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转基因抗虫烟草研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
烟草为模式植物,也是外源杀虫基因最早转化成功的植物。文章从转Bt内毒素基因,植物凝集素GNA,Plec,AHA基因,蛋白酶抑制剂PIⅠ,PIⅡ,MTI,SKTI基因,昆虫特异性神经毒素基因,几丁质酶基因,畸形细胞分泌蛋白基因以及双抗虫基因等方面综述了转基因抗虫烟草的抗虫性、转基因抗虫烟草的经济性状等,展望了转基因抗虫烟草的研究和应用前景,以期对烟草害虫的治理尤其是对其他转基因抗虫作物的培育和研究有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

转Bt抗虫基因水稻的研究进展和生物安全性及其对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
转基因抗虫水稻的商品化种植已成为国内外广泛关注的热点问题.综述了转Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis)抗虫基因水稻的研究进展、食品安全性、生态安全性以及对转Bt基因水稻本身的性状变化的影响,并提出了防范策略,以期为转Bt基因水稻的生物安全性评价和商品化种植提供科学参考.  相似文献   

影响苏云金芽孢杆菌基因在转基因植物中表达的因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)杀虫晶体蛋白基因是植物抗虫基因工程中应用最广泛的基因资源。影响Bt基因在转基因植物中表达的因素繁多,阐明这些因素的效应对于获得Bt基因在受体植物中的稳定高效表达具有重要意义。现对Bt基因表达的主要影响因子,如Bt基因表达单元、植物发育、外部环境条件、受体植物遗传背景、整合位点及Bt基因沉默现象等进行了综述。  相似文献   

植物转基因抗虫技术在害虫控制方面取得了巨大成功。商业化运用的抗虫基因目前全部来源于苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)的杀虫晶体蛋白基因,存在抗虫谱较窄及害虫逐渐产生抗性等问题,表明新型抗虫基因的筛选尤为重要。已有的文献研究表明,除了继续发掘Bt来源的新型杀虫蛋白基因以外,非Bt杀虫细菌及杀虫真菌也具有重要的发掘价值。  相似文献   

重组DNA技术的发展为培育高效的抗虫作物提供了前所未有的便利条件。通过转基因技术,全世界已培育出众多转基因抗虫植物品系。其中,表达苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)基因的作物品系如Bt棉花和Bt玉米已在很多国家大规模种植,在害虫控制方面发挥了重要的作用。转基因抗虫作物可能带来的生态风险问题,如对农田非靶标节肢动物的潜在影响,一直受到相关研究者及民众的广泛关注。至今,已有大量研究论文发表。本文在总结、归纳前人研究的基础上,阐述了从实验室到田间多层次评价转基因抗虫作物对非靶标生物影响的一般研究程序和方法,并简要综述了Bt玉米和Bt棉花2种已商业化种植的转基因抗虫作物对农田非靶标节肢动物生态影响的研究进展。现有研究表明:当前种植的Bt作物所表达的Cry蛋白杀虫专一性非常强,对农田非靶标节肢动物没有毒性;且Bt作物的利用降低了广谱化学杀虫剂的施用量,从而提高了非专一性害虫天敌的种群密度,加强了对害虫的控制,并有效地保护了生态环境和农民健康。因此,Bt作物可以作为害虫综合防治(IPM)的一个策略,结合其他防治措施可加强对害虫的有效控制。  相似文献   

正人类利用基因工程技术可以将外源基因转入农作物,使受体作物获得新的性状,如抗病虫、抗旱、抗寒等。全球商业化种植转基因农作物始于1996年,到2017年种植转基因耐除草剂或抗虫大豆、玉米、棉花和油菜等达到1.898亿公顷。到目前为止,我国只批准了商业化种植转基因抗虫棉花(Bt棉花)和转基因抗病毒木瓜两种作物。转基因抗虫棉花的商业化始于1997年,到2017年种植面积约280万公顷。转基因抗病毒木瓜种植比例高于普通木瓜面积的80%,但年度面积不足1万公顷。鉴于上述  相似文献   

天敌与转Bt基因抗虫植物的协同控害作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王世贵  叶恭银  胡萃 《昆虫知识》2001,38(3):161-168
本文概述了转Bt基因抗虫植物对天敌的影响,特别是天敌与转Bt基因抗虫植物的协同控害作用及其对寄生昆虫抗生发展的影响研究进展。已有的研究表明转Bt基因抗虫植物对天敌并无明显不利的影响,但转Bt基因抗虫植物与天敌的协同控害作用表现出拮抗性、加和性及增效性等多种形式,这种协同作用可能还将影响到害虫对转Bt基因抗虫植物的速率。  相似文献   

转Bt基因植物对蜜蜂的安全性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂是农业生态系统中重要的传粉昆虫,也是重要的经济昆虫.其可通过取食抗虫转基因作物花粉而摄取到外源转基因杀虫蛋白.因此,蜜蜂通常作为重要的指示物种用于转基因抗虫作物的环境安全评价工作中.本文在总结国内外相关研究数据的基础上,系统分析了抗虫转基因作物的种植对蜜蜂的安全性,获得以下结论:Bt杀虫蛋白具有较强的杀虫专一性,当前商业化应用的Bt杀虫蛋白对蜜蜂没有直接毒性,因此,转Bt基因作物的种植不会对蜜蜂种群及其发挥的重要生态功能产生显著的负面影响.而早期曾用于植物转基因的蛋白酶抑制剂和植物凝集素对蜜蜂的生长发育及行为具有显著的不利影响,因此,表达这类杀虫蛋白的转基因作物应该不会进入商业化应用.  相似文献   

转抗虫基因植物生态安全性研究进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
转抗虫基因植物如Bt棉花等已在美国、中国和澳大利亚等国家大规模商业化种植 ,有关转抗虫基因植物潜在的生态风险已引起广泛的关注。该文综述了转抗虫基因植物研究应用现状与安全性研究进展。主要内容包括 :转抗虫基因植物的种类及其对靶标害虫的抗性 ,对非靶标害虫和天敌发生的影响 ,对农田生态系统生物多样性的影响 ,靶标昆虫的抗性治理及转抗虫基因植物的基因漂移等  相似文献   

以次生代谢物质萜烯类、黄酮类以及单宁等为基础的自身化学抗虫性一直是植物化学防御的核心。随着基因重组技术的发展,许多作物获得了一种新的化学防御形式,即以表达外源基因产物来进行防御。外源抗虫蛋白与内源抗虫物质的协调性问题,在利用外源基因工程改良植物抗虫性时是非常重要的,同时也是转基因作物安全性和生态学评价的重要方面。转基因植物中外源与内源抗虫系统间的协调性的研究取得了一些成果,但尚未引起人们足够的重视。综述了离体条件下和在转基因植物体内,外源抗虫蛋白Bt和GNA等与植物次生代谢物质以及各抗虫蛋白之间交互作用的研究进展,并探讨了研究各抗虫因子交互作用的意义。  相似文献   

The application of recombinant DNA technology has resulted in many insect-resistant varieties by genetic engineering (GE). Crops expressing Cry toxins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been planted worldwide, and are an effective tool for pest control. However, one ecological concern regarding the potential effects of insect-resistant GE plants on non-target organisms (NTOs) has been continually debated. In the present study, we briefly summarize the data regarding the development and commercial use of transgenic Bt varieties, elaborate on the procedure and methods for assessing the non-target effects of insect-resistant GE plants, and synthetically analyze the related research results, mostly those published between 2005 and 2010. A mass of laboratory and field studies have shown that the currently available Bt crops have no direct detrimental effects on NTOs due to their narrow spectrum of activity, and Bt crops are increasing the abundance of some beneficial insects and improving the natural control of specific pests. The use of Bt crops, such as Bt maize and Bt cotton, results in significant reductions of insecticide application and clear benefits on the environment and farmer health. Consequently, Bt crops can be a useful component of integrated pest management systems to protect the crop from targeted pests.  相似文献   

转基因抗虫棉Bt基因不同剂量的聚合与抗虫性表现   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过有性杂交手段培育出聚有不同数目Bt基因的植株,在不同生育期进行抗虫性测定和Bt毒蛋白表达的ELISA检测,旨在揭示聚合不同数目Bt基因的植株抗虫性的互作表达机理。聚合有1-4个Bt基因的植株在整个生育期的抗虫性、毒蛋白表达特性和单价抗虫棉时空表达一致,生育前期抗虫性好、毒蛋白表达量高;生育中、后期抗虫性有所下降,毒蛋白表达量降低。聚合有4个Bt基因的纯合材料并未因Bt基因的增加而起到抗性增强的效果,相反还因同源抑制而有所降低。不同来源的Bt基因处于杂合状态时其抗虫性和Bt毒蛋白量均得到充分表达。  相似文献   

我国棉花抗虫基因大都为Cry1Ab/c,抗性风险日趋增加。本研究依据棉花密码子偏好,人工合成Bt-Cry5Aa抗虫基因,通过花粉管通道法转入棉花,并通过卡那霉素法及PCR方法对不同世代转化株进行鉴定,同时进行了抗虫性测试。结果表明,通过花粉管通道法成功获得转Bt-Cry5Aa基因植株,通过田间卡那霉素鉴定,阳性株率T1为7.76%,T2为73.1%,T3为95.5%;PCR检测显示,T1阳性率为2.35%,T2为55.8%,T3为94.5%;田间抗性试验分析,转Bt-Cry5Aa株系对第2、3、4代棉铃虫校正死亡率分别达到85.42%、75.35%和62.79%,其抗虫性与GK19相比差异不显著;Bt-Cry5Aa能够部分替代目前主流鳞翅目抗虫基因,是棉铃虫的新抗源。  相似文献   

以具高抗虫性的转抗虫基因‘74l杨’及在此基础上转入了发根农杆菌融质粒T-DNA株系的组培苗为材料,研究了转基因株系BtCrylAc抗虫基因和发根基因的表达及其对NaCI胁迫的反应。结果表明,转入Ri质粒T-DNA上的rol基因后,导致苗木根系数目增加,根系长度减小,IAA和GA含量显著提高,抗虫BtCrylAc基因编码的毒蛋白的表达量降低;随着NaCI胁迫强度的增加,苗高、根系数量、叶绿素含量及IAA、GA含量逐步降低,而根系的长度加大,Bt毒蛋白含量显著提高,表明NaCI胁迫使转基因杨外源Bt毒蛋白基因的表达增强,而发根农杆菌.Ri质粒T-DNA的表达下降。  相似文献   

The adoption of insect-resistant transgenic crops has been increasing annually at double-digit rates since the commercial release of first-generation maize and cotton expressing a single modified Bacillus thuringiensis toxin (Bt) nine years ago. Studies have shown that these Bt crops can be successfully deployed in agriculture, which has led to a decrease in pesticide usage, and that they are environmentally benign. However, the sustainability and durability of pest resistance continues to be discussed. In this review, we focus on the science that underpins second- and third-generation insect-resistant transgenic plants and examine the appropriateness and relevance of models that are currently being used to determine deployment strategies to maximize sustainability and durability. We also review strategies that are being developed for novel approaches to transgenic insect pest control.  相似文献   

Insect-resistant transgenic plants in a multi-trophic context   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
So far, genetic engineering of plants in the context of insect pest control has involved insertion of genes that code for toxins, and may be characterized as the incorporation of biopesticides into classical plant breeding. In the context of pesticide usage in pest control, natural enemies of herbivores have received increasing attention, because carnivorous arthropods are an important component of insect pest control. However, in plant breeding programmes, natural enemies of herbivores have largely been ignored, although there are many examples that show that plant breeding affects the effectiveness of biological control. Negative influences of modified plant characteristics on carnivorous arthropods may induce population growth of new, even more harmful pest species that had no pest status prior to the pesticide treatment. Sustainable pest management will only be possible when negative effects on non-target, beneficial arthropods are minimized. In this review, we summarize the effects of insect-resistant crops and insect-resistant transgenic crops, especially Bt crops, from a food web perspective. As food web components, we distinguish target herbivores, non-target herbivores, pollinators, parasitoids and predators. Below-ground organisms such as Collembola, nematodes and earthworms should also be included in risk assessment studies, but have received little attention. The toxins produced in Bt plants retain their toxicity when bound to the soil, so accumulation of these toxins is likely to occur. Earthworms ingest the bound toxins but are not affected by them. However, earthworms may function as intermediaries through which the toxins are passed on to other trophic levels. In studies where effects of insect-resistant (Bt) plants on natural enemies were considered, positive, negative and no effects have been found. So far, most studies have concentrated on natural enemies of target herbivores. However, Bt toxins are structurally rearranged when they bind to midgut receptors, so that they are likely to lose their toxicity inside target herbivores. What happens to the toxins in non-target herbivores, and whether these herbivores may act as intermediaries through which the toxins may be passed on to the natural enemies, remains to be studied.  相似文献   

为防治一些重要农业害虫 ,转基因Bt作物已在许多国家商业化种植。在发展Bt作物的初期 ,未经改造的Bt基因被直接用来转化作物。但由于BtmRNA的不稳定 ,不适当的剪切以及译后变异 ,Bt在作物上的表达水平往往很低且不稳定。后来 ,科学工作者对Bt基因进行了一系列针对性的改造或人工合成 ,从而使其在植物细胞中得到高效表达。本文着重总结了这一转基因技术的发展过程。其内容包括未经改造的Bt基因在植物中表达低的原因以及改善Bt毒蛋白表达的有关技术。  相似文献   

This paper is on the different biotechnological approaches that have been used to improve Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for the control of agricultural insect pests and have contributed to the successful use of this biological control agent; it describes how a better knowledge of the high diversity of Bt strains and toxins genes together with the development of efficient host-vector systems has made it possible to overcome a number of the problems associated with Bt based insect control measures. First we present an overview of the biology of Bt and of the mode of action of its insecticidal toxins. We then describe some of the progress that has been made in furthering our knowledge of the genetics of Bt and of its insecticidal toxin genes and in the understanding of their regulation. The paper then deals with the use of recombinant DNA technology to develop new Bt strains for more effective pest control or to introduce the genes encoding partial-endotoxins directly into plants to produce insect-resistant trangenic plants. Several examples describing how biotechnology has been used to increase the production of insecticidal proteins in Bt or their persistence in the field by protecting them against UV degradation are presented and discussed. Finally, based on our knowledge of the mechanism of transposition of the Bt transposon Tn4430, we describe the construction of a new generation of recombinant strains of Bt, from which antibiotic resistance genes and other non-Bt DNA sequences were selectively eliminated, using a new generation of site-specific recombination vectors. In the future, continuing improvement of first generation products and research into new sources of resistance is essential to ensure the long-term control of insect pests. Chimeric toxins could also be produced so as to increase toxin activity or direct resistance towards a particular type of insect. The search for new insecticidal toxins, in Bt or other microorganisms, may also provide new weapons for the fight against insect damage.  相似文献   

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