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为了解不同生境中台湾水青冈(Fagus hayatae)的群落特征,对四川米仓山国家级自然保护区不同海拔的台湾水青冈群落的物种组成、区系特征、生活型谱、重要值和物种多样性等进行了研究。结果表明,台湾水青冈群落中的植物种类随海拔存在差异。群落中植物区系均以北温带分布类型为主,且其分布比例与海拔呈正相关关系。不同海拔群落的物种生活型谱主要以高位芽植物为主,其它生活型较少。群落乔木层中台湾水青冈的重要值随海拔上升不断增大。中海拔群落中的物种多样性指数均低于高海拔和低海拔,具有物种种类少、多样性低的特点。因此,不同海拔段上的台湾水青冈群落学特征有明显的差异。  相似文献   

群落谱系结构是了解群落聚群过程的一个基础研究内容。但是现有大部分研究内容集中在群落组成和结构的时空差异,对谱系结构的动态变化研究较少。以浙江省清凉峰国家级自然保护区的国家二级保护植物台湾水青冈(Fagus hayatae)林为研究对象,利用2006年、2011年、2016年3次群落动态调查数据,从10、20、50m的3个空间尺度上研究该群落在10a间的谱系结构动态变化,分析时空尺度对台湾水青冈群落谱系结构的影响,探究调控台湾水青冈群落动态变化的主要因子,为后期台湾水青冈林的保护提供理论基础。研究发现(1)在10a森林动态变化过程中,群落的MPD指数下降,MNTD指数增加。NRI和NTI指数在大尺度上随时间显著增加,但在小尺度上无显著变化。(2)随着空间尺度的增加,上述指数的动态变化趋势均不断增强。以上结果表明,2006—2016年间台湾水青冈群落总体谱系结构表现出不断聚集的趋势,而近缘种的谱系关系则不断疏远;群落谱系结构的聚集趋势随空间尺度的增加而增强。大尺度上的环境过滤和小尺度上的随机过程和种间竞争作用可能是导致该地区台湾水青冈群落谱系结构动态变化的主要生态学过程。  相似文献   

采用Raunkiaer生活型分类系统,调查福建君子峰自然保护区不同海拔长柄水青冈Fagus longipetiolata群落的植物种类组成,并分析其生活型谱。结果表明,长柄水青冈群落植物组成以高位芽植物占优势,其次为地面芽植物,地上芽和地下芽植物比例较少或没有,没有一年生植物。反映了该群落所在地的气候炎热多雨,但有一较长的严冬季节。  相似文献   

以四川米仓山自然保护区内的台湾水青冈(Fagus hayatae)群落为研究对象,采用20m×30m典型样地调查的方法,对群落的物种组成、区系特征、生活型谱、重要值、物种多样性、优势种群年龄结构及群落结构的相似性等方面进行分析。结果表明:(1)米仓山自然保护区内台湾水青冈群落中共有维管束植物129种,隶属于48科83属,其中蔷薇科为优势科;植物区系以北温带、泛热带及东亚和北美洲间断分布为主,具有南北区系的特点;生活谱型主要以高位芽植物(61.16%)和地下芽植物(23.14%)为主,其它生活型较少,这与米仓山台湾水青冈群落分布区所在的地理区位相吻合。(2)乔木层中台湾水青冈种群的重要值达到42.37%,为群落的单优势种。群落中灌木层的Shannon-Wiener指数为0.97,显著高于乔木层和草本层,反映出灌木层物种丰富的特点。(3)在台湾水青冈种群年龄结构中,Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级个体所占比例为24.05%,Ⅳ级和Ⅴ级个体所占比例为54.81%,反映出种群具有不良的自然更新特点。(4)群落相似性分析表明,台湾水青冈群落可分为4个类群,类群间在物种组成方面具有显著差异。研究认为,米仓山自然保护区内的台湾水青冈的群落特征和多样性水平因地处内陆已具有明显的地域特点。  相似文献   

王献溥  李俊清   《广西植物》1996,16(3):251-258
水青冈林是北半球重要的森林类型之一,广泛分布在欧洲、北美和东亚的平原和山地.东亚拥有水青冈属植物种类最多,特别是在中国,但对它们研究较少,在林业上几乎还没有得到应有的利用.本文主要概略地介绍台湾拉拉山台湾水青冈林的群落学特点,并与广西越城岭的长柄水青冈林和光叶水青冈林作生态比较,为今后进一步开展水青冈林的研究提供一些参考资料.  相似文献   

台湾水青冈为我国特有的国家II级重点保护野生植物,被IUCN定为渐危种,其为建群种的群落更是罕见。浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区有较大面积的台湾水青冈群落,为了解该保护区台湾水青冈种群的更新特点及影响其生长的生境因子,在保护区内建立了1 hm2台湾水青冈群落动态样地,于2006年和2011年对胸径≥1 cm的个体进行每木定位调查和复查。基于调查数据,对台湾水青冈种群的结构、补员和死亡情况进行了比较分析,并编制了台湾水青冈种群特定时间生命表,绘制其死亡率曲线和消失率曲线,同时利用冗余分析(RDA)法分析了影响台湾水青冈更新的主要生境因子。结果表明:(1)5年间样地内台湾水青冈个体从448株增长到468株,增幅为4.3%;(2)水青冈种群径级多度分布呈反“J”形,显示种群结构稳定;(3)死亡率和消失率曲线变化趋势基本一致,分别在第Ⅳ龄级、第Ⅴ龄级、Ⅸ龄级出现3个峰值;(4)4个地形因子(海拔、凹凸度、坡度和坡向)均对台湾水青冈的生长有明显的影响。  相似文献   

以贵州省宽阔水国家级自然保护区亮叶水青冈(Fagus lucida)群落为研究对象,基于野外实地调查,应用数量生态学的方法,对保护区内亮叶水青冈群落特征及物种多样性进行了研究,对保护区内植物群落动态变化监测以及对亮叶水青冈群落的保护和管理都具有一定的理论指导意义。结果表明:设置样地共11700m2,调查样地内维管束植物62科,111属,165种,其中蕨类植物4科,6属,6种,种子植物58科,105属,159种。其中以单种科和寡种科(2-5种)占优势,两者的比例之和超过总科数的85%,蔷薇科共有植物6属15种,为所有科中最多,其他属数较多的科有樟科和壳斗科。属的结构中以单种属占据绝对优势,达到70.27%,山矾属和悬钩子属种数最多,各有6种。亮叶水青冈在群落中虽占优势,但龄级结构出现双峰值的异常趋势,种群呈衰退趋势。从总体趋势上来看,群落物种多样性指数均为乔木层 > 灌木层 > 草本层;物种丰富度指数灌木层 > 乔木层 > 草本层;均匀度指数乔木层 > 草本层 > 灌木层。亮叶水青冈幼苗和幼树除在局部区域较集中分布外,其余大部分区域数量均少,且受林下金佛山方竹(Chimonobambusa utilis)干扰较强,大径级植株比重大,年龄结构总体呈衰退型,在未来种群稳定性维持较为困难。应加强对保护区亮叶水青冈的保护,建议合理抚育管理亮叶水青冈幼苗,在森林的经营和管理上,对亮叶水青冈林可在其生长到一定阶段时适度进行人为干扰,会更有利于亮叶水青冈林的更新和生长发育。  相似文献   

湖南八大公山亮叶水青冈群落物种多样性的研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
群落物种多样性指数以及群落均匀度、丰富度等指标均能较好地反映亮叶水青冈群落的类型划分、群落结构、生境等特性。也能体现出该群落结构组成的特殊性。群落种多度分布说明此群落富集种少、稀疏种多,而且这些种的多度有一定的规律性的特征。通过研究说明物种多样性定量指标对于深入研究森林群落的特性具有重要的意义  相似文献   

水青冈属(Fagus L.)在北温带呈间断分布, 已发现的丰富的第三纪化石为讨论其起源和演化提供了证据。该文采用泛生物地理学的轨迹分析方法对水青冈属的分布进行了研究, 试图分析水青冈属的分布格局, 进而讨论其进化问题。结果表明, 水青冈属在中国、日本、北美、欧洲的分布是完全间断的, 没有一个共有轨迹连接它们, 即使在毗邻的、且有植物亲缘关系的中国和日本, 也没有一个共有轨迹连接。完全间断的轨迹对分析水青冈属的起源、演化和扩散学说, 没有提供任何信息。仅有两条共有轨迹分别分布在中国东南部和日本, 分别代表了中国4种和日本3种水青冈属种类的连接, 说明水青冈属经历了漫长的历史演化, 扩散能力是有局限性的, 仅在分化和多样性中心进行了一些分化和演化, 整个属并未进行长距离的扩散, 或者长距离扩散早已销声匿迹了, 现代的分布格局完全是以间断为最主要特征的。间断分布的动力解释为古地中海西撤、青藏高原隆起、东亚季风活动等地质历史事件, 第三纪以来特别是第四纪冰期活动等气候波动, 以及水青冈属植物的生物学特性(特别是喜温喜湿)。  相似文献   

鄂西南后河一个典型稀有濒危植物群落的结构特征研究   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7  
研究了鄂西南后河一个典型的稀有濒危植物群落的结构特征。结果表明:在1400m^2的样地中自然分布有15种稀有濒危植物;群落优势种为水青树(Tetracentron sinensis)、金钱戚(Dipteronia sinensis);主要种群的空间分布格局除银鹊树为随机分布外,都为集群分布的格局;水青树银鹊树(Tapiscia sinsis)和珙桐(Davidia involucrata)种群结构呈衰老型,金钱椒、天师栗(Aesculus wilsonii)和光叶珙桐(Davidia involucrata var.vilkmorniana)种群表现为旺盛增长型结构,水青冈(Fagus longipetiolata)则表现为成熟的种群结构;群落垂直分层明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层;整个群落结构稳定,稀有濒危植物在群落中无论是在乔木层还是在其他层次中均占有很大的优势;但如果人为大量采挖稀有濒危植物小苗,群落将会演替成以水青冈等稀有濒危植物为主的群落。  相似文献   

应用扁平溶度计考察了一个水青冈林(Fageta paupera)的重力土壤溶液,该森林位于克里尼奇克  相似文献   

Abstract. The Clements' Deterministic model of plant communities implies that a change in one species, especially a change in the physiognomic dominant, would have profound effects on the remainder of the community. Gleason's Individualistic model suggests there would be little effect. These alternative models are tested by examining the forest composition on both sides of a boundary along which the tree Nothofagus menziesii is slowly invading. Classification of forest composition, excluding N. menziesii, gave little evidence of an effect of N. menziesii on the lower strata: understorey vegetation types were distributed across the boundary. Some differences were found at individual sites, but these were often inconsistent between sites. Ordination, also excluding N. menziesii, similarly showed that none of the first three understorey axes reflected any effect of N. menziesii. The fourth axis was correlated with the presence of N. menziesii, but only when canopy trees were included. It is concluded that specific composition of the canopy in these montane New Zealand evergreen forests has little effect on the understorey, supporting Gleason's Individualistic concept of the community.  相似文献   


The diversity of saproxylic bryophyte species in beech forest stands from the wide region of the central Balkans (i.e. Serbia and Montenegro) was studied, and this study is the first of such a type in SE Europe. Comparison of preserved old‐growth and managed forests were made. Bryophyte species diversity is higher in primeval forest stands where the spectra of dead wood in various decaying stages of its dynamics are present. The ecological group of epixylic specialists is predominant among the bryophytes recorded. Threatened bryophyte species occur in old‐growth beech stands. The dead wood as habitat together with some other factors are extremely important for the surviving of epixylic bryophyte; so these species can be used as bioindicator bryophyte species of old‐growth or managed and structured forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The liver leaf, Hepatica nobilis (Ranunculaceae), is a perennial forest understory herb with specific habitat requirements, which occurs on calcareous soils in beech and oak forests. In Bavaria it can be found, therefore, only in four geographic regions, which are Franconia, the Franconian-Swabian Jura, the prealpine transitions region and the prealpine moraine belt with the Alps. In German forestry, provenance delineations are used since 1987. Similarly for herbs seed provenances and production areas are applied in commercial seed production and restoration. In this study we analyzed whether the genetic variation of H. nobilis reflects the geographic distribution of the species in Bavaria or the provenance delineations used for seed production.We applied AFLPs to study genetic variation within and between 24 populations of H. nobilis.Our analysis revealed high levels of genetic variation within and moderate variation between populations. Variation between seed production areas and seed provenances was low and comparable to the variation between geographic regions. Genetic variation within populations or rare fragments did not differ between production areas, provenances or geographic regions. A significant positive relation of genetic and geographic distances was present within 100 km.Pollination and seed dispersal seem mainly to happen within populations of the myrmecochorous H. nobilis, whereas long-distance dispersal is presumably occasional and random. Our study supports the relevance of dispersal traits for seed collections used in conservation. The protection of historically old beech and oak forests is exceedingly important to preserve the genetic variation of H. nobilis in Bavaria.  相似文献   

Resorption of nitrogen (N) from senescing leaves is an important conservation mechanism that allows plants to use the same N repeatedly. We measured the extent of N resorption in plants co-occurring in a beech forest to examine the variability of N resorption, especially in relation to growth irradiance. Measurements were done in three deciduous woody species; one adult and several juvenile trees of Fagus crenata and several adult trees of Lindera umbellata and Magnolia salicifolia. N resorption efficiency (REFF; percentages of leaf N that is resorbed during leaf senescence) did not differ significantly among leaves under different growth irradiances in any species we studied. REFF was affected by the growth stage of the tree in F. crenata with the values being consistently lower in juvenile trees than in the adult tree. N resorption proficiency (RPROF; N concentration of dead leaves) converged to a similar value in F. crenata juvenile trees and M. salicifolia, irrespective of the presenescent leaf N concentration that was affected by growth irradiance. Again, RPROF was lower (i.e. absolute N concentration was higher) in juvenile trees than in the adult tree in F. crenata. These results suggest that the growth irradiance does not place a great impact on the extent of N resorption, but the growth stage of the tree is influential in some species. The difference between the adult and juvenile trees may be ascribed to the size of N sink tissues, which is likely to increase with plant age.  相似文献   

The nitrogen source utilization by Fagus crenata distributed on soils with different forms of inorganic nitrogen in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in central Japan was determined by measuring foliar 15N. Two soil habitat types along a slope were delineated based on nitrogen transformation patterns, i.e., soils with high net nitrification rates and with no or low net nitrification, respectively. Despite differences in soil types, the study species, F. crenata, was distributed along the entire slope. The foliar 15N value of F. crenata from the lower slope area was significantly lower than that from the upper slope. Given the finding of a previous study that the 15N of NO3 was lower than that of NH4+, our results indicate that reliance on NO3 as a nitrogen source was greater in the lower slope area than in the upper slope area. Differences in the values of foliar 15N were about 1, which is far less than the 10 15N value of soil inorganic N reported in the previous study. This discrepancy might suggest that the study species utilized NO3 even in the upper site where net nitrification had not been detected. Measurements of nitrate reductase activity, an index of NO3 uptake, also supported this interpretation. Nitrate reduction occurred in leaves and roots at both the lower and the upper sites. Thus, the study species may be able to use NO3 even in soils with no net nitrification, a factor that could allow the distribution of F. crenata along the entire length of the slope.  相似文献   

Summary The soil fauna of a mull beech forest on lime-stone in southern Lower Saxony (West Germany) was sampled quantitatively. Biomass estimates, trophic characteristics, and measurement and calculation of the energetic parameters of the constituent animal populations were used to construct an energy budget of the total heterotrophic subsystem of the forest. Mean annual zoomass amounted to about 15 g d wt m–2; earthworms (about 10 g d wt m–2) and other groups of the macrofauna were dominant. Protozoa constituted about 1.5 g d wt m–2. Relative distribution of zoomass among the trophic categories was 50% macrosaprophages, 30% microsaprophages, 12% microphytophages, and 4% zoophages. Total annual consumption rate of the saprophagous and microphytophagous soil fauna (6328 and 4096 kJ m–2 yr–1, respectively) was of the same order of magnitude as annual litter fall (canopy leaves 6124 kJ m–2 yr–1, flowers and fruits 944 kJ m–2 yr–1, herbs 1839 kJ m–2 yr–1, fine woody material 870 kJ m–2 yr–1, tree roots 3404 kJ m–2 yr–1, without coarse woody litter). Primary decomposers (macrosaprophages) were the key group for litter comminution and translocation onto and into the soil, thus contributing to the high decomposition rate (k=0.8) for leaf litter. Consumption rates of the other trophic groups were (values as kJ m–2 yr–1): bacteriophages 2954, micromycophages 416, zoophages 153. Grazing pressure of macrophytophages (including rhizophages) was low. Faeces input from the canopy layer was not significant. Grazing pressure on soil microflora almost equalled microbial biomass; hence, a large fraction of microbial production is channelled into the animal component. Predator pressure on soil animals is high, as a comparison between consumption rates by zoophages and production by potential prey — mainly microsaprophages, microphytophages and zoophages — demonstrated. Soil animals contributed only about 11% to heterotrophic respiration. However, there is evidence that animals are important driving variables for matter and energy transfer: key processes are the transformation of dead organic material and grazing on the microflora. It is hypothesized that the soil macrosaprophages are donor-limited.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: Which are the structural attributes and the history of old‐growth Fagus forest in Mediterranean montane environments? What are the processes underlying their structural organization? Are these forests stable in time and how does spatial scale affect our assessment of stability? How do these forests compare to other temperate deciduous old‐growth forests? Location: 1600–1850 m a.s.l., Fagus forest near the tree line, central Apennines, Italy. Methods: An old‐growth Fagus forest was studied following historical, structural and dendroecological approaches. History of forest cover changes was analysed using aerial photographs taken in 1945, 1954, 1985 and 1994. The structural analysis was carried out in the primary old‐growth portion of the forest using 18 circular and two rectangular plots. Dendroecological analyses were conducted on 32 dominant or co‐dominant trees. Results: These primary old‐growth Fagus remnants consist of four patches that escaped logging after World War II. Both living and dead tree components are within the range of structural attributes recognized for old‐growth in temperate biomes. Dendroecological analyses revealed the roles of disturbance, competition and climate in structuring the forest. We also identified a persistent Fagus community in which gap‐phase regeneration has led to a mono‐specific multi‐aged stand at spatial scales of a few hectares, characterized by a rotated‐sigmoid diameter distribution. Conclusion: Even at the relatively small spatial scale of this study, high‐elevation Apennine Fagus forests can maintain structural characteristics consistent with those of old‐growth temperate forests. These results are important for managing old‐growth forests in the Mediterranean montane biome.  相似文献   

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