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化学物质对哺乳动物细胞超微弱发光的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各种不同的化学物质可以以不同的方式影响光子发射.实验所用的化学制剂为过氧化氢、硫酸亚铁铵、氢氧化钠、盐酸及乙醇.从光子发射的暂时过程,可以看到两种类型反应.添加过氧化氢或氢氧化钠可导致初始的光子发射增强,以后随时间推移而迅速降低.加入Fe~(2 ) K_2Cr_2O_7或乙醇以后则有完全不同的发光动力学过程.V_(79)细胞的超微弱光子发射被认为是整个细胞的一种性质, 实验结果表明, 各种化学物质可以引起光子发射的明显增加或降低,但光谱分布却来看出变化,上述化学制剂的作用仅仅是刺激或抑制光子发射.  相似文献   

采用一台高灵敏的生物活体单光计数系统对淡水鱼的主要超微弱发光特性进行了研究.淡水鱼的各种不同脏器的光子辐射强度数值为3.6—97.3CPS.发射光谱的最大值接近640nm处和460nm附近.实验结果表明,超微弱光子辐射的总强度随所测的时间而变化,加入UOUO_2~( )离子之后,其发光强度下降.  相似文献   

采用光子计数成像系统(PIAS)对植物幼苗萌发过程的超弱发光进行观察。结果表明,自发光子长时间积累可形成二维图象;光子计数和采集图象均可得到植物体的自发发光;通过实验探测到幼苗的根,叶在同一平面图象有不同的发光表现;光子成像系统可客观地比较生物自发超弱发光,为进一步研究超弱发光机理提供实验基础。  相似文献   

特定电磁辐射增强大豆种子超弱光子辐射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物超弱光子辐射(简称PE)是生物代谢过程的一种普遍现象,它控制细胞内和细胞间的新陈代谢、功能调节以及信息传递。PE光强度与细胞活力、环境因素以及化学物质的作用有关。 红外辐射(包括特定电磁辐射)能产生广泛和显著的生物效应,国内外已有报道,化学  相似文献   

利用生物超弱发光鉴定抗旱性的小麦品种初探   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
早期L.Coli(1954)等人探测了许多植物自身发出的超弱发光,随后又发表了许多这方面的研究。近年来生物超弱发光作为一种重要研究手段在植物学领域展示了广阔的应用前景。其依据是植物在代谢活动中,任何生成或消耗利用ATP、NAD(H_2)、NADP(H_2)和FMNH_2的反应均可导致一部分代谢能以光子形式释放出来。因此,可将生物超弱发光值作为植物体内物质代谢和能量转化活动的一项指标。  相似文献   

最近几年来 ,由于光子计数的发展 ,在弱光通量测定方面有了新的突破 ,动植物有机体在正常的生理状态下 (暗反应 ) ,它们的细胞、细胞器以及动物的肝脏、血液均有光子释放 ,同时由于光通量极弱 ,所以通常称为“超弱化学发光” ,它可以反映有机体基质代谢的综合活动 ,提供活体细胞物理化学反应或更复杂反应的信息 ,是生物体的化学发光 ,即有机物氧化过程中产生的激态分子 ,变到较低状态时 ,以光子形式释放能量。本文研究表明 ,奶山羊的精子存在有超弱化学发光现象 ,精子的超弱化学发光与活力呈强正相关 ,相关系数为 0 .932 5(P <0 .0 5) ,与…  相似文献   

水稻和玉米幼苗的超弱生物光子发射比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自制的超高灵敏度超弱生物光子发射(ultraweak biphoton emissions,UBE)二维图象系统观测比较了水稻(Orza sativaL.)和玉米(Zea maysL.)不同品种种子萌发过程中超弱生物光子发射的变化。发现普通饲料玉米(阳单82)和高杆水稻品种(金科占)的种苗及+1叶的UBE分别比超甜玉米品种(穗甜1号、3号)和矮杆水稻品种(矮珍占)低,而前者的UBE衰减比后者要快,进一步证实超弱生物光子发射是十分灵敏的,且其差别的出现远远早于其它生物学指标,这种特性可能具有普遍性。  相似文献   

白菜叶绿体的超弱发光机理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从先前对黄化绿豆幼苗光形态建成过程和花生叶片不同发育阶段的超弱发光 (UBE)图象的初步观察结果来看 ,植物的 (诱导 )超弱发光与光形态建成和光合作用等生长代谢过程密切相关 (李德红等 ,1998)。我们在此工作的基础上 ,利用自行研制的超弱发光图象探测系统对叶绿体的超弱 (延迟 )发光进行了研究 ,并初步探讨了温度和某些化学试剂对叶绿体超弱发光的影响。实验材料选用白菜 (BrassicapekinensisRupr .)叶片 ,按通常的方法分离纯化叶绿体 ,经相应处理后分别装于比色皿中 ,按前文的方法观测其超弱发光。叶绿体无论…  相似文献   

用高敏单光子式超弱光测量仪,测量了大肠埃希氏菌(E.Coli),枯草芽孢杆菌(Bac. Subiilis)和产氨短杆菌(Brc.ammoniagenes)的超弱光光谱分布,超弱发光动力学过程和超弱光强度:并确定超弱光强度与细菌数之间的定量关系。  相似文献   

上转换发光是指稀土离子吸收两个或两个以上低能光子(近红外光)而辐射一个高能光子(可见光)的发光现象。与传统紫外激发相比,上转换发光由于采用近红外光激发而具有高的组织穿透深度、弱的生物样品损伤且无生物样品自发荧光,这些优点表明上转换发光在生物成像方面具有广阔的应用前景。文章介绍了基于稀土上转换发光过程的显微成像技术和活体成像技术,及其在肿瘤靶向成像领域的应用。  相似文献   

代谢抑制剂对萌发绿豆超弱发光的影响   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
本文报导了A.D(actinomycin D)、EB(ethidium bromide)、CHI(cycloheximide)及NaN_3,对萌发绿豆(胚根长1.5cm左右)的自发性超弱发光强度的影响的研究结果,提供了DNA分子和/或RNA合成代谢对超弱发光有贡献的证据.  相似文献   

Living organisms have been known to spontaneously emit ultraweak photons in vivo and in vitro. Origin of the photon emission remains unclear, especially in the nervous system. The spontaneous ultraweak photon emission was detected here from cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons using a photomultiplier tube which was highly sensitive to visible light. The photon emission was facilitated by the membrane depolarization of neurons by a high concentration of K+ and was attenuated by application of tetrodotoxin or removal of extracellular Ca2+, indicating the photon emission depending on the neuronal activity and likely on the cellular metabolism. Furthermore, almost all the photon emission was arrested by 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, indicating that the photon emission would be derived from oxidized molecules. Detection of the spontaneous ultraweak photon emission will realize noninvasive and real-time monitoring of the redox state of neural tissue corresponding to the neuronal activity and metabolism.  相似文献   

Convincing evidence supports a role for oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. The model includes the formation of radical oxygen species (ROS) and the misassembly and aggregation of proteins when three tiers of cellular defence are insufficient: (a) direct antioxidative systems, (b) molecular damage repairing systems, and (c) compensatory chaperone synthesis. The aim of the present overview is to introduce (a) the basics of free radical and antioxidant metabolism, (b) the role of the protein quality control system in protecting cells from free radical damage and its relation to chronic diseases, (c) the basics of the ultraweak luminescence as marker of the oxidant status of biological systems, and (d) the research in human photon emission as a non-invasive marker of oxidant status in relation to chronic diseases. In considering the role of free radicals in disease, both their generation and their control by the antioxidant system are part of the story. Excessive free radical production leads to the production of heat shock proteins and chaperone proteins as a second line of protection against damage. Chaperones at the molecular level facilitate stress regulation vis-à-vis protein quali y control mechanisms. The manifestation of misfolded proteins and aggregates is a hallmark of a range of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amylotrophic lateral sclerosis, polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases, diabetes and many others. Each of these disorders exhibits aging-dependent onset and a progressive, usually fatal clinical course. The second part reviews the current status of human photon emission techniques and protocols for recording the human oxidative status. Sensitive photomultiplier tubes may provide a tool for non-invasive and continuous monitoring of oxidative metabolism. In that respect, recording ultraweak luminescence has been favored compared to other indirect assays. Several biological models have been used to illustrate the technique in cell cultures and organs in vivo. This initiated practical applications addressing specific human pathological issues. Systematic studies on human emission have presented information on: (a) procedures for reliable measurements, and spectral analysis, (b) anatomic intensity of emission and left-right symmetries, (c) biological rhythms in emission, (d) physical and psychological influences on emission, (e) novel physical characteristics of emission, and (f) the identification of ultraweak photon emission with the staging of ROS-related damage and disease. It is concluded that both patterns and physical properties of ultraweak photon emission hold considerable promise as measure for the oxidative status.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of ultraweak photon emission from living systems was further investigated in order to elucidate the physical properties of this radiation and its possible source. We obtained evidence that the light has a high degree of coherence because of (1) its photon count statistics, (2) its spectral distribution, (3) its decay behavior after exposure to light illumination, and (4) its transparency through optically thick materials. Moroever, DNA is apparently at least an important source, since conformational changes induced with ethidium bromide in vivo are clearly reflected by changes of the photon emission of cells. The physical properties of the radiation are described, taking DNA as an exciplex laser system, where a stable state can be reached far from thermal equilibrium at threshold.  相似文献   

Biophoton emission. New evidence for coherence and DNA as source   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phenomenon of ultraweak photon emission from living systems was further investigated in order to elucidate the physical properties of this radiation and its possible source. We obtained evidence that the light has a high degree of coherence because of (1) its photon count statistics, (2) its spectral distribution, (3) its decay behavior after exposure to light illumination, and (4) its transparency through optically thick materials. Moreover, DNA is apparently at least an important source, since conformational changes induced with ethidium bromide in vivo are clearly reflected by changes of the photon emission of cells. The physical properties of the radiation are described, taking DNA as an exciplex laser system, where a stable state can be reached far from thermal equilibrium at threshold.  相似文献   

Advent of the multichannel plate and position sensitive detector has made possible true single photon counting imaging tubes. We have investigated the application of these detectors in studies of the ultraweak light emission of biological materials. Initially, we focussed our efforts on two objectives: (1) obtaining single photon counting images of living tissues using only the light (chemiluminescence) emitted by the specimen and (2) developing means of obtaining well-resolved spectra of weakly emitting sources. We have obtained a variety of images. One striking result of this work is the first observation of tissue specific localization of photon emission in situ. Using this detector we have also obtained the first well-resolved spectra of some important ultraweak emission processes. These results illustrate the potential use of single photon imaging in bioluminescence and chemiluminescence research.  相似文献   

Neither the growth of Escherichia coli nor its associated luminescence was significantly affected when cultures were shielded from the soft component of cosmic rays. The study included experiments in which the cultures were shielded intermittently during their two periods of luminescence emission and experiments in which the cultures were continuously shielded throughout their entire growth cycle. These results do not support previous suggestions that the ultraweak bioluminescences from living organisms might be cosmic-ray-excited fluorescences induced in certain biological molecules synthesized during the various stages of growth.  相似文献   

Ultraweak photons which are spontaneously emitted from a living body may be applicable as a non-invasive tool to characterize the physiological state of the living body. We investigated changes in the intensity of ultraweak photon emission, body temperature and the cardiovascular autonomic activity induced by epinephrine injection to rats. A high dose of epinephrine can make changes to the cardiovascular autonomic activity or body temperature. Photon emission of the dorsal part, rectal temperature and heart rate variability (HRV) were measured from eight Sprague-Dawley rats. The intensities of photon emissions for saline injections, which were used as a control, decreased from 13042+/-71 counts/min at the start of measurements to 8709+/-915 counts/min at 1 h after the injections. In the case with epinephrine injections, the intensity of photon emission reduced slowly from 13361+/-354 counts/min to 11040+/-433 counts/min. Rectal temperature increased in both saline- and epinephrine-injected rats, but one hour after the injections the temperature in the epinephrine case was slightly higher than that in the saline case. The standard deviation of the QRS wave complex interval (RR interval) increased from 1 to 4 (p<0.05) and the spectral ratio of the low frequency component to the high frequency component in the HRV data LF (0.19 approximately 0.74 Hz) / HF (0.78 approximately 2.50 Hz) decreased from 0.81 to 0.26 (p<0.05) in the case of epinephrine injection while no change was found in the case of saline injection. Thus, ultraweak photon emission was closely related to the cardiovascular autonomic activity.  相似文献   

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