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两种生境条件下西南桦的生殖构件及其空间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在广西靖西土石山生态交错区调查了西南桦(Betula alnoides)生殖植株的生长状况,并研究土山和石山两种生境条件下西南桦的生殖构件及其在冠层的分布格局.结果表明:石山西南桦开始开花结实的林木胸径明显小于土山;两种立地上西南桦植株的花芽、花序数以及雄花序比率与其胸径、树高均不显著相关(P>0.05);土山和石山的西南桦雄花序数随着总花序数的增加均呈对数曲线增长趋势,在生殖投资较小的情况下植株趋向于优先发育雄花序,而在生殖投资较大时主要增加雌花序的数量;西南桦生殖构件在两种生境间存在显著差异,石山植株的雄花芽数、每个雄发芽发育出的雄花序数均显著低于土山(P<0.05),雄花序少于雌花序的植株比例远高于土山,生殖枝比率亦显著低于土山(P<0.05);尽管石山雄花序、雌花序和总花序数量以及雄花序比率低于土山,其雌花序比率高于土山,但是由于两种立地上单株间变异幅度大,独立t检验表明其差异均未达到显著水平;两种立地上西南桦花序大多着生于树冠上、中层,且90%以上的生殖枝居于树冠外层.  相似文献   

为了阐明抚育间伐强度对辽东栎生殖构件的影响,以黄土高原南部黄龙和桥山林区辽东栎中龄林为研究对象,对不同间伐强度(对照、10%、20%、30%)下近自然经营抚育间伐5年后的辽东栎平均单株个体大小、生殖构件产量、比率及空间分布格局特征等进行研究.结果表明: 间伐强度对辽东栎林分平均树高、胸径影响不显著,而与冠幅面积、冠幅体积呈显著正相关;辽东栎标准株的生殖枝、幼果、成熟果实产量随间伐强度的增大而增大,而营养枝、雄花序、雄花、雌花的产量变化不大.当间伐强度达到20%时,生殖枝、幼果、成熟果实产量显著提高,30%间伐下达到最大.生殖枝比例和座果率随间伐强度增大而增大,在20%、30%间伐强度时与对照的差异达到显著水平.约3/4的生殖枝、雌花、雄花集中分布于树冠上层,1/4分布于下层;树冠阳面生殖构件数量占65%,树冠阴面占35%.树冠下层、阴面生殖枝、雌花、雄花序的空间分布比例随着间伐强度的增大而增大;树冠上层、阳面生殖枝、雌花、雄花序分布比例随间伐强度的增大呈递减趋势.因此,选择30%间伐强度(保留郁闭度0.6)最佳,可以大幅提高辽东栎的座果率和成熟率,有效提高结实量和品质,为辽东栎林的采种及天然更新提供保证.  相似文献   

辽东栎芽库统计:芽的命运   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
孙书存  陈灵芝 《生态学报》2001,21(3):385-390
植物体是一个构件集合体,植物的枝系伸展可由芽库出生率、死亡率的统计学过程来分析。在东灵山地区,应用随机枝取样法调查了辽东栎芽的命运,并对其与枝长、叶数、果数等的关系进行了统计分析。结果表明:(1)辽东栎的芽或保持休眠状态,或死亡后脱落,或分化为营养枝、生殖枝(包括雄花枝、雄花序、雌花枝和两花枝)等;(2)不同生境中芽的命运不同,生活在林窗中的幼树上的芽分化为具有生殖功能的枝条的比例显著高于郁闭林中的幼树,而与成熟个体接近;(3)芽的命运还受其它因子的影响,如上层枝条上、或叶数多的长枝上的芽分化为生殖枝的可能性大于其它的芽,另外还发现结实枝的枝长、枝上叶数都明显高于非结实枝。  相似文献   

白桦的开花时间及生殖构件的数量与树龄和树冠层次的关系   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
白桦的初始开花结实年龄在不同生境、不同起源情况下是有很大差别的。在相同地生境下,实生苗比萌生苗的始花年龄晚6a以上,中生生境的林分始花期要早于湿生生境的林分,在同一年中花期的早晚因林龄而异。花序构件种群、生殖技构件种群以及生殖枝花序数量都与树龄直接相关。花序构件数量壮年期〉老龄期〉结实初期。在同一生殖个体上,构件数量雄花序为中层〉上层〉下层,雌花序数量为土层〉中层〉下层,每个生殖枝平均的花序构件数  相似文献   

花序是影响植物繁殖的关键性状,也在分类学和系统发育研究中起着重要作用。药用植物穿龙薯蓣(Discorea nipponica)的花序类型具有多样型,但目前相关研究资料较少,且常有争议。为明晰穿龙薯蓣的花序类型及特征,本研究以观察测量为主,结合石蜡制片技术,对穿龙薯蓣的花序形态、数量性状及发育过程进行研究。结果表明:穿龙薯蓣雌花形成腋生的穗状花序,具退化雄蕊,具花粉囊,但不产生花粉;雄花序特征与现有资料的描述不尽相同,雄花序生于叶腋或顶生于侧枝,花序主轴为无限花序,侧轴为蝎尾状单歧聚伞花序,整体为形似穗状的混合花序;由于雄株部分侧枝叶片退化,腋生花序向顶逐渐短缩,与顶生花序结合呈圆锥状;雄花序的长度、小花数量、小花密度及花期时间等均高于雌花序。本研究发现,穿龙薯蓣雌雄花序形态与有限花序向无限花序演化过程相符,具原始性,可保证传粉的成功率,增强对环境的适应性。  相似文献   

栝楼不同性别花芽分化形态解剖特征观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用体视显微镜、石蜡切片和树脂切片技术对栝楼(Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.)不同性别花芽分化发育时期的外部形态和内部解剖结构进行了观察。结果显示,栝楼花为雌雄异株,仅有雌花、雄花两种性别分化,且雄花的发育速度明显快于雌花的发育速度。栝楼雌雄花芽长0.2 mm左右已完成性别分化;栝楼雄花为单性花,分化过程可分为6个时期,整个发育过程仅见雄蕊原基的分化及生长。栝楼雌花为"两性花",分化过程可分为7个时期,存在雌蕊和雄蕊共同发育阶段,后期雄蕊发育败退。本研究明确了不同性别栝楼花芽发育发生的各个阶段、形态变化特点、外部形态变化特征以及雌雄花芽的分化差异,建立了雌雄花芽内部结构分化与外部形态之间相关性,为栝楼早期幼苗鉴定及性别分化研究提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

天童常绿阔叶树种栲树生殖个体大小及其生殖构件特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对浙江天童木荷-栲树林内的常绿阔叶树种栲树(Castanopsis fargesii Franch.)的生殖个体大小、生殖构件的分布及其动态变化特征进行了研究。结果表明, 该地区栲树生殖个体的胸径在17~50 cm 间, 平均胸径为31. 2±8.0 cm, 平均年龄约36.3±6.6 年;林缘附近的生殖个体小于木荷-林内。相对稳定的群落和比较丰富的土壤养分条件有利于生殖枝数量和花序数量的增多。栲树生殖个体的数量在两年中变化较大, 部分栲树个体可以在连续年份中生殖。从枝系水平分析:在持续生殖的栲树个体上, 生殖枝数量有明显变化, 并非所有的生殖枝在两年中都可开花或结果, 保持连续生殖的枝系约占48.2%。栲树果序枝数量在连续年份有明显差异(p < 0.01), 而且果序枝上的幼蕾数、果实数量及结实率等都有明显差异(p < 0.05)。  相似文献   

通过花序标记、形态解剖及放蜂实验方法,观察不同发育时期爱玉子雌、雄花序中花的形态特征,以及花发育与小蜂传粉(或产卵)之间的相关性。结果表明,雌前期、雌花期的瘿花在形态上没有明显变化,而雌花的花柱与柱头连成长鞭状,在雌前期呈直立管状,进入雌花期后呈弯曲的S形;在榕小蜂进入花序传粉或产卵5 d后,雌花和瘿花的柱头变黄,花柱开始脱水;在榕小蜂传粉或产卵10 d后,雌花和瘿花花梗伸长,花明显分层,胚迅速发育,子房饱满,花柱和柱头明显萎蔫。传粉小蜂在花序腔内的存活时长不超过3 d。本研究为揭示榕-蜂共生机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

华北驼绒藜开花生物学特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对华北驼绒藜的开花生物学特性进行了具体调查统计研究.结果显示,华北驼绒藜种群形成了一系列适应风媒传粉的花部特征:单性花,雌雄同株;雄花序细长而柔软,雄蕊4枚,无苞片;雌花小,无花冠,柱头指状,具有大量乳突细胞,便于捕捉花粉;居群内同一植株雌、雄花花期不一致性较高,花期不遇;每枝条雄花开花持续时间频率最高为7 d,而雌花开花持续时间频率最高为6 d;雌、雄花序呈单峰连续集中开花式样;雌、雄花始花时间与花期长度均呈极显著负相关(雌花r=-0.569,P<0.01;雄花r=-0.665,P<0.01),开花数与花期长度则为显著正相关关系(r=0.083,P<0.01),(r=0.346,P<0.01).研究表明,华北驼绒藜在长期的进化过程中,形成了同株雌、雄花花期不遇的生殖策略,因而减少了同株授粉的比例,提高了结实率.  相似文献   

白桦雌花序抑制性消减文库构建及EST分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王超  杨传平  魏继承  姜静 《植物研究》2008,28(3):293-298
为研究白桦雌花序发育过程中特异基因的表达,以白桦雌花序样品为tester,雄花序样品为driver,利用SMART策略构建了白桦雌花序抑制性消减(SSH)文库。构建SSH文库的重组率为72%,插入片段的平均长度为400 bp左右。随机挑选文库克隆测序,获得150条EST序列,这些序列被GenBank的dbEST数据库收录,收录号为EE284580-EE284681,EE595316-EE595363。通过BlastX对EST进行功能注释,并对其中同源性较高的111条EST按功能进行分类,EST功能涉及了代谢、细胞防御、转录调节、能量代谢及信号传导等途径。发现了多个已知的控制花发育相关的EST,它们占已知功能EST的21%其功能涉及到调控花序形成和花分化、调控花粉与柱头亲和性以及调控花粉管发育等,包括MADS-box、S-locus F-box等基因。这些EST的获得为了解白桦花期基因表达,白桦花发育相关基因克隆和功能解析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Male plants of spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) senesce following flowering. It has been suggested that nutrient drain by male flowers is insufficient to trigger senescence. The partitioning of radiolabelled photosynthate between vegetative and reproductive tissue was compared in male (staminate) versus female (pistillate) plants. After the start of flowering staminate plants senesce 3 weeks earlier than pistillate plants. Soon after the start of flowering, staminate plants allocated several times as much photosynthate to flowering structures as did pistillate plants. The buds of staminate flowers with developing pollen had the greatest draw of photosynthate. When the staminate plants begin to show senescence 68% of fixed C was allocated to the staminate reproductive structures. In the pistillate plants, export to the developing fruits and young flowers remained near 10% until mid-reproductive development, when it increased to 40%, declining to 27% as the plants started to senesce. These differences were also present on a sink-mass corrected basis. Flowers on staminate spinach plants develop faster than pistillate flowers and have a greater draw of photosynthate than do pistillate flowers and fruits, although for a shorter period. Pistillate plants also produce more leaf area within the inflorescence to sustain the developing fruits. The (14)C in the staminate flowers declined due to respiration, especially during pollen maturation; no such loss occurred in pistillate reproductive structures. The partitioning to the reproductive structures correlates with the greater production of floral versus vegetative tissue in staminate plants and their more rapid senescence. As at senescence the leaves still had adequate carbohydrate, the resources are clearly phloem-transported compounds other than carbohydrates. The extent of the resource redistribution to reproductive structures and away from the development of new vegetative sinks, starting very early in the reproductive phase, is sufficient to account for the triggering of senescence in the rest of the plant.  相似文献   

Palms are generally characterized by a large structure with a massive crown that creates difficulties in anatomical studies. The flowering behaviour of palm species may be a useful indicator of phylogenetic relationships and therefore evolutionary events. This paper presents a detailed histological study of reproductive development in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), from initiation up to maturation of staminate and pistillate flowers. Reproductive development in coconut consists of a sequence of individual events that span more than two years. Floral morphogenesis is the longest event, taking about one year, while sex determination is a rapid process that occurs within one month. The inflorescence consists of different ultimate floral structural components. Pistillate flowers are borne in floral triads that are flanked by two functional staminate flowers. The staminate flowers are born in floral diads towards the base of the rachilla followed by solitary flowers in the middle to top of the rachilla. Three primary phases were identified in reproductive development, namely, transition of axillary bud into inflorescence bud, formation of floral buds, and sexualisation of individual flower buds. All developmental events with respect to stage or time of occurrence were determined.  相似文献   

小叶桦花序生长物候及其生态适应意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄刚  阎平  杜珍珠  曹婷  徐文斌 《西北植物学报》2014,34(12):2569-2575
小叶桦(Betula microphylla)是一种典型的荒漠和山地乔木植物,在中国仅分布于新疆。为了明确小叶桦花序生长物候规律及发育特征,该研究对小叶桦进行了花序物候观测,分析其生长规律及果实结籽情况。结果显示:小叶桦雄花序为越年生殖器官,物候周期为345d,其中营养生长期154d、休眠期158d、开花生长期33d;雌花序与果序为当年生殖器官,物候期为105d,其中雌花序生长期24d、果序生长期90d。虽然雄花序比雌花序的生长周期明显较长,但开花授粉均在4月中下旬,雄花序散粉期和雌花序可授粉期之间具有较高的同步性和协调性,表现出集中开花授粉模式,同时这种开花模式在自然条件下,果序的结籽数和结籽率分别为220和76.7%,种子库中具有活力的种子约每平米4万粒,表明小叶桦在荒漠极端环境中能顺利完成有性生殖过程。  相似文献   

Species of the palm family (Arecaceae) are remarkably diverse in their inflorescence and floral morphologies, which make them a particularly interesting group for studies of reproductive development and its evolution. Using light and scanning electron microscopy, we describe inflorescence and flower development in the African oil palm Elaeis guineensis from the initiation of the inflorescence meristem to flower maturity. In mature palms, the inflorescence develops over 2-3 years and is characterized by individual stages within which differentiation may be either relatively slow, as in the case of early inflorescence meristem development, or rapid, as in the case of flower organogenesis. The female inflorescence bears floral triads composed of single pistillate flowers flanked by two abortive staminate flowers, whereas the male inflorescence contains single functional staminate flowers. This suggests a possible evolutionary movement from an ancestral hermaphrodite inflorescence form containing fully functional floral triads to the situation of temporal dioecy observed at present. Wild type flowers are compared to those bearing an epigenetic homeotic abnormality, known as mantled, involving an alteration of the identity of the organs in the fertile and sterile androecium.  相似文献   

This paper describes inflorescence structure, including organogenesis of the panicle and flower clusters and vasculature of flowering branches, for two species of Ptychosperma, a genus of arecoid palms. The inflorescence is an infrafoliar panicle with up to four orders of branches in a spirodistichous arrangement conforming to an irregular one-half phyllotaxy. The primordium of the inflorescence is crescentic and the apex has two tunica layers, a group of central cells, and a rib meristem. The distal flower-bearing parts or rachillae of all branches develop acropetally early in ontogeny and are vertically oriented in the bud. Although these rachillae terminate branches of different sizes and orders, they are similar in size and in number of flower clusters produced. Internodes and lower parts of branches develop later. Bracts of four types are produced: a prophyll and empty peduncular bract, bracts which subtend lateral branches, bracts subtending triads, and floral bracteoles. The prophyll and peduncular bracts are tubular and completely closed around all branches until about three months before the flowers reach anthesis. Bracts subtending lateral branches and those that subtend triads enlarge by small amounts of apical, adaxial, and marginal growth to cover subtended apices during early ontogeny, but are small to absent at maturity. Flower clusters are triads of two lateral staminate and a central pistillate flower. Organogenesis indicates that the triad is a sympodial unit. Flowers develop successively, each floral apex bearing a bracteole that subtends the next flower. The vasculature of the inflorescence may be divided into two systems. Bundles of the main axis extend acropetally into the vertically oriented branches as they are initiated and form a central cylinder of larger bundles in each branch. Flower clusters are supplied by a peripheral system of smaller bundles that develop later in relation to the developing floral organs. Bundles of the peripheral system branch frequently, but branching levels are irregular. The irregular branching of peripheral bundles appears related to the phyllotaxy of the flower clusters and the random right or left position of the first flower of the triad. The level of branching of a bundle may depend on the position of a floral primordium with respect to an existing procambial strand. Three (-4) bundles supply each staminate flower and six (-10) the pistillate flower. The histologically specialized inflorescence has stomata and contains abundant starch. Tannins and raphides, spherical silica bodies, and various forms of sclerenchyma appear in sequence and apparently provide support and protection during the long exposure of the branches.  相似文献   

In this study, we studied pollination ecology of Gentiana siphonantha (Gentianaceae), a late-autumn flowering alpine perennial in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau for two years for the first time. We also aimed to compare the pollination differentiation between this species and sympatrically distributed G. straminea that has a close phylogenetic origin but is flowering early. Flowers of G. siphonantha are characteristic of di-chogamy and herkogamy and this floral development prevents occurrence of autonomous self-pollination. This implication was confirmed by the breeding experiments, since no seed was produced when flowers were isolated. However, this gentian proved to be highly self-compatible when geitonogamous selfing was artificially induced. Each individual plant of this species has an average of 14.6 flowers ranging from 4 to 31, at both staminate and pistillate stages with a ratio of 1.2:1 in full anthesis. Both floral development and breeding experiments suggested that pollen vectors were indispensable for successful seed sets of this species. A great variety of insects were observed to visit this species, but the most common and only legitimate pollinator is Bumbus sushikini. A statistic observation suggested that this pollinator showed no preference to either staminate or pistillate flowers and visited them at random. We further calculated the frequency of their visits between and within individual plants. Among the pollinators’ bouts, the proportions of geitonogamous visits within an individual plant occupy about 87.8%. Such a case implied that geitonogamous selfing prevails in this species in spite of floral dichogamy and her-kogamy that were suggested to promote outcrossing. Compared with sympatric G. straminea, the total floral longevity and the male and female duration of this species are shorter. However, the number of flowers of each individual plant and branch increased when in full anthesis. It is interesting that both closely related species shared the same pollinator despite their distinct difference in flower morphology. This finding is inconsistent with the previous hypothesis that both flower color and corolla tube depth have coevolved with different pollinators during speciation and formation of reproductive isolation. Both visit frequencies of the individual flower and geitonoga-mous visits within the individual plant are higher in G. siphonantha than in G. straminea. This difference may result from their different inflorescence designs that actively act upon behaviors of pollinator. Although these two species differed in flowering phenology, their flowering stages overlapped for a few days, suggesting incomplete pollination isolation between them.  相似文献   

Abstract Normanbya normanbyi (W. Hill) L. H. Bailey (Arecaceae) is a monoecious, arborescent palm with a very small distribution area within the Daintree rainforest in north‐eastern Australia. Our 2‐year study was focused on the reproductive phenology at the individual and population level. At the population level flowering peaked in the dry season, whereas fruiting was confined to the wet season. Each palm can bear up to three inflorescences/infructescences at the same time. Flowering of each inflorescence is separated from each other by a couple of weeks. A single inflorescence consists of about 1900 staminate and 800 pistillate flowers. The flowering of N. normanbyi is protandrous with a staminate phase lasting 40 days and a pistillate phase of approximately 2 weeks. Between both phases is a non‐flowering phase of about 9 days. Fruit ripening takes 21 weeks, with an average of about 280 ripe fruit per tree. Comparison of three study plots revealed a moderate synchrony of flowering and fruiting initiation in this species of palm. The male phase of flowering shows a higher degree of synchrony than the female phase at the population level. Seasonal regularity of flowering and fruiting peaks appears to be predictable. The general flowering and fruiting phenology of N. normanbyi follows a subannual pattern with a strong tendency towards a continual pattern.  相似文献   

Sex differential nectar production, floral longevity and pollinator foraging were examined in Lobelia cardinalis, a self-compatible, protandrous species that is hummingbird pollinated. The staminate phase of the flowers lasts significantly longer and produces significantly more nectar (total sugar) per day than the pistillate phase of the flowers. Additional pollen is presented throughout the staminate phase. Because inflorescences of L. cardinalis mature acropetally, the nectar reward on any given day is greatest at the top of the inflorescence (where staminate phase flowers are located). Hummingbirds appear to be sensitive to this pattern of nectar presentation as they most commonly began foraging in the middle of an inflorescence and proceeded upward. This foraging pattern tends to promote outcrossing and suggests that staminate phase flowers are visited more often than pistillate phase flowers. We conclude that L. cardinalis emphasizes the male function at anthesis. Others have hypothesized that the features of this species are a logical consequence of intrasexual selection, but further research is needed before we place great confidence in a sexual selection interpretation of our data.  相似文献   

The sequence of floral events during anthesis was examined in Streptanthus tortuosus to determine the relationship between the male and female floral phases. The flowers are strongly protandrous. In the staminate phase, the anthers mature sequentially over a 3–4-day period. Because pollinators quickly remove pollen from the anthers, sequential anther maturation prolongs the male phase relative to what it would be if anthers did not mature sequentially. Pollen applied to the stigma during the staminate phase does not adhere readily and does not germinate. The length of the pistillate phase depends on pollinator activity, as pollination accelerates the abscission of floral parts. Unpollinated flowers remain pistillate for 3–4 days, during which time stigmatic receptivity declines gradually. In the field, 72% to 80% of flowers are staminate at any time, indicating that the staminate phase is three times longer than the pistillate phase when pollinators have access to the flowers. The consequences of the relative length of the floral phases and the schedule of stigmatic receptivity are discussed in terms of outcrossing mechanism, floral longevity, and sexual selection models.  相似文献   

The spadix of Montrichardia arborescens contains unisexual flowers without a perianth. The pistillate flowers are located in the basal portion of the inflorescence, and the staminate flowers are located in the apical portion. There is a narrow :zone between male flowers and female flowers consisting of atypical flowers. The portion of the atypical flowers facing the staminate zone exhibits staminate characters (stamens), and the portion facing the pistillate zone has an aborted gynoecium. The floral development of Montrichurdia is compared with that of Philodendron and a new interpretation of the morphology of atypical flowers of Montrichardia is proposed. Ontogenetic evidence supports relationships with Philodendron rather than Cercestis. 2001 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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