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铜藻苗种繁育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011—2013年, 以浙江省南麂岛马祖岙的野生铜藻作为亲本, 详细观察了铜藻繁殖特性、胚胎发育和幼孢子体的早期发育过程, 开展了铜藻幼孢子体早期发育条件(温度、盐度、光照强度、光照周期等)的优化研究。结果发现, 南麂岛铜藻的自然繁殖盛期为每年3月下旬至5月上旬, 室内海水温度为13—18℃, 较适宜于雌雄生殖托的形成。在试验条件下, 铜藻受精卵发育的适宜温度为10—20℃, 盐度是20—30, 在该培育条件下, 经过48h的孵化, 受精卵可以大批量同步化发育成具有假根的幼孢子体。人工育苗结果表明, 适宜的环境因子(温度20℃, 盐度20—30, 光照强度4500 lx, 光照时间12—18h/d)较利于幼孢子体的生长发育。铜藻幼孢子体的前期培育连续流水和充气为宜, 经18—20d的室内培育, 幼孢子体可发育成具有2—3叶片的幼苗。质地坚硬、表面粗糙的水泥砖较适合铜藻幼孢子体的附着和生长, 可满足后期藻场修复的要求。  相似文献   

为探明浙北近岸典型岛礁瓦氏马尾藻(Sargassum vachellianum)的空间分布格局, 于2016年5月底至6月初, 分别采用走航观察和水下样方法, 对按离岸距离远近的3条岛礁带上12个岛礁瓦氏马尾藻成藻时期的分布特征进行了调查, 并从不同空间尺度比较分析了3条岛礁带上瓦氏马尾藻在水平和垂直分布上的差异。结果表明: (1)在地区尺度上, 高浊度和高波浪能的水域环境限制了瓦氏马尾藻的分布与生长, 导致浙北近岸的瓦氏马尾藻仅分布在第二条岛礁带这一狭窄的分布带上。依据瓦氏马尾藻最低适宜生长水温要高于10 ℃的特性, 我们可以推断出舟山群岛的绿华岛可能是我国特有种瓦氏马尾藻分布的最北部端线。(2)在站点尺度上, 岛礁东南向瓦氏马尾藻定生密度明显低于西北向, 这与调查站位所受风浪影响的方位和强度相一致。在第二岛礁带上的4个岛礁北向瓦氏马尾藻的平均株高仅为26.3 cm, 说明瓦氏马尾藻不适宜在高波浪能生境中生存。(3)在站点尺度内, 第二岛礁带上浊度最低的北渔山岛瓦氏马尾藻有较大的垂直分布范围, 且定生深度达到了6.4 m, 而浊度高的近岸岛礁瓦氏马尾藻垂直分布范围较小。瓦氏马尾藻株高随着水深的增加而逐渐降低, 由此推测, 瓦氏马尾藻虽不能耐受强光, 但光照对瓦氏马尾藻的分布生长起重要作用。与同海区铜藻的垂直分布格局相比, 瓦氏马尾藻具有一定适应高浊度、高沉积物环境的能力。因此, 在浙北近岸海域瓦氏马尾藻是较适合进行生态移植修复的种类。  相似文献   

鲸类繁殖生物学的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生殖是生物繁殖自身的能力,生殖过程包括生殖细胞(精子与卵子)的生成与成熟、受精过程、妊娠、胎儿的发育、分娩等环节。    相似文献   

蕨类植物孢子萌发及原叶体发育的观察   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以腐叶土为培养基质,对21种蕨类植物进行了孢子萌发和原叶体发育的研究,结果表明:①不同时期播种的同种蕨类的孢子,发育出原叶体和幼孢子体所历经的时间长短不同;②孢子萌发和配子体生长发育的适宜温度约为15~24℃;⑨稀有蕨类的孢子萌发率低,而在野外能形成较大种群的蕨类的孢子萌发率高;④用GA3处理孢子可以促进萌发;⑤当原叶体上长出幼孢子体时,原叶体由大变小,由绿变黄,21种蕨类的原叶体都在幼孢子体上长出第3片叶时消失;⑥幼孢子体上长出的第1、2片叶在形态上与以后长出的叶不同;⑦孢子萌发需要光;⑧1片原叶体尽管有多个颈卵器,但仅发育出1株幼孢子体;⑨利用腐叶土进行蕨类孢子繁殖是一种经济实用的繁殖方法。  相似文献   

陈大元 《生命科学》1997,9(1):31-33
总结了十余年大熊猫生殖轴系垂体促性腺细胞,睾丸,卵巢,精子,卵子和受精机理以及生殖激素测定经验,分析了大熊猫生殖能力低的根本原因是生殖内分泌失调,提出了“双控”措施,即对雌性大熊猫采用补充外源促性腺激素,促进滤泡发育,卵子成熟和发情排卵,而对雄性大熊猫,采用了人工采精,精液冷却保存的方法;采用“双控”措施的六年里圈养大熊猫空怀明显下降,获双胎7次,单胎9次,出现了大熊猫繁殖史上空前繁荣的大好形势。  相似文献   

总结了十余年大熊猫生殖轴系垂体促性腺细胞、睾丸、卵巢、精子、卵子和受精机理以及生殖激素测定经验;分析了大熊猫生殖能力低的根本原因是生殖内分泌失调;提出了“双控”措施,即对雌性大熊猫采用补充外源促性腺激素,促进滤泡发育、卵子成熟和发情排卵,而对雄性大熊猫,采用了人工采精,精液冷冻保存的方法。采用“双控”措施的六年里圈养大熊猫空怀明显下降,获双胎7次,单胎9次,出现了大熊猫繁殖史上空前繁荣的大好形势,从此宣告拯救圈养大熊猫已赢得了主动,保护大熊猫有了希望。  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼性腺发育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
湖南地区生长于池塘环境的尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia nilotica),性成熟日龄是110—130天,雄性比雌性普遍早熟20天。精细胞的发生能够完成由精原细胞到精子的全部发育过程,同样,卵细胞的发生也能完成由卵原细胞到卵子的全部发育过程。初级卵母细胞处于Ⅲ时相阶段时,可由包被卵周的滤泡细胞分泌产生放射膜,但放射膜不在动物性极形成受精孔,也无精孔细胞的分化,证实尼罗罗非鱼是属于非受精孔受精类型。初级卵母细胞由Ⅲ时相发育到Ⅳ时相是非同步性的,产后卵巢的组织学结构为第Ⅳ期,卵巢系数在繁殖季节可出现三次高峰,证实尼罗罗非鱼是属于多次产卵类型。通过对精巢组织学的研究,发现尼罗罗非鱼的第Ⅰ期精巢是自然两性嵌合体。    相似文献   

采用活体性腺观察和组织切片方法对瘤背石磺的生殖系统及生殖周期进行了周年的研究.结果表明,瘤背石磺的生殖系统由三部分组成:两性腺、雄性生殖管道及附属腺体、雌性生殖管道及附属腺体.雄性生殖管道由输精管、阴茎、刺激器组成,附性腺为主要的附属腺体;雌性生殖管道由输卵管、受精囊、阴道组成,附属腺体主要为卵黄腺和蛋白腺.瘤背石磺的生殖周期具有典型的腹足类动物的特征,性腺发育周期可以分为:休止期、增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期5个时期,生殖周期为1年,成熟和排放期在6月上旬到9月上旬,繁殖高峰期在7月上旬至8月上旬,10月后进入休止期.本文还讨论了瘤背石磺在繁殖过程中精卵的输送、受精等过程及相关的交配器和附属腺体的功能.  相似文献   

从广义上讲,被子植物的受精过程是指花粉粒落到柱头上萌发形成花粉管,花粉管穿过柱头沿着引导组织生长进入子房内,最终在胚囊中实现精细胞与卵细胞以及中央细胞分别融合从而起始胚胎和胚乳的发育.被子植物的精细胞由于不具有鞭毛而无法自由移动,因此在受精过程中需要借助于花粉管来将精细胞运送到胚囊中.花粉管通过与雌性的孢子体组织之间的相互作用和识别将精细胞准确地运送到胚珠附近,而最终将精细胞准确地运送到胚囊内的过程则是受到了雌配子体细胞的控制.可以说,受精的成功实现有赖于雌性和雄性细胞之间的持续的识别和相互作用,这种互作具有多样性和阶段特异性.本文将主要综述被子植物受精过程中花粉粒以及花粉管与多种雌性孢子体组织以及雌配子体之间的信号互作研究.  相似文献   

邵文 《西北植物学报》2013,33(2):407-410
以蕨类植物胚胎和幼孢子体根为实验材料,以根尖和孢子母细胞为对照,进行细胞学观察方法的比较研究.结果显示:(1)野外材料的根尖仅在春季分裂期约1个月时间内存在分裂相,根尖个体数目较少(每植株根尖数目<20条),根尖细胞内含有较坚硬的黏性物质,利用单株根尖进行压片,成功率低于40%;而从野外采回培养时根尖生长极为缓慢且较难成活,因而影响实验效果.(2)野外材料的孢子母细胞仅在孢子囊形成期约1周时间内存在分裂相,因此极大地限制了细胞学观察研究.(3)以胚胎和幼孢子体根为材料进行实验,单位面积(d=15cm培养皿)内幼孢子体根尖或胚胎的数量多于300个,分裂期细胞比例高,且细胞间基本不含黏性物质,进行细胞学研究时较少受到季节和实验时间的限制;利用单株根尖或胚胎进行压片,成功率高于80%.因此,利用蕨类植物的胚胎和幼孢子体根进行细胞学研究能有效地提高蕨类植物细胞学观察实验的成功率.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the spider crab Maja squinado was analyzed based on monthly samples from an 18-month study carried out in Galicia (NW Spain) and laboratory experiments holding primiparous and multiparous females in captivity with and without males. The seminal receptacles of adult females were analyzed and their relationship with the presence and developmental stage of the eggs and the gonad maturity stage was determined. Gonad maturation in primiparous females began one or two months after the pubertal moult. Females having gonads in an advanced stage of development made their appearance in December and the first spawning took place in mid-winter or early spring. The percentage of ovigerous females from March to September was ∼75%. As the incubation period progressed, the ovaries became mature again in order to carry out the next spawning. Under experimental conditions the breeding cycle started earlier in multiparous females, during their second yearly cycle, than in primiparous ones. After mating, female spider crabs store sperm in seminal receptacles and this sperm is used in the fertilization of eggs immediately prior to spawning. The analyses of seminal receptacles consisted of the estimation of fullness and the number of differentiated sperm masses. The number of masses ranged between 0 and 6 in field samples (median for females with stored sperm=1) and was positively correlated with fullness. Differences in colour and volume of individual masses showed that, at least in some cases, females carried out successive matings with long intervals in between. This storage mechanism allowed females to fertilize successive broods without remating (as was also shown under experimental conditions). Juvenile females from shallow waters did not have developed seminal receptacles which indicated that mating was not possible until the onset of maturity. Postpubertal females in shallow waters (August to October), including animals participating in aggregations, always showed empty receptacles. The seasonality of receptacle fullness showed that mating involved hard-shelled females and occurred in deep water during the autumn migration from juvenile habitats or in the wintering habitats, during the last stages of gonad maturation (November to February). After fertilization ovigerous females continued to store sperm, but the volume was lower than in non-ovigerous females. Mating may occur in ovigerous females, particularly in the final period of incubation, because in females with broods almost ready to hatch, both new and older sperm masses were seen in the receptacles (distinguished by colour and size). The fullness of the receptacles decreased both in ovigerous and non-ovigerous females in the final phase of the annual breeding cycle (August–October), however, some sperm was still available. In the laboratory, mating was observed, and no courtship nor postcopulatory guarding was recorded. The analysis of receptacles from laboratory experiments indicated that primiparous and multiparous females showed differences in the seasonality of mating in the first phase of the breeding cycle (September–January), related to differences in the timing of gonad maturation and hatching. Mating occurred in the final stages of gonad maturation, a short time before hatching, and matings were detected in ovigerous females. Multiple matings were also evident, to a greater extent than in the field, probably due to the higher availability of males. Females underwent over four successive spawnings in the laboratory without having to recopulate, and the incubation lasted on the average from 40 to 58 days (∼18 and 16°C respectively) and the mean duration between hatching and the next spawning was 3.4 days. It is estimated that most females carry out three successive spawnings during the annual cycle.  相似文献   

目的研究裸项栉鰕虎鱼全人工繁殖及胚胎发育,为该鱼的实验动物化研究奠定基础。方法对胚胎和仔稚幼鱼各个发育期的连续取样,系统地观察了裸项栉鰕虎鱼各发育期的形态变化及生长特征。结果水温25.8℃~26.5℃,裸项栉鰕虎鱼受精后约82h仔鱼开始出膜,初孵仔鱼全长1.42~1.73mm,1d开口摄食,3d卵黄囊消失,23d第一背鳍形成,鳞片出现;33d全身被鳞;初孵仔鱼经97d发育成熟,繁殖周期约为36d;雌鱼性腺成熟系数可达40%,个体相对生殖力达每克8193.5粒。结论裸项栉鰕虎鱼具有个体小、性成熟早、生殖季节长、繁殖周期短、繁殖力强等特点,可进行室内规模化人工繁殖和培育。  相似文献   

Precocious maturity is an important life history trait and might be advantageous if the juvenile habitat is risky. Larvae of the mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus settle to the benthic habitat at a very large size, undergo a brief juvenile development and mature within a few months at a size about a fourth of the asymptotic maximum size for this species. This strategy may rely on the capacity of this species to molt to a juvenile-like morphotype (mI) in which reproduction is suppressed. In the laboratory, winter temperature triggered the puberty molt for a large proportion of juveniles, and still allowed high growth rates if combined with long photoperiod. This would result in a large number of juvenile crabs to join the adult reproductive stock in spring, at the beginning of the breeding season. Adult morphs (mII) grow faster under winter conditions, and therefore might be able to direct resources to reproduction during summer. Yet, females held in captivity without any interaction with conspecifics failed to maintain their reproductive status and often reversed to mI stages. In contrast, when a potential mate was presented, all crabs held their mII status, regardless of whether interaction involved visual, visual + chemical, or visual + chemical + tactile cues. Males discriminate female morphs, and physical interactions, including the inspection of mate receptivity and copulation, took longer when they were interacting with mII females. More than a trade-off between growth and reproduction, sustaining a breeding condition in P. transversus females is apparently a bet for successful mating in the presence of a suitable male conspecific.  相似文献   

Polyspermy is a major puzzle in reproductive biology. In some taxa, multiple sperm enter the ovum as part of the normal fertilization process, whereas in others, penetration of the ovum by more than one sperm is lethal. In birds, several sperm typically enter the germinal disc, yet only one fuses with the female pronucleus. It is unclear whether supernumerary sperm play an essential role in the avian fertilization process and, if they do, how females regulate the progression of sperm through the oviduct to ensure an appropriate number reach the ovum. Here, we show that when very few sperm penetrate the avian ovum, embryos are unlikely to survive beyond the earliest stages of development. We also show that when the number of inseminated sperm is limited, a greater proportion than expected reach and penetrate the ovum, indicating that females compensate for low sperm numbers in the oviduct. Our results suggest a functional role for supernumerary sperm in the processes of fertilization and early embryogenesis, providing an exciting expansion of our understanding of sperm function in birds.  相似文献   

Giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh, is the subject of intense breeding studies for marine biomass production and conservation of natural resources. In this context, six gametophyte pairs and a sporophyte offspring of Macrocystis from South America were analyzed by flow cytometry. Minimum relative DNA content per cell (1C) was found in five males. Unexpectedly, nuclei of all female gametophytes contained approximately double the DNA content (2C) of males; the male gametophyte from one locality also contained 2C, likely a spontaneous natural diploid variant. The results illustrate a sex‐specific difference in nuclear DNA content among Macrocystis gametophytes, with the chromosomes of the females in a polytenic condition. This correlates with significantly larger cell sizes in female gametophytes compared to males and resource allocation in oogamous reproduction. The results provide key information for the interpretation of DNA measurements in kelp life cycle stages and prompt further research on the regulation of the cell cycle, metabolic activity, sex determination, and sporophyte development.  相似文献   

Amongst the 200 deer subspecies worldwide, more than 40 are considered as endangered. In vitro embryo production may represent an efficient way to produce and disseminate offspring from sparse remaining individuals in these species. With a view to establishing a method of in vitro embryo production, we assessed the ovarian response after hormonal stimulation (oFSH), oocyte yield following laporoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) and oocyte developmental competence according to seasonal reproductive status in sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon). Twelve adult sika deer hinds were allocated between two groups and submitted weekly to oFSH follicular growth stimulation followed by LOPU. Hinds in Group A (n=6) were treated first during the breeding season (5 weeks), and then during the non-breeding season (3 weeks). Hinds in Group B (n=6) were submitted to similar procedures but in the reverse order (treated first during the non-breeding season). Cumulus-oocytes complexes (COC) recovered from Group B were allowed to mature in vitro for 24 h in TCM-199 medium supplemented with oFSH, goat follicular fluid and 100 microM cysteamine. In vitro fertilization was performed with frozen/thawed semen in SOFaa medium supplemented with 20% estrous sheep serum and presumptive zygotes were cultured in the presence or absence of ovine oviductal epithelial cell monolayer (oOEC) in SOFaa-BSA medium. Mean number of follicles aspirated per hind per session decreased significantly between breeding and non-breeding season in Group A (9.8+/-0.7 versus 3.2+/-0.7, mean+/-S.E.M., respectively, P<0.001) but did not change between the non-breeding and the subsequent breeding season in Group B (5.3+/-0.7 and 5.7+/-0.7, respectively, P>0.05). Irrespective of the season, good quality COC with complete and compact cumulus investments were recovered allowing a high cleavage rate after in vitro maturation and fertilization. Whereas development to the blastocyst stage did not occur in SOF medium alone, high development rates to the blastocyst stage were observed in oOEC co-culture regardless of season (22% and 34% of total oocytes in co-culture during non-breeding and breeding season, respectively).  相似文献   

The present article gives a brief survey of results of studies in the area of plant embryology directly associated with the discovery made by S.G. Navashin in 1898 of double fertilization in vivo and in vitro. These studies utilized methods of electronic and fluorescence microscopy, cytophotometry, and cultures of isolated ovules, sperm, and the embryo sac central cell. Questions related to the origin of the female gametophyte of flowering plants, double fertilization, and the endosperm are considered. It is emphasized that progress in this field is associated chiefly with the study of molecular processes that regulate the development and functioning of the female gametophyte and the sporophyte on early stages of ontogenesis.  相似文献   

MARTIN WEGGLER 《Ibis》2006,148(2):273-284
With reference to models predicting patterns of reproduction in multi-brooded species, I analysed some of the factors potentially affecting the number of breeding attempts per season made by female Black Redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros in the central Swiss Alps. The maximum number of successful broods per female per season was three, the median two. The proportion of females initiating only a single clutch per season varied from 16 to 58% over 10 years. Variation in the frequency of single brooding between years was positively related to the date of the onset of breeding. Egg-laying started after a temperature-related threshold value was crossed in April. Females frequently re-nested before fledglings of the previous brood were independent. Short interbrood intervals were associated with triple brooding. The interbrood interval shortened during the breeding season. Intra-individual variation in the number of breeding attempts per season was partitioned according to female age, laying date of the season's first egg (standardized in relation to the median date of first laying within a year) and the occurrence of breeding failures before the ultimate nesting attempt. However, mortality during the season often terminated breeding early, in particular among novice breeder females. Seasonal reproductive success increased linearly with each additional breeding attempt. The productivity of a breeding attempt was independent of the time in the season. Increased reproductive effort affected neither current or future survival nor reproduction of females. The reproductive patterns and trade-offs in multi-brooded Black Redstarts contrast in many aspects with those found in single-brooded species. They are in accordance with models predicting that multi-brooded species are selected to start breeding as early as possible, continue breeding for as long as conditions are suitable, and save time by overlapping broods.  相似文献   

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