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电活性微生物奥奈达希瓦氏菌的胞外电子传递(extracellular electron transfer,EET)在污染物降解、环境修复、生物电化学传感、能源利用等方面具有广泛的应用潜力;四血红素细胞色素CctA (small tetraheme cytochrome)是希瓦氏菌周质空间中最丰富的蛋白质之一,能够参与多种氧化还原过程,但目前对CctA在EET中的行为和机理认识仍然有限。【目的】研究阐明CctA蛋白在希瓦氏菌模式菌株MR-1周质空间以偶氮染料作为电子受体的EET中的作用,补充和拓展希瓦氏菌的厌氧呼吸产能机制。【方法】以周质还原型偶氮染料甲基橙(methyl orange,MO)作为电子受体,在mteal reduction (Mtr)蛋白缺失菌株Δmtr中研究MO的周质还原特点,并通过基因敲除和回补表达研究CctA蛋白在周质电子传递中的作用。【结果】在缺失Mtr通道的情况下,细胞色素CctA可以介导周质空间的电子传递而还原MO。重组表达CctA在低水平时,MO在周质空间中的还原速率与其表达水平呈正相关,更高水平的CctA表达无助于进一步提高MO的还原速率。蛋白膜伏安结果展示了CctA与周质空间内其他高电位氧化还原蛋白的显著区别,可能参与构成一条低电位的MO还原通道。【结论】从分子动力学层面揭示了CctA在周质MO还原中的独特电子传递行为,为进一步推进对细菌周质电子传递机制的理解,以及通过合成生物学设计或改造胞外氧化还原系统、强化生物电化学在污染物降解中的应用提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

【背景】植物根部存在大量对植物生长有促进或对病原菌有拮抗作用的有益细菌,是当前农业微生物研究的热点之一。其中,绿针假单胞菌HT66是一株可高效合成吩嗪-1-甲酰胺(PCN)的环境友好型生防菌株。【目的】探究在绿针假单胞菌HT66中ompR基因的生理功能,以及其对菌株生防作用的影响。【方法】通过基因无痕敲除的方法构建HT66菌株的ompR基因缺失突变株,对比研究突变株与野生株在生长速率、渗透压感应、生物膜的合成、pH耐受性、群集运动和PCN产量的变化。【结果】与野生株相比,ompR基因缺失突变株的细胞生物量微量减少,生物膜的合成减少31.5%,群集运动以及对渗透压和pH的耐受性明显下降,但是其PCN产量较野生株提高了57.8%。【结论】在HT66菌株中,ompR基因对其运动性、环境耐受性和生理生防功能均有一定程度的调控作用。本研究丰富了绿针假单胞菌的代谢通路,此报道将对后续PCN合成机制的研究和应用提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】考察茎瘤固氮根瘤菌ORS571中c-di-GMP合成酶AZC-2412的编码基因缺失的突变表型,初步探究其功能机理。【方法】本实验构建基于cre-loxp重组酶系统的根瘤菌基因敲除系统,以及采用三亲接合技术构建突变株。测定野生型和突变株的生长速率、趋化能力、胞外多糖产量、生物膜形成等表型。【结果】突变株与野生型生长速率几乎相同。与野生型相比突变株由于细胞内c-di-GMP水平降低,胞外多糖、生物膜产量等均有所下降。【结论】实验表明,环二鸟苷酸合成酶AZC-2412缺失,使得c-di-GMP水平降低,对胞外多糖生成、细菌的运动能力、生物膜的形成、细胞絮凝、与植物的互作等均有调控作用。  相似文献   

【目的】初步探究田菁根瘤菌Sinorhizobium alkalisoli YIC4027中唯一含有PAS结构域可溶性趋化受体Tlp1的功能机理。【方法】本研究基于Red重组系统以及三亲接合技术进行缺失突变株的构建。对野生型和突变株的生长情况、趋化能力、趋氧性、细胞凝结、生物膜的形成、胞外多糖产量、在宿主根表的定殖及竞争性结瘤等表型进行了测定。【结果】与野生型相比,突变株的生长不受影响,趋化和趋氧能力降低,在宿主根表的定殖及竞争性结瘤能力降低,而细胞凝结能力、生物膜形成以及胞外多糖产生能力等均有所提高【。结论】本研究首次证实了S. alkalisoli YIC4027中可溶性趋化受体Tlp1影响细胞的趋化运动。  相似文献   

原核生物中S2P参与应答外界环境刺激,然而行光合作用的蓝细菌-集胞藻PCC6803的S2P同源蛋白功能未知。【目的】考察集胞藻PCC6803中S2P同源蛋白sll0862是否参与外界环境刺激的应答。【方法】监测在高温和氧化胁迫的条件下sll0862基因缺失突变株与野生株在生长速率或存活率上的差异,利用水样调制叶绿素荧光仪(water-PAM,脉冲-振幅-调制叶绿素荧光仪)测量在高温和氧化胁迫的条件下突变株与野生株叶绿素荧光参数的差异,来考察其光合作用差异。【结果】sll0862突变株与野生株在正常的培养环境中生长速率并无差异,但是将sll0862突变株与野生株在48℃加热处理半小时后,sll0862突变株的存活率明显低于野生株。当初始OD730值为0.1的藻液中添加终浓度为1 mmol/L双氧水的时候,sll0862突变株的生长速率比野生株明显低,而且氧化胁迫条件下突变株与野生株的调制叶绿素荧光有差异。【结论】集胞藻PCC6803中sll0862基因的缺失导致突变体对高温与氧化胁迫响应出现缺陷,提示有功能的sll0862参与响应热和氧化胁迫。研究结果为进一步阐述S2P同源蛋白sll0862在集胞藻PCC6803中的功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

【背景】绿针假单胞菌(Pseudomonas chlororaphis) HT66是一株兼具生防安全性和吩嗪-1-甲酰胺(Phenazine-1-Carboxamide,PCN)高产的植物根际促生菌,在生物防治、生态农业及可持续发展农业领域具有广阔的应用前景。非编码RNA (ncRNA) SuhB参与了细胞中多个过程的代谢调控。【目的】探究suhB基因对绿针假单胞菌HT66生防能力的影响。【方法】以同源重组的方法无痕敲除suhB基因构建突变菌株HT66ΔsuhB,利用质粒回补suhB基因构建突变菌株HT66ΔsuhB-pBBR-suhB,研究suhB基因对菌株生长状态、生物膜形成、群集运动及PCN合成的影响。【结果】缺失suhB基因后,菌株HT66生长缓慢,平台期滞后12 h,而且生物量减少为野生型的61.6%;在KMB培养基中单位细胞PCN产量最高达109.5mg/g,为野生株的2.1倍;生物膜形成量明显增加,为野生型的1.8倍;在运动性检测平板上,野生株的运动半径为21 mm,而suhB突变株的运动半径缩减至9.7 mm,群集运动能力明显下降。suhB基因回补突变株上述生物学功能同野生株相似。在突变株HT66ΔsuhB中,pME6015-phzI-lacZ融合质粒表达的LacZ酶活与野生型差异不显著;pME6015-phzR-lacZ融合质粒表达的LacZ酶活显著上升,为野生型的3.1倍;pME6522-phzAp-lacZ融合质粒表达的LacZ酶活为野生型的1.8倍。【结论】绿针假单胞菌HT66中suhB基因参与了菌株生长、生物膜形成、群集运动及PCN合成等多个过程的调控。本研究为该菌株的代谢改造与生防应用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

【目的】为了进一步鉴定铜绿假单胞菌转录调控因子σ~(38)对2个拷贝吩嗪合成基因簇(phz A1-G1和phz A2-G2)的具体调控方式并推定介导绿脓菌素合成代谢的可能调控机制。【方法】根据铜绿假单胞菌基因组信息,利用同源重组原理构建rpo S基因缺失突变株Δrpo S以及克隆全长rpo S基因作互补分析;再以单一吩嗪基因簇缺失突变株Δphz1和Δphz2为出发菌株,分别构建rpo S缺失突变株Δrpo Sphz1和rpo S插入突变株Δrpo Sphz2,测定并比较野生株及相关突变株的绿脓菌素合成量,初步推定σ~(38)因子对2个不同吩嗪基因簇表达的调控方式。【结果】在GA培养基中,突变株Δrpo S的绿脓菌素合成量比野生株显著增加;互补分析证实,σ~(38)可使突变株Δrpo S的绿脓菌素降低并接近野生株PAO1水平;与对照株Δphz1相比,突变株Δrpo Sphz1的绿脓菌素合成量因σ~(38)因子缺失而显著减少;而与对照株Δphz2相比,突变株Δrpo Sphz2的绿脓菌素合成量因σ~(38)因子缺失显著增加。【结论】转录调控因子σ~(38)对铜绿假单胞菌绿脓菌素的合成代谢的确具一定的负调控作用;结合已报道的研究结果,初步推定:σ~(38)因子通过负调控吩嗪基因簇phz1,正调控吩嗪基因簇phz2的表达实现对绿脓菌素合成代谢的调控。  相似文献   

【目的】由青枯雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)引起的植物青枯病是一种毁灭性土传病害。胞外多糖(extracellular polysaccharides,EPS)是青枯雷尔氏菌关键的致病因子之一。通过构建胞外多糖缺失突变株,研究胞外多糖在青枯病致病中的作用。【方法】从青枯雷尔氏菌FJAT-91的基因组中克隆出胞外多糖合成结构基因epsD同源臂,克隆至自杀性质粒p K18mobsacB,再将庆大霉素抗性基因(Gm)插入同源臂中间,获得重组质粒p K18-epsD。将重组质粒转化至青枯雷尔氏菌FJAT-91感受态细胞中,通过同源重组敲除epsD基因,获得EPS合成缺失的突变株FJAT-91Δeps 。研究突变株与野生菌株在菌落形态、胞外多糖合成、运动能力、定殖能力的差异性。【结果】突变菌株FJAT-91ΔepsD与出发菌株FJAT-91相比:胞外多糖产量显著减少,生长较慢;泳动能力(swimming motility)和群集运动能力(swarming motility)显著降低;在番茄苗根部和茎部的定殖能力显著降低;弱化指数(AI)为0.905,鉴定为无致病力菌株。【结论】胞外多糖在青枯雷尔氏菌的致病中起着关键的作用,本课题研究成果为开发植物疫苗提供了优良的材料与研究基础。  相似文献   

微生物细胞与电极之间的胞外电子传递效率是限制微生物电化学技术发展的关键因素,而分子生物学的发展为提高胞外电子传递效率带来了光明前景。从四种具有代表性的纯培养电活性微生物(奥奈达希瓦氏菌、铜绿假单胞菌、硫还原地杆菌和工程大肠杆菌)和混合培养电活性微生物出发,综述了利用分子生物学手段改造几种电活性微生物的研究成果,阐明了针对特异的电活性微生物,如何采取相应的分子生物学手段提高其胞外电子传递的效率,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

【目的】微生物活动是引起食品腐败的主要原因,研究食品腐败菌的腐败作用调控机制对于保证食品的质量和安全具有重要意义。荧光假单胞菌是一种代表性的食品腐败菌,本文旨在研究RNA聚合酶的选择性sigma因子Rpo S在荧光假单胞菌致腐败过程中的作用。【方法】运用同源重组的方法构建荧光假单胞菌冷藏鱼分离株的rpo S基因缺失突变株,比较野生型和突变株暴露于不同胁迫条件下的存活率;通过液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)分析野生型和突变株产生高丝氨酸内酯类(AHLs)群体感应信号分子的种类和含量;检测野生型和突变株接种于灭菌三文鱼汁后4°C贮存过程中的菌落总数和挥发性盐基氮的生成量。【结果】成功构建了荧光假单胞菌rpo S基因缺失突变株。rpo S基因的缺失导致荧光假单胞菌对10 mmol/L H2O2和15%乙醇的耐受性显著降低,对150μg/m L结晶紫和175 mmol/L醋酸的耐受性有一定程度增强,不影响其对47°C和20%Na Cl的耐受性。荧光假单胞菌在rpo S基因缺失突变后长链信号分子C_(10)-HSL、C_(12)-HSL和C_(14)-HSL的含量增加。在灭菌三文鱼汁中的腐败活性检测表明rpo S基因缺失可导致荧光假单胞菌挥发性盐基氮的生成量显著降低。【结论】荧光假单胞菌的Rpo S不仅调节细菌对多种胁迫条件的耐受性,还影响AHL群体感应和腐败活性。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】对脱色希瓦氏菌S12 (Shewanella decolorationis S12)的acpD基因(登录号EF198254)及其表达活性进行研究。【方法】采用DNAMAN软件对该基因进行序列分析。利用PCR技术克隆含原有启动子的目的基因,与pGM-T载体连接后转化仅有微弱偶氮还原活性的大肠杆菌TOP10(Escherichia coli TOP10)中进行表达。通过分光光度法测定偶氮染料的还原活性。【结果】序列分析表明,该基因编码198个氨基酸残基组成的多肽,与希瓦氏菌ANA-3(Shewa  相似文献   

Shewanella decolorationis S12, a representative dissimilatory azo-reducing bacterium of Shewanella genus, can grow by coupling the oxidation of hydrogen to the reduction of azo compounds as the sole electron acceptor, indicating that an uptake hydrogenase is an important component for electron transfer for azoreduction. For searching to the uptake hydrogenase in the genome of S. decolorationis, two operons, hyd and hya, were cloned and sequenced, which encode periplasmically oriented Fe-only hydrogenase and a Ni-Fe hydrogenase, respectively, according to the homologous comparison with other bacterial hydrogenases. In order to assess the roles of these two enzymes in hydrogen-dependent azoreduction and growth, hyd- and hya-deficient mutants were generated by gene replacement. Hya was found to be required for hydrogen-dependent reduction of azo compound by resting cell suspensions and to be essential for growth with hydrogen as electron donor and azo compound as electron acceptor. Hyd, in contrast, was not. These findings suggest that Hya is an essential respiratory hydrogenase of dissimilatory azoreduction in S. decolorationis.  相似文献   

The ability of Shewanella decolorationis S12 to obtain energy for growth by coupling the oxidation of various electron donors to dissimilatory azoreduction was investigated. This microorganism can reduce a variety of azo dyes by use of formate, lactate, pyruvate, or H(2) as the electron donor. Furthermore, strain S12 grew to a maximal density of 3.0 x 10(7) cells per ml after compete reduction of 2.0 mM amaranth in a defined medium. This was accompanied by a stoichiometric consumption of 4.0 mM formate over time when amaranth and formate were supplied as the sole electron acceptor and donor, respectively, suggesting that microbial azoreduction is an electron transport process and that this electron transport can yield energy to support growth. Purified membranous, periplasmic, and cytoplasmic fractions from S12 were analyzed, but only the membranous fraction was capable of reducing azo dyes with formate, lactate, pyruvate, or H(2) as the electron donor. The presence of 5 microM Cu(2+) ions, 200 microM dicumarol, 100 microM stigmatellin, and 100 microM metyrapone inhibited anaerobic azoreduction activity by both whole cells and the purified membrane fraction, showing that dehydrogenases, cytochromes, and menaquinone are essential electron transfer components for azoreduction. These results provide evidence that the microbial anaerobic azoreduction is linked to the electron transport chain and suggest that the dissimilatory azoreduction is a form of microbial anaerobic respiration. These findings not only expand the number of potential electron acceptors known for microbial energy conservation but also elucidate the mechanisms of microbial anaerobic azoreduction.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】:构建金黄色葡萄球菌RN6390黄素血红蛋白(flavohaemoglobin, HMP)基因缺失突变株,研究其抗一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide, NO) 能力及其在细菌生物被膜形成中的作用。【方法】:根据同源重组技术的原理,利用PCR扩增RN6390的hmp基因上下游同源臂,经过抗生素和温度交替培养筛选hmp基因缺失突变株,利用基因组PCR、定量PCR对突变菌株进行鉴定。以硝普钠(SNP)为NO供体,检测了hmp基因缺失菌株的抗NO能力,并初步研究了hmp基因在生物被膜形成中的作用。【结果】:成功构建了RN6390的hmp基因缺失突变株,外源NO能够诱导菌株hmp基因的表达,hmp基因缺失菌株抗NO能力明显下降,但其生物被膜形成能力有明显提高。【结论】:获得了RN6390的hmp基因缺失突变株,该突变株的获得为进一步研究hmp基因的生物功能,以及细菌内源性NO的作用奠定了良好的技术平台。  相似文献   

Four distinct pathways predicted to facilitate electron flow for respiration of externally located substrates are encoded in the genome of Shewanella oneidensis strain MR‐1. Although the pathways share a suite of similar proteins, the activity of only two of these pathways has been described. Respiration of extracellular substrates requires a mechanism to facilitate electron transfer from the quinone pool in the cytoplasmic membrane to terminal reductase enzymes located on the outer leaflet of the outer membrane. The four pathways share MtrA paralogues, a periplasmic electron carrier cytochrome, and terminal reductases similar to MtrC for reduction of metals, flavins and electrodes or to DmsAB for reduction of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO). The promiscuity of respiratory electron transfer reactions catalysed by these pathways has made studying strains lacking single proteins difficult. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of MtrA and MtrC paralogues in S. oneidensis to define the roles of these proteins in respiration of insoluble iron oxide, soluble iron citrate, flavins and DMSO. We present evidence that some periplasmic electron carrier components and terminal reductases in these pathways can provide partial compensation in the absence of the primary component, a phenomenon described as modularity, and discuss biochemical and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) are major periplasmic constituents of Gram-negative bacteria. The role of OPGs has been postulated in symbiotic as well as pathogenic host–microorganism interactions. Here, we report the role of OPGs from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium during growth and biofilm formation in leafy-green vegetable wash water. The opgGH mutant strain, which was defective in OPG biosynthesis, initiated the growth at a slower rate in wash waters obtained from spinach, lettuce and green collard and severely impaired biofilm formation. The lack of OPG synthesis did not influence biofilm formation by the opgGH mutant in low-nutrient low-osmolarity laboratory media. In coculture experiments initiated with equal proportions of cells, the opgGH mutant was outnumbered by the wild-type strain under the planktonic as well as the biofilm growth conditions. The opgGH mutant strain poorly colonized mouse organs when introduced orally along with the wild-type strain. This is the first report demonstrating the role of OPGs of Salmonella in competitive colonization of biofilms, planktonic cultures and mouse organs.  相似文献   

Bioelectrochemical systems rely on microorganisms to link complex oxidation/reduction reactions to electrodes. For example, in Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1, an electron transfer conduit consisting of cytochromes and structural proteins, known as the Mtr respiratory pathway, catalyzes electron flow from cytoplasmic oxidative reactions to electrodes. Reversing this electron flow to drive microbial reductive metabolism offers a possible route for electrosynthesis of high value fuels and chemicals. We examined electron flow from electrodes into Shewanella to determine the feasibility of this process, the molecular components of reductive electron flow, and what driving forces were required. Addition of fumarate to a film of S. oneidensis adhering to a graphite electrode poised at -0.36 V versus standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) immediately led to electron uptake, while a mutant lacking the periplasmic fumarate reductase FccA was unable to utilize electrodes for fumarate reduction. Deletion of the gene encoding the outer membrane cytochrome-anchoring protein MtrB eliminated 88% of fumarate reduction. A mutant lacking the periplasmic cytochrome MtrA demonstrated more severe defects. Surprisingly, disruption of menC, which prevents menaquinone biosynthesis, eliminated 85% of electron flux. Deletion of the gene encoding the quinone-linked cytochrome CymA had a similar negative effect, which showed that electrons primarily flowed from outer membrane cytochromes into the quinone pool, and back to periplasmic FccA. Soluble redox mediators only partially restored electron transfer in mutants, suggesting that soluble shuttles could not replace periplasmic protein-protein interactions. This work demonstrates that the Mtr pathway can power reductive reactions, shows this conduit is functionally reversible, and provides new evidence for distinct CymA:MtrA and CymA:FccA respiratory units.  相似文献   

The rumen bacterium Wolinella succinogenes grows by respiratory nitrate ammonification with formate as electron donor. Whereas the enzymology and coupling mechanism of nitrite respiration is well known, nitrate reduction to nitrite has not yet been examined. We report here that intact cells and cell fractions catalyse nitrate and chlorate reduction by reduced viologen dyes with high specific activities. A gene cluster encoding components of a putative periplasmic nitrate reductase system (napA, G, H, B, F, L, D) was sequenced. The napA gene was inactivated by inserting a kanamycin resistance gene cassette. The resulting mutant did not grow by nitrate respiration and did not reduce nitrate during growth by fumarate respiration, in contrast to the wild type. An antigen was detected in wild-type cells using an antiserum raised against the periplasmic nitrate reductase (NapA) from Paracoccus pantotrophus. This antigen was absent in the W. succinogenes napA mutant. It is concluded that the periplasmic nitrate reductase NapA is the only respiratory nitrate reductase in W. succinogenes, although a second nitrate-reducing enzyme is apparently induced in the napA mutant. The nap cluster of W. succinogenes lacks a napC gene whose product is thought to function in quinol oxidation and electron transfer to NapA in other bacteria. The W. succinogenes genome encodes two members of the NapC/NirT family, NrfH and FccC. Characterization of corresponding deletion mutants indicates that neither of these two proteins is required for nitrate respiration. A mutant lacking the genes encoding respiratory nitrite reductase (nrfHA) had wild-type properties with respect to nitrate respiration. A model of the electron transport chain of nitrate respiration is proposed in which one or more of the napF, G, H and L gene products mediate electron transport from menaquinol to the periplasmic NapAB complex. Inspection of the W. succinogenes genome sequence suggests that ammonia formation from nitrate is catalysed exclusively by periplasmic respiratory enzymes.  相似文献   

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