境下,其分解速率不同。例如,羊草(Leymus chinensis)在6种不同生境中的分解存在着明显差异。枯枝落叶位于地表和地下,其分解速率则不同,埋入地下的分解比位于地表的迅速。分解速率与土壤水分、地表温度和土壤pH呈指数正相关,与相对湿度呈线性正相关,它们对分解有积极的促进作用。通过生态因子对分解影响的综合分析表明,在羊草草原上,诸生态因子对枯枝落叶分解的重要性依次为:土壤水分、土壤pH、地表温度、相对湿度。  相似文献   

东北高寒地区麦田枯枝落叶分解的生态学特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
秸秆还田和农家肥的投入是防止土壤退化和维持健康生态农业的主要前提条件。因此对农田枯枝落叶分解转化的规律及影响因素进行研究是非常重要的。枯枝落叶的物质转化过程与土壤环境的生物因素和非生物因素都密切相关。土壤动物是有机质分解 -腐殖化作用机制的主要环节。一方面 ,它对损耗有机质有直接影响 ;另一方面 ,它对微生物种群起一种真正的生物和能量的过滤作用[9] 。土壤动物对有机残体的机械粉碎作用使真正的“分解者”微生物和有机残体的接触面显著增大。同时有机残体经土壤动物消化道作用变得柔软湿润。也有利于土壤酶的作用。此外…  相似文献   

枯枝落叶是森林土壤有机质的主要来源,枯枝落叶的分解对提高土壤肥力,增加树木的生产力是极其重要的。关于枯枝落叶的特性,有机质的积累和元素循环,枯枝落叶分解过程中的微生物学特性,死地被物和土壤中微生物的分布和活动,土壤中的生物化学动态与物质转化的关系,近年来很多学者对此有过报道。  相似文献   

帽儿山森林落叶分解消耗与土壤动物关系的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1引言森林凋落物分解是森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要环节,枯枝落叶分解是由多种因素作用的复杂过程.研究枯枝落叶在自然环境下的分解消耗及其与土壤动物的关系具有重要的生态学意义[4],并对林业生产、营造人工林有一定的指导作用.在枯枝落叶分解研究中,...  相似文献   

郭继勋  祝廷成 《生态学报》1992,12(4):295-301
分解速率和损失率从不同侧面反映了枯枝落叶分解动态,羊草草原主要优势植物,羊草(Leymus chinensis),拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigejos),减蓬(Suaeda glauca),碱茅(Puccinellia tenuiflora),五脉山黎豆(Lathyrus quinqueneruivs),碱蒿(Artemisia anethifolia)分解速率的季节变化动态近似倒“V”字型,损失率的季节变化呈S型,反了枯枝落叶的失重情况,枯枝落叶的化学组成成分是造成不同种植物间分解差异的主要原因,特别是C/N比与分解快慢有密切关系,分解初期,枯枝落叶的损失符合指数衰减模型,枯枝落叶损失95%所需时间,羊草群落约为8.8a,杂类草群落约为9.7a,碱茅群落约为7.1a,碱蓬群落约为4.7a。  相似文献   

森林枯枝落叶分解过程的微生物学特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
森林枯枝落叶是补亢森林土壤有机质的主要来源。枯枝落叶的分解过程,对于恢复和增进土壤肥力、改善林木营养和提高森林生产力,有着极为密切的关系。 在文献中,对森林枯枝落叶分解过程的研究有过不少的报道。其中不仅有关于枯枝落叶的特性、土壤有机质的积累、矿化过程中元素循环等研究资料(等,1954,1959;等,1961;Fcnton,1958)而且有某些关于森林枯枝落叶分解过程中氮的转化与微生  相似文献   

王娓  郭继勋 《生态学报》2002,22(5):655-660
根据静态气室法的测量结果 ,分析了羊草群落土壤呼吸量和枯枝落叶分解释放 CO2 量的季节动态 ,及其与地上生物量 ,枯枝落叶分解量及环境因子的关系。结果表明 :( 1 )在整个观测期内 ,羊草群落土壤呼吸的季节动态呈现单峰曲线 ,8月中旬达到最大值 1 3.2 7g C/( m2 · d)。 ( 2 )羊草群落土壤呼吸的季节变化规律与地上绿色体生物量的季节动态同步。( 3)羊草群落土壤呼吸的季节动态与枯枝落叶分解量的季节动态同步。 ( 4 )羊草群落土壤呼吸量与土壤 0~ 1 0 cm土壤含水量显著正相关。( 5 )地表枯枝落叶层直接排放 CO2 量的季节动态呈现逐渐递减的趋势 ,释放量平均为 -0 .87g C/( m2·d)。有减缓土壤向大气排放 CO2 的作用。 ( 6 )枯枝落叶分解释放 CO2 量同地表枯枝落叶量显著正相关。  相似文献   

对高寒地区小麦残茬落叶在农田土壤的分解与土壤生物化学的动态关系进行了较系统的研究。结果表明:小麦残茬落叶分解的最大速率在7月(12.14×10-3g·g-1·d-1),呈单峰曲线变化。14种土壤生物化学因素对小麦残茬落叶的分解和有机物质的转化既表现出明显的季节变化规律,又具有明显的阶段性作用特征。对小麦残茬落叶分解的灰色关联序为:x1(0.914)>x4(0.880)>x3(0.855)>x12(0.852)>x14(0.802)>x2(0.799)=x11(0.799)>x8(0.788)>x10(0.775)>x9(0.760)>x13(0.709)>x5(0.700)>x7(0.694)>x6(0.657),并选择性地建立了小麦残茬落叶分解的GM(0,6)灰色预测模型:y(k)=13.5x1(k)+23.75x4(k)-15.0x3(k)-16.5x12(k)-0.5x14(k)+5.0x2(k)-1.6  相似文献   

汉江上游金水河流域土壤常量元素迁移模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何文鸣  周杰  张昌盛  张全发 《生态学报》2011,31(14):4042-4055
本研究旨在通过研究汉江上游金水河流域土壤无机物风化与有机物分解代谢相互关系,初步揭示研究流域尺度范围内常量元素的生物地球化学循环和空间分异的主驱动因子。通过野外调查与取样、实验室样品检测和空间模拟分析,得到以下的研究结果:一、金水河流域的土壤风化已基本完成早期阶段的去Ca,Na风化阶段,进入K风化阶段;二、土壤风化内外因素(如,土壤母质、矿物结构、温度、降水、风和重力等)作用下形成了明显的空间差异,流域内属于典型的林下有机质积聚过程,土壤矿物中的硅酸盐矿物风化分解和淋溶作用较强;三、土地利用方式改变了土壤有机质分布模式,不合理的人类活动造成农田耕作层和森林枯枝落叶层的有机质减少,土壤腐殖酸的减少影响土壤矿物风化和元素地球化学行为,对农业持续发展形成负面的影响。流域作为南水北调中线水源地,保护森林植被及枯枝落叶层对土壤涵养水分有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Forest litter plays an important role in determining nutrient cycling, balance and maintaining ecosystem function of forest ecosystems. Studies have shown that litter substrate quality is one of the most important factors affecting litter decomposition in a given area. It is, hence, important to understand the factors controlling litter decomposition in the late decomposition stage and determining organic matter changes over the duration of litter decomposition. Decomposition rate of mixed litter may differ with that of a single specie litter. Supply of soil nutrients is an important factor controlling litter decomposition rate, because the essential nutrients in soil or litter material influence community and activity of decomposers (soil organisms). There were clear relationships among soil nutrient, litter substrate quality, and decomposition. Soil nutrient contents were positively correlated with litter substrate quality, showing that higher contents of soil nutrient were accompanied with good quality of litter substrate, and lower soil nutrients with poor litter quality. The effects of soil fertility on litter decomposition rate varied with environmental conditions. It was reported that litter quality regulates the early stage of carbon decomposition and its accumulation in soil, however, it could not predict the long-term dynamics of soil organic carbon. Hence, the formation and stabilization of soil organic carbon are controlled by the quantity of litter input and its interaction with the soil circumstances rather than by the litter quality. The present paper reviewed the research findings about litter decomposition related to litter substrate quality and soil nutrients, including short-term and long-term litter decomposition, decomposition of single-species vs. mixed-litter decomposition and litter nutrients release. The present paper aimed to clarify the relationship between soil nutrients and litter decomposition, which will help to understand forest succession, forest water conservation and soil re-production capacity.  相似文献   

The litter plays an important role in forest ecosystems. Decomposition of mixed leaf litters has recently become an active research area because it mimics the natural state of leaf litters in most of forests. Many studies reported effects of mixing litters on their decomposition, ranging from positive, negative to neutral. In this paper decomposition mechanisms of mixed litters concluded by researchers were summarized. Firstly, plant litter quality had been recognized as an important factor to affect decomposition rate. Some studies showed a positive significant correlation between initial N, P concentration and non-additive effect in litter mixture decomposition. Secondly, it has been suggested that litter mixture could increase abundance and diversity of fauna and microbial decomposers, especially fungi. Thirdly, compared with single litter decomposition, the nutrient exchange between different litter species is often considered as one of main non-additive effects observed in litter mixture. Some results showed that the active transport of nutrients by fungal hyphae derived positive effect on the decomposition of litter mixture. The multiple factors such as, leaf litter species, investigation method and plot, were also analyzed. In conclusion, it is necessary to enhance a further research on factors in mixed litter decomposition and an interaction between various factors due to the complex relationship. We are looking forward to using these theories of mixed litter decomposition to direct practical forest management.  相似文献   

Song F Q  Fan X X  Song R Q 《农业工程》2010,30(4):221-225
The litter plays an important role in forest ecosystems. Decomposition of mixed leaf litters has recently become an active research area because it mimics the natural state of leaf litters in most of forests. Many studies reported effects of mixing litters on their decomposition, ranging from positive, negative to neutral. In this paper decomposition mechanisms of mixed litters concluded by researchers were summarized. Firstly, plant litter quality had been recognized as an important factor to affect decomposition rate. Some studies showed a positive significant correlation between initial N, P concentration and non-additive effect in litter mixture decomposition. Secondly, it has been suggested that litter mixture could increase abundance and diversity of fauna and microbial decomposers, especially fungi. Thirdly, compared with single litter decomposition, the nutrient exchange between different litter species is often considered as one of main non-additive effects observed in litter mixture. Some results showed that the active transport of nutrients by fungal hyphae derived positive effect on the decomposition of litter mixture. The multiple factors such as, leaf litter species, investigation method and plot, were also analyzed. In conclusion, it is necessary to enhance a further research on factors in mixed litter decomposition and an interaction between various factors due to the complex relationship. We are looking forward to using these theories of mixed litter decomposition to direct practical forest management.  相似文献   

Forest degradation succession often leads to changes in forest ecosystem functioning. Exactly how the decomposition of leaf litter is affected in a disturbed forest remains unknown. Therefore, in our study, we selected a primary Korean pine forest (PK) and a secondary broad‐leaved forest (SF) affected by clear‐cutting degradation, both in Northeast China. The aim was to explore the response to changes in the leaf litter decomposition converting PK to SF. The mixed litters of PK and SF were decomposed in situ (1 year). The proportion of remaining litter mass, main chemistry, and soil biotic and abiotic factors were assessed during decomposition, and then, we made an in‐depth analysis of the changes in the leaf litter decomposition. According to our results, leaf litter decomposition rate was significantly higher in the PK than that in the SF. Overall, the remaining percent mass of leaf litter''s main chemical quality in SF was higher than in PK, indicating that leaf litter chemical turnover in PK was relatively faster. PK had a significantly higher amount of total phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) than SF during decomposition. Based on multivariate regression trees, the forest type influenced the soil habitat factors related to leaf litter decomposition more than decomposition time. Structural equation modeling revealed that litter N was strongly and positively affecting litter decomposition, and the changes in actinomycetes PLFA biomass played a more important role among all the functional groups. Selected soil abiotic factors were indirectly driving litter decomposition through coupling with actinomycetes. This study provides evidence for the complex interactions between leaf litter substrate and soil physical–chemical properties in affecting litter decomposition via soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition rate is dependent on litter Mn concentrations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A statistically significant linear relationship was found between annual mass loss of foliar litter in the late stages of decomposition and Mn concentration in the litter. We used existing decomposition data on needle and leaf decomposition of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. contorta), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), silver birch (Betula pendula L.), and grey alder (Alnus incana L.) from Sweden and Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) from Libya, to represent boreal, temperate, and Mediterranean climates. The later the decomposition stage as indicated by higher sulfuric-acid lignin concentrations, the better were the linear relationships between litter mass loss and Mn concentrations. We conclude that Mn concentrations in litter have an influence on litter mass-loss rates in very late decomposition stages (up to 5 years), provided that the litter has high enough Mn concentration. The relationship may be dependent on species as the relationship is stronger with species that take up high enough amounts of Mn.  相似文献   

Aims We aim to construct a comprehensive global database of litter decomposition rate (k value) estimated by surface floor litterbags, and investigate the direct and indirect effects of impact factors such as geographic factors (latitude and altitude), climatic factors (mean annual tempePlrature, MAT; mean annual precipitation, MAP) and litter quality factors (the contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and C:N ratio, lignin:N ratio) on litter decomposition.Methods We compiled a large data set of litter decomposition rates (k values) from 110 research sites and conducted simple, multiple regression and path analyses to explore the relationship between the k values and impact factors at the global scale.Important findings The k values tended to decrease with latitude (LAT) and lignin content (LIGN) of litter but increased with temperature, precipitation and nutrient concentrations at the large spatial scale. Single factor such as climate, litter quality and geographic variable could not explain litter decomposition rates well. However, the combination of total nutrient (TN) elements and C:N accounted for 70.2% of the variation in the litter decomposition rates. The combination of LAT, MAT, C:N and TN accounted for 87.54% of the variation in the litter decomposition rates. These results indicate that litter quality is the most important direct regulator of litter decomposition at the global scale. This data synthesis revealed significant relationships between litter decomposition rates and the combination of climatic factor (MAT) and litter quality (C:N, TN). The global-scale empirical relationships developed here are useful for a better understanding and modeling of the effects of litter quality and climatic factors on litter decomposition rates.  相似文献   

环境因素对干旱半干旱区凋落物分解的影响研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
凋落物分解是干旱半干旱区重要的生化过程,也是区域内物质周转与能量流动的关键生态环节,主要受气候、凋落物基质质量(简称凋落物质量)和土壤生物群落等因素的综合影响.本文综合评述了非生物因素(温度、降水、光辐射、土壤有机质等)和生物因素(凋落物质量、土壤微生物、种群组成和群落结构等)对干旱半干旱地区凋落物分解的影响的相关研究进展.在诸多影响因素中,降水与光辐射是最重要的限制因素.降水能够在短期内使凋落物分解速率迅速增加,而干旱半干旱区光照强度大、时间长,UV B引起的光矿化效应能较好地解释区域内凋落物分解规律.凋落物质量和群落结构主要受生态系统类型的影响,属于长期效应.今后凋落物生态研究的重点主要为全球气候变化下各环境因素的交互作用,不同尺度下凋落物分解过程与格局的变化,以及多因素交互作用凋落物分解模型的构建等方面.  相似文献   

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