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从我国湖北省神农架地区的霉腐树叶上,分离到一株克鲁维酵母属的酵母。其形态与生理方面与已知种与变种均有很大差异,定为新种,并命名为湖北克鲁维酵母(Kluyveromyceshubeiensis M.X.Li.X.H.Fu et Tang sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

用含木糖为唯一碳源和含葡萄糖及7.6%乙醇的两种富集培养基对采自海南热带雨林腐木样品中的酵母菌进行了分离培养。对分离出的酵母菌株进行的分子分类学研究表明,其中两株酵母菌X2WZ07-4和G2WZ06-1代表两个无性型子囊菌酵母新种。大亚基(26S)rRNA基因D1/D2域序列分析显示,与X2WZ07-4和G2WZ06-1亲缘关系最近的已知种分别为Candida cylindracea和C.llanquihuensis。在D1/D2域,X2WZ07-4与C.cylindracea模式菌株的碱基序列差异为2.5%;G2WZ06-1与C.llanquihuensis模式菌株的序列差异为3.9%,均远大于酵母菌种间在此区域的序列差异(~1%)。这两个新种分别被命名为拟柱形假丝酵母Candida pseudocylindracea sp.nov.(模式菌株:X2WZ07-4T=AS2.3788T=CBS10854T)和五指山假丝酵母Candida wuzhishanensis sp.nov.(模式菌株:G2WZ06-1T=AS2.3784T=CBS10850T)。  相似文献   

调查了13属171株酵母生物合成CDP-胆碱的能力,47%的菌株用通气培养的静息细胞加甲苯,在磷酸盐葡萄糖和镁离子存在下,能将磷酸胆碱与CMP合成CDP-胆碱。其中一株Hansenula anomala SVI311为高活力株,在适宜的条件下,每克静息细胞能合成200μMoles以上的CDP-胆碱;另一株Candida sp.SVI362,不必加入甲苯,每克静息细胞能合成117 μMoles CDP-胆碱。生物合成产物根据紫外、红外、核磁共振谱、纸电泳、总磷和酸水解后5′磷的测定结果,证明是CDP-胆碱。  相似文献   

郭英兰  蒋毅 《菌物学报》2000,19(3):302-305
5种尾孢菌和2种假尾孢菌,其中有3个新种:杜若尾孢Cercosporapolliae-japonicaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.,日本锦带花尾孢C.weigelae-japonicaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.和旅覆花假尾孢PseudocercosporainulaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.,1个新组合:紫花假尾孢Pseudocercosporaquata(Chupp&Greene)Y.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,comb.nov.,和3个中国新记录;山牵牛尾孢CercosporathunbergianaYen,乌拉马尾孢CercosporauramensisChupp&Muller和盐肤木尾孢CercosporaverniciferaeChupp&Viegas。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介,描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

调查了13属17l株酵母生物合成CDP一胆碱的能力,47%的菌株用通气培养的静息细胞加甲苯,在磷酸盐葡萄糖和镁离子存在下,能将磷酸胆碱与GMP合成CDP-胆碱。其中一株 Hansenula anomala SV1311 为高活力株,在适宜的条件下,每克静息细胞能合成200pMoles以上的CDP-胆碱;另一株Candida sp.SVI362,不必加入甲苯,每克静息细胞能合成117 pMoles CDP-胆碱。生物合成产物根据紫外、红外、校磁共振谱、纸电泳、总磷和酸水解后5’磷的测定结果,证明是CDP-胆碱。  相似文献   

从18株酵母和2株白地霉中选得两株酵母它们能较好地利用稻草酶解液生产单细胞蛋白,其菌名和编号为皮状丝孢酵母(Trichosporon cutaneum)AS 1.374,假丝酵母(Candida sp.)Y002对这两株菌的生长条件进行了研究,在pH5.0、30—32℃、糖浓度1.5—2.0%、培养36h的条件下,SCP对糖的产率可达66.6%。  相似文献   

记述分布于我国的狭顶蚱属9种,其中有3新种,即黑胫狭顶蚱Systolederus nigritibia Zheng,sp.nov.、长背狭顶蚱Systolederus longinota Zheng, sp.nov.长翅狭顶蚱Systolederus longipennis Zheng et Jiang, sp.nov。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

通过氩离子(Ar )注入介导蓝麻黄基因组DNA在异常汉逊酵母(Hansenula anomala)中随机转化,转化后的酵母菌经BTB指示性辅助筛选、斜面传代、液体培养、铜铬盐定性检识和RP-HPLC定量检测,获得了遗传稳定的以葡萄糖为碳源、NaNO3为氮源生物合成麻黄碱和(或)伪麻黄碱的重组酵母菌3株。液体培养72h,RP-HPLC测试胞外麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱的最高产量分别为11.87mg/L和4.11mg/L;胞内伪麻黄碱最高含量为294.86mg/g干细胞,胞内麻黄碱未检出。分析了Ar 注入介导蓝麻黄基因组DNA在酵母菌中的遗传转化效率,探讨了麻黄基因组DNA大分子的完整性对其在酵母菌中遗传转化的影响。  相似文献   

以一株分离自甘肃天水传统酿造浆水中的产香酵母——异常汉逊酵母(Hansenula anomala)Y16为供试菌株,经高密度发酵后,采用Plackets-Burman试验、最陡爬坡实验及响应面法(response surface methodology,RSM),对其直投式增香酵母冻干菌剂的制备工艺进行优化。结果表明,经高密度增殖培养后,酵母Y16细胞浓度可达9.2×1010 CFU/mL;收集Y16发酵液的最佳离心条件:Y16发酵液经1 600 g离心10 min,离心沉降活细胞率为95.5%;冻干保护剂最佳组合配方:11%脱脂奶粉,9%蔗糖,12%海藻糖,在该条件下,冻干菌剂中酵母存活率为91.54%。经上述工艺制备的增香发酵剂保存3个月仍具有较好的贮藏稳定性。此外,浆水模拟发酵试验的结果表明,浆水风味优良。研究结果为浆水工业化生产提供了良好的增香发酵剂来源。  相似文献   

优化人血清白蛋白(Human Serum Albumin, HSA)基因的密码子,合成基因连接到用于汉逊酵母(Hansenula polymorpha)表达的表达载体上,构建成重组人血清白蛋白(recombinant Human Serum Albumin, rHSA)表达质粒,转化汉逊酵母细胞,筛选得到的rHSA高表达细胞株HP-rHSA-C,30L发酵罐批式发酵表达量可达1.033g/L,经Streamline SP,Phenyl Bio-Sep 6FF,DEAE Sepharose层析分离获得纯化蛋白,除菌过滤后稀释,进行小鼠免疫原性分析,结果与人血清中提取的人白蛋白具有相同的抗原、抗体反应特性。  相似文献   

In Candida lusitaniae van Uden et do Carmo-Sousa (1959), strains of opposite sex have been found. Cells of the opposite mating types conjugate and form asci with one to four clavate spores. These are easily liberated from the ascus. The type strain of Candida obtusa (Dietrichson) van Uden et do Carmo-Sousa ex van Uden et Buckley (1970) also produces ascospores after mating with one of the strains of Candida lusitaniae. As clavate ascospores are unknow in yeasts, a new genus, Clavispora, is proposed with Clavispora lusitaniae spec. nov. as type species.  相似文献   

We previously implicated 3-hydroxy oxylipins and ascospore structure in ascospore release from enclosed asci. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy on cells stained with fluorescein-coupled, 3-hydroxy oxylipin-specific antibodies, we found that oxylipins are specifically associated with ascospores and not the vegetative cells or ascus wall of Ascoidea corymbosa. Using gas chromatography--mass spectrometry the oxylipin 3-hydroxy 17:0 could be identified. Here, we visualize for the first time the forced release of oxylipin-coated, hat-shaped ascospores from terminally torn asci, probably through turgor pressure. We suggest that oxylipin-coated, razor-sharp, hat-shaped ascospore brims may play a role in rupturing the ascus to affect release.  相似文献   

During sporulation of diploids from crosses between different strains of the yeast Saccharomycopsis (Candida) lipolytica irregular numbers of ascospores per ascus have been observed. Using the serial section method it could be shown now by means of electron microscopy that in one-, two-, and three-spored asci unenclosed "naked" nuclei occur additionally to nuclei incorporated in mature spores. It was demonstrated that the production of less than four spores per ascus in this yeast is not the result of a lack of meiotic products but of the nonutilization of nuclei from meiosis. In 2--4 spored asci usually four products of meiosis in form of enclosed and free nuclei could be demonstrated which indicate a normal meiotic division. All ascospores derived from asci with different spore numbers are uninuclear. It is assumed that a defect in spore formation caused by structural changes of chromosomes or aneuploidy should give rise to the occurrence of non incorporated nuclei and spore irregularity. It was concluded that meiosis and spore formation in Saccharomycopsis lipolytica seem to represent parallel and coordinated processes which generally resemble those recorded for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Hansenula species.  相似文献   

Five strains of thermotolerant methylotrophic yeasts isolated in Thailand were found to represent three new species in the genera Pichia and Candida, based on phylogenetic analysis of D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA, in addition to the morphological, physiological, biochemical and chemotaxonomic characterization. Three strains, FS96 and FS101 from flowers and M02 from tree flux, were characterized by ubiquinone Q7, multilateral budding, and the formation of hat-shaped ascospores that are liberated at maturation. These strains showed identical nucleotide sequences in the D1/D2 domain and formed a cluster with Candida thermophila, "Pichia salicis" and Pichia angusta. They differed by 1.9% of nucleotide substitutions from Candida thermophila, the nearest species. They were considered to represent a single new species and are described as Pichia siamensis sp. nov. Two strains, N051 and S023, isolated from soil did not produce ascospores, proliferated by multilateral budding, did not demonstrate urease or DBB color reaction, and lacked sexual stages. These characteristics correspond to the genus Candida. Strains N051 and S023 differed by 2.8% and 1.9% of nucleotide substitutions in the D1/D2 domain from the nearest species, Candida nemodendra and Candida ovalis, respectively, and are considered to represent respective new species. N051 and S023 are described as Candida krabiensis sp. nov. and Candida sithepensis sp. nov., respectively.  相似文献   

Pinruan U  Sakayaroj J  Jones EB  Hyde KD 《Mycologia》2004,96(5):1163-1170
Phruensis brunneispora is a new genus and species occurring on decaying trunks of the palm Licuala longecalycata in Sirindhorn Peat Swamp Forest, Thailand. We compare the genus with other aquatic ascomycetes with falcate septate ascospores: Pseudohalonectria and Ophioceras. Ascospores differ from species in these genera in being brown with lighter end cells. Also, the ascus pore is subapical, with a channel leading to the apex. Lollipopaia minuta differs from Phruensis brunneispora in that the ascomata are borne in a stroma, asci have an apical pore and the ascospores are hyaline. No genus was found to accommodate the new species. Molecular analysis of rDNA ribosomal 18S confirmed the exclusion of the new species from Pseudohalonectria, and Ophioceras and Lollipopaia minuta formed a sister group with it. Phruensis brunneispora and Lollipopaia minuta grouped in the Diaporthales with 100% bootstrap support. Therefore, both morphological and molecular evidence supports erecting a new genus to accommodate this taxon. A hyaline Phialophora-like anamorph was formed when single ascospores were plated out on agar. The taxon is described and illustrated with light micrographs.  相似文献   

A new teleomorphic genus Ascobotryozyma, with a single species, A. americana, is proposed. Its anamorph is a Botryozyma that differs from the type species, B. nematodophila, on distributional, physiological, and molecular criteria; it is described as Botryozyma americana, anam. sp. nov. Ascobotryozyma is characterized by globose asci bearing four lunate ascospores. Fusion of thallus cells precedes ascus formation. Ascobotryozyma americana was isolated from the surface of nematodes (Panagrellus dubius) associated with galleries of the poplar borer (Saperda calcarata) in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) in eastern Washington, USA. The teleomorph has not been produced in pure culture.  相似文献   

感染蛴螬的一种新虫草   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
描述了感染鞘翅目幼虫的茂兰虫草新种(CordycepsmaolanensisZ.Y.LiuetLiangsp.nov.),其主要物征为子座单生,可孕部分白色,近球形或卵圆形,其皮层栅状,100~125μm;柄中部地上和地下相交处有瘤节,子囊壳黄色,埋生,600~700×300~350μm;子囊柱状,300~450×3~4.5μm;每个子囊具有4个丝状多隔的子囊孢子,次生子囊孢子柱状,6~8×1.5μm,这些特征与近似种Cgracilis,C.gracilioides,C.insignis,C.entomorrhiza,C.amazonicda,C.amazonica,和C.amazonicavar.neoamazonica有明显的不同。  相似文献   

Four strains of ascomycetous yeasts were isolated from samples collected at two locations in southern Japan. The strains formed two warty ascospores that were joined together by an intersporal body appearing as a belt. Phylogenetic analysis of rRNA gene nucleotide sequences indicated that the strains represented two new and closely related species of the genus Kazachstania. Isolates of one of the species were from Miyazaki Prefecture and those of the other species were from the Iriomote Islands. Genetic separation of the two species was further confirmed by DNA-DNA reassociation, which gave values of 63.3-78.1%, and from interspecific crosses, which gave nonviable ascospores. On the basis of these data, the isolates from Miyazaki Prefecture are described as Kazachstania zonata sp. nov. [type strain NBRC 100504=CBS 10326, mating types NBRC 101821 (+), NBRC 101822 (-)], and the isolates from the Iriomote Islands are described as Kazachstania gamospora sp. nov. [type strain NBRC 11056=CBS 10328, mating types NBRC 101825 (+), NBRC 101826 (-)].  相似文献   

The teleomorph of Candida kunwiensis Hong, Bae, Herzberg, Titze, Lachance, Metschnikowia kunwiensis, is described. Repeated attempts to obtain ascospore formation succeeded using modified V8 sporulation media and extended incubation times. The asci are ovoid, with only a small protrusion caused by the spore(s). The species is diplontic, possibly homothallic, with one or two ascospores per ascus. Aside from having atypical ovoid asci, the acicular shape of the spores is characteristic of the genus Metschnikowia. The type strain is CBS 9676(T).  相似文献   

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