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贵州草海保护区钳嘴鹳种群动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
新分布种对当地生态系统的影响具有不确定性,掌握其种群动态对于制定相应的管理策略具有重要意义。钳嘴鹳(Anastomus oscitans)为我国新分布种,目前已扩散至云南、贵州、广西、四川等省(自治区),但对其种群数量及变化规律尚缺乏了解。2013年1月至2014年12月,采用夜栖地直接计数法对贵州省草海自然保护区钳嘴鹳的种群数量进行了监测。结果表明,1)钳嘴鹳主要在夏季出现,冬季数量较少,表现出明显的季节性差异(P0.001)。2)钳嘴鹳种群数量呈现逐年增加趋势,2013年的度夏期(5~10月份)平均数量为200.6只(SD=94.6,n=24),最高数量为427只;2014年的度夏期平均数量增长到356.0只(SD=180.3,n=25),最高数量为602只。3)钳嘴鹳为树上夜栖物种,调查中共发现5处夜栖地,其中位于保护区东南部的簸箕湾是主要夜栖地,在2013、2014年的统计中,该地钳嘴鹳分别占总数量的56.46%和63.53%。由于钳嘴鹳的游荡性较强,建议在其主要分布区开展同步监测,从而整体掌握其种群变化和分布情况。  相似文献   

杨俊杰  杨旭  雷宇  刘强 《生态学报》2019,39(14):5371-5377
动物对夜栖地选择的灵活程度是其分布和扩散的重要因素之一。钳嘴鹳(Anastomus oscitans)为中国新分布种,要了解其扩散趋势,掌握其夜栖地需求至关重要。2015年11月至2018年7月在云南蒙自坝区,使用卫星跟踪技术对6只钳嘴鹳进行了夜栖地利用和夜栖树选择研究,结果表明:(1)钳嘴鹳可以在多种生境中夜栖,包括林地、沼泽、岛屿等。从群体水平上分析,钳嘴鹳主要夜栖于沼泽中,利用率为(51.19±12.34)%,其次为林地(31.55±11.34)%和岛屿(17.26±5.70)%;从个体水平上来看,不同钳嘴鹳的夜栖地利用方式差异较大,其中4只主要利用沼泽,而另外2只主要利用林地;(2)随机森林分析表明:影响钳嘴鹳夜栖树选择的首要因子为距觅食地距离,其次为树高、地径和最低枝高度,而人为干扰因子的影响较弱。综合来看,钳嘴鹳对夜栖地类型以及夜栖树均表现出了极强的适应性和可塑性,这可能是其能够快速扩散的重要原因之一。同时也表明夜栖树并不能成为一个有力的限制因子,钳嘴鹳有可能继续向国内的南方湿地区扩散。  相似文献   

采用登录网站收集新闻报道,查阅报纸、文献,私人通讯和实地观察等方法,收集了亚洲钳嘴鹳Anastomus oscitans 2010—2014年5年间在中国西南地区出现地点、群体数量、停留时间、栖息生境等数据。依据野外观察,该鸟群体大小和停留时间长短,与浅水沼泽面积和水体中福寿螺Pomacea canaliculata的密度有密切关系。在水域面积大和福寿螺数量多的分布点,亚洲钳嘴鹳可以停留3~32个月,群体数量达60~1100只。依据南亚地区此鸟种群数量近年快速增长的实际情况,认为其进入中国西南地区属于自然扩散,与全球气候变暖没有直接关系。  相似文献   

钳嘴鹳(Anastomus oscitans)主要分布在东南亚的印度、尼泊尔、越南、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨、老挝国等国家.在中国境内钳嘴鹳最早于2006年10月在云南省大理洱源县西湖被发现,2010年10月~2012年6月又在广西壮族自治区的百色市龙井水库、云南省景谷县和景洪市橄榄坝澜沧江沿岸、贵州省安顺县等地分别记录到1~6只(Jiang et al.2010,张国英等2012).  相似文献   

正2020年11月15日,在陕西省汉中市洋县城关镇北侧的草坝河下游河段(107°31'57″E,33°13'59″N,448 m)发现了1只钳嘴鹳Anastomus oscitans。笔者实地考察发现,其体羽灰白,飞羽和尾羽黑色,飞翔时尤为显著,嘴粉色,闭合时缺口明显,腿粉红色(图1)。这只钳嘴鹳活动于草坝河下游河道的局部范围,该河流为汉江的一级支流,发源于秦岭南坡洋县境内,于县城西侧注入汉江。草坝河河道狭窄,入河口上游2~3 km范围内河道宽度60~70 m。  相似文献   

云南红河发现泰国环志钳嘴鹳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨俊杰  杨旭  雷宇  刘慧  刘强 《动物学杂志》2019,54(2):269,297
正钳嘴鹳(Anastomus oscitans)分布于泰国、印度、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡、缅甸等南亚和东南亚国家,2006年在我国首次记录于云南大理洱源境内(韩联宪等2016),现已广泛扩散至我国西南地区(Liu et al. 2015,韩联宪等2016)。目前对我国钳嘴鹳的具体来源地及其迁徙路线尚无报道。2016年6月25日,在云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州蒙自市马街哨村(23°27′13″N,103°24′02″E,海拔1 284 m)  相似文献   

从2006年到2008年间对黄嘴鹮鹳的饲养环境进行人工调节,采用焦点动物法和扫描取样法对黄嘴鹮鹳的繁殖行为、雏鸟的生长发育进行观察.结果表明,人工措施可使黄嘴鹮鹳在北京地区全年繁殖;亲鸟在育雏期共同养育雏鸟;雏鸟属晚成鸟,但与鹮类相比,在生长发育上有特异性,更接近于鹳.  相似文献   

云南蒙自长桥海发现秃鹳和翻石鹬   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
正2013年9月4日,云南省红河州蒙自市长桥海(23°25'42″N,103°23'20″E,海拔1 282 m)发现秃鹳(Leptoptilos javanicus)1只和翻石鹬(Arenaria interpres)4只。其中后者经查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》、《云南鸟类志(上卷)》、《中国鸟类野外手册》等资料,确定为云南鸟类新纪录。秃鹳为体型硕大(体长110 cm)的鸟,比同域分布的钳嘴鹳(Anastomus oscitans)、苍鹭(Ardea  相似文献   

2004年7月28日~8月2日,在考察浙江象山韭山列岛省级海洋生态自然保护区时,发现了正处于繁殖中期的黑嘴端凤头燕鸥(Sterna bernsteini)的群体混群于大凤头燕鸥(S.bergii)的繁殖群中。据估测,大凤头燕鸥的种群数量为3500~4500只,黑嘴端凤头燕鸥的种群数量为10~20只。这是目前继2000年马祖群岛发现黑嘴端凤头燕鸥繁殖群之后的第2个繁殖群体。  相似文献   

朱鹮线粒体DNA的分子系统发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱Huan是一种濒危鸟类。过度开发和栖息地的破坏导致了朱Huan日本种群的绝灭,而在中国目前也仅存一野生种群。本文利用NJ法和最大简约法分析了鹳形目鸟类977bp的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因的部分序列,以期从DNA水平上阐明朱Huan的系统地位。结果表明,朱Huan与彩Huan和非洲琶鹭组成一姐妹群;NJ法分析得出的结果与DNA杂交分析结果一致,即((Huan科,鹭科),鹳科);而最大简约法分析的结果则与形态学结果一致,即((鹭科,鹳科),Huan科)。同时,这两种系统树上较低的置信度,认为部分是由于可用细胞色素b基因序列的有限所致。  相似文献   

The distribution of isopod species along a 70 km transect through northern Israel is described. The transect started from the Mediterranean seashore through Mt. Carmel and the Gilboa Mts. to the Jordan Valley. The habitats ranged from grassland, macqui to woodland in the Mediterranean region, onto grassland in the semi-arid region. Thirty isopod species were found, of these only one species was common to all the regions, and two species were found in four out of five regions. The largest number of species inhabited the mountainous habitats of Mt. Carmel and the Gilboa Mts: 20 and 14 species, respectively. Twelve species were found in the Coastal Plain; five of these were found exclusively there. Two of the four species found in the Jordan Valley were characteristic of that semi-arid region. Beta-diversity was found to be low in most cases and especially in the comparison between Mediterranean and semi-arid habitats.  相似文献   

J Dvorák  M C Luo  Z L Yang 《Genetics》1998,148(1):423-434
RFLP was investigated at 52 single-copy gene loci among six species of Aegilops, including both cross-fertilizing and self-fertilizing species. Average gene diversity (H) was found to correlate with the level of outcrossing. No relationship was found between H and the phylogenetic status of a species. In all six species, the level of RFLP at a locus was a function of the position of the locus on the chromosome and the recombination rate in the neighborhood of the locus. Loci in the proximal chromosome regions, which show greatly reduced recombination rates relative to the distal regions, were significantly less variable than loci in the distal chromosome regions in all six species. Variation in recombination rates was also reflected in the haplotype divergence between closely related species; loci in the chromosome regions with low recombination rates were found to be diverged less than those in the chromosome regions with high recombination rates. This relationship was not found among the more distantly related species.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of peptide hormone-like immunostaining in the gastrointestinal tract of 11 teleost species was investigated by immunofluorescence.Cells immunoreactive for somatostatin were found in the glandular epithelium of the stomach of four species and in the epithelium of the pyloric appendage of one species. The mid-gut epithelium contained cells reactive with antibodies to glucagon (three species), gastrin (five species), pancreatic polypeptide (five species), and substance P (two species). Cells immunoreactive for met-enkephalin were found in the epithelium of both the mid-gut and the stomach of six species.In six species in which the endocrine pancreas was investigated, insulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatin-like immunoreactivity was observed. Pancreatic polypeptide was definitely localised by immunostaining in cells of the endocrine pancreas of only one out of three species examined.Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, neurotensin-, bombesin-, and enkephalin-like immunoreactivity was identified in the gastrointestinal nerve fibres in various species.In view of the considerable species variation found, caution should be exercised in generalising about the peptides present in the gastrointestinal tract of fish.  相似文献   

云南西部实蝇的多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈鹏  叶辉 《生态学报》2009,29(6):2953-2961
2005和2006年,在云南西部瑞丽、潞江坝、六库、保山、大理5个地区,采用信息素引诱法及被害瓜果内实蝇收集法对5个地区实蝇多样性进行分析.结果表明,5个地区实蝇丰富度的发生模式明显分为2种类型:瑞丽和潞江坝实蝇全年发生;六库、保山和大理实蝇季节性发生;瑞丽的实蝇种类丰富度最高,有20种,其次是潞江坝,11种,而保山、大理的实蝇种类丰富度低,分别为4种和3种;该区域实蝇优势种为桔小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis)和南亚果实蝇(B. tau);2年实蝇多样性指数均以六库最低,以潞江坝最高.各地实蝇种类相似性变化较大, 相似性系数在0.15~1.00 之间.结果为了解云南西部实蝇种类分布以及预防实蝇危害提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

The volatile components of whole-body extracts of males, females and workers were analyzed in four species of Neotropical ants in the formicine genus, Camponotus. The species, C. kaura, C. sexguttatus, C. ramulorum and C. planatus, represent three different subgenera. Volatile mandibular gland components were found only in male extracts in three of the species. In C. ramulorum, volatile components were found in male and female reproductives and workers. 3,4-Dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methylpyran-4-one and octanic acid were found in different sets of three of the species. Methyl 6-methyl salicylate was found in two species and the isocoumarin, mellein, was found in a third species. The significance of the mandibular gland secretion for formicid systematics is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. To determine patterns of resource allocation among ascidians, we studied 16 colonial and solitary species. We measured investment in reproductive vs. structural material (tunic) both in terms of weight and caloric content, as well as fecundity and degree of larval complexity in the colonial species. Measurements in weight and caloric content were highly correlated in the species studied. A wide range of investment in reproduction was found. Tunic production was related to the growth form of the species, stolonic and solitary species investing less in tunic than massive species, but no significant relationship was found between investment in tunic production vs. reproduction. In colonial species we found that in species with small zooid size, the reproductive investment per zooid was significantly higher. There was a significant negative relationship between investment in reproduction and fecundity. We also found a significant relationship between reproductive investment and larval complexity. The overall trend was that species with low fecundity had large complex larvae and invested the most energy in reproduction.  相似文献   

1. To understand how the semiaquatic bug communities are shaped, it was first verified whether there was a pattern of co-occurrence between species. It was subsequently tested whether the pattern found was related to environmental variables. Lastly, it was verified whether morphological divergence between species was present in the morphological and functional traits selected. 2. A pattern of species co-occurrence was found in the studied assemblage, related to both environmental variables and interspecific biological interactions. Pairs of species with negative, positive, and random co-occurrence were found. Traits related to predation competition, sexual competition, and interaction with the environment showed significant morphological divergence. 3. Therefore, more than one process defines species co-occurrence patterns in semiaquatic bug communities. It is suggested that environmental influence is related to species microhabitat preference. On the other hand, the morphological divergence found is related to competition and sharing of food resources.  相似文献   

The composition of the rumen ciliate fauna in 76 Kafue lechwe inhabiting a limited area in Zambia was surveyed and five genera containing 24 species with 16 formae belonging to the family Ophryoscolecidae were identified. Four new species belonging to Diplodiniinae were recognized and described as Diplodinium lochinvarense n. sp., Diplodinium leche n. sp., Diplodinium zambiense n. sp., and Metadinium ossiculi n. sp. In addition, Ostracodinium gracile form fissilaminatum Dogiel, 1932 was found for the second time and described as Metadinium fissilaminatum n. comb. The species composition was fairly unusual. Seven of the species have been found only in African wild antelopes and these species were found more frequently than cosmopolitan species. There was no evidence of isotrichid species. The average density of ciliates per 1 ml of the rumen fluid was 25.7 x 10(4), and the number of ciliate species per head of host was 10.8.  相似文献   

A combined alkaline phosphatase (AP) and dipeptidlypeptidase IV (DPP IV) staining reaction has demonstrated enzymatic heterogeneity of the arterial and venous segments of capillaries in rat skeletal muscle. This study compared the staining reactions of skeletal muscles in many commonly used laboratory animals, including the axolotl, chick, quail, Monodelphys, rat, mouse, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, dog, monkey, and human. DPP IV activity was found in the venous ends of the capillaries and in the endothelium of some larger veins in many of the species but was never demonstrated in the arterial side of the circulation. AP was found in the arterial ends of capillaries in all species except the axolotl, and it was also found in the endothelium of larger arteries of most species. AP activity was absent in venous endothelium of all species except for birds and Monodelphys. DPP IV activity was found in the perineurium of intramuscular nerves of most species, and AP activity was commonly seen in tendons and intramuscular connective tissue. The interspecies variability found in this study shows that care must be taken in comparing experimental data involving this technique from one species to another, but within a species the technique allows a fine level of discrimination between functionally distinct compounds of skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The distinctive peridial appendages ofArthroderma were of little value for the delimitation of species. The peridial appendages as well as the conidia of certain species were so similar as to be value-less for the delimitation of species. Further, morphological and physiological variation was found to be as great within, as between, species. The usual morphological methods for classifying species were, therefore, inadequate and the concept of biological species was considered.The following points were found to favor the applicability of biological species concepts. Nine of ten species were heterothallic which assured crossing. A gene pool, the result of sexual reproduction and an essential requirement of a biological species, was maintained. This was evidenced by complete fertility between isolates of the same species from diverse geographic areas. Finally, no hybridization between species was evident in over one hundred attempted crosses.Strains which were readily compatible and produced viable ascospores were considered to be members of the same species. Conversely, incompatible strains were differentiated into separate species. In this way over fifty strains from more than one hundred isolations were found to be members of ten species. Six of the species correlated with species previously described on morphological bases, and confirmed their validity. Four species were considered to be new. All four were previously confused withA. quadrifidum orA. cuniculi because they possessed similar types of conidia. Once separated on an incompatibility basis, they were found to possess characteristics of distinct species. The only reliable method for their differentiation, however, was found to be interspecific incompatibility.Several strains, some pathogens, were crossed with soil borne species ofArthroderma. Some mated but others did not. Several incompatible strains possessedArthroderma-like appendages and partial compatibility was indicated. Partial compatibility also occurred in certain interspecific crosses.  相似文献   

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