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基于建立的大兴安岭库都尔地区兴安落叶松树轮宽度年表,分析了兴安落叶松树轮宽度年表与该区温度、降水和帕尔默干湿指数(PDSI)等主要气候因子之间的关系.结果表明:研究区5月和7月的温度与兴安落叶松年轮宽度变化呈极显著负相关关系(P0.01);虽然降水与年轮宽度变化没有表现出显著的相关关系,但6—8月PDSI与年轮宽度变化显著相关(P0.05),说明兴安落叶松的生长明显受区域水热条件共同控制,且以5月和7月最显著.兴安落叶松树轮宽度年表与诸如太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)等大尺度气候系统波动的低频系数和高频系数之间呈显著相关,说明太平洋气候系统的波动对该区树木径向生长具有显著影响.  相似文献   

沟谷和低海拔坡地是大兴安岭地区典型的微地形,这2种微地形的冻土对全球变暖极为敏感.本文在内蒙古大兴安岭北部地区进行树木年轮采样,建立了树轮宽度年表,对比2种小地形上兴安落叶松径向生长对近30年快速升温响应的差异.结果表明: 汗马和莫尔道嘎采样点分别在2000和1980年左右出现树木径向生长与温度的分异现象,之后树木的生长均为沟谷湿地大于山坡立地.1984—2008年2种地形年表t检验均达到显著水平,年表间欧氏距离在1980年以后为0.937~2.742,远大于平均值(0.809~1.304).快速升温使得兴安落叶松径向生长对水热条件的响应发生改变,山坡上兴安落叶松主要受温度限制生长减慢,而沟谷冻土退化中兴安落叶松在短期内生长加快.随着气候变暖,兴安落叶松将经历一个受温度调控的复杂的环境——生长胁迫与气候响应模式,如果气候持续变暖,冻土退化,兴安落叶松可能在我国境内消失.  相似文献   

火灾后兴安落叶松长短枝变化及其对生存的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了兴安落叶松的长短枝习性及火灾对其影响.结果表明,短枝在春季发叶迅速,而长枝的生长对兴安落叶松的枝条及树冠结构的形成起决定性作用,且在1个长枝上能形成10.5个短枝.中度火烧使兴安落叶松的树冠及枝条受到很大伤害,火烧可刺激1级侧枝上37%的短枝芽变成长枝,加速了火烧后兴安落叶松树冠结构的恢复,火后第3年兴安落叶松的短枝总量达到火前水平的98.46%.  相似文献   

气候变暖下大兴安岭落叶松径向生长对温度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大兴安岭是我国气候变暖的敏感地区。为比较在升温过程中不同地区落叶松(Larix gmelinii)径向生长对温度的响应差异,在大兴安岭主脉南段、中段和北段进行树木年轮取样,建立了各点年轮宽度年表,根据年表第一主成分载荷系数分类最终合成南部、中部和北部各区年轮指数。利用相关函数分析了落叶松径向生长与温度变化的关系,结合主成分分析对比了不同地区树木年轮宽度变化对温度的响应差异。结果表明:落叶松径向生长对温度变化的响应呈现明显的南北差异(中部北部南部);南部年轮指数与上年11月到当年4月的平均温度显著相关,中部年轮指数与上年生长季(6–8月)和当年3–10月的平均温度显著负相关,北部年轮指数与生长季前(4–5月)的平均温度极显著正相关。气候变暖背景下,高温引起的区域暖干化使土壤水分成为限制落叶松径向生长的主要因子,土壤干旱程度加剧使落叶松生长对温度变化的响应增强。胸高断面积增量指示的落叶松生产力经历了从响应低温胁迫到响应高温引起的水分胁迫的转变。未来几十年,若温度持续升高,大兴安岭地区落叶松径向生长量将呈南部和中部降低、北部升高的趋势。  相似文献   

汪舟  方欧娅 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7514-7527
森林冠层绿度和树木年轮宽度是描述森林生长过程的重要指标,它们之间存在怎样的关系以及这种关系的稳定性如何目前还没有清晰的回答。森林冠层绿度通过遥感影像计算,在空间上连续,而树木年轮宽度是树木健康的综合指标,样点上具有代表性。森林冠层绿度和树木年轮宽度的关系的研究能增进对森林生长的多角度理解和森林生长状况的尺度转换。在山东蒙山地区采集了4个赤松(Pinus densiflora)林样点的树木年轮样本,获得了树木年轮宽度数据,分析了增强型植被指数(Enhanced Vegetation Index,EVI)与树木年轮宽度的关系。结果显示:1)对于健康森林,4月和6月的冠层绿度与树木年轮宽度存在因果关系;森林不健康时,两者关系较为复杂;2)其他月份冠层绿度与树干径向生长不存在因果关系,而是共同受其他环境因子,如气候因子的驱动;3)弱冠层绿度降低后5年内有显著的径向生长恢复,但是恢复年份少;强冠层绿度降低之前,树干径向生长已经开始降低,之后的5年内有着持续的径向生长降低。这些结果表明森林冠层绿度的降低并不能反映树干径向生长降低的开始,只有健康的森林冠层绿度和年轮宽度有相关关系。冠层绿度的降低对森林健康有强烈的影响,冠层绿度降低导致的径向生长的降低很难恢复。  相似文献   

于德水  卢杰  江村扎西  王新靓  杨琳  田莹 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8578-8586
森林火灾在二十一世纪内的发生频率逐步升高。大量研究发现森林火灾与树木生长之间存在有紧密的相关性。因此探究森林火灾对于树木生长的影响,分析火灾的不同强度对于树木径向生长是否有着显著的差异,将对于评估森林保护指标有着重要的实际意义。实验基于树木年轮学的研究方法,探究西藏林芝市本日山及九五六两场森林火灾对高山松径向生长的影响,分析在火灾前后高山松径向生长与气温及降水之间的响应关系。基于林芝市比日山及九五六两个火烧区域,建立了受轻度火影响和受中度火影响的高山松样地。利用树木年代学的方法,对年轮宽度指数与1961-2020年气温及降水分别进行相关分析,同时结合火灾的发生时间,将时间序列划分为:1961-2006年火灾前和2007-2021年火灾后。结果显示, 轻度火影响的高山松径向生长对气温和降水敏感,特别是在3-8月最高气温上呈现出显著性的增加。中度火影响的高山松径向生长则显著降低。火灾干扰明显抑制了高山松的径向生长,特别是火因子在平均气温和最高气温的干扰上对其径向生长具有明显抑制作用。受到轻度火影响的高山松径向生长在短期内有较为明显的增加趋势,但长期并不显著;而中度火影响的树木径向生长则在短期内不明显下降,但长期显著。受到轻度火影响的高山松中,其径向生长与最低气温之间呈显著的负相关,且使得高山松对外界环境的响应更为敏感,而中度火影响的高山松则并未表现出这种显著的响应状态。因此对于在高海拔地区而言,森林火灾对于树木径向生长有着显著的干扰的同时也提升树木与外界环境的响应程度。  相似文献   

树木年轮 (简称树轮 ) 气候学是监测与重建全球气候变化的重要方法之一。针叶树树轮的生长能反馈出气温的变化, 在高纬度地带尤为明显。该文分析了生长在我国最北部的兴安落叶松 (Larixgmelinii) 与樟子松 (Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolica) 的树轮密度和宽度的特性。落叶松最大密度、晚材平均密度、早晚材宽度和轮宽都远高于樟子松。樟子松的所有密度变量的样本方差都明显高于兴安落叶松, 宽度变量的样本方差却明显低于兴安落叶松。两树种密度变量的差值年表显著相关, 宽度变量之间没有显著相关关系。落叶松与樟子松的晚材密度的形成受 7、8月的最高温控制。另外, 樟子松的晚材还与生长季节的长短相关。落叶松的年轮宽度对生长季节开始前的温度敏感, 而樟子松的轮宽对气候变量没有很好的响应。结果表明, 落叶松与樟子松的树轮最大密度都与生长季后期的温度显著相关, 两树种的树轮信息对气候变化的重建有很大的潜力。  相似文献   

为揭示区域气温和降水在不同海拔对山地林区林木径向生长的耦合效应,在关帝山林区孝文林场和庞泉沟国家自然保护区外围4个不同海拔选取立地条件相似的华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.)人工林设置调查样地,采集典型样木样芯,采用建立年表的方法,获取年轮宽度指数,结合区域气温和降水进行相关性分析和单年分析。结果表明:在研究地区4个海拔上华北落叶松的径向生长均与区域气温和降水量有密切关系,但不同海拔响应机制不同;在1600 m海拔处,年轮宽度指数与当年4月气温极显著负相关,与当年9月降水量显著正相关;在1800 m海拔处,年轮宽度指数与上年6月气温显著负相关,降水量显著正相关;在2000 m海拔处,年轮宽度指数与当年9月气温和当年3月降水量显著负相关;在海拔2200 m处,年轮宽度指数与上年8月气温显著正相关,降水量显著负相关;随着海拔的升高,气温逐渐降低,降水量增加,两者对华北落叶松径向生长的耦合效应也发生变化,当海拔到达2000 m时,生长季降水量的增加使耦合效应关系发生转换。  相似文献   

火干扰后红松生长与气候因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高露双  赵秀海  王晓明 《生态学报》2009,29(11):5963-5970
研究了长白山地区火烧后存活下来的红松(Pinus koraiensis)与气候因子的关系,揭示火干扰后树木生长对气候要素的响应策略,建立生长量与气候要素的模拟方程,定量估算火干扰后温度变化对火烧红松径向生长的影响.结果表明,火烧红松年轮宽度与当年2月份、生长季最高温度显著负相关,与1月、5月、9月份和10月份的月最低温度显著正相关,与上一年6月和8月份的月降水量显著负相关,与平均温度的相关未达到显著,生长季的月最高温度是影响火烧红松径向生长的主要原因,且当温度上升4℃时,火烧红松的年生长量降低14%.推断火干扰后红松生长对温度较敏感,全球变暖有可能导致火烧红松的生长量降低.  相似文献   

以内蒙古大兴安岭兴安落叶松林火烧迹地为研究对象,采用分层取样的方法对群落中植被进行了调查,分析比较了3种不同林型兴安落叶松林群落恢复过程中物种组成及多样性的差异。结果表明:不同林型兴安落叶松林群落各层α多样性指数总体表现为草本层灌木层乔木层。不同林型兴安落叶松林火烧迹地群落恢复12年后,草本层的Simpson和Shannon-Wiener指数均小于对照样地并呈现出草类-兴安落叶松林杜香-兴安落叶松林杜鹃-兴安落叶松林的趋势,而在灌木层则各指数均大于对照样地并呈现出草类-兴安落叶松林杜鹃-兴安落叶松林杜香-兴安落叶松林的趋势。  相似文献   

Wildfires are natural and ubiquitous disturbances in boreal forests. Assessing their impacts on tree growth and resilience are particularly important to recognize the adaptation strategies of fire-tolerant species and forest succession in fire conditions. To date, the growth resilience of fire-tolerant species in boreal forests remains largely unquantified, and the drivers of resilience are poorly understood. Here, we measured the tree-ring widths of 99 fire-scarred trees from three sites in natural Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii) forests. Three moderate-severity fire events in years 1987, 1990, and 2000 occurring at three sites were detected from the records of local forestry bureau. Based on tree-ring width data, we calculated resilience components (i.e., resistance, recovery, resilience and relative resilience) to quantify the responses of growth resilience in the larch trees to fires and analyzed their drivers at three sites. Results indicated that fires significantly reduced the tree growth. With the increasing tree age, these reductions were more pronounced. As for resilience components, our study showed a limited resistance but high recovery of tree growth against fires, and resistance tended to increase northwards but recovery showed the opposite, suggesting a growth-survival tradeoff was exhibited in Dahurian larch trees. With an increasing tree age, regional resistance and resilience showed a decreasing trend, whereas recovery and relative resilience showed an increasing trend. Resilience components were mainly affected by the climatic factors in spring. An increase in moisture availability enhanced resistance, a reduction in diurnal temperature range enhanced recovery, and an increase in mean temperature enhanced resilience and relative resilience. This study reveals that Dahurian larch could be even less favorable when faced with moderate or severe fire events, but a high capacity of recovery enables this species to adapt to the fire-prone condition. Moreover, this work highlights that the resilience of tree growth should be considered to understand tree behaviors and survival strategies of boreal forests following fires across fire-prone regions under future climate warming.  相似文献   

Tree growth decline has been reported in many places around the globe under the context of increasingly warming climate, and strengthening drought intensity is detected to be the primary factor for such decline, particularly in northern forest sites, as well as arid and semi-arid areas. Yet, the forest growth decline in high altitude, high mountain sites certainly merits investigation. Here, we reported faxon fir (Abies fargesii var. faxoniana) forest growth decline (slope = -0.64) at the tree line (4150 m above sea level) in Miyaluo Forest Reserve (MFR) at the Western Sichuan Plateau, southwestern China since 2000. We investigated the cause of tree growth decline by applying dendrochronological approaches. We took tree-ring samples from fir trees at the tree line and developed tree-ring width (TRW) chronology. The tree growth – climate relationship analysis showed that maximum temperature (Tmax) was the primary factor limiting the radial growth of fir trees in the investigated area. The moving correlation analysis indicated the strengthening positive influence of Tmax, spring precipitation, and cloud cover during winter and monsoon period on radial growth since 2000s. Our results have shown that both thermal and hydraulic constrains accounted for the radial growth decline of fir trees at the tree line of MFR in the western Sichuan Plateau.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of forest ecology, tree-ring studies can provide information on climate sensitivity, tree growth patterns and population age structure that can inform about stand dynamics such as recruitment of new individuals, and other interspecific interactions related to competition and facilitation. Little is known about the ecology of the recently identified high Andean tree species Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii. Here, we analyzed the relationship between tree size and age of two P. rodolfo-vasquezii forest stands located in the central Peruvian Andes at 11°S in latitude, and compared their growth patterns and climate sensitivity. We measured the height and diameter of each individual tree and collected tree core samples of living trees and cross sections of dead standing trees to generate two centennial tree-ring chronology at Toldopampa (1825–2015 CE) and at Pomamanta (1824–2014 CE) sites. The dendrochronological dates were evaluated by 14C analysis using the bomb-pulse methods analyzing a total of 9 calendar years that confirm the annual periodicity of this tree species. At the Toldopampa stand most trees ranged from 70 to 80 years old, with a 190-year old individual, being an older and better preserve forest than Pomamanta, with younger trees, probably because more human disturbances due to closer village proximity. No significant relationships were found between tree age and size in the oldest stand alerting that tree diameter should not be used as a metric for estimating tree ages as a general rule. The distinct growth patterns and the size-age relationship observed at the two forests may reflect distinct histories regarding human activities such as fire and logging. Nevertheless, both the Toldopampa and the Pomamanta tree-ring width chronologies exhibited common growth patterns and shared a similar positive response to temperature of the current growing season. Overall, our study confirmed the annual radial growth periodicity in P. rodofolfo-vasquezii trees using an independent method such as 14C analyses and a strong climate sensitivity of this tree species. These findings encourage the development of an extensive P. rodolfo-vasquezii tree-ring network for ecological and paleoclimate studies in the tropical Andes in South America.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are carbon rich ecosystems and small changes in tropical forest tree growth substantially influence the global carbon cycle. Forest monitoring studies report inconsistent growth changes in tropical forest trees over the past decades. Most of the studies highlighted changes in the forest level carbon gain, neglecting the species-specific growth changes which ultimately determine community-level responses. Tree-ring analysis can provide historical data on species-specific tree growth with annual resolution. Such studies are inadequate in Bangladesh, which is one of the most climate sensitive regions in the tropics. In this study, we investigated long-term growth rates of Toona ciliata in a moist tropical forest of Bangladesh by using tree-ring analysis. We sampled 50 trees of varying size, obtained increment cores from these trees and measured tree-ring width. Analyses of growth patterns revealed size-dependent growth increments. After correcting for the effect of tree size on tree growth (ontogenetic changes) by two different methods we found declining growth rates in T. ciliata from 1960 to 2013. Standardized ring-width index (RWI) was strongly negatively correlated with annual mean and maximum temperatures suggesting that rising temperature might cause the observed growth decline in T. ciliata. Assuming that global temperatures will rise at the current rate, the observed growth decline is assumed to continue. The analysis of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes may reveal more insight on the physiological response of this species to future climatic changes.  相似文献   

Woody encroachment into grasslands is occurring across the world and is of concern to land managers. Studies of forest–grassland boundaries have informed models describing factors that govern tree establishment and the maintenance and origin of grassland ecosystems. Central to these models is the role of fire relative to ‘bottom up’ resources such as soil and the geological substrate in determining the extent of grassland and forest in the landscape. The view that human lit fires have shaped vegetation across the Australian continent has been bolstered by early 19th century observations of Aboriginal‐set fires in Tasmanian montane grasslands and the documented encroachment of trees into these grasslands in the 20th century. We examined the pattern of lateral encroachment of woolly tea‐tree (Leptospermum lanigerum (Sol. ex Aiton) Sm.) into these grasslands and used tree ring chronologies to investigate (i) past fire activity and (ii) how the geological substrate mediates growth rates of L. lanigerum. Changes in fire regimes inferred from L. lanigerum recruitment were corroborated by historical records. Encroachment (and increases in woody cover) of trees into grasslands was highest on granitic substances, although L. lanigerum growth rates were highest on basalt substrates, followed by conglomerate, granite and Mathinna sediments. Frequent burning up to the 1980s may have stymied the encroachment of trees in grasslands underlain by basalt. Growth rates decreased with increasing distance from the forest edge. This may be due to incremental changes in soil resources, grass competition and/or microclimate. The dynamics between grasslands and forests in montane Tasmania are consistent with tree growth–fire interaction models that highlight the interplay of edaphic factors, growth rates and fire history. Such complexity cautions against generalizations concerning the direct effects of landscape fire in shaping vegetation distribution across Australia.  相似文献   

利用树木年轮重建赣南地区1890年以来 2-3月份温度的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹受金  曹福祥  项文化 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6369-6375
采用树木年轮气候学方法,利用江西赣南地区马尾松(Pinus massoniana)的年轮宽度资料,分析了马尾松径向生长与气候要素变化的相关及响应关系,结果表明赣南地区马尾松径向生长与当年2—3月份的平均温度相关性最高。在响应分析的基础上,重建了江西赣南地区1890年以来2—3月份温度的变化历史。重建序列显示在过去119a中研究区存在3个较为明显的冷期(1892—1906年、1918—1922年、1944—1957年)和3个明显的暖期(1909—1917年、1959—1968年和1998—2008年)。  相似文献   

Questions: Did fire regimes in old‐growth Pinus ponderosa forest change with Euro‐American settlement compared to the pre‐settlement period? Do tree age structures exhibit a pattern of continuous regeneration or is regeneration episodic and related to fire disturbance or fire‐free periods? Are the forests compositionally stable? Do trees have a clumped spatial pattern and are clumps even‐ or mixed‐age? How might information from this old‐growth forest inform current restoration and management practices? Location: A 235‐ha old‐growth forest in the Ishi Wilderness, southern Cascade Mountains, California. Methods: Age, size, and spatial pattern of trees were quantified in seven stands. Fire history was reconstructed using fire scar dendrochronology. The influence of fire on stand structure was assessed by comparing fire history with age, size, and spatial structure of trees and identifying and measuring trees killed by two recent fires. Results: Species composition in plots was similar but density and basal area of tree populations varied. Age structure for P. ponderosa and Quercus kelloggii showed periods of episodic recruitment that varied among plots. Fire disturbance was frequent before 1905, with a median period between fires of 12 years. Fire frequency declined after 1905 but two recent fires (1990, 1994) killed 36% and 41% of mostly smaller diameter P. ponderosa and Q. kelloggii. Clusters of similar age trees occurred at scales of 28‐1018 m2 but patches were not even‐aged. Interactions between tree regeneration and fire promoted development of uneven age groups of trees. Conclusions: Fire disturbance strongly influenced density, basal area, and spatial structure of tree populations. Fire exclusion over the last 100 years has caused compositional and structural changes. Two recent fires, however, thinned stands and created gaps favorable for Q. kelloggii and P. ponderosa regeneration. The effects of infrequent 20th century fire indicate that a low fire frequency can restore and sustain structural characteristics resembling those of the pre‐fire suppression period forest.  相似文献   

不同强度火干扰下盘古林场天然落叶松林的空间结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
倪宝龙  刘兆刚 《生态学报》2013,33(16):4975-4984
基于2011年7月大兴安岭外业调查数据以林隙为主要研究对象,选取景观生态学中斑块类型指数分析样地内林隙状况,并结合林木分布状态,分析不同强度林火干扰对天然落叶松林空间结构的影响。结果表明:在受中度林火干扰的林分内,只保留了少量的落叶松中径木、大径木,先锋树种在林分内呈现聚集分布;在未受林火干扰的林分和受林火轻微干扰的林分内,天然落叶松均呈现显著聚集分布;由于受到不同强度的林火干扰,林下区域与林隙区域出现不同程度的相互转化,林分空间结构发生了改变。林分按照所受林火干扰强度的递减,在同一时间不同空间上表现出了森林循环过程中所经历的林隙阶段状态、建立阶段状态、成熟阶段状态。  相似文献   

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